SEO Services Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Tue, 30 Apr 2024 10:42:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Law Firm Marketing 101: A Step-by-Step Guide Wed, 05 Jul 2023 11:31:33 +0000 Imagine being the most skilled lawyer in town. You boast an unbeaten record of court victories. And yet the echo of your office phone seems to have taken a permanent sabbatical. Let’s be honest. As the world becomes increasingly digitally driven, expertise and experience alone can’t woo clients. You may be a lawyer extraordinaire, but that […]

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a concept illustration of lawyers using SEO to grow their law firm

Imagine being the most skilled lawyer in town. You boast an unbeaten record of court victories. And yet the echo of your office phone seems to have taken a permanent sabbatical.

Let’s be honest. As the world becomes increasingly digitally driven, expertise and experience alone can’t woo clients. You may be a lawyer extraordinaire, but that doesn’t guarantee a queue of clients at your door unless you’re stellar at something else too: being visible online.

Let’s think of it this way. Joe has just been handed a parking ticket that he believes is unjust. He’s furious and determined to fight his case. But wait…he needs a lawyer. Panicked, he picks up his phone, types “traffic violation lawyer near me” on Google, and clicks on the first name that pops up. If your firm isn’t that name, Joe isn’t your client. It’s that simple.

SEO (search engine optimization) is the magic cloak that can transform your law firm into a visible, loud, and clear online business. The next time a Joe or Jane is in a pickle and turns to Google for help, your business will show up first.

The benefits? More calls, more clients, more victories, and a glossy reputation as a lawyer. Sounds like a plan? We’ll help turn it into reality.

Stick around for an A-Z breakdown of law firm marketing. If you’re new to marketing for lawyers and curious about the right way to leverage SEO for your law firm, this is it. The verdict is in; are you ready to hear it?

1. Identify Your Target Audience

a concept illustration of a dart hitting the bullseye

Let’s say you’re a great lawyer who specializes in immigration law. You deliver an impressive speech about immigration rules, visa processes, and potential legal pitfalls. The room is packed, but there’s one hitch: the audience is full of teenagers more interested in the latest TikTok trends than immigration laws.

See the problem? This is exactly what happens when you don’t know your target audience. You end up delivering excellent content to the wrong people. While this may sound like something that rarely happens, it’s actually pretty common in the legal industry. When lawyers jump straight into SEO and skip this step, they end up targeting the wrong people who fail to convert. The outcome? Your legal marketing efforts will go down the drain.

While this is frustrating for legal businesses in general, it’s especially unnerving for small businesses just dipping their toes in the small law firm marketing waters. You’ll end up losing revenue and thinking SEO is just a silly waste of time. It’s not, provided you kick things off on the right note, i.e., identifying your target audience. This is a great way to ensure that your message reaches the right people at the right time in the right way. How should you go about this? Let’s break it down.

What is a Target Audience?

A target audience is a specific group of individuals interested in your products/services. In this case, it’s the group of people who would potentially require legal services from your law firm.

It’s important to note that your target audience isn’t “everyone.” While it’s true that, theoretically, anyone may need legal services at some point, marketing to such a broad audience is both inefficient and ineffective.

Your target audience isn’t static. It can change and evolve over time depending on various factors like changing laws, demographics, and the competitive landscape. Identifying your target audience isn’t a one-time exercise but rather an ongoing process that requires periodic reassessment and adjustment.

How to Identify Your Target Audience in 5 Steps

Step 1: Analyze Your Current Clients

Start with what you know. Look at your existing client base and pick up on common characteristics and trends.

  • What type of clients tend to seek your services?
  • Individuals or businesses?
  • What kind of legal issues do they have?
  • Any common demographic traits like age, location, occupation, or income level?

Understanding your current clients can provide valuable insights into who your target audience should be.

Step 2: Define Your Niche

Every law firm has areas of expertise or specialty services that set it apart from the competition. Maybe you excel at criminal law. Or perhaps your strength lies in family law. Defining your niche will help you identify the types of clients who need your services most.

Step 3: Understand the Market Needs

Conduct market research to develop a good grasp of potential clients’ needs and pain points. Use surveys, interviews, or focus groups to collect data. This can help you identify gaps in the market that your law firm can fill.

Step 4: Study Your Competitors

Look at other law firms in your area. Who are they targeting? What types of clients do they have? This can give you ideas for potential target audience segments you may have overlooked.

Step 5: Create Client Personas

Based on your analysis, create client personas, i.e., fictional representations of your ideal clients. These personas should include demographic information and details about their behavior patterns, motivations, and goals. They can guide your marketing efforts and help you tailor your message to the right audience.

Use Target Audience Insights to Your Advantage

Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s time to put that information to good use. Tailor your marketing strategies to your target audience’s unique needs and preferences.

Let’s say your target audience largely comprises businesses that require legal help with contract law. In this case, you could create content about common contract pitfalls, what to look for in a legal advisor for contract law, and so on.

On the other hand, if your target audience comprises individuals who require family law services, you could create blogs about navigating divorce or child custody issues, share success stories that demonstrate your expertise in family law, and the like.

Understanding your target audience will also guide your decisions about where to concentrate your marketing efforts. For instance, if your target audience is younger, they’re likely to be active on social media platforms. Focusing your marketing efforts there could yield better results.

Identifying your target audience is only the first step. What you end up doing with that information will ultimately determine the success of your legal marketing efforts.

If you fail to check this box off the list, your law firm marketing plan will be haphazard; it’ll lack direction. A good grasp of your audience will help you tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. Instead of shooting in the dark, you’ll end up taking well-aimed shots that actually propel your business forward, not create the illusion of growth.

2. Understand Your Competition

lawyers running to cross the finish line

Imagine a game of chess. Each move is calculated, every piece is significant, and the opponent’s tactics are closely scrutinized. It’s not just about moving your pieces across the board; it’s about anticipating, strategizing, and staying two steps ahead.

That’s a lot like understanding your competition in the legal landscape.

It may sound paradoxical, but knowing your rivals can help you stand out. Studying your competitors helps you identify market gaps, understand industry trends, and, most importantly, differentiate your law firm.

Before we delve into the how-tos, let’s clear the air about competitor analysis. It’s not about duplicating your competitor’s strategies or losing your firm’s identity. On the contrary, it’s about gleaning insights to help carve out your unique space in the market.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to understanding your competition:

Step 1: Identify Your Competitors

Start by putting together a list of your competitors. They can be direct competitors (firms that offer similar services to similar clients) or indirect competitors (firms that target your potential clients with different services). Include local, regional, and national firms venturing out into your area.

Step 2: Analyze Their Online Presence

Check out your competitors’ websites and social media platforms. How are they presenting themselves online? What kind of content are they producing? How are they engaging with their audience?

Step 3: Evaluate Their SEO Performance

Use SEO tools to assess your competitors’ digital performance. Which keywords are they ranking for? What is their site’s architecture like? How are they leveraging backlinks? If you’re starting off with small law firm marketing, chances are you won’t have access to the right tools. Work with an experienced marketing agency for lawyers to evaluate your SEO performance like a seasoned pro.

Step 4: Review Their Client Interactions

Online reviews and testimonials provide insights into a firm’s client relationships. Are there recurring praises or complaints?

Step 5: Understand Their Marketing Strategies

Are they using paid ads, content marketing, email marketing, or other specific strategies? Are they organizing or participating in events?

Step 6: Assess Their Service Offerings

Which services do they provide? How are they priced? Which additional benefits do they offer, e.g., free consultation, after-hour services, etc.?

Collecting this information may feel like detective work, but remember, it’s not about copying your competitors’ strategies but learning from them.

Once you’ve analyzed your competition, use this information to your advantage. Identify your firm’s strengths and unique offerings, work on areas where you lag behind, and identify potential growth opportunities.

3. Set a Marketing Budget

a concept illustration of a law firm marketing budget

As the saying goes, “You have to spend money to make money.” But it’s not just about spending; it’s about spending wisely.

This is where setting a marketing budget comes in.

Allocating a specific budget for marketing is like defining the roadmap for your law firm’s journey towards growth. It serves as a financial framework and acts as a strategic tool that guides your decisions on which marketing avenues to pursue.

Let’s navigate the ins and outs of setting a marketing budget for your law firm.

Why is a Marketing Budget Important?

This may sound like an unnecessary step at first. Why can’t you simply dive into law firm marketing? Why should you spend a big chunk of your valuable time crafting a budget? Let’s explore the role of a robust marketing budget in detail.

Benefit 1: It Helps Prioritize Resources

The law of marketing isn’t “spray and pray.” It requires you to focus your resources on efforts that are likely to yield results.

A marketing budget is instrumental in this regard. It helps you determine which strategies and channels get the lion’s share of the resources and which ones should be relegated to a lower priority.

A budget gives you perspective on where to channel your funds: SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, traditional marketing channels, and the like.

Benefit 2: It Keeps Spending in Check

Law firm marketing is an exciting field with a myriad of opportunities. And it’s very easy to get carried away. Before you know it, your firm could be knee-deep in expenses with little to show for it.

A well-defined marketing budget acts as a necessary financial boundary. It sets a limit on how much you can spend on legal marketing activities. The outcome? Fiscal discipline and the prevention of overextension of resources.

Benefit 3: It Measures ROI

You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Assessing the return on investment (ROI) of your legal marketing activities without a budget can be challenging.

A marketing budget provides a clear cost-benefit analysis framework. By setting a budget, you earmark funds for each marketing activity. Combine it with tracking your outcomes, be it leads, conversions, or brand awareness, and you can efficiently measure your marketing ROI.

This neat little trick will end up fetching valuable insights into the effectiveness of your efforts.

Benefit 4: It Creates Accountability

A marketing budget doesn’t just deal with dollars and cents; it also deals with accountability. When you set a budget, you set expectations. You create a financial blueprint that projects the anticipated costs and expected results.

This brings a sense of responsibility. Every decision made and dollar spent can be traced back to its return. This encourages careful planning, disciplined execution, and data-driven adjustments.

Benefit 5: It Facilitates Performance Tracking

Without a marketing budget, you’re essentially operating in the dark. You may be overspending on underperforming tactics or underspending on strategies that could yield significant results.

A defined budget aids in performance tracking and gives you the ability to swiftly and effectively adjust your strategies based on real data.

How to Set a Marketing Budget

Step 1: Define Your Goals

This is the cornerstone of your marketing budget. What are your marketing objectives? Are you aiming to increase brand visibility? Enhance online presence? Generate leads? Attract new ones? Retain current ones?

Each goal requires different strategies, resources, and levels of funding. Obtaining a clear picture of your goals will give you marketing direction and help you allocate your budget wisely.

Step 2: Review Your Financial Status

Your budget should reflect your law firm’s financial health. Look at your revenue forecasts, profit margins, and cash flow. How much can you afford to allocate to marketing without jeopardizing your firm’s financial stability? Your marketing spend should be an investment, not a financial burden.

Step 3: Benchmark Industry Standards

While your firm’s unique needs and goals should primarily drive your marketing budget, industry benchmarks can provide useful guidance. Law firms typically spend between 2% and 10% of their revenue on marketing. This range can be a helpful starting point, but remember; it’s just a guide. Your firm’s specific circumstances may necessitate spending above or below this range.

Step 4: Consider Your Marketing Channels

Not all marketing channels are created equal. They have different reach, engagement rates, costs, and ROI. Some channels may be more effective than others depending on your target audience and marketing goals.

Understand the cost and potential returns of each channel, be it social media, SEO, email marketing, or PPC. This will help guide your budget allocation.

Step 5: Estimate Costs

This is where you’ll start getting into the specifics. List all potential expenses related to your marketing efforts. This could include costs for SEO tools, social media advertising, content creation, website maintenance, email marketing software, hiring a marketing agency for lawyers, and so on. Getting a handle on these costs will help you allocate your budget more accurately.

Step 6: Monitor and Adjust

A marketing budget isn’t just a static document; it should evolve with your law firm’s needs, market dynamics, and campaign performance.

Regularly track your spending and the results of your marketing efforts. This is a great way to collect insights into what’s working, what isn’t, and where you may need to reallocate funds.

Example of a Law Firm Marketing Budget

What should your marketing budget look like? There are no set rules. The numbers ultimately vary depending on factors like your firm’s size, location, practice areas, goals, and more.

However, we’ll give you a general idea of what your budget could look like. Keep in mind that these are only potential items; your firm may not need all of these or may need more based on your specific legal marketing strategy.

A table showing an itemized marketing budget

Follow our lead? Work with a legal marketing firm that can take the reins for you. They’ll set a budget based on your unique requirements and goals.

4. Optimize Your Website Using the Right SEO Strategies

website optimization process

In the courtroom of the digital world, your law firm’s website stands in the dock. Instead of being judged by a jury, it’s judged by search engines and web users.

The charge? Being invisible in the vast expanse of the internet. The consequence? Lost opportunities, overlooked potential, and a silent phone. And the staunch defender? Search engine optimization (SEO).

Much like a compelling closing argument always sways the court, a well-optimized website can swing the online verdict in your favor. But how do you plead your case in the eyes of Google and prospective clients? We’ll show you the way. But before we do that, let’s delve deeper into SEO and its importance for law firms.

What is SEO for Law Firms?

SEO is the strategic utilization of techniques to boost your firm’s visibility in search engine results.

When someone finds themselves embroiled in a legal tangle, their first instinct is to pull out their phone and key in “lawyer near me” or “best [specialty] lawyer in [city name].” They’re not going to sift through countless pages of results; most users stick to the first page (typically the top five listings).

When your law firm ranks on the top search engine result pages (SERPs), it goes without saying that more potential clients will find you, call you, and work with you. This is the power of SEO in a nutshell.

SEO has several components (and we’ll dive into them in just a bit). A well-crafted SEO plan is designed to make your law firm more “attractive” to search engine algorithms and provide value to potential clients who visit your website.

You’re not just pleasing Google or web users; you’re feeding both birds with one scone. This makes SEO even more powerful; it helps you check two critical boxes off the list in one go.

How Can I Optimize My Website?

Step 1: Web Design and User Experience (UX)

In the bustling digital marketplace, your law firm’s website is your digital storefront. It’s the first point of contact for many potential clients; as we all know, first impressions matter. A lot.

A well-designed website offering superior user experience (UX) can be a powerful catalyst in transforming visitors into clients.

Start by focusing on visual appeal and branding. The aesthetic design of your website should echo your firm’s professionalism and credibility. Clean lines, an uncluttered layout, and a sophisticated color palette can all contribute to creating a visually appealing digital space.

In addition, your branding elements (your firm’s logo, color scheme, typography, etc.) should be consistent across all pages to foster recognition and familiarity.

Pardalis & Nohavicka is the epitome of modern, appealing, and exquisite web design. Their website compels web users to keep scrolling and ultimately schedule a consultation, not “bounce” off the site (something that a lot of legal websites are guilty of doing).

The clean, sleek, and minimalist website is a visual treat through and through!

Pardalis & Nohavicka's clean, modern, and minimalist web design

What’s next? User-friendly navigation. Your website should be easy to navigate and boast a clear and intuitive menu structure. Visitors should be able to effortlessly find essential pages like your practice areas, attorney profiles, contact information, client testimonials, and the like.

A well-thought-out navigation menu reduces user frustration and increases the chances of visitors exploring your website more deeply.

This brings us to mobile optimization. There are a whopping 6.8 billion smartphone users across the globe. Out of this astounding number, 50.9% of web users use their smartphones to shop online at least once a week.

If your legal website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re leaving an enormous chunk of your audience unengaged. Your website should boast a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes. This little trick will help you reach a wider audience and bag more conversions.

Site speed is an essential component of web design and UX. In the fast-paced digital world, speed is king; no qualms about it. A slow-loading website can send your bounce rate soaring and negatively impact your search engine rankings. Optimize your images, use efficient coding, and consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure that your site loads swiftly and smoothly.

Your website should also be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Accessibility features should include things like alt text for images (which also helps with SEO), keyboard navigation, and transcripts for video content.

Another critical aspect of web design and UX? Calls to action (CTAs). Each page on your website should have a clear objective and encourage users to take specific action. This could be filling out a contact form, calling your office, downloading a resource, or scheduling a consultation.

CTAs should be visually prominent and compelling in language. While CTAs benefit law firms by turning visits into conversions, they also help web users understand what to do next.

When people open legal websites in a pickle, they want action-centric information that guides them seamlessly. Clear, bold, and straightforward CTAs that encourage web users to call you, schedule a consultation, or fill out the contact form act as a big helping hand. They cut through clients’ panicked state and provide relief in the form of immediate action.

This makes CTAs all the more important for law firms. Gayle Law Group is known for its punchy CTAs in brand colors.

Gayle Law Group's calls-to-action

Follow their lead!

Step 2: Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization is the process of researching, reviewing, and shortlisting the best keywords to drive qualified traffic from search engines to your website. In simpler terms, it’s about figuring out the words and phrases potential clients are punching into their keyboards or voicing on their smartphones.

Once you get your hands on these keywords and start incorporating them into your website, you’re in for enviable SERP rankings, impressive traffic, and dreamy conversions.

Keyword optimization acts as GPS; it helps potential clients find your website. When a person in need of legal assistance looks for “family law attorney in [your city]” or “how to file for bankruptcy,” and your business appears among the top search results, that’s the power of keyword optimization at work.

How can you check this box off the list? Start with keyword research. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify the words and phrases your clients use when seeking legal services.

Focus on long-tail keywords, i.e., longer, more specific, less competitive phrases that can drive highly targeted traffic to your website. For instance, instead of the highly competitive keyword “divorce lawyer,” you may focus on “high-asset divorce lawyer in [your city].”

This doesn’t mean that you chuck out short-tail keywords. Instead, aim to strike the right balance between both short-tail and long-tail keywords to reach the right people.

Once you have your list of targeted keywords ready to go, it’s time to integrate them organically into your website’s content, page titles, URLs, meta descriptions, header tags, image alt text, etc.

Avoid keyword stuffing, an outdated practice that can lead to penalties from search engines. The integration should be natural and effortless; it should provide real value to your audience.

Here’s a brilliant example.

Russell & Hill's web copy featuring keywords

See what we mean? Russell & Hill manages to sneak in two critical keywords, “personal injury lawyer in the Pacific Northwest” and “personal injury attorneys,” without making it seem too obvious (or even remotely obvious).

The content reads effortlessly and organically. Talk about getting the job done without leaving a trace behind!

Keep in mind that SEO isn’t a one-and-done process. You’ll have to continually monitor your keyword performance using tools like Google Analytics. This will help you understand what’s working and what isn’t. Over time, trends and algorithms change, and so should your keyword strategy!

If you’re looking for a more robust keyword research plan, work with a legal marketing firm. At Global-marketing Inc., we provide SEO keyword research services to lawyers. Our experts will provide a list of high-ranking keywords for your industry and audience. We’ll also incorporate the keywords into web content and copy for stellar results.

Whether you take the reins yourself or turn to a law firm marketing agency for help, make sure keyword relevance, quality, and accuracy are prioritized at all times.

Step 3: Technical SEO

Like the behind-the-scenes legal clerks who keep a law firm running smoothly, technical SEO often goes unnoticed. Yet, it plays an integral role in your website’s visibility and performance.

This critical component of SEO involves the optimization of your website and server. The outcome? Search engine spiders can crawl and index your site better. As a law firm, you’ll walk away with higher organic search rankings.

Pretty sweet, right?

Let’s start with the basics.

Imagine if you had to navigate a bustling city without a map or GPS. It would be pretty chaotic, right? That’s exactly how search engines feel when trying to crawl a website without an XML sitemap.

An XML (extensible markup language) sitemap is a file that lists all the relevant URLs (pages) of your website. It acts as a roadmap for search engines and expertly guides them to all the important pages on your site that you want to be indexed.

In the context of a law firm’s website, your sitemap may include pages like your practice areas, attorney profiles, blog, contact information, and case studies. By providing search engines with this roadmap, you’re helping them find, crawl, and understand your content more efficiently.

How do you create one? Many content management systems (CMSs), like WordPress, offer automatic sitemap generation. For custom solutions, online sitemap generators can create one, which you then upload to your website’s root directory.

Once you have your sitemap, don’t forget to submit it to search engine webmaster tools (like Google Search Console) to inform them of its existence. It’s like personally handing over your roadmap to Google’s crawlers so they don’t miss any important pitstops!

The robots.txt file acts as a traffic controller for your website. It tells search engine spiders where they can and can’t go. Located at the root of your website, this simple text file instructs web robots which pages on your site to crawl and which to ignore.

For example, you may want search engines to ignore a page that’s under construction or a page that has duplicate content, e.g., print versions of webpages.

For a law firm, you may use the robots.txt file to keep search engines away from private client data or sensitive case information that’s stored online. This basic information includes “user-agent,” which specifies the search engine robot, and “disallow,” which lists the URLs you don’t want to be crawled.

For instance, to block all robots from crawling a specific page, your robots.txt file may look something like this:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /example-page/


Creating and maintaining a clean, accurate robots.txt file is critical for efficient site crawling and indexing.

However, be cautious. An incorrect command in your robots.txt file could block search engines from accessing your site entirely.

When it comes to managing your site’s traffic, the robots.txt file is the trusted traffic officer who ensures everything runs smoothly and according to plan. Work with a legal marketing firm that specializes in technical SEO. They’ll take care of the legwork for you and ensure your site runs smoothly, seamlessly, and systematically.

HTTPS protocol is up next. At a time when privacy and data security aren’t just important but indispensable, HTTPS protocol acts as a vigilant security guard for your law firm’s website.

HTTPS, which stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure, encrypts data transmitted between a user’s browser and a website. It provides a secure online experience for your audience.

Think of it this way. You wouldn’t leave sensitive client files out in the open in your law office, would you? Of course not. You’d secure them behind locked doors or in locked file cabinets. HTTPS is that security measure for your online ‘office’.

Here’s how it works. When a site uses HTTPS, the data sent between the user and the site is encrypted. This means that even if someone intercepts the data (like a cybercriminal), they wouldn’t be able to decipher it because it’s encoded.

This is especially critical for sites where sensitive information is transmitted, e.g., legal websites that may handle case details, personal client details, or payment information.

This brings us to structured data. Let’s pretend search engine result pages (SERPs) are a black-tie event. Everyone is dressed up, looking their best to attract attention. Imagine showing up in a vibrant, beautifully tailored suit or dress. You’d stand out, right? In the world of SEO, that’s what structured data does for your law firm’s website.

Also known as schema markup, structured data is a type of code that helps search engines understand your website’s content and present it attractively on SERPs. It’s like providing search engines with a cheat sheet that explains what your content means and how it should be presented!

Pretty cool, right?

Using structured data, your website’s listing on SERPs can be enhanced with additional information, often referred to as ‘rich snippers’ or ‘rich results’. For example, a standard SERP listing typically includes the page title, URL, and meta description.

Something like this:

Google search result of the title, meta description, and URL for The Shapiro Law Firm

But with structured data, you could add elements like ratings, reviews, FAQs, breadcrumbs, and specific business information (operating hours, location, etc.).

Here’s an example:

Google search result featuring Law Offices of Jeffrey B Peltz

Why is all this important for your law firm? It’s all about visibility and click-through rates (CTRs). Enhanced listings take up more real estate on SERPs. As a result, your website is more noticeable.

Additionally, rich results provide users with immediate value and potentially increase the likelihood that they’ll click through to your site.

Implementing structured data involves adding the appropriate schema markup to your website’s HTML. It may sound complicated, but various tools and plugins can help simplify the process. Google’s Schema Markup Testing Tool, for instance, can help you validate your markup and ensure it’s correctly implemented.

And lastly, let’s talk about URL structure, one of the most important aspects of technical SEO. Have you ever found yourself lost in a new city because the street signs were confusing or non-existent? That’s how a user or search engine might feel when trying to navigate your website if your URLs are messy or unclear.

A good URL structure is akin to a clear, straightforward street sign; it guides users and search engines effortlessly through your website’s neighborhood.

URL, short for uniform resource locator, is the address of a webpage. URL structure refers to how these addresses are organized; the clearer and more readable, the better.

A clear, well-structured URL should ideally be readable. This means it should be concise and logically organized. It should also make sense to a human reader. For instance, is far more readable than

We also recommend sneaking keywords into your URL. This will help web users and search engines understand the content of the page. Using the previous example, the terms “family law” and “divorce” clearly indicate the topic of the page.

If your site has multiple pages or layers, the URL should follow a logical hierarchy. For instance, indicates a clear path from services to criminal defense to DUI representation. In URL convention, hyphens are typically used to separate words (not underscores or spaces). This is because they’re recognized by search engines as word separators.

Ensure consistency across the board to keep both web users and search engines happy. Remember, URLs are a ranking factor. Ding, ding, ding! Search engines like Google use URL keywords to understand the content of a page and rank it higher (or lower) on Google SERPs accordingly.

A URL that reads gives Google a clear context that the page is about divorce under the realm of family law. The outcome? Higher rankings for related search queries.

See how this works?

Play your cards well, and you’re in for terrific rankings. It’s all uphill from there: roaring traffic, neat conversions, and consistent law firm growth.

5. Create Valuable Content

legal SEO content displayed with a gavel and weighing scale

Let’s play pretend. Imagine you’re not a lawyer for a moment but a client facing a legal challenge. You’re scared, confused, and seeking answers.

Now, you stumble upon two websites: one with generic, uninspiring content and another packed with insightful, clear, and expertly articulated information.

Which law firm will you trust your case to?


In the digital arena, your law firm isn’t just competing on legal expertise or client service; it’s also competing on content. The online content you create is the shining beacon that guides potential clients to your firm amidst a sea of legal offices.

It’s your ticket to transforming your firm from ‘just another office’ to ‘the legal authority’.

Let’s dive into how you can create valuable content that compels, convinces, and converts your target audience.

Your content portfolio should be a well-curated collection that demonstrates your breadth and depth of knowledge and caters to different stages of the client’s journey.

Instead of picking out content pieces at random, think strategically and smartly. Understand the different types of content popular among your audience and supply them in abundance. And develop a good grasp of the specific types of content that fail to resonate with your audience and toss them to the side accordingly.

Each content piece your law firm creates should serve a specific purpose and audience. Let’s explore the most popular and relevant content pieces for law firms.


Blogs are the knights of your content chessboard: versatile, flexible, and capable of reaching places other pieces can’t. They serve multiple purposes: addressing frequently asked legal questions, discussing recent legal developments, or simply offering legal advice in a reader-friendly manner.

Blogs allow you to demonstrate your expertise in a less formal setting. When used correctly, this approach can help you make the law more accessible and your firm more approachable.

Write engaging, insightful, and value-added blogs that unpack complex legal topics. Sobo & Sobo is known for its comprehensive blogs that break legal complexities and intricacies down into bite-sized pieces.

Their blog titled “DUI, DWI & DWAI in New York: What’s the Difference?” is the perfect example of informative and digestible content.

Recommended Read: SEO Content Guide to Search Engine Ranking Factors


FAQs are your pawns. They may seem small, but they’re mighty.

FAQs provide straightforward answers to common legal questions. This makes them an excellent resource for clients who are seeking quick information.

They also help improve your website’s SEO by targeting long-tail keywords. For instance, a potential client may Google “how to file for bankruptcy in New York,” a query you can directly address in your FAQs.

This is how your content will show up:

People Also Ask box for how to file for bankruptcy in New York

Sweet, right?

We also recommend creating a separate FAQs webpage. JL Carpenter’s FAQs page is a great example.

JL Carpenter's FAQs page from website

Cover as much ground as possible. Once web users land on your website’s FAQs page, they should be able to find answers to all their questions.

We recommend updating this page every two months to ensure comprehensiveness, accuracy, and relevance. You may have to update some answers based on the evolving legal landscape. And you may have to add new FAQs. Perhaps some of them need to be removed altogether!

Stay on top of your game to provide factual and updated information to your audience at all times.

eBooks and Whitepapers

eBooks and whitepapers are your rooks: strong and impactful. They allow you to delve deeper into complex topics and offer in-depth analysis that articles or blogs may not cover.

This detailed level of information can provide significant value to potential clients who are on the hunt for more substantial content.

Case Studies

Case studies are your queen: powerful and invaluable. By providing a real-life case that your firm handled successfully, you’re essentially providing a testament to your expertise and results.

This can be a game-changer for potential clients. It’ll help them understand how your firm handles cases, strategizes, and achieves positive outcomes.

Here’s how you could go about this:

Eldabe Ritter's case results

And if you want to get more creative, take a page out of Russell & Hill’s book. Their case studies are visually presented in one of the most unique, engaging, and aesthetically appealing ways we’ve ever seen!

Russell & Hill's settlements and awards

See what we mean?

Instead of playing it safe, think outside the box and experiment with unique presentation styles. This little trick will go a long way in helping you keep your audience engaged and convert casual visitors into clients!


Videos are your bishops; they move differently and catch attention. In 2023, the vast majority of web users are visual learners; they prefer watching a video over reading lengthy text.

Videos can offer a more personal touch. Whether you put together an explainer video that breaks down complex legal procedures or create a testimonial video that features satisfied clients, the right video will help you inform and convert a wider audience.

Video content also significantly increases the time spent on a website. This sends a positive signal to search engines. The outcome? Fantastic SERP rankings.

Recommended Read: Video SEO: Optimize for Visual Intent and Video-First Searches

JL Carpenter’s website features a webpage dedicated to video content. This is an excellent way to walk your audience through legal topics in a more conversational, relaxed, and effortless manner.

JL Carpenter's website videos

If you haven’t already, set up a YouTube channel. You can embed the videos on your website or upload them directly. At Global-marketing Inc., we offer professional video design services for lawyers. Walk us through your vision, and we’ll handle the rest!

6. Leverage Local SEO

 a lawyer checking his law firm's online reviews on Google Maps

Law firms no longer compete only on a city block or within court walls; they compete in the vast expanse of the online world. However, while global reach is a valuable asset, local presence holds the most importance for law firms.

After all, your clientele is predominantly local: people looking for legal representation in your city, neighborhood, and, sometimes, just around the corner. This is where local SEO enters the picture!

Local SEO is the process of fine-tuning your online presence to fetch more business from local queries on Google. As a law firm, this isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have.

People who are on the hunt for lawyers typically look for professionals near them. Whether they’re facing a sudden legal issue or planning for a future need, they scan their vicinity for experienced lawyers who can build a strong case for them.

By leveraging local SEO, you’re ensuring that every time someone looks for “lawyers near me” or “lawyers in [your city]”, your law firm is the top result.

How can you pull this off?

Let’s show you the way.

Google Business Profile

Your law firm’s first point of contact with potential clients isn’t through your office door      but rather your Google Business Profile (previously known as Google My Business). Think of this as a concise snapshot of your business on Google, complete with your firm’s name, location, operating hours, and reviews.

A Google Business Profile is an indispensable tool for local SEO. When someone searches for a law firm near them, Google often provides a list of local businesses in a box known as the Google Local 3-Pack. The Local Pack, in short, appears above organic search results.

Here’s what it looks like for the search query “best lawyers in NYC.”

Google Local 3-Pack for best lawyers in NYC

Catch our drift?

To make the most of your Google Business Profile (GBP), start by providing complete and accurate information about your law firm. This includes your firm’s name, address, phone number, website, and hours of operation. Google ranks complete profiles higher than incomplete ones.

All done? Categorize your business next. This helps Google decide which searches your listing is relevant to. Choose the category that best represents your law firm, e.g., “personal injury lawyer,” “divorce lawyer,” “criminal justice attorney,” and so on.

After setting up your GBP, you need to verify it. Google needs to confirm that your business is legitimate and that you’re authorized to manage the profile. Verification is pretty simple and straightforward; it can be done via postcard, phone, email, or Google Search Console.

Follow this up by filling in your GBP. Encourage your audience to leave reviews on your GBP. Positive reviews can significantly boost your GBP’s visibility.

Make sure you promptly respond to both positive and negative reviews. Google likes it when businesses interact with their customers. The more active you are, the better. This means Google will rank you higher in the Local Pack.

Keep filling your GBP with more content: updates, posts, photos, videos, virtual tours, and so on. Google allows you to post updates directly to your GBP; you can share news, promotions, events, or even legal advice.

Make sure you post high-quality, engaging, and enriching content that resonates with your audience.

Pardalis & Nohavicka is known for sharing high-resolution photos of their firm, team, and cases. Here’s a glimpse:

 Pardalis & Nohavicka's Google Business Profile photos

Similarly, Romano Law stands out for its frequent GBP updates.

Romano Law's Google Business Profile updates

And Antin, Ehrlich & Epstein steals the show by actively and gratuitously responding to customer reviews.

Antin, Ehrlich & Epstein's Google Business Profile

The more thought, attention, and care you pour into your GBP, the higher your SERP rankings. Google plays by the rules; it rewards law firms that provide quality content and a seamless experience to web users.

When you give Google what it wants, it’ll certainly return the favor.

If you’re having trouble with local SEO, work with a marketing agency for lawyers. They’ll dissect your current local SEO performance and craft a power-packed campaign accordingly.

While local SEO is essential for all law firms, it’s an especially integral part of small law firm marketing. If you’re just getting started and building traction, invest in local SEO to earn a much-needed boost in online visibility.

Online Directories

Long gone are the days when people would thumb through a physical directory to find a law firm. In 2023, online directories have taken the mantle. They’re essentially the modern version of Yellow Pages, only far more comprehensive, interactive, and accessible.

Online directories are a vital element of a well-rounded SEO strategy for your law firm. They offer a centralized platform for potential clients to discover, learn about, and contact your law firm. A robust presence across these directories can increase your online visibility, boost your local SEO, and improve your credibility.

Not all online directories are created equal. Some are more reputable and generate more traffic than others. Take some time to do your research and select the right directories.

Here are our top picks:

Domain Authority: 52

Domain Authority: 94

Domain Authority: 71

Domain Authority: 88

Domain Authority: 71

Domain Authority: 63

Domain Authority: 60

Domain Authority: 85

Domain Authority: 46

Domain Authority: 66

Domain Authority: 58

Domain Authority: 46

Domain Authority: 64

Domain Authority: 71

Domain Authority: 91

Domain Authority: 60

Domain Authority: 92

Domain Authority: 91

Domain Authority: 58

Keep in mind that while a higher domain authority score is generally better, it’s also important to focus on directories that are relevant and popular among your target audience.

This is where directory research becomes non-negotiable. Work with a legal marketing firm to identify the best listings for your law firm and audience.

When listing your law firm on various directories, maintain consistent information across all platforms, especially concerning your firm’s name, address, and phone number (NAP). Inconsistent information can confuse search engines and hurt your local SEO efforts.

Just like with your Google Business Profile, ensure that your directory profiles are as complete and detailed as possible. The more information you provide, the easier it’ll be for potential clients to understand what your firm offers and how you can assist them.

7. Use Social Media

a concept illustration featuring a megaphone extending from a smartphone screen

If you’re not leveraging the power of social media for your law firm, you’re missing out on a goldmine of potential clients; no exaggeration.

Social media is no longer a place where people just share their daily activities or cat videos (although we love those). In 2023, it has evolved into a powerful marketing platform that can substantially boost your law firm’s online visibility and reputation.

Just consider this. 4.9 billion people use social media regularly worldwide. That’s not an ordinary number. Let it hit you again: 4.9 billion people.

This means that your prospective clients are already hanging out on these platforms. By building a robust social media presence, you’re not only reaching them where they already are, but you’re also showing them a more relatable and engaging side of your law firm!

Start by choosing the right platforms. Not every social media platform is suitable for every business. For law firms, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are usually the most relevant platforms.

LinkedIn is excellent for networking with other professionals and demonstrating your expertise, while Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great for engaging with your clients directly.

Since your social media profile is the digital face of your law firm, make sure it’s professional, comprehensive, and reflective of your brand’s identity. Use a high-resolution logo, write a compelling bio, and include a link to your website.

All done?

It’s time to get to work!

Your social media profile is only as good as the content you share. Instead of casually churning out run-of-the-mill content, be intentional with the process.

Share valuable content that informs and engages your audience. This is a great time to revisit the target audience insights you collected earlier. Carefully review your audience’s legal requirements, pain points, and interests.

What are the common legal questions they have? Which topics are they most likely to engage with? Answer these questions to determine a good grasp of the kind of social media content you should create.

Variety is key here; don’t limit yourself to a single type of content. Experiment with different formats to cater to diverse preferences.

Pardalis & Nohavicka is known for sharing engaging, diverse, and thought-provoking posts and stories. Their latest Instagram post is a slice of the perfect social media marketing pie for lawyers.

a screenshot of Pardalis & Nohavicka's Instagram story

See what we mean?

They frequently share legal tips, polls, FAQs, surveys, legal news, updates, behind-the-scenes content, testimonials, live Q&A sessions, industry insights, and so much more. This is the perfect place to get creative! The more engaging and exciting your content, the better.

Your social media content should aim to educate and empower your audience. Instead of using a lot of legal jargon, simplify complex legal topics. Empowering your audience with palatable knowledge is an excellent way to build trust and position yourself as a valuable resource.

In 2023, user-generated content (UGC) is a treasure trove for your law firm’s social media strategy. UGC is any content created and shared by your clients, followers, or community members that showcases their experiences, testimonials, or interactions with your firm.

It’s a powerful tool that allows you to amplify your brand message, build trust, and foster a sense of community around your law firm.

Highlight real-life success stories from your clients. Ask them to share how your firm helped them overcome legal challenges, achieve favorable outcomes, and regain peace of mind. Share these stories on social media to demonstrate your firm’s expertise and the positive impact you’ve made in people’s lives!

Recommended Read: Social Media and SEO: How to Use Social Media to Improve SEO Rankings

8. Try Your Hand at Pay-Per-Click Advertising

a concept illustration of the pay-per-click advertising model

In a profession where outcomes are uncertain, and courtrooms are filled with suspense, it’s refreshing to have a marketing strategy that delivers guaranteed results.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is the surety you’ve been looking for. Unlike traditional advertising methods, PPC allows you to specifically target individuals who are actively looking for legal services online.

Here’s how it works.

It all starts with identifying high-ranking keywords that potential clients are typing into search engines when looking for legal assistance. As a law firm, you bid on these keywords and compete with other firms to grab the top SERP spots.

Once you’ve chosen your keywords, it’s time to weave spellbinding copy. Craft captivating ads that highlight your law firm’s unique selling points, expertise, and services. The goal is to use concise and persuasive language that entices potential clients to click on your ads and discover the magic you have to offer.

PPC advertising gives you the power to control your spending. Set a budget that aligns with your firm’s goals. The great thing about PPC advertising is that you don’t have to go overboard; you can stick to your budget through and through.

Simply determine how much you’re willing to bid for each click and the overall amount you’re willing to invest in your PPC campaigns. Once this amount is set, it’ll remain constant until you decide to tweak your campaign.

The sorcery of PPC lies in its ability to precisely target your desired audience. You can define your audience based on specific factors like location, demographics, search intent, and even the time of day. This ensures that your ads are seen by the right people at the right time.

Since you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, you’re not wasting your budget on impressions alone; you’re investing in actual engagement and potential leads. This cost-effective approach allows you to allocate your resources strategically and track the return on your investment.

Since PPC advertising is a complex marketing technique, it’s best left to experts. Instead of taking the reins yourself, work with an experienced legal marketing firm that takes care of all the legwork for you.

When executed to perfection, your PPC advertising strategy can put your law firm in the spotlight and help you gain a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

Recommended Read: PPC Management for Small Businesses: Tips and Tricks

Let Global-marketing Inc. Show You the Way!

In this blog, we walked you through the A–Z of law firm marketing. Now that the game plan is laid out in front of you, it’s time to make full use of it!

Global-marketing Inc. is here to show you the way.

As one of the leading legal marketing firms in 2023, we specialize in helping up-and-coming law firms get seen by their target audience online. Our goal is to ensure that your phone starts ringing, your meeting rooms buzz with consultations, and the courtroom is filled with the sound of your victory.

Sounds like a plan?

Explore our SEO services for lawyers to get started!

Whether you’re interested in small law firm marketing or looking for law firm marketing ideas for established firms, we’ll take the reins and steer your business in the right direction.

As an experienced, established, and reputable marketing agency for lawyers, we don’t drop the ball; that’s a promise.

For more information about our legal marketing services, give us a call today. It’s time to pull your firm to the top SERPs and fetch a roaring round of applause (and revenue) from clients.

The post Law Firm Marketing 101: A Step-by-Step Guide appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How to Unlock Your Website’s Full Potential with Tailored SEO Packages Mon, 03 Jul 2023 09:00:53 +0000 Let’s say you’re on the hunt to hire a new superstar to join your team. You wouldn’t hire a lumberjack to balance your books, would you? Nor would you ask a ballerina to fix your plumbing. You’d look for someone who fits the job description to a tee, someone with the specific skills, character, and […]

The post How to Unlock Your Website’s Full Potential with Tailored SEO Packages appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

an illustration depicting SEO experts customizing a website

Let’s say you’re on the hunt to hire a new superstar to join your team. You wouldn’t hire a lumberjack to balance your books, would you? Nor would you ask a ballerina to fix your plumbing.

You’d look for someone who fits the job description to a tee, someone with the specific skills, character, and flair to complement and elevate your business. You’d look for the ‘Goldilocks’ candidate: not too this, not too that, but just right.

In the realm of SEO, a generic, one-size-fits-all, off-the-shelf approach can feel like trying to drive a square peg into a round hole. It’s uncomfortable, it doesn’t work, and let’s face it, it’s just a hammer-banging headache.

In 2023, every business has its own unique flavor and nuance. Using a uniform SEO strategy is like bringing a baguette to a sushi bar: out of place and unlikely to satisfy. Your business deserves a customized approach, an SEO strategy that fits just like a glove, a ‘Goldilocks’ solution. This is where tailored SEO packages come waltzing into the picture.

In this blog, we’ll give you a better taste of the power of minutely tailored SEO packages. What makes them so different from regular SEO services packages? Which masterful packages does Global-marketing Inc. bring to the table? And how can you choose the right one for your unique requirements?

Let’s take it away!

Tailored SEO Packages: A Fuss or a Necessity?

a business owner climbing a staircase that says "tailored SEO packages"

Every business sports a unique fingerprint, not just in its product or service offerings but also in its digital existence. Just as you wouldn’t expect a lion to thrive in an aquarium, or a goldfish to roam the savannah, businesses also require unique digital ecosystems to thrive.

Let’s take ‘Brielle’s Bistro,’ a quaint eatery nestled in the heart of a bustling city, as an example. Brielle’s customers are her neighbors, her community. She would benefit tremendously from a local SEO strategy. By ranking high for city dwellers seeking their next culinary adventure, Brielle could take her business to great heights.

On the flipside, ‘Mike’s Mega Mart,’ a massive online retailer shipping nationwide, requires a more comprehensive SEO strategy. Keyword research, technical SEO, and eCommerce optimization are indispensable tools in his digital success toolkit.

If these two businesses switched SEO plans, chaos would ensue. They have completely different business models, industries, audiences, goals, scopes, products/services, and requirements. Without tailored SEO packages that check off all the right boxes, these two businesses, and every other business in 2023, are in the lion’s den.

Unfortunately, most businesses are oblivious to the danger surrounding them. SEO’s tapestry has become so intricately woven that we’re facing an epidemic of oversimplification. Businesses are seeking a magic SEO pill, an easy button to be pressed to wake up to lofty SERP rankings and roaring traffic.

In actuality, SEO is a complex landscape that demands intimate knowledge of a business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also demands mastery of SEO in and of itself: expertise, experience, technical prowess, application, analysis, prediction, prevention, and fine-tuning. In this labyrinth, tailored SEO packages become your personal GPS.

Choosing the right mix of SEO services for your business isn’t just about tossing all the tools in the toolbox. It’s about selecting the right tool for the right task. A tech startup could soar through a well-executed link-building plan, while a local clothing store could be better served through a masterful Google Business Profile optimization plan.

Let’s answer the hotly debated question once and for all. Are tailored SEO packages a fuss or a necessity? It’s like asking if a tailor-made suit is a necessity. Sure, you can wear an off-the-rack suit, and it may look half decent. But when you wear a suit that’s been cut and sewn to your measure, you don’t just wear the suit; you look great doing it.

Global-marketing Inc.’s SEO Packages

If you want to unlock your website’s full potential with a power-packed SEO package, Global-marketing Inc. should be your starting point.

Whether you’re looking for an affordable SEO package as a small business owner with limited funds, a local SEO package as a tech store owner with a local clientele, or a monthly SEO package as a startup that needs monthly SEO solutions to build momentum, Global-marketing Inc.’s experts will build the right plan for you.

Let’s explore our SEO company packages.

1. The Basic Package

Global-marketing Inc.'s Basic Package

Small businesses and startups often find themselves juggling multiple hats with limited time and resources at their disposal. As they take their first steps into the digital realm, understanding the intricacies of SEO can be akin to navigating a dense jungle without a map.

The ever-evolving algorithms, Google’s mystifying requirements, and puzzling new advancements can make the already daunting landscape appear even more intimidating. Under such circumstances, many small businesses and startups end up crumbling under pressure and giving up on SEO altogether.

I knew it was just another hoax that wouldn’t work. What a waste of time!

In actuality, SEO is a game-changer…provided that you use the right approach. Global-marketing Inc.’s Basic Package is the perfect starting point. The essence of SEO is distilled in this package.

It starts with keyword research: the essential reconnaissance mission of your digital marketing strategy. Keyword research is the process of identifying the precise words and phrases your target audience uses when looking for the products/services you provide.

For small businesses and startups, effective keyword research is your golden ticket to developing a good grasp of customer needs and behavior. It can reveal unmet demands, help you understand your niche better, and guide your overall marketing strategy.

Let’s say you launch a small vegan bakery in a bustling city. Keyword research can help you understand what potential customers are searching for. Are they on the hunt for ‘gluten-free pastries,’ ‘organic vegan bread,’ or ‘vegan birthday cakes’? This information can help you tailor your content online.

A well-executed keyword research and incorporation plan will increase your online visibility, pull you toward the top Google SERPs, and send a heap of traffic your way. As a business that’s just taking root, online visibility will give you the momentum you need to take off!

By bringing 15–20 keywords to the table each month, the Basic Package serves as the ideal launchpad for fledgling businesses. If you’re on the hunt for an affordable SEO package that helps you weave the right keywords into your website, this is the place to start. While your keywords may not be as diversified, you’ll get the right boost to get off to a great start.

And then we have content marketing. In a world where we’re bombarded with countless promotional messages each day, content marketing helps startups and small businesses stand out. It’s not about shouting the loudest or boasting the biggest claims; it’s about telling a story that resonates with your audience, offering value, solving problems, and inspiring action.

Small businesses and startups can greatly benefit from a well-executed content marketing strategy. It’s a chance to level the playing field and compete with larger businesses, not through hefty marketing budgets but with the power of compelling storytelling.

Consider a local artisanal cheese maker who uses traditional methods to craft their products. By sharing compelling content that tells their unique cheese-making story, highlighting the superior quality of their ingredients, and offering expert cheese-pairing tips, they could engage their audience on a deeper level.

The Basic Package equips your content arsenal with two articles and blogs each month. The content is written by a team of experienced content writers with industry expertise.

The third ingredient is link building. Let’s say you’re looking for a good place to dine in an unfamiliar city. You ask a few locals for recommendations, and three of them suggest the same restaurant. Chances are, you’ll probably trust their word and try it out.

This is the essence of link building; it’s about acquiring endorsements (in the form of hyperlinks) from other reputable websites to your own. In the vast virtual city that is the internet, search engines are the locals handing out recommendations.

The more quality backlinks your website has, the more search engines will trust your site and rank you higher in search results. This increased visibility can lead to a surge in website traffic.

But link building isn’t just about quantity; backlink quality is just as, if not more, important. Backlinks from high-authority websites are like recommendations from respected locals; they carry more weight. For a small craft beer brewery, for instance, a backlink from a well-known beer review blog would be significantly more beneficial than several links from unrelated or low-authority websites.

In addition to enhancing search engine rankings, link building also opens up opportunities for strategic partnerships. When a reputable website links to yours, it’s a sign that they value your content and potentially see a partnership opportunity. This can lead to collaborations that can significantly boost a small business’ growth.

The Basic Package promises 10 submissions, 10 classifieds, 10 community participation posts, and 10 business profiles. That’s more than just a good starting point; it’s an excellent head start.

Then there’s website optimization. This is the process of tweaking your website to improve its SERP performance. It involves various aspects: website structure, design, quality, relevance, performance speed, and the like.

For small businesses and startups, an optimized website can be a game-changer. A user-friendly website that’s easy to navigate and offers value can significantly enhance customer experience.

A good example could be a new online retail store. By optimizing the site architecture and ensuring smooth navigation, they can make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for, thus increasing the chances of a sale. Ka-ching!

Website optimization is also key to improving your search engine rankings. An optimized website with relevant keywords, meta tags, and high-quality content signals to search engines that your site is a valuable resource. The outcome? Better rankings!

Website speed is another critical aspect of optimization. Slow-loading websites can result in high bounce rates, as visitors tend to leave if a page takes too long to load. By optimizing site speed, startups and small businesses can provide a seamless user experience.

The Basic Package handles all the essentials for you: meta tags creation, web content optimization, keyword optimization, and anchor text optimization. Talk about a loaded website that appeases Google and satisfies web users!

The last offering on the table: social media marketing. Think of this as a bustling marketplace where brands and customers come together. It provides a platform for businesses to reach out to their audience, engage with them, and build a relationship.

For startups and small businesses, social media marketing is a cost-effective way to increase brand awareness, enhance customer engagement, and drive sales.

The Basic Package targets the most powerful platform of all: Facebook. If you don’t have a page already, our team will create one for you. As part of our package, we’ll also equip your page with five unique, engaging, relevant, and insightful posts each month.

Is the Basic Package Right for My Business?

 a table that helps businesses decide whether the Basic Package is suitable for their requirements

Please note that the Basic Package is an excellent starting point, but the goal should always be to gradually move towards more comprehensive and advanced SEO strategies as your business grows.

2. The Standard Package

Global-marketing Inc.'s Standard Package

The Standard Package gives you all the cool, fancy chops as the previous package; we won’t dive into them again (we’re not that evil, we promise).

So, just for recollection’s sake, you have keyword research, content marketing, link building, website optimization, and social media marketing. By now, we know that these five SEO tools are must-haves. By bringing them to the table right off the bat, the Standard Package gives businesses the fuel they need to drive their SEO car to the top SERPs.

However, that’s not all. The Standard Package also introduces promotional content in the form of infographics. Think of infographics as the superhero of the content world: stylish, dynamic, and packed with superpowers. We all know a picture is worth a thousand words, but an infographic? It’s worth a thousand words, a pie chart, a handful of statistics, and a couple of key insights, all bundled into one attractive package. Now, that’s powerful stuff!

But why, you ask, do infographics have such universal appeal? The answer lies in our very nature. Human beings are visual creatures. Around 50% of our brain is involved in visual processing, and we can interpret a visual scene in under 1/10 of a second. When faced with a choice between reading a 1000-word article or looking at an infographic, most of us would choose the infographic faster than you can say ‘SEO’.

Are there exceptions to this? Absolutely. When you want to become an expert on a topic, long-form content is still your best shot. However, for everyday content, infographics are more ‘snackable’ than their counterparts.

As the average human attention span drops more and more each year, people want to consume easy-to-digest content that doesn’t take much effort to process. By packing maximum visuals and minimal text into a document, infographics hit the sweet spot.

And when it comes to SEO, infographics aren’t just a pretty face. Google may not be able to ‘read’ your infographic, but it can certainly appreciate the traffic it attracts, the social shares it generates, and the quality backlinks it fetches. And you know what all these things lead to: a generous boost in your SEO rankings.

The Standard Package also equips you with more keywords, more content, and more link-building capabilities. Instead of the basics, your website optimization packet also includes landing page optimization and image optimization. And, of course, your social media prowess now extends to Twitter and Instagram as well (in addition to Facebook).

The Standard Package packs a way more powerful punch than its predecessor. While both SEO pricing packages are great for startups and small businesses, the Standard Package brings more to the table for elevated performance.

Is the Standard Package Right for My Business?

a table that helps businesses decide whether the Standard Package is suitable for their requirements

3. The Advanced Package

Global-marketing Inc.'s Advanced Package

At first glance, it’s obvious that the Advanced Package introduces even more keywords, content, link building capabilities, website optimization strategies, and social media posts.

The generous bumps make it suitable for small-to-medium-sized businesses that have already figured SEO out but want to start entering the big leagues.

However, as you look closer and scratch beneath the surface, you’ll notice that the Advanced Package doesn’t just stop at increments in the number of offerings that were already there. In fact, it also brings something entirely new to the table: video content.

Now, this is where things get even more exciting. According to Statista, an astounding 3.5 billion web users watch video content at least once a month. Video content isn’t just a game-changer; it’s the quarterback making the game-winning pass in the digital marketing Super Bowl. The question isn’t why you should launch video content; it’s why on earth you haven’t done so yet!

There’s a reason why audiences are head over heels for video. Watching a video requires significantly less effort than reading a block of text (and let’s face it, we’re all a bit lazy). It appeals to our visual nature and love for stories. Plus, it’s like having a face-to-face conversation, and who doesn’t appreciate a good chinwag?

But here’s the kicker. Video content isn’t just an engagement magnet; it’s also a goldmine. Google absolutely adores videos. Websites with video content have a 50 times higher chance of ranking on the first page of Google search results. That’s not a typo, folks. 50 times! If you’re not using video, you’re missing out on a colossal platform to reach your audience.

Now, who should use content? The real question is, who shouldn’t? Whether you’re a hip new startup selling sustainable yoga mats or a century-old law firm, video content can be your secret weapon. How-to videos, product reviews, client testimonials, behind-the-scenes tours: the options are endless.

You don’t have to scratch your head much to figure out if video content is right for your business…it is. If you have the budget for the Advanced Package, go for it. If not, opt for the Basic Package or Standard Package and reconsider video content at a later stage. It’s not going anywhere.

Is the Advanced Package Right for My Business?

a table that helps businesses decide whether the Advanced Package is suitable for their requirements

4. The Pro Package

Global-marketing Inc.'s Pro Package

Think of the Pro Package as an all-in-one package. It brings everything to the table but in a significantly more robust way than the previous packages.

Instead of a handful of keywords, you get 30–40 keywords. Instead of just a few articles and blogs, you get six articles, six blogs, and one press release. The promotional content is also increased, the link building capabilities are more than just impressive, the website optimization list is an SEO feast, and the 45 social media posts mean you’re sorted for the entire month.

This is what we like to call the no-brainer package. At $1005/month, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t grab it.

The star of the show in this package (something that wasn’t introduced before) is guest posting. The Pro Package introduces one guest post per month, and if you’re familiar with the guest posting landscape, you must know that a high-quality guest post carries the ability to pull your business to the top Google SERPs.

Guest posts are like the ninjas of your content strategy; they silently infiltrate high-DA websites, leave your website’s link behind as the mark of their mission, and boost your SEO rankings in the process. They’re your golden ticket to increased exposure, credibility, and networking opportunities. They open doors to an audience that may not know about your business and allow you to showcase your expertise on a larger platform.

For a deeper understanding of how your business can benefit from guest posts, read our comprehensive blog on the basics of guest blogging. Once you have a good grasp of the significance and benefits of guest posting, you’ll develop a better understanding of why your SEO package must include this key player.

The Pro Package also casually introduces another star player: mobile optimization. If your business were a band, mobile optimization would be the lead singer, no qualms about it. With the world nestled comfortably in our palm-sized digital devices, it’s no surprise that mobile optimization is no longer a ‘good-to-have’, but an ‘absolutely must-have’. Especially for small businesses and startups.

The majority of web traffic comes from mobile devices. From shopping for the latest tech to ordering a late-night pizza, we do pretty much everything using our phones. If your business doesn’t have a mobile-friendly website, you’re essentially shutting the door on the majority of your potential customers. It’s like opening a restaurant but not letting people with blue jeans in. “Nope, we can’t serve you today. Goodbye!” Silly, right?

As Google, the doyen of search engines, moves to mobile-first indexing, mobile optimization has become absolutely imperative. This means that Google predominantly uses the mobile version of a website’s content for indexing and ranking. Without a mobile-friendly website, your search engine rankings can take a significant hit, making it tougher for people to find you.

By bringing mobile optimization to the table, the Pro Package pretty much guarantees sales from smartphones. Once your website becomes accessible to mobile users and starts showing up for local search queries, your rankings will neaten up. Hello, Google Local 3-Pack! Stellar rankings, phenomenal sales, roaring growth. Sounds like quite a plan, doesn’t it?

Is the Pro Package Right for My Business?

a table that helps businesses decide whether the Pro Package is suitable for their requirements

5. The Premium Package

Global-marketing Inc.'s Premium Package

With its glittering array of services, the Premium Package stands as the heavyweight champion in the world of SEO packages. It’s like the Rolls-Royce of SEO plans, and just like riding in a Rolls, this package ensures your business enjoys a smooth, luxurious ride up SERPs.

Why settle for less when you can have more? The Premium Package delivers a spectacular volume of keywords and content, clocking in at a whopping 40–50 keywords, 8 articles, 8 blogs, and 3 press releases.

A larger volume of keywords means a wider net to catch potential leads, while the smorgasbord of high-quality content will keep your audience engaged and returning for more. Imagine the sheer volume of visitors turning into leads and, subsequently, into sales, thanks to the enticing and expertly crafted content.

The Premium Package also offers an unparalleled link building arsenal, along with a host of website optimization strategies to supercharge your digital footprint. By bringing a generous amount of social media posts to the table, the Premium Package ensures your brand isn’t just noticed, but heard, seen, followed, and shared.

But the pièce de résistance of the Premium Package? 2000–word power posts. These aren’t just your regular blogs; they’re detailed, long-form content pieces that delve into topics at a level that positions you as an industry expert. Your audience isn’t just skim-reading a short blog; they’re immersing themselves in a 2000–word deep dive that’s packed with industry knowledge, insights, and expertise. Now, that’s powerful!

Power posts are reserved for businesses with knowledge-thirsty readers who wish to become well-informed about certain topics. Let’s take healthcare businesses as an example. In an industry as complex and essential as healthcare, where decisions can be life-changing, audiences seek in-depth, reliable information. A 2000–word article on the latest diabetes treatment or a comprehensive guide to mental health resources provides immense value to readers and establishes your brand as a trusted industry leader.

Or consider the legal sector, where every detail can make or break a case. A power post discussing the nuances of intellectual property laws, for instance, systematically breaks complex and intricate details down for your audience. This is an excellent way to cover more ground when it’s needed.

Of course, certain industries can’t benefit from long-form blogs. If you design chic clothing for young boys and girls, chances are the kids and their parents won’t be down for a dense read.

Here’s a closer look at industries that can benefit from long-form content:

  • Education
  • Technology
  • Healthcare
  • Finance and Investing
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Real Estate
  • Law
  • Personal Development and Self-Help
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • History and Culture
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Food and Beverage
  • Automotive
  • Interior Design
  • Parenting and Childcare
  • Fitness
  • Gaming and eSports
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Sports
  • Pet Care
  • Music
  • Business and Entrepreneurship

The list is pretty long. It’s important to note that even if you don’t think your audience will hang around for a blog that long, you can still structure it to their liking. Long-form content can be masterfully broken down into bite-sized paragraphs, illustrated with high-quality images and videos, and transformed into a simpler read with bullet points.

There’s a whole lot that can be done to make long-form content appealing to your target audience. So even if your business falls outside the aforementioned industries, you can still walk away with a pretty good deal.

The smart way to go about this is to predominantly feed your audience what it wants: lots of short-form content, images, video, infographics, GIFs, and the like. By throwing in a monthly long-form blog that’s structured like the palatable content your audience enjoys, you can strike a pretty great balance.

Is the Premium Package Right for My Business?

a table that helps businesses decide whether the Premium Package is suitable for their requirements

6. The On-Page Package

Global-marketing Inc.'s On-Page Package

The On-Page Package, or as we like to call it, the ‘no-nonsense package’, is a delight for eCommerce stores that want plain and simple on-page optimization without all the bells and whistles.

It’s like the nifty multi-tool you keep handy in your drawer. It’s compact, it’s practical, and it delivers precisely what you need, no more, no less! As an up-and-coming online store, you can use this package to give your business the momentum it needs to develop an online presence.

Let’s say you run ‘The Quirky Quilt Company,’ an online store that sells artisan quilts. Despite offering a range of unique products, your website is lost in the sea of search results, barely getting any organic traffic.

You decide to sign up for the On-Page Package. By carrying out thorough keyword research, optimizing the meta tags, web content, landing pages, and image alt texts, and running diagnostics, we turn your website into a magnet for both search engines and potential customers.

We also rework your CTAs, optimize site speed, and leverage anchor text to provide a substantial bump in organic traffic and conversions.

See what we mean? A smart, one-time investment for eCommerce stores, the On-Page Package can help you reel in greater visibility, traffic, and sales.

Is the On-Page Package Right for My Business?

a table that helps businesses decide whether the On-Page Package is suitable for their requirements

7. The Ultimate Package

Global-marketing Inc.'s Ultimate Package

There we have it. The titan of SEO packages. The Ultimate Package is for businesses that have conquered the SEO basics and are ready to ascend to the rarefied heights of the digital marketing stratosphere.

The Ultimate Package introduces you to the gladiatorial arena of paid advertising, where swift execution and razor-sharp strategies rule the day. With Google Ads and Microsoft Ads at your disposal, you get the double-edged sword of wider reach and precise targeting. It’s like shouting from a mountaintop with a megaphone, but only to those who are genuinely interested in listening to you.

For starters, paid advertising gives small businesses and startups the security of instant results. Organic SEO strategies are a long-term game, and while they’re absolutely essential, they can take time to yield results. Paid advertising, on the other hand, is like hitting the fast-forward button. Once your campaign is set up, you can immediately start driving traffic to your website.

Let’s say you run a small online store that sells handmade soaps. An organic SEO strategy could take months to get you to the first Google SERP. But with a well-crafted Google Ads campaign, your handmade soaps could be in front of potential customers in a matter of hours.

With paid advertising, you can also fine-tune your audience based on various parameters, including demographics, interests, geographical location, and even their browsing behavior.

Let’s say you run a fitness coaching business targeting busy professionals. Using LinkedIn Ads, you could specifically target professionals in specific industries, within a certain age bracket, and in a specific location. This helps you reach the right people at the right time with the right message.

Brand visibility isn’t up in the air; it’s guaranteed. Even if web users don’t click on your ad, they still see it. This keeps your brands at the top of their minds. It’s like setting up a billboard in the digital hallway frequented by your target audience.

Since you only pay when someone clicks on your ad (pay-per-click or PPC), you can set a budget that suits your business. This means you have full control over your advertising costs.

The paid marketing avenue is a done deal for businesses. There’s no way you can go wrong with it. Once you enter this territory, you’re looking at guaranteed results and promising growth. The Ultimate Package seals the deal by bringing this stellar opportunity to the table.

The game doesn’t just stop at ad creation; we go all out with daily campaign monitoring, bid adjustments, and search metrics configuration. It’s a bit like having your own digital advertising war room!

Then, there’s branding. The Ultimate Package has its finger on the pulse of powerful platforms like Yahoo and Entrepreneur. By giving you featured posts on these high-authority sites, the power-packed SEO company package helps you skyrocket your brand to new heights. Your business gets a chance to bask in the halo of these revered platforms, soak up their credibility and audience reach, and earn a power-packed boost in authority.

Is the Ultimate Package Right for My Business?

a table that helps businesses decide whether the Ultimate Package is suitable for their requirements

How to Use SEO Packages to Your Advantage

Once you’ve taken the leap and invested in a monthly SEO package (congratulations!), it’s time to wield it as your secret weapon, unlock your website’s full potential, and propel your business toward unprecedented growth.

This brings us to the magic question.


Let’s lay the cards on the table.

1. Align SEO Strategies with Your Business Goals

business owners carrying a key to a lock indicating business goals

Have you ever been on a journey without a destination? It’s like spinning on a carousel; there’s a lot of movement, but you’re really just going in circles.

The same principle applies to your SEO strategies. Without aligning them to your business goals, you’re essentially swinging in the dark and hoping for a hit. Not the wisest approach, is it?

Understanding your true destination will help you chart the best course. If you’re all about boosting brand visibility, focus on strategies that increase your reach. The spotlight loves a good content marketing strategy backed by well-researched keywords.

If conversion is your game, then page optimization and CTAs are your secret weapons. If you require high traffic, link building and social media marketing are the turbo boosters for your spaceship.

Catch our drift? This little trick will go a long way in helping you squeeze the most potential out of your glossy new SEO package.

And remember, your business goals will change over time. So should your SEO package. Keep aligning your SEO strategies with your evolving goals. As long as your SEO package changes with your business, you’re on the right track. The moment stagnancy enters the picture, you’re in trouble.

2. Find Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

 a bright red origami bird rising among regular white birds

In the online marketplace, your unique selling proposition (USP) is your golden ticket; it’s the reason customers choose Charlie Bucket over Veruca Salt. Identifying your USP and using SEO to showcase it is like putting a spotlight on your golden ticket; you’ll make it shine brighter than the competition.

Is your USP superb product quality? Then let your content marketing strategies reflect that. Do you offer impeccable customer service? Highlight this through your on-site customer reviews and social media interactions. Do your products help customers save time or money? Use SEO-optimized landing pages to drive this point home.

Remember, your USP is your business’ fingerprint: it’s unique, personal, and what sets you apart from the crowd. Let SEO be the magnifying glass that allows your customers to see it and appreciate the unique grooves. This is one of the best ways to make the most of your SEO services package.

3. Explore Untapped Opportunities

a business owner depicted as a pilot exploring new opportunities

The SEO landscape is never still. Never. If you want to stand out and make full use of your SEO package, bring out your A game every day.

In the context of SEO, an untapped opportunity may take the form of an emerging search trend. For instance, consider the rise of mobile search (as discussed earlier). As of May 2023, a whopping 51.52% of all web traffic comes from smartphones. More and more people are browsing the web on their mobile devices. What does this mean? Websites optimized for mobile can grab a significant slice of this huge mobile traffic pie.

Then there’s the growth of voice search. As home devices like Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Nest Mini become more commonplace, voice search is reaching unprecedented heights. By developing content that answers specific questions or follows a conversational tone, you could land the coveted position zero on Google SERPs, making your website the go-to source for voice-assisted searches.

Once your SEO package is up and running, make sure you actively research trends, develop new ideas, and cut through the noise with innovative practices. As Google releases new updates and chucks out older launches, a firmer grasp of the landscape will help you stay on top of your game at all times.

4. Refine SEO Strategies Based on Data

a concept illustration of SEO data

The lifeblood of a successful SEO strategy isn’t hunches or guesswork; it’s data, data, and more data! The more you know about how your SEO services package is performing, the better you can adjust it and perfect your strategies. Your SEO package isn’t just a toolset; it’s a treasure trove of valuable insights waiting to be deciphered.

Every click, every bounce, and every conversion tells a story. And with the right understanding, these stories transform into actionable insights. Analyzing data from tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and your SEO package’s own tracking mechanisms can reveal a whole lot about your SEO performance.

Ready, Set, Grow!

Whether you’ve just started playing the digital marketing game or you’ve been navigating the board for a while, one thing goes without saying: the landscape is becoming more and more ruthless by the day.

Seasoned businesses are often just as frustrated as newcomers. Keeping up with the SEOscape isn’t easy; it requires an exceptionally high level of expertise, experience, and dedication. Oh, and the right tools don’t hurt! At Global-marketing Inc., we come to you will all of this combined.

As a veteran SEO agency that’s been in the game for decades, we’re committed to helping startups, small-to-medium-sized businesses, and established companies raise the bar even higher and reach their goals. It all starts with a free consultation. Explore our SEO packages, pick out the one that interests you, and have a free one-on-one meeting with our experts.

We use a no-nonsense approach; our goal is to get your business off the 2948th SERP and on the first. Let’s make it happen!

The post How to Unlock Your Website’s Full Potential with Tailored SEO Packages appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How to Dominate Search with Bing SEO: Top 15 Proven Strategies Wed, 14 Jun 2023 15:01:39 +0000 Whenever someone mutters “SEO,” our minds automatically dart toward Google—and rightfully so. Google’s well-deserved reputation and colossal presence have placed it on the golden throne of online search. However, lurking under the radar, Bing (Microsoft’s search engine) silently claims 8.23% of the global desktop search market and 15% of US searches. Come to think of it, that’s a […]

The post How to Dominate Search with Bing SEO: Top 15 Proven Strategies appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

custom illustration with the title Bing SEO in a search engine landscape

Whenever someone mutters “SEO,” our minds automatically dart toward Google—and rightfully so.

Google’s well-deserved reputation and colossal presence have placed it on the golden throne of online search. However, lurking under the radar, Bing (Microsoft’s search engine) silently claims 8.23% of the global desktop search market and 15% of US searches.

Come to think of it, that’s a significant chunk of search traffic. Bing represents an untapped reservoir of opportunities; it’s a viable channel teeming with potential customers.

And things are only getting better. As AI transforms the way we find information online, Bing is leveraging the power of AI to deliver more relevant, precise, personalized, and engaging results.

The outcome? Bing has started gaining more popularity and market share. It reached 100 million daily active users just months ago. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

More on that here:

Play your cards well, and you’ll end up mastering the Google and Bing ropes. The outcome? Incredible online reach, stellar rankings, roaring traffic, enviable sales, and impressive profit.

In this blog, we’ll help you take the first few steps toward mastering the Bing SEO ropes.

  • What is Bing search engine optimization?
  • How can you improve your Bing search rankingin 2023?
  • What are some of the top Bing SEO tipsfor small to medium-sized businesses?

We’ll answer all of these burning questions and more. Let’s dive into the riveting world of SEO for Bing and chart a course for your business’s digital success.

We’re ready when you are!

Understanding Bing: The Basics

Why Bing SEO Matters for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses in 2023

Bing SEO? In 2023? Yes, you read that right.

Often perceived as the lesser-known cousin of Google, Bing holds more weight than most businesses realize. Especially for small to medium-sized businesses. It’s not a small fish in the pond; it’s a power-packed platform that presents a treasure trove of exciting opportunities.

For starters, Bing boasts comparatively low competition. This means it’s much easier for small to medium-sized businesses to rank higher for their target keywords, get noticed, and attract more traffic to their sites.

Bing also attracts an older, more affluent demographic, typically within the 45–54 age group. If your target audience falls in this bracket, you’re in luck; this is just the search engine for you.

bar chart depicting Bing users by age


bar chart depicting Bing users by income


Bing’s significance is further amplified by its integration into Microsoft’s suite of products and services.

Bing powers search functions in Windows 10, the Edge browser, and Microsoft’s digital assistant, Cortana. This deep-rooted incorporation in Microsoft’s ecosystem extends Bing’s reach and bolsters its importance.

Given the growing trend of voice search, Bing’s position as the backbone of Cortana’s search capabilities makes it a critical player in the voice search arena.

With the number of voice search assistants expected to reach 8.4 billion units by 2024, Bing SEO will become a crucial element of any business’s digital strategy in the coming years.

Bing’s advertising platform, Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads), is another feature that makes Bing an attractive proposition for small to medium-sized businesses (more on this later).

The platform offers lower cost-per-click rates than Google, allowing businesses to get more bang for their advertising buck! Since the ad space is less saturated, businesses can enjoy higher ad impression shares and enjoy an even bigger boost in their online visibility.


Bing vs. Google: Key Differences

key differences between Bing and Google

Ads Platform More
competitive with
higher cost-per-click
Less competitive with lower
used by all age
groups, slightly favoring the younger population
Generally used by an older
(45–54) with
more disposable income
Market Share
the global
search engine market
Smaller market share but powers a
significant portion
of US desktop searches
Algorithm Prefers
sites that are updated frequently with high-quality content
Gives weight to websites that have
around longer,
even if they’re not updated
as frequently
Social Media
consider social
media engagement as a major ranking factor
Places more emphasis on social media
Uses a
model for keywords; the exact wording is less important than
the overall context
Takes a more literal approach with
keywords; exact
matches are extremely important
Prioritizes hyper-local
businesses in search results
Shows a wider area in local search
More advanced with better filters
Transparency Complex
ranking algorithm
not entirely disclosed
Greater transparency about ranking
factors and the influence of social media engagement

How Bing’s Algorithm Works

As we delve into the world of Bing SEO, we must first understand the machinations of Bing’s savvy algorithm. After all, the algorithm serves as the gatekeeper of Bing’s search results and decides which websites earn the coveted spots.

Much like its counterparts, Bing’s algorithm is a complex beast that continually evolves to deliver the most relevant search results. However, unlike the somewhat mysterious and elusive Google algorithm, Bing is more forthcoming about its inner workings.

At its core, Bing’s algorithm prioritizes relevance and quality. When a user types a query into Bing, the algorithm sifts through billions of web pages to find the most relevant and high-quality results. It analyzes various factors like the site’s relevance to the search query, the website’s overall quality, and the user’s location.

For instance, let’s say you run a small bakery in New York and boast a well-optimized website with ample information about your baked goods. When a web user searches for the “best bakery in New York”, Bing’s algorithm will consider your website a relevant and quality result for the search query.

Unlike Google, Bing puts a lot of emphasis on exact-match keywords. This means that if your web content closely matches the exact wording of a user’s search query, Bing’s algorithm is more likely to favor your site in search results.

If your website sells “black leather boots” and a user searches for this exact phrase, your site will rank higher on Bing than it will on Google, which may also present sites selling “dark boots” for the same search query.

In a stark departure from Google, Bing’s algorithm also takes social media engagement into account when ranking websites. It values how often website content is shared or engaged with on social media platforms.

If you’re a clothing retailer and you’ve launched a new line of summer dresses, promoting your products on social media and earning shares, likes, and comments will help improve your Bing search ranking. Social media signals help Bing’s algorithm determine whether a site is popular and trusted. If it is, you’ll enjoy higher rankings.

Once you develop a good grasp of Bing’s algorithmic demeanor, you’ll be able to craft an action-packed Bing SEO plan that doesn’t just work well but works phenomenally.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the top Bing SEO strategies that’ll catapult your business to the top.

It’s show time!

1. Keyword Optimization

Imagine you’re a detective hunched over a desk strewn with maps, photographs, and notes. Your task? To decipher the secret code leading to the hidden treasure. This is a bit like what Bing’s algorithm does when it trawls through your website. And your secret code? Keywords.

As we highlighted earlier, the role of keywords in Bing SEO is more pronounced than in Google SEO. Bing’s algorithm tends to favor websites that closely match the exact words and phrases a web user inputs into the search bar.

If you’re not considering keyword optimization, you might as well hand over the treasure map to your competitors.

First things first: keyword research.

Let’s say you own a small vegan bakery in Boston. Your research might show that users are searching for terms like “vegan bakery Boston”, “best vegan pastries in Boston”, “where to buy vegan cakes in Boston,” and the like.

Armed with your keyword list, it’s time to get down to business. Start by integrating these keywords into critical website elements: titles, meta descriptions, headers, and body content. If you’ve been baking up a storm for a vegan wedding cake showcase, dedicate a page on your website for this. Use phrases like “best vegan wedding cakes in Boston” in your content.

However, and this is crucial, avoid keyword stuffing. While Bing’s algorithm values exact keywords, it’s no fool. If you cram keywords into your content in a way that feels unnatural, you’ll get penalized; no qualms about it.

Bing, like Google, takes keyword stuffing very seriously.

Take this sentence, for example: “Our vegan bakery in Boston provides the best vegan pastries in Boston, especially if you’re looking for a bakery to buy vegan cakes in Boston.”

Besides being as stuffed as a Thanksgiving turkey, it also doesn’t read well. Stuffed content performs poorly with both search engines and audiences. Keep this in mind to avoid landing in hot water over greed for higher rankings.

Instead of mindlessly and haphazardly stuffing the turkey, season it like a seasoned pro. Your content should be easy-to-read, engaging, informative, relevant, and useful.

“Craving delicious pastries? Look no further. Our Boston-based vegan bakery offers a wide range of delectable treats, including a variety of intricately designed vegan cakes.”

See the difference?

Engaging content and masterful keyword incorporation will help you improve your Bing search ranking and generate more traffic.

Bing’s Keyword Research Tool is an excellent starting point. A built-in feature of Bing’s Webmaster Tools, it provides valuable insights into the keywords users search for on Bing’s search engine. Unlike many other keyword research tools, Bing’s tool pulls data directly from organic search queries on Bing, i.e., you get raw, unadulterated insights.

screenshot of the Bing keyword research tool

Setting sail with Bing’s Keyword Research Tool is pretty straightforward. Start by signing up for a Bing Webmaster Tools account.

Once you’re in, navigate to the “Diagnosis & Tools” section and select “Keyword Research.” This is where the magic happens. Simply type in a keyword you’re interested in and hit “Search.”

The tool will then provide a wealth of information about that keyword. You’ll see the monthly searches for your chosen keyword. You’ll also see keywords related to your search term; these can be invaluable for expanding your keyword strategy.

Once you’ve mastered the Bing Keyword Research ropes, turn to a more robust, comprehensive, and personalized keyword research, analysis, and incorporation platform that does it all for you (and does it better).

Global-marketing Inc.’s SEO keyword research services should be your first stop. Our experts pick up where Bing leaves off. By providing detailed insights and helping you understand the right way to use keywords, we help you fine-tune your Bing search ranking.

The right transitional approach will help you squeeze the maximum benefit out of keyword research tools and chart a course for Bing SEO success.

2. Utilize Bing’s URL Inspection Tool

If Bing’s Keyword Research Tool is the North Star guiding you through the vast expanse of SEO, then Bing’s URL Inspection Tool is the lighthouse illuminating potential pitfalls on your journey to SEO success.

It’s your responsibility to ensure smooth sailing by using this tool to identify and rectify potential SEO issues on your website.

Bing’s URL Inspection Tool is a feature of Bing’s Webmaster Tools that allows you to analyze individual webpages on your website. The tool checks your pages against Bing’s SEO best practices and provides a detailed analysis of potential issues that could be affecting your site’s performance.

To start using the URL Inspection Tool, follow our brief guide.

  1. Access the Tool: First things first, get your website verified with Bing Webmaster Tools. Once that’s done, log in to your Bing Webmaster Tools dashboard and navigate to the URL Inspection Tool on the left side menu.
  2. Enter the URL: Input the URL you wish to inspect in the search bar provided and hit “Enter.” The tool will start analyzing the URL.
  3. Analyze the Report: The tool will generate a report showing the index status of the URL and any issues identified. The page’s markup and SEO suggestions will also be displayed.
  4. Implement Changes: Based on the insights provided, you can implement the suggested changes to improve the page’s search visibility on Bing.

Using the tool, you can check if Bing’s crawlers have had any issues accessing your page. Once you have a good grasp of the crawling problems, penalties, or any other stumbling blocks, you can take the right measures accordingly.

Hire SEO services to master the ropes and use these tools like a seasoned pro. When these power-packed tools land in the hands of search engine optimization experts, your business will get the boost it deserves.

3. Leverage Social Media

In the eyes of the Bing algorithm, a strong social media presence is akin to a standing ovation; it’s a sign that your website provides value to its audience.

As a search engine, Bing’s primary goal is to deliver the most relevant, high-quality search results to its users. To achieve this, Bing uses a complex algorithm that takes a myriad of factors into account to determine the relevance and quality of a webpage.

One such factor is social signals.

Unlike Google, which remains somewhat cryptic about the role of social media in its ranking algorithm, Bing has been fairly transparent about the value it places on social signals. In Bing’s eyes, social media is a reflection of a brand’s reputation and the quality of its content. If a piece of content earns a high number of shares, likes, and comments on social media, it indicates that the content is engaging and valuable to users.

This perceived value is then taken into account by Bing when ranking pages in search results. This makes social media a critical part of your SEO strategy for Bing.

3.1. Choose Your Social Media Platforms Carefully

Choosing the right social media platforms is less about eeny, meeny, miny, moe, and more about strategic decision-making. You need to consider several factors, like your target audience, brand personality, products/services, content strategy, business model, goals, and the like.

Start by identifying where your audience hangs out. Since different social platforms attract different demographics, you’ll have to masterfully match your audience with the right platform(s).

Let’s say you own a trendy, eco-friendly, chic clothing brand that targets millennials and Gen-Z. Instagram and TikTok, known for their younger user base and visually-focused content, are the ideal platforms for showcasing your stylish designs and sustainability ethos.

On the other hand, if you’re a B2B software company targeting professionals in the tech industry, LinkedIn should be your go-to platform owing to its professional and business-focused environment.

Your choice of platform also depends on the type of content you plan to create. If you’re planning a content strategy that heavily features video, platforms like YouTube and TikTok are your best bet. If your content is more image-focused, Instagram or Pinterest may be the better choice.

3.2. Boost Your Social Signals

Building a strong social media presence isn’t just about creating content; it’s also about encouraging engagement.

You want your audience to like, share, comment on, and click through your social media content. This is a great way to satisfy Bing and drive valuable traffic to your website.

Consider running social media campaigns to boost engagement. Perhaps you could host a photo contest on Instagram. Or maybe you could run a “share to win” contest on Facebook!

Engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions, and encouraging discussion. This fosters a sense of community and increases the chances of your content being actively shared and talked about!

Whether you’re sharing a gripping blog post, a jaw-dropping infographic, or an entertaining video, create even more buzz by staying active in the comments section.

If you can manage to sneak in a collaboration or two with the top influencers in your niche, you’ve hit the jackpot. When an influencer shares your content or endorses your brand, their followers will come running to your page. The outcome? More likes, shares, and comments.


3.3. Your Bing Social Media Cheat Sheet

Facebook Retail, Food & Beverage,
Real Estate, Entertainment, Media, Fitness, Automotive, Non-Profit, Education,
Health &
Wellness, Beauty, Finance, Construction, Tourism, Technology
25-44 Posts,
Videos, Live Videos, Stories,
High-quality visuals, engaging captions, relevant hashtags,
regular engagement
with followers
Instagram Fashion, Travel, Art, Food
& Beverage, Retail, Fitness,
Beauty, Photography, Music, Home Decor, Non-Profit, Health & Wellness, Automotive,
Technology, Education, Media
18-34 Photos, Videos, IGTV, Reels, Stories,
High-quality images and videos, user-generated content,
relevant hashtags,
interactive stories
Twitter Media, Entertainment,
Tech, Finance, News, Retail, Fashion,
Non-Profit, Education, Health & Wellness, Sports, Politics,
Food & Beverage, Travel, Music
18-29 Tweets, Videos, Polls, Ads Concise and engaging tweets, trending hashtags, regular
engagement with followers
LinkedIn B2B, Tech, Education,
Finance, Recruiting, Healthcare,
Construction, Law, Real Estate, Government, Retail, Media, Non-Profit,
Manufacturing, Consulting
25-54 Posts,
Articles, Videos, Slide Decks,
Professional tone, industry-related content, relevant
keywords in posts, regular
engagement with followers
Pinterest Fashion, Home Decor, DIY Crafts, Food & Beverage, Fitness, Education, Travel,
Beauty, Art, Wedding, Parenting, Gardening, Real Estate, Retail, Technology
18-49 Pins
(Images), Infographics, Video Pins
High-quality images, descriptive captions with keywords,
organized boards, regular
YouTube Education, Entertainment,
Tech, DIY Crafts, Fitness, Food & Beverage, Beauty,
Travel, Music, Gaming, Automotive, Fashion, Parenting, Home Decor, Science
15-35 Videos, Live Streams, Ads High-quality videos, engaging video descriptions with
keywords, regular video
uploads, engagement with subscribers
TikTok Fashion, Fitness, Food &
Beverage, Entertainment, Retail, Beauty, Music, Art,
Education, Travel, Technology, Gaming, Parenting, DIY Crafts, Health & Wellness,
16-24 Short
Videos, Live Streams, Ads
Engaging short videos, trending hashtags and sounds, regular
video uploads
Snapchat Fashion, Entertainment,
Food & Beverage, Retail, Beauty, Music, Sports, Gaming,
Tech, Education, Travel, Health & Wellness, Parenting, Non-Profit, Automotive
13-24 Snap
Stories, Snap Ads
Engaging short videos, geofilters, regular story updates

4. Use Rich Media

When it comes to Bing SEO, “use rich media” isn’t just a recommendation; it’s a mantra, an anthem that plays in every savvy digital marketer’s mind.

If you want to breathe life into your website and make your way to high Bing search rankings, sprinkle a generous amount of rich media (images, videos, animations, and other interactive elements) over your content. Think of this as the virtual seasoning that’ll transform your bland content stew into a tantalizing digital banquet for your audience!

But why is Bing so partial to rich media, you ask?

Here’s the interesting part: Bing has a unique, cutting-edge feature known as visual search. This feature allows users to upload an image or provide a URL of an image to find visually similar images. By optimizing your images, you’ll draw more traffic to your website. And it’s not just about images; Bing loves videos too!

Bing’s video search functionality is more user-friendly and comprehensive than Google’s. If you’re in an industry where video content is king (and let’s be honest, which industry isn’t these days?), Bing could be your royal road to online success.

High-quality images and videos are your tickets to the Bing SEO party. Fuzzy images or pixelated videos are as welcome as a raincloud at a picnic. Make sure your media is of the highest quality every time. It should be clear, crisp, and appealing.

For instance, if you run an online fashion store, don’t just upload low-res product images. Aim for high-quality, aesthetically pleasing, and visually satiating photos that showcase your collection in the best light. Perhaps a shot of a model wearing your latest summer dress on a sunny beach. Now that’s engaging, isn’t it?

Search engines can’t”see” or “watch” videos. They rely on the accompanying text data to understand what the media is about. This is where alt text and captions come in.

Alt text is a brief description of what your image or video is about; it helps search engines understand your media content. Make sure your alt text is descriptive and includes relevant keywords (but no keyword stuffing, please!).

For instance, if your image shows a man using your latest grooming kit, good alt text would be “man grooming with [your brand] grooming kit.” Captions, on the other hand, are for your viewers. They provide context and help enhance user experience.

As much as Bing loves rich media, it detests slow load times. Your media shouldn’t be so high-quality that it takes ages to load. Web users are known for being notoriously impatient. If your site doesn’t load quickly, they’ll bounce faster than a tennis ball at Wimbledon.

Optimize your images and videos to ensure they don’t slow down your website’s load speed. Use our optimization guide to learn the ropes!

File Format Opt for JPEG or WebP for
larger images; opt for PNG for
smaller graphics or images
that require transparency
Use MP4 as it’s widely supported and offers a good balance
between quality and file
Compression Use compression tools like
TinyPNG or ImageOptim to reduce
file size without loss of
Utilize video compression tools or software like Handbrake or
Adobe Premiere Pro
Resize Resize images to fit the
display size on your website; large
images should be scaled
Opt for lower resolution (720p or lower) when high definition
isn’t necessary
CDN Use a content delivery
network (CDN) to host images; this can
speed up loading times
Implement a video CDN to handle high-quality streams without
causing buffering
Implement lazy loading,
i.e., images only load when they
appear on the viewer’s
Use lazy loading for embedded videos, especially on pages
with multiple videos
Use small yet clear
thumbnails; avoid simply scaling down
larger images
Use small and compressed video thumbnails; avoid auto-play on
thumbnail hover
Remove Unnecessary
Use tools to strip
unnecessary metadata from images
Remove any unnecessary metadata from video files

5. Prioritize Backlinks

Think of backlinks as glowing testimonials; they’re a nod of approval from one website to another. While Google’s love for backlinks is well-known, Bing also holds them in high regard. This is just one of the many ways Bing assesses your website’s trustworthiness and reliability.

However, Bing isn’t a fan of old backlinks. It’s the difference between receiving an endorsement from an esteemed professional in your field versus getting one from your cousin Larry (no offense to Larry but his expertise in “all things” may not hold much sway in your niche market.)

For Bing, the quality of backlinks matters immensely. A few high-quality backlinks can often outweigh a truckload of low-quality ones.

In Bing’s backlink analysis, quality refers to the relevance and authority of the website linking to you. If a highly reputable website in your industry links to your content, it’s like getting a five-star review. For example, if you’re a tech startup and you receive a backlink from a leading tech magazine’s online portal, Bing will view that as validation of your content’s worth.

Relevance is also key. If you’re a vegan restaurant earning a backlink from a popular meat-lovers blog, it might raise more eyebrows than trust. Instead, a backlink from a popular vegan food blogger would be more fitting.

When reaching out for backlink opportunities, target websites within your industry or those whose audience overlaps with yours.

Domain authority (DA) is another key factor here. It’s like a credit score for websites; it gauges their credibility, reputation, and quality. Developed by Moz, this metric predicts the likelihood of a website ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). The DA score ranges from 1 to 100, with higher scores demonstrating a greater ability to rank.

custom illustration with the title domain authority depicting its importance in the world wide web

In the context of backlinks, DA plays a significant role. When a high-DA website links to your content, it’s like getting a thumbs up from a respected authority. This will help enhance your site’s credibility and signal to search engines like Bing that your content is valuable and trustworthy. As a result, Bing is more likely to rank your site higher in its search results.

Now, here’s the catch.

Bing has never officially declared that it uses the DA score in its ranking algorithm (remember, DA is a third-party metric). So why on earth are we encouraging you to build backlinks with the DA score in mind?

It’s simple. This score captures the essence of a backlink better than any other model we’ve seen so far. Instead of doing all the work yourself, you can gauge a website’s credibility, authoritativeness, trustworthiness, and overall value by checking its DA score.

While Bing may not directly measure DA, it effectively evaluates similar factors, making DA a useful proxy for the kind of quality Bing appreciates.

We also recommend paying close attention to organic backlinks. “Organic” doesn’t mean pesticide-free; it means that these backlinks have been earned naturally, not artificially through manipulative tactics.

Bing appreciates it when other sites link to your content because it’s valuable, not because they’ve been asked to do so.

How can you earn organic backlinks? By creating high-quality, value-added, and insightful content that brings something new to the table. Provide such good content that the top dogs are compelled to reference your work in their pieces!

Your backlink portfolio should also reflect a high level of diversity. It’s like a healthy diet; the more varied, the better.

If you boast a mix of backlinks from different high-DA sites in your industry, your backlink profile will appear more robust and reliable. Instead of getting backlinks from one or two sources, spread your wings and target a range of relevant, authoritative, and trusted sites.

Recommended Read: 10 Types of Backlinks and How to Create Them

6. Submit Your Sitemap to Bing

custom illustration of a word search puzzle with the bing SEO as the answer

Think of Bing as an eager tourist and your website as a bustling city full of destinations (webpages) waiting to be discovered.

How do you help the tourist find the gems of your city and not miss out on any worthwhile attractions? You give them a map, of course!

In the digital world, this is known as a sitemap, i.e., a file where you can list your webpages to inform search engines about the organization of your site content.

It’s the GPS of your website; it allows search engines like Bing to find, crawl, and index all of your important pages.

By submitting your sitemap to Bing, you’re essentially saying, “Hey Bing, here’s a blueprint of my website. Please take a look and index my pages.”

Why do you need a sitemap to begin with? Aren’t Bing’s crawlers smart enough? They are, but your website may have pages that aren’t linked to any other page. This makes them harder to discover.

A sitemap ensures Bing can find and index all the essential parts of your site. Moreover, a sitemap gives you the power to tell Bing which pages are most important, which are updated more frequently, and how they relate to each other.

This helps Bing understand your site better. The outcome? You’ll walk away with sweeter Bing search rankings!

6.1. How to Create a Sitemap

Sitemaps can be created manually or with the help of various online tools. WordPress users, for example, can use plugins like Google XML Sitemaps or Yoast SEO to generate a sitemap.

Once created, the sitemap should be updated regularly, especially when new content is added to the website.

Your sitemap should be accessible at the following URL: For example, if Global-marketing Inc.’s website was hosting a sitemap, you’d find it at

6.2. The Submission Process

Submitting your sitemap to Bing isn’t just another Bing SEO tip. Instead, it’s an absolute must for anyone serious about improving their Bing SEO.

While Bing’s crawlers are efficient, they’re not omnipotent. A sitemap acts as a roadmap for these crawlers; it directs them to everything and ensures nothing valuable is missed.

How can you submit your sitemap to Bing? Let’sdelve deeper.

Step 1: Set Up Bing Webmaster Tools: To submit your sitemap, you’ll need to set up Bing Webmaster Tools. This tool provides a wealth of resources for improving your SEO, including the ability to submit your sitemap.

Go to the Bing Webmaster Tools website and sign in with your Microsoft account. If you don’t have a Microsoft account, you’ll need to create one. It’s free and relatively straightforward.

Once signed in, you can add your website to your Webmaster Tools account.

Step 2: Verify Ownership: Before Bing allows you to start tinkering with your site settings, it needs to verify that you’re the legitimate owner of the site.

There are several ways to do this. The two most common techniques are:

  • XML File Verification: Bing will provide an XML file that you need to download and upload to the root directory of your website. Once done, you can click the “Verify” button in Webmaster Tools, and Bing will check for the file.
  • Meta Tag Verification: Bing will provide a unique meta tag that you need to add to the head section of your website’s homepage. After inserting the tag and saving the changes, you can click “Verify” in Webmaster Tools, and Bing will look for the tag.

Step 3: Submit Your Sitemap: With your website verified, you’re now ready to submit your sitemap. In your Webmaster Tools dashboard, you should see a “Sitemaps” section. Here, you can enter the full URL of your sitemap and click “Submit.”

And there you have it! Your sitemap is now in Bing’s hands. Any time you add new pages to your website, update your sitemap and resubmit it to Bing.

7. Create Original Content

If you were at a dinner party and someone started reciting the same anecdotes you’ve heard from the other guests, how would you react?

Chances are you’d feel a touch of déjà vu, boredom would slowly creep in, and you’d start looking for a more exciting conversation elsewhere.

In the world of search engine optimization, Bing is your discerning dinner party guest, and your content is the conversation. Bing, much like your party guests, values originality above all else.

Bing is always on the lookout for fresh, relevant content that offers value to its users. Unoriginal or duplicate content can harm your website’s credibility, decrease user engagement, and ultimately result in a lower Bing search ranking.

Recommended Read: How to Write Quality SEO Content and Optimize It for Search Engines

Don’t like the sound of that? Us neither. Just as a connoisseur appreciates a unique piece of art, Bing appreciates unique content. Originality signifies that thought, effort, and creativity have gone into crafting your content. Bing holds each of these traits in high regard.

Creating original content isn’t about reinventing the wheel. It’s about presenting existing information in a new, engaging, and insightful way. This could mean adding a fresh perspective to a popular topic, incorporating unique data or case studies, or crafting content that tells a compelling story.

For example, let’s say you run an SEO agency and want to create a blog post about the importance of local SEO. Instead of rehashing the same points that countless other blogs have covered, you could conduct a case study on a local business that has benefited from your SEO services and present real data and outcomes to make your point.

This would not only lend credibility to your content but would also offer readers something they won’t find anywhere else.

Original content isn’t just about what you say; it’s also about how well you say it. A shorter piece of high-quality, insightful, engaging, and value-added content will always trump a longer piece filled with fluff.

Focus on providing real value to your audience. Use visuals, infographics, or videos to break up text and make your content more appealing. Patagonia is an excellent example. Their blog posts are filled with visual content that appeals to one of the most critical human senses: sight.

Screenshot of the company Patagonia’s home page depicting its use of rich media

Crate & Barrel also offers a masterclass in adorning text-based content with visual treats!

Screenshot of the company Crate & Barrel’s home page depicting its use of rich media

Wait, how do you get your hands on stunning copyright-free images, infographics, videos, and other visual elements?

Unsplash, Pexels, and Pixabay should be your starting point. These sites are treasure troves of stock-free images that cover a wide range of topics.

If you want to share data or statistics, head to Canva, Piktochart, or Venngage.

For video content, Vimeo, Biteable, and Lumen5 are great options.

However, it’s important to note that visual content should always be personalized. Once you get the hang of using free platforms, turn to professional SEO services.

The upgrade from off-the-shelf visual content to personalized media created just for your audience will help you make your way to loftier Bing search rankings.

8. Optimize for Local SEO

Who doesn’t love a local hero? Bing, like your neighborhood, values those who provide local services. For small to medium-sized businesses, especially those with physical storefronts, ranking on local search can be the difference between “just surviving” and “thriving.”

Local SEO isn’t just about painting your digital storefront in pretty colors; it’s about telling your local customers and Bing that you exist, you’re relevant, and you’re the best solution to their needs!

When a user searches for a service “near me” or mentions a specific location in their search query, Bing pulls information from its local resources to provide the most relevant results. If you’ve optimized for local SEO, Bing will consider your business a valuable candidate for these search queries.

Not optimizing for local SEO is akin to keeping your shop’s shutters down when customers are flocking the streets. It’s self-sabotage.

8.1. The Power of Bing Places

Screenshot of Bing Places

Think of Bing Places as a meeting point between your business and potential customers. When you sign up, you’re giving Bing and its users all the essential details about your business: your name, location, contact information, working hours, and more. This not only helps potential clients find you but also gives Bing the information it needs to rank you in local search results.

Here’s the kicker. Bing Places is completely free. In the world of digital marketing, where getting noticed comes with a hefty price tag, Bing Places offers an incredible opportunity to increase your visibility without thinning your wallet.

8.2. Keyword Optimization for Local SEO

Just as local SEO is a specialized subset of SEO, local keywords are a specialized subset of keywords. These are the specific terms and phrases local customers use when searching for products/services online.

Local keywords differ from general keywords in one critical aspect: they include specific geographical terms.

For instance, if you’re a florist, a general keyword might be “flower shop,” but a local keyword would be “flower shop in Brooklyn” or “Brooklyn flower shop.” These keywords signal to Bing that your business is relevant to users in that specific location.

Once you’ve identified local keywords, start incorporating them into your website and other online platforms. Make sure local keywords appear in important places on your website, including the page titles, headers, and meta descriptions. They should also be added to your business description on Bing Places. This will help Bing understand where you’re located and which products/services you provide.

If you maintain a blog (which you should), weave local keywords into your blog posts.

Lastly, incorporate local keywords in the alt text of images on your website. This will help Bing’s image search understand what your images are about and how they relate to your business.

9. Implement Structured Data

custom illustration of structured vs. unstructured data showcasing the benefit of organizing the data logically

Serving your content in a manner that’s palatable to search engines is a key success factor.

This is where structured data comes into the spotlight! It’s like a secret recipe that makes your website more digestible to Bing. What exactly is structured data? And how does it work? Let’s break it down.

Structured data is a standardized format that provides information about a page and classifies the page content. It’s like attaching labels to the content and making it easier for Bing to understand what the page is about.

For example, if you run an online bookstore, structured data can help you give Bing essential details about the books you sell: the title, author, genre, reviews, price, and so on.

Structured data uses specific vocabulary known as; this is a joint effort by Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex. This vocabulary is universally understood by all major search engines and helps ensure consistency in the way you communicate with Bing.

Why is structured data so important? The answer lies in Bing’s goal: to provide users with the most relevant search results. To do this, Bing needs to understand websites deeply. The better Bing understands your site, the more likely it is to consider it relevant to specific search queries.

Structured data also fuels a special feature called rich snippets, i.e., enhanced search listings that provide additional information about the page (star ratings for reviews, images, location data for businesses, and so on). These enhanced listings can drastically improve click-through rates. The outcome? More traffic and better rankings!

Now that we understand the what and why of structured data, let’s delve into the how. How do you go about implementing structured data?

  1. Identify Your Content Type: The first step is to identify the type of content on your page. Is it a product listing? A blog post? An event announcement? Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can choose the appropriate schema markup.
  2. Choose Your Markup: Next, you need to select the right markup from the vocabulary. This can be a challenging task as there are hundreds of options available. Take some time to find the markup that accurately represents your content.
  3. Apply the Markup: Once you’ve chosen the right markup, apply it to your page. This involves adding specific tags to your HTML. If you’re not comfortable with coding, there are several tools available, like Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper. You can also opt for expert SEO services.
  4. Test Your Markup: After you’ve applied your markup, test it to ensure it works correctly. You can use Bing’s Markup Validator tool for this purpose. Think of this as a quick health check-up for your structured data!

10. Utilize Microsoft Ads

Custom illustration of utilizing Microsoft Ads for Bing SEO

In the grand scheme of search engine visibility, most savvy businesses have discovered the ace up their sleeve: Microsoft Ads (previously known as Bing Ads). Like a turbocharged engine, Microsoft Ads provides an extra boost and accelerates your rise to the top of search results.

But how exactly can you use Microsoft Ads to dominate search? Let’s delve deeper.

Microsoft Ads are paid advertisements that appear on Bing’s SERPs. When users search for keywords related to your business, your ad could appear above, below, or to the side of the organic search results. This capability allows Microsoft Ads to thrust your business in front of potential customers precisely when they’re in search mode.

Intrigued by the potential of Microsoft Ads? Use this comprehensive guide to plunge into this lucrative avenue!

  1. Set Up Your Microsoft Advertising Account: The first port of call is registering for a Microsoft Advertising account. This will help you gain access to the Microsoft Ads platform. Sign up here. If you already have an account, sign in here.
  2. Craft a New Campaign: Select “Create Campaign” from your dashboard. Specify your campaign goal (website visits, conversions, etc.), establish your budget, and identify your target demographics.
  3. Handpick Your Keywords: The keystone of your Microsoft Ads campaign is your selection of keywords. Choose those pertinent to your business; these are the search terms that will prompt your ad to show up. You can leverage Bing’s Keyword Research tool for effective keyword identification.
  4. Formulate Your Ad: It’s time to create your ad! Be succinct, be persuasive, and include a crystal-clear call-to-action (CTA). Your ad must comply with Microsoft’s ad policies; this will help avoid any speed bumps along the way.
  5. Set Your Bid: The final step before launch is setting your bid, i.e., the maximum amount you’re prepared to pay each time someone clicks on your ad. If bidding feels a bit daunting, use Microsoft’s automated bid strategy to start.
  6. Launch and Continually Monitor Your Campaign: Once all components are in place, it’s time to launch your campaign. Remember, this isn’t a “set and forget” strategy. Continually monitor your campaign and make necessary adjustments along the way. Microsoft offers robust analytics to help you understand the effectiveness of your ads and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Global-marketing Inc.: Your Ladder to Bing SEO Success!

As we cross the finish line, one thing is clear: the process of securing lofty Bing search rankings is less of a mountainous trek and more of a well-structured ascent, granted you’re equipped with the right tools, knowledge, and assistance.

And when it comes to reliable assistance, Global-marketing Inc. is the seasoned sherpa you need for this journey!

In this blog, we walked you through the top Bing SEO tips for ranking success. Now that the ladder is laid out in front of you with all the rungs intact, it’s time to climb it!

As a team of experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable SEO experts, we help small to medium-sized businesses scale the heights of search engine success. We use a mix of strategies to achieve stellar results for your business. By putting one-size-fits-all strategies to the side and crafting a customized plan, we ensure that you hit the nail right on the head the first time around.

Explore our search engine optimization services to get started! You can also take a closer look at our professional SEO packages to determine the right pick for your business.

If you’re not sure where to begin, give our team a call, and we’ll take it from there. Whether you just launched your business or you’ve been riding the digital marketing wave for a while now, we’ll help you reach the zenith and stay put.

Let’s start your journey to Bing SEO success together!

The post How to Dominate Search with Bing SEO: Top 15 Proven Strategies appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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SEO Services vs. PPC Advertising: Which Is Better for Your Business? Thu, 20 Apr 2023 12:46:36 +0000 Picture a high-stakes boxing match with two heavyweights duking it out in the ring for the title of your business’ online marketing champion. In one corner, we have the indomitable search engine optimization (SEO), known for its long-term results and ability to build credibility. In the other corner, we have the swift and targeted pay-per-click (PPC) advertising […]

The post SEO Services vs. PPC Advertising: Which Is Better for Your Business? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..


Picture a high-stakes boxing match with two heavyweights duking it out in the ring for the title of your business’ online marketing champion.

In one corner, we have the indomitable search engine optimization (SEO), known for its long-term results and ability to build credibility. In the other corner, we have the swift and targeted pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model, famed for its immediate results and precise audience reach.

As the bell rings, you wait for some pretty heavy punches and a splatter or two of blood. Instead, the two contenders walk towards each other, politely shake hands, and walk away.



A more accurate version of reality?


The SEO services vs. PPC advertising showdown isn’t as dramatic and cut-throat as we’re led to believe. In actuality, both techniques work best when leveraged together.

In this blog, we’ll take a deep dive into the SEO and PPC waters.

  • What are the pros and cons of each technique?
  • How can you combine SEO and PPC for the best results your business has seen yet?
  • What role does Global-marketing Inc. play in all of this?

Let’s roll out the grand plan!

SEO vs. PPC: The Basics

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of tweaking your website to improve its visibility on Google.

Let’s say you run a fitness business and want to rank higher for the keyword “best home workout routines.” To optimize your content for this keyword, you’ll incorporate it into your blogs (title, headings, meta description, image alt tags, etc.) and web copy.

The outcome?

Your business will start showing up among the top search results for this keyword.

This is the power of SEO in a nutshell.

Fast, consistent, and powerful, SEO can help you climb search engine result pages (SERPs) and get seen by your target audience.

Watch this video for more insight into the workings of SEO:

SEO Strategies at a Glance

  1. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords and phrases your target audience is actively searching for. Use advanced tools (available at Global-marketing Inc.) to find keywords with high search volume and moderate competition.
  2. On-Page Optimization: Optimize your web pages by incorporating target keywords in title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and body text. Ensure that your URL structure is clean and descriptive.
  3. High-Quality Content: Create informative, engaging, and shareable content that provides value to your audience. High-quality content attracts more traffic, increases user dwell time, and boosts site authority.
  4. Mobile-Friendly Design: 92.3% of web users access the internet using mobile phones. Mobile searches now account for a significant portion of search traffic. Launch a responsive, interactive, and mobile-friendly website for higher search rankings.
  5. Internal Linking: Establish a strong internal linking structure to connect relevant content within your website. Internal links help search engines crawl and index your site more effectively. High-quality internal links will also help you enhance user experience.
  6. Link Building: Build relevant backlinks from websites with a high domain authority (DA) score. Backlinks act as endorsements. When the top dogs provide backlinks to your content, Google will start considering your website a valuable resource by virtue of association.
  7. Technical SEO: Optimize your website’s technical elements, including site speed, crawlability, and indexability. A well-structured, fast-loading website is more likely to rank higher on SERPs.
  8. Local SEO: Claim your Google Business Profile listing, use location-specific keywords, and build more customer reviews to reach a wider local audience.

What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising?

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a digital marketing model that involves paying a fee each time a user clicks your ad. As an advertiser, you’ll be able to buy ad placements on search engines, social media platforms, and other websites to drive targeted traffic to your site.

Paid ads show up before organic search results on Google. They’re identifiable thanks to the bold “Sponsored” tag.

Let’s say you own an online shoe store and want to boost your sales by targeting users who are looking for “running shoes” online.

You’ll start by creating a Google Ads campaign. This will allow you to bid on the keyword “running shoes” and create compelling ad copy that entices users to click on and visit your website.

When users search for “running shoes” on Google, your ad will show up at the top of the search results page. The outcome? High store visibility, a generous stream of clicks, and roaring conversions.

PPC Advertising Techniques at a Glance

  1. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords that your target audience is actively using when searching for products or services that fall in your industry. Focus on keywords with high commercial intent to maximize your ad spend.
  2. Ad Group Structure: your PPC campaigns into tightly-themed ad groups with specific keywords. This is a great way to ensure your ads and landing pages are relevant to the user’s search query.
  3. Compelling Ad Copy: Write engaging ad copy that clearly communicates your value proposition and includes a strong call-to-action (CTA). This will encourage users to click on your ad and complete the desired action.
  4. Ad Extensions: Use ad extensions such as sitelinks, callouts, and structured snippets to provide additional information and enhance ad visibility.
  5. Landing Page Optimization: Create relevant, user-friendly landing pages that match your ad copy and provide a seamless experience to users. Optimized landing pages help reduce bounce rate and increase conversions.
  6. Bid Management: Monitor and adjust your keyword bids to optimize your ad spend and achieve the desired ad position. Consider using automated bidding strategies like Target CPA or Target ROAS to achieve specific performance goals.
  7. Geo-Targeting: Target specific geographic locations to reach your local audience and optimize your ad spend.
  8. Ad Scheduling: Schedule your ads to run during specific days and times when your target audience is active, online, and engaged.

SEO and PPC Services Both Sound Great. So What’s the Fuss About?

Why are SEO and PPC pit against each other? Both services have a lot to offer in their own ways. So what’s the fuss about?

Let’s understand this better. Like no economic model is perfect, no online marketing approach is a paragon in any way. Both SEO and PPC have their strengths and shortcomings. Marketing specialists often pick favorites and confuse businesses that are new to the online marketing waters. This is where things get messy.

Instead of picking between SEO and PPC, small businesses must master the art of playing to the strengths of each technique.

Pick out the fresh fruit from both baskets, discard the spoilt pieces, and whip up a delicious SEO and PPC smoothie.

Let’s explore the pros and cons of SEO and PPC to give you a better understanding of the right way to combine these models.

The Pros of SEO: The Good, the Great, and the Excellent

1. Long-Lasting, Evergreen Charm

The beauty of SEO is that its effects are long-lasting. Unlike PPC ads, which disappear as soon as you stop paying for them, the results of a power-packed SEO strategy can last for months or even years.

And who wouldn’t love a marketing strategy that keeps on giving?

If you want to capitalize on SEO’s evergreen charm, take things quite literally: start creating evergreen content. This type of content remains valuable, relevant, and informative over an extended period of time, regardless of seasonal trends and industry changes.

Since the content is evergreen, it’ll continue to attract organic traffic for years to come.

Some examples of evergreen content formats include:

  • How-to guides or tutorials
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  • Lists or resource compilations
  • “Ultimate” guides or in-depth analyses
  • Case studies or success stories
  • Educational or informative articles about a specific topic or industry

If you want to play to SEO’s strengths, jump on the evergreen bandwagon.

If you sell gardening equipment, write a blog titled “The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Own Vegetables at Home”. This is an example of an evergreen blog because the content isn’t subject to change over time.

If you run a finance business, opt for an article titled “10 Timeless Tips for Saving Money and Reducing Debt”.

Work in health and fitness? How about “The 7 Most Effective Body weight Exercises for Building Strength and Muscle”?

You get the idea.

Every month, sprinkle some evergreen titles over your content plan that aren’t based on local events, holidays, or trends. This will keep you on the first SERP for years to come, not just a handful of days (provided that your content is actually good and well-optimized, of course).

2. The Free Traffic Fairytale

SEO is often referred to as “free” traffic. Of course, there’s no such thing as free traffic. However, once you invest in a solid SEO strategy, the ongoing cost of maintaining it will be relatively low compared to other marketing approaches (we’re looking at you, PPC).

3. Trust and Credibility

Once you’ve built trust and credibility, it’s game over. You’ll have the power to sweep potential customers off their feet and win their hearts. Investing in SEO is a great way to establish your brand as an authoritative, trustworthy, credible, and reputable name in your local industry.

Users tend to trust organic search results more than paid advertisements. In general, people perceive organic results as more reliable and relevant to their search queries.


Because these websites have earned their rankings through quality content and optimization rather than paying for visibility.

SEO is a long-term strategy that helps businesses rank consistently in search results. Consistent visibility increases brand awareness and demonstrates stability and reliability.

Since PPC campaigns are time-bound, your ads will only appear when you actively pay for them. This can make your online presence appear more sporadic and less trustworthy in the eyes of potential customers.

The Cons of SEO Services: The Game of Patience

1. The Slow and Steady Tortoise

SEO services will not make your business an overnight success story. It takes time, patience, and persistence to see results.

If you want to wake up to stellar SERP rankings, staggeringly high traffic, and enviable conversions, SEO may not be for you.

The process of optimizing your website, building backlinks, and creating high-quality content takes time, and it may be several months before you start seeing significant improvements in your search rankings and organic traffic.

2. The Fickle Nature of Algorithm Updates

Google rarely stays put.

On a mission to get better and better, Google continually launches new updates that can significantly affect your website’s rankings. If you want to ride the SEO waters with ease and adroitness, you’ll have to stay on top of these updates.

This can be a little challenging for small businesses that are new to online marketing.

Since the updates are often rather technical in nature, you may feel overwhelmed and frustrated. If you want to stay on track with SEO, you’ll have to turn to the pros at some point.

Real-Life Example: Canva’s SEO Success Story

While most people in the online marketing industry recognize Canva as a popular graphic design platform today, it hasn’t always enjoyed the same success.

Like any other business, Canva started off slow and steady. It was founded in 2012 by Melanie Perkins, Cliff Obrecht, and Cameron Adams in Sydney, Australia. Their vision was to make graphic design accessible to everyone, regardless of their skills or expertise.

From the beginning, Canva understood the importance of SEO in driving organic traffic and attracting users to their platform. Their key SEO strategies have been keyword research, high-quality content creation, UX optimization, and social media marketing.

Today, Canva boasts millions of users worldwide and a valuation of over $40 billion. Their mastery of SEO has played a crucial role in helping them stand out in a competitive market, drive consistent organic traffic, and establish themselves as the go-to resource for graphic design.

The Pros of PPC Advertising: The Fast, the Flexible, and the Fantastic

1. The Need for Speed: Instant Gratification

In 2023, time is money.

Yes, slow and steady wins the race, but not everybody has the time for slow and steady.

If you’re short on time and you want to take your business from Point A to Point X in a matter of weeks, PPC marketing is your guy.

Unlike SEO, which can take several months to show noticeable improvements, PPC campaigns start driving traffic as soon as they’re launched. This instant gratification can be especially beneficial in certain scenarios.

Let’s say you run an online store that sells winter clothing, and you want to run a promotion during the holiday season.

PPC advertising will help you create targeted ads for specific products or offers and start driving traffic to your promotion right away. This immediacy will help you capitalize on seasonal trends and limited-time offers without having to worry about the slowness of SEO.

PPC is also an excellent tool for businesses that are launching a new product/service or hosting an upcoming event.

If you need to put word out fast, the PPC model will help you target your ads to a specific audience and reach the right customers in the desired time frame. As you drive immediate traffic to your landing page, you’ll be able to generate quality leads, sign-ups, and even sales in a short amount of time.

While SEO is great in its own right, it doesn’t speed things up the same way.

2. Targeting Precision: The Sniper of Digital Marketing

PPC advertising allows you to target specific audiences with laser-like precision. You can target users based on their location, interests, and even the type of device they’re using. This means you can reach the right people at the right time, maximizing your chances of success.

One of the primary ways PPC advertising achieves precise targeting is through keywords. When setting up a PPC campaign, advertisers select specific keywords or phrases that are relevant to their products/services.

When users search for these keywords, the business’ ads are displayed in the search results.

PPC platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads also allow advertisers to target certain demographics (age, gender, location, language, and more). This level of demographic targeting ensures that ads are only shown to users who match the desired profile.

PPC advertising has another trick up its sleeve: behavioral targeting. Advertisers can reach users based on their online behavior, including their browsing history, past searches, interactions with specific websites, and the like.

This is a great way to target users who have already shown interest in your products/services or who have similar interests to your existing customers. The outcome? Stellar conversions.


3. A Control Freak’s Dream: Complete Command of Your Budget

PPC gives you complete (and we mean complete) control of your ad spend.

You can set a daily, weekly, or monthly budget for your campaigns. This will help you avoid spending more than you can afford.

PPC offers a staggeringly high level of control that’s especially useful for small businesses and startups with limited marketing budgets. You’ll be able to allocate your resources strategically and avoid overspending.

The PPC advertising model has a rather tit-for-tat nature. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This makes PPC a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website.

You can control how much you’re willing to pay per click by setting a maximum bid for each keyword or ad group. This will help you prioritize your spending on high-performing keywords and optimize your campaigns for the best possible return on investment (ROI).

Sweet, right?

If you’re a control freak, chances are you love performance tracking and optimization. PPC platforms provide detailed performance data for each campaign, allowing you to monitor your spending and identify areas for improvement.

By tracking critical metrics (e.g., click-through rates, cost per click, conversion rates, etc.), you can quickly identify which ads and keywords generate the best results.

Use this insight to adjust your budget accordingly. This data-driven approach enables you to optimize your campaigns in real-time and allocate your budget to the most effective strategies.

No wasted effort, no wasted revenue.

Just terrific results.

Recommended Read: PPC Management for Small Businesses: Tips and Tricks

The Cons of PPC Advertising: The Costly, the Competitive, and the Complex

1. The Pay-to-Play Arena

All fun and games? We wish.

PPC can be an expensive game, particularly if you’re targeting competitive keywords. Costs can quickly add up, and if you’re not careful, your return on investment (ROI) can take a hit.

Unlike SEO, which can generate long-term organic traffic with a one-time investment, PPC advertising requires ongoing spending to maintain its effectiveness. You can’t run a PPC advertising campaign for two months, call it off, and expect the results to keep floating around. Not a chance.

If you want to keep driving traffic to your website, you’ll have to continue to invest in PPC.

It’s not all bad news for your pocket. PPC can be affordable if you partner with the right platform. At Global-marketing Inc., our PPC services start from $399, which is a far cry from the heavy price tag slapped on conventional PPC plans.

Choose wisely.

2. The Everlasting Battle: Stiff Competition

In the world of PPC, you’re constantly competing with other businesses for ad space and attention. This means you need to be on your toes at all times, constantly tweaking and optimizing your campaigns to stay ahead of the competition.

As more and more businesses recognize the benefits of PPC and launch their own campaigns, the advertising landscape will become even more crowded, making it increasingly difficult to stand out, hold your own, and achieve the desired results.

As mentioned earlier, PPC operates on a bidding system; advertisers compete for ad placements based on their bids. As the competition thickens, businesses are often forced to raise their bids to maintain high ad visibility and search rankings.

This can result in escalating CPC costs.

Search engines like Google and Bing also have limited ad space available. As more businesses enter the PPC arena, the competition for these coveted spots intensifies. This can make it more challenging for businesses to secure prominent ad placements.

Real-Life Example: Airbnb’s PPC Success Story

Airbnb, the global online marketplace for lodging and tourism experience, has experienced tremendous growth since its inception in 2008. They used many keys to crack the success portal open, including, of course, PPC advertising.

By leveraging the power of PPC advertising, Airbnb grew its user base rapidly and became the go-to platform for vacation rentals.

When Airbnb first entered the market, it faced stiff competition from established players in the hospitality industry. PPC advertising helped Airbnb quickly gain visibility and reach a broader audience.

By targeting relevant keywords and placing their ads prominently in search results, Airbnb attracted users who were looking for accommodation and converted them into customers. They’ve been doing that since 2008, and the results have been simply spectacular.

Of course, Airbnb had many more tricks up its sleeve. However, its PPC prowess played a big role in helping it get seen online, generate buzz, and captivate audiences.

Today, Airbnb is valued at a whopping $72.3 billion.


SEO or PPC: What’s Right for My Business?

The answer is simple: both.

Now that you have a better understanding of SEO and PPC, you’ll be able to leverage both models to give your business the visibility, traffic, and rankings it deserves.

When crafting your SEO and PPC campaigns, keep this cheat sheet in mind:

If you want to achieve long-term growth, put more eggs in the SEO basket. This will help you build a strong foundation and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

If you’re looking for quick results or want to target specific audiences with laser-like precision, put more eggs in the PPC advertising basket.

The truth is that both SEO and PPC can be incredibly effective when used correctly. For most businesses, a smart combinative approach is the best call.

Before you begin, ask yourself the right questions and decide the most suitable course of action accordingly. We’ll help you steer in the right direction.

Question #1: What is your primary goal: building long-term brand visibility or driving immediate results?

  • If long-term brand visibility is your focus, lean towards professional SEO services.
  • If immediate results are your priority, turn to PPC marketing services.

Question #2: How competitive are your target keywords, and what is your budget for online marketing?

  • If competition is high and your budget is limited, SEO is a better option.
  • If you have a more flexible budget, PPC can help you compete for high-value keywords.

Question #3: What is the current state of your website’s user experience (UX) and content quality?

  • If your website’s UX and content quality need improvement, focus on SEO first.
  • If your website is already optimized and equipped with high-quality content, consider investing in PPC.

Question #4: How important is it for your business to maintain a consistent online presence?

  • If a consistent online presence is crucial, focus more on SEO.
  • If you have specific, time-sensitive campaigns or promotions, PPC might be more suitable.

Question #5: How well do you understand your target audience’s demographics, interests, and online behavior?

  • If you have a deep understanding of your audience, PPC service scan help you target them effectively.
  • If you need to gather more data and insights about your audience, SEO services can help you reach a broader audience and learn more about their preferences.

Question #6: How much time and resources can you dedicate to managing your digital marketing efforts?

  • If you can invest time in creating and optimizing content, SEO is a better fit.
  • If you prefer a more hands-off approach and have the budget to pay for ads, PPC is more suitable.

Question #7: How quickly do you need to see a return on your investment (ROI)?

  • If you’re looking for a faster ROI, PPC advertising can provide quicker results.
  • If you’re willing to invest time and effort for long-term ROI, hire SEO services.

Question #7: How important is building trust and credibility with your audience?

  • If trust and credibility are crucial for your business, SEO can be more effective in fostering a positive brand image.
  • If you already have a strong, established reputation, PPC can help you maintain that image and reach more customers.

Question #8: How frequently do you plan to update and refresh your website’s content?

  • If you can consistently produce high-quality, evergreen content, SEO will be more effective in the long run.
  • If you prefer creating content for specific promotions or events, PPC can be a better option for time-sensitive campaigns.

Question #9: What is your level of expertise in digital marketing, and how much support do you need?

  • If you’re new to digital marketing and need a more guided approach, SEO can provide a more structured path for learning and improving your online presence.
  • If you’re comfortable managing your online marketing efforts and prefer more control over your campaigns, PPC might be more suitable.

Question #10: Are you targeting a specific niche or a broader market?

  • If you’re targeting a niche market, SEO can help you rank higher for niche-specific keywords and attract relevant traffic.
  • If you’re targeting a broader market with diverse segments, PPC can help you create targeted campaigns for each segment and reach a wider audience.

It’s Time for Action!

In this blog, we offered a complete breakdown of SEO services vs. PPC advertising.

The real competition doesn’t lie between these two strategies; it lies between you and your competitors.

Leverage SEO and PPC to knock out your competition and earn a power-packed boost in online visibility.

Global-marketing Inc. is ready to make it happen!

We provide professional SEO services and PPC marketing services to give your business the ammo it needs to dominate the web.

It’s time to get seen by your target audience, turn clicks into conversions, and let the revenue come rolling in.

We’re ready when you are!

The post SEO Services vs. PPC Advertising: Which Is Better for Your Business? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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SEO Services for E-commerce Websites: What You Should Know Mon, 10 Apr 2023 11:31:05 +0000 SEO for e-commerce is a touch different from SEO for content-based domains, such as business websites. While the latter depends heavily on blogs, link building, and keyword optimization,e-commerce SEO has all that, but it’s also about buyer intent and thoroughly understanding search engine guidelines. The most obvious example of analyzing buyer intent is the suggestions […]

The post SEO Services for E-commerce Websites: What You Should Know appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

SEO for e-commerce is a touch different from SEO for content-based domains, such as business websites.

While the latter depends heavily on blogs, link building, and keyword optimization,e-commerce SEO has all that, but it’s also about buyer intent and thoroughly understanding search engine guidelines.

The most obvious example of analyzing buyer intent is the suggestions under a product on Amazon or eBay.

These websites drive sales by getting their search engine optimization right, and so can you.

Why is SEO Essential for E-commerce?
Have you ever wondered why some e-commerce websites rank higher than others despite selling the same products? Bargain prices attract more traffic, but how do people even know these prices exist?

Rigorous internet research? Probably.

There’s more.

SEO for e-commerce has several underlying strategies that can help your e-commerce website rank higher than your competition.

There’s a reason why Amazon ranks at the coveted top spot for “dollhouses.”It has a thoroughly optimized and user-friendly website with amazing backlinking and quality content.

It’s not so much the bargain prices that rachet these websites up the proverbial totem pole, but SEO optimization. It brings these prices in front of potential leads and drives conversions.

Recommended Read: Lead Generation and Conversion Statistics to Guide Your Marketing Strategy in 2023

Etsy: An E-commerce SEO Success Story

Etsy was founded as a maker and seller of handcrafted items in 2005. Today, it’s an indispensable marketplace for making, selling, buying, and collecting niche items.

It’s hard to believe that it failed to break-even before 2017 and had almost folded before a forward-thinking CEO saved it. Today, it is the poster child for SEO marketing, with a dedicated page for search engine optimization on its platform and Google.

The platform ranks for 14 million keywords in the top ten positions for the following reasons:

  • User-friendly navigation
  • Seasonal product recommendations
  • Keyword-optimized blogs
  • More informational than transactional keywords
  • Excellent core web vitals

SEO for E-commerce Sites: Best Practices

With online sales projected to grow 56% by 2026, e-commerce is the way forward. Hire SEO services to set up an e-commerce platform to:

  • Boost your visibility
  • Leverage cost-effective marketing
  • Increase customer engagement and conversion rates
  • Get instantly rewarded by gaining a competitive advantage

1. Use the Right Keywords

We recommend two types of queries for e-commerce SEO: Informational and transactional.

Potential customers use informational keywords when conducting research. The purchase intent is absent at this stage. Most marketers try to rank for these keywords by answering questions.

For instance, if you sell blenders, you can try answering the following questions with your product description.

Searchers use transactional keywords at the bottom of the sales funnel: Just one step from purchasing. A customer looking to buy a blender won’t look up informational queries. They will lead with something like the following.

Prioritize Informational Keywords

Etsy prioritizes informational keywords, and so should you. These keywords will likely be the most searched queries on search engines.

Incorporate informational keywords in your product details organically. If the manufacturer introduces you to new information, update your product descriptions with informational queries. The more keyword-optimized your product details, the higher it will rank.

Follow with Transactional Keywords

Even Etsy uses transactional, or commercial intent, keywords because its endgame is the bottom of the funnel where a prospect turns into a customer by making a purchase. Examples of transactional keywords include:

  • Protein mix for sale near me
  • Where to buy protein powder
  • Protein mix buy online
  • Affordable protein powder for weight loss

You can find more transactional keywords in the “related searches” at the bottom of the page.

2. Optimize the Product Pages

Take a look at Pilgrim’s product page. It sets a fine example for e-Commerce SEO by getting the following elements right:

  • Product descriptions:Ensure engagement with visual and textual details, keywords, calls to action, high-resolution images, and testimonials.
  • Image Optimization: Use relevant images for the product page that are the right size and follow the guidelines dictated by your host. These images should have captions and alt tags, and their filenames must contain suitable keywords.
  • Reviews: Reviews are a critical part of the sales funnels because they answer potential customers’ questions and provide them with a non-promotional snippet of your product and store. Encourage your customers to leave reviews to get organic traffic and conversions.

3. Don’t Forget Off-page SEO

Did you know that 15% of American shoppers begin their search on Instagram? Leveraging social media platforms is one of several off-page SEO strategies to direct traffic to your website.

You can use the following off-page strategies to boost your website’s ranking:

  • Content marketing
  • Guest posting
  • Email chains
  • Influencer marketing
  • Podcasts
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Review sites
  • Local business listings

Google Analytics Insights can help you analyze which of the above strategies works to save costs on your off-page efforts. You can see what is and isn’t driving results and do away with the latter.

4. E-commerce Link Building

Your e-commerce website, like Rome, won’t be built in a day. It takes time for your shiny new domain to gain visibility; earning high-quality backlinks is the first sign of this visibility. It’s when a third-party, preferably high-domain authority, website links to a page on your website because it considers you a valuable resource.

Recommended Read: A Quick 8-Step Backlink Audit Guide

Google has a strict policy against spammy link building, which brings us to the don’ts of our topic.

Common E-commerce SEO Mistakes To Avoid

Doing the following can potentially penalize your website:.

  • Link Spam: Most, but not all, paid links qualify as link spam, a clear violation of Google’s guidelines. If these links are poor quality and contain largely duplicated content, you will suffer for it in the form of lower SERP rankings.
  • No Product Description: If you’ve never seen a product without a description, it’s because description-less pages never make it on Google. Search engines can’t read images, so always include a description.
  • Lack of Keyword-Friendly URLs: Assigning obscure URLs to products makes it difficult for customers to see your product beyond the title tag. Keyword-friendly URLs give your visitors some idea about the product and increase your chances of getting linked by another website.

Here’s an example of a keyword-friendly URL:

Rank Higher, Sell Smarter: Unleash Your E-Commerce Potential!

E-commerce websites are like the Titanic. One iceberg (read: SEO faux pas), and they will be in the doldrums. Overcome your proverbial iceberg with our SEO services for e-commerce sites.

Conduct an SEO audit to see what’s wrong with your online store and turn things around for your business. If e-commerce is the future, use our professional SEO services to make the most of it in the here and now.

Ready when you are!

The post SEO Services for E-commerce Websites: What You Should Know appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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