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Quality Search Engine Optimization Services That Bring in Real Results.

Everything else is just noise.

Global-marketing Inc.

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Websites Audited


Pages Optimized


Keywords Ranked


Of Satisfied Clients

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  • Certificate of Excellence
  • Bing Partner
  • Trustpilot

Get Seen By Your Target Audience with the Power of SEO

Online visibility is a game-changer for modern businesses.

If you get seen online, high traffic and conversions will follow.

If you're invisible, how will anyone find you, let alone buy from you?

Search engine optimization (SEO) puts you in the limelight.

  • check icon Rank higher on Google search engine result pages (SERPs)
  • check icon Generate high traffic
  • check icon Earn more conversions (sales)
  • check icon Maximize profit
  • check icon Grow your business
Sounds like a plan?

Our SEO services will get you there.

Search Engine Optimization Services That Propel Your Business Forward

Hire SEO experts who use tailored solutions to give your business the momentum it needs to grow.

Learn how Global-marketing Inc. provides value to multiple levels of clients across the globe

  • Small Businesses icon Small Businesses
  • Startups icon Startups
  • Established Companies icon Established Companies
  • Agencies icon Agencies
  • SEO's icon SEO's

Small Businesses

Hey, we get it. You’re passionate about your brand, yet you have limited means of getting the word out. Inadequate resources, labor, expertise, and experience will make it difficult for you to achieve your goals. Difficult, yes, but impossible? No.

We use high-quality SEO services to put you at the forefront of Google. Our team gets a good grasp of your industry, audience, and goals to craft actionable campaigns that drive revenue growth.

You'll come to us as a small business, but we'll help you become a successful, high-ranking, and trusted name in your industry.

Small Business

Curated SEO solutions at a glance:


Entrepreneurs have to take a lot of risks starting off. Once your startup hits the ground running, ease up on the risks and make predictable decisions that guarantee growth. SEO is one such decision.

At Global-marketing Inc., we stitch together power-packed SEO plans for startups that require a stronger push. Since you're just entering the market, you cannot afford to launch a diluted campaign.

We fuel our SEO tank and crank the engine to propel your startup forward. Enjoy a sturdier brand identity, impressive online visibility, and the sales you've been envisioning since day one.

If you want to hire SEO services for startups, Global-marketing Inc. should be your first and last stop. Let’s help your startup hit the ground running.


Curated SEO solutions at a glance:

Established Companies

If your business has already established itself in a competitive industry, you've already made it. This doesn't mean it's time to start resting on your laurels.

The SEO landscape is getting fiercer and fiercer. As an established company, you have all the resources needed to cut through the competition and make it to the top. We help you do just that.

Our SEO experts craft high-level campaigns that comprise the most advanced and updated SEO strategies. We're not just trying to help you grow (you've already done that). We're trying to get you to the top.

Enjoy top rankings, exceptional sales, and exponential growth.

Established Companies

Curated SEO solutions at a glance:


If you represent an agency, then you know scalability is a huge challenge. If you keep saying yes to high-volume projects and fail to achieve the intended results, your business will suffer.

Hire SEO services and outsource your SEO to us!

At Global-marketing Inc., we specialize in scalable SEO solutions. You don't have to worry about irate customers, missed deadlines, subpar deliverables, and miscommunication anymore. We'll keep everything on track.

Whether you want us to use your own strategies or devise new plans from scratch, we'll follow your instructions to a tee. This is your business, and these are your customers; you have complete control.

Whether you're looking for a little help to manage the workload of your agency or if you need complete white-label solutions, we're happy to oblige.


Curated SEO solutions at a glance:


A small SEO team regularly faces the "in-house vs. outsourced" debate. With all the content, technical SEO, and link building needs, your team might be spread too thin. Expanding the team might work for the short term, but you'll be wasting resources in the long run.

Global-marketing Inc. offers a team of reliable and dedicated SEO experts working at your disposal. Whether you need help putting your own strategy into action or you want comprehensive solutions from strategy to execution, we're here for you.


Curated SEO solutions at a glance:


Benefit From Years of Industry-Specific SEO Expertise

Don’t settle for cookie-cutter SEO services when you can benefit from value-additive services that take the specifics of your industry into account.

Our clients' praise speaks volumes – take a look!

Turn to an SEO Company That Yields Powerful Results, Turn to Global-marketing Inc.

Global-marketing Inc. Resolves Your Digital Bottlenecks

Why Is My Web Traffic So Low?

You may already have an SEO plan in place. But if you're still generating low traffic, your efforts aren't materializing.

This usually happens when businesses fail to evaluate their website before launching a campaign. If you don't have a starting point, your efforts will be randomized, not specific and tailored.

At Global-marketing Inc., we run a comprehensive SEO audit to analyze your web presence and implement the right practices accordingly. Post-audit SEO plans are more robust, relevant, and effective. By providing high-quality SEO services, we work on your weaknesses, hone your strengths, and fill gaps.

Explore SEO Audit Services

Why Isn't My Local Business Doing Well?

Search engine result page (SERP) rankings are critical. If your business fails to appear on local SERPs for local queries, you'll remain invisible to your audience.

The solution? Hire SEO services and get your business on Google Maps and local SERPs. We check this box off the list by doubling down on local SEO. From using high-ranking local keywords and optimizing your Google Business Profile to creating local content, we handle everything.

The outcome? A wide local audience, great sales, and high profit.

Explore Local SEO Services

Is Your SEO Cannon Empty?

Let's Refill It and Fire It Up!

Sign Up for a Free SEO Consultation

CALL US 24/7 +1(833)405-1025

Our S.W.I.F.T Process

Our actionable SEO plan helps us get the results you want. Here's a breakdown of our unique SEO approach.

  • SEO Assessment icon
    SEO Assessment
  • Website Audit icon
    Website Audit
  • In-Depth Competitor Analysis icon
    In-Depth Competitor Analysis
  • Formulize a Winning SEO Strategy icon
    Formulize A Winning SEO Strategy
  • Testing icon

SEO Assessment

We start with an SEO assessment. This is a basic overview of your website’s organic search performance. It helps us set clear goals and lay out a roadmap for SEO growth. Our SEO experts analyze your SERP rankings, traffic, and overall performance to determine the right and best way to help you improve.

Website Audit

Once we've analyzed your business from the surface, we dive deeper to understand the totality of your digital marketing efforts. A website audit is a comprehensive, detailed, and complete evaluation of the health of your website.

We identify strengths, weaknesses, gaps, and areas for improvement. A deep dive helps us understand the inner workings of your website and develop a robust approach. The SEO assessment and audit combined helps our SEO consultants structure your campaign.

In-Depth Competitor Analysis

How do you stack up against your top competitors? We analyze each competitor's SEO planning and online performance to understand where you fall in comparison. If you're underperforming, we identify the most effective SEO strategies used by your competitors. This helps us add the right elements to our SEO work.

Formulize a Winning SEO Strategy

It's showtime. Once our research and planning stages are complete, we start working on your campaign. At Global-marketing Inc., we use tailored techniques that work for your business, not one-size-fits-all plans. Our customized approach helps us yield spectacular results. From writing winning blogs for your business to optimizing web copy to handling technical SEO (page speed, etc.), we take care of everything.


Once your campaign is up and running, the work doesn't end there. We analyze each campaign's performance to understand how it can be improved in the future. Our SEO experts test new strategies, implement new techniques, and closely monitor Google's updates to keep your performance on track. Ready to get the ball rolling? Buy SEO services today!

get a free consultation

What Our SEO Services Include

What Do You Get With Our SEO Services?

Website Audit & SEO Assessment

Our team runs a comprehensive website audit and search engine optimization assessment to analyze your performance and determine where your site stands.

We look into your on-page, off-page, and technical performance. This helps us understand which strategies should be given preference based on your current standing.

Comprehensive Backlink Audit

Backlinks with a high domain authority (DA) score are the backbone of spectacular rankings. As part of our high-quality SEO services, we review your backlinks to determine the best way to improve your link building profile.

An audit helps us use actionable strategies to build more high-DA backlinks and improve your search engine result page (SERP) rankings.

Business Profile Listings

We want to help you rank higher for local search queries. Our SEO experts put you on the map by setting up a Google Business Profile and displaying your business across the top industry-specific directories. This approach increases your local visibility and reels in a wider local audience.

SEO Competitor Analysis

Are your competitors dominating your industry? We run a comprehensive SEO competitor analysis to understand their strengths and replicate their success using white-hat SEO strategies.

As we refine our campaign, we help you overtake your competitors and enjoy high revenue. Hire our SEO services company today!

Content Creation & Marketing

We plan, write, optimize, and market engaging, value-added, and insightful content that resonates with your audience. Our professional SEO consultants leverage the power of content to build a wide audience around your blogs, strengthen your brand identity, increase audience retention, and prompt consistent business growth.

Visual Media

We diversify your content by adding visual media to the mix! Our SEO services experts design high-quality, visually compelling, engaging, and gripping images, videos, infographics, custom illustrations, GIFs, and the like. This approach makes your content a lot more engaging.

Extensive Keyword Research

Is your current keyword plan weak? We create a brand new keyword profile based on audience interests, local trends, and industry developments. This helps us improve your online visibility for queries with a high search volume.

Link Building Services

Stellar rankings are contingent on link building success. We examine your current backlinks and start building new ones!

Our SEO experts target high-DA platforms to give you a power-packed boost in visibility. Our link building plan also helps you build authority, credibility, and trust.

Community Management

Is your community happy with your business? We help you maintain a strong brand identity and develop community trust. Community management also includes reputation management. Our professional SEO consultants tackle both to help you shine on and off the web.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing elements on your website to improve your online performance. At Global-marketing Inc., we use keywords, custom URLs, title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, internal links, external links, alt text, image filename, and other critical tools to give your website greater visibility.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the practice of polishing the technical aspects of your website for better SERP rankings. We check a lot of boxes off the list: website speed, mobile-friendliness, XML sitemap optimization, Core Web Vitals optimization, structured data implementation, and more. We make sure your website runs smoothly and seamlessly from a technical standpoint.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to a set of optimization strategies for non-website activities and areas, including social media, link building, guest posting, video marketing, podcasting, and the like. Optimizing off-page components of your business is an excellent way to build audience trust and grow your business.

We Don’t Rest Until You Get Results!

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Delighting Customer and Exceeding Expectations

Read what our clients have to say about our service standards


Affordable SEO Pricing Guaranteed to Deliver Results

We offer highly competitive customized SEO packages and offer no hassle money back guarantee

  • ANNUALLY recommended


    (SAVE 20%)



    (SAVE 15%)



    (SAVE 10%)



    (No Discount)


$360 /month

Great for new start ups and businesses new to SEO! A solid first step towards conversions

Keyword Research

  • 15-20 Keywords


  • 2 Articles (400 words)
  • 2 Blogs (500 words)

Link Building

  • 10 Submissions
  • 10 Classifieds
  • 10 Community Participation
  • 10 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • 5 Facebook Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$600 /month

Highly sought after by companies who want to increase their conversions and market share!

Keyword Research

  • 20-25 Keywords


  • 4 Articles (400 words)
  • 4 Blogs (500 words)
  • 1 Press Releases

Promotional Content

  • 1 infographics

Link Building

  • 15 Submissions
  • 15 Classifieds
  • 15 Community Participation
  • 15 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 5 Facebook Posts
  • 5 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 5 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$800 /month

Highly recommended by our SEO experts, this package has delivered clients the best results!

Keyword Research

  • 25-30 Keywords


  • 6 Articles (400 words)
  • 6 Blogs (500 words)
  • 2 Press Releases

Promotional Content

  • 1 infographics
  • 1 Videos (non Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 20 Submissions
  • 20 Classifieds
  • 20 Community Participation
  • 20 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 10 Facebook Posts
  • 10 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 10 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$1200 /month

Hands down our most popular package! Ideal for practically all types of business big and small!

Keyword Research

  • 30-40 Keywords
  • Competitor Analysis


  • 6 Articles (400 words)
  • 6 Blogs (500 words)
  • 1 Press Releases (1 Paid)

Guest Blogs (DA 40 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Promotional Content

  • 2 infographics
  • 1 Videos (w/ Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 30 Submissions
  • 30 Classifieds
  • 30 Community Participation
  • 30 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 15 Facebook Posts
  • 15 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 15 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$1600 /month

Outrank your competitors with this package - Ideal for ecommerce websites and businesses!

Keyword Research

  • 40-50 Keywords
  • Competitor Analysis


  • 8 Articles (400 words)
  • 8 Blogs (500 words)
  • 3 Press Releases (1 Paid)

Guest Blogs (DA 40 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Guest Blogs (DA 60 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Power Posts

  • 1 Power Post (2000 words)

Promotional Content

  • 2 infographics
  • 2 Videos (w/ Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 35 Submissions
  • 35 Classifieds
  • 35 Community Participation
  • 35 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 15 Facebook Posts
  • 15 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 15 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$199 One-Time

Optimize your webpages using our comprehensive on-page optimization process for a one time fee.

Keyword Research

  • Keywords


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization


$380 /month

Great for new start ups and businesses new to SEO! A solid first step towards conversions

Keyword Research

  • 15-20 Keywords


  • 2 Articles (400 words)
  • 2 Blogs (500 words)

Link Building

  • 10 Submissions
  • 10 Classifieds
  • 10 Community Participation
  • 10 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • 5 Facebook Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$640 /month

Highly sought after by companies who want to increase their conversions and market share!

Keyword Research

  • 20-25 Keywords


  • 4 Articles (400 words)
  • 4 Blogs (500 words)
  • 1 Press Releases

Promotional Content

  • 1 infographics

Link Building

  • 15 Submissions
  • 15 Classifieds
  • 15 Community Participation
  • 15 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 5 Facebook Posts
  • 5 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 5 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$850 /month

Highly recommended by our SEO experts, this package has delivered clients the best results!

Keyword Research

  • 25-30 Keywords


  • 6 Articles (400 words)
  • 6 Blogs (500 words)
  • 2 Press Releases

Promotional Content

  • 1 infographics
  • 1 Videos (non Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 20 Submissions
  • 20 Classifieds
  • 20 Community Participation
  • 20 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 10 Facebook Posts
  • 10 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 10 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$1300 /month

Hands down our most popular package! Ideal for practically all types of business big and small!

Keyword Research

  • 30-40 Keywords
  • Competitor Analysis


  • 6 Articles (400 words)
  • 6 Blogs (500 words)
  • 1 Press Releases (1 Paid)

Guest Blogs (DA 40 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Promotional Content

  • 2 infographics
  • 1 Videos (w/ Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 30 Submissions
  • 30 Classifieds
  • 30 Community Participation
  • 30 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 15 Facebook Posts
  • 15 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 15 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$1700 /month

Outrank your competitors with this package - Ideal for ecommerce websites and businesses!

Keyword Research

  • 40-50 Keywords
  • Competitor Analysis


  • 8 Articles (400 words)
  • 8 Blogs (500 words)
  • 3 Press Releases (1 Paid)

Guest Blogs (DA 40 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Guest Blogs (DA 60 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Power Posts

  • 1 Power Post (2000 words)

Promotional Content

  • 2 infographics
  • 2 Videos (w/ Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 35 Submissions
  • 35 Classifieds
  • 35 Community Participation
  • 35 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 15 Facebook Posts
  • 15 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 15 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$199 One-Time

Optimize your webpages using our comprehensive on-page optimization process for a one time fee.

Keyword Research

  • Keywords


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization


$405 /month

Great for new start ups and businesses new to SEO! A solid first step towards conversions

Keyword Research

  • 15-20 Keywords


  • 2 Articles (400 words)
  • 2 Blogs (500 words)

Link Building

  • 10 Submissions
  • 10 Classifieds
  • 10 Community Participation
  • 10 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • 5 Facebook Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$675 /month

Highly sought after by companies who want to increase their conversions and market share!

Keyword Research

  • 20-25 Keywords


  • 4 Articles (400 words)
  • 4 Blogs (500 words)
  • 1 Press Releases

Promotional Content

  • 1 infographics

Link Building

  • 15 Submissions
  • 15 Classifieds
  • 15 Community Participation
  • 15 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 5 Facebook Posts
  • 5 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 5 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$900 /month

Highly recommended by our SEO experts, this package has delivered clients the best results!

Keyword Research

  • 25-30 Keywords


  • 6 Articles (400 words)
  • 6 Blogs (500 words)
  • 2 Press Releases

Promotional Content

  • 1 infographics
  • 1 Videos (non Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 20 Submissions
  • 20 Classifieds
  • 20 Community Participation
  • 20 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 10 Facebook Posts
  • 10 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 10 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$1350 /month

Hands down our most popular package! Ideal for practically all types of business big and small!

Keyword Research

  • 30-40 Keywords
  • Competitor Analysis


  • 6 Articles (400 words)
  • 6 Blogs (500 words)
  • 1 Press Releases (1 Paid)

Guest Blogs (DA 40 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Promotional Content

  • 2 infographics
  • 1 Videos (w/ Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 30 Submissions
  • 30 Classifieds
  • 30 Community Participation
  • 30 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 15 Facebook Posts
  • 15 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 15 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$1800 /month

Outrank your competitors with this package - Ideal for ecommerce websites and businesses!

Keyword Research

  • 40-50 Keywords
  • Competitor Analysis


  • 8 Articles (400 words)
  • 8 Blogs (500 words)
  • 3 Press Releases (1 Paid)

Guest Blogs (DA 40 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Guest Blogs (DA 60 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Power Posts

  • 1 Power Post (2000 words)

Promotional Content

  • 2 infographics
  • 2 Videos (w/ Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 35 Submissions
  • 35 Classifieds
  • 35 Community Participation
  • 35 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 15 Facebook Posts
  • 15 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 15 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$199 One-Time

Optimize your webpages using our comprehensive on-page optimization process for a one time fee.

Keyword Research

  • Keywords


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization


$450 /month

Great for new start ups and businesses new to SEO! A solid first step towards conversions

Keyword Research

  • 15-20 Keywords


  • 2 Articles (400 words)
  • 2 Blogs (500 words)

Link Building

  • 10 Submissions
  • 10 Classifieds
  • 10 Community Participation
  • 10 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • 5 Facebook Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$750 /month

Highly sought after by companies who want to increase their conversions and market share!

Keyword Research

  • 20-25 Keywords


  • 4 Articles (400 words)
  • 4 Blogs (500 words)
  • 1 Press Releases

Promotional Content

  • 1 infographics

Link Building

  • 15 Submissions
  • 15 Classifieds
  • 15 Community Participation
  • 15 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 5 Facebook Posts
  • 5 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 5 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$1000 /month

Highly recommended by our SEO experts, this package has delivered clients the best results!

Keyword Research

  • 25-30 Keywords


  • 6 Articles (400 words)
  • 6 Blogs (500 words)
  • 2 Press Releases

Promotional Content

  • 1 infographics
  • 1 Videos (non Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 20 Submissions
  • 20 Classifieds
  • 20 Community Participation
  • 20 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 10 Facebook Posts
  • 10 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 10 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$1500 /month

Hands down our most popular package! Ideal for practically all types of business big and small!

Keyword Research

  • 30-40 Keywords
  • Competitor Analysis


  • 6 Articles (400 words)
  • 6 Blogs (500 words)
  • 1 Press Releases (1 Paid)

Guest Blogs (DA 40 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Promotional Content

  • 2 infographics
  • 1 Videos (w/ Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 30 Submissions
  • 30 Classifieds
  • 30 Community Participation
  • 30 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 15 Facebook Posts
  • 15 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 15 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$2000 /month

Outrank your competitors with this package - Ideal for ecommerce websites and businesses!

Keyword Research

  • 40-50 Keywords
  • Competitor Analysis


  • 8 Articles (400 words)
  • 8 Blogs (500 words)
  • 3 Press Releases (1 Paid)

Guest Blogs (DA 40 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Guest Blogs (DA 60 +)

  • 1 Guest Blogs (Upto 1000 words)

Power Posts

  • 1 Power Post (2000 words)

Promotional Content

  • 2 infographics
  • 2 Videos (w/ Voice-over)

Link Building

  • 35 Submissions
  • 35 Classifieds
  • 35 Community Participation
  • 35 Business Profiles


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization

Social Media

  • Facebook & Twitter Page Creation
  • 15 Facebook Posts
  • 15 Twitter Posts
  • Instagram Page Creation
  • 15 Instagram Posts

Conversion Tracking

  • Google Analytics Installation
  • Google Webmaster Installation
  • Google Places Submissions


  • Weekly Ranking Report
  • Google Analytics Report
  • Monthly Progress Report


  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24 HR Support, 6 Days a Week
  • Client Dashboard Access
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee


$199 One-Time

Optimize your webpages using our comprehensive on-page optimization process for a one time fee.

Keyword Research

  • Keywords


  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Web Content Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing page Optimization
  • Call To Actions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Mobile Optimization

Want to Learn More About Our SEO Services?



What Makes Our Search Engine Optimization Services So Effective?


Team Global-marketing Inc. is equipped with professional SEO consultants and experts who have ample experience in digital marketing. Our team understands which SEO techniques yield good results, which don't, and which can backfire.

We use our experience to carefully and strategically roll out a white-hat SEO plan that benefits your business without leaving you vulnerable to penalization. Our vast experience helps us avoid the landmines that many agencies accidentally run into.


Our SEO experts have the qualifications, certifications, and licensing required for SEO success. They possess an in-depth knowledge of search engine algorithms, ranking techniques, keywords, data mining tools, and industry programs (Google Analytics, etc.).

Our expertise helps us craft high-quality SEO campaigns that achieve outstanding results. Our team also attends frequent trainings and workshops to cover greater SEO ground, adopt the best practices, and help your business succeed.


SEO success is contingent on a wide skillset. Our SEO experts possess the right hard and soft skills needed for stellar SEO results.

They have a mastery of on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, IT, UX, UI, server management, coding, website migration, information architecture, and more.

They also possess soft skills like critical thinking, programming skills, analytical skills, data skills, communication, creativity, time management, and innovation.

Advanced Software and Tools

We attribute a lot of our success to our state-of-the-art software and tools. Whether our team is performing keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink analysis, or an SEO audit, we use cutting-edge programs, tools, software, and technology to automate the process and achieve great results.

We avoid using all-in-one tools. Instead, our team has developed advanced tools for each task to maintain a high level of quality and consistency. If you want to buy SEO services with proven technological prowess, we’re the right people for the job.


At Global-marketing Inc., every SEO package is fully customized. We believe that every business has unique requirements and goals. Keeping these in mind, we craft a hyper-specific campaign that propels your business forward.

Everything from our packages to our SEO strategies to the implementation process is customized. If you have any requests, we'll be more than happy to further tweak our SEO plans until you're fully satisfied. We combine our expertise with your vision to achieve SEO excellence.

Round-the-Clock Support

If you have any questions or queries, you don't have to worry about reaching out to us during business hours the next day. At Global-marketing Inc., we're active 24/7.

Our professional SEO consultants and dedicated project managers are ready to assist you whenever you require support. We listen to our clients every step of the way.

By maintaining complete communication across the board, we ensure that you know exactly how your campaign is panning out at all times.

Audit Report

Get a Free Quote and SEO Audit Report Now


CALL US 24/7 +1(833)405-1025

With Results Like These, Why Not?


The client enjoyed higher rankings, traffic, and conversions. We gave them a power-packed boost in online visibility and helped them build a wide clientele.

  • 90XIncrease in Organic Traffic
  • 296%Increase in Top 3 Keywords
  • 22Keywords Ranking on 1st position
Read Full Case Study


The client’s website wasn’t converting enough customers. We helped them get their conversion rate back on track and put more profit back into their pocket.

  • 736%Increase in Organic Traffic
  • 639XNew Keywords Ranked
  • 1,000%Increase In Organic Keyword Rankings
Read Full Case Study


The client’s top competitors were outranking and outperforming them. We came to the rescue, reworked their website, and pulled them to the first Google SERP for 273 keywords.

  • 132%Average Increase in Web Actions
  • 1stAmong Competitors
  • 163%Increase In Organic Keyword Rankings
Read Full Case Study

How Will Global-marketing Inc.'s Professional SEO Services Benefit My Business?

Enjoy higher SERP rankings, increased traffic, better conversions, and a secure bottom line. At Global-marketing Inc., we help your business stand out from the crowd, dominate the local industry, and enjoy greater revenue. Let's get you there!

High Web Traffic image

Staggeringly High Web Traffic

Web traffic is the key to online success. If you reach a wide audience, you'll increase your chances of earning more clicks, conversions, and, ultimately, revenue. High revenue is a game-changer for businesses that lack a strong digital presence.

At Global-marketing Inc., our SEO experts have cracked the code to high traffic generation. We use actionable SEO techniques that actually move the needle. By using high-ranking keywords, generating high-DA backlinks, and building brand awareness, we help you redirect qualified traffic to your website, i.e., traffic that's four times more likely to convert.

Over 70% Increase in Organic Traffic

Impressive Rankings

75% of web users never scroll past the first search engine result page (SERP). If your webpages show up on the 2nd , 3rd, 4th, or 60th SERP, you'll remain invisible to your audience.

Our search engine optimization services help you enjoy high rankings. Our clients start ranking among the top five search results for local, industry-specific, and high-volume queries. The outcome? The traffic and conversion ball starts rolling.

Impressive Rankings image

We Get You on the First Google Search Page

Lead Generation image

Lead Generation

What's the point of ranking high on Google SERPs and generating high traffic if people never end up converting on your site, i.e., taking any positive action? High rankings and traffic are pretty much useless without a high conversion rate.

At Global-marketing Inc., we turn traffic into qualified leads, which puts more revenue into your pocket. How do we do this? By providing immense value to web users who land on your website. Once they've arrived, our goal is to keep them engaged and prompt a conversion (sale, subscription, sign-up, call, etc.).

We use gripping calls-to-action (CTAs), highlight your company's unique selling points (USPs), raise the quality bar, and check several other boxes off the list. By converting visitors into customers, we ensure that your bottom line shapes up nicely. If you want to hire SEO services that help you walk away with more leads, you’re at the right place.

Over 91% Increase in Online Conversions

Credible Content Creation

Hastily-created content achieves temporary results and leaves businesses high and dry. We create a strong link structure to ensure our content marketing efforts consistently increase your website's domain authority (DA).

At Global-marketing Inc., we hand over content tasks to industry experts who already possess experience, expertise, and know-how in the relevant topic. This helps us craft credible, trustworthy, authoritative, cogent, and insightful content that keeps benefiting your business for years to come.

Content Creation image

Content that captivates, engages and converts!

Authority Building image

Authority Building

Instead of simply converting leads, we also build authority to strengthen your brand identity. This approach makes your business appear more credible to new customers.

When reputation building is injected into SEO plans, businesses enjoy long-term benefits. We focus on generating positive reviews for your business, strengthening your Google Business Profile, and connecting with your audience.

Elevate your brand's authority with powerful SEO services

Tracking & Improvement

If SEO campaigns aren't tracked and tailored over time, they lose their efficacy. Our SEO experts closely track, monitor, and manage your SEO campaign to ensure the results improve with time. We implement new strategies, tweak old content, leverage new updates, and change direction to give your business the gift of sustainable SEO.

Of course, this requires some effort from your end too. To keep enjoying good results, renew your SEO plans each month. If you take a break, you'll take a few steps back. Meet us halfway, and the SEO ball will keep rolling and benefiting your business.

Tracking & Improvement image

SEO Magic That Transforms Rankings & Drives Results

Ready to Hire SEO Professionals?

Our Team Is A Call Away!


Location Specific SEO Optimizations For Leads With High Conversion Potential

We serve hundreds of locations across the world; let us know where you're from and we'll make sure you're ranking for all the right metrics in your region.

Create Buzz Around Your Business with a Power-Packed SEO Campaign!

SEO isn't just a cool trend that will disappear from our sights soon; it's the future of online marketing.

The world is becoming increasingly digital. We use the internet for pretty much everything from communication to shopping to healthcare to education.

If you run a business, the internet is by far the most popular place to market your business. Presently, over 5 billion people use the internet, and this number is expected to climb speedily as the year pans out.

If you want to reach a wide target audience, you must leave a permanent online footprint. SEO services help you do just that.

As you optimize your website and non-web activity (social media, business profile listings, etc.), you'll shout your business out from the digital rooftops. Stellar search engine optimization will help you stand out from the crowd, turn web users toward your business, and make impressive sales.

At Global-marketing Inc., we craft SEO plans that take your business from invisible to wildly popular on Google SERPs. We create a lot of buzz around your business and turn visits into sales.

By using SEO the right way, we ensure that your business is on track to succeed. Ready to hire SEO services? Global-marketing Inc. is at your beck and call.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SEO and how does it work?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the practice of optimizing content and web pages to rank higher on Google. Digital competition is at an all-time high, and SEO helps businesses attract targeted traffic and establish a winning online presence.

It works by enabling search engines to effectively crawl, index, and rank a website, so it appears among the top search results for specific search queries. This is achieved through a variety of technical, on-page, and off-page SEO strategies.

  • Why is SEO important for my business?

    If you run an online business, standing out from the crowd should be your top priority. You ultimately want customers to view, engage with, and respond to your content. SEO helps you do just that by making it easier for your business to climb search engine result pages (SERPs). As your business ranks higher, it’ll attract quality traffic. The outcome? Increased conversions and sales.

  • How much does SEO cost?

    SEO is quite an important service for website and business owners. However, we don't want you breaking the bank on this one. Our packages are designed to fit each and every one of your SEO needs, which means zero spillage costs! We never compromise on quality. Expect high-quality SEO services at great prices; that’s the Global-marketing Inc. promise.

  • How do I sign up for your services?

    Click here to request a proposal and free SEO audit report. Simply enter your name, phone number, email address, website, chosen service, and project details. Submit the request, and our SEO specialists will get in touch with you shortly.

    For more information, give us a call at +1(833)405-1025 and we’ll take it from there.

  • What happens after I sign up?

    Once you sign up, our professional SEO consultants will assiduously review your website and send you the following documents:

    A comprehensive analysis report of your website A proposal for the project

    Shortly afterward, you’ll be assigned a project manager.

  • What if I have questions about the project?

    If you have any questions or concerns about the project, feel free to contact your project manager. Our experienced project managers work closely with each client to provide assistance and ensure the project runs smoothly.

    As a client, you’ll also receive complete access to the Client Dashboard. The state-of-the-art software enables clients to monitor progress and receive 24/7 updates that cover vital aspects of the project. You can also view how your website is performing from the point of view of your target audience and search engines.

  • What if I'm not satisfied with the results?

    At Global-marketing Inc., we go the extra mile to offer actionable results that help you rank on Google in less than 30 days. If your project is in its initial stages, we suggest waiting a few weeks to see concrete results. Given all the competition online, it may take some time before you begin to achieve target KPIs and notice an increase in quality traffic.

    However, if you’re still dissatisfied with the results, we have a strict no-hassle money back guarantee. If your website doesn’t rank in 30 days, we’ll provide a complete refund, no questions asked. With no contractual obligations, you don’t have to worry about any unexpected complications.

    We want you to hire SEO services you can trust. By upholding a strict money-back guarantee, we ensure you’re protected from all ends.

  • Which reports will I receive?

    Our motto is complete transparency. We provide ongoing weekly activity updates as well as your current campaign status. We accompany these weekly updates with monthly performance reports that detail month-over-month return progress, leads acquired, rankings, and traffic.

  • What is technical SEO?

    Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your site's technical features to improve SERP rankings. At Global-marketing Inc., we focus on five key components of technical SEO: crawling, indexing, rendering, ranking, and site architecture. By reworking your site's technical SEO, we ensure that search engines consider you an authoritative, credible, and trusted domain. When combined with on-page and off-page SEO, technical SEO yields powerful results for up-and-coming businesses. We strongly recommend consulting SEO experts for a robust, effective technical SEO plan. At Global-marketing Inc., our SEO services also include technical SEO.

  • What is Ecommerce SEO?

    eCommerce SEO is the process of optimizing an eCommerce store to earn better rankings, more web visits, greater online visibility, and increased sales. Very different from regular SEO, eCommerce SEO is designed for online stores.

    At Global-marketing Inc., we also build awareness for your brand, helping you enjoy a better reputation. We use proven strategies to help you rank #1. From using the right keywords to establishing a strong site architecture to writing quality content, we cover all the bases.

    As your eCommerce business gains more traction, you'll build a wider audience and achieve consistent growth. Ready to hire SEO experts? Our eCommerce SEO team is a call away.

  • How do I know which type of SEO I need?

    At Global-marketing Inc., we schedule a free 30-minute meeting with every client to discuss their needs. Our experts will inquire into your business model, industry, audience, location, vision, and goals. As we develop a better understanding of your business needs, we'll draft an individualized plan accordingly.

    We may focus on local, on-page, off-page, technical, eCommerce, mobile, or content SEO. We may also use a mix of strategies. The goal is to help your company get seen online, earn more revenue, and kick-start steady growth. Please consult our experts to determine which direction is right for you.

  • Could you give me some free SEO tips?

    Absolutely! We're always more than happy to help businesses understand why SEO is right for them and discuss tips that can help them grow. Please schedule a free 30-minute consultation with our team. Our experts will analyze your business and share individualized SEO tips free of cost.

    As a rule of thumb, SEO should always be tailored to a brand's needs. If you try to follow a one-size-fits-all plan, you'll struggle to see results. We carefully understand your business and create a customized plan that helps you grow and thrive. Call us to schedule a meeting today. Let's discuss more tips for your brand.

I'm New to SEO, How Can I Learn More About It?

If you're puzzled by SEO, that's okay. Head to our blog for an A–Z look at SEO and related topics. You can also drop us a message (open the consultant chat below).

Get Started Today!

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the Map!



CALL US 24/7 +1(833)405-1025
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