SEO Content Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Mon, 28 Aug 2023 15:49:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SEO Content Writing Guide 2023: Best Practices for Higher Rankings Mon, 28 Aug 2023 15:49:51 +0000 Remember the classic children’s game, “Where’s Waldo?” The elusive character clad in red-and-white stripes hidden amongst a sea of distractions? Finding Waldo in a bustling beach scene or a packed carnival always seemed like an insurmountable task. Yet, the allure of the challenge kept us searching, page after page. We’re all playing a somewhat similar […]

The post SEO Content Writing Guide 2023: Best Practices for Higher Rankings appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

a concept illustration of SEO content writing

Remember the classic children’s game, “Where’s Waldo?” The elusive character clad in red-and-white stripes hidden amongst a sea of distractions?

Finding Waldo in a bustling beach scene or a packed carnival always seemed like an insurmountable task. Yet, the allure of the challenge kept us searching, page after page.

We’re all playing a somewhat similar game today, only instead of Waldo, we’re trying to find your content. How can you ensure your content isn’t just another face in the crowd? How can you boost your search engine result page (SERP) rankings? And, most importantly, how can you engage your target audience?

Just like every child had their own unique strategies for finding Waldo (starting from the corners, looking near peculiar objects, or simply scouring the page meticulously), SEO content writing has its playbook too. And we’re about to unlock these strategies for you.

Stay with us as we help you transform run-of-the-mill content that fails to rank into star-studded content ranks, engages, and converts. We’ll also help you understand how you can make the most of Global-marketing Inc.’s SEO content writing services. It’s go time!

1. Understand Your Audience

Casting a wide SEO content writing net may sound like an effective strategy at first. After all, the digital world is as vast as can be, isn’t it? In actuality, this approach results in diluted efforts and lackluster results.

If you want to boost your rankings and genuinely engage with your visitors, understand and target them with precision. This is where we enter the realm of persona-driven content.

1.1. What is Persona-Driven Content?

Persona-driven content is tailored content that resonates with specific profiles or “personas” (representing your target audience). Instead of general content that appeals to a broad audience, persona-driven content aims to connect more deeply with specific audience segments by addressing their particular needs, challenges, values, and behaviors.

In 2023, general content doesn’t rank. It’s that simple. Google doesn’t want to fetch a bunch of generic, non-specific, run-of-the-mill search results to web users.

Think about it. If you wake up with severe back pain one day, would you head to just any other doctor or an orthopedic specialist? This is how the Googleverse operates. Specificity and specialization win the race. And we know that now more than ever, thanks to Google’s strict E-E-A-T quality rater guidelines that stand for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Think of your persona as a fictional but data-driven representation of a segment of your audience. These personas are crafted by SEO content writing service providers based on a blend of research, analytics, and sometimes even real customer interviews. Each persona typically includes demographic data, psychographic characteristics, and online behaviors.

Let’s consider the example of a company that sells skincare products. Their goal is simple: they want to create SEO content that helps them rank on Google SERPs. Instead of launching one-size-fits-all content, they get specific. The company doesn’t just target everyone interested in skincare; they create several distinct personas.

Here are a few:

examples of a teenage audience persona

examples of a thirtysomething audience persona

examples of a golden year audience persona

Persona-driven content feeds two birds with one scone. It truly resonates with readers and, as a result, tells search engines that you’re fulfilling audience demand.

There’s nothing Google wants more than audience satisfaction. If web users are happy with the results Google delivers, well, that’s a job well done.

As a business owner, your goal is to make Google’s job easier by crafting personalized, specific, high-quality content. And that’s exactly what the persona-driven SEO content writing approach helps you do.

1.2. How to Craft Your Personas

Crafting well-defined, actionable personas isn’t just a task; it’s an art form interwoven with a hint of science. It’s about blending observed data with intuitive understanding, capturing the essence of distinct audience segments, and delivering what’s requested.

Instead of shooting in the dark, you’ll take accurate, well-defined shots that help you win the game. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of how to meticulously craft these vital avatars:

the six-step persona building process for SEO content writing

The goal of this comprehensive process is to humanize data. By the time you’ve crafted your personas, they should feel almost like real individuals you know and understand.

Once you have these detailed sketches in hand, you’ll be able to craft content that effectively reaches, engages, and resonates with your target audience. And this is where higher rankings will start flowing.

2. Quality Over Quantity: Depth Matters

In the early days of SEO, a common strategy was to churn out a high volume of content, sprinkle in relevant keywords, and hope to capture as many eyeballs as possible. In 2023, this strategy won’t get you anywhere.

The adage “quality over quantity” isn’t just tossed around for fun; it rings true across every inch of the SEO content writing landscape.

When we talk about “depth,” we’re not just referring to word count but the value, comprehensiveness, and authority the content brings to the table. It’s about addressing a topic holistically, covering various angles, answering potential questions, and providing actionable insights or solutions.

When you provide deep, valuable insights on a subject, readers and search engines recognize you as a thought leader in that domain.

It comes as no surprise that some of the biggest names associated with Google keep emphasizing the importance of quality time and time and time again. According to Google Search Advocate John Mueller:

As we discussed earlier, Google’s E-E-A-T quality rater guidelines have also shifted the content landscape dramatically. If there were ever any doubts about the importance of creating high-quality content, they’ve been put to rest once and for all.

If you want to claim the top Google SERP rankings, put the gimmicks aside, and rework your quality. Creating in-depth, quality content isn’t just about padding an article with more words or fluff. It’s an art that requires a good understanding of the subject, comprehensive research, and the provision of rich information that provides real value to readers.

How can you master this art? Ensure your SEO content writers use a similar content creation process:

2.1. Topic Research

Standing out starts with choosing the right topic. Comprehensive topic research ensures your content isn’t just a drop in the bucket but a beacon of value.

Start by identifying gaps in the current discourse. What are people looking for? Which questions are they asking? What remains insufficiently discussed?

Work with a team of professional SEO content writers who understand the importance of topic research and perform it thoroughly. They should research popular queries and emerging trends. From there, their research should expand to scholarly databases, industry forms, and expert interviews.

2.2. Competitor Research

Knowledge of one’s adversaries is half the victory, and in the content realm, this rings especially true. Competitor research isn’t about mimicking others but understanding the landscape.

At this stage, your SEO content writing team should analyze top-performing content in your niche and look for patterns. Which topics are frequently covered? What’s the typical content length? Which keywords are they targeting?

Identifying these elements will help you uncover areas of improvement. The goal isn’t to produce content that’s just on par with competitors. Instead, offer distinctly superior content that compels readers to choose your page over others.

When you look for SEO writers for hire, be very careful. If they don’t tackle the two most critical steps of the process (i.e., topic and competitive research), you may want to keep looking.

Settling for a fair-to-middling SEO content writing service is one of the most critical mistakes you could make. Do the due diligence of inquiring into the agency’s content creation process to ensure they aim for quality, not quantity.

Recommended: Global-marketing Inc.’s SEO Competitor Analysis Services

2.3. Craft an Outline

Before diving into writing, you must create a roadmap. Outlining streamlines the content creation process; it ensures logical flow and coherence.

Start with a captivating introduction. Follow it with the main content sections, where you dive deep into specific facets of the topic. By breaking your content into digestible chunks, you’ll cater to readers’ decreasing attention spans and guide them smoothly through the narrative.

An outline also ensures you cover every vital point. This is a great way to establish your piece as comprehensive and thorough (attributes Google algorithms love).

2.4. Originality and Authenticity

Your target audience is equipped with a discerning eye; they can quickly spot recycled or inauthentic content. Prioritize sharing unique insights, personal experiences, or new angles on familiar topics. This fresh perspective will differentiate your content; it’ll make it memorable and share-worthy.

All data (quotes, insights from other sources, etc.) must be accurately credited. This is also a great way to fortify your content’s trustworthiness. You can’t rank high on Google without winning your audience’s trust and loyalty. Keep that in mind.

2.5. Structured Formatting

A wall of text can be off-putting, whereas content broken into digestible chunks invites readers in. Utilize headings and subheadings to categorize information, use bullet points for lists, and intersperse with images or infographics where relevant.

White space is your friend; it allows your content to breathe and guides the reader’s eyes effortlessly down the page. Use proper formatting to increase readability, keep readers engaged longer, and, consequently, increase your chances of claiming the top Google SERPs.

3. Optimize for Featured Snippets

The digital rat race for that coveted top spot has taken a fascinating turn with the introduction of featured snippets. Often known as “position zero,” featured snippets are concise answers to user queries; they’re prominently displayed above traditional search results.

Here’s an example:

 a featured snippet for the Google search "how does a toaster work?"

Featured snippets come in various flavors: paragraphs, lists, tables, and even video clips. If you make it to this little regal box, you’ve made it. Since this is the first thing people see when they run a Google search, they’re very likely to read the snippet itself (usually all the way through) and open the page without scrolling down to explore other pages.

Achieving this prime real estate comes with major bragging rights. The best one of all? Stellar visibility and dramatically high click-through rates (CTRs). If your SEO content writing service plan isn’t structured with a focus on featured snippets, you have a lot of work to do.

Start by identifying common questions users ask frequently in your industry or niche. By addressing these questions directly, you’re more likely to provide the type of information that Google seeks for featured snippets.

These questions often begin with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” and “when”. These phrases signal a user’s intent to seek a quick and informative answer.

Let’s consider some examples.

a featured snippet for the Google search "how does a toaster work?"

a featured snippet for the Google search "how does a toaster work?"

a featured snippet for the Google search "how does a toaster work?"

Notice something interesting? Each of the title tags in these featured snippets starts with “how,” “what,” “why,” or “when” (even though the search queries didn’t include these phrases). These types of topics lend themselves well to step-by-step instructions, explanations of cause-and-effect relationships, and detailed answers.

Complex queries that require a detailed explanation or the breakdown of intricate concepts are also well-suited for featured snippets. When users seek answers to complex questions, Google aims to provide quick and concise responses that offer clarity and understanding.

Comparisons and contrasts are another angle to consider. Topics that involve comparing products, services, or ideas can appear in featured snippets in the form of tables, charts, or bullet point lists that capture people’s attention with easily digestible content.

Like most things with Google, the landscape is continually evolving. Today’s strategies may be obsolete tomorrow. Closely monitor content pieces that are getting featured. Understand why they’re appearing in Google’s featured snippets and try to replicate that success.

Keep abreast of Google’s algorithm updates to gain insights into changing preferences or criteria for featured snippets. You can also request these insights from your SEO content writers.

Recommended Read: What is Google’s Local 3-Pack and How Can You Use It to Rank?

4. On-Page SEO

As the diligent powerhouse behind your website’s visibility and user experience, on-page SEO is the nuts and bolts that holds your digital strategy together. It’s the practice of optimizing individual webpages to improve their visibility and SERP rankings.

You can’t get far without optimizing your content; it’s that simple. You may produce fresh, engaging, insightful, unique, and witty content, but it won’t make it to Google unless you infuse it with the right keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, linking juice, and so much more.

Sounds complex?

Let’s break it all down into bite-sized pieces.

4.1. Keywords

an SEO content writer performing comprehensive keyword research

Keywords. These seemingly ordinary strings of words are the very linchpins that can make or break your content’s visibility in the vast sea of the internet.

Keywords aren’t just words; they’re gateways that, when harnessed wisely, open the doors to digital success.

By now, you should have a deep understanding of your audience. Use these critical insights to discover the right keywords.

Keyword research tools are your guiding companions in this journey. They allow you to explore a vast array of search queries related to your niche. Hire SEO content writers who utilize advanced keyword research tools to unearth high-ranking short and long-tail keywords.

Instead of mindlessly stuffing keywords into your content, be intentional with keyword placement. Incorporating keywords into your content is a delicate art that requires a balance between optimization and maintaining a natural flow. Work with SEO keyword research experts to get things just right.

4.2. Title Tags

Title tags, also known as HTML title elements, are another fundamental part of on-page SEO. They define the title of a webpage and appear as the clickable link on SERPs. A well-optimized title tag can significantly impact page visibility.

For starters, make sure your title tag accurately reflects the content of the page. This is people’s first impression of your page; it must align with their expectations.

Place your primary keyword or keyphrase at the very beginning of the title tag. This is an excellent way to improve the relevance of your page to queries.

We also recommend keeping title tags between 50–60 characters to ensure they display fully in search results. This prevents truncation and ensures users can see the complete title.

Each page should feature a unique title tag that reflects its specific content. Avoid using duplicate title tags to make sure search engines and users don’t end up confused.

If appropriate, include your brand name toward the end of the title tag. For instance, “Best Running Shoes” could be changed to “Best Running Shoes by Nike.” This is a great way to establish your authority and increase brand recognition.

4.3. Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are concise snippets of text that provide a brief summary of the content found on a webpage. They appear below the clickable title on SERPs and offer a sneak peek into what the page entails.

This critical element plays a big role in influencing users’ decision to click through to your website. And when optimized right, meta descriptions also improve your content’s rankings, provided that you maintain a high level of content quality.

How can you do this? Start by ensuring clarity and relevance. Summarize the main theme or content of your page accurately. The meta description must provide a clear answer to the user’s query or need.

We also recommend keeping your meta description within the recommended length limit (typically around 150–160 characters). Craft your meta description with language that entices users to click through. Use action-oriented verbs, benefits, and intriguing statements to spark curiosity.

Here are some excellent examples:

  1. Example 1: “Unlock the secrets of healthy cooking! Join us as we explore five easy recipes for nutritious meals. You’re in for some delectable goodness!”
  2. Example 2: “Stuck with a tiring fitness routine that leaves you feeling overwhelmed? Not for long. Explore our fun workouts! It’s time to prioritize health without feeling drained.”
  3. Example 3: “Adventure awaits! Plan your dream vacation with us to soak in the serenity of some of the most exotic destinations across the globe. Let your journey begin!”

And, of course, weave relevant keywords from the user’s query naturally into your meta descriptions. Keywords in the meta description are often emboldened in search results. This is a great way to ensure your content attracts even more attention! Hire an SEO-friendly content writing service that can take the reins for you.

4.4. URL Structure

URL structure broken down into protocol, subdomain, domain name, and path/page

Your website’s URL structure plays a pivotal role in shaping user experience, helping search engines understand your content hierarchy, and contributing to your overall SEO strategy.

A well-organized URL structure acts as a roadmap for both users and search engines; it leads them to the information they seek with clarity and efficiency. It also communicates the topic of a page before users even click on the link.

For instance, a URL like “” immediately tells users that the page contains content related to healthy breakfast recipes. This user-friendly approach helps visitors quickly determine the relevance of the page and encourages them to explore further.

Incorporating relevant keywords into your URLs can provide additional context to search engines and help with the ranking process. However, it’s important to strike a balance. While keywords can enhance SEO, avoid using overly long URLs with excessive keywords that appear cumbersome and confuse both users and search engines.

Try to keep the URLs concise and organized. They should comprise 3–5 words that convey the main topic of the page. Including hyphens between words enhances readability and ensures that URLs remain human-friendly. Creating a logical hierarchy in your URL structure (mirroring the content’s organization) helps search engines comprehend the relationships between different sections of your website.

Additionally, URL structure contributes to the user’s perception of your website’s professionalism and reliability. Well-structured URLs are more likely to be shared and clicked on.

When planning your URL structure, prioritize user experience. Aim for URLs that are easy to remember, type, and share. Avoid using complex strings of numbers or symbols that can confuse users and detract from the overall aesthetics of your website.

4.5. Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

Heading tags (represented as H1, H2, H3, and so on) are HTML elements that structure the content on a webpage. Think of them as the headings in a book or the titles in an outline; they provide a hierarchical organization that enhances readability and helps both users and search engines understand the content’s structure and importance.

The H1 tag represents the main heading of a page; it often describes the core topic. Search engines use the H1 tag to grasp the primary theme of the content. It’s essential for SEO and must contain relevant keywords that reflect the topic while providing a concise summary.

Subsequent heading tags (H2 and H3) offer a hierarchical breakdown of the content. They help divide the page into sections and subsections to make it easier for users to scan and locate specific information. Search engines also use these tags to comprehend the relationships between different sections of the content.

Take special care in maintaining a logical progression. The H1 tag represents the overarching topic of the page. H2 tags denote major sections.H3 tags can be employed within H2 sections to further divide content into subsections. This hierarchical approach creates a visual hierarchy that’s easy to understand and follow.

4.6. Internal Linking

the anatomy of an internal link

Internal linking is the practice of creating links within your own website that connect one page to another. These links serve as virtual pathways; they guide users from one piece of content to another within your domain.

Internal linking plays a pivotal role in enhancing your website’s overall structure, user experience, and search engine rankings.

Search engines view internal links as a signpost of content importance. When you strategically link to relevant pages within your site, you’re signaling to search engines that these pages hold valuable information related to the topic at hand. This interconnectedness strengthens your website’s authority and relevance in search engines’ eyes.

Internal linking also distributes “link equity” or “link juice” throughout your website. When you link from a high-authority page to another, some of that authority flows to the linked page. This can enhance the linked page’s ranking potential in search results.

Let’s jump to the optimization bit! For starters, ensure that the linked pages are contextually relevant to each other. The link should add value to the user’s experience and provide additional information on the same topic.

The text you use for the link, known as anchor text, should provide clear context about the linked page’s content. Descriptive anchor text aids both users and search engines in understanding the content’s focus. Explore the best practices for optimizing anchor text.

Always achieve balanced distribution; distribute internal links throughout your content but avoid overloading a page with excessive links. Prioritize user experience and natural integration. If you need a hand, sign up for SEO-friendly content writing services. SEO content writers are well-versed in the art of on-page SEO. Instead of simply creating power-packed content for you, they’ll also optimize it to achieve staggeringly high rankings!

It’s Time to Create SEO Content That Ranks

Google is flooded with content. The platform is home to 30–50 billion webpages. This fact is as upsetting is it is impressive. If you run a small-to-medium-sized business in 2023, you can’t stand out unless you bring out your A game. And that’s what we’re here for!

In this blog, we walked you through the best SEO content writing practices for higher rankings. Now that you’re equipped with foundational knowledge, it’s time to get to work!

At Global-marketing Inc., we provide professional SEO content writing services to help you engage your audience and claim the top Google SERP spots. We don’t want to leave you with a happy audience but an unhappy Googlebot. Nor do we want to appease Google but make your audience frown. By strategically checking both of these boxes off the list, we help you win with content.

Are you ready to start working with our SEO content writers? Let’s kick things off with a free consultation!

The post SEO Content Writing Guide 2023: Best Practices for Higher Rankings appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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ChatGPT for SEO Content Creation: What Are The Drawbacks? Tue, 06 Jun 2023 08:23:28 +0000 AI writing tools have been here a while, but people only started to notice them in late 2022. ChatGPT 3.0 was groundbreaking, but the updated version, ChatGPT 4, is a massive improvement on its predecessor. Or is it? In this blog, you will learn that some problems associated with ChatGPT 3.5 for SEO content that we discussed […]

The post ChatGPT for SEO Content Creation: What Are The Drawbacks? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..


AI writing tools have been here a while, but people only started to notice them in late 2022. ChatGPT 3.0 was groundbreaking, but the updated version, ChatGPT 4, is a massive improvement on its predecessor.

Or is it?

In this blog, you will learn that some problems associated with ChatGPT 3.5 for SEO content that we discussed in our previous blog have persisted.

Improvements go hand-in-hand with shortcomings. But for now, AI writing and SEO content are not the dynamic duo everyone thought they’d be.

An Overview of GPT Models Over the Years

ChatGPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI. It’s freely available, easily accessible, and exceptionally intelligent.

The model was trained using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). It’s a process that involves human AI trainers and positive reinforcement.

The two-part process allows the chatbot to do the following:

  • Process information in natural language.
  • Answer questions as required (briefly or at length).
  • Store the conversation in its memory, which can be retrieved at any time. ChatGPT 4 can store up to 32,000 tokens, which is about 50 pages of text
  • Answer follow-up questions.
  • Challenge incorrect information and claims.
  • Admit mistakes.

Let’s look back on ChatGPT’s development to understand how far the chatbot has come.

ChatGPT 4: Bigger and Better Than Before

ChatGPT went from a stumbling foal to a clopping racehorse in just six years. The newer model is trained to understand/emulate context, different conversational styles, and 26 languages.

It can also understand dialects, whereas its predecessor could only process natural languages. Even Google approves of its human-like proficiency to understand and create coherent discourse!

Let’s examine GPT 4’s features by comparing it with its forebearer.

The Chinks in its Armor

GPT 4’s ability to turn words into sentences doesn’t always translate to creating engaging SEO content that establishes businesses as an authority in their industry.

While Google has publicly stated that the appropriate use of AI-generated content is not against its guidelines., it won’t compromise on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness).

This means that when it comes to ranking content on SERPs, it will use the same parameters to rank AI-generated content that it uses to rank human-generated content. It will always prioritize helpfulaccurate, and people-first content.

Therefore, for many businesses, SEO content writing services are still the go-to for authoritative and engaging content.

Learn More: Google’s New E-E-A-T Explained: How to Master the Update

When evaluating Google’s conditional approval, keep in mind the following drawbacks and limitations associated with ChatGPT 4:

1. Limited Training Data

GPT 4 is only as intelligent as the pre-training it has received. Like its predecessor, the model knows no data beyond September 2021. While learning events until that point is impressive, it may pose a problem with SEO content writing.

In ever-changing fields, new research can trump old research in months. Thus, what the tool knew to be true in 2021 may be inaccurate in 2023. As mentioned above, accuracy is one of the keys to ranking higher on search engines.

See how ChatGPT’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ends in April 2021.

2. Made-Up Facts

There’s always a risk of ChatGPT presenting flawed information, assumptions, and incomplete data as if they were known facts. It doesn’t help that ChatGPT doesn’t cite its sources, so the user has to fact-check everything anyway.

There have also been instances where ChatGPT fabricated names, links, citations, and other data that should be fact-based. A mayor in Australia is threatening to file a defamation lawsuit against ChatGPT because the software claimed he went to prison for bribery, which is an out-and-out lie.

If these discrepancies are due to how ChatGPT is trained, a change of approach might help its developer avoid similar lawsuits.

3. Disallowed Content

OpenAI reports that GPT 4 has an increased tendency to refuse sensitive requests. It censors information that may enable users to harm themselves or others.

However, it doesn’t change the fact that many companies deal with sensitive information. A political website may deal with partisan politics, but ChatGPT will refuse to take a stance on such issues.

Conversely, human writers can and have carried out detailed discourse on sensitive topics, partisan politics, and the like.

4No Predictions

A human SEO content writer can predict who’ll win, let’s say, the Australian Open based on historical data, patterns, and player performance. ChatGPT, however, will point-blank refuse to respond to such a request.

Interestingly, it will refuse any requests regarding the future of something except its own.

5. Ethical Implications

AI models can potentially be used to spread misinformation, create persuasive yet deceptive narratives, or manipulate public opinion, especially as they get better at generating human-like text.

There’s a risk that people might depend excessively on them for social interaction, potentially leading to dehumanization of real relationships.

What’s more, AI models can perpetuate the biases present in their training data. These biases can relate to gender, race, religion, age, and many other factors, potentially leading to unfair outcomes.

In addition to propagating biased data and making up facts, let’s not ignore the ethical implications of this technology in the education sector.

ChatGPT is currently creating an uneven playing field in schools and colleges worldwide. Even if we take that ethical implication of getting someone (something) else to do your homework or online test away, we can’t ignore the fact that it has a free and paid version. Students who can afford the latter may outperform those making do with the former.

AI models also raise serious concerns about consent and authenticity as they can be used to impersonate individuals or entities.

6. Potential Risks

ChatGPT processes, collects and learns massive amounts of data. While it does this to learn more about our world and how humans talk and behave, it also raises concerns regarding data security.

See OpenAI’s privacy policy; it says that ChatGPT can access and use any information “shared” with it. ChatGPT may not be malicious, but its free version doesn’t stop malicious actors from accessing the information it possesses.

On the cybersecurity end, these actors could also use ChatGPT’s code-writing skills to generate malicious, harmful code. They don’t have to be tech-savvy; they can use the chatbot to generate snippets of harmful code.

AI Writing and SEO Content: A Hit-and-Miss

Google’s stance on using AI-generated content to rank higher is clear. According to the search engine, using AI for rankings instead of helping people is inherently wrong.

Despite emulating the human brain, ChatGPT is not human. It’s a machine that learns things; it only sometimes acquires what people want to know.

That being said, if you provide clear and specific prompts, it can generate content that is unique, helpful, accurate (if fact-checked), and satisfies search intent (which is a must if you want to rank).

Learn More: Guaranteed SEO Strategies: How Experts Dominate SERPs and Drive Traffic

While you can wield ChatGPT Plus to create SEO content, you’ll still have to invest time and effort in quality assurance. You might have industry expertise using this AI, but you’ll also need SEO expertise to ensure the content ticks Google’s ever-increasing boxes. Thus, for the time being, human SEO content writers have the upper hand on AI-generated content.

Can ChatGPT Single-Handedly Create SEO Content?

While there’s no denying that ChatGPT can serve as a versatile and interactive virtual personal assistant in various contexts ranging from providing quick and to-the-point answers, setting reminders, scheduling appointments, providing recommendations, and much more, it all comes down to this question:

Can you take a tool known to A) generate disinformation and B) refuse to make predictions, at its word?

ChatGPT can and has created SEO content in the past. You may harness its intelligence to create a well-researched and unique content strategy, generate click-worthy titles, and discover unique perspectives on highly competitive concepts.

However, you can’t harness its intelligence to discuss current affairs, future events, or partisan politics. Basically, anything that requires human perspective, insight and empathetic or sensitive responses in emotionally charged or nuanced situations.

The chatbot might be a well of information, but this information is theoretical at best. With Google’s algorithm prioritizing first-hand experience, you need a writer that can develop unique and helpful content. ChatGPT can create SEO content, but there’s no guarantee it will create original SEO content for the people.

As things stand, OpenAI is working to improve user safety, accessibility, language diversity, and contextual understanding of its unique tool. All those things will make ChatGPT more innovative, intelligent, and inclusive.

However, there’s still a long way to go in terms of the bot’s contextual understanding and moral reasoning, which is essentially the basis of creating people-friendly content.

We leave you with this trivia: Google indexes web pages totaling 100,000,000 gigabytes. ChatGPT is only trained on 570 gigabytes. Think about that before you treat the tool as your go-to for SEO content writing services.

Global-marketing Inc.: The True One-Stop Shop for SEO Content Writing

ChatGPT might be more intelligent than humans, simply in terms of providing direct and somewhat accurate answers to your questions drawn from a wide range of information—and that too instantaneously.

When ChatGPT‘s latest releases learn and fully lean into Google’s helpful content update, that’s when we can revisit its role in creating SEO content.

While you may have to do some, if not all, the work with ChatGPT, you only have to lift a finger to avail our SEO content writing services. Hire SEO content writers with the industry and SEO expertise you require to create people-centric content and climb up the search engine ladder. Check out our affordable SEO packages here.

Be visible, generate clicks, and turn them into conversions with Global-marketing Inc.’s guaranteed SEO-friendly content writing services.

The post ChatGPT for SEO Content Creation: What Are The Drawbacks? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Effective Local SEO Solutions: 5 Strategies Tailored for Dentists Thu, 18 May 2023 14:03:13 +0000 It’s 2023, and if you’re not using local SEO services to boost your dental practice or services, you’re hurting your business. Despite what you may have been told by long-standing practitioners in the industry, word-of-mouth and other old-school methods of recognition simply won’t cut it in today’s competitive market. With over 202,000 active dentists in the […]

The post Effective Local SEO Solutions: 5 Strategies Tailored for Dentists appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

It’s 2023, and if you’re not using local SEO services to boost your dental practice or services, you’re hurting your business.

Despite what you may have been told by long-standing practitioners in the industry, word-of-mouth and other old-school methods of recognition simply won’t cut it in today’s competitive market.

With over 202,000 active dentists in the US, what makes your services or business recognizable? You’re surrounded by competitors in your region and need to make yourself stand out in the crowd.

The most effective way to do that is to leverage affordable local SEO services that are tailored to your industry and business.

But with the local SEO industry changing rapidly, how do you know what works for your dental practice in 2023—and in the near future?

Let’s delve into the world of SEO for dentists and discuss some local SEO solutions that can be exceptionally useful for your practice.

Understanding Local SEO Services 

Any time someone frantically searches for the nearest reliable dentist in the throes of a toothache, they find one through local SEO.

As a dentist, your website needs local SEO to rank higher for localized searches, given that 46% of all searches are focused on a location.

Users aren’t just looking for businesses; they’re also visiting them to use their services. This is why local SEO is a great way to highlight your unique services, identifiers, and selling points to local customers who are looking for those services via search engines.

It helps you target your client demographic based on geography and places you higher than competing clinics and practitioners in SERPs.

Not only does that bring in more revenue, but it also creates a stronger brand image for your dental practice.

5 Targeted Local SEO Strategies for Dentists

Did you know that 76% of users that search for businesses online are likely to visit them within a day?

This should tell you something. If you’re not using optimization services to leverage local SEO solutions to bring each distressed patient looking to brighten their smile or fix their overbite, you’re missing out.

So let’s talk about some of the top local SEO solutions that are ideal for dentists:

1. Familiarize Yourself with User Intent and Keywords  

This may seem obvious—and redundant—if you’re familiar with anything SEO related. But keywords and user intent are the backbone of any successful SEO strategy, local or otherwise.

That’s why you need to perform a comprehensive analysis and search of the keywords and user insights that are most relevant to your business, right down to your specialization.

Once you understand what keywords to use and how to leverage user intent to provide them with greater value, you can begin incorporating these elements across your website, public listings, content, etc.

User intent will tell you what your local clients are searching for when they use Google to find a service. Here’s an example:

Top Dentist for


Some popular local SEO keywords that you can incorporate include:

With continual optimization services and custom keyword strategies, you’ll be ranking higher on SERPs and garnering more traction and attention in no time—just like Smileworks. In less than four years, Smileworks Went from a small startup to a £3.5M turnover, establishing itself as the leading dental practice in Liverpool by leveraging local keywords effectively.

2. Focus on Extensive, High-Quality Local Link-Building 

Backlinking is an essential component of local SEO for your dental practice. In fact, it’s one of the most important factors that affect your ranking.

They allow you to create a more well-rounded online presence, a higher domain authority, and establish yourself as an industry leader. The higher the quality of your backlinks, the better your local SEO presence will be.

As a dentist or dental service, you can use backlinking in various ways. Here are a few:

Through a combination of methods, our local SEO services company will diversify the type of backlinks associated with your website and help you gain visibility on SERPs.

Recommended Read: Dentist SEO: The Importance of Backlinks and What Kind of Links to Target

3. Leverage Google Posts and Google Business Profile 

As a dentist, you absolutely need to use Google Business Profile optimization services for your practice. Google Business Profiles are one of the most integral local SEO tools available, allowing you to share vital information through highly personalized listings.

You can create posts regarding individual services, business information, contact details, and any other details that are relevant to your target audience. Clients will also be able to see your ratings and identify your business more easily once they know what your business offers.

Here’s a good example of a Google Business Profile that has relevant details about the business:

Google Business Profile also allows you to embed appointment tabs for easier, quicker access and faster conversions, which is a great user-centric feature.

Setting up your GBP would look something like this:

Recommended Read: How to Optimize Google My Business Listing and Leverage It for More Sales

Another thing you should be doing is using Google Posts to your advantage.

This is a free feature that lets you broadcast and share information on a temporary basis. Think Instagram stories but on Google.

You can use it to post promotions, discounts, deals, and other time-sensitive information that may appeal to your audience. Google Posts also allow you to add CTAs and contact information for quick click-throughs and conversions, so it’s worth leveraging.

Don’t forget to optimize local maps too! Your business should be accurately listed and located, easy to access and find, with updated information. Outdated, incorrect information can hurt your rankings and turn clients away.

4. Invest in Local Content Generation for Your Website 

It’s taken a while for us to get here, but there’s no way we could talk about impactful local SEO for dentists without addressing one tenet: content.

Unlike the myth and half-baked magic of the Tooth Fairy, Local SEO content is effective, real, and meaningful.

Dentistry is a rich industry, with a goldmine of content waiting to be discovered. Our in-house content specialists work closely with you to develop engaging, interesting, value-adding content that’s focused on local events, local clientele and their pain points, and local offerings that are relevant to your business.

Here are some ways we can help you leverage local SEO content:

These local content strategies will earn you valuable traffic and help you build a roster of repeat customers.

5. Share Patient Reviews and Testimonials 

Lastly, improve local SEO and Google listing optimization through patient reviews and testimonials. This is a type of engagement that takes place both online and offline and requires you to step out of your comfort zone.

Encourage your patients and clients to leave reviews on public profiles such as Google, or Facebook and share their feedback. Organic reviews and feedback from clients is a surefire way to boost your rankings and bring in new clients.

While a review like this may suffice, you want something more engaging, authentic, and insightful into the patient’s experience, like:

It may take a while to generate quality testimonials, but it’s an important step in getting recognized. Some tips to generate better reviews are available on Google’s own platform.

You Know the Drill—No, Not That One

Knowing the details and significance of local SEO solutions, you should take action right away to capitalize on their benefits.

Boost your dental practices’ visibility, rankings, traffic, and in turn, revenue with some professional help.

At Global-marketing Inc., we offer SEO for dentists, dental clinics, and other professionals within this field.

Our specialists will design customized strategies, optimizing your website, Google profile, business postings, social media, and more, using the latest tools and solutions.

It’s time for the opening move. We’re ready when you are!

The post Effective Local SEO Solutions: 5 Strategies Tailored for Dentists appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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ChatGPT & SEO Content Chaos: Can AI Writing Sabotage Your Rankings? Thu, 06 Apr 2023 11:30:09 +0000 If you haven’t heard of ChatGPT yet, there’s only one explanation for it: you’ve been hiding under a rock. Since its official launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has quite simply taken over. People have their own nicknames for it at this point; it’s become that commonplace. The AI-powered natural language processing tool boasts a human touch […]

The post ChatGPT & SEO Content Chaos: Can AI Writing Sabotage Your Rankings? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..


If you haven’t heard of ChatGPT yet, there’s only one explanation for it: you’ve been hiding under a rock.

Since its official launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has quite simply taken over. People have their own nicknames for it at this point; it’s become that commonplace. The AI-powered natural language processing tool boasts a human touch that we’ve never seen before, at least not like this.

It allows you to have human-like conversations and fetch quality results without the usual robotic monotony language models are known for. You can do pretty much anything: compose emails, whip up blogs, solve math problems, write code, craft business plans, and the like.

Think of ChatGPT as a hyper-smart writing assistant that brings expertise, personalized insights, and fresh ideas to the table.

Sounds like the ultimate tool, right?

Well…not quite.

The AI writing and SEO content marriage doesn’t work well, and it’s easy to see why.

In this blog, we’ll offer a complete breakdown of ChatGPT, its dark underbelly, content quality (with regard to E-E-A-T and Google’s Helpful Content Update), and the effect of AI-generated content on Google SERP rankings, and the future of SEO content writing.

Let’s begin!

The Inner Workings of ChatGPT

Every business wants to elevate its performance and reduce unnecessary expenditure.

When ChatGPT first entered the scene, it caused a lot of jaws to drop because of how effortlessly and swiftly it checked this box off the list.

And the numbers prove that!

By the end of 2023, OpenAI (the creator of ChatGPT) is expected to put more than $200 million into its pocket. By 2024, this number will increase to $1 billion.

None of this is shocking.

ChatGPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) is easily the most impressive AI chatbot today. It’s not a gimmick; it’s a power-packed tool that taps into the strengths of AI technology in ways we’ve never seen before.

Soon after ChatGPT’s launch, Microsoft recognized its potential and invested $10 billion into OpenAI. Microsoft then added ChatGPT to Bing, Skype, and its Office suite (notably Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook) as part of a larger set of AI-driven changes it termed Copilot.

ChatGPT is making big waves, and justifiably so.

Let’s understand how it works.

Before we jump into the GPT scape, let’s quickly look at Google first. Any time you search for something, Google starts scanning the web for relevant, accurate, helpful, and value-added answers.

Google scours its database to find pages that match your request as closely as possible. This process occurs in two parts: the data collection stage and the user interaction stage.

ChatGPT works pretty similarly.

The data collection stage is called pre-training, while the lookup stage is called interference.

ChatGPT does this brilliantly.

The whip-smart tool has been trained to learn a mapping function that precisely maps inputs to outputs. It’s been fed tons and tons of data and given the ability to detect patterns, make sense of queries on its own, and provide personalized responses.

This is where the slippery slope begins.

No matter how robust an AI model may be, it has its limitations. It’s an AI program, after all, not a human. The creators are aware of ChatGPT’s shortcomings, and they’re pretty honest about them.

Yes, putting all your content-writing eggs in the ChatGPT basket may sound like a clever idea. Churn out tons of content, save money, and grow your business.

Sweet, right?

Well, there’s a lot at stake. If you end up releasing inaccurate, misinformed, or outdated content, your reputation will take a hit.

Here’s what we mean:

The reason ChatGPT is unable to answer questions about current trends is that its 3.5 language model only has access to information up until 2021. It has no knowledge of recent world events. Microsoft’s Bing Chat partially addressed this issue with its web browsing functionality.

However, a few weeks ago, ChatGPT took the next leap by powering it with plugins that allows the bot to access third-party knowledge sources like Instacart, Kayak, Shopify. Some plugins allow it to access the web and cite sources in its answers, just like Bing. Of course this comes with its own safety challenges, like quoting unreliable sources.

Notice how each time ChatGPT cannot accurately answer a question, it coughs up “general information” or insight based on “speculation and rumors”.

This is where things get tricky.

When content is created based on guesswork, accuracy goes out the window. This is one of the many chinks in ChatGPT’s armor. Once the microscopic evaluation begins, the fragility and unreliability of the armor become obvious (and we’ll dive deeper into it in this blog).

ChatGPT works perfectly on paper but only partially well in practice. If used by individuals who lack industry expertise and content writing experience, the consequences can be dire.

Content Writing with ChatGPT

ChatGPT fiercely entered the content writing scene back in November 2022, and it hasn’t slowed down since.

Its shortcomings don’t become apparent right away. When you first try your hand at ChatGPT, you’ll generate original, thoughtful, and uncannily good content. Let’s look at a few examples of ChatGPT doing what it does best.

A little dramatic towards the end? Sure. “But fear not, my friends, for I am here to…” frankly makes us snicker.

However, the beginning is powerful, engaging, and exciting. ChatGPT captures your attention from the get-go without batting an eyelash (no content writing expenditure, nothing).

Let’s try this again.



But pretty darn good?


There’s a reason why The Verge, an authoritative tech publication, released a blog half-written by ChatGPT that made it to the top SERPs. Chockfull of ChatGPT content, the 600-word satirical article outranked more in-depth, helpful, well-researched, and value-added content for the same query (best printer 2023).

If we run this query right now (as of April 2023), it smugly claims the fourth SERP spot.

This is a classic example of AI-generated content beating Google’s algorithm (even when the article makes it very clear that it’s written using ChatGPT). Keep reading, and you’ll find a string of non-technical terminology that’s rather unfitting for an expert review.

If AI-generated content isn’t what it’s cracked up to be, why is it dominating Google SERPs?

A flash in the pan?


Masterful content tweaking?


The Verge makes it pretty clear that this article is half-filled with ChatGPT content. While the second half is GPT-heavy, the first half is a witty treat whipped up by Nilay Patel, an award-winning editor and blogger.

ChatGPT is an asset when it lands in the right hands. But if the wrong hands catch wind of it, a lawsuit or penalization may very well come knocking at their door.

Your domain authority (DA) score also matters here.

The Verge boasts an impressive DA score of 93.

Of course, Google’s gonna take their content seriously, even if it’s pure satire. This begs the question of whether ChatGPT content will help you rank or not. If your DA score isn’t as impressive as The Verge’s, forget it, AI-spun content won’t get you anywhere.

And if you’re not an expert who can satisfy Google’s E-E-A-T requirements and Helpful Content Update, forget it a second time, your rankings will remain exactly where they are (or drop).

ChatGPT is only a useful tool for the top dogs who have already established themselves in their industry and know how to tweak and add new content to ChatGPT’s creations.

As a small or medium-sized business that hasn’t started dominating the web yet, you’re better off putting ChatGPT aside and turning to experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled SEO content writers who don’t drop the ball.

Recommended Read: SEO Content Guide to Search Engine Ranking Factors

Limitations Generating Long-From Content

ChatGPT 3.5 is known to create boilerplate content when it comes to producing lengthy, structured content. While it will be grammatically correct with coherent sentences, it follows a particular format, making it a dead giveaway of AI generated content, and consequently tanking your rankings in SERPs.

Google vs. ChatGPT

The Google vs. ChatGPT knockout is like a rhetorical question: we don’t want an answer or, in this case, a winner. We already know who dominates.

Google is the undefeated champion of search queries. Is ChatGPT giving it competition?


But does ChatGPT actually have the potential to sit on the throne itself?

Not a chance.

Google serves as a gateway to the internet; it gives you the most relevant results and lets you pick and go as you like. With a market share of an astounding 92.58%, Google is a beast of a platform. Its index contains millions and billions of webpages exceeding 100,000,000 gigabytes in size.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, has been trained using a meager 570 gigabytes of data.

It breaks down complex topics into simple, bite-sized, digestible content and delivers it to your doorstep, ready to consume whether you like it or not. The content doesn’t demonstrate expertise, nor does it cover recent events and trends. There’s no way you can generate “fresh” content using ChatGPT. It’s new, too simplistic, and quite simply unreliable.

Google is incredibly reliable owing to decades of expertise and updates. It’s also available 24/7/365, whereas ChatGPT often needs to rest.

We’re not bashing AI technology. ChatGPT, while unreliable, is a step in the right direction. The AI world holds immense potential, and we’re finally tapping into it. However, it doesn’t hold a candle to Google, nor does ChatGPT-created content match up to professional SEO content writing services.

Even for basic queries, Google is the most reliable platform you can turn to.

Here’s a quick example.

If you ask Google to fetch the name of Scotland’s current prime minister, no problem, you’ll land accurate results right away. Give ChatGPT the same command, and it’ll turn up empty-handed.

No matter which topic you tackle, you’ll have to provide the latest facts and figures at some point to lend legitimacy and credibility to your work. This is also considered a good SEO practice.

ChatGPT will not let you check this box off the list. What’s the key takeaway here?

While you should still stick to Google and professional SEO content writers, the potential of AI cannot be ignored. And Google knows that as well. According to The New York Times, Google issued “code red” as a response to ChatGPT.

Of course, ChatGPT is a threat. While it’s incapable of replacing Google, it’s certainly capable of giving Google a tough time. However, content created by humans is and always will be valued more than AI-generated content.

By combining your own expertise, experience, and skillset with the power of automation, you can achieve stellar results.

Google has already started testing the waters. Bard—Google’s response to ChatGPT—is an experimental AI service powered by language model for dialogue applications (LaMDA).

LaMDA came to light in May 2021. Fast forward to 2023, and it’s being used to scale more users. When AI technology is used as an accessory to human-created content, the results are fantastic.

This is exactly what Google plans to do.

However, when AI technology takes the front seat, the risk significantly increases. There’s a reason why Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, admitted that “relying” on ChatGPT isn’t the smartest call.

And then there’s this:

And this:

If the CEO himself is making it pretty clear that you cannot put all your eggs in the AI-generated content basket, listen to them.

What Does Google Think About ChatGPT?

Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller makes it pretty clear that content created using AI writing tools is spam; it goes against Google’s webmaster guidelines.

If you copy/paste ChatGPT content on your blog, Google will classify it as “auto-generated content” and impose a manual penalty.

We know that this doesn’t always happen.

The article published by The Verge makes it pretty clear that Google isn’t exactly following through on its promise of detecting and chucking out AI content the first chance it gets.

This doesn’t mean you get a free pass to start creating AI content left, right, and center.

Yes, Google’s systems aren’t capable of detecting all AI-generated content yet. However, Google is heading in that direction.

According to Mueller, “If we see that something is automatically generated, then the webspam team can definitely take action on that.”

So while Googlebot can’t pick up on AI content yet, Google’s human quality raters shoulder this responsibility.

“And I don’t know how the future will evolve there, but I imagine like with any other of these technologies, there will be a little bit of a cat and mouse game, where sometimes people will do something and they get away with it, and then the webspam team catches up and solves that issue on a broader scale,” Mueller continues.

The following video breaks down his complete response:

If you want to create high-quality content that ranks on Google SERPs, make sure you satisfy Google’s E-E-A-T and Helpful Content Update requirements.

Let’s break these down.

Google E-E-A-T

Google wants to provide the best user experience possible to anyone who runs a search query.

In order to check this box off the list, Google has put forth a pretty simple request for content creators: write content that demonstrates a high level of E-E-A-T, i.e., experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

If you hand your content writing tasks over to Tom, Dick, or Harry and instruct them to use ChatGPT, they’ll return with content that lacks E-E-A-T. If you’re lucky (and we mean winning-the-lottery lucky), you’ll beat the system and rank high on Google SERPs.

This only happens once in a blue moon to the crème de la crème of websites with high DA.

If you’re not lucky but not unlucky either, Google won’t take action against your work, and your rankings will be mediocre (this happens in most cases). And if you’re unlucky, Google will penalize you.

Worth the risk?


You can only establish E-E-A-T if you hand your tasks over to SEO content writers who possess experience and expertise in SEO content writing and your industry.

Let’s say you run a law firm. Your content should only be created by a professional content writer with a background in law. Even if they use ChatGPT for inspiration, they’ll possess the experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness needed to turn GPT’s mediocre work into something fantastic.

And, of course, they’ll power it with their own knowledge. This is the only way ChatGPT should be used, if you must use it, that is. However, at Global-marketing Inc., we recommend ditching AI tools for the writing process itself.

Sure, use them for inspiration. However, the writing process should be left to experts who know what they’re doing.

E-E-A-T is essential for SEO content writing because it helps search engines determine the relevance, credibility, and quality of your content. By following E-E-A-T guidelines, you can improve your website’s search rankings, drive more organic traffic, and establish your brand as a credible authority in your industry.

While E-E-A-T is important for every business, it’s especially pivotal for B2B businesses.

You can’t turn to ChatGPT for picky clients who are already incredibly well-informed. If you fail to use the right jargon and provide in-depth knowledge, your business will land in hot water. B2B content must be masterful, and then some. This is too tall of an order for AI bots. When you let experienced professionals take the steering wheel for you, you’ll ride stress-free in the passenger’s seat.

For more insight into Google E-E-A-T (including specific ways to master it), read our latest blog.

Google’s Helpful Content Update

Google’s August 2022 Helpful Content Update is another big consideration for content creators today. The update aims to reward content that provides value and a good experience to users.  When content meets people’s expectations, it performs pretty darn well on Google SERPs.

Here’s the catch.

AI-generated content includes a lot of fluff. More often than not, it’s redundant, low in value, and generic. The Helpful Content Update makes Google more capable of detecting content written for search engines and relegating it to lower SERPs.

What’s Google’s advice?

Start creating people-first content.

Google shared a list of questions that must be satisfied. If you answer “yes” to most—if not all—of them, you’re on the right track.

Source: Google Search Central blog

If you turn to ChatGPT, you’ll automatically end up answering “no” to most of these questions. At the end of the day, people are turning to Google to find your business, not ChatGPT. Your goal is to please the search engine where your site ranks, which for now is Google, not an AI bot.

When you turn to professionals and keep quality intact, your rankings will rise.

As tempting as ChatGPT may be, it’s too slippery of a slope right now. In the future, we may reach a point where ChatGPT reaches the same level as Google Search (we have our doubts). However, as of April 2023, we’re far from that point. Stick to the rulebook to stay in Google’s good books until the book is replaced altogether.

If and when that happens, we’ll break the news to you and roll out a new game plan. Until then, professional SEO content writing is the smartest and safest call.

Equip Your Content Arsenal with Cut-Throat Content That Wows Your Audience

When you let professionals take the reins, your content will come with all the bells and whistles needed to blow your audience’s socks off.

At Global-marketing Inc., we’re known for doing just that!

In this blog, we covered the AI writing and SEO content landscape to help you understand which approach is right for your business. Now that you have a better understanding of how to proceed, let’s roll out the grand plan!

If you want to hire SEO content writers who are capable of creating winning content, you’re at the right place. Team Global-marketing Inc. is home to hundreds of content writers with a background in varying industries ranging from technology to finance to law to construction.

We equip your website with engaging, value-added, relevant, accurate, and impactful content that resonates with your audience, puts more $$$ into your pocket, and improves your brand identity.

Whether you run a B2B or B2C business, we’ll help you dominate Google SERPs with kickass content. Explore our SEO content writing services to get started!

The post ChatGPT & SEO Content Chaos: Can AI Writing Sabotage Your Rankings? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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SEO Content Guide to Search Engine Ranking Factors Thu, 05 Jan 2023 14:29:15 +0000 The Power of Search Engines in 2023 Google processes 99,000+ searches every second. That number is quite simply mind-blowing. In 2023, the power of Google cannot be underestimated. If you want to grow your audience, maximize sales, and increase brand recognition, Google should be your primary focus. High-ranking content will help you reel in a wider […]

The post SEO Content Guide to Search Engine Ranking Factors appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

The Power of Search Engines in 2023

Google processes 99,000+ searches every second. That number is quite simply mind-blowing.

In 2023, the power of Google cannot be underestimated. If you want to grow your audience, maximize sales, and increase brand recognition, Google should be your primary focus. High-ranking content will help you reel in a wider audience, make sweet sales, and grow your business the way you want.

Easier said than done, right? Writing content that’s a hit on Google isn’t exactly a piece of cake. It requires a lot of meticulous research, planning, and execution.

In this blog, we’ll help you do just that.

You can’t write high-ranking SEO content without understanding the top content Google ranking factors. Once you understand which conditions must be satisfied to make your way to the top SERPs, your rankings will start shaping up. Let’s take a closer look at critical content ranking factors that determine SERP success.

Take notes; we’ll cover the nitty-gritty of the Google content ranking landscape in 2023!

Search Engine Ranking Factors for Content in 2023

1. Quality of Content

Yes, you’ve heard this a million times. And yes, you’re tired of being told the same thing year in, year out. We may sound like a broken record, but quality is truly the ammo you need to succeed on Google SERPs.

Of course, there are some pretty neat optimization tricks that will hike up your rankings, and we’ll get to those in just a bit. But quality is the single most critical factor that can make or break SERP performance. If your content lacks quality, forget it, there’s no way you can salvage your rankings.

In 2023, aim to write well-researched, cogent, well-structured, engaging, and value-added content that brings something new to the table. The basics should be covered: excellent grammar, syntax, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary. On top of that, your content should reflect industry expertise yet be digestible enough for your audience.

If you run a B2B business, you have more room for complexity. But if you run a B2C business, you must master the art of positioning yourself as an expert without making people scratch their heads. When you hit all the right notes, Google will prioritize your content over hundreds and thousands of similar blogs and articles.

In 2023, Googlebot is smarter than ever. It’ll scan your content and determine its value within seconds. When you put quality first, you’ll pass the first test. Awesomeness, as John Mueller put it, will give you a miraculous boost on SERPs.

Recommended Read: How to Write a Blog That Ranks

2. Backlinks

Backlinks are hyperlinks on third-party websites that take users from the original page to your page. For example, if Forbes gives your blog a shoutout in their content, you’ll earn a backlink. Think of this like a vote of confidence. It’ll do wonders for your rankings and help you earn organic traffic. Backlinks from high-DA (domain authority) sites are a big content ranking factor.

Here’s how this works. Let’s say you want to buy a new product as a consumer. Once you’ve done basic research and decided which brand you’ll buy from, you’ll check out their customer reviews. What do other people have to say about the brand, their customer service, and the particular product you’re eyeing? Positive reviews will help you feel confident in finalizing the purchase. Negative comments will help you save yourself from a bad shopping experience.

Google uses pretty much the same logic to distinguish good content from bad content. When a high-DA site offers link juice to another website, they must be up to something good just by virtue of association. As a result, Google will rank the recipient site higher on SERPs.

As someone who’s creating content, your job is to generate more backlinks from high-DA businesses. Write guest posts, up your content quality and marketing game, pitch your content to reputable sites, and increase your PR efforts.

The more high-DA backlinks you generate, the better. Low-DA backlinks provide weak, insufficient link juice that doesn’t do much for rankings. Since Google doesn’t trust these sites to begin with, how will you benefit from their shoutout?

Keep this difference in mind:

Once you start building a large number of high-DA backlinks, you’ll be in for quite a ranking treat! Avoid using black hat link building strategies. Googlebot has become ultra-smart in 2023. If you try to bend the rules through unethical means, you’ll get penalized or even banned.

3. Keyword Usage

High-ranking content always has the right balance of high-volume keywords. However, many businesses put all their eggs in the keyword basket and wonder why their strategy keeps failing time and time again.

We’re mentioning keywords now instead of right in the beginning for a reason. Keywords are important, but churning out keyword-rich content that lacks quality will do nothing for your rankings. Quality always takes precedence over any other ranking factor.

John Mueller tweeted this for a reason:

In a nutshell, yes, keywords are important. But only after you’ve already taken care of quality. Start by researching the most relevant and high-ranking keywords for your industry. Keep other factors like audience segmentation and location in mind.

Your monthly keyword plan should include a complete set of relevant keywords ranked based on their search volume. Remember that your keyword plan will change every month as new industry trends, audience interests, events, holidays, and other momentous developments occur.

Let’s say you run a clothing store. If you’re creating content around Halloween, your keyword research plan should also include Halloween-themed keywords like “outfit ideas for Halloween”, “what to wear on Halloween 2023”, etc.

If you stick to the same keyword plan each month, you’ll fail to add time-sensitive keywords to the mix. Incorporate keywords into the title tag, Meta description, URL, H1 title, H2 headings, URL, and naturally throughout the body of the content (especially within the first 100 words). If you’re using anchor text, it should also be optimized with the highest-ranking product/service keyword in your local industry.

For example, if you run a healthcare clinic in New York and write a blog titled “X Effective Physical Therapy Modalities for Knee Pain”, your anchor text should include a keyword like “physical therapy services for knee pain in New York”. This specifies the treatment (physical therapy), the condition it helps with (knee pain), and the location of the practice (New York).

Catch out drift?

We also recommend optimizing images with image filename and alt text. Use this guide to get your SEO content keyword placement just right:

Recommended: A Beginner’s Guide to Optimizing Web Content for Better Reach and Conversions

Now, there are a few more tricks that can help you elevate your rankings. Page speed is a common technical ranking factor, but it also ties in with content. In 2023, web users simply don’t have the time to wait for their content to load. If your content doesn’t load naturally and immediately, you’ll end up with not-so-great rankings, a high bounce rate, and a low conversion rate.

Undo the damage by using an image compressor to maintain a low image file size of 70 to 100 KB. If you can go lower than this, even better! Additionally, save images as JPG, not PNG. These little measures will help you improve page speed and give your content a nice boost on SERPs. Keep the Core Web Vitals in mind:

  • LCP (Largest Contentful Paint): The visible elements of your content should load within 2.5 seconds
  • FID (First Input Delay): Your content pages should react within 100 milliseconds or less when a user clicks on a button, window, or any other on-page element that can be interacted with
  • CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift):Your content pages should load predictably with no disruptive popups or erratic movements that can affect user experience

While these are technical ranking factors, they also apply to content pages. Check these boxes off the list, and your rankings will start shaping up.

4. Search Intent

Search intent is the intention a web user has when they make an online search. For example, if a web user looks up “DWI lawyers in LA”, their search intent (search purpose) is to find a great DWI lawyer in LA.

Chances are the web user recently got arrested for a DWI themselves or has a family member/friend who’s in trouble. Perhaps they’re taking precautionary measures and becoming informed about DWI law should they ever require assistance in the future.

You can tell a lot about a user’s thought process through their search query alone. If you want to rank higher on Google SERPs, ensure your content matches user search intent. In other words, create relevant content that gives web users what they’re looking for.

If a web user wants to buy a product/sign up for a service, provide more product/service-related insight. If they have a problem, solve it with your content. If they want to learn how to do something, show them how. And if they’re trying to better understand a topic, provide expertise.

Once you get a good grasp of the why behind a search query, you’ll be able to create masterful content that doesn’t miss the mark. The goal is to write something your audience is interested in, not something they couldn’t care less about. Once you start writing content, you’ll reach a point where you feel like you’ve covered everything. When this happens, you may start writing fluff and irrelevant content that further damages your rankings.

There’s no such thing as content saturation; you can always come up with new content ideas no matter how restrictive the landscape may appear at first. Keep your content relevant at all times. You can also diversify your content plan by branching out into different types of content like videos, how-to guides, infographics, listicles, long-form articles, cluster blogs, and so on.

Google has one simple goal: giving web users what they want. When you do the legwork for them, why wouldn’t Google reward you with better rankings? Once you master this technique, you’ll be surprised by just how much it benefits your business!

5. Mobile-Friendliness

If your content cannot be accessed by smartphone users, you’re leaving a big, big, big chunk of your audience unengaged. Mobile-friendliness is a prominent ranking factor. Google’s mobile-first indexing system means that your website’s mobile version will be used for indexing and ranking first.

Compared to desktop content pages, mobile content pages are considered more important and useful. Make sure your content can be easily accessed by smartphone users, no questions asked. This little switch will give you a significant boost in traffic.

All Aboard the Ranking Train!

In this blog, we walked you through the top content Google ranking factors for 2023. Now it’s time to start creating content that satisfies these requirements! We’re running the final few checks on the ranking train. Are you ready to board it? Let’s start the journey!

At Global-marketing Inc., we provide professional content writing services that help you rank higher on Google SERPs, generate more traffic, and secure your bottom line. We sprinkle our optimization dust on every piece of content to make it search engine-friendly.

Power-packed, optimized, and high-quality content is your golden ticket to greater online visibility and enviable sales. We have the tools, experience, and experience needed to help you get there!

We also provide full-scale SEO services to help your brand stand out on Google SERPs, make a great impression on web users, and hit the ground running. Our content specialists and SEO experts are ready to steer your brand in the right direction. Let’s begin!

The post SEO Content Guide to Search Engine Ranking Factors appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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10 Best Real-Time SEO Content Analysis Tools Thu, 08 Dec 2022 10:39:57 +0000 Real-time SEO content is a game-changer. Everyone knows this by now. Instead of creating lazy content that lacks freshness, you’re creating whip-smart, relevant, time-sensitive, and catchy content around hot trends and topics. The outcome? People will flock to your content faster than birds flock to sunflower seeds. Yes, the traffic and conversions are temporary. When the […]

The post 10 Best Real-Time SEO Content Analysis Tools appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Real-time SEO content is a game-changer. Everyone knows this by now.

Instead of creating lazy content that lacks freshness, you’re creating whip-smart, relevant, time-sensitive, and catchy content around hot trends and topics. The outcome? People will flock to your content faster than birds flock to sunflower seeds.

Yes, the traffic and conversions are temporary. When the trend dies out, people will lose interest in your content. However, that temporary traffic and conversion hike will mean serious business for your brand. As you keep creating real-time content, you’ll stabilize traffic and conversions, improve your brand identity, and achieve consistent growth.

That’s great, right? Time to kick-start your campaign? Not yet.

Writing real-time SEO content is just half the task. Once you’ve released your content to the masses, it’s time to put your tracking hat on. Real-time SEO content analysis is crucial. It marries analytics with marketing to give you a complete picture of how well your content is doing.

When you combine manual content analysis methodologies with smart content analysis tools, you’ll understand exactly where you stand and take the next content steps accordingly. The right tools will help you answer questions like:

  • What is the overall performance of my content?
  • Are there any shortcomings?
  • How can I improve my content?
  • Am I generating enough backlinks?
  • What should I change in the upcoming SEO content campaign?

This blog will walk you through 10 of the best real-time SEO content analysis tools in 2023. Work with an expert to use them to their full potential, and you’re in for the best content performance you’ve had so far.

Before we begin, here’s a quick rundown of the tools we’ll cover:

1. Google Analytics

They didn’t just say, “Get insights only Google can give” for no reason; this is as good as it gets. Google Analytics is the crème de la crème of content analysis. It does pretty much everything for free, which is a rarity. Google Analytics 360 is super expensive, but you don’t have to upgrade; the basic version gives you everything you need. Let’s understand why we’re putting this in the big leagues.

Google Analytics doesn’t just do content analysis; it goes a step ahead and provides detailed insights like:

  • Shopping behavior
  • E-commerce conversions
  • Checkout behavior
  • Offline CRM conversions
  • Product performance
  • Marketing data
  • Sales performance

Of course, it doesn’t disappoint when it comes to pure content analysis. You can analyze page-level performance for your blogs and other types of content. Keep track of traffic, user metrics, conversion metrics, and engagement metrics (exit rate, bounce rate, etc.). You can also break the larger “traffic” category into organic traffic, referral traffic, social traffic, and so on.

At the end of the day, every business wants to know how many conversions their content yields. The conversion report will give you an A to Z picture of where you stand. You’ll be able to answer questions like:

  • Which blogs earned the most conversions?
  • Why?
  • Which strategies did you utilize?
  • How can you ensure that future content enjoys high conversions as well?

We’re just touching the tip of the iceberg. By analyzing the results, you’ll fine-tune your SEO content marketing efforts and make magic happen. As one of the most advanced, sophisticated, user-friendly, and power-packed content analysis tools out there, Google Analytics will help you take your content to new heights.

The smart platform offers integration with a wide range of other tools, including Google Search Console, Google Ads, Google Search Ads 360, Google AdSense, Google Ad Manager, Salesforce Marketing, Google Data Studio, and many, many more.

The data is brilliantly visualized, so you don’t have to worry about getting confused or feeling flustered at any point. Filter the data as you deem fit to obtain rich insights. If you’re new to content analysis, don’t take the reins yourself. Find a trusted SEO marketing and management company that uses special techniques to deliver the most useful and nuanced insights.

Use this tutorial to get started:

2. Google Search Console

Another genius and free tool, Google Search Console helps webmasters find and fix crawling and indexing errors on their content pages. While Ahrefs and Semrush are great tools (we’ll get to those in a bit), Google Search Console provides features that they lack, namely, impressions and click-through rates. You can also integrate it directly with Google Data Studio, which is great for evaluating your search performance and rankings.

Understand why your content is underperforming based on how Google’s bots and crawlers are responding to it. Analyze complete content performance, including keywords, impressions, click-through rates, site speed, and more. Google Search Console also helps you understand why particular content is not being indexed.

If your page can’t be indexed, it will not rank. This will render your content useless in a way; it will not show up on the top Google SERPs. Lack of visibility means no traffic. It’s as if your content is shrouded in an invisibility cloak; it cannot be seen by your target audience or anyone else, for that matter. Use the URL Inspection Tool to identify the underlying problems and roll out the right game plan accordingly.

Use this guide to get started:

Set up an account for your business website to start reaping the benefits of Google Search Console.

3. Semrush

If you’re new to real-time SEO content analysis, keep an eye out for Semrush, particularly their Content Marketing Platform.

The powerful tool is designed to help content marketers manage critical tasks, create value-added content that earns maximum conversions, improve content plans, identify content gaps, analyze content, and do so much more. You get your standard SEO reports (keyword research, domain analysis, backlink analysis, competitor analysis, etc.). However, you also benefit from nuanced insights about your content.

For instance, the Topic Research Tool helps you discover new content ideas and generate engaging, high-ranking, value-added, and relevant content.

Let’s get to the content analysis bit. Semrush offers a lot of essential features, including:

  • Analytics reports
  • Backlinks reports
  • Paid Ads research
  • Keyword research
  • Display advertising
  • Product listing ads
  • Keyword tools
  • Social media tracker
  • Website audit
  • Website traffic analytics

There’s a strong focus on SEO but an equally strong focus on content. Semrush checks critical content factors like quality, originality, and tone. You can also use it as a Google Docs add-on or WordPress plugin. It’ll help you out at every stage of the content management process: research, writing, optimization, marketing, and analysis.

This is an all-in-one tool that’s perfect for beginners. Take a peek at how your competitors are doing and use the insights to restructure your content accordingly. Semrush lets you do pretty much everything. If you’re using this tool, you will not be disappointed. There’s a reason why their CEO is willing to chomp down on his proverbial hat should you find a better tool out there.

Now, we still think Google Analytics is a better all-around tool (it’s free, so that’s an added bonus). Semrush comes with more frills, especially as far as content goes. However, the foundational offerings are the same. Why use a paid app when a free app created by the behemoth Google offers the same thing?

If you want to switch to Semrush for greater content prowess, that’s a step in the right direction. However, as an all-around tool, Google Analytics is still your best bet. For extra bells and whistles, turn to your content writing team.

If you’re working with Global-marketing Inc. (that’s us!), we’ll provide rich insights to ensure that your content performs optimally. You’ll end up saving a lot of money and yield the same power-packed results.

4. Ahrefs

In 2023, Ahrefs is considered one of the best paid real-time SEO content analysis tools out there. It packs a powerful punch: keyword rank tracking, keyword research, content gap analysis, backlink auditing, competing domain analysis, and so much more.

The visualization is seamless, so much so that you’ll be tempted to check your analytics every hour. Ahrefs operates smooth as butter and offers pretty much everything you could ask for, which easily puts it in the top leagues. However, there’s one downside: its price.

The Lite Plan starts at $99/month and offers minimal content analysis tools, so you have to move on to the next plan by default. The Standard Plan is appropriate for professional SEO analysis and starts at $199/month. This is fairly high, especially since you’re only getting real-time SEO content research and analysis, not content writing to go with it.

If you turn to content beasts like Global-marketing Inc., you can easily get content writing, research, marketing, and analysis services in one at the same price point. However, this doesn’t mean that you should take Ahrefs off the radar entirely.

It’s still a power-packed tool that offers brilliant insights. Plan content, research competitors, perform keyword research, identify content opportunities, audit technical content page performance, discover new content topics, find link building opportunities, and do so much more. Ahrefs will help you polish your content campaign until it glistens with not a single speck in sight. As an up-and-coming business, that’s exactly what you want.

If the price sounds reasonable, invest in Ahrefs. However, if you’re expecting more at this price point, turn to another platform.


Yoast is considered one of the original SEO content analysis tools. Fast forward to 2023, and businesses still love it just as much! This is a WordPress SEO plugin, not a standalone application. It still offers a wide range of benefits. For starters, Yoast is extremely easy to install and start using. Just sign up, and it’s all systems go!

Yoast will:

  • Add target keywords, meta descriptions, and related keywords to your content
  • Provide keyword density scores by checking the presence of keywords in the URL, title, introductory paragraph, heading(s), subheading(s), meta description, image alt tags, and general content
  • Provide readability scores by checking for parameters like transition words, consecutive sentences, Flesch reading ease, paragraph and sentence length, subheading distribution, passive voice, text presence, and more
  • Add schema and FAQs to content pages
  • Improve site structure
  • Increase content page loading times
  • Inform you about duplicate content

While Yoast isn’t as powerful as some of the bigger platforms out there, it’s very convenient and affordable ($99 per year). You’re paying a meager $8.25 per month, which is brilliant considering just how much you’re getting in return. Yoast also has a cool reminder system in place.

To ensure content freshness, it sends reminders when content pages haven’t been updated in six months. This is a great way to identify pages that need to be re-analyzed. With the release of Yoast 19.11, users reap the benefits of improved SEO data optimization. Yoast will index your website data to understand your site and implement more relevant, improved, and specific fixes.

If you’re strictly looking for content analysis without anything else, use Yoast’s power-packed Real-Time Content Analysis Tool. Simply enter the content you want to analyze, choose a focus keyword, and start reviewing the results. There are two distinct analyses: the readability analysis and the SEO analysis. Both work in tandem to provide a robust, comprehensive, accurate, and hyper-specific analysis.

All in all, Yoast is perfect for startups and small businesses that have a small budget and want a great start. You can always work your way up to a fancier SEO content analysis tool. However, this is the perfect starting point.

6. MarketMuse

When it comes to semantically-focused content optimization, MarketMuse is one of the top contenders. However, its content analysis game is also terrific. The whip-smart tool helps you create expert-level content that ranks high on SERPs.

Once you’ve used their tools to launch powerful content, you can use their heatmap to identify content and competition gaps. MarketMuse helps users develop a good understanding of exactly where their content fell short and what needs to be done to revive it.

As an AI-powered content planning and optimization software, MarketMuse automates complex manual SEO research and analysis tasks, so you don’t have to worry about wasted labor and revenue. It’s futuristic, intelligent, and more than just impressive!

If MarketMuse also created content, it would be the perfect place to tackle all your content problems! However, for now, the platform is fully focused on content research, optimization, refinement, and analysis. For the content writing bit, turn to professional content writers separately (from a different agency, of course).

7. Moz

Moz is considered one of the most trusted names in the digital marketing industry, and with good reason. Their applications are second to none. If you want your content to hit the ground running, head to Moz’sworkshop.

When it comes to content analysis, Moz tackles some of the most critical aspects of the process: keyword research, on-page optimization, site crawling, rank tracking, link research, and more. The robust tool will scan your content, analyze performance, and give you an overview of where your content stands.

Competitor analysis is a big part of content analysis. Use Moz’s Link Explorer to find the top-ranking content created by your competitors. Compare their performance with yours to better understand which areas you need to work on.

Moz’s Page Authority and Keyword Gap tools also provide valuable insights. Find out which high-DA businesses are offering backlinks to your top competitors. Use this information to launch a targeted link building plan that helps you reel in high-quality backlinks and enjoy better rankings.

Moz isn’t just focused on SEO or content; it fuses both aspects to provide the most hyper-specific and useful analysis you could get. We make no bones about their expertise and trustworthiness. As a world-class provider of data, Moz provides some of the sharpest tools in the SEO content den. They don’t just get the job done; they get it done to perfection.

If you partner with Moz, you’re in great hands.

8. BuzzSumo

As one of the biggest names in the content analytics industry, BuzzSumo is always buzzing! The platform is known for providing advanced content insights to businesses, enabling them to generate high-performing, value-added, high-ranking, and tailored content. If you want your content to boost conversions, BuzzSumo should be your first stop.

The platform doesn’t beat around the bush; it spits out the truth without any embellishments.

  • What type of content works and what doesn’t?
  • What’s going wrong?
  • How can you get back on track?

By doubling down on discovery, research, and monitoring, BuzzSumo gives you everything you’re asking for as far as content analysis goes. Here’s a closer look at their terrific features:

  • A complete analysis of real-time trends on a topic-by-topic basis
  • Filtered trends based on location
  • Content engagement comparison between domains
  • Feed personalization
  • Backlink analysis

Find evergreen, trending, and relevant ideas to create content that resonates with your audience. BuzzSumo dissects real-time content and breaks it down in a way that’s understandable to small businesses with minimal knowledge of SEO content. Since they analyze real-time content, you get real-time results.

Review instant performance data on the content you just released. The upside? You can edit your upcoming content without delays. BuzzSumo analyzes different types of content, including:

  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Press releases
  • Newsletters
  • Podcasts
  • Infographics
  • Interviews

They offer tons of filters, including:

  • Countries (worldwide, no limitations)
  • Data ranges (24 hours to 5 years)
  • Languages (170+)
  • Word count (Less than 750 words to 2000+ words)
  • Journalists (500k+)
  • Publisher size
  • Country TLD
  • Dominant reaction

You can get as specific as possible to yield relevant insights that help you make powerful changes. Slice and dice the data easily; you can export the results in a .CSV or Excel document. The final Content Analysis Report gives you a complete overview of content performance. The insights are easy to understand (lots of simple pie charts and bar graphs), share, and dissect with your team.

If you’re ready to give BuzzSumo a shot, use this guide to kick things off.

9. Clearscope

Clearscope first entered the market as a MarketMuse alternative. It didn’t take long for the platform to develop a cult following. Known for its content optimization and analysis prowess, Clearscope ensures that your content doesn’t slip through any cracks. None at all. It finely combs through your content and gives you an overall grade.

Now, Clearscope isn’t exactly cheap. You can choose between three plans: the Essentials Plan ($170/month), the Business Plan ($1,200/month), and the Enterprise Plan (custom pricing).

While the prices are higher than expected, Clearscope scans your content as if it were a child rummaging through the fridge at 2 am in search of treats.

The power-packed tool reaches every nook and cranny to provide a comprehensive analysis that doesn’t disappoint. Clearscope helps you:

  • Produce relevant, engaging, readable, clickable, and shareable content
  • Rank above competitors
  • Refresh old content for better rankings
  • Rework your upcoming content campaigns

Use their Google Docs add-on and WordPress plugin to further streamline your team’s content workflow. Strive to get an A++. If you get a lower grade, Clearscope will tell you exactly what went wrong so you can implement the right fix accordingly.

10. Global-marketing Inc. (That’s Us!)

Think of a tool that does everything in one: content research, writing, optimization, editing, marketing, analysis, and repeat. That’s Global-marketing Inc. for you in a nutshell.

When we first launched our business, we had one clear goal in mind: providing the entirety of high-quality digital marketing services under one roof.

We don’t want clients to run to five different providers for SEO content writing tools, social media marketing, graphic design, web maintenance, PPC marketing, and so on.

The same goes for content. You shouldn’t have to use a plethora of tools for different content tasks. At Global-marketing Inc., we take care of all your content needs in one place. We don’t just write or analyze content; we do everything.

Our team starts by researching the most relevant content titles for your business. We run comprehensive keyword research powered by AI technology and human expertise. During the research stage, we keep your industry, audience, products/services, and business goals in mind to develop relevant, audience-centric, engaging, and sought-after content titles.

This is followed by the writing and editing stage.

We focus on:

  • Quality
  • Value
  • Syntax
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Spelling
  • Vocabulary
  • Originality
  • Creativity
  • Relevance
  • Clarity
  • Keyword optimization
  • External and internal linking
  • On-page SEO optimization (title tags, headings, meta description, image filename, image alt text, CTAs, URLs, etc.)

Once the content is ready to go, our team actively markets it across your social media pages. We make sure the content reaches your target audience and generates maximum conversions. Towards the end of your campaign, we kick-start our analysis efforts. Our team carefully rakes through the content and performance to identify shortcomings, areas for improvement, and new opportunities.

We restructure the upcoming campaigns to help you achieve a high level of content mastery. We use Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and our own real-time SEO content analysis tools to help you win over your audience with the sheer power of content. By covering every inch of the content landscape, we ensure that all your content needs are taken care of in one place.

The Turning Point is Here!

It’s time to make your content stand out. At Global-marketing Inc., we’re here to help! In this blog, we walked you through the ten best real-time SEO content analysis tools for 2023. Select the right tool for your needs and kick-start a powerful SEO content campaign that steers your business in the right direction.

If you choose Global-marketing Inc., you’re in the right ballpark! Our SEO content experts create individualized campaigns to help B2B and B2C clients succeed. It’s time for a content revolution, and we’re here to light the torch!

Explore our SEO content writing services to get started!

The post 10 Best Real-Time SEO Content Analysis Tools appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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What Type of Content is Best for SEO? Mon, 03 Oct 2022 15:45:45 +0000 In 2022, the sheer power of content cannot be ignored anymore. Web users are hungry for engaging, value-added, and relevant content that answers their questions to a tee. Let’s say you want to install a new iron door in your home. Before you kick things off, you’ll run a quick Google search for the best […]

The post What Type of Content is Best for SEO? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

In 2022, the sheer power of content cannot be ignored anymore.

Web users are hungry for engaging, value-added, and relevant content that answers their questions to a tee.

Let’s say you want to install a new iron door in your home. Before you kick things off, you’ll run a quick Google search for the best iron door features, the benefits of installing iron doors, the top iron door companies in your area, and so on.

What will Google fetch? Content.

As you read a few blogs and articles, scan an infographic or two, and watch a couple of videos, you’ll be ready to take the leap. Millions of consumers follow the same process. Content is everywhere because it’s consumed in abundance.

When you make smart, calculated content decisions, you can easily steer your company in the right direction.

In this blog, we’ll cover the nitty-gritty of clever content selection.

  • What are different kinds of SEO content?
  • What type of content is best for SEO?
  • What are some of the best SEO content examples that you should recreate?

Buckle up; our SEO experts are breaking everything down!

What Are Different Kinds of SEO Content?

There are many, many different kinds of SEO content. We doubt you’ll find a brand that covers all of them. The goal isn’t to become a jack of all trades. Instead, you have to master the art of picking the most effective types of content for your brand, audience, industry, and goals.

Your content goals should always be SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-bound).

We get it. You may feel tempted to launch a comprehensive strategy that covers everything. While this sounds like a great approach on paper, it backfires in practice.

Start off slow. Create a specific, relevant, achievable campaign. Use this guide:

Different Kinds of SEO Content

At Global-marketing Inc., we shortlist the right types of content for your business. This cannot be done casually and hastily. We perform a content audit to understand your performance and shape your goals. This is combined with in-depth knowledge about your audience and industry. Of course, we keep the demand for each type of content in mind as well.

The outcome is a robust, relevant, and powerful SEO content campaign that helps you hit the ground running!

If you’re unsure about which content is right for you, call our team today. In the meantime, we’ll highlight the most effective, high-demand, and powerful content that can help you achieve your goals.

Let’s get right to it!

The Most Effective Types of SEO Content

1. Blogs

92% of content marketers post consistent blogs. Why? Because blogs are the undefeatable king of content.

If you’re just starting off with SEO content writing, your first campaign should include blogs, no questions asked. A well-researched, well-written, value-added, and optimized blog can help you rank higher on Google SERPs, transform your traffic reports, and reel in a high volume of conversions.

Sounds like a dream, right?

Blog writing is untouchable in the content den. If you get it right, you’re sitting on the precipice of tremendous brand growth and success.

The best part? There’s ample room for experimentation.

Your blog should be at least 400 words long. This is a regular/short-form blog. Anything above 1,500 words qualifies as a long-form blog.

Keep these key differences in mind:

The Most Effective Types of SEO Content

If you’re just starting off with content writing, opt for short-form blogs. Once you learn the ropes, you can branch out into the long-form blogging territory.  Long-form blogs must be written by experienced writers with industry expertise.

Once you switch from short-form to long-form blog writing, you’re expected to provide a nuanced commentary on complex topics. This is not for the faint-hearted. If you lack specialized industry knowledge, your blog will fall flat on its face.

Take some time to find writers who can meet your target audience’s high long-form blogging expectations. In the meantime, launch engaging, exciting, and value-added short-form blogs that inform and resonate with your audience.

Your blog should immediately hook readers, gradually break down the topic in an understandable and readable manner, maintain an engaging and active tone, and seal the deal with a smart call-to-action (CTA).

Here’s a great example:

Titled The Unexpected Benefits of Living on a Lower Level, According to Experts, this blog by Apartment Therapy is quite the treat.

From the click-worthy title to the eye-catching image to the witty, exciting introduction, every blog component has been mastered like a pro.

This blog isn’t boring; it’s fast-paced, fun, and action-packed. The writer paints such a breathtaking picture that we’re not even bothered by the ads. This is how you do it!

3 HIIT Workouts for Beginners: Start Interval Training and Sprint Running is another excellent example by Nerd Fitness.

As you start reading the blog, its clever introduction will hook you from the get-go. Our favorite part, however, has to be the string of actionable CTAs. Since this is a long-form blog, it includes several CTAs that have been seamlessly woven into the content. The ratio is just right.

Here are the two distinct CTAs:

And another one:

Supplemented with pictures, the CTAs have visual appeal. This increases their click potential.

Of course, we can’t ignore the fun quips that breathe life into something as transactional as a CTA. Explore more SEO content examples to master the art of blog writing.

Once you get the hang of this, you can win your audience over with content!

Recommended Read: How to Write a Blog That Ranks

2. Listicles

In 2022, everyone’s talking about listicles. A listicle, quite simply, is a hybrid of a list and an article. Think of it as an article in list form.

Let’s understand why it’s so popular. As humans, we’re hard-wired to enjoy list-based content. The Guardian’s brilliant article titled The Psychology of the To-Do List—Why Your Brain Loves Ordered Tasks breaks down the popularity of lists.

They give us much-needed structure and a plan that we can follow. They also reduce the stress, anxiety, and chaos around chores. The New Yorker further elaborates on this in A List of Reasons Why Our Brains Love Lists.

When dense information is broken down into small, bite-sized chunks of content, it’s easier to digest. We make and read lists because they’re simpler, easier, and quicker to scan than bulky paragraphs. Apply the same logic to your audience!

As our lives become increasingly fast-paced, time is the most valuable asset for everyone. As a marketer, your job is to give your audience what it wants in the least amount of time possible.

Content of choice based on this logic? Listicles. Powerful, effective, and read all the way through for a change, listicles are your golden ticket to entering conversion land.

Select an instructional topic that can be addressed with list-based content.

Listicles always start with a number.

Here are some examples:

  • 6 Hassle-Free Ways to Clean Your Swimming Pool
  • 5 Steps to Booking a Cheap Flight Online
  • 7 Secrets to Achieving Perfect Work-Life Balance According to Top Managers

Get the gist? Your listicle shouldn’t be bulky. If you have too much content, break it down into a longer list (instead of 7 points, opt for 10). This will help you keep readability intact.

The goal is to inform your audience while accommodating a short attention span. Don’t take too long. Offer short, clean, crisp content that does its job fast!

As your audience sticks around till the very end, they’re more likely to convert. This is precisely what makes a listicle so powerful: its undefeatable conversion potential!

Want to learn how to write a power-packed listicle? WikiHow should be your guru.

The originator of listicles, WikiHow is known for its well-structured listicles.

Here’s a stellar example:

In 2022, everyone’s talking about listicles. A listicle, quite simply, is a hybrid of a list and an article. Think of it as an article in list form.

Let’s understand why it’s so popular. As humans, we’re hard-wired to enjoy list-based content. The Guardian’s brilliant article titled The Psychology of the To-Do List—Why Your Brain Loves Ordered Tasks breaks down the popularity of lists.

They give us much-needed structure and a plan that we can follow. They also reduce the stress, anxiety, and chaos around chores. The New Yorker further elaborates on this in A List of Reasons Why Our Brains Love Lists.

When dense information is broken down into small, bite-sized chunks of content, it’s easier to digest. We make and read lists because they’re simpler, easier, and quicker to scan than bulky paragraphs. Apply the same logic to your audience!

As our lives become increasingly fast-paced, time is the most valuable asset for everyone. As a marketer, your job is to give your audience what it wants in the least amount of time possible.

Content of choice based on this logic? Listicles. Powerful, effective, and read all the way through for a change, listicles are your golden ticket to entering conversion land.

Select an instructional topic that can be addressed with list-based content.

Listicles always start with a number.

Here are some examples:

  • 6 Hassle-Free Ways to Clean Your Swimming Pool
  • 5 Steps to Booking a Cheap Flight Online
  • 7 Secrets to Achieving Perfect Work-Life Balance According to Top Managers

Get the gist? Your listicle shouldn’t be bulky. If you have too much content, break it down into a longer list (instead of 7 points, opt for 10). This will help you keep readability intact.

The goal is to inform your audience while accommodating a short attention span. Don’t take too long. Offer short, clean, crisp content that does its job fast!

As your audience sticks around till the very end, they’re more likely to convert. This is precisely what makes a listicle so powerful: its undefeatable conversion potential!

Want to learn how to write a power-packed listicle? WikiHow should be your guru.

The originator of listicles, WikiHow is known for its well-structured listicles.

Here’s a stellar example:

As you keep reading, you’ll notice that this is a pretty long listicle, yet its readability hasn’t been affected one bit. Why?

For starters, there are 12 main points, not 5 or 6. Each point includes subheadings and bullet points that break up the content as much as possible.

The best part? Every point has been supplemented with high-quality images and looped videos that provide visual relief.

You’re not overwhelmed with endless text. Instead, you get lots of visual breaks that increase the overall engagement of the content.

WikiHow listicles are a masterclass in flawless listicle writing. Once you get the hang of this type of content, you’re in for tremendous sales!

3. Long-Form Content

Long-Form Content

7,000+ words long-form content fetches 4x more traffic than its shorter counterparts. If you want your content to make a big splash, go long!

Whether you opt for an article or a blog, demonstrate industry expertise.

Your content should be immaculately researched, structured, and written. It’s easy to mess up long-form content.

Since you’re presenting a lot of information, you can easily fall into the pitfall of producing boring, banal, rehashed, and bulky content.

Avoid this by breaking your content up into as many segments as possible. Treat it like a listicle; you need to steer clear of bulk!

When done right, long-form content covers a niche industry topic in great detail. It equips readers with an A–Z understanding of the topic without boring them.

This is a tall order (pun intended, of course). How do you write so much content without putting your audience to sleep? For starters, maintain an active, engaging voice throughout your content.

Italicize, embolden, and underline relevant portions of the text to keep readers alert.

Add some personality to your content by using exclamation points and ellipses. Use relevant internal and external links to create a content map that readers can follow. The goal is to stimulate your readers as much as possible to earn those golden conversions.

As we stated earlier, long-form content should have multiple CTAs. As a rule of thumb, opt for 1 CTA per 800 words. You need to be smart about this. If you’re working on a dense or sensitive topic, don’t insert a CTA out of nowhere. The CTA should always be woven seamlessly into the content; it should be imperceptible.

If you cannot achieve this because of the nature of the content, hold off until you reach a point where a CTA can be appropriately inserted. As you improvise, you’ll retain readers like a seasoned pro. You don’t have to go by the book every time. Oftentimes, you’ll have to set the rulebook aside and create your own rules based on the unique circumstances.

Podcasting for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Getting Started With Podcasts is a masterclass in clever long-form blogging.

Buffer covers the nitty-gritty of starting a podcast without breaking a sweat!

Here’s one of our favorite portions from the blog:

Short sentences, engaging tone, relatable scenario, and a brilliant segue. As you keep reading, you’ll notice that Buffer has further played up the texture and visual appeal of the blog by alternating between black and blue font colors.

There’s a beautiful balance here. It’s not overdone, nor are the colors too garish. It’s a subtle change that makes the blog so much more exciting!

As you work on long-form content, master the art of keeping things short yet comprehensive. You’re writing a lot of content, so the piece will be comprehensive by default.

However, it’s your job to avoid bulk by using short sentences and small paragraphs. Once you get the hang of it, your traffic reports will start shaping up!

4. Infographics

Visual content is a game-changer, no qualms about it.

If you want to win your audience over, satiate their visual thirst with powerful, dynamic, and eye-catching infographics! Pictures, graphics, animations, and concept illustrations drastically increase the readability of content.

The more visual your content, the better. You’re in for more clicks, conversions, and shares!

Start by selecting a topic with high demand. Find a set of high-volume keywords that can help your infographic rank higher on Google SERPs.

Now, comprehensiveness is key. Many marketers make the mistake of solely focusing on visuals to the point that their infographics lack relevant information. A great infographic achieves a balance between text and visuals.

Take a page right out of Jobvite’s book.


Clean, modern, visually exciting, and laden with bite-sized chunks of information, Five Areas You Can Improve by Consolidating Your TA Tech is the ideal infographic.

The research is immaculate, the structure is second-to-none, the color palette is refreshing and balanced, the fonts are consistent, and the CTA is powerful.

This infographic doesn’t falter in any way.

If you want to reel in and retain a wider audience, hire professional infographic designers who have a knack for creating high-quality, value-added, optimized, and visually impactful infographics.

This type of content is too powerful to be overlooked.

As you make full use of it, you’ll give your brand the online visibility it deserves!

5. Videos

Video content is wildly popular, and we don’t see its popularity waning any time soon. If you want to get more eyes on your brand, video content should be your go-to.

Here’s the thing; People love visual content. It’s all about stimulating the senses.

When you switch from text to images, your eyes have a lot more to consume (colors, shapes, patterns, etc.). When you switch from images to video, you’re not just stimulating the eyes anymore. You’re also stimulating the ears through audio.

There’s a reason why 3D movies were all the rage back in the day. Today, 4D experiences have taken over.

As you start working on SEO content, quickly count how many senses it stimulates. The more, the better.

And no type of content appeals to people as much as video. There’s a ton of room for experimentation here!

You can create a wide, wide range of videos: explainer videos, product/service videos, testimonial videos, company culture videos, 360° experience videos, brand films, and so on.

The list is truly endless.

If you’re just getting started, opt for a powerful explainer video, i.e., a short marketing video that highlights a company’s products, services, business ideas, USPs, or just about anything else you want to make known.

Here are some of our favorite brand videos to inspire you:

6. Guest Posts

If you want to get seen by your target audience, you have to build quality backlinks.

And how do you do that? Through guest posting.

Touted as one of the smartest ways to build your brand through content, guest posting helps you connect with industry giants. The outcome? High rankings, impressive online visibility, a nice stream of traffic, and enviable conversions.

It’s like the domino effect. Tip the first card off, and the rest of your goals will also be checked off the list.

Okay, so what exactly are backlinks, and what on earth is a guest post?

A backlink is a hyperlink on a third-party website that takes web users to your website.

Let’s say you run an interior design business. You write a fantastic blog about minimalist interior design. As Architectural Digest works on their own piece on minimalism, they come across your blog during the research process. There’s an idea or two that wows them, and they want to include it in their content.

This is where the shoutout comes in.

Architectural Digest will mention your idea and hyperlink your blog. As their readers are redirected to your website, the magic will begin.

When high-DA sites offer backlinks to smaller businesses, a traffic circuit is created. The guest who receives the link (your business) welcomes a steady stream of new visitors.

Your online visibility will go through the roof if you earn consistent high-DA backlinks. Guest blogging helps you do just that!

As you create engaging, value-added, and optimized content for other websites (note: industry giants), you’ll sneak in a backlink towards the end. This little hyperlink will do all the work.

So while you’re writing content for someone else, you’re piggybacking off their success. As a smaller business, you’ll send their visitors your way.

Powerful guest blogging is one of the most effective kinds of SEO content.

You’ll give your SERP rankings a makeover and build your brand by learning the ins and outs of this technique.

Recommended Read: 5 Types of SEO Content That Pull Links Like Crazy

It’s Time to Ride the SEO Content Wave!

In this blog, we answered two of the most common content-related questions:

  • What are different kinds of SEO content?
  • What type of content is best for SEO?

We also provided relevant SEO content examples to help you understand the right way to create each type of content.

Now that you have all the tools you need, it’s time to refuel your car and take off!

Global-marketing Inc. is ready to take the reins while you drive shotgun.

As of 2022, our content writing team has created:

  • 150,000+ content pieces
  • 23,000+ infographics and videos

Our experience, expertise, skillset, and industry knowledge help us craft well-researched, optimized, value-added, engaging, and impactful content that wins your audience over.

Explore our content writing services to find out why we’re the right fit for you! Let’s get your SERP rankings, traffic, and conversions back on track.

We’re ready when you are!


The post What Type of Content is Best for SEO? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How to Write Quality SEO Content and Optimize It for Search Engines Thu, 22 Sep 2022 14:16:00 +0000 In 2022, it’s not fair to say that content is king. As Google launches one update after the other, the bar is set so high that we can’t even see it anymore! Content isn’t king anymore. Instead, quality SEO content is king. If you churn out subpar content, it’ll float around the web without reaching the right people. […]

The post How to Write Quality SEO Content and Optimize It for Search Engines appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

In 2022, it’s not fair to say that content is king.

As Google launches one update after the other, the bar is set so high that we can’t even see it anymore!

Content isn’t king anymore.

Instead, quality SEO content is king.

If you churn out subpar content, it’ll float around the web without reaching the right people.

Bad rankings, minimal traffic, and upsetting sales.

The content card won’t get you anywhere.

But if you create quality SEO content and optimize it for Google, you’ve hit the jackpot.

As you check off all the boxes Google has set forth, the algorithm will put you in its good books.

Great rankings, impressive traffic, enviable sales.

Sounds like a plan?

In this blog, we’ll help you take the leap from humdrum content to quality SEO content.

Let’s put you in the big leagues.

Keep reading!

What is Quality SEO Content?

Before we jump into the bulk of this blog, let’s quickly understand the difference between regular content and quality SEO content.

Catch our drift?

There’s a reason why certain content makes it to the top Google SERPs while other content completely lacks visibility.

The whip-smart Google algorithm decides who makes it to the top and who doesn’t.

If you churn out regular content, it’ll remain stuck on two-digit or perhaps even three-digit SERPs.

As you optimize your content for Google, up the quality, and cover all the required ground, you’ll climb SERPs and get the most bang for your content buck!

Content Optimization for Google: Your Go-To Checklist

1. Keep an Eye Out for Algorithm Updates and SERP Features

As a marketer, you must remember that your content will be posted on Google.

Yes, you should write for your target audience.

But don’t forget that your content will ultimately float around the Googleverse.

If you don’t keep up with Google’s algorithm updates and SERP features, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Google is known for launching new updates and tweaking its algorithm every other month.

And this is what’s made known to us!

We can imagine that a lot, lot more goes on behind the scenes on a regular basis.

If you want your content to make it to the top, understand what Google wants.

Google Search Central is your best friend.


Click on the “What’s New” tab to keep up with just about everything Google wants to share with us!

We also recommend keeping up with the Google Search Central Blog for rich insight into core algorithm updates, SEO best practices, new features, announcements, and so much more.

What does this have to do with content?

Google recently launched a new content update and wrote a comprehensive blog about what it entails and how marketers can use it.

As you keep up with the landscape, you’ll develop a nuanced understanding of the type of content you’re expected to produce.

You’ll also stay on top of relevant updates, which will help you tweak your SEO content writing and optimization plan accordingly.

Let’s talk about SERP features real quick.

Content doesn’t just show up as conventional search results anymore.

Google has upped its game immensely.

Today, you’ll find a ton of cool new features on SERPs: top ads, bottom ads, featured snippets (recipes, lists, etc.), “People Also Ask” sections, knowledge panels, local packs, image packs, top stories, and so on.

These features include content.

You’ll gain more traction as you carefully optimize your content for the specific features you’re targeting.

Optimize your images with filename and alt text if you want to make it to the image pack.

If you want to sneak a spot in the “People Also Ask” box, use the relevant questions as keywords and answer them as accurately as possible.

And if you want to make your way to the snippets, use structured data to optimize your content.

Avoid writing generic content.

As you write and optimize purposeful content, you’ll make your way to the right Google features and make a bigger splash!

2. Write for Your Audience

You’ve heard this many times.

But no matter how often we address it, it’s not enough.

Quality SEO content is researched and written for the target audience.

Remember, you’re optimizing your content for Google.

But you’re not researching and writing it for Google.

During those critical stages, keep your audience in mind through and through.

And Google reiterates this in their recent update!


There’s a reason why Google’s still doubling down on this in 2022.

At this point, everyone’s tired of hearing it, but it must be said that marketers are still making this mistake.

Google has earned a godlike status in the online marketing world, so much so that people often start doing everything to appease Google.

Remember, Google isn’t buying your products/services. People are.

Sure, you have to master the art of optimization if you want to get seen on Google SERPs.

But before that, research and write content for people, more specifically, your target audience.

Want to understand how to do that?

The Verge’s latest blog on iPhone 14 is a kickass example of how to write for your audience.

Why are we obsessed?

Because it’s not overly technical.

They know actual humans are behind the screen, not the Google algorithm.

The conversational tone, laidback style, and honest review make this a winner through and through.

Whether you’re writing an article, blog, guest post, or press release, keep your audience in mind from the get-go.

As you research topics, ask yourself whether your audience will enjoy reading about them.

As you write content, keep your target audience’s preferences in mind.

If you sell acne-clearing products, you’re targeting teenagers and young adults.

Your content must be conversational, fun, Gen-Z-friendly, and witty.

On the flip side, if you run a legal firm, your target audience wants serious content written formally.

You can’t get away with a witty pun or a facetious quip in the middle.

Understand your audience and create content that resonates with them.

Recommended Read: Writing Content for SEO: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

3. Keywords Are Even More Important Than You Think

“They’re at it again?”

We get it.

We’ve emphasized the importance of keyword research one too many times.

But only because it’s pivotal.

More pivotal than you may think!

The right volume of the right keywords will help you get seen on Google.

It’ll help your content stand out from the crowd and make it to the top SERPs.

Google Keyword Planner is your go-to tool when it comes to this.

The smart tool helps marketers find industry-relevant keywords with high search volume and high search intent.

You’ll also get comprehensive metrics that help you understand how your top keywords are performing and which keywords you should target next.

Sweet, right?

While we love Google Keyword Planner, we believe it lacks comprehensiveness.

It’s an excellent tool for beginners.

But as your content picks up, consider switching to a more robust, comprehensive tool that fetches detailed insights.

At Global-marketing Inc., we use proprietary keyword research and analysis tools to help your content rise to the top.

If you’re tackling content for the first time, turn to Google Keyword Planner.

Once you get the hang of things, come to us for more aggressive keyword work that gives you a power-packed boost in visibility.

4. Link Strategically

In 2022, every marketer wants quality backlinks.


If you want a volcanic eruption of new traffic and rosy new rankings, link building is the way to go.

But marketers often get so carried away that they start linking haphazardly, not strategically.

Too much of anything is bad, especially if it’s done chaotically with little to no planning.

If you go overboard with keywords, Google will penalize you.

If you stuff your content with internal and external links, your rankings will drop.

No matter which SEO technique you use, use it strategically and smartly.

The same goes for link building.

Sure, stuffing your content with a ton of high-DA links sounds like a great idea, right?

It’s not.

The same goes for internal links.

If you go overboard, your audience will feel like you’re being too pushy and aggressive with previous content.

Provide relevant links in moderation.

Follow our golden rule: 2 internal links and 3 external links for every 400 words of content.

Additionally, keep these practices in mind:

Link mastery will help your content perform better.

This content optimization trick also helps improve user experience.

The outcome?

A loyal, consistent base of readers.

You’ll retain existing readers and engage more web users based on the quality reading experience you provide.

As long as you use quality links in moderation, you’re on the right track.

Recommended Read: 5 Types of SEO Content That Pull Links Like Crazy

Play Your Content Cards Right

In this blog, we walked you through the top SEO content writing techniques.

We also helped you get the hang of content optimization for Google.

Now that you’re seated with the right content cards in your hands, it’s time to play them well.

That’s what we’re here for!

At Global-marketing Inc., we’re committed to helping up-and-coming businesses succeed with the power of quality SEO content.

We create all types of content: articles, blogs, press releases, product pages, service pages, business plans, guest blogs, regional pages, and so much more.

It’s time to equip your site with value-added, optimized, engaging, and industry-specific content that wins your audience over!

It all starts with Global-marketing Inc..

Explore our SEO content writing services to kick things off!

If you have any questions, talk to our content specialists today.

Let’s get your business in the big leagues the Global-marketing Inc. way!


The post How to Write Quality SEO Content and Optimize It for Search Engines appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Difference Between SEO Content Writing and SEO Copywriting Fri, 09 Sep 2022 15:41:58 +0000 When you break SEO writing down to its two main components (SEO content writing and SEO copywriting) and launch a powerful campaign, the results may astound you. If you’re new to all this, we’re going back to the basics today: What’s the difference between SEO content writing and SEO copywriting? Which strategy is right for your […]

The post Difference Between SEO Content Writing and SEO Copywriting appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

When you break SEO writing down to its two main components (SEO content writing and SEO copywriting) and launch a powerful campaign, the results may astound you.

If you’re new to all this, we’re going back to the basics today:

  • What’s the difference between SEO content writing and SEO copywriting?
  • Which strategy is right for your business?
  • How should you kick things off the right way?

Our SEO writing specialists are spilling the beans.

The Basics: SEO Content Writing vs. SEO Copywriting

SEO content writing is the process of writing content to inform your audience.

SEO content is any form of written content that educates readers—articles, blogs, guest posts, press releases, etc.

Copywriting for SEO, on the other hand, is the process of writing content or copy to sell a product/service.

You’re not sharing new ideas, discussing trends, elaborating on industry topics, and so on. You’re pitching your brand, highlighting your USPs, and driving conversions.

Examples? Product/service descriptions, home page content, “about us” page content, and so on.

Any written content on your site (excluding the blog page) is web copy. It’s direct, engaging, and conversion-oriented.

Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between SEO content writing and SEO copywriting!

SEO Content Writing vs. SEO Copywriting

People often think that SEO content and SEO copy are either/or options.

It really isn’t about SEO content writing vs. SEO copywriting.

You don’t have to pick between the two.

Both strategies are absolutely necessary.

Web copy is indispensable.

You can’t build a site without content.

Powerful web copy will help you earn more conversions and stabilize your bottom line.

And powerful web content will help you popularize your brand, build an audience, earn greater credibility, and establish yourself as a trusted industry voice.

How to Write SEO Content

SEO content is experimental.

You have so much to work with; there are no limitations!

Think about it.

Every industry is incredibly diverse.

If you offer tech support, you can cover new gadgets, trends, tech events, breakthroughs, new technologies, expected launches, predictions, and so much more.

If you provide legal support to clients, you can cover different types of crimes, ways to find the best lawyer, interesting cases, unsolved cases, the penalties for different crimes, and so on.

The list is endless.

SEO content helps you get creative and engage with your audience.

You’re working with zero limitations.

If you run a healthcare clinic, you can write about the importance of a healthy diet.

While this won’t exactly convert your audience, it’ll educate them.

You’re not just chasing a sale; you’re looking out for your audience and providing valuable information that enriches their life and improves their experience with your brand.

As they become consistent readers, they’ll start taking positive action on your site.

So while the primary goal isn’t converting your audience, you can and will still end up doing that!

This is the power of SEO content.

For starters, find a team of experienced SEO content writers with industry knowledge.

This is imperative.

Unfortunately, many brands end up working with writers who produce generic content and lack industry insight.

The outcome?

Your audience will sniff out the lack of attention to detail in a minute.

Using the right industry jargon, expertly talking about relevant trends and strategies, and providing accurate, reliable information is paramount.

Writers who haven’t worked in your industry will fail to hit the nail on the head.

At Global-marketing Inc., we have 50+ writing teams with industry experts.

If you run a healthcare clinic, your content will be written by our healthcare team, which comprises healthcare professionals with SEO knowledge.

Keep this little trick in mind when you start looking for SEO writing partners.

It’ll help you find a competent, experienced, and knowledgeable team that can produce quality content.

Follow this up by whipping up a content plan.

Here’s an example of what this will look like:

titles for seo content

Your SEO team will comb through your business (engagement, traffic, conversion, retention reports) to understand which content will benefit you most.

Perhaps your brand needs articles. Or blogs. Or a combination of both! Maybe you require guest posts for ranking support. Press releases may be recommended if your brand isn’t as credible as your competitors.

The plan will include a mix of web content that helps you get seen, build credibility, and fetch sweet sales. Once the type of content is decided, the content ideas will be drafted!

Your SEO content team will combine their industry knowledge and experience with their excellent research skills to devise a set of relevant, engaging, high-demand topics that make waves.

All set?

It’s time to write the content! Now, SEO content must be optimized to the tee.

Use this cheat sheet:

seo content optimization cheat sheat

Recommended Read: Real-Time SEO Content Writing: A 7-Step Process for Everyone

How to Write SEO Copy

When writing web copy, keep one thing in mind. You’re writing to prompt action and make a sale.

Sure, you’ll still have to inform your audience to some extent. But your main goal is driving a conversion.

Your content cannot drag on. Avoid using excess words, long sentences, and fluff. Web copy should be direct, engaging, to the point, and action-driven.

Here’s an excellent example:

example of seo copywriting

Adidas keeps things short, simple, exciting, and action-packed. There’s no exaggeration, no embellishment. They describe the vibe of the shoes, give a shout-out to their aesthetic appeal, and bring the focus back to your outfit.

What will the shoes do?

Make your outfit look so much better.

The copy is succinct, direct, and fun! The description is just as direct, with no fuss.

concise seo copywriting example

Copy this style to the tee. Your product/service description should be to the point.

If you have more information to share—like the technicalities—create a separate “details” section and list the information in bullet points. This makes it more readable.

Your audience can quickly scan the bullet points and check their boxes off the list. Keep things short and sweet while writing web copy for your site’s landing page, products/services, or contact page.

You can still use this strategy for pages that require more text (like the “about us” page, for example).

Take a page from Wild Fork’s book:

page with great copy

It goes on, but we’re not mad about it! As a reader, you’re compelled to keep reading.

Why? You’re not scanning big chunks of text.

The structure and style make the information—even though it is a lot—so much more readable. This is exactly what you want to do with web content.

Break it down and add an exciting touch to it! Your goal is to ensure that your readers stick around till the very end because that’s where the conversion lies.

Use this guide to ace the SEO copywriting process:

SEO copywriting 101

Optimize your web copy to ensure it appears among the top Google search results. The better your optimization efforts, the higher the rankings!

Recommended Read: How to Develop a Conversion-Friendly Landing Page

Wrapping Up

In this blog, we walked you through the SEO content writing vs. SEO copywriting debate.

We emphasized the importance of leveraging both writing strategies to build your brand, boost sales, and achieve long-term growth.

Now that you have all the tools you need for this project, it’s time to kick things off! At Global-marketing Inc., we provide complete SEO writing services. If you require professional web copy that increases your site’s conversion potential, we’ll get right to it!

And if you want quality SEO content that gives your brand the exposure and reach you’re looking for, we’ll get the job done.

Give us a call to get started! It’s time to steer your brand in the right direction with the power of effective, industry-specific, and engaging SEO writing!

The post Difference Between SEO Content Writing and SEO Copywriting appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Real-Time SEO Content Writing: A 7-Step Process for Everyone Mon, 05 Sep 2022 15:36:22 +0000 If you’re no stranger to SEO, we’re sure you’re familiar with the importance of relevance. Whether you kick things off with content, social media marketing, or local advertising, your approach should be as relevant as it gets. People don’t want boring, outdated content covered in dust and cobwebs. They want fresh, exciting, trending content that’s […]

The post Real-Time SEO Content Writing: A 7-Step Process for Everyone appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

If you’re no stranger to SEO, we’re sure you’re familiar with the importance of relevance.

Whether you kick things off with content, social media marketing, or local advertising, your approach should be as relevant as it gets.

People don’t want boring, outdated content covered in dust and cobwebs. They want fresh, exciting, trending content that’s actively being talked about by the full spectrum of netizens: friends, family, acquaintances, strangers, and just about everyone.

Trends are exciting, but they’re also short-lived.

If you capture them while the moment’s hot, you’ve essentially won the time-sensitive traffic and conversion jackpot!

Real-time SEO content writing helps you do just that.

What is it?

How can it benefit your brand?

And what’s the right way to kick things off?

We’re breaking everything down! Keep reading for an A–Z guide to real-time SEO content writing in 2022.

What Is Real-Time SEO Content Writing?

Earlier this year, the Super Bowl took the nation by storm.

In 2020, Joe Biden won the election against Trump.

In 2015, we had the viral “is it white and gold or black and blue” dress debate (the iconic photo even earned its own Wikipedia page).

In 2014, Kim Kardashian “broke the internet” with her controversial Paper Magazine shoot.

These are just a few glimpses of the many, many, many groundbreaking moments that have sparked a conversation in the past two decades.

Trends are exciting, fun, and edge-of-the-seat electrifying.

They give you something to talk about, and as humans, we love collective conversation.

Real-time SEO content operates around this logic.

It’s a quick response to time-sensitive events, trends, topics, activities, and happenings that are being talked about by hordes of people.

As you strike while the iron’s hot, you’ll get a chance to crack open massive pockets of traffic and conversions that would otherwise remain out of reach.

As your visibility quickly increases, people will flock to your content in hopes of satiating their thirst for the trend.

When done right, your real-time SEO content writing campaign can help you become a loud and clear voice in your industry for a short while.

All eyes are on you.

As you cleverly make full use of your pedestal, you can carve a new path for your business even after the trend dies out.

Step 1: Identify Trends

There’s something exciting happening almost every other minute.

Sure, every “trend” isn’t worth creating content around.

If you want your content to make a splash, make sure you find the most exciting and relevant trends that are being talked about by thousands or possibly millions of people.

How do you do this?

For starters, keep your eyes peeled for trending activity on Twitter.

Here are some Twitter trends:

If your business relates to tennis in any way, the 9th trend is for you.

Perhaps you sell tennis gear. Or maybe you curate Grand Slam experiences for a high-end audience.

You’ll increase your reach as you write real-time content around the US Open and actively respond to social media activity.

The same goes for the 11th trend!

If your business relates to this in some way, you can quickly jump on the bandwagon and capture the short-lived audience interest around the conversation.

Change the location to find the most relevant trends in your town, city, or state.

We also recommend using Google Trends, the crème de la crème of SEO content tools.

This clever tool helps you explore the most talked-about trends based on hyper-specific locations.

You can also explore shopping trends, which is absolutely genius from a conversion standpoint.

It allows you to explore different categories and select trends that fit your niche.

Let’s say you sell clothing. If you take a closer look at the specific trends within this category, you’ll stumble upon a set of results very similar to this (depending on what’s trending at that time):

See what we mean?

As you create real-time content around these topics, you’ll reach active users scouring the web for similar content.

If you have items in your collection that can help people recreate Lil NasX’s VMA outfit or Serena Williams’ US Open outfit, you know exactly what to do.

This is how real-time content works.

It all starts with hunting for trends.

The bigger the trend, the better!

Step 2: Jump on the Bandwagon with Real-Time Web Content

You can create four different types of real-time SEO content (and we’ll jump to the rest in a bit).

While all four types are powerful, web content is ultimately your ace card.

If you want to tap into clusters of quality web users inclined to transact, you have to create real-time SEO web content.

This includes articles, blogs, guest posts, press releases, and any other type of written content that can be posted on the web.

Your content should create a sense of urgency.

Remember, you’re covering a trend.

Trends, by definition, are short-lived.

Once the moment passes, your content will lose its potency.

Make sure people flock to your work while it’s relevant!

Let’s consider an example.

When Simone Biles’ winning streak began in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the United States echoed her praises for months.

This trend wasn’t short-lived; it was a tad more prolonged.

And brands grabbed the moment while they could!

Here are some blogs that caught our eye:

This is exactly how you jump on a trend!

Makeup brands created content on Simone’s makeup looks, fitness trainers taught people how to train like Simone, clothing brands claimed that their products were similar to Simone’s choices, and so on.

Of course, every trend won’t float your boat.

If you offer tech support, you can’t possibly jump on this bandwagon.

You can try to establish a connection.

Perhaps Simone loves tech and uses a laptop you have in stock.

In that case, you’re in luck.

However, for the most part, the connection has to be tangible and strong.

It cannot be flimsy.

If your audience figures out you’re forcefully capitalizing on a trend, they’ll run for the hills.


Because your content will come off as cheesy and forced.

If there’s no apparent connection, it’ll be obvious that you’re trying too hard.

So keep an eye out for trends that actually relate to your industry.

This will help you release organic, seamless content.

Once you find these trends, don’t waste any time.

The sooner you release your content, the better!

Pro tip: Free writing tools are great, but they don’t help you discover in-depth trends. If you want a deeper analysis of the top trends in your niche, use cutting-edge SEO content tools.

At Global-marketing Inc., we use advanced tools developed by experienced SEO experts. We can identify budding trends before they pick up speed, allowing you to release content at the perfect time.

It’s all about striking while the iron’s hot! We help you do just that.

Recommended Read: Writing Content for SEO: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

Step 3: Create Real-Time Multimedia Content

The second type of real-time SEO content—multimedia content—can help you appeal to your audience’s visual interest.

Written content is powerful; we can’t negate that.

However, it must be supplemented with multimedia content: images, videos, infographics, GIFs, and so on.

One of our favorite examples comes from Lowers & Associates, an international risk mitigation company.

When the college admissions scandal blew up in 2019, they released a power-packed infographic:

This was simply brilliant.

For starters, it caught people’s eye.

When news broke out, people were actively trying to learn what had happened.

By releasing a real-time infographic, Lowers & Associates swiftly jumped on the bandwagon and earned a bucketful of traffic.

The infographic discusses the scandal, outlines the scheme, and helps people understand how to avoid such a situation.

We’re sure they earned sweet conversions by posting this brilliant piece.

Real-time SEO visual content will take you far.

You can also incorporate it into written content.

For example, add custom images to your blogs, embed videos in your articles, add GIFs to your guest posts (if the hosting platforms don’t mind), and so on.

Visual content enriches written content.

Even if you release standalone real-time visual content, it’ll make a big splash.

Step 4: Generate More Buzz with Real-Time Social Media Content

We’ve covered real-time web and visual content.

Now the ball lands in the social media court, perhaps the most crowded court ever.

Trends are hotly discussed on search engines.

However, their noise ultimately reverberates the loudest across the most popular social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

During the 2013 Super Bowl blackout, Oreo shared this post on Twitter:

Witty, smart, and well-timed, this post blew up.

Years later, people still talk about it!

If you want to release effective real-time social media content, add something unique to the conversation.

Here’s another powerful example.

When the dress debate went viral, The Salvation Army released an important message:

This is one of the most powerful examples of real-time content.

There was seemingly no connection between the organization and the dress debate.

However, their creative, ingenious team established a connection that caught the eye of millions of social media users.

They further optimized their post with relevant hashtags to increase its traction.

Another one of our favorite examples comes from KitKat.

In 2014, iPhone 6 Plus started trending on Twitter, no surprise there.

However, #bendgate also started trending as many consumers claimed that their iPhone 6 Plus was bending in their pockets.

Of course, this news blew up.

It was hotly discussed everywhere.

KitKat, being the class act that it is, posted this show-stopping tweet that will never get old:

Comedic gold, if we do say so ourselves.

KitKat’s sales tremendously increased after this, but that wasn’t only because of the post.

It was also the active commenting that followed.

Once you post real-time SEO content, you can’t just turn a blind eye to it.

As the trend evolves and gains momentum, you must actively engage with your audience.

This will help you squeeze the most traffic and conversion potential out of your content.

As long as the content stays relevant, keep interacting with people.

And remember, be witty!

Here’s a page right out of KitKat’s book:


This is how you jump on a trend and actually capture audience interest.

KitKat had a field day and ensured people enjoyed every minute of their banter.

Real-time content can be serious, funny, witty, or anything else that you want it to be.

It all comes down to your brand persona and voice.

If you run a healthcare clinic, you can’t adopt the same tone as KitKat.

However, that doesn’t prevent you from joining the conversation.

Like The Salvation Army, you can still release a powerful, serious message (even if the trend is lighthearted, to begin with).

Take some time, brainstorm ideas, and launch a powerful campaign that resonates with your audience.

Step 5: Earn Targeted Conversions with Real-Time Local Content

Trends aren’t always global; they’re also local.

And trends aren’t exclusively captured on Google and social media; they also make waves on local platforms like Google My Business.

As you start creating real-time content, make sure its impact also reaches local listings like Google My Business.

This is what a regular Google My Business listing looks like:

Remember, this shows up on Google. You’ll see posts from the brand towards the end of the section.

As you start posting real-time content, Google will pick up on the keywords and start displaying the posts to users.

This is an excellent way to reach web users and further optimize your Google My Business listing.

Recommended Read: How to Set Up Your Google My Business Profile

Don’t just leave it at that.

We also suggest creating local content that appeals to your target audience.

Sure, a big event like the Super Bowl captures the attention of the entire nation.

If you run a business in California, Super Bowl-related content will also appeal to them.

However, you shouldn’t exclusively target national or international trends.

In addition, keep an eye out for local events relevant to a smaller town, city, or state-based audience.

Step 6: Stick Around for the Post-Trend Noise

We emphasized the importance of sticking around earlier in this blog, but we must do it again.

This isn’t just important; it’s non-negotiable.

Think of trends like matchsticks.

The spark won’t last forever; it’s a matter of time before it gives out.

You must actively stay on top of things while the matchstick is still alight.

If you release a real-time blog, keep engaging with your audience in the comments section.

If you post on social media, stick around for the debate that follows.

As you keep up with how your audience is receiving your content, it’ll develop a life of its own.

In many cases, real-time content doesn’t quite pick up all of a sudden.

Remember, there are hundreds, thousands, or perhaps even millions of other brands that are trying to jump on the same trend.

The competition is at an all-time high.

If you don’t help your post gain traction through active conversation, it’ll fall flat on its face.

Optimize your content from the get-go to increase your chances of making a splash.

Use high-ranking keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, image filenames, and alt text in your content.

Add quality external and internal links to your work. This will help you strengthen the link structure and increase your chances of earning high-DA backlinks.

If you’re working on social media content, use relevant, high-volume keywords based on the trend and your business.

The same goes for local content!

Optimization will help you stand out from the crowd and make the impact you have in mind.

Step 7: Preserve the Moment

Once you’ve published your work, preserve the moment for future audiences.

We strongly recommend creating blog categories.

As people land on your blog page, they should see clear topic clusters.

Let’s say you’ve written a handful of blogs on the Super Bowl.

Introduce “Super Bowl” as a category so people can read previous work if they’d like to.

The same goes for social media.

Preserve old posts and stories by adding highlights to your profile.

You can do this for Facebook (click here to learn how), Instagram (click here to learn how), and Twitter (click here to learn how).

Act Fast with Global-marketing Inc.!

Ready to kick things off?

Real-time content is time-sensitive.

Make sure you capture the moment before it slips from your hands!

At Global-marketing Inc., we offer real-time SEO content writing services to help you remain relevant in your industry, capture targeted traffic, and make time-sensitive sales.

Over time, this smart strategy will help you solidify your brand identity and stabilize your bottom line.

Our content editors diligently proofread the work to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. We use advanced SEO content tools to expertly optimize your content and help it earn the most traction possible.

We’re ready when you are!

Let’s give your brand the visibility and traffic it deserves. Pick up speed, the next trend’s right around the corner!

The post Real-Time SEO Content Writing: A 7-Step Process for Everyone appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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