Global-marketing Inc. Thu, 16 May 2024 16:12:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Solving Common Google My Business Challenges for Small Businesses Thu, 16 May 2024 16:12:31 +0000 Struggling with your Google My Business profile? You're not alone! This article dives into common GMB challenges and provides solutions that other businesses have implemented.

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Is GMB All That It’s Cut Out to Be?

Google My Business, also known as Google Business Profile, is one of the leading platforms for businesses across industries to push their content, services, deals, and offers to customers on a regular basis. In fact, 51% of shoppers surveyed by Google said they researched a purchase they intended to make.

It’s a comprehensive, multi-functional tool that offers a wide range of functions and features, from the ability to integrate social media posts to featuring high-quality images and engaging with customers through its own design. It’s incredibly simple to use and helps businesses increase their visibility, rankings, and engagement on Google itself.

But as simple as it is, it’s not just a one-and-done thing to set up and optimize your profile.

Even the best strategy and plan will eventually stop bringing in results, and like most good things in life, you will hit a plateau that leaves you feeling dissatisfied, frustrated, and almost ready to quit.

However, the trick with Google small business advertising is to stay consistent and face all GMB challenges head-on.

The Google Business Profile optimization experts on our team reached out to other businesses and individuals to see what challenges they faced when it came to their GBP, and how they overcame them, and suffice to say, we heard a lot of interesting issues.

Let’s talk about some of the issues and challenges they faced and how they overcame them using their quick-thinking and expansive approach:

Recommended Read: Google My Business: The Ultimate Guide to Google Business Profile for Business Growth

Having Multiple Locations for Your Business

There are several industries where businesses are fortunate enough to branch out and expand their reach to different locations. From restaurants to retail stores to chains and franchises or even service providers based across multiple states and countries, there’s no limit to how your business expands.

And while that’s excellent for the business itself, in the digital marketing world, this can prove challenging because you’ll be required to adapt your strategy continually.

One of the biggest GMB challenges that businesses with multiple locations face is having to create, update, and manage multiple GMB pages and profiles for the same enterprise. Why is that the case? Let’s take a look:

  • Content Chaos: Creating and maintaining unique, location-specific content for each listing requires significant effort. Generic content across all pages fails to resonate with local audiences, hindering local SEO and customer engagement, which means you will need to create location-specific material regularly. From seasonal factors to local holidays and occasions and even pain points, you need to make sure everything is contextualized and appeals to the local audience.
  • Verification & Management Challenges: Verifying each location can be a time-consuming process. Additionally, manually updating information, responding to reviews, and scheduling posts for every listing quickly becomes a management nightmare—so what do you do then?

Bellhop’s Multi-Market Mastery

Bellhop, a moving and logistics company, offers a glimpse into how to navigate this GMB challenge. They treat each market as its own entity, building SEO and marketing efforts around local preferences. This translates to individual GMB-optimized pages for each market, allowing for targeted content and local reach.

According to the Bellhop team, they begin by launching a landing page for new markets, then set up their GMB page with everything from operating hours to photos. This ensures a strong local presence from the get-go. Their approach highlights the importance of localized content and establishing a robust GBP presence for each market.

A guide to local SEO for businesses.

This can be challenging if you’re a small or mid-sized business with limited resources and personnel, which is why it helps to work with professional Google Maps optimization services and experts who can create multiple pages and manage them for you. Our team specializes in this task, offering extensive expertise and know-how in this industry.

We’ll be able to generate localized content to make sure each GMB post aligns with local events, concerns, celebrations, and even local discounts. If you’re based in Milwaukee but have a store in Portland, we can help you create content that is so localized that nobody will be able to tell where you’re based!

Recommended ReadHow to Optimize and Promote Your Google Business Profile for More Leads

Inconsistency Across Various Markets

On the flip side of that same coin, however, is another GMB challenge that many businesses face, which is being inconsistent across different markets.

While having an expansive, multi-faceted presence online is definitely rewarding, it’s also crucial to keep in mind that every single page—yes, even if there are dozens—needs to have the same information at its core.

Not sure what that means? Let’s break it down using TP-Link’s strategy.

TP-Link is one of the leading tech companies in the world, offering the top Wi-Fi solutions for commercial and residential clients across the globe, and with such an expansive reach, they’ve had to work on strategizing for their company in several ways.

For businesses like TP-Link, operating in a multitude of markets presents a unique set of challenges for Google Business Profile management. Here’s a closer look at the main GMB challenges they faced:

  • Maintaining Accuracy Across Borders: Ensuring consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) data for each location is crucial. Inconsistencies across markets can confuse search engines and hinder local search ranking.
  • Language Barrier Blues: Catering to diverse audiences necessitates content in their local language, including product descriptions and business hours on each GBP listing.
  • Content Conundrum: Developing localized content that resonates with local preferences requires significant effort. Generic, one-size-fits-all content fails to capture the interest of local customers, which is why cookie-cutter approaches don’t work.
  • Internal Coordination: Ensuring seamless communication and collaboration between regional marketing teams is vital for consistent updates and information accuracy, which is exceptionally challenging for global operations such as theirs.

TP-Link’s Bridge to Consistency

Despite these challenges, TP-Link has navigated the global GBP landscape with remarkable success. Their secret weapon? Strong communication and streamlined processes. Here’s how they achieved consistency across their listings and how you can achieve that with the help of our Google My Business SEO Services:

  • Centralized Hub: TP-Link, despite multiple local pages and outreach in several countries, does have a dedicated department or team responsible for managing GBP listings globally. This team likely oversees content creation and translation and ensures information accuracy across all markets, streamlining all messaging and promotions to align with company values, goals, and missions.
  • Communication Channels: Clear and efficient communication between the central team and regional marketing teams is critical. Regular updates, standardized templates, and communication tools likely play a vital role in this process.
  • Data Management Tools: Utilizing data management platforms or spreadsheets can streamline the process of maintaining accurate and consistent NAP data across all locations. If you’re unable to implement that strategy or invest in additional resources, you can work with our Google Business management experts.
  • Content Localization Strategy: Developing a content calendar and templates with clear guidelines for localizing product descriptions, business hours, and marketing messages allows for efficient and impactful content creation. It also helps maintain guidelines and instructions on ensuring that all messaging aligns with the company’s overall approach and values.

Translators from different corners of the world localize content.

TP-Link’s commitment to consistent GBP listings has yielded impressive results. They’ve witnessed a “massive increase in local search visibility,” allowing them to reach a wider audience in each market. This translates to a direct impact on sales, proving the effectiveness of their digital marketing efforts and affirming the fact that they’re killing it in the game.

TP-Link’s journey offers valuable lessons for businesses with a global presence. By prioritizing communication, establishing efficient processes, and maintaining consistency across their GBP listings, TP-Link has achieved remarkable growth and local online dominance.

Flexibility and a commitment to consistency are key to conquering the challenges of global Google Business Profile management—and we can help you achieve that.

Ready to take your business to global heights? We’re ready when you are.

Recommended Read: How to Set Up and Verify My Business on Google

Ranking Low Among Local Businesses

What is the goal of SEO but to help businesses rank higher and gain more visibility? Unfortunately, it’s no longer a niche approach but a requirement for any business or individual who wants recognition in their field.

However, despite the wealth of knowledge and actionable strategies available, businesses need to recognize that even the most consistent Google My Business advertising strategy might not be enough to help them stand out.

There are several reasons why you might find yourself drowning in the busy world of SERPs, from poorly done profiles to inconsistent information. And sometimes, it’s just a matter of sheer bad luck.

Is a low GMB ranking really such a challenge, however? A low GMB ranking relegates your business to the depths of search results, effectively hiding you from potential customers. Here’s how this affects you in the long run:

  • Missed Opportunities: Customers searching for local solutions won’t find your business, leading to lost sales and leads. They won’t be able to discover you as they Google your product, service, or solutions, which is a major issue.
  • Reduced Visibility: You become invisible in the online marketplace, hindering your ability to compete with local competitors and businesses that are in the same industry as you.
  • Decrease in Trust: A low ranking can raise doubts about your legitimacy and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers, even if you’re truly excellent at what you do. Since the algorithm ranks you below others, it indicates to customers that they should be wary.

A display of what SERP results look like.

Reputation Rhino’s Rise to Local Prominence

Reputation Rhino is a dedicated PR firm based in the US, which had, ironically, struggled with its own PR and rankings. Despite extensive experience, an impressive clientele, and immense outreach, they struggled to stand out from the competition.

But they tackled this challenge head-on, adopting the following strategies:

  • Leveraging The Power of Reviews: They recognized the importance of online reviews – a crucial factor in GMB ranking. They monitored reviews and complaint sites dedicatedly, ensuring timely responses and addressing any customer concerns. This helped them engage with both happy and upset customers and demonstrate their dedication to customer care.
  • Proactive Review Generation: Understanding the impact of positive reviews, they reached out to satisfied clients, encouraging them to share their experiences on prominent review platforms. This targeted approach amplified their positive online reputation and helped establish them as an authority in their industry. Ultimately, lead and review generation is one of the best ways to overcome the GMB challenge of reduced visibility.

Reputation Rhino’s dedication paid off, as they witnessed a surge in local visibility, placing them at the forefront of local search results and Google Maps. This, in turn, had more improved outcomes for their business, including:

  • Increased Website Traffic: Their website saw a significant uptick in organic traffic, attracting potential customers browsing for local services.
  • Increase in Lead Generation: With increased website traffic came a wave of inquiries and quote requests from local customers, ready to do business.
  • Wider Customer Base: Their newfound online presence drew in new customers from diverse neighborhoods, broadening their reach.
  • Positive Impact on Sales: The culmination of these factors resulted in a significant boost in sales and revenue, solidifying their position as a market leader.

Reputation Rhino’s success story is a testament to the fact that positive reviews are a game-changer and can truly help businesses build a stellar reputation in the market.

You don’t have to wait around to hit a low before you work your way up—our GMB optimization agency is a quick call away.

Using Poor Quality Photos and Media

Your Google Business Profile allows you to leverage and advertise with images and different types of media, which is why it’s an absolute waste of a privilege if you’re not doing it right.

We don’t mean to sound judgmental—or do we? —but if you’re not leveraging this criminally excellent opportunity to highlight your best product and services, show your facility, or even engage people with tempting visuals and media, what are you even doing!?

Jokes and judgment aside, this is definitely one of the more serious GMB challenges that businesses fall prey to. Many businesses simply don’t invest in high-quality photos to post online or resort to using stock photos that are generic and not really representative of their brands.

While this can work for some, it’s a major missed opportunity for others. Our GMB SEO practices always emphasize the use of custom photos and images that directly showcase your work and products as a way to drive engagement organically.

Here’s how one of our client’s GMB profiles looks after we created custom posts and used their photos to market their services:

A sample of our client’s GMB post showing images from their portfolio.

This is also precisely the strategy that propelled ApplebaumMD, founded by Dr. Robert Applebaum, a Beverly Hills-based plastic surgeon, to the epitome of digital marketing success.

ApplebaumMD’s Recipe for Success

Just like ApplebaumMD, you can leverage the power of visuals to grab attention, boost engagement, and ultimately drive more business through Google Maps optimization services. Here’s how:

  • First Impressions Matter: GMB photos are the first thing potential customers see. Crisp, professional photos showcasing your facilities, staff, and services create a positive first impression, fostering trust and interest. Stock photos or blurry images send the opposite message, potentially pushing customers away. If you don’t have professional photos, invest in paid stock photos or customized images to drive the point home.
  • Engagement Booster: High-quality photos act as silent storytellers, providing a glimpse into your business’s atmosphere and offerings. Eye-catching visuals capture attention and keep potential customers engaged, encouraging them to learn more about your services and pique their interest. Generic, low-quality photos can even make your business look less legitimate than it is!
  • SEO Advantage: Google rewards GMB profiles with fresh, relevant content. Regularly updating your photos with new, high-quality images demonstrates your business’s activity and can improve your local SEO ranking. Optimize your photos further by using relevant keywords in the descriptions, increasing your visibility in local searches. If you’re not sure where to begin with that, let our GMB SEO services handle that.
  • Building Trust: Authentic photos showcasing your team, equipment, and happy customers build trust and legitimacy. For something as serious as surgery, stock photos just don’t cut it. People want to see what providers such as ApplebaumMD offer, helping them feel more confident when choosing a business they can see and connect with visually.

By investing in high-quality photos for your GMB profile, you’re making a powerful investment in your business’s online presence. Take the lead, reach out to us, and let your photos do the talking!

Struggles with Establishing Community Trust

It’s all fun and games when things are online, and you’re able to build an incredible presence in the digital sphere—but it gets pretty real pretty fast when you’re dealing with the real-world implications of this.

Many businesses struggle to stay engaged with their community and surrounding stakeholders when it comes to their role as an authority in their field. Take as such the example of Martin Gasparian, an attorney at Maison Law, who collaborated with local law enforcement to overcome this GMB challenge that emerged in the face of a lack of trust.

It’s difficult to build genuine customer relations if your audience believes you’re only trying to sell them services or entrap them with your work, which is why you need an alternative approach.

A graphic depicting the importance of community building.

Learning from Leading Lawyers at Maison Law

A positive online reputation and connections with local authorities and community members can enhance a firm’s credibility in the community’s eyes. Generic GMB listings with no local connection struggle to build trust, which is why businesses should invest in collaborating with other local businesses or members.

From sponsoring teams to hosting events, there’s a lot you can do that our Google My Business optimization service providers have discussed in this blog, too. But here’s a closer look at how Maison Law achieved its goals:

  • Partnerships for Trust: They prioritized fostering relationships with local police, sheriff’s offices, and legal authorities. This connection adds credibility to their GMB profile and builds community trust, letting people in their locality know that they are reliable service providers.
  • Content for Value-Addition: They leveraged targeted GMB content like blog posts and client testimonials, as well as informative posts to share insights and legal guidelines and promote safety practices rather than just pushing their services. This strategy showcases expertise and informs the community about legal matters, fostering trust and engagement and giving clients the sense that they’re gaining something.

Their commitment to community trust yielded impressive results. They witnessed increased client interaction, improved online visibility through GMB optimization, and numerous client inquiries—which goes to show that you can overcome this GMB challenge with the right approach and professional services.

Overcome the Challenges of Using Our Google Business Profile Services

We know the challenges that GMB offers when you’re working with this platform. It’s a continually evolving tool that requires extensive planning and decision-making, regular monitoring, and updates to keep the algorithm active and noticing your business.

Work with us for our Google Business Profile optimization services and let our seasoned experts design the most killer strategy for your business.

We’re committed to bringing your business to new heights of success and generating immense digital and real-world traction that drives sales and brings home the numbers you want.

Let’s work together to supercharge your Google Business Profile for the ultimate boost.

Get in touch with us to learn more.

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OpenAI Introduces GPT-4o Omni: A Multimodal Leap in AI Technology Thu, 16 May 2024 15:00:59 +0000 OpenAI has taken a step toward multimodal AI technology with GPT-4o Omni. It can respond to audio inputs in 232 milliseconds. See what else it’s got in store.

The post OpenAI Introduces GPT-4o Omni: A Multimodal Leap in AI Technology appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

The latest ChatGPT version can analyze images with direct audio processing on the horizon.

An illustration of GPT-4o Omni


  • GPT-4o Omni integrates sight and sound with text, advancing AI capabilities.
  • It can analyze images and will soon process audio, enabling real-time language translation.
  • GPT-4o boasts quicker response times and is freely accessible.
  • Despite being in development, its multimodal approach is commendable.

After announcing a revolutionary text-to-video model earlier this year, OpenAI has taken yet another significant leap in AI technology with the launch of GPT-4o Omni. This new model overcomes the limitations of its predecessor, GPT-4, by incorporating sight and sound processing capabilities into its text-based strengths.

The Multimodality of GPT-4o Omni

The previous iteration, GPT-4, while impressive in its ability to generate human-quality text, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content, relied solely on textual input and output. This meant interactions were limited to typing and reading responses.

GPT-4o Omni shatters this barrier, taking on a more multimodal AI approach.

It can now:

  • Analyze Images: Show GPT-4o Omni a picture of a malfunctioning appliance, and it might diagnose the problem or suggest repairs.
  • Directly Process Audio (Future Update): Word on the street is that GPT-4o Omni will soon offer direct audio processing, translating languages in real-time during a video call.

Speed and Accessibility: Democratizing AI Technology

Apparently, OpenAI’s GPT-4o is rather speedier than its predecessor. It claims a response time of just 232 milliseconds for audio inputs, mirroring the speed of human conversation. This opens doors for applications like real-time translation assistance or voice-activated AI assistants.

Now, for the good part: the most exciting aspect of GPT-4o Omni is its accessibility. Unlike its predecessor, which was only available through paid APIs, GPT-4o Omni is offered for free on OpenAI’s basic tier. The move streamlines access to powerful AI technology, welcoming students, researchers, and entrepreneurs to explore its potential.

Still, a Long Way to Go

It’s important to acknowledge GPT-4o Omni’s developmental stage. While it can analyze images and promise future audio processing, full-fledged audio conversations are yet to be achieved.

Despite these limitations, this leap in AI technology deserves all the credit. Its ability to handle different modalities of information processing—text, images, and soon, audio—positions it as a powerful tool for reshaping various industries, from education and customer service to content creation and scientific research.

The future of AI is multimodal, and GPT-4o Omni might just be leading the charge.

Read More: ChatGPT Set To Launch a Search Feature

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How Google Ad Manager Can Transform Your Small Business Wed, 15 May 2024 11:07:35 +0000 Tired of complex ad platforms? Google Ad Manager offers a powerful solution for small businesses. Learn how its advanced tools and seamless integrations can drive growth for your small business.

The post How Google Ad Manager Can Transform Your Small Business appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Google Ad Manager

There’s no sugarcoating it: growing a small business is hard. Standing out in the crowded online world is even harder. You’re fighting for attention against giants with massive budgets.

If you’re serious about making your ad dollars work for you, it’s time to level up. You need to get smarter and more strategic. This is where Google Ad Manager can transform the way you approach advertising.

  • What is it?
  • How can it shake things up (for the better)?
  • And what’s the right way to use it for maximum impact?

That’s what our latest guide is for. Let’s unpack Google Ad Manager for small businesses and help you polish your advertising brass like a seasoned pro.

1. Google Ads: A Quick Overview

Before we explore the power of Google Ad Manager, we must first gain a solid understanding of its foundation: Google Ads.

This platform is a digital advertising powerhouse, especially for those of you who may be new to the game.

Let’s break it down.

1.1. What Exactly is Google Ads?

Google Ads helps you tap into the massive audience that uses Google and its partner websites. It operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, i.e., you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad. This ensures every dollar of your budget goes directly towards potentially interested customers already looking for what you offer.

1.2. Types of Google Ad Campaigns

1.3. Why Does Google Ads Matter for Small Businesses?

The beauty of Google Ads lies in its precision. You’re not casting a wide net and hoping something gets caught. Instead, you’re zoning-in on your ideal customer the moment they’re actively searching for businesses like yours.

Let’s say someone types in ‘best pizza delivery near me’. If you own a local pizzeria, wouldn’t you want your ad to be front and center in those results? This kind of targeted visibility is simply invaluable for small businesses.

Additionally, Google Ads removes the guesswork thanks to its robust analytics. You don’t just spend money and hope for the best; you track every single click and conversion. This data is your superpower; it helps you constantly optimize and improve your campaigns over time.

Google Ads isn’t a toxic game of blind spending either. You set your own budget, ensuring that your financial investment works for your business, not against it. It’s a truly scalable solution.

Whether you have a hundred dollars or a thousand to allocate, there’s a way to get results. And pretty darn great results, that is.

As your small business grows, your Google Ads campaigns can keep pace. This long-term, sustainable approach to marketing is why Google Ads is one of the best things to happen to small businesses.

2. What is Google Ad Manager?

You’re already conquering Google Ads, i.e., getting your business seen with search campaigns, display ads, and maybe even some video.

But as you grow and things get more complex, you may start feeling like a superhero juggling lasers, battling for control.

That’s where Google Ad Manager swoops in to save the day.

Google Ad Manager helps you manage your entire ad inventory across your website, apps, and videos (basically anywhere you’re serving ads). It’s like upgrading from a cluttered desk to a sleek, streamlined workstation where everything’s connected and optimized.

Why does this matter to you?

  • One Powerful Platform: Say goodbye to juggling logins and dashboards. Ad Manager brings it all together: Google Ads, partner ad networks, your own direct-sold ad space… everything in one place. This bird’s-eye view is pure sanity.
  • Smarter Decisions = Bigger Bucks: Detailed reporting lets you see what’s working across all your channels. Which ads make the most money? Where are you getting the highest-quality traffic? You can use this intel to shift your budget and maximize returns.
  • Protect Your Reputation: Ever cringed at seeing your ads next to questionable content? Ad Manager gives you granular control over where your ads appear (more on this later).
  • Time is Money: Ad Manager’s automated tools and workflows mean fewer hours spent on tedious tasks and more time strategizing for growth. (Who wouldn’t love a bit more time back in their week?)

But there’s a LOT more to it…

Google Ad Manager gives you access to some serious features for scaling your advertising game:

  • Advanced Inventory Management: Get creative with your ad placements, pricing, and formats. Experiment to see what converts best for your business.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: Ad Manager helps you tap into the power of programmatic advertising, where technology automatically matches your ads to the best spot for maximum impact.
  • Unlock New Revenue Streams: Not just for ads you buy, but ads you SELL. Ad Manager lets you manage direct deals with other businesses, opening up extra revenue potential.

How do these perks play out? Here’s an example.

Let’s say you run a fantastic blog with a solid readership. Presently, you have those standard ad blocks on the side, but with Google Ad Manager, the possibilities can open up. You can experiment with sleek video ads woven into your articles or maybe even partner with relevant brands for sponsored content. Ad Manager can transform your blog from simply having ads to being a potential revenue stream of its own.

Google Ad Manager Dashboard

See what we mean?

3. Smart Ways to Use Google Ad Manager

3.1. Centralize Your Ad Game: Stop Juggling, Start Strategizing

If running campaigns across different platforms feels like a three-ring advertising circus, Google Ad Manager is here to restore order.

Centralizing everything within Ad Manager is a small business game-changer. Suddenly, you have one crystal clear dashboard showing the big picture. Website ads, mobile app ads, video campaigns, third-party networks… it’s all laid out before you.

And you don’t just walk away with convenience. A unified view lets you spot trends and connections you may have missed before.

For example, maybe you notice a spike in website traffic every time your video ads run on a specific channel. Boom, that’s actionable insight! You can double down on that successful combination to get even more bang for your buck.

But it’s not just a matter of seeing the whole picture; it’s the ability to streamline the nitty-gritty. Imagine creating one ad campaign and easily deploying it across various channels, then adjusting everything from a central hub. No more repetitive tasks or worrying about inconsistencies.

The bottom line? Google Ad Manager helps you shift from frantic ad juggling to strategic command central. More importantly, it frees up your time (time that could be better spent brainstorming your next brilliant ad idea).

3.2. Control Where Your Ads Live

Every small business should have a razor-sharp focus on protecting its reputation.

The internet is a wild place, and without control, your ads could land next to problematic content. Awkward at best, damaging at worst.

Google Ad Manager gives you the power to steer clear of sticky situations.

Think of it like putting up virtual boundaries around your advertising. Ad Manager lets you get granular with where your ads appear. You can block specific websites, entire categories or exclusively target websites that meet your specific criteria. This level of control is essential for aligning your brand with content that reflects your values.

Let’s illustrate this. Say you run a plant-based food company. Google Ad Manager helps you ensure those delicious vegan recipe ads never show up on, say, a carnivore-centric barbecue blog. Or perhaps your target audience is young families. You can choose to exclusively display your ads on family-friendly websites, avoiding content that may not suit your ideal customer base.

Brand safety with Ad Manager also means proactively seeking out the right partners. Let’s say your business focuses on sustainability. You can use the platform to prioritize websites and platforms that share your eco-conscious approach. This is a great way to strengthen your brand’s image through association.

3.3. Maximize Your Ad Revenue

If you’ve been inadvertently leaving money on the table, it’s time to turn things around. Google Ad Manager is designed to help you squeeze every last penny of potential from your advertising efforts.

As a small business owner, you want to make your budget work overtime, but finding those untapped opportunities can be tricky. That’s where the platform’s powerful optimization tools come into play.

Let’s start with a fundamental principle: ad placements aren’t all the same. Some spots on your website may get tons of views (think your homepage banner), while others will receive less traffic.

In the past, you may have been stuck with a one-size-fits-all pricing model. Ad Manager changes the game by introducing dynamic allocation. This means the technology automatically serves the highest-paying ad at every single opportunity. You get the maximum bang for your buck.

Wait… it gets even better.

Google Ad Manager helps you find hidden revenue streams you may not have even considered. Many small businesses focus on the ads they buy through Google Ads, but you can also use the platform to sell your ad space directly to other businesses.

Let’s say you run a popular cooking blog. Ad Manager can streamline the process of attracting advertisers, setting custom prices, and managing your own inventory. It’s like transforming your online presence into a potential revenue-generating asset!

You can also tap into the vast world of programmatic advertising. This means using technology to automate the process of buying and selling ad space in real-time.

Google Ad Manager connects you to advertising exchanges, where you can bid on premium placements or let potential buyers bid on your own inventory. This opens up a world of possibilities. Your ads will reach wider audiences and potentially command higher prices.

Google Ad Manager also provides in-depth analytics to help you track everything from where your ads are shown to how different demographics interact with them. Equipped with this data, you can continually refine your approach. Maybe you’ll discover that video ads in your newsletter drive more conversions than static banners. This can help you confidently shift your resources to capitalize on what works best.

Additionally, you get to experiment with different pricing models. Perhaps cost-per-impression campaigns work well for building brand awareness, but more high-value leads come from ads priced on a cost-per-action basis. The ability to test various models empowers you to fine-tune your spending for maximum returns.

3.4. Get Smarter with Data: Make Every Click Count

Let’s not beat about the bush; raw data can be rather overwhelming. Numbers, charts, and graphs, while informative, don’t always paint a clear picture for the non-analyst.

Google Ad Manager changes this dynamic. It transforms a jumble of numbers into a user-friendly dashboard that highlights key metrics like impressions (how often your ad is shown), click-through rates (how often people click on your ad), conversions (how often those clicks lead to desired actions), and revenue generated.

But you don’t just get to observe these numbers; you also understand the narrative they weave about your advertising performance.

Let’s say you’re running two distinct display ad campaigns, each targeted at a different audience segment. One campaign is exceeding expectations, while the other is lagging behind. Ad Manager’s detailed reporting allows you to dissect the data and pinpoint the factors contributing to this disparity.

Perhaps the underperforming ad’s creative or messaging isn’t resonating with that particular audience, or maybe the ad placement or timing isn’t optimal. This granular insight can help you confidently make informed decisions to optimize your strategy and improve results.

But Ad Manager’s reporting prowess doesn’t stop at campaign-level analysis. It provides a comprehensive toolkit for evaluating your overall advertising effectiveness. You can track viewability metrics to ensure your ads are actually being seen by web users, assess the performance of different ad formats (text, image, video) to see which ones are most engaging, and even compare results across various devices (desktops, tablets, mobile phones) to understand user behavior on different platforms.

This level of detail helps you identify trends, optimize your ad placements, and fine-tune your messaging for specific devices.

Moreover, data’s value extends beyond analyzing the past; it also predicts future aspects accordingly. Google Ad Manager equips you with forecasting tools to anticipate potential revenue, pinpoint peak traffic times, and project your future inventory needs. This foresight enables strategic campaign planning. You’ll be able to ensure your ads are always in front of the right people at the right times.

For businesses running campaigns across multiple platforms, Ad Manager’s integration with Google Analytics is a game-changer. It creates a unified view of your entire digital ecosystem, allowing you to track user journeys from the initial ad interaction through to final conversion. This holistic view reveals how various marketing channels interact and contribute to your overall business goals.

3.5. Automation for the Win!

a human and machine working together

Time is of the essence. Every minute spent on repetitive tasks is a minute taken away from strategic planning and growth.

Google Ad Manager understands this. It offers a robust suite of automation tools designed to streamline your advertising operations and free up valuable time.

Let’s be realistic; manual tasks like adjusting bids, optimizing ad placements, and generating reports can quickly eat into your day. These tasks may seem small individually, but they accumulate over time, leaving you with less time for high-level thinking and strategy.

Ad Manager’s fantastic automation capabilities shift this balance.

One of the most powerful automation features is “Programmatic Guaranteed.” Traditionally, negotiating deals with advertisers involved lengthy back-and-forths and manual contracts. Programmatic Guaranteed simplifies this process by automating the process of buying and selling premium ad inventory at fixed prices. It’s like having a virtual sales team working 24/7 to secure deals and maximize your revenue.

Beyond automating simple transactions, Ad Manager’s advanced algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data in real-time to optimize your campaigns.

Imagine setting specific goals for your ads, like maximizing click-through rates or conversions. The platform’s AI-powered engine can then automatically adjust bids, targeting, and ad placements to achieve those goals, often outperforming manual adjustments made by humans.

Another time-saving feature is automated reporting. Instead of manually pulling reports and analyzing data, you can set up scheduled reports to be delivered directly to your inbox. These reports can be customized to focus on the metrics that matter most to you.

Let’s take a practical example. Say you run a small online clothing boutique. You’ve got several display ad campaigns running across various websites. With Ad Manager’s automation, you can set rules to automatically pause ads on underperforming sites and increase bids on high-performing ones. This dynamic optimization ensures your budget is allocated effectively.

Google Ad Manager also lets you reate custom rules and triggers based on specific events or conditions. For instance, you could automatically send a follow-up email to web users who click on a particular ad, nurturing them through the sales funnel. These automated workflows save you time while delivering personalized experiences that can boost conversions.

Never underestimate the power of automation. It doesn’t just help you do things faster; it also helps you work smarter. By leveraging Google Ad Manager’s automation capabilities, small businesses can level the playing field, compete with larger brands, and free up valuable time to focus on what truly drives growth.

Let’s Fire Off!

Like a finely-tuned race car, Google Ad Manager packs a powerful punch. But in the wrong hands, it’s just an expensive hunk of metal going nowhere. You wouldn’t hand the keys to your Ferrari to a newbie driver, right? The same goes for your advertising strategy.

Ad Manager’s sophisticated features can be a game-changer, but only if you know how to wield them. It takes expertise to navigate the intricacies of inventory management, programmatic buying, and data-driven optimization. If you don’t have that expertise in-house, you risk wasting time, money, and opportunities.

That’s where Global-marketing Inc. comes in. Our team of seasoned Google Ad Manager experts knows the ins and outs of the platform like the back of their hand.

If you’re ready to take your advertising to the next level but don’t have the time or resources to master Google Ad Manager yourself, let us handle the heavy lifting with our Google Ads management services. Schedule a free consultation today. We’re ready to fire off!

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ChatGPT Set To Launch a Search Feature: Integrates Web Content & Links Thu, 09 May 2024 15:59:33 +0000 ChatGPT, for all its faults, is the first chatbot of its kind to emulate coherent human like conversational dialogue. While many others, like Google and Microsoft, have since responded to the frenzy this chatbot created with their own versions, the most recent OpenAI updates indicate it’s not done evolving ChatGPT yet. In short, Bloomberg has […]

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An illustration of a robot to represent ChatGPT, the chatbot

ChatGPT, for all its faults, is the first chatbot of its kind to emulate coherent human like conversational dialogue. While many others, like Google and Microsoft, have since responded to the frenzy this chatbot created with their own versions, the most recent OpenAI updates indicate it’s not done evolving ChatGPT yet.

In short, Bloomberg has hinted at a new ChatGPT search feature on the horizon that would take a different approach to search queries.

Here’s what we know so far.

Analyzing Search Queries: Integrating Content and Links

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is reportedly developing a search feature that won’t just provide links. It will use its AI muscle to analyze search queries and curate relevant snippets of information directly from the web.

If this is true, premium ChatGPT users can ask a question and get a clear answer with links to the sources!

A Move Away From Traditional Search

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has made it clear he doesn’t want to simply copy Google’s search model.

Instead, his team is aiming to integrate ChatGPT’s capabilities with search, creating a potentially “cooler” experience that could involve visuals and a more user-friendly format.

Content Marketers Take Note

OpenAI has been making strides towards transparency and attribution. A recent content licensing deal with the Financial Times suggests that ChatGPT might soon be able to directly quote sources and provide links within its responses to various search queries and requests in general.

This could be good news for publishers and SEOs who’ve been concerned about AI’s “parasitic” use of content.

Is Google on Notice?

While this is a developing story, this AI search integration has the potential to challenge Google’s dominance. Search is evolving rapidly with generative AI in the mix, and OpenAI seems to be taking a slightly different approach to this change.

Growing frustration with traditional search engines, especially regarding ad overload and alleged bias, could further fuel this shift.

Is ChatGPT the Google Search killer?

It’s too early to say. However, this development is a significant step towards a more informative and user-friendly search experience.

Even if ChatGPT’s AI search responses to search queries don’t end up taking the crown from Google, the search-related developments are definitely getting more interesting, their impact on search rankings even more so.

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How to Optimize SEO Content with Effective Keyword Themes Mon, 06 May 2024 11:07:20 +0000 Want to boost your visibility on Google? You may want to start paying attention to keyword themes!

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keyword themes

Any business owner would jump at the thought of their content entering Google’s top search results. Stellar Google SERP rankings mean serious business. We’re talking high engagement, enviable conversions, and consistent business growth that ticks your competitors off.

But if it were that easy, everyone would claim the top SERP spots, wouldn’t they? Instead, there are only a handful of players who keep dominating the top spots, and that’s because they’re playing the SEO content game smartly.

Achieving and maintaining high rankings on Google demands a nuanced understanding of search intent and search engine algorithms. That’s where many businesses falter. They stuff their content with keywords, hoping to hit the jackpot, but end up lost in the noise instead.

There’s no one way out of this dilemma. However, keyword themes are a key resuscitator among a few others.

By structuring your content around broader, more inclusive themes, you can address a cluster of related queries. This approach aligns with how modern search algorithms evaluate and prioritize content. Google’s sophisticated AI isn’t just looking for keyword matches;it’s analyzing context, relevance, and the comprehensive coverage of topics.

Curious? You’re at the right place. Join us as we break down the A-Z of keyword themes, discuss the right way to incorporate these themes into your keyword research plan, and show you how team Global-marketing Inc. can help.

Let’s begin.

1. What Exactly Are Keyword Themes?

Let’s say you’re planning a delicious meal. Instead of just grabbing random ingredients and hoping for the best, you start with a central theme, like “Italian feast.” This theme guides your ingredient selection; it ensures everything complements each other and creates a cohesive experience.

Keyword themes function similarly in the SEO world. Instead of fixating on isolated keywords like “best running shoes for track” or “comfy running shoes for gym,” we broaden the scope to a keyword theme like “running shoes.” This theme captures the broader search intent behind those individual keywords.

Let’s hear it from Google itself:

Now, why exactly are keyword themes so important? Why should you incorporate them into your keyword research service plan?

Here’s why.

  • Cover User Intent: Individual keywords may not always reveal the true “why” behind a search. For example, a person who’s looking for “best running shoes” could be a seasoned athlete or a complete beginner. A keyword theme like “running shoes” covers the full spectrum of possible user intent.
  • Address Specific Needs: By focusing on a theme, you can delve deeper into a particular audience segment’s needs and queries in the same piece of content. Beginner runners may need guidance on choosing the right shoe type for their foot type and running style. Experienced runners, on the contrary,may be looking for performance-enhancing features.
  • Create Comprehensive Content: Keyword themes encourage you to explore a topic with greater depth. Instead of just listing “best running shoes,” you can create a comprehensive guide that includes factors to consider when choosing shoes, proper fit tips, common beginner mistakes, and even training recommendations. This holistic approach keeps users engaged and establishes you as a trusted resource.

The goal is to target a wider audience and boost conversions. You can’t check these boxes off the list with a generic understanding of keyword themes; you must scratch beneath the surface and work with keyword research experts who can take the reins for you.

At Global-marketing Inc., we identify keyword themes that resonate most with your target demographic. We also strategically deploy these themes to boost your content and ensure it reaches the broadest and most relevant audience possible.

How do we do all this?

Let’s show you.

2. Identify Effective Keyword Themes for Your Business

At Global-marketing Inc., we start with a thorough understanding of your business and its unique value proposition.

  • What are the core products or services you offer?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What are their interests, pain points, and online activities?
  • What sort of problems do you solve for them?

This knowledge becomes the fertile ground from which your keyword themes sprout.

For instance, if you run a vegan bakery, your keyword themes may not just be centered around “vegan pastries” but could also include “dairy-free desserts,””plant-based baking,” and “allergy-friendly sweets.” We wouldn’t be able to arrive at these themes without an in-depth analysis of your business, industry, audience, and offerings.

Next, it’s time for competitor analysis. We look at businesses that are similar to yours and analyze their content.

  • Which keywords are they targeting?
  • Which keywords are driving the most traffic to their sites?

Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner can provide insights into the keywords your competitors are ranking for. This doesn’t mean you should copy their themes directly. Instead, use the insights to get a sense of what’s working in your market and carve out your niche accordingly.

At Global-marketing Inc., we also use our own SEO keyword research tools to find relevant themes.

Customer feedback and social listening are also invaluable in this process. Pay close attention to your customers’ language when they talk about your products/servicesin reviews, on social media, or through direct feedback.

Are there specific phrases or concerns that come up frequently? For example, if customers often ask about “quick workout routines,”this could signal a valuable keyword theme for a fitness coach focusing on busy professionals.

It’s also extremely important to consider the user intent behind the searches. Keyword themes shouldn’t just encompass a variety of terms; they must also align with what users intend to find or do.

There are typically three types of search queries: informational (looking for information), navigational (looking for a specific website or page), and transactional (looking to make a purchase). For a software company, keyword themes could range from “best productivity software” (informational) to “buy project management tools” (transactional).

At Global-marketing Inc., we tailor each to match different user intents.

3. Integrate Keyword Themes Into Your Content

Congratulations! You’ve unearthed a treasure trove of powerful keyword themes. Now, it’s time to transform these themes into SEO gold by seamlessly integrating them into your content.

3.1. Organic Integration is Key

The outdated practice of keyword stuffing sacrificed readability for the sake of cramming in exact-match keywords. Forget all about it.

In 2024, search engines demand quality and prioritize user intent. Organic integration means understanding the core concepts behind your keyword themes and artfully weaving them into your content, where they enhance clarity and provide relevant information.

Here’s how you can achieve this:

  • Semantic Relevance: Focus on synonyms, related phrases, and variations of your core themes. This signals relevance to search engines without sounding robotic. If your primary theme is “content marketing strategy,” you may also naturally incorporate terms like “editorial calendar,” “audience targeting,” and “engagement metrics.”
  • Contextual Placement: Avoid dropping keywords randomly into your text. Instead, integrate them into sentences and paragraphs where they add value and connect with the surrounding content. This shows search engines that you truly understand the topic and are addressing the user’s search intent.
  • Natural Language: Write as you would speak to an informed colleague: clear and concise (but without sacrificing personality). Users are far more likely to engage with well-written, conversational, and engaging content. The outcome? Longer dwell time and other positive signals that search engines pick up on.
  • Avoid Overdoing It: The golden rule is that if a keyword doesn’t fit naturally, don’t force it. Never force it. Overusing keywords dilutes their impact and can even trigger penalties for keyword stuffing. Instead, focus on creating high-quality content that addresses the user’s needs behind the search query.

Keep in mind that search engines are continually evolving to identify and reward content that demonstrates genuine expertise and user value. By prioritizing clarity, depth, and a natural writing style, you’ll optimize your content for search engines and create content that your readers will appreciate and share. Strong user engagement is a powerful ranking signal on its own!

Recommended Read: Writing Content for SEO: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

3.2. Target Strategic Locations

While organic integration is the foundation, strategically placing your keyword themes within your content amplifies their impact. Think of these locations as high-visibility billboards that both search engines and users notice immediately.

Let’s break down the key areas to target:

  • Titles and Headings: These act like signposts for your content; they guide both search engines and readers. Your main keyword theme should ideally appear in your title (H1) and a variation or supporting theme in at least one subheading (H2, H3, etc.). For example, if your blog is titled “Local SEO Strategies for Small Businesses,” your title could be “Local SEO Dominance: Essential Strategies for Small Businesses.” Subheadings may include variations like “Boosting Your Google My Business Listing” or “The Power of Location-Specific Content.”
  • Body Text: This is where you flesh out your ideas and demonstrate the depth of your knowledge. Incorporate your keyword themes organically throughout the paragraphs. However, pay close attention to the beginning and end. Search engines often place more weight on the opening sentences of your content, so introduce your theme early. Similarly, your concluding paragraph is a great place to reinforce your main point with a keyword or related term.
  • Image Alt Text: Often overlooked, image alt-text describes your visuals to both search engines and users with accessibility needs. This is a prime opportunity to slip in relevant keywords while improving your website’s inclusivity. For instance, instead of generic alt text like “coffee shop photo,” try “cozy neighborhood coffee shop with outdoor seating.”
  • Meta Descriptions: While meta descriptions aren’t a direct ranking factor, they entice searchers to click on your result. Think of this as your 150-character sales pitch. Weaving in a relevant keyword can significantly boost your click-through rate (which in turn signals to search engines that your content is both relevant and popular).

A word of caution: balance strategic placement with user experience. Prioritize readability and logical flow.For example, while it might be tempting to cram variations of your keyword theme into every heading, this can backfire by making your content sound stilted and repetitive.

The key is to analyze each potential keyword placement and ask yourself:

  • Does this add value for the reader?
  • Does it clarify the topic and align with search intent?
  • Does it feel natural and unforced?

At Global-marketing Inc., we thoughtfully target these strategic locations to provide search engines with strong signals about your content’s relevance while creating a seamless experience for your readers. This harmonious approach is the hallmark of effective keyword research and content optimization.

3.3. Utilize Internal Linking to Strengthen Keyword Themes

Internal linking, the practice of strategically connecting pages within your website, is a powerful tool for reinforcing your keyword themes and enhancing your overall SEO efforts.

When you link between related pieces of content using descriptive anchor text (the clickable text of the link) that incorporates your keywords, you send valuable signals to search engines. This demonstrates your site’s topical depth and helps establish a clear hierarchy of information around your core themes.

A well-designed internal linking structure improves user experience significantly. By offering readers a clear path to further explore related topics, you encourage them to stay on your website longer and delve deeper into your content. Longer dwell times and lower bounce rates are positive indicators for search engines.

For example, if you have a blog on “social media marketing tips” and another about “Facebook growth strategies,” interlinking them with relevant anchor text strengthens both pages and signals to search engines that they’re connected within the broader theme of social media. This seamless navigation keeps readers engaged and demonstrates your expertise in the field.

Recommended Read: 10 Advanced Link Building Tips and Tricks to Boost Your SEO

4. Refine Your Keyword Themes Chip

keyword themes as a metaphorical chip

Keyword theme development isn’t a one-time task. To stay ahead in the cut-throat SEO jungle, you must continually analyze, refine, and evolve your themes.

You should never assume that your initial keyword themes are a guaranteed success. Always monitor theirsearch performance to uncover areas for improvement and ensure your content remains competitive.

Firstly, track your search rankings. Are you appearing on the coveted first search engine results page (SERP) for your target themes? Your ranking position directly impacts visibility and traffic. If you’re not seeing desired results, it may be time to fine-tune your keyword themes or consider targeting long-tail variations for quicker wins.

Next, delve into search term reports. These reveal the actual search phrases people use to find your content. This is a goldmine for discovering valuable new keyword themes you may have overlooked or pinpointing mismatches between your targeted themes and how people are actually searching.

Finally, don’t underestimate the importance of click-through rates (CTR). Even if you rank well, a low CTR suggests your titles and meta descriptions aren’t attracting enough clicks. This could indicate a need to rephrase them.

Tools like Google Search Console and Global-marketing Inc.’s very own SEO platforms provide this critical data. We analyze it consistently, make informed adjustments to your keyword themes, and watch your SEO results steadily improve.

5. Win the Game with Consistency

Chasing keywords just for the sake of their search volume is a surefire way to derail your SEO strategy. Irrelevant themes, no matter how enticing their numbers maylook, will only dilute your content’s focus, confuse search engines, and attract the wrong kind of traffic.

It’s kind of like trying to sell hiking boots at a beach festival. Even if you manage to make a few sales, it’s a mismatched effort with little long-term success.

Here’s the problem with straying off-topic: search engines strive to deliver the most relevant and valuable results to their users. When your content is a hodgepodge of themes, search engines struggle to understand its true core. Is your site about vegan recipes? Or is it about sustainable travel? This confusion can result in lower rankings across the board (even for keywords where your content should be excelling).

Attracting unqualified traffic is also detrimental to your site’s overall health. When visitors land on your site expecting one thing and find something vastly different, they’re likely to bounce quickly. High bounce rates, a direct result of thematic incoherence, signal to search engines that your content isn’t satisfying user needs. This hurts your rankings and creates a negative feedback loop.

So, how do you stay laser-focused on the keyword themes that truly matter to your business and audience?

This is where consistent keyword research comes into play. You can’t master the keyword theme game by putting on your researcher hat for five minutes and setting it aside indefinitely. You must step into this role for a considerable time every few days. Why? Because audience interests and, consequently, keyword trends change in a matter of seconds. If you fail to change your recipe in the thick of flux, you’ll end up taking several steps back, while your competitors will be so far ahead that you may not even see them.

Staying ahead of the curve means dedicating time to revisit your themes regularly. Use tools like Google Trends to check which ones are still in vogue and identify emerging trends that signal new opportunities.

Closely monitor your competitors; have they shifted their focus? This can be a valuable indicator of changing audience preferences within your niche. Ask yourself why they’re making those shifts and how you can adapt your own strategy to address those same evolving needs.

Think beyond keywords alone; look at SERPs for your target themes. Are video results dominating? Is Google highlighting “People Also Ask” boxes? These trends signal the types of content users are finding most valuable and can inspire you to expand your content strategy into new formats.

The key is to approach this process as an opportunity for continuous learning and improvement. The more you understand the nuances of your target audience’s search behavior, the better positioned you’ll be to create content that truly resonates, drives engagement, and secures those coveted top rankings.

Let Global-marketing Inc. Show You the Way

Choosing the right keyword themes is at the heart of a winning SEO strategy, but staying ahead of the curve is an ongoing challenge. It involves understanding both search engine algorithms and your audience’s ever-evolving needs.

That’s where Global-marketing Inc.’s keyword research services enter the picture. We’re not just keyword whisperers; we’re trend forecasters, audience analysts, and tireless SEO sleuths. We’ll partner with you to create a dynamic keyword research plan that evolves alongside your business and industry.

Working with a dedicated keyword research agency sharpens your SEO blade in ways you may not achieve alone. Keyword research experts have access to powerful tools and data that most businesses don’t. This translates into deeper insights, valuable keywords you may overlook, and a more nuanced understanding of the competitive jungle.

Keyword research agencies also bring specialized expertise to the table. SEO professionals live and breathe the intricacies of search algorithms, user intent, and content optimization. This focused knowledge saves you countless hours of research and experimentation.

Are you ready to grow your business with a masterful SEO keyword research plan? We’re ready to make it happen. Schedule a free consultation today!

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Google’s March 2024 Core Update Completes: Impact on Search Rankings Fri, 03 May 2024 12:56:59 +0000 Despite overlapping changes, user experience remains the focus. Highlights: Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Update aimed for a 40% drop in low-quality content. The extensive core update rolled out on 19thApril but was officially announced on 26th Industry estimates suggest a higher impact on SEO rankings than initially predicted. The update favors high-quality content, […]

The post Google’s March 2024 Core Update Completes: Impact on Search Rankings appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Despite overlapping changes, user experience remains the focus.


  • Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Update aimed for a 40% drop in low-quality content.
  • The extensive core update rolled out on 19thApril but was officially announced on 26th
  • Industry estimates suggest a higher impact on SEO rankings than initially predicted.
  • The update favors high-quality content, emphasizing marketer authority and experience.
  • Focus on user experience and staying informed about content-related updates.

Back in March, when we first reported on Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Update, the search engine’s Director of Product Management, Elizabeth Tucker, predicted a 40% drop in low-quality content.

Google’s first and most extensive core update of 2024 completed its rollout on 19th April, but it didn’t make an official announcement until a week later, on the 26th of the same month.

While Google hasn’t released official numbers on affected sites, industry analysts estimate the impact of the SEO ranking changes to be slightly higher than the initial prediction made at the start of March, with millions of websites likely experiencing a dip in rankings.

The good news?

This update rewards high-quality content, conflating the core system with the helpful content system. If your website prioritizes user needs, offers in-depth information, and demonstrates expertise in your field, you might see a positive bump in search rankings.

A Case of Overlapping Updates

It’s important to note that the March 2024core update wasn’t the only factor impacting search rankings during this time.

Google also rolled out a separate spam update in March and updated its core web vitals metric, a change it had hinted at a while ago.

While this can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for SEO ranking changes, focusing on high-quality content and user experience will benefit your website in the long run.

No Concessions Over High-quality Content

Gone are the days of keyword-stuffed content solely designed to trick search engine algorithms.

The Google March 2024 update emphasizes several key factors for SEO success:

  • Content Quality: In-depth, informative content that genuinely helps users has been and will always be the standard. Focus on establishing your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T): Google values websites with a strong reputation and reliable information. Build trust with your audience by showcasing your experience and credibility.
  • User Experience (UX): Make sure your website is user-friendly with clear navigation, fast loading times, and mobile responsiveness.

Recovering After the Update

If your search rankings dipped, don’t panic. Google Search Console offers valuable tools to help you identify areas for improvement.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Focus on Content Quality: Audit your website’s content and prioritize creating informative content that solves user problems and establishes you as a leader in your industry.
  • Optimize for User Experience: Ensure your website offers a smooth user experience with clear CTAs, easy navigation, and fast loading speeds.
  • Stay Informed: Google regularly updates its SEO guidelines. Stay on top of the latest trends to ensure your website remains search-engine friendly.

The Takeaway

The March 2024coreupdate signifies a significant shift in Google’s search algorithm. By prioritizing user experience and high-quality content, this update presents a golden opportunity for businesses that prioritize informative and trustworthy content.

The key to success lies in providing genuine value to your audience—a feat that has helped our clients weather the update—and establishing your brand as a reliable source in your industry.

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Meta’s AI Assistant Incorporates Google and Bing Search Results Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:20:57 +0000 Meta's AI Assistant integrates results from search engines Google and Bing. See how it can enhance user experience and impact SEO strategies. Learn more!

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 An illustration of the new Meta AI Assistant, built on Llama 3 technology.

Meta AI brings search engines to Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, and the World Wide Web.


  • Meta’s AI Assistant integrates real-time search results from Google and Bing.
  • Users get contextualized search results within the Meta app, eliminating app-switching.
  • SEO implications require tailoring content for AI assistant
  • Google emphasizes user experience for SEO, focusing on content optimization.

The Meta AI Assistant is pulling in real-time search results from search engines like Google and Bing as we speak! It’s all thanks to Llama 3, Meta’s latest development, that signals its commitment to making your digital interactions smoother and smarter.

In addition to, the company is also bringing real-time Google and Bing search results to Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger.

Contextualizing Meta’s AI Search Results

Animation showing Meta AI in Facebook FeedSource:

You scroll through Facebook and come across a post that has you daydreaming about a weekend getaway. With a quick question to Meta AI, you’ll not only get suggestions based on your likes but also curated results from Google and Bing – all within the same app.

No more app-hopping!

The integration of Google search results, in particular, gives you a wider net to cast, potentially leading you to rarely-visited destinations or unexpected travel inspiration.

The Impact on SEO

As with everything else, this addition, while convenient, has implications.

The Convenience

Meta embracing external search results is a fascinating shift. It suggests a future where AI assistants break free from their bubbles, becoming sophisticated information aggregators that leverage the best of the web.

The Implications

However, this has major SEO consequences for businesses and content creators. While traditional search engine optimization remains important, you might also need to consider how your content performs within AI assistant algorithms.

Here’s why this matters for your searches:

  • The New SEO: Drafting content that ranks well in traditional search engines will still be important. Now, however, you might have to tailor your content for a more conversational search style and understand how user interaction patterns influence ranking within these AI assistant
  • The Future of Search: Meta’s move suggests a potential future where AI assistants collaborate rather than compete. This collaborative approach could lead to a more comprehensive and user-centric information retrieval experience, with AI assistants leveraging the strengths of different search engines to deliver the most relevant results for you.

More from the World of AI

In other news:

  • Google’s Focus on User Experience for SEO: In a recent blog post, Google emphasized the growing importance of user experience (UX) for search engine ranking with new spam policies. In addition to avoiding expired domain, scaled content, and site reputation abuse, this means optimizing your content, AI-generated or otherwise, with keywords and information users find helpful.
  • OpenAI Announces Advancement in AI Text-to-Image Generation: In April 2024, OpenAI, a leading research lab in artificial intelligence, announced Dall-E 2, a new AI system that can generate incredibly realistic and creative images from just a text description. This advancement could turn things around for various creative fields like marketing, design, and entertainment.

What You Can Do About It All

Only time will tell how integrating Google and Bing search results will affect your SEO ranking and the way you interact with search engines. Google has, on multiple occasions, reiterated the importance of prioritizing user experience and creating the kind of content the users find “helpful.”

As search engines integrate with these chatbots and search results become more concentrated, content creators and businesses must understand the gravity of Google’s continued emphasis on UX.

Related: How To Measure Website Traffic With Google Analytics 4


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Success Stories: How Small Businesses Thrive with Google My Business Thu, 25 Apr 2024 14:14:00 +0000 Learn the secrets and strategies that turned small businesses into success stories on Google My Business. We’re sharing direct insights here!

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Let’s Be Real: Google My Business Stands On Business

Having a strong online presence is no longer a luxury for small businesses – it’s a necessity. With stiff competition and businesses fighting to gain customers’ attention, achieving local visibility can feel like a lost battle.

However, it’s not a lost cause, thanks to Google My Business. We’ve talked extensively about GMB, which is a free tool offered by Google that specifically caters to small businesses, offering them an excellent platform to connect with local customers and establish themselves as a trusted presence within their community.

GMB isn’t simply a business listing or directory resource; it’s an incredibly dynamic tool that allows you to create a comprehensive profile that showcases your brand, services, and offerings.

Think of your Google Business Profile as a digital storefront that appears prominently on Google Search and Maps whenever a potential customer searches for products or services related to yours. This helps build brand awareness, driving more traffic to your website and playing a major role in small businesses’ success stories.

A graphic of a business owner setting up a GMB profile.

There are several advantages of using GMB, ranging from building a steady online reputation to managing customer reviews, which is a crucial factor influencing purchasing decisions. Responding to positive reviews shows appreciation, while addressing negative ones demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and may be the difference between a one-time customer and a long-term partnership.

GMB also offers extensive insights into customer behavior. It continues logging and sharing data on how customers discover your business profile, the actions they take, and how they interact with your profile, allowing you to tailor your online strategy for maximum impact. This enables businesses to adopt different strategies, including optimizing their profile with relevant keywords, choosing more specific content approaches, and diversifying their reach in multiple ways.

We took to reaching out to various small businesses asking about their GMB success story, and what worked for them. Many of them had varied approaches and saw a significant jump in their reach, which is why we’re sharing what worked for them and how they benefited.

Strategies That Have Worked Well for Small Businesses Across Industries

In liaising with multiple businesses, the Google business profile optimization experts at SearchBerg noticed a pattern. Certain strategies worked well across the board, while other businesses did take a leap of faith and experimented with the methods they used.

Let’s break them down methodically and see what worked for each endeavor and small business to fuel their success story:

Keeping Your Business Information Fresh and Up-to-Date

When 49% of customers use Google and online searches to find local businesses, having a strong Google My Business (GMB) profile is essential. However, contrary to popular misconception, GMB isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it solution. You need to consistently update your information and make sure it’s all current and accurate across all platforms.

You must ensure that your NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number) trio does impact both, how the algorithm and potential customers interact with your profile. Google prioritizes listings with accurate and consistent NAP information, ensuring these businesses appear first in search results. Missing, inaccurate, inconsistent, and outdated information impacts your rankings and visibility and confuses customers, too.

Additionally, you need to actively optimize your profile to ensure that you’re leveraging trending keywords, local keywords, and user search intent within your content. This combination of consistency and keyword optimization may seem like the bare minimum anyone needs, but it’s the first step to any small business success story.

How Optimizing and Updating Your GBP Helps Businesses

Maintaining up-to-date information on your GMB profile offers a multitude of benefits that directly translate to increased customer engagement and business success:

  • Improved Search Ranking: Accurate NAP information ensures Google will accurately categorize your business and show it in relevant search results, thus increasing your visibility, ranking, and customer engagement. This can be seen through some of the responses we received, wherein a business we spoke to saw a 35% increase in website traffic, a small restaurant experienced a 40% increase in online reservations, and a bakery40% increase in their GMB listing’s visibility, a 25% uptick in foot traffic, and a 30% increase in online orders after ensuring that their profile was updated accurately, alongside other measures.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Imagine the frustration a customer feels upon finding an outdated phone number or incorrect address on the GMB profile of a highly-rated local business and how that leaves a foul taste in their mouth. You need accurate information and clear details to help build trust and create a seamless user experience, encouraging customers to contact you for inquiries or reservations. Two great examples we’ve seen for this were 1) a business called London Gardeners, which optimized their listing and eventually saw a 40% increase in website traffic, and 2) Miss Tourist, a travel resource site that saw a 30% increase in organic traffic after ensuring that their location (home base in Lisbon), timings, and other information were up to date.

These are only some of the many advantages that our GMB optimization agency has previously addressed, which you can learn about in more depth here.

We also recommend working with a reliable service provider who can help you with your GMB SEO, and schedule frequent checks to verify all information on social media pages, business directories, and review websites.

Additionally, you should also be maintaining consistency in the real world whether it’s via receipts, business cards, or even verbal communication.

A screenshot of London Gardeners’ complete GMB profile that includes photo, address, number, and hours.

Regular Content and GMB Posts: The Secret Weapon for Small Business Success

Small businesses need to constantly find engaging and interesting ways to connect with potential customers, and fortunately, Google My Business (GMB) advertising is made easier with its content platform. It’s the perfect way for businesses to connect with their target audience, sharing regular content.

Many businesses, such as the dermatology clinic we spoke to, choose to share weekly GMB posts featuring their products, services, promotions, and highlights.

Boost Visibility and Engagement with Regular GMB Content

Think of Google Business Profile as a digital marketplace where you’re able to display your wares weekly. You can use GMB posts to build your small business’s success story in the following ways:

  • Increased Visibility in Local Searches: The more you share relevant content, the more the algorithm recognizes that your GMB profile is active, which can improve your visibility and ranking in local search results. This helps boost customer outreach when they search for related terms and questions.
  • User Engagement: These posts also keep your profile fresh and interesting, encouraging users to interact. Alongside visual media, you can also share descriptions of your work that spark curiosity, leading to more profile views, clicks, and, ultimately, website visits or calls.
  • Demonstrate Expertise and Authority: This is an excellent way to highlight more information about your products or services and stay relevant in conversations related to your industry. Ultimately, this positions you as an expert in your field as you continue sharing unique features, addressing customer pain points, or offering valuable tips that turn your profile into a value-adding resource.
  • Humanize Your Business: Weekly posts personalize your brand. Let people get to know the brains behind the business, including team members; share behind-the-scenes glimpses; celebrate milestones and post insights that wouldn’t otherwise go up on websites, etc.

Driving Sales and Conversions:

Weekly GMB posts can be a powerful tool to directly influence purchasing decisions and drive sales:

  • Promote New Products and Services: Weekly posts are the perfect way to announce new offerings special features, share discounts, sales, and seasonal events that have a sense of urgency. Use Google Business management to generate a buzz and encourage customers to take action.
  • Drive Traffic and Conversions: Speaking of action, this is the perfect way to leverage a call to action. Promote exclusive online deals, offer in-store discounts for GMB followers, or host contests with GMB entry requirements. Use exclusive CTAs (call to action) to drive conversions. An E-commerce platform we spoke to, named Or & Zon, saw a 40% increase in website traffic with the right GMB posting strategy, while To the Cloud Vapor Store saw a 30% increase in web referrals.

Bonus Tips to Improve Weekly GMB Post Reach

To maximize the benefits of weekly GMB posts, follow these simple strategies straight from our Google My Business experts:

  • Content Variety is Key: Experiment with a variety of content formats like photos, videos, and text posts that appeal to a wider audience base.
  • Post Consistently: Develop a regular posting schedule and stick to it. Consistency is key if you want to keep your audience engaged. A dermatology clinic we got in touch with saw a whopping  60% increase in calls from their GMB listing and a 40% growth in appointment bookings, and if that’s not enough to push you, then we’re not sure what is!
  • Optimize for Mobile: Remember, many people use GMB on their phones, so you need to ensure that your visuals are mobile-friendly and your text is easy to read on a smaller screen.
  • Track and Analyze: GMB post performance data and analytics are valuable in allowing you to see what appeals to your audience, which posts they interact with, and what formula worked.

There’s a lot that posts can offer—you just need to use them intelligently and consistently. Take a look at a client that we’ve worked with:

 A sample Google Business post for Platinum Bridal Colorado

Make Your GMB Profile Pop with High-Quality Media

We live in a time when attention spans are shorter than ever, and information overload exhausts us. But captivating visuals are what truly grab attention and act as a medium of storytelling. Using high-quality photos and videos can dramatically turn your small business into a success story.

Showcase Your Business in Action

  • Ditch the Stock Photos: Quit using generic images and switch to professional photos that offer flattering views of your products, spaces, and services. After all, Or & Zon, a luxury handcrafted goods business, saw a 40% increase in website traffic and a 25% increase in sales after ensuring their GMB strategy included high-quality visuals—and your business could see similar results!
  • Consider Short Videos: Quick, informative videos can be incredibly powerful. These can range from case studies and testimonials to BTS processes or product demonstrations and tutorials that offer value and insights to customers.
  • Follow the Rules: This is a bit technical, but your photos should be compatible with GMB’s size and format requirements. High resolution is key, but massive file sizes slow downloading.
  • Descriptive Captions Matter: Optimize captions with relevant local keywords to help users discover your business, services, and products more effectively. Using captions and images while also promoting their discounts helped DealA They saw a 45% year-over-year increase in online revenue and a jaw-dropping 75% increase in new user addition with this simple strategy.
  • Keep it Fresh: Continue adding new media to your GMB profile as a way to remain active and appealing.

The Benefits of Visual Appeal

There’s no denying that Google Business Profiles with photos garner more attention and traction and offer more benefits to businesses who focus on them:

  • Increase Appeal and Engagement: Eye-catching visuals grab attention and keep users interested, leading to more clicks and interactions with your profile.
  • Build Trust: Professional photos and videos project a sense of legitimacy and professionalism, showing your experience and authority in the industry.
  • Drive Conversions: Engaging visuals can emotionally connect with viewers, influencing purchasing decisions and driving more sales, a strategy that worked exceptionally well for a bakery that saw a 30% rise in online orders by using high-quality images.

Investing in high-quality media isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic investment that can significantly impact your GMB success. Here’s an example of the famous Magnolia Bakery, a business that owes part of its success to Sex And The City, and how they’ve shared various images of their bakery and their offerings in a visually appealing way:

A screenshot of images on Magnolia Bakery’s GMB Profile

The Power of Responding to GMB Queries and Reviews

95% of customers rely on online reviews to make a purchase, and if you’re not paying attention to the ones you get on your Google Business Profile, you’re missing out.

For small businesses, Google My Business (GMB) offers a valuable platform to connect with customers and hear from them, too. You’re not just displaying information but also responding to queries and reviews, both positive and negative, which helps your small business become a success story.

Let’s get into this in detail:

Fostering a Sense of Trust and Transparency

Your customer should be able to reach out to you knowing that they’ll get a prompt, helpful response that addresses their concerns or queries. Why? Because responsiveness does the following:

  • Demonstrates Attentiveness: Prompt replies to GMB queries show you care about customer needs. This helps build a connection with your customers, who feel seen and heard and are likelier to choose you over competitors who might seem unresponsive.This also encourages further interaction, potentially leading to additional inquiries or website visits, ultimately driving sales.
  • Increases Transparency: Addressing customer questions openly and honestly builds trust. From small things like reiterating business hours to sharing product and service-related information or simply acknowledging a compliment, you’ll create a line of open communication and transparency through public interactions. It also inspires trust and encourages potential customers to choose you over competitors who offer little to no added value.

A review on the Google Business profile of Platinum Bridal Colorado with a response from the owner

Turning Feedback into Growth:

Customer reviews, both positive and negative, offer invaluable insights into your business. By engaging with them, you show a commitment to continuous improvement and strengthen your brand reputation. They’re an opportunity for sustained growth and improving your digital presence.

  • Turning Negatives into Positives: Negative reviews are a gateway to exceptional customer service. Respond promptly, acknowledge the concern, accept your mistakes or shortcomings, and offer a resolution. Even the most terrible experience can turn into a positive one while showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction and even converting an unhappy customer into a faithful one.
  • Emphasize Appreciation for Positives: Positive reviews are a chance to express gratitude and build stronger relationships. You’ll build long-term, repeat customer relationships with something as simple as a heartfelt thank you or acknowledgment. We’ve heard

Leveraging Responses to GMB Reviews:

To maximize the benefits of GMB responses, implement these Google My Business SEO strategies,

  • Develop Response Templates: Craft templates for common queries to save time while ensuring consistent and professional responses. Personalize each response with the specific details of the query.
  • Respond Promptly: Aim to respond to all queries and reviews within 24 hours, especially negative feedback. The quicker you address concerns, the less likely they are to get out of control and garner added traction.
  • Maintain a Professional Tone: Even when responding to negative reviews, maintain a professional and courteous tone. Be solution-oriented and avoid being defensive.
  • Track and Analyze: Monitor your response performance and customer sentiment over time. This can help you refine your approach and tailor your communication style for even greater impact—this is something that showed immense promise for London Gardeners, who saw a 25% increase in sales inquiries, and other businesses such as Miss Tourist, To The Cloud Vapor Store, and DealA.

Responding religiously to GMB queries and reviews is a small investment that can yield significant returns. It’s the quickest way to foster a sense of customer loyalty and engagement and ensure that your clients feel seen, heard, understood, and valued, playing a major role in your small business success story.

The Consistent Customer Engagement and Review Reminders

Unfortunately, a one-time transaction with a customer isn’t enough. For small businesses, their success story hinges on fostering long-term relationships and building a loyal customer base. The key lies in consistent customer engagement and post-service reminders for reviews, interactions, and follow-ups. Here’s how some of the businesses we spoke to (including a restaurant chain, an E-commerce platform, a digital marketer, a dermatology clinic, and others) went about this:

Staying Top of Mind with Reminders:

Let’s say a customer has a fantastic experience with your business, but because they’re not sharing their review online, their positive experience will go unnoticed. This is where you can leverage post-service reminders to act as a friendly prompt, encouraging them to engage with your GMB profile and share their feedback.

You can also encourage customers to interact with your GMB profile in other ways, such as following your page, checking out your latest posts, or browsing your service offerings, pushing them to come back to your page off and

A graphic depicting multi-channel reminders, including email, text, and post to send nudges to customers.

The Art of the Gentle Nudge:

The key to effective reminders lies in being firm without being pushy. Keep these tips from our Google Business management service in mind:

  • Timing is Everything: You want to space out reminders and avoid overloading customers with immediate requests. Wait for a while before you reach out, allowing them to fully experience the value of your service and ruminate on the positives.
  • Multi-Channel Approach: Choose a combination of email and text messages for reminders so you can meet varied customer preferences and increase the chance of your message being seen.
  • Keep it Simple and Clear: Your reminders should be brief, informative, and easy to understand. Clearly state the purpose (requesting a review, encouraging interaction), and offer a step-by-step guide (if prompting for a review), which is something one of the businesses we interacted with did. This led to a 40% increase in their review volume within 6 months!

Consistent customer engagement and well-crafted reminders are investments, not a burden. It’s all about going a step above and beyond the initial sale and building a long-term connection. When you prioritize consistent engagement, you’ll notice your customer base growing in the best way.

Set Up Your Digital Storefront Through Our Google Business Profile Services

We’re here to make your small business a success story through our Google Business Profile optimization services.

We have an arsenal of tools and a wealth of knowledge that enable us to design customized strategies comprising multiple elements, including Google profile and business postings, social media, and more, using the latest tools and solutions.

We’re committed to bringing your business to the point of success in both the digital and physical world and helping you connect with your customers more effectively.

Get in touch with us to learn more.

The post Success Stories: How Small Businesses Thrive with Google My Business appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Google’s CEO on AI-Powered Evolution of Search Thu, 18 Apr 2024 15:58:48 +0000 Sundar Pichai reiterates Google’s commitment to SGE; receives a mixed reaction. Highlights: AI integration enhances search by predicting user intent Google’s evolution transcends ’10 blue links’ and embraces AI snippets. Google SGE revolutionizes search with direct, informative responses. Pichai emphasizes “Query Deserves Ads” for relevant, quality advertising. The CEO of Alphabet and Google, Sundar Pichai, […]

The post Google’s CEO on AI-Powered Evolution of Search appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Sundar Pichai reiterates Google’s commitment to SGE; receives a mixed reaction.

evolution of Google Search


  • AI integration enhances search by predicting user intent
  • Google’s evolution transcends ’10 blue links’ and embraces AI snippets.
  • Google SGE revolutionizes search with direct, informative responses.
  • Pichai emphasizes “Query Deserves Ads” for relevant, quality advertising.

The CEO of Alphabet and Google, Sundar Pichai, recently addressed the rapid progress of AI, particularly AI search, at the 2024 Business, Government & Society Forum at Stanford University. His remarks centered on the transformative power of technology in shaping the future of Google Search.

Predicting User Intent with AI

Pichai emphasized the ongoing integration of AI into search functionalities. He highlighted how AI is improving search by understanding and predicting user intent more effectively. This spells a significant improvement in the relevance and accuracy of search results, ensuring users find the information they need that much quicker.

The Ongoing Evolution of Google Search

He also went on to say that the ’10 blue links’ search results page is a thing of the past. He elaborated on how Google Search has been on an evolutionary path for years. Features like mobile-friendly layouts and AI-powered snippets exemplify this commitment to continuous improvement.

The Role of Google SGE

The conversation then moved to the Search Generative Experience (SGE), which has represented Google’s foray into AI-powered search. Google SGE represents a paradigm shift, adapting search technology to provide more direct and informative responses to complex queries. This innovative approach integrates traditional search functionalities with the power of generative AI, offering users a richer and more intuitive search experience.

Related: Google’s Gemini Era

According to Pichai, Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI provide a more powerful tool for grasping user intent and delivering the information they truly seek. The Google spearhead explained that this was the driving force behind Google SGE and that they are firmly committed to ongoing development in this direction.

The Impact of SGE

Google SGE has many brands worried because it reduces the need to visit websites. This may or may not happen, depending on the industry and the type of website.

Websites with high-quality content and positive user experience might be less affected by a decrease in clicks, as users might still be drawn to their content.

One thing’s for sure: SEO strategies will need to adapt to this change. As a marketer, you will need to focus on optimizing for both traditional search results and potential inclusion within the SGE framework.

Query Deserves Ads: A Contribution Toward Google Search Quality

Looking beyond the obvious upsides and downsides of AI-powered search, Pichai reiterated Google’s commitment to “Query Deserves Ads.” This core principle ensures that advertisements displayed alongside search results are not only relevant to the user’s query but also uphold the high standards of Google Search Quality.

This commitment to user experience and responsible advertising reflects Google’s ongoing pursuit of excellence in search innovation.

If things continue the way they’ve been going, the future of Google Search will be more intuitive, efficient, and user-centric than it is, and that’s saying something.

For More on Google Search

For those interested in learning more, we’ve got a wealth of resources related to Google SGE, Google Search trends, the future of Google Search itself, and how user intent plays into all of this by checking out our blogs.

On that note, are you a marketer or brand affected by Google’s recent core update? Work with us to follow all-new Google Search trends and get back what’s lost—we have, after all, remained unaffected by this recent upheaval.

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How to Optimize and Promote Your Google Business Profile for More Leads Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:34:36 +0000 Learn what strategies and expert tips work to optimize and maximize the potential of your Google Business Profile for better online visibility.

The post How to Optimize and Promote Your Google Business Profile for More Leads appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Leveraging the Power of Google Business Profile

While you may have developed an excellent marketing strategy with a strong focus on social media optimization and diverse marketing, overlooking the importance of optimizing your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) listing is a big faux pas that could cause your metrics to plummet.

So, what exactly is Google My Business?

It’s a free online tool for organizations and businesses to help them manage their online presence through Google, among Google properties such as Google Maps and Google Search.

Basically, it helps customers find your business and helps you tell them your business’s story. To make your listing more legitimate, you can even verify your Google My Business listing.

With over 90% of Americans owning a cell phone, tapping into the depths of online directories has become one of the easiest ways to boost audience reach, engagement, and retention.

Let’s look at it this way:

Are you constantly on the lookout for new restaurants to try with your beau or family?

Do you jump at the thought of stumbling upon unique tech-savvy products that make your life easier?

Does the thought of coming across an affordable and trendy local online clothing store make you grin from ear to ear?

If you answered at least one of these questions in the affirmative, Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) has already impacted your life for the better.

If you’ve ever sought out a business that can help you meet your needs on Google, Google My Business has helped you find that business.

Like you, the majority of American consumers are actively seeking modern solutions to their needs—both consciously and subconsciously.

And let’s face it—nobody wants to crank open a phone directory to find businesses that offer their desired products or services.

This is where Google My Business steps in.

While we have The Ultimate Guide to Google Business Profile waiting for you to dive into, this blog will also provide a variety of insights and best practices that are worth implementing.

A graphic of the Google Local 3 Pack

Recommended Read:

By creating a profile laden with operating information and engaging text, photo, and video posts, businesses can give customers exactly what they’re looking for—and more.

With over 80% of the entire U.S. population using online platforms to shop locally, Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business)  is the most popular and effective online tool for businesses to leverage in 2024.

But how do you kick things off?

Step 1: Create your Google Business Profile

It’s pretty easy, and you can set up a brand new account in the following ways:

1. Register a Dedicated Google Account:

The first step in creating your GBP listing is ensuring you have a Google account. If you already have one for personal use, you can seamlessly use it for your business profile. Another option is to create a new account to set up a Google Business Profile online, which makes it easier to share account details with other employees and managers.

2. Head to the Google Business Profile Platform:

Navigate to and click on “Start now” to begin the setup process. It’s also possible to do so through Google Maps by searching for your business name and clicking on “Manage profile” if your business already has an existing listing, allowing you to reclaim it.

We also recommend linking your profile to your Google Ads account to increase engagement on your ads. Once you’re done, your profile will show up whenever users run local search queries.

3. Enter Your Business Information Accurately:

You need to share accurate and complete information about your business since these details affect online visibility and customer experience. Some areas you need to fill out are:

Include the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Website
  • Business Hours
  • Category
  • Types of Payment Accepted
  • Description
  • Photos
  • Reviews
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Not only will an updated and relevant online listing help your business attract new customers, but it’ll also enhance credibility, reputation, and authenticity.

This will allow you to retain old customers and solidify your customer base, thereby boosting business metrics.

We also recommend applying for verification to utilize all the tools available on the GMB dashboard and enhance visibility across Google Search and Maps.

You can choose verification through email, video, phone call, or postcard.

A post of a verified GBP account

In case of a lost GBP account, here’s a detailed guide on how to reclaim or recover an existing account.

Step 2: Optimize your Google Business Profile

Each monthGoogle receives over 1 billion searches for restaurants and around 142 million searches for hotels, among other popular hits ranging from salons to cafes.

As the most popular, efficient, and easy-to-use search platform across the globe, Google offers businesses a plethora of opportunities to make their presence felt among consumers.

So, give your brand visibility by getting on the map!

A study conducted by Google revealed that 50% of users who searched for a local business on their smartphone visited the store within a day. As you optimize your Google Business Profile, your business will begin to climb SERPs, thereby helping you reach a wider audience.

Despite this incredible advantage, over 56% of local retailers haven’t claimed their free Google My Business listing. If your business is part of this percentage, it may be time to give your brand the boost it deserves by creating an engaging, informative, and creative listing.

Increase local traffic by ensuring NAP (Name, Address, and Phone Number) consistency across your Google My Business profile, website, and social media platforms.

The consistency will add an air of professionalism to your business while helping users find accurate information across all digital platforms.

For instance, if your number is listed without area codes or prefixes (e.g., 1-800) on your website, it’s essential that your Google My Business page follows the same format.

Listing accuracy also establishes trust, making customers feel more inclined toward completing a transaction with certain businesses. Imagine opening a brand’s Google My Business page only to be confronted with inconsistent information, informal writing, and slipshod uppercase and lowercase usage.

The informality is very likely to put you off and compel you to browse further until you find a competitor that may not have an equally impressive range of products but offers a seamless and professional Google My Business profile.

While these details may seem negligible, they have a transformative—albeit subconscious—effect on the consumer buying process.

Don’t Leave Any Section Unfilled

Once you’ve taken care of the basics, take a quick look at your profile. Are there any unfilled sections? In many cases, businesses fill out the basics and leave the details for later. If you’ve resorted to the same approach, undo the damage, stat.

Ensure that you have the correct description of a Google My Business page. Highlight your USPs and experience. You’ll work within certain constraints. Make sure you don’t exceed 750 characters.

Some details are consumer-generated, including questions and answers and reviews. But don’t wait for your audience to take care of them. Instead, adopt a proactive approach and prompt customers to leave reviews (more on this later).

Here’s a glimpse of a meticulously completed Google My Business listing:

A complete GMB profile with all major details mentioned

As can be seen in the screenshot above, SearchBerg’s GMB profile is detailed and complete and offers detailed information, including reviews that offer insights into services, customer experiences, and more. All of this proves valuable when local clients want to know more about your business.

Step 3: Conduct Keyword Research for Your GBP

Using keywords is part and parcel of targeting a local audience. If your keyword research strategy is subpar, take active measures to turn things around.

Start by identifying industry-specific keywords like “legal support,” “plumbing services,” “interior design,” etc. Based on your industry, shortlist 5–10 relevant keywords with high search volume. In addition, research location-specific keywords based on where you offer your products/services and incorporate those into your content.

a screen depicting keyword research being conducted

Once you’ve covered these two key bases, compile a list of relevant trending keywords. Are there certain holidays, events, or pop culture references that are trending in your area? Think “Christmas,” “Valentine’s Day,” “Super Bowl,” and the like.

Anything and everything that’s a hot trend goes! And if it’s relevant to your industry, you’ve struck gold. For instance, sharing a Succession-themed keyword to promote “minimalist fashion” and “quiet luxury” clothing lines would have immense potential.

Once you have a set of winning keywords, use them on your profile and in your posts. But don’t go overboard. Keyword stuffing can put you at risk of getting penalized by Google. The right balance will help you target a wide local audience and boost your listing.

It’s also important to note that Google highlights relevant keywords in reviews. Here’s an example:

A screenshot showing how Google identifies SEO keywords in reviews

Sounds like something that cannot be leveraged, right? Well, not quite. Requesting specific reviews is a great way to give Google exactly what it needs to rank your listing in the Google 3-Pack.

For instance, if you run a restaurant, ask customers for feedback regarding your customer service, specific menu items, ambiance, etc. This will help you generate reviews that are right up Google’s alley. It helps customers organically use high-performing keywords that blend seamlessly into the content and show up on SERPs.

The outcome? A listing that ranks higher and generates more local traffic in the long run. This is inarguably one of the best practices for your Google Business Profile!

Step 4: Post Helpful Content Regularly

Google My Business posts are easily one of the best ways to connect with your audience and increase sales. Post engaging, creative, compelling, and original content to captivate your audience. Not only will this help regular customers continue to return to your business, but it’ll also engage new customers.

In addition, satisfied customers are very likely to indirectly promote your business to their friends and family through word of mouth. Whether you highlight a new clothing line with rich, high-quality images or showcase a recent launch or event with an engaging video, your page will garner more traction, thereby increasing local traffic and helping your business climb the SERP.

A great way is to share 1-2 posts a week on GBP, using 100-150 words of keyword-optimized content, images, and relevant CTAs that lead to conversions. Focus on helpful content, insights, new deals and offers, time-sensitive content, and anything else you want customers to know in the present moment.

Google has shared that businesses with images receive more requests for directions to the outlet and more clicks than brands with low-quality or no images.

We recommend uploading a captivating profile photo and cover photo. In addition, share powerful text, image, and video posts on a regular or semi-regular basis—including content that captures the storefront, interior aesthetic ambiance, products/services, and customers having a great time.

Visuals are a game-changer when it comes to engagement, and any well-preforming Google Business Profile (formerly GMB) will have high-quality images depicting products, services, locations, and unique features to appeal to their clients across demographics.

An example of engaging visuals is as follows:

An example of images and visuals being shared on GBP

Step 5: Encourage Reviews and Answer Questions

Research indicates that over 95% of potential consumers read online reviews. Out of this, approximately 88% trust this information.

It goes without saying that customer reviews are a great way to increase brand reputability while doubling or tripling sales!

Reviews carry massive conversion potential. They add an air of legitimacy to your business, resulting in better engagement and sales. You can leverage Google My Business by requesting reviews from your customers.

You can start by requesting more reviews through your website, social media pages, and online listings or send out emails and text messages for feedback. You can also create a specific page for reviews on your website. Hyperlink said page in the CTAs for your blogs, articles, and online posts. You can also send a link to your audience for better reach.

It also helps to offer incentives for reviews, such as a discount code for leaving a positive public review that reflects their experience.

While this may sound a little over-the-top, it’s essential. Ensuring a steady stream of flattering reviews will help you snag a spot on the Google 3-Pack and skyrocket conversions.

Apart from going the extra mile to request reviews, we also recommend engaging with each review for better reach. Thank your audience for leaving positive reviews and promise to make amends with regard to negative reviews (make sure you follow through).

Over time, you can also begin to request specific reviews to highlight different aspects of your business. Keep industry-specific keywords in mind (read above). Based on the search preferences of your target audience, request relevant reviews to help Google showcase your business.

Another great way to engage with people on GBP is through the QnA section that allows you to address FAQs in real time.

Here’s a glimpse at how this can look for some businesses:

An overview of Q&As on GBP for A Thru Z Pediatrics

While this is a simple Q&A, it offers a glimpse into another important facet of A Thru Z Pediatrics’ business model and enables other patients to see that they accept Medicaid. This information might be available on their website or via phone, but patients don’t need to take extra steps to acquire it.

Step 6: Track Progress, Learn from Analytics

Information is invaluable for determining your GMB strategy, and Google My Business Insights gives you a direct overview of your digital profile’s performance. Businesses must understand the types of metrics and data points to focus on and what they need in order to thrive using this data.

Google Business Profile’s own metrics offer a glimpse into how users interact with your business profile, including the number of views and clicks and types of customer actions like clickthroughs and phone calls to understand their conversion path as well. Other factors that analytics help with include demographics and audience reach, engagement, and retention reports.

Our local SEO service experts examine, analyze, and strategize using a variety of data points and KPIs to come up with engaging content and approaches to GBP.

Screen showing business profile interactions on Google Analytics

Step 7: Tie GBP Marketing with Other Efforts

While GBP is one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal, it’s not sufficient on its own, unfortunately. You will still need to engage with a variety of methods in your strategy to push engagement such as reviews and customer photos, but fortunately, there are several ways to do so.

In tandem with your local SEO strategy, use social media to promote GBP and build a strong connection between these platforms. Additionally, you can also use GBP as part of your general SEO strategy, imbedding similar keywords, hyperlinking and backlinking web content with GBP features, and so on.

This is one cog in the large wheel of SEO.

Invest in the Ultimate Google Business Profile Promotion Strategy

Work with Global-marketing Inc. to get started on optimizing and promoting your GBP (formerly Google My Business) strategy.

As one of the leading local SEO service providers across America, we also help businesses increase local traffic through Google my Business Optimization Servicessocial media management, reputation management, content marketing, PPC marketing, and web design and development services.

Browse through our SEO packages to find the ideal fit for your business, or get in touch with us to learn more.

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