White Label SEO Archives - Global-marketing Inc. https://www.searchberg.com/blog/category/white-label-seo/ Mon, 24 Jul 2023 11:23:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Improve Your Client’s Search Rankings with White Label SEO Services https://www.searchberg.com/blog/how-to-improve-your-clients-search-rankings-with-white-label-seo-services/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/how-to-improve-your-clients-search-rankings-with-white-label-seo-services/#respond Mon, 24 Jul 2023 10:50:36 +0000 https://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=5316 SEO isn’t what it used to be. At one point, it was all about keyword stuffing, exact match domains (EMDs), and link directories. These tactics now belong in a museum next to dial-up modems and floppy disks. Today, SEO is a complex, multidisciplinary approach that blends technical expertise, compelling content, and savvy marketing. And while […]

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a concept illustration of white label SEO

SEO isn’t what it used to be. At one point, it was all about keyword stuffing, exact match domains (EMDs), and link directories. These tactics now belong in a museum next to dial-up modems and floppy disks.

Today, SEO is a complex, multidisciplinary approach that blends technical expertise, compelling content, and savvy marketing. And while we wish this blend would magically drop out of the sky and land into our hands, that’s not exactly the case.

If you want to master the art of SEO in 2023, you must invest your time and resources into this domain. This is easier said than done. Thousands of companies end up washing valuable capital down the drain in attempts to learn the ropes. SEO isn’t a crash course; it’s a doctorate degree that takes years to complete.

Let’s bring out the million-dollar question: how can you give your clients spectacular results without emptying out your bank account? It’s simple. You turn to white label SEO services. Sounds like a strange new phrase you’ve never heard before? That’s what this blog is for. Stick with us as we unpack white label SEO, delve deeper into its benefits for marketing agencies, and help you leverage it like a seasoned pro.

Let’s get the ball rolling!

What is White Label SEO?

a concept illustration of customers buying a supermarket's own-brand cereal

If you’ve ever bought a supermarket’s own-brand cereal, you’ve already been part of the white label process. The supermarket didn’t make the cereal; they just put their name on a product made by a third-party manufacturer.

This is white label work in a nutshell. It’s the concept of rebranding a product or service produced by another company to make it appear like your own.

So, what happens when we apply this concept to the world of digital marketing, particularly SEO? Enter white label SEO. At its core, white label SEO involves two parties: an SEO provider and a reseller.

The provider does all the heavy lifting. They complete all the back-end SEO work, like keyword research, link building, on-page optimization, and more. Think of them as a bunch of ridiculously talented invisible puppeteers who pull the strings behind the scenes. That’s us: Global-marketing Inc.!

The reseller is typically a digital marketing agency or consultant; that’s you in this equation. They sell these services to their clients under their own brand name. The client is none the wiser that their SEO work is outsourced.

White label SEO services are a win-win for both parties involved. The provider gets to do what they love and excel at (SEO) without worrying about front-end client management or business development. The reseller gets to expand their service offerings and impress their clients with top-notch SEO results without recruiting an in-house team or spending hours upskilling.

Your clients will be able to access expert SEO services they may not have been able to afford or manage in-house. And since white label SEO resellers are usually specialists in their field, the quality of work is typically tremendously high.

Of course, resellers shoulder the responsibility of finding the right white label SEO agency with the right experience, expertise, skillset, tools, work ethic, and track record.Take your time, do your research, and make the right call.

There’s always good and bad in every industry. If you’re looking for a plumber, you’ll always find a bunch of bona fide experts and some phonies who use shoddy practices. If you’re on the hunt for a mechanic, you’ll encounter a mix of seasoned professionals and a few who just tinker around and leave your car in worse shape than before.

The white hat SEO landscape is pretty similar. When you stumble upon SEO virtuosos who know exactly what they’re doing, you’ll make magic happen.

Let’s quickly review the difference between regular ol’ in-house SEO and white label SEO.

a comparison table between in-house SEO and white label SEO

See what we mean?

Now that we’ve covered the basics and you have a pretty good understanding of what white label SEO is all about, let’s turn our attention toward rankings.

Your clients aren’t coming to you to rank on the 14th or 15th Google SERPs; they’re hiring you precisely because they want to dominate the first few search results on the first SERP.

Stellar Google rankings mean spectacular online visibility, high traffic, more clicks, more calls, roaring conversions, enviable profit, and consistent growth. Once you tip the first card (rankings), the rest of the cards will start falling into place. It’s like the domino effect!

As the reseller, you’re responsible for helping your clients climb Google SERPs at lightning speed. Let’s understand how you can achieve this.

1. Thorough Keyword Research

a concept illustration of a key on a laptop

In the great adventure novel of SEO, keyword research is our Sherlock Holmes: the master detective who uncovers secret clues that lead us to the hidden treasure of high rankings.

The process of hunting down the right words and phrases can seem like a mystery to the uninitiated. But in the hands of an adept white label SEO agency, it becomes a riveting quest filled with intrigue, strategy, and, well, a good deal of cleverness!

What is Keyword Research and Why Does It Matter?

Keyword research is the art (and science) of identifying the specific terms your clients’ potential customers enter into search engines. This process involves a keen understanding of your clients’ audience’s industry and the mysterious workings of search engines.

Why does this matter? Well, think of it this way. If your client’s website is a shop, then keywords are the signposts that guide customers to it. The right keywords can bring a horde of eager shoppers to your client’s doorstep. The wrong ones? Your client’s shop may as well be located in the wilds of Siberia.

The Smart Way to Perform Keyword Research

Now, how do you go about conducting keyword research? Or rather, how will your SEO provider take the reins? It’s all about using the right tools and techniques.

  1. Understanding Your Client’s Audience

The first step is delving into the minds of your client’s audience, including their needs, language, and search behavior. This information is the compass that should guide your keyword research efforts.

Start by creating comprehensive buyer personas. These are generalized, fictional representations of your ideal customers based on market research and data about existing customers. They typically include demographic information, behavioral patterns, motivations, and goals.

Buyer personas can help you determine the most relevant keywords your client’s audience may use in their search queries.

Why should you go above and beyond to understand your audience better? It’s simple. These insights will help you anticipate their needs and the kind of search queries they’ll run.

Are they novices who generally use basic, broad terms? Or are they experts who use more technical jargon? The choice of keywords will depend on these insights.

Search intent is another vital aspect; think of it as the “why” behind queries. Is the user looking to buy something (transactional intent)? Or are they looking for information (informational intent)?

Keywords also vary based on search intent. For instance, a user with transactional intent may use the keywords “buy” or “price” in their search query. Understanding user intent will go a long way in helping you craft a kickass keyword strategy.

And then there’s the matter of localization. If your client serves a local market, you must optimize your local search terms. This may mean including city or neighborhood names in your keywords or using terms popular in that region.

  1. Competitor Analysis

Playing detective involves keeping an eye on the competition. This is where competitor analysis enters the picture.

Start by identifying your client’s main competitors. Are they direct competitors operating within the same industry and region? Or indirect ones who offer a substitute or similar products?

Follow this up by delving into their website. Which keywords are they ranking for? Are they currently missing out on any high-volume keywords?

All done? It’s time to investigate their backlink profiles. Which websites are linking back to them? What kind of content earns them the most backlinks? High-quality backlinks, as you know, are a significant ranking factor. By understanding your competitors’ backlink strategies, you can identify new link building opportunities for your clients.

Content analysis is another critical aspect. Which topics are they covering? How are they structuring their content? Are they using multimedia like infographics, videos, etc.? These answers will help you discover new content ideas and identify content gaps.

  1. Utilizing Keyword Research Tools

There’s a whole arsenal of keyword research tools at your disposal. Google Keyword Planner is the most powerful free tool up for grabs; it’s like getting a treasure map directly from the treasure keeper!

This genius little tool provides valuable insights into keyword volumes, difficulty scores, and more. Want to figure out the search volume for a specific keyword? Done. Want to discover new keywords related to a particular topic? Done x2. Keen on understanding seasonal trends around certain keywords? Triple done.

See how omnipotent this tool is?

While we love Google Keyword Planner, we must reiterate that it’s a great starting point, not a done-and-dusted tool. Once your SEO efforts start materializing, it’ll eventually be time to segue into a more robust, power-packed keyword research tool.

Speak with your white label SEO agency to switch to a paid app that provides more detailed insights. At Global-marketing Inc., we’ve developed our own cutting-edge tool as part of our white label SEO services.

  1. Long-Tail Keywords

SEO is a bit like high school. There are the popular keywords: the ones that everyone knows and searches for (akin to the cool kids who seem to hog all the limelight). And then you have the long-tail keywords: the wallflowers at the SEO dance. They may not be as flashy or eye-catching, but they brim with potential nonetheless!

Long-tail keywords are three to four-word phrases that are highly relevant to your client’s product or service. For instance, instead of “flower shop,” a long-tail keyword would be “best carnation flower shop in Brooklyn.” While these keywords may not get the highest search volume, they tend to attract more qualified, ready-to-convert traffic. It’s quality over quantity, and in the world of SEO, that’s a trade-off worth making.

By focusing on long-tail keywords, you can help your clients carve out their own niche in the crowded digital market. Users who search for these specific phrases are often further down the sales funnel; they’ve moved past the general browsing stage and know exactly what they want. This makes them more likely to convert.

Keyword Research for Resellers: What’s My Role?

As a white label SEO reseller, you may often feel like the conductor of a grand orchestra directing a talented group of musicians (in this case, SEO experts) but not necessarily playing an instrument yourself.

When it comes to keyword research, you’re not the one diving into the sea of keyword databases or hunting down long-tail phrases. So, what exactly is your role in this keyword symphony?

  1. Set the Stage: Understand Your Client’s Needs

As the maestro of this operation, you’re in a unique position to understand your client’s needs intimately. You’re the one having conversations with them, discussing their goals, understanding their target audience, and diving deep into their industry. This information is vital for effective keyword research.

Share this intel with your white label SEO agency, provide context, and help them tune their instruments (or keyword tools) to the right pitch.

  1. Conductor’s Score: Guide the Keyword Strategy

As your white label SEO provider dives into the technical side of keyword research, serve as the guiding hand that steers their strategy. Based on your understanding of your client’s objectives, you can help identify the types of keywords that would be most beneficial.

Is your client aiming for quick wins? Long-tail keywords with less competition may be the way to go. Are they looking to build a strong foundation? It may be worth competing for those high-volume, industry-specific keywords. Your role is to ensure the keyword strategy aligns with your client’s vision to a tee.

  1. The Applause: Evaluate the Results

This is when the curtain rises, and the spotlight shines on you. It’s your job to evaluate the performance of the keywords chosen by your SEO provider.

Are they driving traffic? Are they earning conversions? Are they improving the website’s search ranking? Keepa close eye on these metrics and ensure the keyword strategy delivers the expected results.

  1. Encore: Fine-Tune the Strategy

Keyword research isn’t a one-and-done process. Like a musical performance, it requires fine-tuning, practice, and sometimes, a bit of improvisation.

If certain keywords aren’t hitting the right notes, don’t be afraid to switch up the tune. As the reseller, you play a critical role in continuously refining the keyword strategy based on performance, client feedback, and market changes.

2. On-Page Optimization

a concept illustration of an SEO specialist working on an on-page SEO plan

On-page SEO is the art of rolling out the digital red carpet for web users and ensuring every inch of your client’s website shouts, “Welcome, we’ve got what you need!”

It’s all about sprucing up your digital storefront to make it attractive to search engine bots that crawl and index your site and human visitors who turn into leads, customers, and ambassadors for your brand.

How can you leverage this savvy strategy to boost your clients’ SERP rankings? Let’s break it down.

  1. Shop Window: Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

title tag and meta description of an article on the best programming laptops in 2022

A webpage’s title tag and meta description are like a shop’s window display. They’re the first thing potential customers (and search engines) see when they walk by your shop on the digital street (read: SERPs).

Engaging, keyword-optimized, and relevant meta titles and descriptions can turn uninterested web users passing by into enthusiastic clicks.

  1. Product Labels: Headings and Subheadings

a concept illustration displaying headings and subheadings

Once inside the shop, customers use headings and subheadings to find what they’re looking for. Well-structured headings and subheadings make it easier for both web users and search engines to understand what each section of a page is about. And, of course, it’s another golden opportunity to cleverly insert those carefully researched keywords!

  1. In-Store Guide: Internal Links

a concept illustration that explains an internal link

Imagine trying to find a specific product in a massive department store without any signs or store assistants to guide you. Frustrating, isn’t it? Internal links serve as guides; they help visitors navigate your website and find the information they seek. They also help spread link equity around your site (a big thumbs-up in the eyes of search engines).

  1. Product Descriptions: Content Quality

Just as the quality of products in a store determines its reputation, the quality of the content on a website significantly impacts its search rankings.

High-quality, unique, and engaging content that provides value to web users is a key ranking factor. It helps establish your client’s site as a reliable resource, attract more visitors, and encourage sales.

Here’s an example:

an optimized and engaging product description for shoes

  1. Checkout Counter: Call-to-Action

custom illustration of a woman clicking on the click here button on a web page

What good is a store if customers wander around but never make a purchase? A strong call-to-action (CTA) is the checkout counter of your website. It guides visitors to take the desired action: make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, download a resource, and so on.

On-Page Optimization for SEO Resellers: How to Ensure Everything Is on Track

On-page SEO is the silent yet foundational element that holds your clients’ online visibility and success. As an SEO reseller, you’re entrusted with the critical responsibility of ensuring this foundation is solid (even though the actual construction is done by a white label SEO company).

How can you ensure your on-page optimization efforts are on track? Here’s your roadmap:

  1. Understand SEO Basics

Knowledge is power. Understanding the basics of on-page SEO will empower you to better oversee the process. This doesn’t mean you should become an SEO expert overnight. It just means it’s time to familiarize yourself with core concepts like keyword optimization, meta tags, URL structures, and internal linking.

  1. Review SEO Reports

SEO is as much about data as it is about keywords. Carefully review the SEO reports provided by your white label SEO agency to track progress. This includes key performance indicators like organic traffic, bounce rates, and conversion rates.

  1. Request Client Feedback

Stay in touch with your clients and actively request their feedback. Make sure your white label SEO service provider is open to making changes based on this feedback. No matter how extensive, complex, or intricate the feedback may be, your provider should handle it like a pro, no questions asked. If they’re hesitant to take the reins, you may want to switch gears.

3. Engaging Content Creation

a concept illustration of a funnel-style blender with content juice

Engaging content creation is the art of spinning tales in a way that captivates the audience and convinces the stern-faced gatekeepers of search engines to throw their doors open.

But creating engaging content is more than just spinning a good yarn. It’s about understanding your audience and weaving a narrative that addresses their requirements and pain points while keeping them hooked.

As a white label SEO reseller, it’s your job to ensure the content created for your clients strikes this delicate balance. Here’s how you can make that happen.

  1. A Strong Narrative: The Plot Twist

Every good story has a gripping plot. Similarly, every piece of engaging content needs a strong narrative. This narrative should revolve around your client’s brand’s core message. It should provide value, solve a problem, or answer a question.

As it satisfies these core requirements, it should still be entertaining, informative, and unique. Keep in mind that the sea of content is filled with, well, content. Only the most interesting stories float to the top, while forgettable narratives sink to the bottom.

  1. SEO Best Practices: The Magic Spell

As a white label SEO reseller, you’re armed with the magic spell of SEO best practices. While your content should be engaging and valuable to your audience, it should also be optimized for search engines.

This means integrating keywords naturally, using headings and subheadings effectively, and ensuring all images have alt text. The magical blend of user-focused content and optimization makes for truly engaging content.

  1. Regular Updates: The Sequels

Your audience’s needs and interests are evolving on a regular basis. If you want to keep them happy and hooked to your brand, supply fresh content and regularly update it.

Search engines love fresh content. It goes without saying that your SERP rankings will also neaten up as your content game reaches new heights.

The Ultimate White Hat SEO Content Quality Checklist

a white hat SEO content quality checklist for resellers

A Reseller’s Role in the Content Creation Process

As an SEO reseller, your main role may not be creating content but facilitating it. However, your input is still vital in the content creation process.

Sure, you’re not penning the words yourself, but you’re a pivotal piece in the puzzle of content creation for SEO.Let’s look at how you fit into the content creation process as a white label SEO reseller.

  1. Keyword Recommendations

While your white label SEO service provider will perform comprehensive keyword research, you, as a reseller, can offer valuable input. You may be privy to industry jargon, audience language preferences, and specific terms your clients want to rank for. Equip your white label SEO company with these details to ensure the content is optimized effectively.

  1. Content Strategy Approval

A significant part of your role will be approving the content strategy designed by the SEO agency. This strategy will cover aspects like blog topics, long-form content, social media posts, and more.

Since you know your client’s business well, your insights can help fine-tune this strategy to align perfectly with your client’s needs. Yes, let your SEO provider take the reins by all means. But use your own insights to judiciously approve of or disapprove of the content.

Before the final content reaches your client, you should have reviewed and vetted it as closely as possible. And you should have also requested the appropriate revisions. If you fail to do this, your client may keep returning with complaints, no matter how good the work is.

This frequently happens when the SEO reseller fails to communicate the client’s niche requirements to the white label SEO agency. As we mentioned earlier, you’re the one who’s having all the essential conversations with the client, not your SEO provider. If you fail to communicate these insights effectively, things could go wrong.

Stay on top of your game, think critically, and keep your client’s best interests in mind. Many SEO resellers think hiring a white label company will absolve them of any responsibilities. This isn’t the case. You’re still required to put in effort, communicate actively with your client, and relay this communication to your SEO provider.

Keep it at, and you’ll struggle to find even a single bump in the road. Let complacency wash over you and the road will suddenly become bumpier than a cobblestone path in a medieval village. The choice is simple, and, most importantly, the choice is yours.

  1. Thinking Outside the Box

Your white label SEO provider has already put their creative hat on. It’s time for you to do the same!

If you want to provide quality content to your clients, you’ll have to maintain a high level of creativity, uniqueness, and innovation. The content you provide cannot be run-of-the-mill; it must stand out from the crowd and hold its own. This is easier said than done. It’s a big responsibility that should be shouldered by both the SEO provider and the reseller.

Keep thinking outside the box, coming up with new ideas, getting better, and bringing something new to the table each time. Your client should be impressed with the content in each cycle. And this will only happen when you add a dash of ingenuity to your work!

We recommend having comprehensive meetings with your SEO provider and collectively exploring new territories. How will your client’s audience stay on its toes? Explore, experiment, and excite! You’ll end up capturing their audience’s attention and giving Google exactly what it wants: originality. The outcome? Your client’s search rankings will look more promising than ever.

4. High-Quality Link Building

Search engines, like a wise old sage, can differentiate between a hastily built, superficial relationship and a mutually beneficial, meaningful one.

They value high-quality, natural, relevant links that provide value to the user. These quality links act like a hearty recommendation or a nod of approval in the eyes of search engines; they help boost your client’s authority and ranking.

But how can you ensure the link building plans in place on your client’s behalf are high-quality and effective?For starters, understand the anatomy of a good backlink.

We’ve said this before, and we’ll keep reiterating it: you can’t expect your SEO provider to do everything while you enjoy a hot bath in the azure waters of Iceland’s Blue Lagoon. We wish!

They’ll take care of most of the heavy lifting, yes. But you must bring your own SEO knowledge to the table to ensure everything is being done to perfection.

Let’s break down the most prominent aspects of a good backlink.

a concept illustration of the anatomy of a good link for link building

In addition to developing a good grasp of these factors, check these boxes off the list as well:

  1. Emphasize Relevance

Link building isn’t just a numbers game; relevance is actually the name of the game. Think of each link as a bridge. A functional bridge must connect two related points. Otherwise, it may lead users astray, cause confusion and frustration, and achieve nothing. The relevance of the sites linking back to your client’s website is essential.

As an SEO reseller, you need to emphasize the importance of this relevance to your white label SEO service provider. You can’t just build links for the sake of developing more connections; the quality of these connections matters immensely. Sites that link back to your client’s website should share industry, interest, or audience overlap.

Let’s say a renowned fashion blogger suddenly links to a heavy machinery manufacturing site. This would be perplexing for readers and could be seen as suspicious by search engines. However, a link from a construction blog to your client’s heavy machinery site? Now, that’s a match made in heaven. Your role here is to ensure the SEO agency isn’t just casting a wide net but fishing in the right waters.

  1. Seek High Authority Sites

Backlinks from high-authority websites can be a game-changer for your client’s search rankings. These are industry leaders and experts that everyone respects and listens to. A backlink from these sites is like a five-star review; it carries significant weight.

However, building such links requires diligent effort, excellent content, and a dash of finesse. As a reseller, you should encourage your SEO provider to target these high-authority sites for link building. They may do this via guest posting, resource link building, broken link replacement, or other creative methods of earning coveted backlinks.

  1. Advocate for Natural Link Placement

The digital world appreciates the beauty of organic growth. Search engines are particularly fond of naturally occurring, organic links. These are the kind of links that are genuinely earned, not planted or forced. They naturally fit within the content and provide value to the audience.

As an SEO reseller, you must ensure that your white label SEO service provider isn’t just stuffing links into content willy-nilly. The placement of the link should make sense contextually. It should flow with the content, almost as if the content was written with that link in mind.

This kind of natural link placement enhances user experience, keeps readers engaged, and sends positive signals to search engines about the quality of the link. It’s about making sure that the links are woven into the content fabric rather than awkwardly tacked on.

By advocating for relevance, high-authority sites, and natural link placement, you’ll help create a high-quality link profile for your client. It’s a challenging task, for sure. But once you get it right, you’ll enjoy a significant boost in your client’s search rankings.

  1. Review Anchor Text

Anchor text is the Cinderella of the SEO world: often overlooked but critical to the story. It’s the clickable text in a hyperlink that’s usually highlighted or underlined. When used properly, it can provide important context about the content being linked to. This information comes in handy for both web users and search engines.

Anchor text must be natural and varied. Overuse of exact-match keywords (those that match a search query exactly) can raise red flags for search engines and result in penalties. On the other hand, excessively generic anchor text (like “click here” or “read more”) misses out on the opportunity to provide context.

As an SEO reseller, you play a key role here. You can’t control every anchor text that links to your client’s site, but you can ensure that the ones created by your white label SEO provider are up to par. Encourage diversity and relevance in the anchor text. Monitor the anchor text profile for any signs of over-optimization or spammy practices.

  1. Foster Long-Term Relationships

Link building is more a marathon than a sprint. It’s about building sustainable, long-term relationships with other relevant websites. Like any good relationship, this requires regular attention and nurturing. It’s not just about building a link and moving on to the next target.

Resist the temptation to treat link building as a one-and-done task. Instead, view it as a series of ongoing opportunities to provide value, foster collaboration, and build authority. This may mean collaborating on guest posts, sharing valuable resources, or participating in industry forums.

As a reseller, your role is to encourage your white label SEO provider to develop this perspective. The link building strategy should focus on creating sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships rather than simply accruing as many links as possible.

  1. Prioritize Value

Above all, every aspect of SEO, including link building, should prioritize value. In the end, search engines strive to provide the most relevant and valuable results to web users. Any strategy that prioritizes manipulation over value is likely to backfire eventually.

Ensure your white label SEO provider isn’t resorting to spammy, manipulative tactics just to acquire backlinks. Each link should be earned through valuable content that enriches the user’s experience. If a link doesn’t provide value, it’s not worth building.

As an SEO reseller, you may not be creating the content or placing the links, but you play an essential role in maintaining the integrity of the process. Your oversight and guidance can help ensure that your client’s link profile is not just robust but also valuable and reputable.

5. Technical SEO Improvement

a concept illustration of technical SEO

Just like a finely tuned race car, your client’s website needs to be optimized for performance. This is where technical SEO enters the picture. It ensures that your client’s website runs smoothly, efficiently, and in a way that search engines can understand.

This SEO pillar may not be as glamorous as content creation or as straightforward as keyword research, but it’s still a fundamental part of any successful SEO strategy.Without technical SEO, your content and links may still be fantastic. But if search engines can’t crawl and index your site, or if users get frustrated by slow load times or mobile-unfriendliness, your search rankings will suffer. And that’s ultimately what it all comes down to in the digitalverse.

Let’s delve deeper into some critical components of technical SEO:

  1. Site Structure

Think of site structure as the blueprint of a house. It provides the layout and directions to where everything is located. An architect wouldn’t design a house where the kitchen is only accessible through a bedroom, right? Similarly, an SEO professional wouldn’t recommend website structure where the contact page is buried under layers of unrelated content.

Excellent website structure is all about usability and findability. Web users should be able to navigate easily from the home page to the product or service pages. Or from a blog to the contact information. Clear, logical, seamless site structure facilitates this by providing simple navigation, well-organized content categories, and a consistent layout.

As an SEO reseller, you can guide your white label SEO service provider with insights into the client’s industry, their target audience’s preferences, and the most sought-after products or services. These insights can significantly influence website structuring for better user experience and SEO performance.

  1. Page Speed

Web users have little to no patience for slow-loading websites. Each second that ticks by as a page loads increases the chance of the user abandoning the site. It’s like waiting in a long line at the supermarket; the longer it takes, the more likely customers are to abandon their carts and leave.

The size and number of elements on a page significantly affect page speed. These elements include images, scripts, CSS files, and so on.

For instance, if your client’s website features a gallery of high-resolution product images that haven’t been properly optimized, it could significantly slow down the page load time. Your white label SEO provider should be adept at striking a balance between quality and performance. They must master the art of compressing and optimizing images without noticeable loss in quality.

  1. Security

A secure website is a trust signal for both users and search engines. If your client’s website handles sensitive user data, like credit card information, security measures like HTTPS (Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates must be implemented. They protect the data transmission between the user’s browser and the website.

Let’s say your client runs an online store. If their site lacks security features, customers may hesitate to enter their payment information, and Google may penalize the site in search rankings. By boosting site security, your white label SEO partner can significantly enhance your client’s SEO performance and build user trust.

As a reseller, you can reassure your clients about the security measures in place and the continuous monitoring for potential threats. After all, an SEO strategy isn’t just about getting users to visit the site but also ensuring they feel safe and secure during their visit.

Recommended Read: Cyber Security Issues: A Hidden Threat to Your SEO Rankings and Online Visibility

6. Local SEO

a concept illustration of local SEO

There’s an old saying, “Think globally, act locally.” It’s a call to consider the health of the entire planet but take action in your own community. When it comes to SEO, we may say, “Rank globally, optimize locally.”

Local SEO is like being the big fish in a small pond. It’s about optimizing your client’s online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches. And who doesn’t want to be a big fish?

Now, let’s say your client owns a charming café in San Francisco. It’s located in a hip neighborhood, serves the best espresso in town, and whips up a set of mean freshly baked croissants. However, when someone in that neighborhood searches for “best café near me,” your client’s café is nowhere to be found on Google.

A catastrophe, right? This is where local SEO strides in, cape fluttering in the wind, ready to save the day.

A robust local SEO strategy involves several components:

  1. Google Business Profile (GBP) / Google My Business Optimization

Google Business Profile (GBP) optimization is like creating a virtual storefront for your client’s business. When potential customers look for a product or service that your client offers, Google serves their GBP listing. It’s an opportunity to make a powerful first impression.

Your white label SEO agency should optimize your client’s profile with accurate business hours, address, phone number, and an engaging business description. They should also make sure the business is categorized correctly and add relevant photos showcasing the business and its offerings.

But GBP optimization doesn’t stop at setup. It should be an ongoing process. Encourage your clients to regularly post updates, offers, and events directly to their profile. Or if your SEO provider is handling this, make sure they keep at it on your client’s behalf. As the reseller, you must provide prompt updates to keep this cycle going without any disruption.

This is an excellent way to keep your client’s listing fresh and signal to Google that the business is active. How will the latter help? It’ll improve local rankings!

  1. Online Directories and Citations

Online directories and citations act as your client’s business card in the digital space. They offer key business information and, importantly, provide backlinks to your client’s website. Think of them as votes of confidence in the eyes of search engines.

Your white label SEO partner should ensure your client’s business is listed in prominent online directories like Yelp, Bing Places, and the Better Business Bureau. The business information should be consistent across all platforms; any discrepancies can confuse search engines and result in lower rankings.

Citations, mentions of your client’s business name, address, and phone number should also be included in relevant local sites and pages. The more, the merrier! Each citation increases the likelihood of customers finding your client’s business.

  1. Local Reviews and Ratings

Local reviews and ratings are like the digital era’s word-of-mouth. They provide social proof and play a critical role in the decision-making process. Local reviews also impact search rankings; Google considers the quantity, quality, and recency of reviews as factors when determining which local businesses to display for a search.

Your white label SEO provider should have a plan to help your client encourage, manage, and respond to online reviews. This includes setting up a process for requesting reviews from satisfied customers, monitoring new reviews, and responding to both positive and negative feedback in a professional and timely manner.

As a reseller, it’s your job to relay the importance of online reviews to your clients and help them understand their impact on local SEO.

  1. Local Keyword Optimization

Local keywords often include the city or neighborhood where the business is located. For instance, a bakery in Brooklyn may want to rank for “best bagels in Brooklyn” or “bakery in Park Slope.”

Work with a white label SEO company that conducts comprehensive keyword research to identify the best local keywords for your client’s business. These keywords should be incorporated into the website’s content, meta tags, alt text, and even in the GBP description and posts.

8. Social Media Integration

a bar graph showing the percentage of people who use different social media apps regularly

Social media and SEO are like the two strands of a DNA helix, winding around each other in a delicate dance. They may not directly influence each other, but they can collectively create a powerful synergy that propels your client’s online visibility to new heights.

  1. Boost Brand Awareness

When more users start searching for your client’s brand, Google takes notice. It starts associating your client’s brand with specific products, services, or keywords. The outcome? Your client’s business is more likely to pop up in relevant search results.

Take, for example, a new organic skincare brand, EarthGlow. They’ve launched an innovative range of products and want to make a mark in the already crowded skincare industry.

They start by sharing insightful posts about the benefits of organic skincare, behind-the-scenes snippets of their product-making process, and engaging photos of their products on Instagram.

Each post is strategically hashtagged to reach the right audience. Slowly but surely, users start noticing EarthGlow. They start searching for EarthGlow’s products online, which increases their brand-specific search volume and indirectly boosts their search rankings.

See how this works?

  1. Drive Traffic

If your client’s website is a treasure trove of valuable information, social media is the map that leads users to this treasure. By strategically sharing content from their website across various social media platforms, you’ll create multiple paths for users to return to the website.

The increase in website traffic is a clear indication to search engines that your client’s website holds value. What will happen? Search engines will be compelled to improve your client’s rankings on SERPs.

  1. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is the backbone of any social media strategy. It’s not just about broadcasting messages; it’s about sparking a conversation, fostering relationships, and ultimately building a loyal community around your client’s brand.

High engagement levels indicate that users find your client’s brand valuable and trustworthy. They’re likely to perform brand-specific searches and indirectly boost SEO.

Let’s consider ‘BeFit’, a fitness app. They consistently engage with their followers on Instagram by sharing workout tips, answering questions about fitness and nutrition, and even featuring success stories from users.

This active engagement creates a sense of community among followers; they begin to view ‘BeFit’ as a credible and reliable fitness guide. This loyalty reflects in their online behavior; they’re more likely to search specifically for ‘BeFit’ workout plans or ‘BeFit’ diet tips on Google.

This increased brand search volume indirectly contributes to the brand’s improved SEO performance. Like clockwork.

When you start paying attention to the right factors, your clients will walk away happy, your profits will soar, and your SEO company’s credibility will skyrocket. All of this may sound pretty straightforward. But you can’t master this art without the most critical piece of the jigsaw puzzle: an experienced white label SEO company.

Strike Gold with Global-marketing Inc.’s White Label SEO Services

Finding a reliable white label SEO agency can sometimes feel like sifting through piles of fool’s gold in search of that one gleaming nugget of real gold.

The marketplace is teeming with agencies offering glittering promises of rapid search ranking ascension. But not all that glitters is gold.Some agencies offer quick fixes and one-size-fits-all solutions. Their shiny exteriors often conceal hollow strategies that lack true substance.

Global-marketing Inc. isn’t just another nugget in the pan; it’s a goldmine of comprehensive, customizable, and creative SEO strategies. We offer carefully mined and polished solutions that are as unique as your clients’ brands and their specific needs.

If you’ve been on the hunt for quality white label SEO for a while now, your hunt stops today. As a credible, established, and experienced white label SEO company, we help SEO resellers provide exceptional quality to their clients. Explore our white label SEO services to get started! It’s time to strike gold. And Global-marketing Inc.’s ready to show you the way!

The post How to Improve Your Client’s Search Rankings with White Label SEO Services appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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What is White Label SEO? How Can It Help You Achieve Results? https://www.searchberg.com/blog/what-is-white-label-seo-how-can-it-help-you-achieve-results/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/what-is-white-label-seo-how-can-it-help-you-achieve-results/#respond Mon, 20 Jun 2022 12:28:14 +0000 https://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=3869 Table of Contents What is White Label SEO/SEO for Resellers? How Does a White Label SEO Partnership Work? What Are the Benefits of White Labelling SEO? Save Time Save Money Improve Your Reputation and Credibility Increase Customer Satisfaction Enjoy Better, Swifter Sales Become a Multi-Talented Company Will White Label SEO Help Me Get More Traffic […]

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A couple of years ago, white label SEO was a shiny new buzzword being thrown around in conferences and emails. Today, it’s considered one of the most life-saving, or should we say company-saving, SEO approaches out there.

If you’re confused about what any of this means, you’ve landed on the right blog.

Let’s get back to the basics.

Our SEO experts have put together a guide to SEO reseller services/white label SEO for small to mid-size businesses, startups, and even successful corporations.

We’ll walk you through everything you need to know about white label SEO.

Yes, everything.

Keep reading, pull out a notebook and pen to take quick notes, and sip on some freshly brewed coffee for extra alertness.

By the end of this blog, you’ll be a white label SEO maestro… or at least one who understands the technique better!

Let’s begin.

Got the SEO blues? Hand your project over to our pros! Sign up today to get started!

What is White Label SEO/SEO for Resellers?

Today, thousands of businesses offer SEO services.

This doesn’t mean you have to run a classic SEO company.

Perhaps you run a creative design agency, an email marketing company, a PR firm, a web design business, or a paid marketing startup.

No matter what your primary business may be, if you offer SEO as a service, you have to think smart.

This is where white label SEO enters the picture and makes it twice as rosy.

As a business owner, you can hire another company to handle your high-volume SEO needs.

It’s possible that your team isn’t equipped to do justice to your ongoing SEO projects. Or they may not have enough time on their hands. The latter is especially common among agencies that offer SEO as a secondary service, not primary.

White label SEO entails handing over all the legwork to another kickass company.

This is done privately.

Your customers will think you’re offering the requested services while another company will be taking care of the job behind the scenes.

Effective, legal, and whip-smart, this technique is used by thousands of companies today. It’s especially common among businesses with other fortes.

What happens when your client requests SEO services on the side?

The not-so-smart way to handle this would be turning them down and focusing on the main job instead.

They may not like this, especially if you run a reputable company that should ideally know how to do SEO.

Worst-case scenario, they’ll cancel the project and find someone else who can feed both birds with one scone.

The smartest way to handle this situation is accepting the project and finding another brilliant SEO firm to take care of the deed for you.

A great way to knock your client’s socks off, isn’t it?

If you’re not a multi-talented company, present yourself as one until you become one. White label SEO helps you do just that.

How Does a White Label SEO Partnership Work?

Kicking off a successful white label SEO partnership isn’t exactly a piece of cake.

You can’t rush the process and find a potential partner overnight.

Research, referrals, reviews, and ratings are key here. Instead of being hasty, be smart and strategic.

Start by researching the top white label SEO companies in your country.

Ideally, your white label SEO partner should have:

  • Ample experience as an SEO agency
  • Ample experience offering white label SEO services
  • A broad client base (make sure they have successfully completed projects for clients in your industry)
  • Excellent reviews and ratings
  • A 100% money-back guarantee
  • Different white label SEO serviceplans based on your needs
  • Affordable packages (exorbitant prices are always a red flag; they show that the company is looking to make quick, big bucks)
  • A project manager for each client

Narrow down 2-3 potential partners and dig a little deeper for a few days. Research will go a long, long way in helping you avoid getting scammed.

Unfortunately, there are many new, inexperienced, and even fraudulent white label SEO companies out there. This is why using a checklist is extremely important. You’ll manage to find a trusted, esteemed, experienced, and diligent company that doesn’t let you down.

Once you’ve found “the one,” select a package that’s right for you and schedule a meeting. Ask as many questions as possible.

Inquire into:

  • Their track record
  • Their work ethic
  • The range of SEO tasks they handle
  • What happens if a project is delayed
  • What happens if your client isn’t happy, i.e., do they offer free revisions?
  • How many white label SEO projects they have successfully completed in the past
  • Their specialization level in the services you’re requesting
  • Their work samples

This will help you feel confident in your decision.

Before kicking off the project, make sure you request your client to share their requirements as clearly, comprehensively, and unambiguously as possible.

Send these to the white label SEO company.

You will act as the “middle guy” in this situation.

Make sure communication is prioritized at all times.

There should be no doubts about the quality of work that’s expected once the project begins.

Communicate each and every detail beforehand to avoid disappointing your client or delaying the project.

Looking for the right white label SEO partner? We have 10+ years of experience. Let’s get started!

What Are the Benefits of White Labelling SEO?

We’ve touched upon the obvious benefits of white label SEO. In this section, we’ll cover more ground.

Let’s take a look at some of the most impressive benefits of white label SEO services for resellers:

1. Saves You Time To Focus on More Important Business Functions

Hiring a team of SEO pros is a great way to save a ton of time. Your team can focus on its key roles and responsibilities instead of worrying about handling complex SEO tasks they don’t specialize in.

If your team tries to learn the ropes and tackle the job, they’ll end up pouring a ton of time down the drain getting up to speed with the basics. Since they don’t possess the experience, expertise, and tools required for the task, they’ll produce a fair-to-middling output that disappoints your clients.

You’ll lose time that could’ve been spent on another project. You’ll also lose customers. The white label SEO route helps you keep both intact.

2. Saves Money By Reducing Costs

How can you possibly save money by hiring the crème de la crème of SEO experts? Here’s the trick.

Today, the top white label SEO companies don’t have absurdly high prices. Their packages are actually pretty affordable.

In-house SEO teams also don’t possess the required SEO tools, which are often very expensive (web design software, web development equipment, SEO analysis programs, PPC advertising tools, etc.).

As you hand over these tasks to a company that has the right tools and experience, you’ll save money in the long run and reap the benefits of quality services.

3. Improves Your Reputation and Credibility

Quality control is extremely important for modern businesses. If a client approaches you for SEO content, you must deliver optimized, engaging, value-added, grammatically correct, industry-relevant content that wows their target audience and increases their conversion rate.

White label SEO helps you maintain a high, consistent level of quality. You’ll churn out quality services that turn casual visitors into loyal customers. Every company dreams of achieving this transition. White label SEO makes it a reality.

Note: Make sure you don’t hand over critical SEO tasks to any company. We emphasized this before and we’ll double down on it again: hire a team of qualified professionals who know what they’re doing!

4. Increases Customer Satisfaction

Today, you can find top-tier products and services within a few clicks. The standard is higher than it has ever been before. If you offer fair-to-middling SEO services, your customers will look for the nearest exit and land on the next best competitor’s site.

White label SEO helps you piggyback off of your provider’s experience, expertise, credibility, and reputation. They’ll build and deliver top-notch SEO solutions. The outcome? High levels of customer satisfaction. Your clients will be impressed with the quality and promptness of your services.

Make sure you look for a white label SEO agency that provides free revisions. Whether they’re writing a blog, designing a website, offering Twitter advertising services, or crafting posts for your social media pages, they’ll be willing to make revisions without hesitation.

If your clients aren’t happy with something or want a change of direction, their concerns will be addressed without any delays. Extending the offer of free revisions to a client goes a long way in keeping them happy.

5. You Get to Enjoy Better Sales

Picture this. You received an SEO order and handed it over to a credible white label SEO company. They completed the job to perfection and left you with a happy customer.

Since they had a positive experience, your customer will either spread the word about your business or shop from you again. Most satisfied customers take one of these two positive actions after shopping with a business. Either way, you’ll enjoy better sales.

Quality services always pay off. As you maintain a high standard of quality, you’ll get more calls, convert more customers, and grow your business.

This is one of the most cost-effective ways to organically grow your business. You don’t have to worry about hiring new SEO experts. Keep your revenue on track!

6. You Become a Multi-Talented Company

Customers are increasingly looking for companies that do it all and do it well! Let’s say a client wants to revamp their design. They also want to touch up their web copy and spruce up their social media presence.

Would they rather hire an expert who takes care of all three services or hire a separate web designer, content writer, and social media marketing specialist? The former, of course.

Companies that cover all the bases achieve impressive levels of success. Building a strong white label SEO partnership is your golden ticket to becoming a multi-talented company. Over time, you’ll attract more clients who are looking for diverse businesses.

It’s simple. The more you diversify your services, the more diversified your audience becomes.

If you’re a web development agency, you won’t just target people who want to build a new website or fix their domain. Instead, you’ll also target folks who want new content for their site or an effective link building plan.

And you won’t let them down since you have a team of experts taking care of everything!

Will White Label SEO Help Me Get More Traffic and Rank on SERPs?

Absolutely. Once you start offering quality SEO services, you’ll start earning more traffic. Google’s whip-smart algorithm crawls, indexes, and ranks sites based on many, many different factors. Google reviews are one of them!

The better your reviews, the higher your SERP rankings.

Your white label SEO partnership will help fetch stellar reviews. This, in turn, will give you sweeter rankings. If your business previously showed up on the third or fourth page for local search terms, it’ll start ranking on the second and possibly even the first page!

According to research, most web users don’t click past the first SERP. If you’re right there on the first page, you’ll earn more impressions, clicks, and conversions!


In this blog, we gave you a power-packed look at white label SEO in all its glory. We answered some of the most-asked questions: what is white label SEO? How does white label SEO work? What are some tips for hiring white label SEO service providers? What are the benefits of white labelling SEO?

Now that you have a good understanding of how your business can benefit from this neat SEO approach, start putting it to the test! We won’t leave you hanging, Global-marketing Inc. is here to help.

As an experienced, reputable, and trusted white label SEO company, we have completed over 40,000 SEO projects so far. That’s not all. We’ve developed over 10,000 websites, created over 100,000 pieces of promotional content, and designed over 5,000 brand videos.

Our white label SEO services are effective, comprehensive, and personalized. Check out our reviews and speak with our team for that extra boost of reassurance.

When you’re ready, give us a call and we’ll start taking care of your clients as if they’re our own. Let’s begin!

Let’s make your customers happy! Sign up for our white label SEO services to kick things off!

The post What is White Label SEO? How Can It Help You Achieve Results? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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5 Things Our Client Dashboard Can Do For You! https://www.searchberg.com/blog/5-things-our-client-dashboard-can-do-for-you/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/5-things-our-client-dashboard-can-do-for-you/#respond Tue, 28 Feb 2017 05:20:35 +0000 http://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=658 Searchberg’s client dashboard is designed exclusively for our clients, keeping all their SEO needs in mind. Through the client dashboard, our clients can easily monitor each and every aspect of their SEO marketing strategy.

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Searchberg’s client dashboard is designed exclusively for our clients, keeping all their SEO needs in mind. Through the client dashboard, our clients can easily monitor each and every aspect of their SEO marketing strategy.

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How SearchBerg’s White Label SEO Services Can Help Agencies Establish Themselves and Build Their Brand https://www.searchberg.com/blog/how-searchbergs-white-label-seo-services-can-help-agencies-establish-themselves-and-build-their-brand/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/how-searchbergs-white-label-seo-services-can-help-agencies-establish-themselves-and-build-their-brand/#respond Fri, 28 Oct 2016 15:38:25 +0000 http://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=613 Wondering how you can steadily deliver quality SEO to hundreds of clients simultaneously and deliver results that are in line with their expectations? In this blog post, we talk about SearchBerg’shighly transparent and effective White Label SEO services, designed from the ground up for your clients! The SEO industry today has evolved beyond just links […]

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Wondering how you can steadily deliver quality SEO to hundreds of clients simultaneously and deliver results that are in line with their expectations? In this blog post, we talk about SearchBerg’shighly transparent and effective White Label SEO services, designed from the ground up for your clients!

The SEO industry today has evolved beyond just links and rankings. It’s more about determining what constitutes a positive user experience for the visitor to a site and then building the SEO strategy around it. There is more emphasis on content; even more so on white-hat link building strategies that deliver long-term results. Then there is promotional content such as PR and videos that are most eagerly sought out by many companies. And let’s not forget social media without which no company can establish a solid online foothold in their respective niche. And once you get all those right, other elements come into play such as responsive website design, and mobile friendly usability. In other words, the requirements have changed, user demands have increased and the workload associated with delivering viable SEO solutions has literally quintupled. This can be a lot of many web design companies or SEO agencies to handle and this is where White-Label SEO services can make all the difference and give you the edge over your competitors.

White Label SEO Services Is the Answer

So what do you do when work piles up or when you are faced with client requirements you cannot specifically handle yet you still want to keep them as your clients. The answer is that you partner up! You team up with another SEO agency that offers White Label SEO Services and you forward all client work to them. All work done is then forwarded to you which you, in turn, can forward to your clients. This is the essence of White Label SEO; getting another SEO company to do all the work for you all the while you keeping and retaining your client. This approach can help you establish your company and refine your brand image.

Why Do You Need White Label SEO Services?

Let’s face it; with everything else on your plate, hiring and maintaining a proper in-house SEO team comprising of writers, SEOs, designers, developers and link builders is a big challenge and an enormous financial undertaking for any company. And then there is the challenge of putting together a proper workspace; an office with the right amenities such as furniture, phone lines, laptops, high-speed internet, Admin and HR departments and much more. This is a huge investment of both money and time and it generally takes years to eventually pay off. Signing up for White Label Services is a quick, instantaneous, solution to your worries.

Why SearchBerg White Label SEO

As a leading White Label SEO service provider, SearchBergoffersWeb and SEO agencies a highly affordable alternative to outsourcing your SEO promotions. We do it all. Content Marketing, Pay Per Click Advertising, Reputation and Brand Management, Social Marketing; you name it. SearchBerg is a complete SEO Solutions provider. We even assist in Web Design and Development projects which make us extremely versatile to handle practically any kind of project our partner-clients forward us.

We send you unbranded results and reports which you can modify with your name and logo and forward it to your clients. We take care of things at the backend and you get to build your brand and establish your company as a professional SEO Agency —that’s what quality White Label SEO services are all about!

What You Get As an Agency Client

The quality of Service. Transparent reporting. Prompt Communication. Weekly and monthly activity sheets and reports. These are just a few of the things you can expect from as our White Label SEO Agency client. SearchBerg has over 3000+ highly satisfied clients and has completed well over 10,000+ projects, which makes us a highly trusted name in the SEO industry.

Over the years, we have partnered with countless number of agencies struggling to meet client expectations and enhance their brand image in the process. Here are a few standout features we offer that keep them coming back:

  • Highly customized White Label SEO packages right according to your needs
  • A completely content driven approach
  • Solid results that develop a base of repeat clients
  • Unparalleled opportunities to strengthen your brand image
  • A customizable dashboard (With no signs of our logos)
  • 24/7 support

Agency Dashboard

An integral part of White Label SEO services is having access to a single platform to meet all client needs and expectations. You need to have access to all performance indicators in a single place, telling you of the progress and what you should practically expect.

Our new and improved agency dashboard allows you to monitor all of your client’s progress from one platform. You no longer need to browse around pages to analyze track records of clients. With a few simple clicks, you can monitor all client activity from a single panel. The enhanced tools also allow you to add/remove or manage clients with ease. There is practically no limit to the number of clients you can configure on your dashboard.

Here is a quick insight into salient agency dashboard features:

  • Real-time web traffic updates
  • Keyword rankings
  • Social media reports and updates
  • HTML, Hosting, Domain, Analytics and inbound link analysis
  • Reputation management briefs

From making sure that your clients get timely responses from your end to helping you gauge how far you’ve come with our services, the agency dashboard is your one-stop shop to all that you need to know. With our White Label SEO services, every day you get another step closer to becoming the next big SEO agency.

What Your Clients Get

Comprehensive reporting and analysis, responsive communications, and a result oriented performance delivery platform are some of the most important aspects of our White Label SEO services.

We understand that meeting client deadlines, answering their questions and keeping them informed is part of the process to becoming a reliable SEO agency.

Why not give them access to a dashboard with your logo and brand name on it, to provide them with all they need to do know about their projects? We make it possible.

When you choose our services, here is what your clients get:

  • A client-oriented dashboard with your logo on it
  • Original and realistically valuable content
  • Content strategies backed by in-depth market and target audience analysis
  • Comprehensive and timely reporting
  • Highly affordable pricing
  • Zero-setup fees/no obligations

What You Need To Do

Call us! You can reach us at 855 444 4777 and speak directly with our Sales department or you can fill out a form and inquire about White Label SEO through a query. We will send a detailed proposal along with work samples for your satisfaction. Our services have helped a significant number of SEO agencies gain a head start and pave the path to a successful digital future.

Take the first step towards establishing your company’s online foothold in the Digital Marketing arena;Become a White Label Partner with SearchBerg and start working on strengthening your brand and increasing your clientele.

The post How SearchBerg’s White Label SEO Services Can Help Agencies Establish Themselves and Build Their Brand appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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SearchBerg Completes 10,000 Projects! https://www.searchberg.com/blog/searchberg-completes-10000-projects/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/searchberg-completes-10000-projects/#comments Tue, 20 Sep 2016 09:29:29 +0000 http://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=608 We, at SearchBerg, have some great news to share with our fans, followers and clients. This month, SearchBerg successfully completed 10,000 projects! We couldn’t be happier on reaching this monumental achievement. This is a significant milestone for us. It says a lot about how far SearchBerg has come as a SEO services provider not just […]

The post SearchBerg Completes 10,000 Projects! appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

We, at SearchBerg, have some great news to share with our fans, followers and clients.

This month, SearchBerg successfully completed 10,000 projects! We couldn’t be happier on reaching this monumental achievement. This is a significant milestone for us. It says a lot about how far SearchBerg has come as a SEO services provider not just in the United States but globally, around the world.

We believe that the ultimate measure of any SEO company is determined by the breadth of the results they deliver. And that is what we have worked so hard to achieve for our clients. Quality of service matters; transparent reporting is a must. Both are part of our business model. Yet at the end of the day, it is the results that essentially decide whether a client should continue with their SEO campaign. Our results-driven, white-hat SEO strategies are the reason why SearchBerg enjoys a high client retention ratio. And successfully completing 10,000 projects is proof that our strategies work and that they deliver.

From humble beginnings on E-lance in 2010 to 10,000 projects in 2016, it has been a long journey for SearchBerg with ups and downs along the way. We learned from our mistakes and we amplified what clients liked about our work. Today, SearchBerg is a complete SEO services provider, offering not just SEO, but also other financially lucrative online marketing services such as Paid Advertising (PPC), Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing and Brand Management.

We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported us in our journey to 10,000. A very sincerely thank all our clients all over the world, in Europe, Asia, and the Continental US, who stayed with us through thick and thin. Their positive feedback and even criticism, made us the company we are today.

Thank you once again, and we look forward to reaching more milestones in the coming months!

Team SearchBerg

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Link Building Services for 2016 and Beyond! https://www.searchberg.com/blog/link-building-services-for-2016-and-beyond/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/link-building-services-for-2016-and-beyond/#respond Fri, 20 May 2016 12:25:10 +0000 http://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=581 Search Engine Optimization is part science; part art. The science part is fairly straightforward. It is also the part that is easier for website SEO experts to control and master. Things like creating original, link-worthy, viral content;conforming to Google guidelines; practicing white-hat link building techniques; focusing on relevancy and on providing a positive user experience […]

The post Link Building Services for 2016 and Beyond! appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Search Engine Optimization is part science; part art. The science part is fairly straightforward. It is also the part that is easier for website SEO experts to control and master. Things like creating original, link-worthy, viral content;conforming to Google guidelines; practicing white-hat link building techniques; focusing on relevancy and on providing a positive user experience and so on. Elements of On-page optimization are all part of science.

Off-page optimization is the art.

This part is not so straightforward; not so easy to master and it eventually comes down to how creative the SEO is. It is also the part that never ends until unless you are ranking #1 for every single keyword you are targeting.This part is tough, but the link building possibilities are also endless which is why Off-page Optimization will be the topic of today’s post as we focus on the art of building links. We highlight some very popular, useful and result-driven link building services that should be a top priority for all businesses seeking to enhance online presence and visibility in 2016 and beyond!

Check out our infographic on the Impact of SEO Services on Small Businesses.

Content Marketing

After Panda and Penguin, Content has come under a whole new spotlight. There are rewards for investing in quality and presentation. Writing a lengthy post on a good topic is great. But if that post is not supplemented with proper images, graphics, statistics or any type of relevant visual material, your content will only look like random boring text.

Viewer intent is paramount in content marketing. Figuring out what people are searching for is one thing. Presenting it is another. The first part involves proper research to come up with list of topics that would make great articles pieces or blog posts. The other part is writing them well and that entails asking questions. Should it be an opinion piece or a stat’s based informative piece? Will it include stats or reference to other websites supplementing the point being made in the post?

Having a blog on your website is a huge plus. For some industries, it is actually required in order to portray a professional and strong brand image. Blogs are great way to get your website indexed frequently. Thus content creation is a great link building strategy to rank higher for target keywords.

Guest Posts

Matt Cutts made headlines last year when he specifically stated, “Stick a fork in it, Guest Posts are done!” However the fact of the matter is that guest posts remain a popular choice among who people who want to build “natural, relevant” links to their website. That particular comment from Matt Cutts was more in response to people abusing the guest post strategy by submitting lengthy irrelevant, low quality content on sites that would literally accept any content for a backlink without checking for authenticity, relevancy, and quality.

The truth is that authority sites that focus on their respective areas of expertise are enjoying a higher standing in Google. They are top ranked for their brand, their keywords and their traffic is increasing as their readership increases. Take websites like Search Engine Land and Moz for example. They specialize in content specifically written for Search Engine Optimization, PPC, and all matters associated with digital marketing.They are regarded as an authority sites. People from all over the world contribute via guest post at these forums every day and the website continues to enjoy high rankings.

Bottom line,writing quality guest post is still a great link building strategy. It yields a high value link from an authority sites and overtime creates a mental perception of authority, and leadership among the target audience. Businesses should seriously look into exploring this option for their SEO.

Social Media Platforms

The more reachable you are online, the more rewarding the user experience and thus more traffic, more domain authority and more rankings. There was a time when social media used to be a hip thing to do. Now it is a must-do thing. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are some of the top options to explore. However depending on your industry, there are other platforms where you can capitalize on as well such as Instagram and Pinterest. These are great platforms to sport your merchandise or showcase your services.

And let’s not forget Youtube and Vimeo. People respond to visuals, and videos are a great way to get your message across to your target audience. People would rather watch a one minute video than read through lengthy dull text. And besides, it is a proven fact that short version videos tend to have a bigger, longer lasting impact on viewers than text. Creating videos of your business is an excellent way to build your brand, interact with clients, and get a reliable backlink in the process.

These are some popular link building services that you can surely add to your digital marketing strategy for 2016. The main thing to take from this post is that SEO is still alive and in demand. It has taken more of a content-centric form than ever but there are still many ways to build authority links rather than directly submissions. Try the above mentioned strategies and see how the results pan out for your website.

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2015’s Most Noteworthy SEO Updates From Google, And How They Matter In 2016 https://www.searchberg.com/blog/2015s-most-noteworthy-seo-updates-from-google-and-how-they-matter-in-2016/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/2015s-most-noteworthy-seo-updates-from-google-and-how-they-matter-in-2016/#respond Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:38:13 +0000 http://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=548 2015 was a big year for Search because many game changing events took place that redefined how websites interact with their customers and end-users. In today’s post, we will look at some of these events and why they will be even more important going into 2016. Google’s approach is very methodical when it comes to […]

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2015 was a big year for Search because many game changing events took place that redefined how websites interact with their customers and end-users. In today’s post, we will look at some of these events and why they will be even more important going into 2016.

Google’s approach is very methodical when it comes to changes to its ranking algorithm. Every move it makes has a reason and a long term effect behind it. Mentioned below are twomost important events of 2015 that redesigned how companies went about SEO for their business.

The Mobilegeddon Update

With the continuing rise of mobile internet users, many companies were quick to evolve accordingly with the new paradigm shift and immediately designed a mobile friendly version of their website in addition to the standard one. Others ignored it and instead focused solely on traditional SEO. Google’s Mobile Friendly update changed all that.

On April 22, 2015, Google announced that it will rank mobile search results differently for sites that are mobile friendly. Before this update, mobile rankings for keywords were the same as the organic rankings; The only benefit of having a mobile website was having one additional portal to display your website and having some form of mobile presence. With this update Google started rewarding sites that for having mobile presence and many others were forced to create a mobile friendly version in order to capitalize on the mobile traffic.

Having a mobile friendly version is no longer an option today. It is mandatory. Most clients who initiate SEO for their website start things off with a mobile friendly version first so that the proper foundation for SEO is set in place before the actual work can begin. It is a smart move that pays for itself in the coming month.

Panda 4.2 Update

Panda stunned everyone when it went live in 2011. So many top rankings websites disappeared completely. While many unknowns rose to the top; all in a matter of hours for most websites. The idea behind Panda was to eliminate the negative user experience; encourage white-hat SEO services and set an example for companies who opt for shady link building to gain quick rankings or traffic.

Google has been rolling out different versions of Panda ever since 2011. Last year in July, 2015 Panda 4.2 was rolled out. Though regarded more of a refresh rather than an update, Panda 4.2 affected 2 to 3% of overall queries and didn’t cause ripples like the first update. This is because many websites have completely abandoned black hat SEO and are opting for long term natural SEO for their website. All Panda update are essentially a re-implementation of the same processes that were introduced in the original Panda update.

Moving on to 2016, the need for natural SEO, relevant link building, and original content will only continue to grow more and more importantly. With a majority of the SEO strategy being content driven, being mindful of Panda will continue to be a top SEO priority. That means less content scrapping and more original content development, less spammy links and more relative authoritative links; less posting on low quality sites and more interaction on relevant high quality websites.


Google made a major announcement regarding their ranking algorithm in October 2015. This was a very unusual move by Google as the company rarely make major announcements, especially when it comes to the ranking algorithm.

The update called RankBrain revealed that machine learning will become a part of the Google ranking algorithm. This is a process where a computer teaches itself rather than receiving input from humans or through detailed programming. It is Artificial Intelligence at its peak. RankBrain recognizes patterns between unconnected search terms in order to understand how they are actually similar to one another. In this case, RankBrainwould be used to sort through the billions of pages in the Google Index against the 7 billion daily Google searches and display the best possible results. For businesses that means quality content will always win and natural, long term SEO strategies will always outlast, grey-hat or black hat techniques. Rightfully so, The RankBrainis regarded as an extension to the Google Hummingbird, another update from the previous year.

So what were the take home lessons of 2015?

  • Have a mobile friendly website ready
  • Only follow white-hate SEO that is spearheaded by original, high quality, relevant content
  • RankBrain will play a crucial role in refining search queries

As we start 2016, these points should be at the top of the list for any business that is serious about capturing the only market and more importantly, sustaining it for the long run so that they can build upon it and increased their online presence and visibility. We at SearchBerg Labs, would surely recommend that all businesses add these two approaches in their online business model if they are to succeed commercially in 2016.

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Get 2016 Off To A Blazing Start! https://www.searchberg.com/blog/get-2016-off-to-a-blazing-start/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/get-2016-off-to-a-blazing-start/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2016 15:04:53 +0000 http://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=540 Hey there digital marketers, don’t let your content slip up this year. We tell you the top priorities for all content specialists! Invest some time and energy into these 4 resolutions and don’t listen to the cynics. Remember: People who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals than people who don’t […]

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Hey there digital marketers, don’t let your content slip up this year. We tell you the top priorities for all content specialists! Invest some time and energy into these 4 resolutions and don’t listen to the cynics. Remember: People who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals than people who don’t bother with them.

What do you say? Let’s hit the ground running and be a better digital marketer in 2016!

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Global-marketing Inc..com – Offering SEO Services in Austin https://www.searchberg.com/blog/searchberg-com-offering-seo-services-in-austin/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/searchberg-com-offering-seo-services-in-austin/#respond Tue, 02 Jun 2015 07:58:43 +0000 http://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=499 We hope you have got the whole picture of why Global-marketing Inc. is one of the best Austin SEO companies and how you can avail our services to dominate the local Austin SERPs with your business keywords.

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We hope you have got the whole picture of why Global-marketing Inc. is one of the best Austin SEO companies and how you can avail our services to dominate the local Austin SERPs with your business keywords.

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Insane Social Media Tips to Your Audience’s Heart! https://www.searchberg.com/blog/insane-social-media-tips-to-your-audiences-heart/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/insane-social-media-tips-to-your-audiences-heart/#respond Thu, 28 May 2015 13:02:34 +0000 http://www.searchberg.com/blog/?p=496 Social media offers today’s businesses never-before-seen-opportunities to engage their audience. But cashing on this huge potential can be a daunting task. Fresh, high quality, relevant and relatable content is the key to social media marketing success. And that is why running an SMM campaign is the biggest challenge for today’s businesses. You will have to […]

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Social media offers today’s businesses never-before-seen-opportunities to engage their audience. But cashing on this huge potential can be a daunting task.

Fresh, high quality, relevant and relatable content is the key to social media marketing success. And that is why running an SMM campaign is the biggest challenge for today’s businesses. You will have to keep thinking up new ideas, always be on your toes about responding to comments and queries, and also continue to offer value to your audience. Your content offerings have to be representative of your uniqueness and be compelling to the core.

Rise Above All The Noise, Statistics and Misinformation!

Social media is new and therefore scary, and the abundance of SMM gurus out there makes it feel like you will need specialized help to make it through your SMM experience unscathed. We beg to differ. Just like all your organization’s other functions, you will be better off by getting to know your SMM more thoroughly.

Here we bring you some good, old-fashioned advice and tactics that rise above the wild claims and statistics, offering you evergreen guidance on acing social media. We’ll start with the very basics and then cover some advanced pointers to ensure a more holistic social media experience for your audience.

Tried-And-Tested Best Practices for Building and Retaining an Audience on Social Media

  1. Know Your Audience
    Profiling your target market makes it easier to agree on a tone of voice and the type of content your audience will appreciate. Also invest some time and money in learning their social media proclivities and content consumption habits. Now you know exactly who you are trying to attract, and not just posting for a faceless mass, hoping and shooting in the dark.
  2. Be Human
    Social media is all about the ‘social’. So try your best to keep your posts, tweets and shares as interactive as possible. When your audience looks your brand up, they aren’t exactly expecting to see tons of research and content. What they are really searching for is a clue to your brand’s personality online. So be a little selective of your messages and let your brand boast customer service and satisfaction.
  3. Be Trustworthy
    People trust, and respect content that comes along with the right references. For example, if you are mentioning health-related facts, you will do good to back it up with authentic references. Information from qualified doctors will always take precedence over that from drug or insurance companies or even other patients. Social media gives you the power to command trust, so use it wisely.
  4. Pick Your Social Platform Wisely
    Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and many others. If you are a small business, it is a good idea to stick to only two of those, at least for the first few months. Start by creating a strong presence on platforms that your audience most associates with. Find out which social media sites your competitors are most active on. Observe them and fire up your own account once you’re ready.
  5. Social Is Not a Hard Sell
    We can’t stress this point enough. Social channels are not the place for you to force your brand message. It is where you inform, educate and interact, so leave the overly promotional copy for your website and product landing pages. We know how remarkable your product/service is, but saying it out loud every time you share something is a surefire way of losing followers. Make it a philosophy to share more and sell less… a lot less.
  6. Sharing Goes Beyond 9-5
    Success on social media is a 24/7 pursuit. The better your profiling, the surer you’ll be of when your audience comes online. Social media management tools like HootSuite can let you schedule posts in advance and update your pages according to your SMM plan. Be active different times in a day just so you can cast a wider net, and catch as much attention as possible.
  7. Be Ready To Pay and Play
    While posting on social media is pretty much free, generic posts by themselves only reach about 16% followers. And if that figure is unacceptable for you, then you can pay to promote your page and certifiably expand the reach of your posts.

You may also choose to invest in social media marketing software, like the one mentioned earlier i.e. HootSuite. These smart little programs can help share your content across social media, as and when you want them to.

Are You Ready To Put Social Media To Work For You?

Give some thought to your goals and the value they bring your followers. Adapt an approach that’s completely in sync with what your audience values. Then keep an eye on it and tweak your SMM strategy as and when needed to ensure that it yields the results you need. Social media can help increase your reach and grow your prospective clientele easily and swiftly.

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