Social Media Management Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:19:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Make the Most of YouTube Shorts In 2024 Thu, 07 Mar 2024 09:28:15 +0000 Leveraging YouTube Shorts in the Best Way in 2024 As content creation steadily grows in popularity and consumers almost expect brands to step it up to the plate with engaging material, YouTube Shorts has emerged as a dynamic player in this regard. We’ve previously explored the benefits of using YouTube Shorts and how to grow […]

The post How To Make the Most of YouTube Shorts In 2024 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Leveraging YouTube Shorts in the Best Way in 2024

As content creation steadily grows in popularity and consumers almost expect brands to step it up to the plate with engaging material, YouTube Shorts has emerged as a dynamic player in this regard. We’ve previously explored the benefits of using YouTube Shorts and how to grow your presence, but now we’re kicking it up a notch by exploring this interesting feature that has rapidly risen in popularity and significance on the video-sharing platform.

YouTube Shorts are bite-sized, vertical videos that appeal to audiences because of how short, engaging, and entertaining they are. In an era where user attention spans are rapidly decreasing and shortening, Reels, TikToks, YT Shorts, and other short-form videos are taking the audience by storm.

The rise of YouTube Shorts ties into the changing dynamics of content consumption and instant gratification, where users crave fast-paced, visually appealing, and entertaining snippets that keep them hooked. As more and more creators and viewers begin to prefer short-form content, YT Shorts has become an integral part of the content creation ecosystem. We’re not just directing our attention toward Facebook videos or Instagram Reels that have been around for slightly longer but also actively developing content to feature on Shorts.

It helps that the YouTube landscape has changed to push daily content, short-form videos, and the platform’s strategic emphasis on promoting and showcasing short videos.

A graphic with a YouTube Shorts logo on top.

Incorporating YouTube Shorts into your content strategy is now more crucial than ever. As the platform continues to evolve, embracing Shorts becomes a great way to diversify your content and engage with a broader audience. This strategy works so well because of the fantastic way that Shorts capture audience members’ attention, providing an opportunity for creators to convey their message effectively in a limited, power-packed 60 seconds. We’re sharing some killer strategies and insights needed to make the most of this content format in 2024 and improve your current methods.

Recommended Read: Viral Hashtags for YouTube Shorts

The Role and Importance of YouTube

YouTube Shorts has been a game-changer in the content landscape, offering a unique and compelling experience for creators and viewers alike. Let’s compare this format to regular videos and see what its unique offerings are:

Definition and Features

YouTube Shorts refers to brief, vertical videos designed for quick and immersive viewing. They have a 60-second or less duration, giving audiences quick-witted, aesthetic, and appealing content. It’s easy to record through the Shorts camera, enabling creators to effortlessly capture, edit, and share content directly from their mobile devices without having to reformat, edit, import, export, and upload. This streamlined creation process simplified the method through which content is produced, making it more accessible and inclusive for a diverse range of creators, experienced and otherwise.

Key features of YouTube Shorts comprise an array of creative tools, including being able to string multiple video clips together, add music from the infinite YouTube library, and also add text and stickers for a more appealing, engaging video. YouTube’s user-friendly interface also allows creators to experiment with multiple content formats, techniques, trends, and styles, adding to the diversity.

Unique Characteristics Compared to Regular Videos

YouTube Shorts is characterized by its distinct viewing experience compared to traditional videos. Its vertical format is specifically designed for mobile users, seeing as how YouTube has 2.7 billion active users as of 2023, a vast portion of whom use the platform on their phones. The brevity of Shorts aligns with the modern audience’s preference for concise and engaging content, catering to short attention spans.

The unique characteristics of Shorts include their immersive, full-screen format that gets users’ attention right away. Unlike longer videos, Shorts offer fast, impactful bursts of content, making it great for concise messages, humor, and creative storytelling. Users don’t need to skip through videos, wait for long ads, or be stuck waiting for videos to end to get the message.

A graphic comparing YouTube Shorts vs. Videos.

Audience Engagement and Preferences

YouTube Shorts has become a preferred choice for both creators and viewers, leading to heightened audience engagement. This goes well with modern users’ desire for quick, entertaining, and bite-sized videos. Additionally, the platform’s algorithm promotes Shorts, so they are both easily visible on the YouTube homepage and the dedicated Shorts shelf.

Viewers love how interactive and creative Shorts are, packing entire storylines into a 60-second or less window. The comment sections are also excellent for community engagement, feedback and reaction, and direct interaction. Social media management services allow you to interact and engage with audiences in the way you want, giving you the chance to build a community and culture while still saving time, money, and effort.

As YouTube Shorts continues to gain traction, mastering its unique features and characteristics and their impact on audience engagement is crucial for creators aiming to maximize the potential of this dynamic content format.

Recommended Read: The Ultimate YouTube SEO Cheat Sheet

Maximizing the Impact and Reach of Your YouTube Shorts

Creating captivating YouTube Shorts requires a delicate balance between choosing the optimal length, appealing visuals, and engaging elements to capture viewers’ attention in the briefest timeframe possible. Let’s look at some great ways to make the most out of your YouTube Shorts in 2024:

Optimal Video Length and Format

The success of YouTube Shorts lies in their conciseness and directness. Keeping videos under 60 seconds fits perfectly with the platform’s format and meets the audience’s preference for quick, digestible content. The trick is to zero in on a single idea or story to maximize impact, complementing that with the vertical format optimized for mobile viewing. It’s a quick, effective formula that does the trick.

Leveraging Creative and Eye-Catching Visuals

Visual appeal is a make or break for YouTube Shorts. Creators need to prioritize high-quality visuals, vibrant colors, and attention-grabbing images to capture viewers’ interest from the first frame. Playing with creative angles, unique transitions, and visual effects all help make the content as visually compelling as can be, helping viewers watch the entire Short.

Incorporating Music and Audio Elements

Music goes a long way in increasing the appeal of YouTube Shorts. You will have access to the extensive audio library of sound bites and music available on the platform, adding them as background sounds, lip-syncing content, and more. Careful, strategic selection of music contributes to the overall appeal and emotional resonance of the YouTube Shorts video, making them more memorable and engaging.

A screenshot of adding audio to YouTube Shorts during the editing process.

Utilizing Text Overlays and Captions for Enhanced Engagement

Given the short duration of YouTube Shorts, concise and effective communication is crucial. You can use text overlays and captions to share messages, prompts, humor, and, of course, CTAs within the video. Bold, legible fonts, animated text, and other forms of writing ensure that the content is easy to understand, even without audio. This adds to accessibility and caters to all kinds of users, including those with varying language preferences.

Optimizing YouTube Shorts for engagement requires you to understand both the platform and your audience very intimately. Businesses can experiment with these creative strategies to make their YouTube Shorts videos visually appealing, entertaining, and shareable across social media platforms. Our social media management services are ideal for taking on impactful content creation for you.

Recommended Read: How to Make YouTube Shorts Viral

Making the Most of YouTube Shorts Features

YouTube Shorts comes equipped with a range of features that you can leverage to enhance the quality and appeal of these powerful, short-form videos. Not only do these features improve the quality and standard of content, but they also increase engagement and visibility on the platform.

Incorporating Music from the YouTube Library

One of the most defining features of YouTube Shorts is its extensive music library, which is arguably larger than other competitors. Offering a diverse collection of tracks across multiple genres, styles, and even media, creators can set the tone of their Shorts however they want. This makes your content more professional and ensures compliance with copyright regulations, so you’re not stressing out over details during the creative process.

Using the YouTube Shorts Camera for Easy Creation

The YouTube Shorts Camera is another great tool for simplifying the creation process, allowing creators to capture, edit, and share short-form videos seamlessly. This user-friendly tool is designed for quick and simple video creation directly from mobile devices. It’ll help you improve your workflow, creation process, and post-shoot processing, including editing.

Adding Interactive Elements like Stickers and Filters

To enhance viewer engagement, YouTube Shorts has several interactive elements like stickers and filters, allowing you to add more personality to your videos. Stickers are very engaging and can help you express emotions, share quick responses, and give additional context to the content, among other uses. Filters, on the other hand, enable you to experiment with fun, unique visual elements and effects.

An envelope indicating money for the YT Shorts Fund for creators.

Leveraging YouTube Shorts Fund for Creators

YouTube Shorts Fund is one of the most appealing programs available, and it is aimed at supporting and rewarding creators for their engaging and popular content on the platform. The easiest way to leverage this fund is by creating and uploading engaging Shorts, allowing you access to monetization. This fund helps validate the effort put in by creators and provides them an incentive for them to continue making high-quality, engaging YouTube Shorts for their audience.

Incorporating these YouTube Shorts features takes the creative process for content creators up a notch, making it easier to produce captivating and interactive short-form videos. They also help businesses seeking to maximize their impact on social media platforms, helping them reach a wider clientele.

Recommended Read: How to Create Winning Social Media Strategies for Small Businesses

Optimizing YouTube Shorts for Discovery

Maximizing the visibility of YouTube Shorts demands a strategic, conscious decision-making process and approach to content optimization. Our affordable social media marketing services can help you enhance your Shorts’ discoverability, ultimately reaching a broader audience and increasing engagement.

Crafting Compelling Titles and Descriptions

Titles and descriptions are a lot more important in attracting viewers than you realize. Titles need to be compelling and concise, spark curiosity, and increase click-through rates—without being clickbaity. Additionally, providing detailed yet concise descriptions also adds to the video’s context, so it’s more searchable and makes sense to users and the algorithm alike.

Strategic Use of Hashtags and Keywords

If you’re on our blog, you’ll already know how important hashtags and keywords are for optimizing YouTube Shorts for search and discovery. Our social media management services will conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify trending and high-volume terms related to your content, adding them to titles, descriptions, and hashtags that boost visibility in YouTube’s search and recommendation algorithms.

A graphic depicting YouTube Shorts

Encouraging Likes, Comments, and Shares for Algorithmic Boost

YouTube’s algorithm ranks and pushes content that receives high engagement. You need to actively encourage viewers to like, comment, and share your YouTube Shorts videos. Increased engagement signals to the algorithm that the content is valuable and relevant, leading to enhanced visibility in user recommendations and search results.

Collaborating with Other Creators for Cross-Promotion

Collaboration when making YouTube Shorts is a powerful strategy for expanding reach on YouTube Shorts. By collaborating with other creators, especially those within a similar niche or audience demographic, you get to leverage one another’s follower base. Cross-promotion, collaborations, and other approaches help you reach new audiences, leading to organic growth and greater focus.

Analyzing YouTube Shorts Analytics

You need to understand the data generated from your YouTube Shorts is vital for refining content strategies and optimizing future uploads. Fortunately, YouTube provides a comprehensive analytics dashboard specifically for Shorts that will allow our social media management experts to design and re-strategize your approach.

Understanding YouTube Shorts Analytics Dashboard

While it’s important to understand the analytics dashboard for YouTube Shorts, you don’t need to worry too much with our team in your corner. This tool provides data on key metrics, audience demographics, and performance over specific time periods, helping us gauge what is doing well and how we can improve and alter your content.

Key Metrics to Track for Performance Evaluation

Important metrics to track include views, watch time, likes, shares, and audience retention. This provides direct insights into which Shorts do best with their audience and identifies areas for improvement. Additionally, tracking audience demographics also lets us know who your viewers are, what their qualities, features, and preferences are, and how we can tailor your content for them.

It also enables us to identify successful patterns and understand audience behavior, maximizing engagement and retention for extensive, continual growth.

Analytics insights for YouTube Shorts

Recommended Read: Video SEO: Optimize for Visual Intent and Video-First Searches

Staying Updated with YouTube Shorts Trends

To thrive, not just survive, on YouTube Shorts in 2024, creators need to be up to date with the latest trends and specific practices going on in this sphere.

Exploring Current and Emerging Trends

You should actively explore current and emerging trends within the YouTube Shorts community and share with our social media management company which trends appeal to you. On our end, we’ll closely analyze the platform’s diverse user base and keep track of the trending challenges, themes, and formats that appeal to audiences. By routinely monitoring Shorts content and trending sections, we’ll know what people are currently enjoying.

Adapting Content to Fit Trending Challenges and Themes

Adaptability is vital when it comes to trending, current content for YouTube Shorts. Hop on trending challenges and themes and stay ahead of the algorithm’s changes. We’ll incorporate popular elements with a creative twist and embrace the latest trends in the most unique ways.

Balancing Trend Participation with Originality

While participating in trends is essential for visibility, you need to add your own twist to it. Building a following on YouTube Shorts hinges on their ability to add personal style, unique perspectives, and inventive storytelling into trending content. This helps you leverage popular trends while keeping an original voice and standing out in the crowd.

You need to actively contribute to the content narrative and work on exploring, adapting, and trends participation with originality.

The Future of YouTube Shorts

The future of YouTube Shorts holds exciting possibilities as audience members continue to change their preferences and the algorithm adapts to their needs.

Predictions for the Evolution of Short-Form Content on YouTube

Trends indicate an increase in user-generated content, which allows businesses to engage their audience and customer base in different ways, from testimonials to fun, engaging content and expanding their reach.

Anticipated Features and Improvements

As YouTube Shorts continues to grow, the features designed to improve the overall Shorts experience also grow. They’ll roll out discovery algorithms, introduce new creative tools, and find ways to connect the content within the YouTube ecosystem. Soon enough, you’ll enjoy YouTube Shorts best practices through editing options, music choices, and interactive elements that elevate the creative process more.

A graphic indicating the different types of content that works on YouTube Shorts.

Recommendations for Staying Ahead in the YouTube Shorts Landscape

In the YouTube Shorts world, businesses and creators need to embrace a proactive approach. Our team will keep track of platform updates, adapt to evolving content trends, and harness emerging features, new content formats, and essential strategies.

Embracing change, remaining adaptable, and actively participating in the ever-evolving Shorts landscape will help you maximize your impact, and we’ll be right here to support you when you need our support.

YouTube Shorts Are Here to Stay—So What Are You Waiting For?

The potential for leveraging YouTube Shorts in 2024 is both dynamic and promising, offering creators and businesses alike all kinds of opportunities for innovation and audience engagement.

You can harness the power of Shorts by staying ahead of trends, leveraging and testing new features, and consistently refining your content strategies with help from our social media management company. YouTube shorts offer some of the most thrilling uses thanks to their enhanced creative tools, improved content discovery, and further integration into the broader YouTube ecosystem, complementing your overall social media strategy.

The content may be short-form, but it’s not short-term.

Work with our affordable social marketing services as we embrace experimentation, community collaboration, and staying informed will be key to unlocking success on YouTube Shorts. Our team has the knowledge and expertise required to help you excel on this platform. Get in touch with us to learn more about the fantastic potential of this platform.

The post How To Make the Most of YouTube Shorts In 2024 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How To Make Money on TikTok in 2024 Tue, 05 Mar 2024 12:59:02 +0000 TikTok has exploded onto the scene as a juggernaut of social media influence. How many active users are we talking, globally? 1 billion. No, you didn’t mishear us. That’s 1 billion people spending an average of 95 minutes on the app per day. Ignoring TikTok is like ignoring the elephant in the room…except this elephant is […]

The post How To Make Money on TikTok in 2024 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

how to make money on TikTok

TikTok has exploded onto the scene as a juggernaut of social media influence.

How many active users are we talking, globally? 1 billion. No, you didn’t mishear us. That’s 1 billion people spending an average of 95 minutes on the app per day.

Ignoring TikTok is like ignoring the elephant in the room…except this elephant is dancing, engaging, and, most importantly, driving significant revenue for those savvy enough to harness its power.

To put it bluntly, ignoring TikTok’s potential is like leaving money, and we’re talking serious money, on the table.

But this is where it gets interesting: influencers and content creators aren’t the only ones cashing in on the TikTok gold rush. Businesses, brands, and even the most unassuming of entrepreneurs are finding their niche, engaging with audiences, and turning those views into dollars.

The platform’s unique algorithm and culture of authenticity make it a fertile ground for just about anyone willing to invest time and creativity. Yes, that includes small to medium-sized businesses looking to dip their toes into a sea of potential customers who are ready and willing to spend money.

How do you make money on TikTok? That’s what we’re here for. Let’s roll out the TikTok carpet!

1. The TikTok Goldmine: An Introduction to Monetization

At its core, TikTok is more than just a platform for viral dances and lip-syncs; it’s a fertile ground for digital entrepreneurs, influencers, and businesses aiming to capture the attention of a diverse and engaged audience.

The secret sauce? A unique algorithm that champions content discoverability. This means it’s possible for even the newest creators to go viral and gain a following overnight. This level of accessibility is simply genius. It offers a direct path to visibility and monetization that other platforms struggle to match.

But how do you turn those likes and comments into a steady income stream? It’s pretty simple. You leverage the platform’s diverse monetization options. Let’s dig into these!

1.1. The Creator Fund

TikTok Creator Fund

Launched as a direct response to the growing demand for monetization avenues on the platform, the Creator Fund is TikTok’s ambitious initiative to reward its most innovative and engaging creators financially.

This move underscores TikTok’s commitment to fostering a thriving creator ecosystem. It also opens up a new realm of possibilities for those looking to make a living out of their TikTok presence.

The Creator Fund isn’t a one-size-fits-all program. Instead, it’s a performance-based payout system designed to compensate creators for the quality and impact of their content. Unlike traditional advertising models that pay based on clicks or views, the Creator Fund takes a more holistic approach. It considers factors like video views, engagement rates, and the authenticity of the audience. This means that creators are rewarded for producing content that resonates with their audience. The outcome? You’re working with a much more genuine and creative content creation process.

TikTok sets forth specific eligibility criteria for creators to ensure a level playing field where both popularity and positive contribution to the community are recognized. These criteria are designed to maintain the integrity and quality of content that TikTok is known for. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you need to qualify:

  • Age Requirement: Creators must be at least 18 years old.
  • Minimum Follower Count: Creators must amass a certain threshold of followers. This benchmark ensures only those with a significant audience reach and impact can participate. It helps maintain a high standard of content within the Creator Fund pool.
  • Consistent Engagement and Views: Eligibility isn’t solely based on follower count but also hinges on consistent engagement and views. This ensures that creators are actively contributing to the platform and generating content that resonates with their audience.
  • Adherence to Community Guidelines and Terms of Service: TikTok places a strong emphasis on community safety and positivity. Creators must strictly adhere to the platform’s community guidelines and terms of service.
  • Location: Eligibility may also depend on the creator’s location (e.g., the Creator Fund is available in specific countries or regions where TikTok operates this program). As of March 2024, the Creator Fund is available in the US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy.
  • Original Content: The content must be original and created by the user. The Creator Fund rewards genuine creativity and discourages copyright infringement.

1.2. LIVE Gifts and Diamonds

TikTok's Live Gifts and Diamonds

TikTok’s LIVE Gifts and Diamonds feature represents one of the most direct and engaging ways for creators to monetize their presence on the platform.

Viewers can show their appreciation for creators in real-time by sending them virtual gifts during LIVE sessions. These gifts range from simple emojis to more elaborate virtual items; each carries a specific monetary value. Viewers get to express their support and affection in a tangible way while creators can directly monetize their live content through the reception of these gifts. It’s a win-win!

What happens next is where the magic of monetization really kicks in. LIVE Gifts received by creators are converted into Diamonds, TikTok’s in-app currency, which can then be cashed out for real money. Diamonds serve as the measure of a creator’s earnings from LIVE sessions; they’re a coveted commodity in the TikTok ecosystem.

The rate at which gifts are converted into Diamonds, and subsequently into cash, highlights TikTok’s commitment to providing creators with a viable revenue stream. Creators are directly rewarded for their efforts to engage and entertain the TikTok community.

How can small to medium-sized businesses benefit here? Let’s start by understanding the incredible amount of direct engagement LIVE Gifts and Diamonds have to offer. Businesses can interact with their audience in real-time, answer questions, showcase products, and provide a behind-the-scenes look into the workings of their business. This real-time interaction builds a sense of community and loyalty among viewers. They can and very well should be encouraged to send LIVE Gifts as tokens of appreciation.

SMBs can use the LIVE feature to personalize their customer experience. By hosting Q&A sessions, product demos, or tutorials, businesses can address their audience’s specific needs and preferences. This personalized interaction means higher customer satisfaction. It also encourages viewers to support the brand through LIVE Gifts. There’s no way you can go wrong here.

1.3. TikTok Shop

TikTok Shop

Imagine a world where the line between entertainment and shopping disappears entirely. That’s the magic of TikTok Shop. It’s not just another add-on; it’s a game-changer that seamlessly integrates product discovery, engagement, and shopping, all within the TikTok ecosystem.

TikTok Shop is a suite of features, including a fully integrated shopping tab, product showcases within videos, LIVE shopping experiences, and more. For SMBs, this means an unprecedented opportunity to reach potential customers on a platform where they spend a significant amount of their time.

But how exactly can SMBs harness the power of TikTok Shop? By seamlessly integrating your product catalog directly into your TikTok profile. From there, the possibilities are endless. You can highlight products in your TikTok videos and tap into the platform’s unique algorithm. This isn’t just targeted advertising; it’s targeted storytelling that blends product promotion with the authentic content that TikTok users love.

The LIVE Shopping feature takes things a step further by allowing businesses to host real-time shopping events where viewers can browse and buy products directly through the app as they watch. It’s an interactive way to showcase your products, offer exclusive deals, and interact with your audience in a way that feels personal and genuine.

This direct interaction boosts sales and builds a loyal community around your brand. It’s a brilliant way to turn viewers into advocates and repeat customers.

2. Find Your Profitable Space on TikTok

Now that you have a better understanding of how monetization works on TikTok, let’s move on to the meat of the matter: how to make money on TikTok.

You can’t just waltz into the TikTok space and expect dollar coins to fall at your feet. That’s not quite how things work. In order to master the art of making money on TikTok, you need to first identify your profitable space.

This starts with a deep dive into your brand identity and value proposition. What sets your business apart? Is it your innovative product line, unmatched customer service, or perhaps a unique brand story? This differentiation is your ticket to standing out in the TikTok crowd.

However, differentiation alone isn’t enough. It must be coupled with a keen understanding of your target audience on TikTok. Who are they? What content do they enjoy? And, most importantly, how can your business provide value in a way that resonates with them?

Confused? Here’s a cheat sheet:

how to find your profitable space on TikTok

You can’t dive into the deep end of TikTok monetization without first grasping these ropes, answering these questions, and developing a clear understanding of what it is you ought to achieve. This cheat sheet helps you neatly check all of these boxes off the list.

Let’s put it into action. Let’s say you run a sustainable home goods store. You want to make money on TikTok, but you’re not quite sure how to go about it. Using this cheat sheet, you can pinpoint a niche on TikTok that values sustainability and conscious living.

By understanding your target audience’s deep interest in reducing their carbon footprint, you can craft content that educates viewers on the benefits of sustainable living (from biodegradable materials to zero-waste packaging).

You can showcase behind-the-scenes footage of how your products are made, feature user-generated content of customers enjoying their eco-friendly purchases, and offer tips for a greener lifestyle to solidify your brand identity as a champion for the environment. See how this works?

3. Create Strategic Content for Maximum Earnings

Your audience is bombarded with content every time they swipe up. You can’t just be another video in their feed. To stand out and make money on TikTok, you need to be the reason they stop scrolling, watch, and engage. This means creating content that delivers value in a way that entertains, informs, and, most importantly, connects. This is where strategic content swiftly enters the picture.

The businesses that understand this are the ones that see their TikTok efforts translate into sales. They’re the ones who know that a well-crafted tutorial, a perfectly timed behind-the-scenes glimpse, or an expertly executed piece of trendjacking can rack up views and open wallets.

But let’s be clear. This isn’t about selling out or losing the essence of what makes TikTok, well, TikTok. It’s utilizing the platform’s unique culture and capabilities to present your brand in a way that resonates with the modern consumer. It’s the art of being clever, creative, and, yes, a bit cunning. It’s masterfully using every tool at your disposal to craft content that doesn’t just fit into the TikTok mold but breaks it in a way that benefits your bottom line.

And how can you achieve all this?

Let’s show you the way.

3.1. TikTok Trends Are the Way to Go

TikTok thrives on trends from viral challenges to popular sounds. When creating content for TikTok, you can’t ignore these gold nuggets. They’ll ultimately help you boost your visibility and make money on TikTok.

The art of leveraging TikTok trends wisely starts with discernment. Not every trend is a fit for every business. The key is to select those that resonate with your brand values and audience interests. This selective approach will ensure that when you do jump on a trend and do so smartly, it feels authentic to your followers. The goal is to enhance your audience’s connection to your brand rather than dilute it.

For instance, a local bookstore might find a natural fit in a trend that celebrates literary challenges, whereas a fitness studio could capitalize on a dance challenge to showcase their community’s energy and spirit.

Once you’ve identified a trend that aligns with your brand, the next step is to infuse it with your unique twist. This is where creativity takes center stage. You can’t just replicate a trend and call it a day; you must reimagine it in a way that highlights your products or services.

A coffee shop, for example, could take a popular lip-sync trend and adapt it to tell the story of their morning rush with employees and customers lip-syncing to a day-in-the-life narrative. This could showcase the shop’s vibrant atmosphere and menu items in an engaging and memorable way. Here is an excellent example of Dunkin’ Donuts using a viral TikTok sound to connect with their audience and drive sales in a unique way:

@dunkin Is it friday yet? ♬ Hey It’s Me – Official Sound Studio

But leveraging trends on TikTok isn’t just about what you create; it’s also about timing. The platform’s fast-paced nature means that timing is critical. Jumping on a trend while it’s on the rise maximizes visibility and engagement, whereas lagging behind can mean missing out on a prime opportunity to capture the audience’s attention.

Closely monitor TikTok’s Discover page and trending hashtags to stay ahead of the curve. This proactive approach will ensure that your content doesn’t just ride the trend but does so at the crest of its wave.

But the magic doesn’t end with hopping on trends at the right time. The real sorcery lies in how you engage with these trends to create a ripple effect far beyond the initial splash. This is where TikTok’s communal spirit shines brightest.

By inviting your followers to throw their hats into the ring (whether it’s through participating in a challenge using your products, sharing their unique takes on a trend, or simply tagging your brand), you’re fostering a community, turning passive viewers into active participants and, ultimately, brand ambassadors.

Take, for example, the way a beauty brand might leverage the #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt phenomenon. By jumping on this trend early, showcasing their products in action, and encouraging users to share their own experiences with the hashtag, they can capitalize on the trend’s momentum and crowdsource authenticity. It’s downright genius.

Or consider a local café that sees an uptick in a coffee-related challenge. By quickly creating their own unique take on the challenge, featuring their signature drink, and encouraging customers to participate in their version, they can tap into the trend’s popularity and drive foot traffic to their location. This is how you turn an online trend into real-world engagement. And that’s what TikTok is all about!

Work with a social media management company that can do all the heavy lifting for you. They’ll identify the top TikTok trends at the right time and help you strike while the iron is hot. Look into affordable social marketing to keep your budget intact while reaping all the benefits TikTok has to offer.

3.2. Showcase Your Products Creatively

Think of TikTok as your stage and your products as the stars of the show. The spotlight is on, the audience is waiting, and it’s your cue to dazzle. But how do you ensure that your products don’t just make an appearance but steal the show?

First off, let’s debunk a myth: product showcases on TikTok need to be anything but straightforward. The days of static images and dry descriptions are long gone. TikTok demands dynamism, creativity, and a touch of the unexpected. If you want to make money on TikTok, you must master the art of turning the mundane into the magical and transforming everyday products into objects of desire.

Think of a simple coffee mug. In a standard ad, it’s just a container for your morning brew. But in the TikTok universe, it’s the vessel for a mini-drama where the first sip turns a dreary morning into a musical extravaganza. Or perhaps it’s the main character in a comedy skit about “the quest for the perfect coffee.”

The point issimple: your product should be the key player in a narrative that resonates with your audience (whether it’s through humor, inspiration, or sheer ingenuity).

And this is where the magic of TikTok filters, effects, and music comes into play. These tools are your special effects department; they’re capable of transforming your product showcase into an engaging story that captivates your audience.

A makeup tutorial can become a transformative journey with just the right filter, a DIY tool can turn into a superhero gadget with the perfect sound effect, and a piece of jewelry can become a talisman in a mystical tale set to an enchanting soundtrack.

But let’s take it a step further. Why not make your audience the directors of their own experience with your product? Encourage them to create their own content using your products. This provides you with authentic material and deepens your audience’s connection with your brand. It’s a win-win: your followers get a platform to showcase their creativity and you get genuine endorsements that resonate with the TikTok community.

Fenty Beauty by Rihanna is an excellent example. The brand has mastered the art of using TikTok’s visual and audio elements to highlight the unique qualities of its products. Fenty Beauty often features tutorials that utilize the brand’s makeup in various creative ways, from everyday looks to more avant-garde appearances, demonstrating the versatility and quality of their products.

Want to follow suit? Approach your social media management company with an idea of the direction you want to head in. They’ll take the reins from there. However, in order for this to work, you must provide them with a comprehensive understanding of your products. This will help them brainstorm ideas to showcase your products creatively on TikTok.

3.3. Create Value-Driven Content

At its very core, value-driven content educates, entertains, or inspires. It’s the kind of content that people don’t just want to consume; they want to share it, talk about it, and engage with it.

For SMBs, this means delving deep into what makes your audience tick. What do they care about? What problems do they face that your products or services can solve? How can you make their day a little brighter, their lives a little easier, or their knowledge a bit wider?

One of the most straightforward ways to create value is through educational content. This could be a quick tutorial on how to use your product, tips related to your industry, or even a deep dive into the science or craftsmanship behind your offerings. The goal is to leave your audience feeling like they’ve learned something valuable that enriches their understanding or appreciation of your niche.

For example, a skincare brand might share bite-sized videos on the benefits of each ingredient in their products. Or a tech product could break down the technology behind their bestselling product (but make it sound cool and interesting instead of boring).

Entertainment is another powerful form of value (especially on a platform as dynamic as TikTok). But entertaining content doesn’t have to be disconnected from your brand’s core message or offerings. You must find creative ways to highlight your products or services while keeping your audience engaged. This is how you make money on TikTok!

3.4. Engage and Interact

First off, let’s get one thing straight. Engagement isn’t just about racking up likes and comments; it’s the art of fostering a genuine connection with your audience. This connection is what transforms viewers into followers, followers into fans, and fans into customers. You engage your audience by creating a community around your brand.

The secret sauce to boosting engagement on TikTok? Prompt participation. This could be as simple as ending your videos with a question that encourages viewers to comment with their thoughts or experiences. Or, take it up a notch by creating interactive content like polls, quizzes, or challenges that invite your audience to share their own content in response.

TikTok offers a plethora of features designed to foster interaction. We’re talking duets, stitches, live streams, and so much more. SMBs can leverage these features to showcase their products in a new light and directly engage with their audience. Host a live Q&A session to answer product-related questions, use stitches to react to customer testimonials, or encourage duets as a creative way for followers to engage with your content. These interactions will amplify your reach and build a sense of belonging among your audience. If you’ve been looking for organic ways to monetize TikTok, this is as organic as it gets.

4. Monetize Through Sponsored Content and Brand Partnerships

The journey to monetization on TikTok often starts with sponsored content. And no, we’re not talking about plastering your products in every video. Instead, you must learn how to weave your offerings into the fabric of what makes TikTok tick: creativity, authenticity, and engagement.

The magic of sponsored content lies in its ability to not feel like an ad. The most successful TikTok ads are those that viewers watch, share, and engage with without realizing they’re ads.

Creating this type of content requires a deep understanding of both your product and your audience. What aspects of your product can spark joy, solve a problem, or fulfill a need for your TikTok viewers? From there, you craft narratives or scenarios where your product naturally fits into the storyline. The goal is to engage the viewer so effectively that by the end of the video, they’re intrigued, invested, and inching closer to conversion.

Beyond sponsored content, brand partnerships on TikTok open the door to a wider audience and bring a layer of credibility and intrigue to your brand. The key here is alignment in values, content style, and brand ethos. A successful brand partnership feels effortless to the audience; it’s a natural merging of two brands’ worlds in a way that adds value and excitement to the viewer’s TikTok feed.

In order to negotiate and nurture these partnerships, you need a keen eye for potential synergies and a clear communication of goals, expectations, and metrics for success. The effort is well worth it. A well-matched brand partnership can catapult your brand into new audiences, engender trust through association, and create a buzz that transcends the sum of its parts.

5. eCommerce and Affiliate Marketing on TikTok

TikTok has ingeniously integrated eCommerce capabilities directly within the app. It provides businesses with the tools to seamlessly convert engagement into sales.

Through features like shoppable ads, product links in bios, and the more recent introduction of TikTok Shops (discussed earlier), the platform has blurred the line between content and commerce. For SMBs, this means the ability to showcase products in action, in real-time, to a global audience ready to swipe up and shop.

Imagine showcasing your latest product line through a series of engaging video stagged with direct links to purchase. It’s direct marketing, sales, and entertainment all rolled into one!

Affiliate marketing on TikTok takes the concept of word-of-mouth marketing and supercharges it. By partnering with TikTok creators and influencers, SMBs can tap into established audiences, leveraging the trust and rapport these influencers have built with their followers. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement; influencers get to offer fresh content to their audience while businesses gain access to potential customers.

The key here is selecting the right partners whose content style, audience, and brand values align with your own. When an influencer’s recommendation comes across as genuine and authentic, their followers are more likely to take action, clicking through affiliate links and making purchases.

Success in TikTok eCommerce and affiliate marketing cannot come from just putting content out there. You must, instead, take the time to understand what works and why.

Think of TikTok’s analytics as your very own crystal ball that offers a glimpse into your audience’s hearts and minds. This isn’t a matter of counting likes or tallying up views. It’s the art of peeling back the layers to reveal the why behind the what.

Which videos make your audience’s hearts beat faster? What content prompts them to take the leap from viewer to customer? These insights are gold dust for small to medium-sized businesses looking to fine-tune their strategies.

Let’s break it down. You launch a series of videos. Through the lens of TikTok’s analytics, you watch as the numbers roll in: views, likes, shares, comments, and the holy grail: conversions. Like a detective at a crime scene, you’re looking for clues. Which video sparked the most joy? Which partnership brought in the cavalry of customers? This isn’t guesswork; it’s strategic detective work guided by data and driven by a desire to connect and convert.

Armed with these insights, you refine your approach. Perhaps it’s the humorous how-to video that becomes your blueprint for success. Or the heartfelt partnership with an influencer that resonates most with your audience. Each piece of data is a stepping stone towards a more effective TikTok strategy that propels your eCommerce and affiliate marketing efforts from mere shots in the dark to well-aimed arrows hitting the bullseye.

And so, the cycle continues: create, analyze, optimize, repeat. It’s a dynamic process that ensures your TikTok content remains relevant and revolutionary.

For SMBs venturing into the world of TikTok eCommerce and affiliate marketing, embracing this continuous cycle of learning and optimization is the blueprint for building a brand that turns the vast ocean of TikTok into your own personal goldmine.

6. The Power of TikTok Ads

a TikTok ad displayed on a smartphone screen

The TikTok algorithm, often hailed as the wizard behind the curtain, operates with a level of sophistication and intuition that sets TikTok Ads apart in the online advertising arena.

This algorithm doesn’t just throw your ads into the vast ocean of content, hoping someone swims by. It’s more like a skilled matchmaker who meticulously pairs your ads with users who are primed and ready to engage with them.

This precision targeting is what transforms TikTok from a mere advertising platform into a powerful, in fact, ultra powerful, tool for driving tangible business results.

The TikTok community has a finely tuned radar for authenticity. Users flock to the platform for genuine connections and real stories instead of polished sales pitches. This calls for a creative strategy that roots your ads in the reality of the user experience.

Showcasing real people, genuine reactions and authentic stories related to your product can make your ad relatable and trustworthy. Let your brand’s personality shine through in a way that feels personal to viewers. They should feel like they’re engaging with a friend rather than a faceless corporation.

Fun is the currency of TikTok. It’s also the currency of TikTok Ads. And, therefore, the currency of making money on TikTok. It’s what users come seeking and what keeps them scrolling for hours. Embedding this element into your ads can transform them from mere interruptions to eagerly anticipated content. Incorporate music, dance, challenges, or playful narratives that align with trending themes on the platform. An ad that entertains or offers a fun challenge can quickly become part of TikTok’s cultural zeitgeist. It’ll earn shares, likes, and, importantly, a place in the audience’s heart.

Approaching TikTok Ads as an investment means recognizing the potential for a tangible return on every dollar spent. This return could manifest in various forms: increased brand awareness, a surge in website traffic, or direct sales conversions. The key is to set clear objectives for your ad campaigns (whether it’s boosting product sales, driving downloads for an app, or simply expanding your brand’s reach). With each campaign tailored to meet these objectives, your investment is poised to recoup its initial outlay and generate profit.

Investing in TikTok Ads also means continuously optimizing your creative content for better performance. The platform’s instant feedback loop, in the form of engagement metrics, allows you to understand what resonates with your audience. A/B testing different ad creatives, formats, and calls to action (CTAs) will give you data-driven insights into what works best. You’ll be able to allocate your budget more effectively towards high-performing ads.

The real measure of success for your TikTok ad investment is your return on investment (ROI). Calculating your ROI involves comparing the revenue generated from your ads against the cost of running them. TikTok’s analytics tools provide comprehensive data on campaign performance, including conversion rates, cost per click (CPC), and overall ad spend. By analyzing this data, you can refine your advertising strategy.

7. When Do You Start Getting Paid on TikTok?

Alright, you know how to make money on TikTok. But when do you start getting paid? Use this cheat sheet:

A guide to TikTok's monetization

Working with social media management experts is an excellent way to track and optimize your payments. These professionals use sophisticated analytics and tracking systems to dissect your monetization streams with surgical precision. They can help you identify which content types yield the highest returns, which partnerships are most lucrative, and how to adjust your ad spend to achieve the best ROI.

Beyond mere number crunching, social marketing experts can also provide strategic guidance on content creation, audience engagement, and platform trends.

Let Global-marketing Inc. Show You the Way!

One thing’s pretty clear by now: mastering TikTok is no small feat. It’s a multifaceted task that requires a dash of creativity, a pinch of persistence, and a deep understanding of the platform’s nuances.

This is where the expertise of seasoned professionals can make all the difference.

At Global-marketing Inc., we’re your partner in crafting a TikTok strategy that resonates, engages, and converts. Our expertise in understanding and, quite simply, mastering the TikTok ecosystem helps us steer you towards success. Yes, you can make money on TikTok. And we don’t just show you how; we do all the legwork for you.

Are you ready to learn how to monetize TikTok? And are you ready to watch the $$$ come rolling in? Explore our social media management services to get started! Once you’re ready, sign up for a free consultation. Our experts are ready to make magic happen…TikTok style!

The post How To Make Money on TikTok in 2024 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How to Make YouTube Shorts Viral Thu, 07 Dec 2023 10:34:56 +0000 The Longstanding Impact of YouTube Shorts In an era of shortened attention spans, content consumption, and information overload, brands feel more pressure than ever to keep producing content and consistently engaging their viewers and audiences. But we know how challenging it is to break your content down into bite-sized content, helping you engage with your […]

The post How to Make YouTube Shorts Viral appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

The Longstanding Impact of YouTube Shorts

In an era of shortened attention spans, content consumption, and information overload, brands feel more pressure than ever to keep producing content and consistently engaging their viewers and audiences.

But we know how challenging it is to break your content down into bite-sized content, helping you engage with your audience in more impactful ways. Tools and platforms like YouTube Shorts have now emerged as a powerhouse for creators seeking fast engagement and, ultimately, virality.

However, it’s not that straightforward, seeing as how the ever-evolving world of online video can be impossible to keep up with unless you’re a dedicated content creator like Daniel LaBelle, who continues to hold the spot for the most viewed YouTube short with a whopping 1.44 billion views as of November 28, 2023. The challenge isn’t just about producing content; it’s about creating content that captivates, resonates, and spreads like wildfire and generates views across the board.

A phone screen with a YouTube Shorts logo, like button, share button, and subscribe button.

YouTube  Shorts have transformed the way creators connect with audiences. It may seem like these small videos and compact moments are forgettable and won’t have much impact, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

In less than a minute, you have the potential to leave a lasting impact and forge a connection with your audience. If you want to know how to go viral on YouTube Shorts, you need to work with us. Our approach to making YouTube Shorts go viral is where creativity meets strategy, where the first few seconds of a video are as crucial as its entire duration.

Recommended Read: The Ultimate YouTube SEO Cheat Sheet

Let’s Talk About the Popularity and Potential of Viral YouTube Shorts

The rise of YouTube Shorts is a testament to how quickly trends and consumer preferences change, with 244.4 million video viewers in the US alone. Where long-form content dominated the digital sphere for years, short-form content has become a cultural phenomenon, leveraging an audience that thrives on instant gratification and rapid-fire entertainment. What sets YouTube Shorts apart is their accessibility, enabling users to consume content seamlessly and without really trying, whether they have a few seconds to spare or they’re on a content binge.

The potential for virality within YouTube Shorts lies in part due to the quick, bite-sized format but also in its capacity to appeal to and resonate with all kinds of audiences. The most viral shorts aren’t confined by geographical or linguistic barriers; they manage to appeal to viewers across the globe, going above all these limitations. This often means the proof of the pudding often lies in conception and execution more than script and dialogue.

The Art and Strategy Behind Making YouTube Shorts Go Viral

Contrary to popular belief, however, achieving virality on YouTube Shorts is no easy feat, and rarely is it coincidental. While often the best viral content is a stroke of genius, a fluke, or a really great moment filmed in the right place at the right time, there needs to be intentionality behind it, too. You have to focus on both artistic expression and strategic execution.

You must understand the intricacies of the platform and viewer behavior, and get a hang of crafting content that not only grabs attention but retains it over and over, racking up views and engagement.

Our talented digital marketing teams understand YouTube search engine optimization unlike anyone out there and have the insight to know how to drive the virality of YouTube Shorts.

An animated hand coming out of a computer, holding a magnet, attracting engagement.

This comprehensive blog isn’t just a guide; it’s an exploration of the many components and elements that go into virality on this platform, including data-backed engagement, leveraging trends, and the use of creativity.

Despite our recommendations and analysis, however, you need to understand that viral content isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula. Each viral YouTube Short is a unique concoction of creativity, timing, audience appeal, and a lot of experimentation to find what balance of this formula works best for you.

While virality is definitely an aspirational goal, it isn’t and shouldn’t be treated as a be-all-end-all approach because it’s not always the most sustainable either. Ultimately, focus on the quality of content and nailing core components in making viral YouTube Shorts as opposed to subpar videos, hoping that one of them picks up on traction.

Recommended Read: Viral Hashtags for YouTube Shorts

Begin by Understanding Your Audience

To propel your YouTube Shorts into virality, it’s imperative to have an extensive understanding of your audience. Not only do you need to identify key demographics that make up the bulk of your viewers and audiences, but you need to look at them in more depth. Analyze age groups, geographical locations, and the devices your audience uses to consume content.

Fortunately, YouTube Shorts provide valuable insights into viewer behavior preferences, including but not limited to preferred viewing times and interaction patterns such as saves, likes, shares, or comments.

You need to begin crafting content tailored to these preferences so as to build a solid connection between the creator and the audience. If you go too broad and generic, you miss out on the existing viewership that you’ve already garnered.

Target your key audience first, and then move on to the rest of the world.

Learn Elements of Creating Compelling Shorts Content and Focus on Visual Elements

There’s a lot that goes into generating viral YouTube Shorts, primarily storytelling and visually appealing materials and media.

But there’s also no denying just how tough it is to apply unique storytelling techniques within the constraints of a minute. It demands power-packed, punchy, and entertaining narratives that resonate with audiences almost immediately. Engaging viewers within the first few seconds is key, giving them a hook that makes them watch it till the end.

A graphic showing audience members for YouTube Shorts and content.

When it comes to visuals, there are several effective visual elements you should experiment with. Designing click-worthy thumbnails that are unique to your content is key, and using A/B testing strategies further optimizes their impact.

Additionally, imbedding visual effects, and animations, leveraging color psychology, and using relevant, unique visuals all elevate the overall appeal. Following that comes the perfect loop—a seamless and engaging repetition—acting as a gateway to viewer engagement. The more appealing your visuals are, the better your YouTube Shorts video will be, and thus, more likely to go viral.

If you’re aiming for viral YouTube Shorts, you must balance creativity with strategic elements, balancing content, visuals, and audience engagement for the perfect recipe.

Recommended Read: How to Promote Your YouTube Channel: The Only Guide You Need

Optimizing Engagement to Create Trending Shorts

Optimizing engagement in YouTube Shorts isn’t just limited to garnering attention and interactions; it’s about fostering a dynamic relationship with audiences to go far deeper than short-form content.

You should be actively engaging with comments, acknowledging and reciprocating their feedback, likes, and other forms of interaction—but we know it’s difficult to keep track of all that. That’s why our social media management services handle account management and interaction for you.

Another great approach to making viral YouTube Shorts involves the strategic integration of features like polls and questions, turning your passive viewers into active participants. Encouraging comments and responses becomes a two-way dialogue, turning content consumption into a more conscious effort and interaction.

A graphic showing YouTube engagement metrics.

Another great approach is creating collaborative content, such as duets, which gives you a chance to respond, react, and engage with other creators of businesses too. Leveraging the power of collaborative shorts allows for shared creativity and combines distinct styles and forms of content into a cohesive narrative. Collabs are a great way to go viral, thanks to the combined reach of both creators’ audiences and fans. This means whether you collaborate with another business, or creator, or even just react, you have the ability to attract audiences from varied demographics and target groups.

Additionally, interactive content and features not only improve engagement but also generate valuable data. By analyzing user interactions, comments, and responses, you gain insights into viewer preferences, which allows you to tailor future shorts based on this feedback. Data-driven, affordable social marketing is what makes us such pros at generating views.

Optimizing engagement and effective YouTube SEO is not an isolated strategy; it’s a dynamic and ongoing process that goes deeper than views; it’s about building a community that actively participates, shares, and enjoys your content.

Making Sure You’re Leveraging Trends Creatively

Navigating current trends is a slippery slope when going viral on YouTube Shorts. While identifying and participating in trends is crucial, creators and brands must also recognize that it can backfire and be cringey, driving away audiences instead.

In that, you need to have a unique twist to stand out and create content that aligns with ongoing viral trends without compromising authenticity, brand values, and messaging.

You need to engage in a unique approach or add a creative spin to trending ideas. This helps keep your content fresh and original, while still maintaining the essence and purpose of the trend. A great example of this is Scrub Daddy, a household cleaning brand, because they recognize that it’s crucial to engage in trends while contributing something interesting and new to the overall conversation.

We can see in this YouTube Short that the brand made a funny, engaging response video to an ongoing trend offering alternatives to the popular product. They also have a video where a user supposedly cut a regular-sized sponge to get two out of it. The owner humorously calls them all out on it while plugging in an alternative product from their existing collection. It’s short, snippy, funny, and addresses 1) the original cost and function of the product and 2) an alternative that is cheaper but just as great.

Creating evergreen viral is far above momentary trends. You need to find a balance between timely content that aligns with current trends and the ability to generate impactful content that holds relevance and draws in engagement over an extended period. You shouldn’t just aspire to create quick content for the now, but YouTube Shorts that people will continue to engage with days, weeks, and even months down the line.

Recommended Read: How to Create Winning Social Media Strategies for Small Businesses

Implement Cross-Promotion Strategies

Cross-promotion is an excellent strategy for skyrocketing YouTube Shorts into virality. Sharing and reposting shorts on other platforms extends the content’s reach well beyond YouTube, but you need to ensure that it’s done with the right credits and technique. For instance,

Tailoring content for different platforms ensures optimal engagement, recognizing the unique requirements of each platform’s audience. For instance, you can post your YouTube Shorts on Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook while still generating views on the original video or content.

Additionally, a collaborative promotion with influencers helps unlock access to diverse audiences and extends your reach. It’s also a great way to build partnerships for mutual growth, helping them capitalize on their established trust and connection, helping you go viral over time.

Strategic cross-promotion is not merely about extending reach to anyone; you need to connect with more diverse audiences that resonate with the content. Cross-promotion introduces shorts to untapped audiences, offering a mutually beneficial exchange to you and your collaborative partner.

Building Community Engagement for Effective Reach

Fostering a sense of community is at the core of viral YouTube Shorts. From feel-good content to impactful advertising, your goal should be to encourage user-generated content, which goes a step further in converting viewers into active participants. When your audience is motivated to engage with your digital presence, contribute to the content narrative, and feel a sense of ownership, you’ve won the viral lottery.

Responding to comments and engaging with viewers, as mentioned above, builds a two-way street of communication, building a strong community.

A content creator records content for YouTube.

In addition to interactive content and crowd-sourcing material, you can also bring in elements of gamification, inviting the audience to participate in games, challenges, and quizzes. It helps you go viral while still giving your audience a platform. There are several great examples of that, with brands such as e.l.f. launching the #eyeslipsface challenge, and Crocs launching the #ThousandDollarCrocs challenge that took TikTok and other platforms by storm.

There are unique ways to engage in community engagement through your digital platforms and learning how to make videos viral on YouTube.

Strategically Optimizing Shorts for Monetization

As YouTube Shorts continues to evolve, creators and businesses that launch content will be able to monetize it, adding a layer of financial incentive to your overall goal to make YouTube Shorts go viral. Leveraging ad revenue allows for easier monetization, where creators can earn revenue through ads displayed on their shorts. However, you need to strategically imbed ads in a way that they do not compromise user experience in order for it to be a sustainable revenue stream. Otherwise, in a 60-second video, a 10-second ad is nothing but a nuisance.

Exploring brand partnerships as a creator or independent business, however, is tricky. How can you plug others’ ads when your own YouTube Shorts are promoting you? You need to choose brands and potential sponsors that align with your goals or aren’t a direct threat or competitor to your business. This lends a highly lucrative approach to going viral.

Our social media management company knows how to leverage trending shorts and combine them with adverts for increasing monetary gains.

Recommended Read: How to Optimize Videos for YouTube Search Results in 2020

The Best Tips to Improve YouTube Shorts

All of this brings us to the ultimate list of recommendations from our experts on how to go viral on YouTube Shorts. Let’s jump right in:

Making the First Few Seconds Impactful

While there’s no concrete length of time that is said to perform the best on YouTube, it does help to keep your videos between 50–60 seconds long. But with such a small window to operate in, the opening seconds of a YouTube Short are the make-or-break moment. You need an impactful start that grabs attention instantly, and you can do this using visual elements, compelling narratives, or unexpected twists to keep your viewers hooked from the get-go.

Focusing on Making the Perfect Loop

The magic of YouTube Shorts often lies in their repeatability. Similar to the popular Boomerang format on Instagram, you can construct a seamless and engaging loop within the Short so viewers continue to watch it repeatedly. From visual aspects to a recurring theme, the perfect loop enhances the short’s visual appeal and memorability.

A loop symbol for YouTube Shorts

Keeping Audience Engaged Throughout

Sustaining engagement throughout the short is non-negotiable. You need a mix of interactive elements, varied visuals, and interesting content to maintain audience interest from start to finish. Building a strong narrative arc or offering surprises in the content ensures that viewers remain engaged, which ultimately also helps it go viral.

Making the Title Impactful

The title serves as the initial point of contact with potential viewers. Rather than choosing click-baity titles, you should opt for descriptive, intriguing, and click-worthy titles. You can read more about this in our blog (mentioned above) too. An impactful title sets the stage for the short, adds more context, or offers an interesting or witty statement that prompts users to click and watch.

Using Trending Sounds and Music

To make a viral YouTube Shortyou must incorporate trending sounds and music or sounds. Use popular audio elements that align with current trends and resonate with your target audience so that you stay relevant not just in the moment but long term. Trending sounds make you fun and garner attention through the algorithm.

Including Ongoing Viral Trends

Speaking of viral and trending sounds, it also helps to hop on current trends. Borrow current themes, challenges, or concepts that are currently trending on the platform and find a unique way to make them relevant to your shorts. Timely content that fits viral trends not only boosts discoverability but also positions your short within the broader cultural conversation and makes your brand stand out as a trailblazer and authority.

Avoiding Prioritization of Trends Over Audience Interests

But with all that said, it’s also crucial to realize that while leveraging trends is beneficial, you must prioritize your audience’s interests over all else. In trying to stay relevant and appeal to mass audiences, you shouldn’t compromise on your audience’s preferences, viewership needs, and your own brand image. Ensure that trending content fits your niche and resonates authentically with your viewers. Balancing trends with your unique identity is what fosters a genuine connection with your audience, allows you to connect with a broader audience, and helps you go viral.

A Google Analytics search for YouTube trends.

Turning Shorts into a Series

A great way to make your YouTube shorts go viral is to convert them into a series. This approach creates a sense of mystery, curiosity, and desire to learn more, encouraging viewers to anticipate and seek out subsequent episodes. It also builds a sense of continuity and connection, using the 60-second format for more long-term relationship-building with your audience.

Using Relevant Hashtags to Get YouTube Shorts Noticed

Incorporate relevant and trending hashtags in the description and comments of your YouTube Shorts to go viral and generate more traction. Hashtags optimize discoverability, categorize your content within broader conversations, and stay updated with trending topics. We can help you discover popular and specific hashtags to categorize your shorts effectively, increasing the likelihood of trending within specific genres or communities.

Experimenting with Types of Content

Diversify your content types and forms on YouTube Shorts. This helps you discover what works and what doesn’t, what type of content performs better, be it tutorials, demos, or testimonials, among other forms, as well as varying themes, formats, and styles. A varied content approach allows you to discover the types of shorts that garner the most attention and engagement among your target and broader demographic. By continuously experimenting, you can refine your content strategy.

Connecting Shorts to Push Longer Content

Similar to creating a series, you can also build a symbiotic relationship between your shorts and longer-form content. Give hints or clips of longer videos within your shorts, encouraging viewers to explore your broader content catalog or link to a particular service or theme. This strategic connection not only increases the potential for sustained engagement but also introduces viewers to more in-depth content and pushes them to explore what else you can offer.

A unique example of this is as follows:

As can be seen, Prime Video Canada has uploaded a YouTube Short featuring a quirky, snippy scene from the much-loved, popular sitcom Two Broke Girls, which ended in 2017. Although the show, which ran from 2011-2017, ended a long time ago, it’s currently available on Prime Video. The short has 6.6 million views as of right now and 630k likes, and encourages users to stream the show on their platform. Simple and effective.

Being Consistent with Material and Shorts

Consistency is a cornerstone of keeping a community and audience for your YouTube Shorts. You need to have a regular posting schedule to establish viewer expectations, provide quality material, and have excellent content that helps you stay present, visible, and reliable.

Avoiding Pushing Audience to Like, Subscribe, and Favorite Content

Look, nobody likes to be told what to do, and this includes your audience. Resist the urge to beg for likes, follows, and subscriptions, especially in something as brief as a YouTube Short. Allow viewers to engage organically with your YouTube Shorts. Trust that compelling and authentic content will naturally inspire likes, subscriptions, and favorites. You won’t go viral by begging for it—in fact, it’ll have the opposite impact.

Recommended Read: What is Search Engine Positioning & How To Improve Ranking

The Long and Short of It—Choose Our Social Media Management Services

As the digital content creation landscape continues to evolve, it’s more crucial than ever for businesses to stay on top of their game. Leverage the art of generating viral YouTube Shorts using creativity, strategic decision-making, and appeal to your audience through our social media management services.

From the impactful first seconds to keeping up with all constantly changing algorithms, the tips provided in this guide serve as an idea for businesses and creators to extend their reach.

Beyond the metrics, shares, and likes is the power of messaging and creating content that resonates with and appeals to a wider audience—all the while staying true to your original branding.

As the digital storytelling landscape continues to evolve, so does the potential for creators to play around with the unique format that YouTube Shorts offers. Choose our affordable social marketing services to continue pushing boundaries, connecting with audiences, and letting your creativity come through.

Our specialists will design customized strategies, optimize your YouTube channel, track trends, and metrics, and leverage all the tools and solutions available to us. Get in touch with us to learn more.

Let’s make this long story short—pun intended—shall we?

The post How to Make YouTube Shorts Viral appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How Much Does It Cost to Promote Instagram Posts? An In-Depth Guide Fri, 01 Dec 2023 14:46:35 +0000 Much like other forms of online advertising, paying to promote on Instagram can seem pretty daunting for new advertisers. There’s so much to consider: what to promote, how to promote it, where to place the ad, etc. Not to mention all the research that goes into creating a winning ad campaign. But the trickiest part of […]

The post How Much Does It Cost to Promote Instagram Posts? An In-Depth Guide appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Much like other forms of online advertising, paying to promote on Instagram can seem pretty daunting for new advertisers.

There’s so much to consider: what to promote, how to promote it, where to place the ad, etc. Not to mention all the research that goes into creating a winning ad campaign.

But the trickiest part of Instagram advertising remains the one that confuses beginners every time — those sneaky costs! Luckily, our social media marketing experts are revealing all the answers you’re looking for in this detailed guide.

So, let’s get into it. Let’s demystify Instagram ad costs and all the different factors that influence them. Learn about advertising options offered by Instagram, strategies to calculate Instagram ad costs, and expert tips to minimize your ad spend with us!

Illustration depicting Instagram ad costing and budgeting

Why Promote on Instagram in the First Place?

Instagram has become an integral part of every digital marketer’s social media marketing mix. If you approach a social media management company for guidance, it’ll likely suggest building an Instagram presence for your brand. Why? Because Instagram is one of the best platforms for brand visibility in 2023, regardless of your industry!

Since its launch in 2010, the picture-sharing app has quickly grown into one of the world’s most-used social media platforms. It consistently ranks among the top five most popular social networks, with over 2 billion active users as of 2023.

Instagram’s vast user base is projected to grow as more people join social media platforms worldwide. As an online business owner, this should tell you two things:

  1. A large chunk of your potential customer base is on Instagram,
  2. You can boost visibility for your online brand by promoting it on Instagram!

Not convinced? The platform has more to offer than millions of active users. Here are some of the top benefits for online businesses:

  • High Engagement Rates: If you’re looking for active and engaged users, Instagram is where you’ll find them. The app has the second-highest engagement rate across all post types, fluctuating between 0.6% to 0.9% depending on the post format. The video-sharing app TikTok takes the first spot, thanks to the rise of vertical online videos.

Recommended read: How Vertical Video Is Shaping Content Marketing in 2023 

  • Diverse Advertising Options: Every online business can benefit from Instagram’s diverse and optimized paid advertising options. The app makes the process of ad budget allocation and targeted advertising easier than ever. It lets users create custom target audiences based on interests, locations, ages, and other relevant demographics. These options allow advertisers to target the right audience, ultimately leading to higher conversions.
  • Seamless Lead Generation: The Instagram app has a ton of built-in features for lead generation, making it easier for brands to farm direct user interactions. You can add a link to your Instagram account bio, enable “Message,” “Contact,” and “Directions” buttons on your profile, and include call-to-action buttons in your ads.
  • Collaborative Features: Instagram is great for building connections and communities, given the app’s unique collaborative features. Industry peers can enter partnerships, share insights, and publish combined posts using the app’s Collab Posts Other collaborative features include tagging, reposts, mentions, and Instagram Lives with invited guests.
  • Unique Ad Formats: When it comes to ad formats, Instagram offers one of the widest ranges for advertisers to choose from. More on this below!

Different types of ads on Instagram

Instagram Advertising Options: An Overview

Before we can dive into the nitty-gritty of paying to promote on Instagram, let’s discuss how you can even do that.

Since Instagram is owned by Meta, which is also Facebook’s parent company, you can manage ads for both platforms through Meta Ads Manager. All you have to do is set up a Facebook Business Page, open your automatically-created Ads Manager account, and connect your professional Instagram profile with it.

Then, you can start running ads. Here are the unique and effective options you have for advertising on Instagram.

1. Sponsored Posts

If you want to convert posts that are already posted on your feed into ads, you can do that with Instagram’s Sponsored Posts feature.

Sponsored posts are the simplest way to promote on Instagram. They allow you to “boost” any post or reel on your profile. All you have to do is click on a post, select the ‘Boost Post’ option, and start curating your ad campaign. You can then select an advertising goal, choose or create a target audience, and decide on a budget.

Options for boosting a post and creating a sponsored post on Instagram

When deciding which post to boost, consider the following:

  • Relevance: The post you boost should be aligned with your advertising goal, whether it’s to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost engagement. Choose a post that already contains elements that directly relate to your marketing objectives.
  • Engagement: Unless you’ve published the post you’re boosting too recently, there will probably already be some engagement on it. Choose a post that has a good amount of likes, comments, and saves so you can build on that activity instead of starting from scratch.
  • Content Quality: Choose a post that has compelling visuals and an enticing caption. Sponsored posts only perform well when they contain high-quality content. Make sure there’s already a call-to-action element in your boosted posts, too. This way, generating leads will become easier when you promote on Instagram.

2. Stories Ads

Stories is a great feature to leverage for online brands and businesses of all sizes. Instagram Stories allow users to display vertical images and videos of any length up to 60 seconds.

Since mobile users started dominating the online market, marketers have learned to prioritize ad formats that work best on mobile devices. Vertical images and videos are among them, and Instagram Stories is arguably the best platform to support these formats.

Now, Stories themselves are short-lived, i.e., only staying up for 24 hours. However, you can run ads on Stories for much longer. You can set the time and day durations for your ads based on your campaign goals.

Stories Ads appear in between regular Stories as users swipe on their app. This makes them great at blending in and grabbing attention. What makes Stories ads great for promoting on Instagram is that you can include direct swipe-up links, CTA buttons, profile redirects, and other lead magnets in the ads.

Take these Hostinger and GoDaddy ads, for example. Notice how easy they make it for users to connect with the respective company?

Sponsored ads on Instagram Stories

3. Carousel Ads

Instagram does carousel posts better than any other app. Not only can you upload more than ten attachments in one post (or ad!), but all of these attachments can be different content formats, i.e. videos or static images.

Making a carousel ad on Instagram is easy, too. You create it like you’d create any other ad, except with more pictures or videos. Why would you run a carousel ad to promote on Instagram instead of a regular static image ad? Because it might generate better results!

Studies have shown that carousel ads get higher click-through rates than some other ad formats, like static images, especially on Stories. However, it’s good to practice some caution when setting up a carousel ad campaign. Here are some expert tips:

  • Stay between 3–5 images for at least the first few campaigns, mostly because users don’t tend to swipe all the way to 10 unless they’re really interested in your content.
  • Make sure all your attachments, videos, or images are cohesive. They should follow the same theme, tell a story, and align with your campaign goals.

4. Reels Ads and Video Ads

Who doesn’t love scrolling through Reels on their phone all day? We do!

Instagram always had good engagement statistics for users with video content, but it struck gold with the Reels format. Today, Reels get the most reach and, often, the most engagement for brands on the app.

You can create regular video ads on Instagram or leverage the Reels platform based on your campaign goals. The app lets advertisers choose from multiple formats even when running Reels ads. Like Story ads, Reels ads can also contain carousels, static images, videos, etc. These ads show up in between regular Reels as users swipe up, while video ads can have various placements.

Let’s Break It Down — What Affects Instagram Ad Costs?

Now, let’s get into what makes promoting on Instagram interesting. Many factors affect the amount of money you might have to pay for an ad on the app in different ways. Here’s a brief look at the most important ones:

1. Ad Objective

Instagram lets users choose from various ad objectives based on the campaign goals they want to achieve. These objectives range from brand awareness to conversions.

Some ad objectives can be more competitive than others, which can increase their costs. Running an ad to drive more conversions is a much narrower goal than the wider objective of increasing brand awareness. Hence, in this case, the conversion objective would be more competitive and cost higher.

2. Ad Placement

Where you decide to place your ad also affects its costs. Instagram’s ad placement options include the following:

  • Feed
  • Explore
  • Reels
  • Stories
  • Search

Since certain placements allow you to reach a larger audience or farm more engagement, they offer different benefits for advertising. This typically drives up their costs. For instance, studies show that Instagram Stories ads have higher costs per click (CPC) than Feed ads.

3. Ad Format

Ad formats play a significant role when you pay to promote on Instagram. You can choose images, carousels, video ads, etc., as your ad format. Depending on certain metrics, like average clicks and reach, some formats might cost more than others.

For a metric like Cost Per Engagement (CPE), video posts might garner a larger overall ad cost than static images. This is because video content generally gets the most engagement on social media platforms like Instagram, according to various studies. Since advertisers using this metric pay per engagement metric, like comment, share, and save, higher engagement means higher costs.

4. Ad Schedule

When you advertise can determine how well you optimize your budget and manage your ad costs. You can pay to promote on Instagram in two ways:

  • Running ads continuously: You select a daily budget, and your ads will run automatically within that provided limit. You can also select an end date.
  • Set a time and date: Manually select start and end dates and times for your ad campaign. The longest you can choose to run an ad campaign is 364 days.

Scheduling options for Instagram ads on Meta Ads Manager

Both scheduling options can be effective in different contexts. However, promoting on Instagram during peak times, i.e. when users are most active, generally costs more. So, running during other business hours or off-hours can reduce your ad costs.

5. Ad Quality and Relevance

The quality of your ads can affect how well or poorly they perform. This, in turn, can affect their costs. Since interactions, defined by likes, comments, and clicks, are a key performance indicator for Instagram ads, ads with higher interactions can help optimize budgets.

When promoting on Instagram, you should focus on minimizing your cost per interaction by prioritizing ad quality and relevance. Relevance refers to audience targeting, i.e., choosing the right interests and behaviors when creating a custom audience for your ads on Instagram. Relevant ads help you ensure the right users are seeing your ads for the right cost.

6. Target Audience

You can create custom audiences when running ads on Instagram. The number of users your ads will reach depends on multiple factors, including locations, ages, and interests.

Custom audience targeting options on Meta Ads Manager

As an ad’s reach increases, so do its costs because it’ll be pushed to a larger audience. So, even the target audience for your ad can affect how much you spend on it. Some geographical regions may also be more competitive in terms of advertising than others. This would drive up costs, too.

7. Bidding Strategy

Instagram uses a bidding system just like any other social platform that lets users advertise. There are many strategies you can explore, including:

  • Lowest Cost: The goal here is to get the best results possible with the least spend. This can be an automatic setting where Instagram’s algorithm chooses bids that help achieve this goal within your budget.
  • Cost Cap: This strategy lets you set the maximum amount you’re willing to spend for any user action you’re pursuing, like a CTA button click. Instagram will target users that fall within this budget but won’t surpass it.
  • Minimum ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): If you decide how much return you’d like to achieve on your ad spend, you can input that amount into Instagram, and the algorithm will suggest bid amounts based on this strategy.

The bidding strategy you use can make all the difference in determining your ad costs.

If you’re new to Instagram advertising, consider consulting with our social media management company for further guidance on bidding strategies!

So, How Much Do Instagram Ads Actually Cost?

Ultimately, too many elements affect the cost of Instagram ads for there to be a fixed standard rate. However, you can expect to pay a certain range based on the metric you select for calculation. Here’s a brief breakdown:

1. Cost Per Click (CPC)

The basic Cost Per Click (CPC) metric is determined by the amount of money you spend for each click your ad receives. On Instagram, you can expect to pay anywhere from $0.50 to $2.00 per click, depending on the factors discussed above.

2. Cost Per Engagement (CPE)

Instagram defines engagement as clicks, shares, likes, comments, and saves. If you use Cost Per Engagement (CPE) as your metric for promoting on Instagram, your ad costs might range from $0.01 to $0.08.

3. Cost Per Mille (CPM)

Impressions are another metric you can use to calculate your ad costs on Instagram. Cost Per Mille (CPM) takes into account the amount an advertiser is charged for every thousand impressions or views their ad gets. Promoting on Instagram using this metric can cost you around $2.50 to $3.50.

Average CPC, CPE, and CPM costs for Instagram ads

How to Reduce Your Instagram Ad Costs

Paying to promote on Instagram can run up some hefty costs without careful strategizing. It’s important to adopt methods that help you lower costs as much as possible without compromising on the results you’re pursuing.

Here are the top budget optimization tips from our social media management experts:

1. Set Clear Advertising Goals

Well-defined goals can make or break your advertising campaigns. When you know exactly what you’re hoping to achieve with an ad, you can define metrics to track and optimize costs based on their performance.

For instance, if your goal is to increase website visits, you can track cost-per-click (CPC) metrics for your ad and see if you’re getting a good return on ad spend (ROAS).

2. Target the Right Audience

As discussed earlier, targeting the right audience helps you ensure your ad budget is spent reaching the right people. When your ads are shown to users who are the most likely to engage with them, it increases your return on investment.

Targeting the right audience also means determining the right times to display your ads. Running ads continuously isn’t within the budget of most small advertisers, which leaves them with the option to set specified ad scheduling options. Depending on the industry and location of your target audience, you can likely figure out active or peak times for running ads.

Instagram and its parent company Meta also offer insights on active times to help you schedule ads. Use these insights to target your audience when most of it is online!

3. Create Compelling Content

Since quality is a critical factor affecting ad costs on Instagram, prioritizing it can be a game changer for advertisers looking to minimize their budget.

Make your ad content—copy and visuals alike—as compelling as possible. Doing so entails researching your audience’s interests and online behaviors. Find answers to questions like, “What kind of content does my audience like to consume?” and incorporate them into your ads.

If your ad is able to hook users, it’ll ultimately perform better. This means you’ll need to spend less on making more ads and have a few high-quality ads that actually deliver good results.

4. Test and Refine Your Ads

A/B testing is an ingenious way to find out what works and what doesn’t when promoting on Instagram. It allows you to run one type of ad alongside another and compare the results. You can use A/B testing to gain insights about different ad formats, copy, visual elements, and even custom audience segments.

You can select any campaign on Meta Ads Manager and enable the A/B testing option to gain insights.

Enabling A/B testing options on Meta ad campaigns

Set aside a portion of your Instagram advertising budget for A/B testing. Monitor and analyze the insights to determine which ad elements are the most effective for achieving your goals. Doing so will help you refine your ads to get the best results possible and optimize your costs at the same time.

5. Monitor and Analyze Insights

Even without A/B testing, Instagram allows advertisers to monitor their ad analytics.

Ad analytics include any goal-defining metrics you’ve chosen, along with other performance indicators like engagement and conversions. All of these analytics are built into the Meta Ads Manager that you’ll be using to run your ad campaigns on Instagram, so take advantage of them!

Analyzing insights helps you stay on top of trends, identify ineffective ad elements, and understand user behavior. When you know what performs best, you can optimize your budget to target it more closely instead of wasting it on irrelevant ads and user segments.

Start Spending Less and Achieving More With Global-marketing Inc.!

Instagram will continue to be a leading platform for online marketers and brands in 2024. Despite your industry, leveraging the app’s plentiful advertising options is a no-brainer if you want to grow online — and so is partnering with us!

Global-marketing Inc. is an award-winning SEO company ready to help you beat online competition with real strategies that actually work.

With skilled experts and years of experience under our belt, we have all the social media marketing solutions you’re looking for. Our team thoroughly audits your site and identifies opportunities for growth based on your goals.

Give us a call at +1(833)405-1025 or schedule a free consultation today to get started!

The post How Much Does It Cost to Promote Instagram Posts? An In-Depth Guide appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Top Trending Hashtags for Instagram Reels 2023 Wed, 25 Oct 2023 13:20:07 +0000 It’s All About Reels in 2023—and You Need to Level Up It’s almost impossible to go 10 minutes without picking up your phone and scrolling through Instagram posts—more specifically, Reels—making your views one of 200 billion per day. If that’s not a jaw-dropping number, we don’t know what is. However, it’s not surprising either. Reels […]

The post Top Trending Hashtags for Instagram Reels 2023 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

It’s All About Reels in 2023—and You Need to Level Up

It’s almost impossible to go 10 minutes without picking up your phone and scrolling through Instagram posts—more specifically, Reels—making your views one of 200 billion per day.

If that’s not a jaw-dropping number, we don’t know what is.

However, it’s not surprising either. Reels are short, quick, snippy videos up to 90 seconds long that can be adapted to and created for a wide range of subjects, niches, and areas of interest. From entertainment to education, Reels are the be-all and end-all of Instagram engagement in 2023, and that’s what our social media management company encourages you to invest in, too.

An illustration of people dancing on Instagram Reels.

It’s true that Instagram started off as a platform for sharing images; however, now it’s much more than that. The platform enables users to edit and alter images to an extent, edit and even record videos, and, most importantly, post video content. Not only did they roll out long-form videos, the unique and interesting Boomerang format that allows you to play clips on a loop, but introduced Reels as part of Meta’s feature expansion in 2020.

If you as a business are not leveraging and using Instagram Reels through our social media management services, you’re missing out significantly.

Recommended Read: Social Media and SEO: How to Use Social Media to Improve SEO Rankings

What Makes Instagram Reels Such a Hot Topic?

They’re short. Fun. Easy to produce. Watchable. Consumable. Bite-sized. Addictive. It’s as simple as the fact that people have shorter attention spans than ever, dropping down from 12 seconds to 8, and we’re simultaneously consuming more content than ever as well.

With such a shift in not just how long we pay attention but how much content we consume and how we consume it, Reels are the perfect tool to push relevant insights and material out to your audiences. You can launch entire campaigns centered on Reels, post reviews, tutorials, testimonials, educational videos, and so much more in this bite-sized format that its potential is limitless.

A Reel loading on an Instagram page.

That’s where our social media management services can come in and help you leverage the incredible advantages they offer in creating a lasting impact on viewers.

We know what audiences want, we know how to understand your niche, we know how to execute your vision, and even if you’re engaged in content creation, we know how to boost and optimize it for more reach.

If you want to appeal to a wide clientele and audiences of all ages, genders, and demographics, you have to know exactly what type of Reels you need to make. People love them for a wide variety of reasons, including:

  • They’re short—but we’ve already said that
  • They’re easy to scroll through and play
  • They’re creative, diverse, and engaging
  • They keep you informed and educated
  • They take up less time compared to other content

It comes as no surprise, then, that Reels have increased how much time people spend on the app by 3.5%. If you find that hard to believe, examine how much time you spend on the app individually—you’d be surprised by just how many hours you sit around scrolling through Reel after Reel.

But that also indicates how we watch dozens of Reels a day—and not all of them stick. So, what then? You need to know how to use trending hashtags for Instagram Reels and get your posts to reach further.

#WhoCares? I’m #TooCool for #Hashtags—But Are You, Really?

You might think your strategy is airtight, and you have a lot going for you already, even without all the bells and whistles—AKA hashtags. But truth be told, you’re only losing out by not adding strategic, relevant hashtags where possible and necessary.

Hashtags, especially on Instagram, are a core tenet of a successful post. Almost part of the Holy Trinity of Instagram, in addition to the image—or, in this case, Reel—and the product itself.

An image showing the anatomy of successful Instagram posts.

Hashtags play a very important role in ensuring that your post is getting the traction, attention, and attraction it deserves (and truly requires) in order to be successful. It’s not just a collection of buzzwords and trending catchphrases. You’re not just trying to make fetch happen—those who know, know.

Instead, what you’re doing is creating an easily searchable post that will get recognized by the algorithm and pushed onto people’s feeds, create a collection of similar or relevant posts, and easily access content they want.

Additionally, incorporating viral hashtags for Instagram Reels allows you to stay on trend and cash in on what’s hot among your audience members.

Recommended Read: How To Get A Million Followers On Instagram: Growth Hacks Revealed!

So, What Are the Best Reel Hashtags for Instagram in 2023?

In addition to targeting hashtags specific to your business, industry, and category (fitness, health, travel, clothing, fashion, sports, food, etc.) and incorporating your own slogan and motto, you need to add trending tags too.

There are several ways to see what tags are trending, especially by examining your audience’s behavior. Our social media management services can help you study and audit your audience members and get a closer look at their activity to determine which hashtags are ideal for you.

Different types of Instagram hashtags that people can use.

However, we’ve also rounded up some of the most popular, engaging, and viral hashtags for Instagram Reels that you should incorporate in your captions and comments:

  1. #instagood
  2. #instadaily
  3. #explorepage
  4. #instafamous
  5. #viral
  6. #trending
  7. #foryou
  8. #reels
  9. #reelsinstagram
  10. #reelvideo
  11. #reelsvideo
  12. #newreel
  13. #reelsinsta
  14. #videooftheday
  15. #love
  16. #viralvideos
  17. #instagram
  18. #igaddict
  19. #reelitfeelit
  20. #explore
  21. #instamoment
  22. #challenge
  23. #trendingreels
  24. #likeforlikes
  25. #like4like
  26. #likeforlike
  27. #firstreel
  28. #newsfeed
  29. #bestreels
  30. #igreels
  31. #reelsforyou

These tags are some of many that are available to you and should be incorporated into your Instagram Reels. In addition to these, however, you have to be aware of what’s trending, what’s hot, and what works.

It can seem like a lot of work to keep track of all of the latest trends on social media, including the top hashtags for Instagram Reels—which is where we come in.

With extensive knowledge of the industry and expertise that goes far beyond our peers, we’ve built a reputation as a social media management company that is home to the biggest social media gurus in the market.

Recommended Read: Viral Hashtags for YouTube Shorts

Want to know more about our work and how we’ve helped clients like you? You can explore case studies from some of our biggest clients, including ABC Floor Sanding, which was able to increase web traffic by 3.57%, and Civil Service Success, which was able to increase organic traffic flow by 122%!

The work we do is always client-specific, and you don’t have to worry about generic hashtags and strategies with us.

Roll Out Winning Reels with Our Affordable Social Marketing Services

Instagram is one of the most valuable, widely used tools for social media marketing services, and our team at Global-marketing Inc. is incredibly skilled and talented at creating the most unique strategies for your brand.

We’ll work closely with your company to create a unique strategy, identify which hashtags work best for you, and implement the best techniques to boost your Reels. Plus, with the right content and creation style, you’re in for a treat.

Schedule a free consultation with our team if you’re ready to get started and want to extend your reach. We’ve got the best tools and expertise to kickstart your social media campaigns. #LetsDoIt!

The post Top Trending Hashtags for Instagram Reels 2023 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How To Get A Million Followers On Instagram: Growth Hacks Revealed! Tue, 17 Oct 2023 11:30:13 +0000 Internet users are spending more time on Instagram than ever. So, why should you stay behind? Instagram is home to a massive user base, offering unique and efficient growth options for businesses of all sizes. If you want to grow your online brand and generate more visibility for your content, you need to incorporate certain social […]

The post How To Get A Million Followers On Instagram: Growth Hacks Revealed! appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Internet users are spending more time on Instagram than ever. So, why should you stay behind?

Instagram is home to a massive user base, offering unique and efficient growth options for businesses of all sizes. If you want to grow your online brand and generate more visibility for your content, you need to incorporate certain social media management strategies into your marketing plan.

From building a well-rounded Instagram profile to dabbling in paid advertising on the platform, there’s a lot to learn in this guide! Explore the world of Instagram marketing with us and answer the question on everyone’s mind, “How can I get a million followers on Instagram?”

Connect with the Global-marketing Inc. team today and get affordable social media marketing services at your convenience. Not only do we expedite the process, but our experts are constantly coming up with updated solutions to help you beat online competition.

Ready to learn with us? Let’s dive in!

An illustration depicting one million followers on Instagram

Why Grow Your Presence on Instagram?

Before you start worrying about how to get a million followers on Instagram, it’s important to understand why the platform is worth leveraging in the first place.

All things considered, Instagram is an unbeatable asset when it comes to building an online presence. Whether you’re a business owner looking to expand your customer base or an individual looking to establish a personal brand, Instagram should be a part of your marketing mix.

Let’s dive into some of the critical reasons behind Instagram’s significance.

1. Vast User Base

Instagram’s massive appeal was apparent from the moment it was launched in 2010.

In the first half of 2023, Instagram was reportedly the most downloaded app on Android worldwide. On the Apple App Store, it was among the top five. If this tells you anything, let it be the fact that Instagram’s global reach is massive.

Right now, the app has over 2 billion active users (and counting). This means that social media management services that include an Instagram-focused strategy are necessary to distinguish your business on the app.

2. Unique Capabilities

Instagram’s uniqueness is its biggest selling point. The platform is widely regarded as the one to popularize a visual-centric approach to social media. Other apps, like Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) include picture-sharing features but don’t prioritize them.

The picture-sharing exclusivity of Instagram makes it an excellent tool for visual storytelling. You can engage users on a deeper level with compelling images, videos, and stories. Research has shown that posts with visual elements actually get more overall engagement than text-only posts. This gives Instagram the unique capability to retain users and garner more online attention.

3. Engagement Opportunities

Instagram is a goldmine for businesses of all sizes, but especially for small businesses.

Small businesses can benefit heavily from social media management services centered around user engagement. Simply posting compelling content isn’t enough anymore; your audience should interact with that content, too. This is where Instagram’s exceptional engagement opportunities come into play.

The platform lets you engage with users through polls, questions, quizzes, countdowns, etc. Higher user engagement leads to an increase in visibility and builds a stronger brand for your business.

4. Industry Networking

Instagram is a hub for industry networking.

One of the most innovative collaborative features on Instagram is the Instagram Collabs feature.

Let’s say you want to post insights from a case study you conducted in collaboration with another firm. Naturally, the other firm might want to publish the same post on its own account. You can forgo the extra steps and simply make a Collab post to have it appear on both profiles (despite being posted by only one of them).

To make a Collab post, choose the ‘Tag people’ option on the Instagram app and select an account to collaborate with using the ‘Invite a collaborator’ option.

Steps to make an Instagram Collab post

5. Advertising Options

Instagram’s advertising options for businesses are unmatched. Every year, businesses of all sizes spend millions of dollars on Instagram advertising. This is because the platform lets you run personalized ad campaigns with precise targeting and retargeting options. You can filter and select an audience based on behaviors, demographics, specific locations, and interests. More on this later!

Recommended read: How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Brand 

Behind the Lens: How the Instagram Algorithm Works

If you ask an industry expert how the Instagram algorithm works, they’ll probably respond with, “Which one?”

You see, the world’s leading picture-sharing app doesn’t have only one algorithm. According to the platform itself, every part of your Instagram account has its own dedicated algorithm. These parts include your feed, stories, explore page, Reels, and search.

Every aspect of the Instagram experience is curated by a specific set of evaluations. For instance, everything that shows up on your feed is the culmination of your own in-app activity. This includes likes, shares, comments, and saves.

Illustration depicting Instagram’s various algorithms

Ultimately, if you want to see more of something on your feed or explore page, your best bet is to regularly engage with that kind of content. Engagement is at the heart of Instagram’s mix and mash of various algorithms. Other factors include:

  • Content Relevance: Instagram assesses a user’s past interactions, behaviors, and interests when deciding which content is relevant for them.
  • Post Freshness: Instagram displays recent posts first, so the freshest content ranks the highest by default.
  • Interactions: Relationship-building is also important. Instagram is more likely to show you a certain user’s content if you frequently interact with their posts.

The Journey to One Million Followers: Instagram Growth Hacks

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it all and answer the question on your mind, How to get a million followers on Instagram?”

There is no singular way to boost your follower count. You need to leverage multiple strategies to get 1 million Instagram followers. If your goal is to attract industry peers, retain active users, and maintain stable growth, you must go the organic route.

Here are some tried and tested growth hacks for gaining Instagram followers, according to our highly experienced social media managers.

1. Properly Set Up Your Profile

First things first, you need to build a complete and proper Instagram profile (if you don’t have one already).

This may seem obvious enough, but many users miss out on important details when making an Instagram account. Whether you’re making a personal account or a business profile, there are some critical elements you should keep in mind.

  • Profile Bio: Believe it or not, Instagram account bios make a big difference. The bio section is an excellent opportunity to introduce yourself or your business to unaware visitors. Bios for business profiles, specifically, should mention important information like the business niche, achievements, and goals. You can even add keywords to your bio to optimize search rankings.
  • Profile Picture: Is your profile picture clear, relevant, and high-resolution? It should be! Low-quality profile pictures hurt business credibility, making your profile look shabby.
  • Contact Information: If you sell any products or services, you need to add a contact number on your Instagram profile. Users who visit your profile should be able to connect with your business directly. If your profile is missing this option, you could miss out on potential leads.

contact information on Global-marketing Inc.’s Instagram profile

  • Username: Social media management companies often suggest making professional profiles on every major platform. This is so you can target online users on multiple channels. However, it’s important to ensure that your username is consistent across all channels. A discrepancy in usernames can cause confusion and hurt your credibility.
  • Privacy: While getting a million Instagram followersis possible with a private account, it’s significantly less achievable than doing so with a public profile. Business accounts shouldn’t be private because it makes your posts less accessible and obscures your profile.

2. Create Compelling Content

The content you post on your Instagram account makes all the difference.

Research shows that people’s attention spans are getting shorter. This means that most users are no longer interested in consuming content they might deem “boring.” As somebody who’s trying to gain 1 million followers on Instagram, you must create compelling content that actually engages your audience.

Here’s what to consider:

  • Know Your Audience: Your content will only garner attention and engagement if it’s relevant to your target audience. Start by researching what your followers and target users are already engaging with. Learn about their interests, preferences, and pain points. Then, use these topics in your content in an entertaining yet informative way.
  • Explore Different Types of Posts: Engaging Instagram users requires diversity in content. Instead of posting only images, try experimenting with enticing reels, IGTV videos, and Stories. You can also present content in different ways by posting interesting graphics, carousel or slider posts, and GIFs.

Tip: Maintain a consistent overall aesthetic across your posts. Make sure the color scheme, typography, and theme are cohesive. Otherwise, your profile can seem poorly planned-out.

  • Captions Matter: It’s important to focus on every aspect of a post, not just the visual elements. Write engaging captions that expand upon the picture or video you’re posting. Don’t forget to add hashtags, too! They help the right audience find your posts.

3. Engage with Your Industry

As discussed earlier, Instagram is a great platform for community building. You can use the app to find and interact with industry peers from across the world.

Key players in your industry are the ones most likely to follow you on Instagram. As a business account owner, your posts will likely revolve around a certain niche. This makes it easier to target other similar accounts. Let’s discuss how to go about this:

  • Follow Industry Leaders and Monitor Competitors: Every industry has leaders or prominent figures whom smaller businesses can learn a lot from. Identify thought leaders and competitors in your niche and analyze their behavior on Instagram. See what they post, how often they post, and who they interact with. Use these insights to streamline your own content.
  • Participate in Conversations: Chiming in on industry news and trends helps you gain recognition online. If you want to get a million followers on Instagram, you have to do more than just post pictures. Participate in ongoing conversations by leaving comments on posts by peers, sharing valuable insights, and asking questions. You can discover ongoing conversations by going through the ‘recent top posts’ filter for popular hashtags.

Recent top posts under the SEO hashtag on Instagram

  • Collaborate with Peers: Instagram offers many innovative options for collaborations — take advantage of them! Collab posts aside, you can also request to participate in Instagram Lives by prominent industry leaders, share their posts, and make collaborative content together. Direct messages are a great way to initiate these processes.
  • Instagram Takeovers: Takeoversare also a popular way to stage collaborations on Instagram. During a planned takeover, a brand invites a prominent personality, like an influencer or blogger, to temporarily control their account. The influencer then shares diverse content, conducts livestreams, and interacts with the brand’s followers. This strategy helps increase engagement and reach for both parties.

4. Make the Most of Video Content

The great thing about prioritizing Instagram for social media marketing is that the app allows you to fully harness the power of video content.

Videos generate far more views than any other type of social content. Users are also more likely to retain information if it’s presented to them in video form. All of this makes video marketing an essential strategy for online businesses and influencers.

You can experiment with four different types of video content on Instagram:

  • Reels: Since the skyrocketing popularity of TikTok, short-form vertical videos have become the most-consumed form of visual media on the internet. Leverage this trend by posting short-form videos, or Reels, on Instagram. They can be anywhere from 15 to 90 seconds long.
  • Instagram Video Stories: Instagram lets you post videos up to 60 seconds in length on your Story. You can also share previews of Reels or feed videos on your Story.
  • Feed Videos: Lean into long-form video content with Instagram’s in-feed video feature! You can post videos up to 60 minutes long on your feed, allowing you to market your brand with pre-recorded, informative videos.
  • Instagram Lives: You can go Live on Instagram for up to 4 hours and invite up to 3 guests as participants — what better way to increase your credibility and engage with your followers?

5. Dabble in Paid Advertising

While organic growth should be your main priority in getting 1 million followers on Instagram, you can still benefit from smart paid advertising strategies on the platform.

Instagram offers a wide range of targeting and advertising options to help you promote your brand to the right audiences. Here are some paid advertising options to explore on the app:

  • Targeted Ads: Instagram lets you target users based on specific demographics like age and gender, interests, behaviors, and locations. The platform also offers retargeting options, letting you cater to users who have previously shown interest in your content but didn’t follow your account.

You can use Meta Ads Manager to set up a targeted ad campaign on Instagram. This tool lets you define a custom audience, set a budget, and plan a proper schedule for ad posting.

Ad targeting features on Instagram using Meta Ads Manager

  • Sponsored Ads: Instagram lets you boost visibility for an existing post on your feed with its ‘Sponsored Posts’ advertising feature. To make a post appear in your audience’s feeds as an ad, you can simply open the post on your app and select “Boost Post”.

You can also make separate, vertical image or video sponsored posts on Stories and Reels. These ads appear in between regular Stories and Reels and often feature CTA buttons that lead users to a landing page.

Examples of Sponsored Posts and Stories on Instagram

6. Analyze Post Insights

Instagram lets you monitor Insights for your overall account, individual posts, and stories.

These insights tell you the number of accounts reached, views generated, accounts engaged, and overall growth in a certain time period.

Insights for the Global-marketing Inc. Instagram account

You can also monitor detailed analytics for your sponsored posts and ads on the app. Key metrics like engagement, click-through rates, and follower growth help you track the performance and effectiveness of your ad campaigns. As a result, you get the opportunity to design better advertising budgets and streamline your campaigns.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls: What Not To Do On Instagram

Impatience can be your downfall when trying to get a million followers on Instagram. Social media marketing, in general, is a lengthy process. Regardless, many small businesses make some rookie mistakes and fall into the pitfalls of Instagram marketing. Here’s what to be wary of:

1. Buying Fake Followers:

Many users make the mistake of buying fake followers in the initial stages of their Instagram journey.

While a significant follower count, whether bought or natural, can make your account seem more authoritative than it actually is, this practice is still ineffective in the long run. It doesn’t lead to sustainable growth or long-lasting visibility.

So, allow your Instagram marketing efforts to show gradual results instead of making rookie mistakes for the illusion of instant growth. Fake followers can momentarily boost your follower count, but they won’t result in higher engagement, valuable interactions, or organic visibility. Strategic social media marketing is the best way to go!

2. Posting Inconsistently:

Consistency is key to maintaining and growing an Instagram presence! To keep followers engaged, you need to post fresh and interesting content on a regular basis. The posts don’t have to be complicated or require too much time to create and plan, either. You can plan ahead or work with our social media management company to create posts for your account.

As discussed earlier, Instagram’s feed algorithm shows recent posts to users first. This means that inconsistent posting can significantly hurt your account’s visibility and engagement. If followers don’t see your content on their feeds regularly, they won’t remember your brand. So, create a posting schedule and share content at least five days a week.

3. Ignoring Stories:

Stories are the single most interactive feature on Instagram. You can leverage the power of Stories in so many ways: polls, stickers, question and answers, reactions, and post sharing encourage followers to interact with your account directly.

Since an Instagram Story only lasts for 24 hours, you can use it to share insights that don’t require dedicated in-feed posts. Stories also enable you to engage with your audience in real-time. This makes the Story feature instrumental in your journey to one million Instagram followers.

4. Not Checking Insights:

Instagram has built-in features that let you track insights and analytics for your posts, Stories, and overall account. You can check your account analytics by viewing the ‘Insights’ tab on your main profile. Professional account owners can also access a Professional Dashboard to get advanced analytics.

Professional dashboard and insights on Instagram

Keeping track of analytics is critical for all business account owners on Instagram. It helps you understand what’s working and what isn’t. Analyzing account and post insights also helps you discover important metrics like non-follower interactions and views. As you regularly monitor such metrics, you gain a better understanding of your audience and improve your Instagram optimization strategy accordingly.

5. Being Robotic:

You should always maintain a professional tone and personality on your business account. However, this doesn’t mean your behavior has to be robotic. Instagram is a social app, which means people like consuming content made by other people, not robots.

Make sure there’s a human element to the content you share. Your posts shouldn’t be overly promotional or salesman-y. Otherwise, they might drive users away. Similarly, limit your use of automation tools on Instagram. Having a bot do all the liking, following, and direct messaging for you removes the human touch that social media platforms rely on.

An illustration of a curated Instagram profile with many followers and posts

Ready to Grow With the ‘Gram? So Are We!

When it comes to Instagram marketing, the sooner you start, the better!

Don’t wait to curate your Instagram profile any longer. Our team of social media marketing experts is ready to help you out at all times. You can make the most of our social media management services and start beating online competition by signing up today.

Team Global-marketing Inc. conducts a thorough audit of your current social media profiles and creates a tailored strategy to overcome shortcomings. With consistent posting, personalized content creation, and industry-specific solutions, we can help you establish the online brand you’re dreaming of!

Sign up for our affordable social media marketing services today.

The post How To Get A Million Followers On Instagram: Growth Hacks Revealed! appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How to Create Winning Social Media Strategies for Small Businesses Mon, 31 May 2021 14:00:11 +0000 Up-and-coming businesses can no longer afford to also have a social media marketing strategy; it needs to be their bread and butter. Whether you’re talking customer acquisition or retargeting old customers who’ve lapsed over time, a social media marketing plan allows you to do it all. The big question is, where do you even begin with […]

The post How to Create Winning Social Media Strategies for Small Businesses appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

A graphic depicting a small business social media page calling for attention.

Up-and-coming businesses can no longer afford to also have a social media marketing strategy; it needs to be their bread and butter.

Whether you’re talking customer acquisition or retargeting old customers who’ve lapsed over time, a social media marketing plan allows you to do it all.

The big question is, where do you even begin with your social media strategy? We’re glad you asked! Here are 14 proven social media advertising strategies for small businesses that you need to take up.

Ready to take your social media presence to the next level? Fill the form below.



Social Media Marketing Strategies That Work! An Essential Guide For Small And Up-And Coming Businesses

  1. Set Social Goals For Your Small Business
  2. Define and Own Your Brand’s Voice
  3. Who’s Your Social Audience?
  4. Looking At Competitors’ Past Content—The Proof is in the Pudding
  5. Serve Up Some Value Additive Content
  6. Be a Content Chameleon
  7. Engage, Engage, Engage
  8. It’s All in the Metrics—Review Social Analytics
  9. Get Platform Specific in Your Approach
  10. Use Social Media As A New Frontier For Customer Service
  11. Look For Trends
  12. Find the Best #hashtags
  13. Double Down on Social Media Optimizations
  14. Get Social Media Experts on Board

Social Media Marketing Plans—The Key to Long-Term Success?

The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Strategy For Startups and Small Businesses—Wrapping Up

Social Media Marketing Strategies That Work! An Essential Guide For Small And Up-And Coming Businesses


1. Set Social Goals For Your Small Business


graphic of people sharing and consuming social content.

Here’s a question: can you spell out the impact your social marketing strategy a) has had, and b) aims to have? If you can’t answer in a heartbeat, we have a problem.

What we’re trying to say is, you need to have social media goals for your small business. And every interaction and success you have needs to be measured against these goals.

Walk yourself through the buyer’s journey for your product or service, and at each step, identify what your target is, what kind of social activity you’ll use to achieve that target, what the KPIs are for that activity, and the impact you want it to have. This sets up a nifty feedback loop that allows you to tweak your content to your heart’s content.

Here are a few examples of social media goals to get you started:

  • Increase web traffic
  • Increase how many people engage with your posts
  • Make people aware of your brand
  • Distribute informative content regarding a product/service
  • Get more sign ups

2. Define and Own Your Brand’s Voice

Nordstrom’s campaign to do better with sustainable fashion

Let’s dwell on this campaign from social media titan and clothing behemoth Nordstrom for a bit. Notice how they effortlessly weave in a service they’re offering into a campaign that’s also supposed to help save the planet. Associations like these stay in consumers’ minds, and are very powerful sales tools.

Alongside, the verdict is in—people don’t want to interact with businesses that sound like there’s no one behind them. They want a magical Oz-like character behind the curtains, orchestrating the company; someone who’s a real big personality. They also want this person to be the face of the company, so they’re talking to someone they can trust.

So, what does this mean for your small business’s social media marketing plan? For starters, if you’re the owner and fashion yourself to have even a little bit of charisma, try to put yourself front and center in all the video content you put out. Better yet, get the whole team on board by asking employees if being the public face of the company is something they’re interested in.

You could also go the behind-the-scenes route with your social media presence—this really humanizes your company.

3. Who’s Your Social Audience?

graphic of the right person being targeted with a social media strategy


It’s marketing 101, but we’ll scream it from the rooftops anyway: you need to know your audience! And when we say know them, we mean really know them.

So, while you may have a general sense of the fact that 20 somethings who identify as women like your beauty products, you also need to know where they are, how engaged they are, and whether there’s additional consumers out there who augment your core audience. Your social media digital marketing strategy needs to account for all possible variables.

The answer, as always, lies in data. And the good news is that social media platforms give you bucketloads of it. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook already come with robust demographics analysis tools, but it doesn’t even stop there; you can complement these tools with some seriously heavy-hitting third party plugins.

All of this comes together to give you a pretty complete picture of who your audience is comprised of, allowing you to take decisions accordingly. Once you have your core demographic, all you have to do is research the kind of content they’re into, and you’re good to go!

4. Looking At Competitors’ Past Content—The Proof is in the Pudding

GoPro’s featured images


GoPro is the undisputed king of daily featured photos content; and it didn’t have to reinvent the wheel. All it did was take customers using their product in daring situations, and it put a new spin on an old format.

It’s not cheating if you make the content your own! Here’s the thing, there’s no such thing as completely novel content—it’s always a mishmash of what’s been done before, made new with your unique twist on it.

So when we say that the map to your success already exists, we mean it. All you need to do is look at what established competitors have been doing for a really long time—what worked, what didn’t, and what you can take and improve upon.

Remember, industries need to keep up with trends, and you want to be ahead of the curve too, not always catching up. That means you need to:

  • Take competitors’ content and find a way to make it fresh
  • Alongside, you need to innovate, so customers see you as the popular new kid around the block
  • You can also mix and match competitors’ content to create new formats altogether

5. Serve Up Some Value Additive Content

Nothing gets your followers to leave en masse like you wasting their time. Here are some social actions that could make your brand a pariah on social media:

  • Spamming your followers with promotional messages
  • Posting way too much
  • Not posting at all
  • Coming up with posts that don’t solve any problems that your audience has

The takeaway? That every post you make needs to be worth your audience’s time. We’re not saying you need to be somber and informative either—casual tones work great, but the post still needs to tell potential customers something they want to hear.

Here’s an example of a social media post from social media staple Starbucks:


Starbucks’ social media marketing strategy that involved product features

Notice how the post is beyond chill (pun intended), but it tells you a lot about the product. The featured image is super flattering and you know it’s a mix of salty and sweet that’ll help you beat the heat—it’s a winning combination, and just in a few words (Notice the effective use of the hashtag here too).

Once you strike the balance between the right tone and the right amount of information, every post will be a winner.

6. Be a Content Chameleon


Mac Cosmetics’ social media business plan involving many different content strategies

In the age of digital media consumption, the worst thing you could be is unchanging. The type of content you serve to clients needs to be as varied as possible, taking full advantage of all the media and other features different social platforms give you.

See the image above from Mac Cosmetics’ Instagram page? Notice how at the same time, they have new social media posts, Highlights, and Stories for consumers to peruse. It’s an all-of-the-above approach that really seems to show that the brand is doing well.

Do you only post GIFs on your Buzzfeed-esque pop culture page? How about changing it up by posting compilation videos as well? Have an Instagram feed that your customers already love? Spice up engagement levels by leveraging Stories, IGTV, and Highlights. You get the picture.

Here’s the kicker, even conventional wisdom flies out the door if you’re only posting the same type of content. You know how people say that posts with images do better than just plain text? Well, it turns out, if you keep on posting images, eventually, they get stale, and people want out of your page.

The key is to keep on reinventing yourself for your audience, and to keep them guessing.

7. Engage, Engage, Engage

Starbucks’ Twitter marketing plan involves replying to customers’ queries.


Starbucks didn’t have to reply to this customer’s question about using personal cups during the pandemic; but it did, because it’s super relevant to a lot of people these days, and makes the brand seem like it cares.

At the end of the day, customers just want to feel like you have their back. There’s nothing more frustrating than getting a product or signing up for a service, only to face a glaring problem with it. Actually, wait, there is—it’s experiencing radio silence when you reach out to the company for help.

Most brands are under the false belief that customers should come to them—but here’s a reality check, when you’re running a small business that still doesn’t have a ton of traction, you’re going to have to bite first.

The good news is, it’s not hard; in fact, we’ve broken it down into a neat list:

  • Kill two birds with one stone by sharing content from someone in your core audience, and tag them for a mutually beneficial relationship (They’re also very likely to give you a shoutout for this!)
  • When customers comment on your posts, reply to as many comments as you can, especially the ones asking for specific information. There’s nothing like making people feel heard.
  • Another pro tip is to follow people who are following your competitor, as they’re sure to take notice when a brand takes the time out to give them a follow

8. It’s All in the Metrics—Review Social Analytics

different metrics related to different social platforms.

Social media platforms thrive on data; it’s their great money-maker, after all. But data untapped serves no purposes, which is why platforms like Facebook and Instagram give you unprecedented insight into who your followers are, how much engagement they exhibit, and how they find your content.

But metrics can be deceptive; for instance, being bent on the number of likes and followers means nothing if your page isn’t getting the kind of targeted engagement that leads to someone taking a desired business action.

Wait, what does any of that mean? To simplify, if you’re running an up and coming residential repairs business and get a ton of likes on your blog posts, but not one of those leads actually calls you to step in, it’s a major problem.

That’s why it’s super important to identify what metrics are important to you, and then proceed to double down on them.

So, buckle up, because we’re taking a deep dive.

a. Impressions

Impressions is just a metric that tells you how many times a post showed up on people’s social timelines. So while you naturally want impressions to be high, if no one is interacting with your post as they see it, that’s really bad news.

b. Engagement

Engagement is the second piece of the puzzle; your impression to engagement ratio needs to be as close to 1 as possible. This is because engagement tells you how many people actually interacted with your post. This includes likes, shares, and comments, among a host of other actions, based on the platform.

c. Visits

Visits tells you how many people went from a post to your main profile. It’s a surprisingly important metric because it tells you how much interest your post drummed up for the larger brand.

d. Mentions

Mentions refers to when your brand gets a shoutout, or when someone else refers to your brand—either in passing or in the form of a review or a query. It’s a good indication of whether you’re part of the larger industry conversation.

e. Followers

This one’s pretty simple; it’s the number of people who are following you on your social media page, and indicates how fast your popularity is rising. It’s also a great metric for comparisons against direct competitors.

9. Get Platform Specific in Your Approach

We’re not going to beat around the bush; here’s what you need to do to be successful on some core social media platforms:

Infographic on how to advertise on different social media platforms

10. Use Social Media As A New Frontier For Customer Service

We’ve come a long way from the days of snail mail being used to bring up customer complaints. Follow up times were atrocious, and this meant that a lot of people just never reached out

The opposite is true these days. Customers expect near instant replies, and that includes having a responsive Facebook Messenger and Twitter presence.

The best part is that both of these platforms have different levels of automation features in place, so customers don’t have to wait around for the simplest queries to be answered.

But to really get them on board, try to personalize the online customer service experience as much as possible. Hire a team to reply to customers with questions and complaints, and make sure you steer clear of stock answers as you talk to them.

11. Look For Trends 



From the #ALSIceBucketChallenge to dabbing, and even the dark places the internet went to with the Tide pod challenge, online pop culture never stays put.

The key here is to take these trends and adopt them in a way that makes sense for your brand. For example, if it’s men’s health week or breast cancer awareness day, it makes sense to highlight employees who have dealt with these issues, and then talk about how your brand is trying to make a difference.

In a similar vein, if there’s a beauty YouTube trend going around, make your own video using your in-house products if your brand sells cosmetics. Remember, your audience is really honed into content that’s not true to your brand, and any missteps can lead to mistrust.

12. Find the Best #hashtags

Hashtags are more versatile than you’re giving them credit for! They’re equal parts research opportunity and discoverability tool, making them really important in your social media arsenal.

There really are so many ways to use them:

  • Hop aboard trends and ask people to tag your brand in the official hashtag if it’s related to your core business.
  • Host contests and ask all your followers to use the same hashtags, generating a ton of buzz around the event.
  • Figure out what hashtags are doing super well for your competitors, and start using them to divert traffic to your website.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! There are all kinds of tools out there that allow you to find the top ranking hashtag in a certain niche, as well as how hard it is to rank for them. So don’t hesitate, and jump on board the #bandwagon.

13. Double Down on Social Media Optimizations

While this can get a little technical—and is often best left to the social media marketing experts—it’s important to know that even social media content can’t escape our SEO overlords.

But wait, what’s so hard about throwing in a couple of hashtags, right? Well, here are a few questions in rebuttal:

  • How many hashtags for each platform before they’re counted as spam?
  • What size should the ideal Facebook featured image be?
  • How do you maximize your returns from your YouTube titles and descriptions?

What we’re trying to say is, there’s a ton of platforms out there, and that means the number of variables when it comes to social media optimizations really is staggering.

But if you’re still going solo, here are a few time-honored social media tips:

  • Only use hashtags that are industry specific and medium to high volume.
  • Stick to three hashtags for Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, as many as twenty on Instagram.
  • Where there’s video content, make sure there’s also meta data to make it readable for search engines.

14. Get Social Media Experts on Board

To build upon the previous point, it really is in your best interests to hire social media marketing experts in the long-term. They can help you develop a long-term strategy that takes an omnichannel approach, while also optimizing for each platform keeping best practices in mind.

It’s a win-win scenario, because freeing up resources that would be otherwise spent on social media management will open you up to generating revenues using core business activities.

Social media marketing business plans that work! Need our experts to really take your social media accounts to the next level? Fill out the form below.

Social Media Marketing Plans—The Key to Long-Term Success?

Only a few businesses experience success as a flash in the pan; the rest of us have to put the work in! And when it comes to social media marketing plans, that means taking an all-of-the-above approach to your strategy.

These plans need to:

  • Go in depth when it comes to social media platform specificities, such as when to post, how often to post, and more.
  • Have an involved understanding of the target market, and whether there are other markets that can be broken into.
  • Be aware of the resources available to execute said plan.
  • Populate the social media business plan with all kinds of nuances that come with platforms and certain business niches coming together.

It’s a tall order, but with the right mix of expertise and some quick thinking, it’s more than achievable.

The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Strategy For Startups and Small Businesses—Wrapping Up

If your small business is feeling the heat and can’t afford to go undiscovered for a few more years, it’s time to take your social media marketing efforts up a notch!

Knowing how to promote your business on social media will take you a long way, but you really do stand to benefit by aligning yourself with one of the best digital marketing agencies in the U.S. We can completely manage every aspect of your social media presence, so you don’t have to worry about a thing!

For more information about our services, call +1(833)405-1025.

The post How to Create Winning Social Media Strategies for Small Businesses appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Google vs Facebook What’s Better For Traffic? Wed, 19 May 2021 20:28:23 +0000 Pay per click advertising services are a dime a dozen these days (and they all charge a pretty penny!). But what’s the best PPC advertising company among the major ones? This infographic breaks down the differences between two of the most popular ones—Google’s and Facebook’s pay per click advertising offerings. How much does each service’s pay per click […]

The post Google vs Facebook What’s Better For Traffic? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..


Pay per click advertising services are a dime a dozen these days (and they all charge a pretty penny!). But what’s the best PPC advertising company among the major ones? This infographic breaks down the differences between two of the most popular ones—Google’s and Facebook’s pay per click advertising offerings.

How much does each service’s pay per click advertising cost? How do you set up their PPC offerings? We answer all of these questions here.

Among the many metrics we look at, the most important ones are ad targeting options with regard to demographics and location, as well as contextual awareness.

We also help you decide what the most effective platform is based on the amount of traffic you want to generate, breaking down the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision based on a host of different factors. Find out where your audience is, what ad formats each platform has in store for you, and what your returns will look like for each.

The post Google vs Facebook What’s Better For Traffic? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How to Get More Followers on LinkedIn Thu, 14 Jan 2021 06:33:40 +0000 With an astounding 675 million monthly users, LinkedIn is a gold mine for businesses in 2021. The mega networking platform isn’t just your regular go-to for employment purposes; it’s also a game-changing marketing tool. If you’ve already dipped your toes in the LinkedIn marketing water, you’re on the right track. But simply creating a business […]

The post How to Get More Followers on LinkedIn appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

With an astounding 675 million monthly users, LinkedIn is a gold mine for businesses in 2021. The mega networking platform isn’t just your regular go-to for employment purposes; it’s also a game-changing marketing tool.

If you’ve already dipped your toes in the LinkedIn marketing water, you’re on the right track. But simply creating a business profile isn’t enough. You have to go the extra mile and leverage LinkedIn marketing tips to grow your company page.

In this blog, we want to walk you through top-tier strategies to get more followers on LinkedIn. We’ll cover the basics, dive into the deep end, and get into the nitty-gritty.

By the end of this blog, you’ll have a firm grasp on how to engage followers on LinkedIn like a seasoned pro. Let’s jump right into it!

Struggling to revive your LinkedIn follower count? We’ve been in the game long enough to know what works and what doesn’t. Fill out the form to get great results!



Ways to Get More Followers on LinkedIn

1. Create a Winning Company Page from the Get-Go

When getting started with LinkedIn marketing, many companies have a razor-sharp focus on optimization. As they should!

However, jumping straight into optimization without taking care of the basics is not the right way to go. If your company page isn’t up-to-date, optimization simply won’t do the trick.

Start by creating a strong foundation and working your way upwards. Let’s take a quick look at how you can do that with an example.

DELL’s LinkedIn Page as example of a Winning Company Page

Dell’s LinkedIn company page checks off all the fundamental boxes.

High-quality profile picture and cover image? Check.

Accurate industry and location? Check.

Concise and catchy subheading? Check.

Once you take a closer look, you begin to realize that they haven’t stopped there.

DELL’s LinkedIn Page as example of a Winning Company Page

The “overview” section is replete with to-the-point information.

“What does this have to do with getting more followers?” you may ask.

As a professional platform, LinkedIn has set a high standard for its users. They don’t expect subpar, incomplete nuggets of information. Instead, they’re looking to connect with companies that are on top of their game.

If your company page is incomplete, your lack of interest in comprehensiveness will reflect poorly on your business as a whole. Ultimately, it may cost you your follower count. As a rule of thumb, make sure your company page is updated with accurate information. Avoid going overboard; the descriptions should be concise and the images professional. Anything too flashy or verbose will do more harm than good.

We also recommend adding the “affiliated pages” section to your profile.

Here’s how this section appears on Dell’s company page:

DELL’s LinkedIn Page as example of a Winning Company Page

As a parent page, you can link child pages, i.e., companies that are closely associated with your business and owned by you. If you’re a small business or a startup, you can choose to forgo this option.

Ultimately, covering as many bases as possible will help you make a great first impression on professionals who are looking to interact with your brand. A professional, clean, and comprehensive company page will go a long way in adding a touch of legitimacy to your business.

2. Use the Right Hashtags the Right Way!

Is your company page up and running? Great.

It’s time to turn your attention to optimization. Optimization is your golden ticket to engaging a wide audience on LinkedIn. And while there are many ways to optimize your profile (we’ll cover all of them shortly), using hashtags is still one of the most effective strategies in 2021.

If you’ve been navigating the digital marketing industry for a while now, you’re probably familiar with the importance of using the right keywords in your content.

Hashtags are like keywords for your LinkedIn company page. Yes, this means you should have a stellar “hashtag research” (akin to “keyword research”) strategy in place.

If you’re new to LinkedIn, you can use the platform’s in-built hashtag recommendations.

Let’s say you’re sharing an engaging article that covers the benefits of link building.

Once you start typing a relevant hashtag, you’ll get recommendations accordingly.

how to use hashtags on LinkedIn posts

If you’re completely unsure of which hashtags to use, LinkedIn will do the job for you. The platform will pick up on keywords used in the post, and display a set of relevant hashtags accordingly.

how to use hashtags on LinkedIn posts

If you’re just starting off, you can rely on LinkedIn’s impressive hashtag prowess. However, for more advanced hashtag research, we recommend consulting LinkedIn marketing pros. They’ll create a customized hashtag strategy for each post, resulting in optimal reach.

Go for 3–5 hashtags in each post. Too little and you won’t reach your target audience; too much and the LinkedIn algorithm will work to your detriment.

Now, when it comes to standing out from the massive competition on LinkedIn, you need to think outside the box. In addition to having a strong hashtag strategy in place, we also suggest letting your creative juices flow.

Sounds vague?

Here’s what we’re talking about. Head over to Puma’s LinkedIn company page and you’ll notice that they’ve sprinkled a specific hashtag across every other post: #PumaFam.

how to customize hashtags on LinkedIn posts

Here’s another glimpse of the catchy hashtag in action:

how to customize hashtags on LinkedIn posts

Creating a whip-smart, memorable, and standout hashtag for your company is a great way to set yourself apart from the hundreds of companies in your industry and city/state.

Whether you create a hashtag for your audience, your products/services, or your brand, you’ll manage to get an edge in your competitive industry.

Over time, the hashtag will catch on.

As your followers use it, it’ll build momentum and increase brand recall.

Want to grow your LinkedIn business page and get more followers? Let’s make it happen.

3. Include High-Quality Images in Your Posts

A whopping 87.5% of marketers state that they use visual elements in online content.

Over the years, the human attention span has dropped to a measly eight seconds. In comparison, a goldfish has an attention span of nine seconds—one second more than ours!

Here’s where we’re going with this: we don’t like paying attention to things that don’t excite us.

Five pages of continuous text? Boring.

A dull concept illustration? Next.

A set of statistics with no visual elements? Pass.

What does excite us, however, is engaging visual content.

Content with high-quality images and videos does much better than content that entirely lacks visual elements. In essence, if your LinkedIn posts feature chunky bites of text without images or videos, you can wave your followers goodbye.

How can you undo the damage? Befriend gripping visuals and don’t let that friendship turn sour.

Let’s take a quick look at brands who walk the visual talk on LinkedIn.

iRobot’s LinkedIn posts feature stunning images that not only instantly catch your eye, but also compel you to engage with the content. The content itself features the perfect mix of high-quality images—enough to make you want to stay put till the very end.

LinkedIn posts with stunning images

A closer look and you’ll notice that they’ve also used a hashtag that fits perfectly. While we have to deduct a few points for the low hashtag usage (remember: use 3–5 as a general rule of thumb), the engaging image more than makes up for it.

While using the right images in each post is important, we also recommend ensuring that your company page is replete with pictures that pack a powerful punch.

Here’s what we mean by this. Each company page features a section entitled “company photos.” Some businesses make the mistake of uploading little to no images in this section. So when a LinkedIn user clicks on your profile and browses through the “company information” section, all they’ll see is a bunch of text. If there are no visual elements supplementing the text, you can imagine what’ll happen next: the user will “bounce”.

What do you do to set things right?

Here’s what McDonalds did:LinkedIn posts with stunning images

And Apple:

LinkedIn posts with stunning images

And Dell:

LinkedIn posts with stunning images

Just to reiterate, make sure you upload a set of relevant, engaging, and high-quality images that satiate your audience’s visual thirst.

This is a great way to increase engagement on your LinkedIn company page and, of course, get more followers.

4. Don’t Sideline the Importance of Engaging Videos

As another form of visual content, videos are imperative. Maybe more so than images since they stimulate an additional sense: hearing. LinkedIn pages that feature high-quality videos do much better than pages that don’t. But this is where things get a little tricky—especially for startups and small businesses that don’t have a lot of (or any) video content ready to go.

If you’re unprepared, consider getting help from a professional video design team.

Once you’re equipped with a set of high-quality videos, start featuring them on your LinkedIn company page. Each profile incudes a “recently posted videos” section that shows up right after the “about” section.

Here’s a glimpse:

LinkedIn posts with engaging videos

By default, this section displays the most recently posted video, and features a “+ more videos” tab for LinkedIn users who wish to engage with additional video content.

Once you click on this tab, the rest of the videos uploaded on your page show up.

This is what Walmart’s video panel looks like:

LinkedIn posts with engaging videos

Quite a visual treat, right?

If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that the engagement on each video is pretty impressive. Lots of views, and a plethora of “like,” “celebrate,” “love,” and “support” reactions.

That’s the power of video content, in a nutshell.

A power-packed mix of explainer videos, testimonial videos, company culture videos, product demonstration videos, and behind-the-scenes videos will breathe life into your LinkedIn profile. The outcome? A steady increase in LinkedIn company page followers.

Over time, this LinkedIn marketing tip will help you grow your company page and actively engage your target audience.

If you’ve already uploaded high-quality videos on YouTube (or any other video sharing platform), and engaged an impressive audience there, you don’t have to re-upload them on LinkedIn. Simply embed the video so you can steadily increase views, likes, and comments on YouTube. This is a great way to grow your YouTube page and increase ad revenue via AdSense.

Here’s an example from LARQ’s LinkedIn company page:

LinkedIn posts with engaging videos

As stated earlier, make sure you use 2–5 hashtags in every post, whether it links to a blog, video, or infographic. We’re continually doubling down on this because it’s absolutely imperative. Hashtags are just as important on LinkedIn as they are on Twitter, so take special care to incorporate them into every post.

By combining the power of strong visuals (images and videos) and the right hashtags, you’ll manage to reach, engage, and convert a wide audience.

5. Share Value-Added, Insightful, and Compelling Content

Content has always been at the forefront of any social media or networking platform. If you want your company page to strike a chord with your audience, you have to share engaging content that achieves its purpose.

Remember, people won’t hit the “follow” button if your posts doesn’t resonate with them. Your page should inform, inspire, and excite your audience.

Start by creating a customized content marketing plan for your LinkedIn page. Incorporate different types of content into the mix—blogs, articles, guest posts, press releases, infographics, and instructographics.

Once you have a set of value-added and optimized content ready to go, write an equally compelling LinkedIn post to supplement your content.

Patricia Hartmann, a writer in Ojai, California, creates the perfect segue into one of her blogs:

Sharing Value-Added, Insightful, Compelling Content on LinkedIn to gain followers

Keeping the current context in mind, she focuses on inspiring her audience by helping them break away from the ongoing uncertainty, chaos, and stress triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recommended Read: 8 Ways to Adjust Your SEO Strategy Amid the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

Starbucks used a similar approach on New Year’s Eve:

Sharing Value-Added, Insightful, Compelling Content on LinkedIn to gain followers

Ultimately, your content should make an impact. Avoid cookie-cutter content strategy. The more creative you can get, the better. And, of course, keep optimization in mind at all times.

6. Make the Most of Polls

Over the past few years, polls have taken LinkedIn by storm, and it’s easy to see why. They’re quick. They’re engaging. They’re exciting. The best part? You can leverage polls for a wide range of purposes.

Whether you’re trying to get feedback on a newly-launched product or curious about where your audience stands with respect to something like remote working, creating a quick poll is a great way to double down on engagement.

Netflix’s smart poll earned a whopping 13,633 votes because of the compelling question and equally impressive options.

Using polls to increase followers on LinkedIn

Let’s be real; if we could, we’d immediately hit one of those four options depending on our Netflix viewing history.

There’s something about polls that compels people to participate, which is exactly why they’re so popular on LinkedIn.

We strongly recommend posting 1–2 polls every other week.

However, make sure you’re not posting polls just for the sake of it. If you don’t have a great idea in mind, it’s better to skip your weekly poll than to post one that’s too dull to engage people.

Here’s another great example to help you get inspired:

Using polls to increase followers on LinkedIn

What makes this specific poll even better is the unique way it brilliantly prompts further engagement in the comments. This is how you check off all the boxes! Not only did this post receive a plethora of votes, but it also earned a decent amount of comments.

Follow suit and you’ll be taken aback by how rapidly you manage to increase your LinkedIn followers.

7. Highlight Your Company’s Accomplishments

Whether you run a small business or recently launched a startup, we’re sure you’ve accomplished certain milestones along the way—both big and small. Many businesses manage to check off 1–2 accomplishments within the first few month of inception!

If you have something to show off, show it off.

Be proud of your company’s performance and growth, and don’t shy away from announcing it on LinkedIn. You’ll manage to present your business in a flattering light, and engage more people.

Tesla frequently posts its accomplishments, and this strategy always works in their favor.


18,385 reactions and 402 comments. Now, that’s engagement. Showcase your company’s achievements accordingly and you’ll manage to climb the rungs of LinkedIn. You don’t have to highlight awards. You can also announce the number of projects you closed, especially if your company exceeded its goals. If a certain product did exceptionally well, highlight that. If you earned a noteworthy mention by an industry giant, highlight that. If your customer satisfaction (CSAT) score improved by leaps and bounds, highlight that.

In essence, drawing attention to your company’s successes will help you build a great reputation and get more followers on LinkedIn.

8. Create Special Posts for Major Events, Holidays, and Trends

Struggling to increase engagement on your LinkedIn company page? Take a quick look at your recent posts. Did you create a custom post for New Year’s? Christmas? Black Friday? Cyber Monday? If you didn’t, make sure you double down on major events, holidays, and trends in 2021. Covering important occasions will help you connect with your audience and watch your follower count go up.

Here are some great examples to help you get inspired:

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Plan ahead to ensure you don’t miss out on an important event or holiday. Since you can’t plan trends in advance, make sure you have a team ready to create content for trends that develop within a matter of hours. This will help you stay on top of things!

9. Encourage Your Employees to Join the Action

When it comes to growing your business via LinkedIn, your company page isn’t the only page that should be spruced up and optimized at all times.

We touched upon Puma’s custom hashtag (#PUMAFam) earlier. If you browse through the hashtag on LinkedIn, you’ll come across a plethora of posts, and not all of them come from their company page!

In fact, their managers and employees have also joined the action to keep the momentum going.

Here’s a glimpse:


This is team effort at a glance. And when it comes to succeeding on LinkedIn, you can’t run a tight ship on your own. You have to recruit the rest of your team to help grow your company page and crystallize your online presence on the mega platform.

Encourage your team to share frequent posts that reflect your company in a positive light. They can share behind-the-scenes images, repost your company’s posts, and help custom hashtags do even better. You can also request them to engage with your posts to improve their reach. Collectively, these strategies will go a long way in helping your company page grow.

10. Actively Participate in LinkedIn Groups

Looking to connect with likeminded individuals in your industry? And we don’t mean your competitors, we mean thought leaders and industry insiders who are passionate about the same products/services/ideas/strategies. If you’re nodding your head in the affirmative, make sure you join relevant LinkedIn groups.


As you engage in niche-specific conversations, you’ll manage to reflect your company’s expertise and create awareness for your brand.

You can also start your own group and share your content (blogs, articles, etc.). It’s a little more work, but it’s worth it. As the group gains momentum, you’ll marvel at how much traffic it generates for your company page.

11. Use LinkedIn Sponsored Ads

If you’re still frowning upon your LinkedIn follower count, it’s time to let the professionals take care of things for you. Over the years, LinkedIn sponsored ads have become a go-to for thousands of companies across the platform. You can choose from a wide range of ads depending on the specific goal you want to reach. Whether you want to prompt more visits to your page, increase reach, or boost conversions, you can select the right ads accordingly.

Take your time to acclimatize to the purpose of each ad. Once you have a good grasp on the ins and outs of LinkedIn advertising, you’ll manage to make an informed decision that pays off in the long run!

12. Promote Your LinkedIn Page on Social Media and Your Website

While you can take several measures to promote your LinkedIn profile on the platform itself, you also need to branch out into other platforms.

Sharing your LinkedIn profile on social media is a great way to target a different audience that wouldn’t normally discover your company page on LinkedIn. In addition, we recommend linking your LinkedIn page on the “home” and “contact” pages of your website.


Wrapping Up!

In this blog, we delved deep into the top LinkedIn marketing tips that can help you increase followers in 2021. Some are straightforward, some require a little assistance, and some can only be implemented by professionals (e.g., LinkedIn advertising).

Depending on where you stand, get a good grasp on your requirements and head in the right direction accordingly.

When it comes to LinkedIn marketing, consistency is the name of the game. Post high-quality, engaging, and optimized content on a regular basis and you’ll manage to steadily increase your LinkedIn followers.

If you’re ready to get started, we can help. Give us a call at +1(833)405-1025 to kick-start your LinkedIn marketing strategy!

The post How to Get More Followers on LinkedIn appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Social Media and SEO: How to Use Social Media to Improve SEO Rankings Wed, 25 Nov 2020 08:38:53 +0000 Contents How Does Social Media Affect SEO Rankings? 5 Tips To Use Social Media To Boost SEO Move Away From Creating and Sharing Mediocre Content Master the Art of Social Media Optimization Make Your Content Shareable Connect With Your Audience Leverage Social Media to Craft a Pristine Brand Identity What Are The Best Social Media […]

The post Social Media and SEO: How to Use Social Media to Improve SEO Rankings appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..


Is on-page SEO the only way to boost Google rankings?

Is there a link between social media marketing and SEO?

In this blog, we want to talk about how social media optimization can help you become more visible on the web.

How Does Social Media Affect SEO Rankings?

Over 4.57 billion people use social media around the world.

Now, let’s get to the question that’s on everyone’s mind: Is social media marketing one of Google’s ranking factors?

So, for most of this blog, we’re going to talk about how you can leverage your presence on social sites to boost your online presence. But it’s important to note that social media marketing isn’t a direct element of SEO; in fact, it supports elements that impact SEO.

For example: sharing engaging posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc., can make your content shareable, which increases your content’s visibility, which in turn boosts Google rankings.

So if a blog was shared over 10,000 times and generated over 1 million likes and 30,000 comments, it may bag the first spot on Google for several of its keywords.

There’s absolutely no denying that social media and SEO have a meaningful and powerful link. Now let’s jump right into how you can leverage that!

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5 Tips To Use Social Media To Boost SEO

1. Move Away From Creating and Sharing Mediocre Content

Curious about how many U.S. businesses have a social media marketing strategy in place?

90%. And it’s easy to see why.

While taking things into your own hands may sound compelling, it’s very likely that you’ll fall short of the high standard set by the leading brands today.

Most top-tier businesses have a winning social media SEO strategy that helps them speedily climb ranks.

Take a quick look at Longines’ simple yet unmistakably engaging Facebook post:

From using their signature hashtag to reach the intended audience to painting a vivid picture of the client’s admiration for Longines watches, this post makes a lasting impression on the audience.

And the more it resonates with people, the greater the likes, shares, page views, and sales.

These factors collectively play a fundamental role in increasing your search visibility and improving your rankings.

Nordstrom’s social media posts expertly follow the same recipe of creativity, uniqueness, and storytelling at its best:

When it comes to using social media for SEO success, you have to stand out from the crowd by creating and sharing content that’s a cut above the rest.

An experienced social media marketing team will help you post gripping, moving, and impactful content that compels casual social media users to get immersed in your brand’s story and visit your website.

2. Master the Art of Social Media Optimization

You’ve heard about content optimization.

You’re also familiar with webpage optimization.

But what on earth is social media optimization?

This is where social media and SEO cross paths. In essence, social media optimization is the process of “optimizing” your social media activity to build a wide audience and become more visible on SERPs.

How do you go about this?

Here’s a roundup of the top strategies:

  • Use high-ranking hashtags for your industry and location
  • Set up your profile on the leading social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest)
  • Integrate your social media links in your site architecture
  • Post high-quality content on a regular or semi-regular basis
  • Post media-rich content (e.g., blogs with engaging images or concept illustrations, infographics, videos, etc.)
  • Determine the optimal posting times for your business based on your demographic
  • Optimize your social media profile by posting a professional cover photo and profile photo, writing an engaging bio, and using an uncomplicated username
  • Monitor your campaign and make changes accordingly

As you optimize your pages, you’ll engage more social media users and increase your chances of establishing link building partners.

This is one of the most impressive boons of social media optimization!

As more non-competitor businesses come across your profile and engage with your content, they’ll become familiar with your presence in the industry.

The outcome?

Better chances of earning a lucrative backlink from high-DA businesses.

And it should come as no surprise that high-quality backlinks are power-packed juice shots for fatigued rankings! If you’re stuck at the back end of SERPs, you’ll manage to climb your way to the middle and eventually the top.

But leveraging social media sites for SEO isn’t enough. Make sure you turn to on-page SEO strategies as well.

Recommended Read: How to Get More Likes on Facebook in 2020

3. Make Your Content Shareable

Sure, you’ve created a winning social media campaign. You’ve also written the perfect social media post to get your content out in the open with a bang!

But did you make the post shareable?

While every social media post features a “share” button, it’s very likely that your audience won’t use it unless they’re prompted to. And losing potential shares will ultimately cause your SEO efforts to self-destruct.

Go for damage control ASAP.

Here’s an example:

Requesting your audience to “share” your posts is a great way to prompt action and get the most out of your social media content.

You can also experiment with different CTAs like “visit our website for more,” “feel free to give us a call,” “check out our services/products,” and “sign up for our newsletter,” among others.

Make sure you prioritize creativity; the more unique and compelling your posts, the better the outcome!

4. Connect With Your Audience

Social media isn’t a lecture hall; it’s a seminar room that involves active discussion.

If you plan on posting content and exiting until it’s time for a new post, you may want to rethink your strategy.

To improve your rankings and get people talking about your products/services, actively converse with your audience and initiate mini conversations between them.

Let’s take a look at how Starbucks puts this strategy into play:

If you scroll down, you’ll notice that they’ve engaged with the large majority of people who have left a comment. And the responses aren’t lackluster and generic; they’re witty, creative, and a breath of fresh air!


And if you so much as enter “pumpkin cream” on Google, Starbucks shows up as the second most relevant search result.

how to use social media for SEO

This, in a nutshell, is a masterclass in how to use social media for SEO. It shows you how social signals help your SEO strategy succeed.

5. Leverage Social Media to Craft a Pristine Brand Identity

Branding is at the core of successful SEO.

If your business has a weak brand identity, it’s very likely that your audience will gradually begin to lose interest and turn to your competitors.

Mediocre branding also reduces brand recall, resulting in dwindling audience engagement and retention.

So how do you turn things around?

You create an immaculate brand identity through social media.

Portray your business as an empathetic, attentive, and accommodating brand that actually cares about its audience.

Posting meaningful content, engaging with customers on a frequent basis, responding to queries with care and concern, and going the extra mile to ensure a seamless user experience are a few of the many ways to make a mark in your industry.

When executed with consistency and quality in mind, these strategies will help you become more visible on the web and rank your way to the top SERPs!

What Are The Best Social Media Sites For SEO?

Believe it or not, there are several dozen social sites you can choose from, but we want to focus on a few popular (read: powerful) ones in this blog:

Social Media Sites For SEO

Source: Statista

  1. Twitter: Most brands really overlook this powerhouse social media site. Twitter is huge. It has a great audience (over 330 million monthly active users) that you can tap into.

  2. YouTube: If video marketing isn’t part of your SEO strategy, it’s time to rethink that plan. 22% of the social media traffic in the U.S. is on this platform.

  3. Facebook: Definitely the most popular, Facebook allows you to direct your advertising to your target audience and attract major traffic straight to your website. In addition to attracting traffic organically, there are paid options like Facebook sponsored content.

  4. Instagram: Over a billion people use Instagram on a monthly basis; it’s more than just posting images; think stories, video sharing, etc.

  5. LinkedIn: If you’re operating under the B2B model, you need to be on this professional platform. This is where you connect with potential clients, engage with existing customers, and build your brand. 53% of B2B companies that look up clients here have 50% chances of making a purchase from them.

  6. Pinterest: The future is imagery. There are over 50 billion pins on the site, with over 175 million users.


Wrapping Up!

And so, with that, you’ve understood more or less about SEO and its relationship with social media. But there’s so much more to it! And we’d love to talk to you about it!

If you want to get your business’s social media marketing off the ground, let’s talk! Call +1(833)405-1025 now to speak with a strategist or fill out the form below!


The post Social Media and SEO: How to Use Social Media to Improve SEO Rankings appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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