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Keywords Ranked


Of Satisfied Clients

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Calculate Your Firm's Growth Potential with Our SEO ROI Tool

Designed specifically for firms looking to invest in SEO services for lawyers, simply input your data, and let our SEO ROI tool project how a focused lawyer SEO marketing approach can improve your online visibility, draw in high-quality clients, and significantly grow your practice.

Turn Your Online Strategy into Real Results!

Ready to see the numbers?

Enter 'Yes' if you already have a website, 'No' if you don't.
A typical starting point for small businesses is around 500 visitors.
This is a general estimate combining local advertising, social media, and networking activities. For a small business, this could be estimated at around 1500-2000 people
This is the average amount you earn from each client. $5000 is a typical figure for small to medium-sized legal cases
1% can be a standard starting point for new websites.
This is your target conversion rate after SEO improvements. A realistic improvement goal could be around 3%.
Please note that it generally takes 3-6 months to see noticeable results from SEO efforts along with continued growth over time.

Boost Your Law Firm's Online Impact With Global-marketing Inc.'s Expert Attorney SEO Services

Schedule a free consultation today and explore tailored strategies backed by our money-back guarantee!


SEO, or search engine optimization, is a vital strategy for lawyers looking to enhance their online visibility and attract more clients.

In the competitive legal market, a well-optimized website can help you get discovered by potential clients instead of getting lost in the sea of search results. For lawyers, SEO means tailoring your website's content, structure, and on-page elements to rank higher on search engines like Google.

Implementing these strategies effectively requires a deep understanding of both SEO and the legal landscape. That's where you need a team of experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable law firm SEO experts.

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Here are some key SEO strategies for lawyers

Keyword Research and Optimization

Keyword Research and Optimization

Identify and integrate relevant keywords that potential clients use when searching for legal services.

High-Quality & Relevant Content

High-Quality & Relevant Content

Frequently update your website with informative and engaging content, including blogs, infographics, and FAQs related to legal topics.

Local SEO Strategies

Local SEO Strategies

Optimize for local searches to ensure your firm appears in local listings and maps. Additionally, manage local citations and reviews.

Website Optimization

Website Optimization

Ensure your website is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and interactive. It must also boast fast loading times.

Backlink Building

Backlink Building

Acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites to enhance your site's credibility.

Social Media Engagement

Social Media Engagement

Utilize social media platforms to improve your online presence and engage with potential clients.

Monitoring and Analytics

Monitoring and Analytics

Regularly track your website's performance using tools like Google Analytics. Adjust the strategies based on data insights.


How Can My Firm Benefit From Lawyer SEO?


of people use the internet
to find legal services/information

Law firms that focus on
SEO observe a


increase in leads

Most people only contact


lawyer they feel confident in

Lawyer SEO services are a game-changer for law firms seeking to establish an online presence. In the competitive legal industry, where clients often turn to search engines for guidance, you must appear at the top of search results. SEO does exactly this! It enhances your firm's visibility and makes it easier for potential clients to discover your services.

Here's a closer look at the benefits of SEO for law firms
increased online visibility


SEO makes your firm more visible to potential clients actively searching for legal services, significantly improving your presence in a competitive digital landscape.

targeted client traffic


By optimizing for specific legal keywords, you get a chance to attract clients who are looking for the exact services your firm offers.

enhanced credibility and trust


High search rankings often translate to higher credibility in the eyes of potential clients. Top-ranking sites are perceived as more authoritative and trustworthy.

competitive advantage


With effective lawyer SEO services, your firm can outshine competitors in search results. Capture the attention of clients first (even in a saturated market).

higher conversion rates


Optimized websites are typically more user-friendly, informative, and persuasive. They lead to higher conversion rates from website visitors to actual clients.

cost effective marketing


Compared to traditional advertising, lawyer SEO is a more cost-effective way to reach a wider audience. It offers a better return on investment.

long-term growth


Unlike paid advertising, the benefits of SEO are long-lasting. Our lawyer SEO services provide enduring visibility and client acquisition opportunities.

Legal Blog
Local SEO
So close!
10% Off
1st Month


Looking for a quick win for your website’s SEO?

Just hit the spin button and land on amazing tools that can take your legal practice to the next level.

winner winner


Do You Often Run into the Following Problems?


Struggling to appear in the top search results, making it challenging for potential clients to find your firm online.


Experiencing minimal traffic to your website, indicating a lack of online presence or engagement with your target audience.


Failing to consistently attract new clients, limiting the growth and expansion of your practice.


Witnessing a stagnation or decline in profits (often due to a lack of effective online marketing strategies).


Watching competitors appear higher in search rankings, resulting in them capturing a larger share of the market.


Spending resources on digital marketing efforts that fail to yield the desired results or return on investment.


Struggling to connect with clients in your local area despite offering relevant services.


Having a website that's difficult to navigate, slow to load, or not optimized for mobile devices, resulting in a high bounce rate.

These challenges can be major roadblocks to a legal practice's success and growth. However, an effective lawyer SEO strategy can help overcome these issues, enhance online visibility, attract more clients, and ultimately drive growth and profitability.

It's Time to Get More Clients!

At Global-marketing Inc., we don't just want you to walk away with decent visibility; we want you to earn quality clients who put their trust in you. Our lawyer SEO services help you grow your clientele and, in turn, your legal business.

Are you ready to get more cases? We'll show you the way!

Schedule a free consultation
more clients screen

What Do You Get With Our Attorney SEO Services?

Has your law firm been struggling to earn more clients? Are you lacking online visibility?
Team Global-marketing Inc. creates a hyper-specific plan to help you get back on track. Our experts use actionable law firm SEO strategies to help you get seen by potential clients, generate high-quality traffic, earn a high ROI, and grow your firm.

global seo


Through global SEO services for lawyers, we expand your firm's reach beyond local boundaries. The goal is to make your services visible to a global audience. Global SEO is ideal for firms looking to attract clients from different regions or countries. We ensure your website ranks well across international search results.

local seo


Tailored to boost your visibility in local search results, local SEO is essential for law firms seeking to dominate their regional market. Local law firm SEO marketing includes optimizing your Google Business Profile (previously known as Google My Business) listing, building strong local citations, and ensuring your firm appears in local directories.

seo audit


An SEO audit assesses your current website to identify areas for improvement. It covers aspects like website structure, content quality, link health, and keyword optimization. An SEO audit is essential for understanding how to enhance your website's SEO performance and outrank competitors.

competitor analysis


Have your competitors been consistently dominating your industry? We analyze their business to identify the specific strategies that have helped them rise to the top. We mimic these techniques to help you outdo your competition.

keyword research


The right keywords can help you outrank your competitors and generate more traffic. We identify high-volume keywords for your business on a monthly basis. Our SEO consultants for lawyers incorporate these into web copy, content, and social media posts.

SEO-Friendly Web Design


This involves designing or redesigning your website to make it more search-engine friendly. It ensures that your site is aesthetically pleasing and structured in a way that search engines can easily crawl and index it.

Legal Content Marketing Strategies


Content marketing focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. For lawyers, this means providing insightful legal articles, blogs, and guides that establish your firm as an authority in your field.

Videos And Infographics


Legal videos and infographics are extremely effective. Our law firm SEO experts create visually compelling and useful media to reel in more clients. We maintain high quality and further diversify the campaign to maximize growth.

Link Building


We help you earn high-DA backlinks and enjoy a substantial increase in web traffic. As new web users flock to your site, you earn a higher number of conversions. Our SEO experts help you become a credible law firm and tap into greater revenue opportunities.

Social Media Management


We help you gain more traction on popular social media platforms (Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). Our team develops effective posts, stories, and polls to help you become visible and promote robust engagement on social media.

Brand Building


We rework your brand to make it appear more appealing and credible to your target audience. As a result, our clients enjoy improved customer loyalty, efficient word-of-mouth marketing, and better sales. We tweak the campaign on a monthly basis.

SEO Tracking and Reporting


This involves monitoring the performance of your SEO strategies and providing regular reports on key metrics like rankings, traffic, and conversions. Learn the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions to further optimize your online presence.

Each of these attorney SEO services plays a pivotal role in shaping a law firm's digital success. They collectively contribute to a stronger online presence, better search engine rankings, and, ultimately, a more profitable and reputable legal practice.


Here's How Our Law Firm SEO Marketing Campaign Can Help

Our team has extensive legal experience and expertise. This is combined with proficiency in SEO. By combining these two vital skills, our SEO experts help your law firm earn more traffic, conversions, and profit.

We start by analyzing your business. Why isn't your website performing well? Why is your link building plan in bad shape? What has caused your social media pages to stagnate? As we identify the underlying cause of the damage, we create a powerful SEO plan accordingly.

Our campaign helps clients gain more visibility on the web. They also build more credibility, which helps people make swifter decisions. If your law firm has a good online reputation, web users will not hesitate to pick up the phone and give you a call or opt for a consultation.

We build your brand to help your practice gain more momentum and take off!

We Don’t Just Argue Our Case
We Set The Precedent



increase in conversions in 2 years



increase in organic traffic in 6 months



customer calls from Google Business Profile listing in 5 months


Need More Proof?
Take A Look At Some Of Our Top Lawyer SEO Successes

See how we leveraged [Content + Email] marketing to increase conversions by over 300%



    (An industry which is notoriously tough for new customer acquisition)

    In a market vertical that already relies heavily on online marketing, we needed to develop an edge for our clients to set them apart.


Getting our hands on the finest market research was the first part


  • 400

    Blog Posts

  • 60

    Power Posts

  • 160

    Guest Blogs
    (DA 40+)

  • 80

    Guest Blogs
    (DA 60+)

  • 120


  • 40




An organic traffic increase of 122%! FOLLOWED BY AN INCREASE IN CONVERSIONS BY



Is Your Law Firm Struggling to Meet These Goals?

Increase Client Inquiries

Increase Client Inquiries

Aiming to boost the number of calls and inquiries from potential clients seeking legal services.

Be the First Choice for Local Clients

Be the First Choice for Local Clients

Striving to be the top option for clients searching for legal assistance in your local area.

Enhance Online Reputation

Enhance Online Reputation

Working to build and maintain a positive online reputation that encourages referrals and repeat business.

Grow Website Traffic

Grow Website Traffic

Seeking to significantly increase the volume of visitors to your firm's website.

Improve Search Engine Rankings

Improve Search Engine Rankings

Aiming to achieve higher rankings in search engine results for relevant legal keywords and phrases.

Expand Client Base

Expand Client Base

Looking to attract a broader range of clients (including those from specific niches or demographics).

Increase Engagement on Social Media

Increase Engagement on Social Media

Striving to boost engagement and followers on various social media platforms to enhance online presence.

Boost Conversion Rates

Boost Conversion Rates

Focusing on turning more website visitors into actual clients through effective call-to-action (CTA) strategies and persuasive content.

Enhance Brand Awareness

Enhance Brand Awareness

Working toward becoming a well-known and respected brand in the legal sector.

Request a Free Consultation


Our Clients Claim The Top Spots For Keywords Like

S.No. Keyword Before SEO After SEO
1 Accident Claim Settlements Chico Not Ranked 1st
2 Car accident Settlements Chico Not Ranked 1st
3 Pension division attorney Chico CA Not Ranked 1st
4 Workers compensation attorney Chico Not Ranked 2nd
5 Child support attorneys Chico Not Ranked 2nd
6 Immigration lawyer Brampton Not Ranked 2nd
7 Civil litigation lawyer Not Ranked 3rd
8 Work injury lawyer Chico Not Ranked 4th
9 Family Law Specialist Chico Not Ranked 4th
10 Divorce lawyer Brampton Not Ranked 6th

Do We Cater to Your Law Firm?

We serve a diverse range of legal sectors. When you call us for attorney SEO services, you can rest assured that we won't let you down. No matter how unique your legal services may be, Global-marketing Inc. already does and will continue to cater to them. Here are a few of the many branches our law firm SEO experts specialize in:

Personal Injury Law

Personal Injury Law

Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense

Bankruptcy Law

Bankruptcy Law

Family Law

Family Law

Immigration Law

Immigration Law

Employment Law

Employment Law

Corporate Law

Corporate Law

Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual Property Law

Real Estate Law

Real Estate Law

Tax Law

Tax Law

Environmental Law

Environmental Law

Civil Rights Law

Civil Rights Law

Administrative Law

Administrative Law

International Law

International Law

Securities Law

Securities Law

Elder Law

Elder Law

Entertainment Law

Entertainment Law

Health  Law

Health Law

Trusts and Estates Law

Trusts and Estates Law

Education  Law

Education Law


Tailored Law Firm SEO Strategies for Diverse Legal Fields

Personal Injury Law

Personal injury clients often require immediate legal assistance. The SEO strategy should focus on high-impact keywords that potential clients use in urgent situations(e.g., "immediate personal injury lawyer" or "emergency legal help for accidents"). The content should be optimized for mobile users, as many searches occur on mobile devices in emergency situations. Quick-loading pages, easy-to-find contact information, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) are essential. Local lawyer SEO is also critical, as clients usually seek local legal assistance. Highlighting client testimonials and case studies can also build trust quickly. At Global-marketing Inc., our law firm SEO experts cover all these bases to help your personal injury law firm stand out and succeed online.

Estate Litigation

Estate litigation clients often seek detailed and trustworthy information before making a decision. The lawyer SEO marketing strategy should include content marketing that provides comprehensive guides on estate litigation with a focus on long-tail keywords like "estate litigation process" or "how to challenge a will". Building a library of informative content establishes authority and trust. Utilizing video content can also enhance engagement and provide a more personal connection. SEO efforts should also include keywords related to local legislation, as estate laws vary by location. Our law firm SEO experts check off all these boxes.

Business Law

Business law clients are usually methodical and seek long-term partnerships. At Global-marketing Inc., we craft our SEO strategies accordingly. There must be a strong focus on keywords that reflect the ongoing nature of business legal services (e.g., "corporate legal advice" or "long-term business legal support"). The content should be oriented toward thought leadership. We write value-added articles, whitepapers, and case studies that showcase expertise in various business law aspects. We also help our clients network through LinkedIn and other professional platforms. This approach complements our lawyer SEO marketing efforts by driving traffic from these networks to your firm's website.

Real Estate Law

For real estate law, clients often need localized information specific to property laws and real estate transactions in their area. Local SEO is paramount. At Global-marketing Inc., we focus on keywords like "real estate attorney in [location]" or "[location] property law expert." We incorporate location-based case studies and success stories to enhance local relevance. Our SEO consultants for lawyers also use interactive tools, like property tax calculators or legal checklists for property buying/selling, to increase website engagement and provide practical value to potential clients.

It’s Time To Earn More Clients And Work
On Exciting Cases!

TEAM Global-marketing Inc. IS ALWAYS READY TO HELP!


What You Can Expect from Global-marketing Inc.’s SEO Services of Lawyers

Just as a skilled lawyer swiftly navigates legal complexities, Global-marketing Inc.'s S.W.I.F.T process offers a rapid and strategic approach to law firm SEO. Our methodology is specifically designed to deliver ROI-driven results for legal professionals. Here's how each phase of the process aligns with the specific needs of lawyer SEO:

SEO Assessment SEO
Website Audit Website
Competitor Analysis In-Depth Competitor Analysis
Winning SEO Strategy Formulate a Winning SEO Strategy
Testing Testing

SEO Assessment

The first step includes a thorough SEO assessment tailored to understand your law firm's specific needs. This includes identifying your firm's current online standing, understanding the target audience, and pinpointing key areas for improvement.

Website Audit

A comprehensive website audit is conducted to evaluate your site's current SEO effectiveness. This includes checking your website's structure, content, and user experience. Our law firm SEO experts ensure your website is optimized for both search engines and potential legal clients. Key elements like mobile-friendliness, loading speed, and content relevance are scrutinized as these directly impact client engagement and conversion rates.

In-Depth Competitor Analysis

Understanding the competitive landscape is imperative. This phase involves analyzing competing law firms' SEO strategies to uncover their strengths and weaknesses. This insight helps us craft more effective SEO strategies that help you climb search engine result pages (SERPs) and enjoy greater online visibility.

Formulate a Winning SEO Strategy

Based on the insights gained from the assessment, audit, and competitor analysis, we formulate a bespoke SEO strategy. This strategy is specifically tailored to the legal sector. We focus on high-impact keywords, content creation, local SEO, and other tactics that resonate with your law firm's target clientele.


The final phase involves rigorously testing the implemented SEO strategies. This ensures that all elements are working cohesively to enhance your firm's online presence. Continuous testing and tweaking are done to adapt to changing search engine algorithms and market dynamics. The outcome? Sustained SEO success for your law firm.

Get Started Now
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You Won't Be the First One

Here's How Several Before You Have Benefited From Our Legal SEO Services!

Organic Traffic And Visitors 12,700+

Organic Traffic And Visitors

Increase In Conversions 4x

Increase In Conversions

New Site Users 45,000+

New Site Users

Calls from GBP Listing 3700+

Calls from GBP Listing in 5 months

Increase in organic 190%

Increase in organic leads in 5 months

Keywords ranking in 1st position 28

Keywords ranking in 1st position in 5 months


Global-marketing Inc.'s Secret Sauce for Lawyers SEO

What sets Global-marketing Inc. apart in the fiercely competitive arena of legal digital marketing? It's our unique blend of comprehensive SEO mastery, an adaptive approach to evolving SEO practices, and a laser-focused methodology designed explicitly for legal professionals. Let's explore the key components that make our attorney SEO services a notch above the rest in transforming law firms into digital powerhouses!

technical seo


What lies at the core of Global-marketing Inc.'s strategy? A robust focus on technical SEO. This includes optimizing website architecture for both user experience and search engine crawlers. We ensure that your website is fast, secure, and mobile-friendly. Our team addresses key elements to give an edge over the competition like site speed, SSL certificates, and responsive design. Technical SEO also encompasses improving site structure, optimizing URL structures, and ensuring proper indexing.


The importance of content in legal SEO cannot be ignored. At Global-marketing Inc., we excel in creating and optimizing content that resonates with both search engines and potential clients. This involves the strategic use of keywords. Our SEO consultants for lawyers craft informative and engaging articles, blogs, and FAQs that address common legal queries and concerns. Our content strategy is designed to establish lawyers as authorities in their field. We help enhance credibility among potential clients.

Content Optimization
Social Media Integration


A strong social media presence plays a pivotal role in broadening your reach. At Global-marketing Inc., we integrate social media strategies with SEO efforts to maximize your firm's online visibility. By promoting your content, engaging with your audience, and utilizing social media platforms to highlight your legal expertise, we help build a strong, engaging, and unique brand presence.

SEO Services that Delight Clients

Our clients and their feedback is what keeps us going. Read some of their kind words about us



Check out our law firm marketing guide to learn more


Why Work with a Reputable Law Firm SEO Company?

Hiring law firm SEO experts is a strategic move for any legal practice aiming to elevate its digital profile and client outreach. Here's a closer look at why this partnership is pivotal for law firms looking to thrive in the digital age:

Specialized Legal Market Insight:

A leading SEO company for lawyers, like Global-marketing Inc., brings a wealth of knowledge specific to the legal sector. This expertise includes a deep understanding of how clients search for legal services, the nuances of legal terminology, and the intricacies of various practice areas. This specialized insight means you walk away with highly effective, informative, and bespoke SEO strategies that resonate with your target audience.


Precision-Targeted Traffic Generation:

Law firm SEO experts excel in driving highly relevant traffic to your website. At Global-marketing Inc., we use sophisticated techniques to attract individuals actively seeking legal assistance. This helps us increase the likelihood of converting website visitors into clients.

Targeted Traffic Generation

Strict Adherence to Legal Advertising Ethics:

Lawyer SEO companies are well-versed in the ethical guidelines that govern legal advertising. At Global-marketing Inc., we ensure that your firm's online marketing strategies comply fully with these regulations. We protect your reputation and help you maintain professional integrity.

Legal Advertising Ethics

Customized SEO Tactics:

Every law firm has unique strengths and challenges. Keeping this in mind, attorney SEO service providers tailor their strategies to align with your firm's specific goals, practice areas, and client demographics. This personalized approach guarantees a more effective and impactful online presence.

Customized SEO Tactics

Frequently Asked Questions

What Will My Legal SEO Plan Include?

At Global-marketing Inc., we cover all the bases. Our team will handle your company's on-page, off-page, and technical SEO needs. This includes keyword research, link building, content creation and marketing, social media marketing, local optimization (Google Business Profile marketing), paid advertising, and more. We identify a set of techniques that will benefit your law firm the most and kick things off accordingly.

  • Why Do I Need Lawyer SEO Services?

    Presently, there are hundreds and thousands of successful lawyers operating across every legal sub-industry. If you operate in California, for example, you have a lot of competition. As an attorney, you should have a strong focus on outdoing your competitors and becoming the most trusted firm in your area. Lawyer SEO services help you do just that. We rework your website and off-page components to tap into greater traffic, improve rankings, and build trust. If you opt for regular SEO, the approach will be more generic. Our plans are specifically created for lawyers.

  • I Want My Law Firm to Stand Out Online. Can Global-marketing Inc. Get Me There?

    If your law firm is more popular offline than online, SEO for lawyers is the right call for you. We help lawyers enjoy high online visibility, get more clients, and grow their practice. If you’re struggling to get seen online, yes, SEO will help you earn a power-packed boost in online visibility.

    Our law firm SEO marketing solutions help lawyers appear among the top Google search results. This means any time a web user looks for legal support in your city/state/country, your services will show up. More calls, more clients, more positive online reviews. And the cycle begins! Looking for the best SEO for law firms? Global-marketing Inc. is at your beck and call.

  • How Does Global-marketing Inc. Write Legal Content?

    Our team includes experienced legal experts and lawyers. These individuals also specialize in SEO. This crossover helps us produce accurate, relevant, and high-quality content for you. Our team utilizes its own knowledge and researches new information to write value-added content that informs and converts your target audience. We use excellent and accurate grammar, punctuation, syntax, spelling, and vocabulary. We also focus on content optimization to help your work reach more people and prompt greater conversions.

  • Will Global-marketing Inc. Help Me Outdo My Competition?

    Our team has a strong focus on helping you outperform your competitors. Our law firm SEO experts run a comprehensive competitor analysis to understand your competition's growth and recreate it accordingly. Our services have helped thousands of clients become the most trusted and credible law firm in their local industry.

  • Do Lawyers Need Websites?

    Absolutely. While word-of-mouth marketing is great, it's not enough. Today, online spaces are extremely popular. If a person is arrested for drunk driving, they will quickly pull out their phone, run a Google search for the best lawyers in the area, and contact the most credible option they find. The internet is powerful. If you don't have a website, you'll fail to target your audience. We build an interactive, user-friendly, and optimized website for our clients.

  • SEO Hasn’t Worked for Me Before. Why Should I Give It a Shot Again?

    When used correctly, SEO works incredibly well. When misused, it does more harm than good. At Global-marketing Inc., we have a team of experienced, qualified, and skilled law firm SEO experts on board. They don’t just pull out random SEO techniques out of their hat. Instead, our team uses actionable, effective, and tailored attorney SEO strategies that work well for your business.

    If SEO hasn’t worked for you in the past, chances are your agency/team didn’t know what they were doing. By bringing specialized SEO knowledge and cutting-edge software to the table, we help you rank and get your business off the ground! Looking for SEO services for lawyers that actually work? Global-marketing Inc. should be your first call.