Pay Per Click Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Tue, 30 Apr 2024 10:43:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Evolution of PPC Management Services: Modern Strategies for 2024 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 12:18:31 +0000 For modern businesses, mastering PPC is kind of like finding the golden ticket; it unlocks a world of targeted visibility, swift results, and, most importantly, a significant return on investment. However, the pace at which PPC evolves could give even the fastest sprinters a run for their money. If you’re still clinging to your 2023 […]

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the pay-per-click (PPC) model illustrated

For modern businesses, mastering PPC is kind of like finding the golden ticket; it unlocks a world of targeted visibility, swift results, and, most importantly, a significant return on investment.

However, the pace at which PPC evolves could give even the fastest sprinters a run for their money. If you’re still clinging to your 2023 PPC strategies, it’s time to brush off that digital dust. We’re in 2024 and the PPC landscape isn’t just changing; it’s undergoing a full-scale metamorphosis.

Relying on last year’s PPC ad management tactics is like bringing a flip phone to a smartphone convention; you’re simply out of sync with the times. The digital marketing world is a dynamic beast and PPC is one of its most rapidly evolving aspects. In 2024, adapting to the latest PPC trends isn’t an option; it’s a critical strategy for staying relevant, competitive, and successful.

This blog is your guide to mastering the art of PPC management in 2024. Join us as we debunk the myth that PPC is set in stone and steer you in the right direction. It’s time to power your business with PPC’s new and improved 2024 batteries, and we’re here to show you the way!

1. The Evolution of PPC Management Services

The evolution of PPC management services is nothing short of a saga. It’s a story that mirrors the rapid advancements in technology and the ever-changing landscape of consumer behavior.

At its core, PPC has always been about connecting businesses with their target audience through strategic ad placements. However, the strategies, tools, and nuances of managing these campaigns have undergone significant transformations.

Let’s dive deeper into these changes.

1.1. Brief History of PPC and Its Transformation Over the Years

Late 1990s: The Genesis of PPC

  • 1996: The inception of PPC began with Planet Oasis introducing a model where advertisers paid for each click on their ads. This approach laid the groundwork for future PPC systems; it emphasized direct audience engagement.
  • 1998:, later known as Overture and then acquired by Yahoo!, entered the PPC arena. It innovated with an auction-based model for ad placement, allowing advertisers to bid on keywords, thereby setting a new standard for PPC advertising strategies.

Early 2000s: Google Enters the Scene

  • 2000: The launch of Google AdWords, now known as Google Ads, marked a significant milestone in PPC history. Its focus on keyword targeting introduced a more sophisticated approach to PPC advertising that transformed the online ad landscape dramatically.
  • 2002: Google enhanced the PPC model with the introduction of the Quality Score. This algorithm considered click-through rates, keyword relevance, and the quality of landing pages. It pushed advertisers towards creating more relevant and user-friendly ads.

Mid-2000s: Social Media and Expanded Targeting

  • 2006-2007: The rise of social media platforms, like Facebook, opened new avenues for PPC advertising. These platforms provided detailed demographic targeting, enabling advertisers to tailor their campaigns to specific audience segments based on detailed personal data, significantly changing ad targeting capabilities.

Late 2000s to Early 2010s: Mobile and Programmatic Advertising

  • 2010: The emergence of mobile advertising underscored the need for PPC campaigns to be optimized for mobile users. The differing usage patterns and preferences between mobile and desktop users were acknowledged.
  • 2013: Programmatic advertising began to gain traction; it employed AI and machine learning to automate the ad buying process. This development led to more efficient and sophisticated PPC campaigns. Technology was leveraged to optimize ad placements in real-time.

Mid-2010s: Advanced Technologies and Enhanced User Experience

  • 2015-2016: Google integrated AI and machine learning into its ad platforms. These technologies allowed for predictive analytics and automated bidding strategies.
  • 2018: The focus on user privacy and data protection intensified partly due to regulations like GDPR(more on this later). This shift prompted advertisers to balance effective targeting with compliance to ensure ethical data usage in PPC campaigns.

Late 2010s to Early 2020s: Integration and Omnichannel Strategies

  • 2019-2020: PPC became increasingly integrated with overall digital marketing strategies. Advertisers began focusing on creating cohesive campaigns that aligned PPC with SEO, content marketing, and social media strategies.
  • 2021-2023: Continuous advancements in AI and machine learning led to even more sophisticated PPC management tools. The emphasis on omnichannel strategies grew.

2024: The Current Landscape

  • 2024: The PPC ecosystem is now highly dynamic with ongoing innovations in AI, machine learning, and data analytics. Advertisers are focusing on creating personalized ad experiences while navigating the challenges of privacy laws and evolving user expectations.

1.2. Key Milestones in the Development of PPC Management Services

The evolution of PPC management services is a tale of relentless innovation and adaptation. Each milestone along this journey hasn’t just shifted the goalposts but has reinvented the game entirely.

One of the most defining moments in PPC’s history was the realization of the power of data. As advertisers delved deeper into analytics, PPC transformed from guesswork into a data-driven science. The integration of advanced tracking and analytics tools enabled businesses to understand customer behaviors and preferences like never before. This era wasn’t just about who could bid the most but who could harness and interpret data most effectively to connect with their audience.

The rise of automated bidding strategies marked another significant milestone. This innovation leveraged AI to make real-time bidding decisions for better ROI and efficiency. It allowed small businesses to compete on the same playing field as larger corporations and democratize the digital advertising space. This shift also meant that PPC managers could spend more time on creative and strategic aspects rather than getting bogged down in the minutiae of bid management.

In recent years, the emphasis on user experience and ad quality has become a game-changer. PPC platforms started rewarding ads that not only resonated with their target audience but also provided value. This shift required a more nuanced understanding of customer needs and preferences. It pushed advertisers to create more personalized and relevant ad experiences.

The integration of PPC into a broader digital marketing strategy is another key milestone. PPC’s role expanded from a standalone tool to a vital component in a multifaceted approach; it intertwined with SEO, content marketing, and social media efforts.

The ever-changing terrain of privacy regulations has also become a pivotal aspect of PPC ad management. Advertisers are now tasked with not only creating compelling campaigns but also ensuring they adhere to stringent data privacy laws. This balancing act between effective targeting and ethical data usage has added a new layer of complexity to PPC management.

Today, in 2024, PPC stands at the forefront of digital marketing innovation. It’s not just a matter of placing ads; it’s about creating memorable experiences, building brand loyalty, and engaging with customers in a meaningful way. The milestones in PPC’s journey have paved the way for a more strategic, data-driven, and customer-centric approach. They’ve set the stage for the next era of digital advertising!

2. The Current Landscape of PPC Management

pay-per-click (PPC) management illustrated

The PPC management landscape is marked by continuous evolution and innovation. The field is no longer just about keyword bids and ad placements; it’s a complex ecosystem driven by advanced technologies, ever-changing consumer behaviors, and a heightened focus on data-driven strategies.

In 2024,when every click can fetch significant business outcomes, understanding the current landscape of PPC management is more important than ever. This landscape is shaped by a blend of recent trends and technological advancements that are redefining how businesses connect with their audiences.

From the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning to the adoption of new platforms and tools, PPC management today requires a blend of creativity, analytical skills, and a deep understanding of technology.

2.1. Analysis of Recent Trends and Technological Advancements

The current PPC landscape is characterized by several key trends and technological advancements:

  1. Sophisticated Automation Tools: The surge in automation within PPC has gone beyond simple bid management. In 2024, modern tools are equipped with advanced algorithms capable of analyzing user behavior, adjusting campaigns in real time, and even predicting future market trends.

These systems can now manage entire campaigns from start to finish and fine-tune each element for peak performance. Automation has evolved from a handy tool to a core component of efficient PPC management.

  1. Voice and Visual Search Integration: As voice assistants like Alexa and Siri become household staples, and visual search technologies gain traction, PPC campaigns are adapting rapidly.

Advertisers are now crafting campaigns that respond to vocal queries, satisfy visual searches, and align with the more natural and intuitive ways users are interacting with technology.

This trend marks a shift in keyword strategy. We’re officially moving from traditional typed queries to more conversational and visual-oriented content.

  1. Expanding Role of AI and Machine Learning: These technologies have moved from auxiliary to central roles in PPC management. They now facilitate an array of tasks, including sophisticated audience segmentation, real-time bidding optimization, and predictive analysis for future campaign planning.

AI’s uncanny ability to process vast datasets offers insights at a scale and speed unattainable by human analysis. The outcome? Way more nuanced and effective campaign strategies!

  1. Emphasis on Omnichannel Presence: Omnichannel marketing has become essential with PPC campaigns being integrated into broader digital strategies. This approach ensures a seamless brand experience across various platforms, whether it’s social media, search engines, or email marketing. The key is creating a unified message that resonates with audiences regardless of where they encounter it.
  2. Data Privacy and Compliance: At a time when data privacy is paramount, and we really couldn’t emphasize its importance enough, PPC managers are finding innovative ways to personalize ads while respecting user privacy.

This balancing act involves being adept at leveraging data within the boundaries of regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Advertisers are now more transparent about data usage; they’re earning consumer trust while delivering personalized ad experiences.

  1. Adaptability to New Platforms and Formats: The rise of new social media platforms and emerging ad formats demands agility and adaptability in PPC strategies. Advertisers are exploring interactive ad formats, like shoppable ads and augmented reality experiences, to engage modern audiences. This trend reflects a shift towards more immersive and interactive ad experiences.
  2. Focus on User Experience and Ad Quality: The quality of ads and user experience is taking center stage. Search engines and social platforms are prioritizing user-friendly content in their algorithms. This shift places greater importance on creating ads that not only capture attention but also provide value to the audience.

2.2. The Impact of AI and Machine Learning on PPC Strategies

the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) on the pay-per-click (PPC) model

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into PPC strategies has been like injecting a dose of super-intelligence into the digital marketing bloodstream. It’s not just a matter of making processes faster or more automated; it’s about making them smarter. When we talk about PPC, where precision and timing are everything, AI and ML have become indispensable allies.

Imagine having a crystal ball that not only predicts the future but also helps you shape it. That’s what AI in PPC feels like. By analyzing past campaign data and current market trends, AI algorithms forecast future consumer behaviors and preferences. This predictive power enables marketers to stay a step ahead and craft strategies that align with their target audience’s anticipated needs and interests. It’s like playing chess with a grand master’s foresight; you’re always thinking several moves ahead.

But AI’s prowess doesn’t stop at prediction. It extends to real-time decision-making (particularly in automated bidding). AI-driven tools analyze a multitude of variables, from time of day to device type, to adjust bids dynamically. This ensures that your ad spends isn’t just a spend but an investment that yields optimal returns. PPC managers aren’t forced to toil over spreadsheets and reports anymore; AI does all the heavy lifting! It makes informed bidding decisions at a speed and scale that human intellect simply can’t match.

Then there’s the art of targeting and personalization that has been turned into a science by AI and ML. These technologies dive deep into user data to uncover patterns and insights that guide hyper-targeted ad campaigns. They can identify nuances in user behavior, preferences, and even emotional triggers; they enable a level of personalization that’s almost uncanny.

For users, this means ads that feel less like ads and more like helpful, timely suggestions. For advertisers, it’s the holy grail of marketing: delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.

AI and ML have also revolutionized the creative aspects of PPC. From testing ad copy to optimizing landing pages, these technologies ensure that every element of a campaign is fine-tuned for maximum engagement and conversion. They can run multivariate tests at an unprecedented scale and quickly identify which combinations of headlines, images, and calls to action (CTAs) resonate best with audiences. It’s like having a 24/7 focus group providing constant feedback and ensuring your ads hit the mark every time.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. The sophistication of AI and ML in PPC comes with its own set of challenges. The learning curve can be steep and there’s an inherent need for a foundational understanding of these technologies to use them effectively. And let’s not forget that great power comes with great responsibility; the ethical considerations surrounding data privacy and AI biases are ever-present concerns.

3. Cutting-Edge Techniques for 2024

As we step into 2024, the landscape of PPC advertising is being reshaped by cutting-edge techniques that are as innovative as they are impactful.

In a world that never sleeps, these new approaches aren’t just about keeping pace; they’re about setting the pace. The adoption of these techniques is critical for businesses looking to carve out a competitive edge in an increasingly crowded online space. From automation that brings both efficiency and complexity to the power of big data and analytics in fine-tuning campaign strategies, PPC has become a blend of art and science.

These advancements are redefining what it means to launch, manage, and optimize PPC campaigns; they’re offering unprecedented opportunities for those who know how to leverage them.

3.1. The Dual-Edged Sword of Automation in PPC

the integration of automation and PPC

As we embrace 2024, it’s clear that automation in PPC isn’t just a trend; it’s a paradigm shift that offers a blend of opportunities and challenges that are shaping the future of digital marketing.

At its core, automation in PPC, particularly automated bidding, has transformed the game from manual, time-consuming processes to efficient, data-driven decision-making. Imagine the convenience of having a system that adjusts your bids in real time, responds to market fluctuations, and maximizes your ad spend efficiency without your constant intervention. This level of automation leverages complex algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data. It makes informed bidding decisions based on user behavior, time of day, device type, and more.

The result? Enhanced visibility, optimized ad spend, and a better chance of hitting your target audience precisely when they are most receptive.

However, this new era of automated efficiency isn’t without its pitfalls, especially for those who are new to the world of Google PPC management. Automation is sophisticated. And with sophistication comes complexity.

For novice users, diving into automated bidding can be like navigating a ship in uncharted waters. Without a thorough understanding of how these algorithms work, there’s a risk of setting incorrect parameters, misinterpreting data, or failing to adjust to the nuances of different campaigns. These missteps can lead to inefficient spending (where your budget is consumed without delivering the desired results).

While automation excels in managing data and executing tasks based on predefined rules, it lacks the human insight that often makes a PPC campaign truly resonate with its audience. There’s an art to PPC that involves understanding customer psychology, crafting compelling ad copy, and weaving a narrative that aligns with your brand’s identity. These subtleties can be lost in an entirely automated approach. The importance of maintaining a human touch in your PPC strategy cannot be ignored.

This is where the expertise of PPC campaign management experts becomes invaluable. Experienced professionals bring a blend of strategic insight and technical know-how. They can effectively set up and oversee automated systems (ensuring that they align with your overall marketing objectives). They can interpret the data that these systems generate and provide a nuanced human analysis that goes beyond numbers and algorithms.

Google PPC management experts can also identify when automation isn’t the right approach, e.g., in highly specialized or niche markets where a more hands-on, customized strategy is needed.

In the dynamic digital marketing landscape of 2024, where consumer behaviors and market trends change rapidly, the role of a seasoned PPC expert becomes even more critical. They can adapt and tweak automated settings in real-time. They can respond to new trends, seasonal changes, or emerging market opportunities. This agility ensures that your PPC campaigns remain relevant and effective regardless of the shifting digital winds.

3.2. Harnessing Big Data and Analytics for PPC Precision

Big data and analytics have emerged as the linchpins of success in the intricate world of PPC advertising. As we delve deeper into 2024, their role in sculpting and refining PPC campaigns has become undeniable, resembling the work of a master craftsman who shapes raw materials into works of art.

Big data and analytics aren’t just tools; they’re the architects of modern PPC strategies.

PPC today is like to a vast ocean of data where every click, impression, and conversion is a droplet contributing to an immense sea of information. Harnessing this data effectively is the key to unlocking the true potential of PPC campaigns.

Big data collates a myriad of data points from various sources: search engines, social media platforms, website interactions, and more. This comprehensive dataset provides a 360-degree view of consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive landscapes. It’s like having a high-powered telescope that brings the most distant stars within your sight and offers insights that were previously unreachable.

Analytics tools step in to make sense of this vast data. They slice through the complexity and identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. These tools transform raw data into actionable insights; they answer critical questions like which keywords are driving traffic, what kind of ad copy resonates with the target audience, and which demographics are most responsive to certain types of ads.

This level of granular analysis enables PPC managers to craft campaigns that aren’t just based on intuition or best guesses but grounded in solid evidence.

Big data and analytics have also redefined the approach to PPC campaign optimization. In the past, PPC was often a game of trial and error. Adjustments were made post-campaign based on broad outcomes. Now, it’s a continuous process of refinement and improvement; real-time analytics allow for immediate insights into campaign performance. Whether it’s tweaking ad copy, adjusting bids, or re-targeting ads, the ability to make data-driven decisions on the fly has transformed PPC into an ever-evolving strategy.

However, the power of big data and analytics extends beyond mere optimization. It’s about predicting the future: identifying emerging trends, understanding shifts in consumer behavior, and foreseeing market changes before they happen.

This predictive capability is invaluable in a landscape where staying ahead of the curve isn’t just advantageous but essential. It’s like playing chess with the ability to foresee your opponent’s moves and gaining the strategic upper hand!

Yet, the abundance of data also presents challenges. The sheer volume and complexity of information can be overwhelming; one must possess specialized skills to interpret and apply it effectively.

This is where the expertise of PPC advertising management service providers comes into play. They are the data whisperers who can hear the subtle messages hidden within numbers and translate them into successful strategies. They understand that data isn’t just about quantity but quality and relevance.

4. Integrating PPC with Multi-Channel Marketing Strategies

PPC’s true potential isn’t realized in isolation. It shines brightest when intricately woven into the broader fabric of multi-channel marketing strategies.

In 2024, it’s becoming more and more evident that the integration of PPC within a multifaceted marketing approach isn’t just beneficial; it’s imperative. This convergence is about creating a symphony of marketing efforts, where each channel plays its part in harmony, amplifying the overall impact.

The key lies in understanding how PPC can complement and enhance other marketing channels, ranging from social media and SEO to email marketing, crafting a unified narrative that resonates with audiences across all touchpoints.

At a time when consumer attention is fragmented across multiple platforms, integrating PPC into a comprehensive marketing strategy ensures a cohesive and consistent brand message. This integration is vital for building brand recognition and customer loyalty.

4.1. Embracing a Holistic Digital Marketing Ecosystem

The concept of a holistic digital marketing ecosystem transcends the idea of using multiple channels in parallel; it’s about creating a unified narrative across all platforms. This approach recognizes that the sum of a well-orchestrated multi-channel strategy is greater than its individual parts.

A holistic digital marketing ecosystem operates on the principle that every interaction, whether it’s through PPC, SEO, social media, or email marketing, contributes to a comprehensive narrative about a brand. Each channel plays a distinct role. Yet, their collective impact is meticulously synchronized to deliver a cohesive message. Think of it as a puzzle! While each piece holds its own value, it’s the complete picture that tells the story.

In this ecosystem, PPC campaigns aren’t isolated endeavors chasing clicks and conversions. Instead, they’re integral components that fit into the broader marketing strategy. PPC can act as a catalyst, sparking initial interest or capturing leads, which are then nurtured through targeted content marketing, social media engagement, or personalized email campaigns. It’s about creating a journey where each step a consumer takes, regardless of the channel, leads them closer to your brand.

A holistic approach involves leveraging insights across all channels to refine and optimize strategies. Critical data gathered from social media interactions can inform the tone and content of PPC ads while SEO analytics can reveal keywords that resonate with the target audience (which can then be incorporated into PPC campaigns). This seamless integration ensures that the message remains consistent (whether a customer discovers your brand through a Google search, a social media post, or a targeted email).

However, crafting such a harmonious strategy requires more than just a tactical alignment of different channels. It demands an understanding of how these channels interact with and influence each other.

For instance, a well-executed PPC campaign can boost brand awareness, which, in turn, can enhance the effectiveness of SEO and social media efforts. Conversely, strong organic search visibility and social media presence can lend credibility to your PPC ads and increase their click-through rates.

A holistic digital marketing approach is dynamic. It adapts to changes in consumer behavior, market trends, and technological advancements. What worked yesterday may not work today. This approach is about being agile; one must continuously test, learn, and evolve strategies across all channels to ensure they remain effective and relevant.

4.2.Synergizing PPC with Other Digital Marketing Channels

Integrating PPC with other digital marketing channels in 2024 is like assembling a complex puzzle where each piece complements and enhances the overall picture.

In this intricate mix, PPC isn’t a standalone element but a pivotal part of a larger, more cohesive digital marketing strategy. This integration is essential for creating a unified narrative that resonates with audiences across various platforms and ensures that each marketing effort amplifies the others.

The synergy between PPC and SEO is a cornerstone of this integrated approach. While PPC provides immediate visibility and targeted reach, SEO builds a sustainable foundation for organic traffic and credibility. The relationship is mutually beneficial; the keyword insights and trend data from PPC campaigns can inform and refine SEO strategies.

On the flip side, SEO insights, particularly around long-tail keywords and content performance, can be used to optimize PPC campaigns. This symbiotic relationship ensures that whether a potential customer clicks on an ad or a search result, they encounter a consistent message and brand experience.

Social media integration represents another critical aspect of this multi-channel strategy. The interactive nature of social platforms offers a unique opportunity to extend the reach and impact of PPC campaigns. By aligning PPC ad targeting with social media audience insights, advertisers can craft campaigns that resonate deeply with specific user segments.

For instance, a user’s interaction with a brand on social media can inform the personalization of PPC ads they see in the future. Additionally, social media channels serve as effective vehicles for retargeting. They enable brands to re-engage with users who have interacted with their PPC ads, further nurturing them down the sales funnel.

The role of email marketing in this integrated strategy is pivotal. It serves as the bridge between generating leads through PPC and nurturing these leads to conversion. Integrating email marketing with PPC allows for a seamless transition from the initial click to deeper engagement. Customized email campaigns based on user interactions with PPC ads can significantly enhance the user’s journey. This approach improves the chances of conversion and strengthens customer relationships by offering value beyond the initial ad interaction.

Integrating PPC with content marketing also amplifies the effectiveness of both. High-quality content can be used to nurture leads obtained through PPC. Simultaneously, PPC can drive traffic to content pieces, increasing their reach and impact. This synergy ensures that content marketing efforts support the lead generation goals of PPC while PPC brings more visibility and engagement to content marketing efforts.

Analytics plays a central role in this integrated strategy; they provide the insights necessary to understand how different channels impact each other and the customer journey as a whole. By analyzing data from all channels, marketers can gain a holistic view of their audience’s behavior and preferences. This comprehensive understanding allows for more targeted and personalized marketing efforts across all channels. The outcome? Higher engagement and conversion rates.

4.3. Case Studies

The power of a well-executed multi-channel campaign cannot be overstated. As we reflect on the year 2023, it becomes evident that the most impactful marketing strategies were those that seamlessly integrated various channels, each complementing the other to create a cohesive and engaging narrative.

These successful campaigns exemplify the evolution of marketing techniques and highlight the importance of innovation, creativity, and a deep understanding of the audience’s evolving preferences.

At a time when consumers are bombarded with information from multiple sources, brands face the challenge of cutting through the noise and making a meaningful connection. The campaigns that stood out in 2023 did just that; they resonated with audiences by leveraging the unique strengths of each marketing channel while maintaining a consistent brand message.

  1. Coca-Cola’s “Create Real Magic” with Generative AI


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Coca-Cola took a groundbreaking approach by incorporating generative AI into their marketing campaign. Using OpenAI’s GPT-4 and DALL-E tools, the campaign invited artists and consumers to participate in creating original ads.

This initiative showcased AI-driven creativity and democratized the creative process. The campaign resonated particularly well with Gen Z, who value authentic and interactive brand experiences, resulting in increased sales and enhanced brand favorability for Coca-Cola.

The “Create Real Magic” campaign was a testament to Coca-Cola’s ability to engage consumers on multiple levels and foster deeper brand loyalty and advocacy​.

  1. 1Password’s Cybersecurity Campaign with Celebrity Co-Owner

1Password’s campaign in the cybersecurity industry stood out for its unique blend of humor and serious messaging. Leveraging a celebrity co-owner known for his humor and relatability, the campaign effectively humanized the complex topic of cybersecurity. This approach resonated strongly with consumers; it helped foster trust and connection.

The success of the campaign lay in its ability to address cybersecurity in a fun, approachable, and engaging way. 1Password’s expertise and commitment to user security were cleverly demonstrated without overwhelming the audience with technical details​.

  1. Walmart’s Black Friday Campaign with “Mean Girls” Theme

Walmart effectively used nostalgia marketing for its Black Friday campaign by featuring the original cast of the 2004 film “Mean Girls.” The commercials targeted millennials, the largest demographic of holiday shoppers, and immediately sparked nostalgia. This campaign wasn’t just well-produced but also successfully resonated with a significant consumer base by tapping into their love for a generational film!

These case studies highlight the importance of understanding the target audience, leveraging cultural insights, and adapting to emerging trends to create impactful marketing campaigns. Each campaign demonstrated creativity, strategic thinking, and emotional resonance. It smartly set new benchmarks for captivating audiences and achieving marketing success.

5. Adapting to New Platforms and Formats

Staying ahead means constantly adapting to new platforms and formats. As we progress through 2024, the landscape of PPC advertising management is no exception.

The emergence of new digital platforms and the evolution of ad formats have created fresh opportunities and challenges for marketers. In this era, agility and innovation are key to harnessing the potential of these new frontiers. From the proliferation of new social media platforms to the rise of voice search and the growing importance of interactive and video content, PPC strategies must evolve to stay relevant.

Advertisers who can effectively navigate this shifting terrain are well-positioned to capture the attention of their target audience in unique and compelling ways. Let’s explore the intricacies of these developments and how they’re reshaping the approach to PPC advertising.Top of Form


5.1. Exploration of New and Emerging Platforms for PPC Advertising Bottom of Form

Exploring new platforms is kind of like charting unknown territories in search of hidden treasures. As 2024 unfolds, these novel platforms offer fresh ground for advertising and bring unique user behaviors, untapped audiences, and innovative ways to engage to the table.

For marketers and businesses alike, venturing into these new arenas isn’t just an option but a strategic imperative to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

Consider the rise of niche social media platforms. Unlike their more established predecessors, these newer platforms often cater to specific interests or demographics, providing a fertile ground for targeted advertising.

From platforms dedicated to gamers and tech enthusiasts to those fostering communities around fitness or travel, each presents an opportunity for highly specialized PPC campaigns. The key isn’t just presence but precision: understanding the platform’s core audience and tailoring your message to resonate deeply with their specific interests and preferences.

Emerging platforms also bring novel ad formats and user interaction models. For instance, some platforms may emphasize short-form, visually driven content, demanding creativity and brevity in ad design. Others may offer innovative ways to integrate ads into user-generated content, blurring the lines between organic and sponsored material.

These new formats challenge advertisers to think outside the traditional ad box and craft campaigns that aren’t just promotional but also engaging and entertaining.

But diving into these uncharted waters requires more than just a sense of adventure; it demands a strategy. It’s essential to conduct thorough research to understand the platform’s audience, the type of content they engage with, and the most effective ways to reach them.

Initial forays into these platforms can involve testing different ad formats, messaging styles, and targeting parameters to gauge what resonates best with the audience. This experimentation phase is essential; it lays the foundation for more focused and effective campaigns.

In addition, early adoption of new platforms can offer significant advantages. Brands that establish a presence on these platforms before they become mainstream can capture the attention of early adopters and trendsetters (often at a lower cost than more saturated platforms). This first-mover advantage can translate into higher engagement rates, stronger brand recognition, and, ultimately, a more significant impact on your target audience.

However, it’s not just about being early; it’s about being relevant. Success in these new platforms hinges on a brand’s ability to authentically connect with its audience. This means creating content that aligns with the platform’s ethos and user expectations.

5.2. Adapting PPC Strategies for Mobile, Voice Search, and Other Technologies

Let’s start with mobile: the powerhouse of digital interactions. In this era, the mobile isn’t just another device; it’s a lifeline that connects consumers to the world. The shift from desktops to smartphones has been more than just a change in screen size; it’s a transformation in user behavior, expectations, and experiences.

Mobile PPC strategies need to be quick, responsive, and, most importantly, thumb-friendly. Ads must be designed for smaller screens to ensure that messages are concise yet impactful. This means rethinking everything from the length of the ad copy to the size of the call-to-action (CTA) buttons. Mobile users are often on the move, so loading times must lightning fast, and the content needs to be instantly captivating.

Geotargeting becomes a powerful tool in mobile PPC. It allows advertisers to reach users based on their real-time location. As a result, ads become more relevant and personalized.

Voice search, on the other hand, is like stepping into a new frontier. It’s a world where queries are conversational, keywords are longer, and the competition for a single answer spot is fierce. Optimizing PPC for voice search means understanding the nuances of natural language and tailoring campaigns to match the conversational tone of voice queries. It’s about focusing on long-tail keywords that mirror how people actually talk.

The challenge here is to anticipate the questions users may ask and craft your ads to provide the answers. Since voice search devices often provide a single answer, ranking at the top is essential, and this can be achieved by prioritizing question-based queries and local searches.

Emerging technologies, like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), are adding new dimensions to PPC. These technologies offer immersive experiences, and for PPC campaigns, this means an opportunity to create ads that aren’t just seen but experienced.

Imagine showcasing your product in a virtual environment where users can interact with it. Or how about using AR to bring your ads to life right in the user’s living room? The potential here is immense but it requires a creative leap. Advertisers must think beyond traditional formats and explore how these immersive experiences can be integrated into their campaigns to offer users a blend of novelty and information.

Another emerging technology reshaping PPC is artificial intelligence (AI). AI is kind of like your super-smart assistant who knows your customers better than they know themselves. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to optimize bidding strategies, personalize ad content, and predict consumer behaviors. This means ads that aren’t just targeted but almost prescient in their ability to meet user needs.

5.3. The Smart Way to Leverage Video and Interactive Ad Formats

Leveraging video and interactive ad formats in PPC campaigns requires a blend of creativity, strategy, and a deep understanding of audience engagement. Here are some of the best practices to effectively utilize these dynamic ad formats:

  • Understand Your Audience: Before diving into video and interactive ads, it’s important to know your audience inside out. What captivates them? What are their online behaviors? Tailoring your content to your target demographic’s interests and preferences ensures higher engagement rates.
  • Emphasize Storytelling in Videos: A compelling story can make your video ad unforgettable. Focus on narrative elements that connect emotionally with viewers. Whether it’s humor, inspiration, or intrigue, a good story keeps viewers hooked and makes your brand memorable.
  • Optimize for Mobile Viewing: With the majority of users accessing content via mobile, ensure your video and interactive ads are optimized for smaller screens. This includes considering vertical formats and ensuring that your ads are responsive across various devices.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet: Attention spans are short. Keep your video ads concise but impactful. Ideally, aim for 15 to 30 seconds. Pack a punch with a clear, engaging, and compelling message that viewers can quickly absorb.
  • Leverage High-Quality Visuals: In a world where visual content reigns supreme, high-quality graphics and visuals are non-negotiable. They grab attention and enhance your brand’s professional image.
  • Interactive Elements Should Add Value: When incorporating interactive elements, make sure they contribute to the overall message and user experience. Whether it’s clickable links, quizzes, or polls, each interactive aspect should serve a purpose in engaging the viewer and enhancing the ad’s effectiveness.
  • Include a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Whether you’re prompting a purchase, encouraging a sign-up, or directing viewers to learn more, a clear CTA is essential. It guides the audience on what to do next after they engage with your ad.
  • Test and Optimize: Utilize A/B testing to determine which aspects of your video or interactive ads resonate best with your audience. Continuously analyze performance data to refine and optimize your approach.
  • Use SEO Techniques in Video: Implement SEO tactics such as using relevant keywords in your video title, description, and tags. This increases the likelihood of your video being discovered in search results.
  • Track Metrics and Adjust Accordingly: Pay close attention to metrics like view count, engagement rate, and click-through rate. These insights will help you understand what works and what needs to be tweaked.
  • Capitalize on Social Media Trends: Stay updated with current trends on social media platforms. Incorporating these trends can make your ads more relatable and timely.
  • Ensure Brand Consistency: While creativity is key, maintaining brand consistency across your video and interactive ads reinforces brand recognition. Your brand’s voice, tone, and visual style should be consistent to build a cohesive brand image.

Can you check off all these boxes on your own? Possibly. Will you be able to do these techniques justice? Most likely not.

The multifaceted world of PPC, with its ever-evolving platforms and ad formats,isn’t all fun and games.It demands a high level of expertise and experience. This is where professional PPC management services become indispensable.

The array of skills required to effectively leverage video and interactive ad formats, from understanding audience dynamics to mastering storytelling in videos, is vast and varied. PPC professionals bring a wealth of experience in handling these complexities. They ensure that every aspect of your campaign is optimized for success.

Professional AdWords PPC management service providers are adept at tailoring content to precisely fit your target audience’s preferences. They excel in crafting compelling narratives in video ads and ensuring that each story aligns perfectly with your brand’s messaging and audience’s expectations.

Google PPC management experts also understand the importance of concise and impactful messaging. They’re skilled in using high-quality visuals and interactive elements effectively. Their proficiency in A/B testing and performance analytics means that your campaigns will be continually refined and optimized based on real-time data.

SEO integration in video content, another critical aspect of modern PPC campaigns, is managed effectively by these professionals. They ensure that your content ranks well in search results and reaches a wider audience. They also stay abreast of the latest social media trends and integrate them into your campaigns to maintain relevance and engagement.

6. Navigating Privacy Regulations and Data Security in PPC

privacy regulations and data security in PPC

The seismic shift towards stringent privacy regulations and heightened data security has redefined the terrain of PPC advertising. The introduction of stringent privacy laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the US has significantly impacted how marketers approach PPC. These regulations demand a more conscientious and transparent handling of user data. Let’s dig deeper.

6.1. The Impact of Privacy Laws on PPC Campaigns

Privacy laws have reshaped the PPC landscape in several fundamental ways. One of the most significant effects of these laws is the redefinition of audience targeting.

The days of casting a wide net with loosely gathered data are fading. They’re being replaced by a need for clear and explicit consent from users. This change has introduced a new challenge: acquiring user data without intruding on their privacy. Marketers are now required to be more upfront about their data collection practices, explaining the “what” and “why” to users in a transparent manner. This shift isn’t just a legal hoop to jump through; it’s a matter of fostering trust and ensuring users feel secure in sharing their information.

The constraints on data usage have also led to a pivot in targeting tactics. Web users’ reliance on third-party cookies, once the backbone of PPC targeting, is dwindling. Advertisers are being pushed to find alternative methods.

This is triggering the rise of contextual targeting and first-party data. Advertisers are now turning to contextual clues (the content surrounding the ad space) to place their ads rather than relying solely on user behavior. This shift, while challenging, opens up creative avenues for ad placement. It ensures relevance without compromising user privacy.

The compliance with these privacy laws has brought data management and security to the forefront. Advertisers must now ensure that their data collection practices are compliant and that the data is stored and managed securely.

The ripple effect of these privacy laws extends to the very ethos of PPC campaigns. The focus is gradually shifting from the quantity to the quality of data. The reduced volume of data due to consent requirements means each piece of data is more valuable; its analysis and application must be more strategic and thoughtful. This evolution is nudging advertisers to innovate in how they personalize ads. They must strike a balance between being relevant and not intrusive.Top of Form

Bottom of Form

6.2. Strategies for Effective Targeting While Respecting User Privacy

Striking a balance between effective targeting and respecting user privacy in PPC campaigns has become paramount in 2024. The evolving privacy regulations and heightened public awareness about data security demand a strategic rethinking of targeting practices.

Adapting to this new environment requires compliance with legal standards and a commitment to ethical advertising. Here are some key strategies that blend effective targeting with respect for user privacy to ensure that PPC campaigns remain both impactful and trustworthy:

  1. Emphasize Consent-Based First-Party Data Collection

Focus on gathering data directly from users who have interacted with your brand. This includes leveraging sign-ups, subscriptions, or any form of direct user engagement as a source for data.

Unlike third-party data, first-party data is more reliable and ethical, as it is collected with user consent. Utilize this data to understand customer preferences, purchase history, and behavior.

The key here is transparency; make it clear to users what data you’re collecting and how it will be used to ensure their comfort and trust in your brand.

  1. Invest in Contextual Targeting Techniques

Switch to placing ads based on the content of a webpage rather than relying on user data. This strategy involves analyzing the type of content that your target audience consumes and placing ads on similar websites or alongside similar content.

Contextual targeting aligns your ads with relevant topics (which can be just as effective as personalized targeting but without the privacy concerns). This approach requires a deep understanding of your audience’s interests and the types of content that align with your product or service.

  1. Utilize Geo-Targeting and Geo-Fencing Strategically

While still respecting user privacy, leverage geo-targeting and geo-fencing to serve ads to users based on their location. This approach is particularly effective for local businesses or events.

For instance, if you’re running a promotion for a store, targeting ads to users within a certain proximity can drive foot traffic. Ensure that this strategy is used in a way that respects user privacy. Avoid overly intrusive or personal data usage.

  1. Develop Broad Audience Segmentation

Instead of micro-targeting based on detailed personal data, create broader audience segments based on general interests, demographic data, or behavioral trends.

This approach reduces the risk of privacy invasion while still allowing for effective targeting. For example, instead of targeting based on intricate behavior patterns, segment your audience into broader categories like “fitness enthusiasts” or “technology aficionados.”

  1. Explore Lookalike Audiences

If you’re using platforms like Facebook or Google Ads, take advantage of lookalike audiences. These are users who share similar characteristics with your current customers but haven’t interacted with your brand yet. By targeting lookalike audiences, you can reach new potential customers who are likely to be interested in your products or services based on similarities to your existing customer base.

  1. Increase Focus on Creative Quality and Messaging

With limitations on data usage, the quality of your ad creative and the strength of your messaging become even more important. Invest in high-quality, engaging, and insightful ad content that can capture attention and resonate with your audience without relying on personalized data. This includes compelling visuals, strong calls-to-action (CTAs), and messaging that aligns with your brand values and audience interests.

6.3. The Role of Transparent and Ethical Data Usage in PPC

 a hand using a magnifying glass to peer into sensitive data

As privacy concerns continue to grow and regulations become more stringent, the role of ethical data management in PPC cannot be overstated. This new paradigm builds trust and credibility with increasingly privacy-conscious consumers.

What lies at the heart of transparent data usage in PPC? The principle of clear communication with users. This means being upfront about the types of data being collected, the purpose of collection, and how it will be used in advertising. One must move away from opaque data practices towards a model where user consent is informed and explicit.

This transparency isn’t merely a compliance checkbox; it fosters a relationship based on trust and respect with the audience. When users understand and agree to the data usage, they’re more likely to view the ads as relevant and less intrusive, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the campaign.

Ethical data usage goes beyond transparency; it involves a commitment to handling user data responsibly. This means implementing robust security measures to protect data from breaches and ensuring that the data is used solely for its intended purpose. Ethical data practices also involve regularly auditing data sources and methods to ensure they adhere to evolving privacy laws and ethical standards. This continuous evaluation safeguards against compliance risks and demonstrates a commitment to ethical practices.

Ethical data usage also translates into more refined targeting strategies. Instead of relying on mass data collection, the focus shifts to gathering high-quality, relevant data. This approach aligns with privacy norms and ensures that the ads are targeted more effectively. The result is a more efficient campaign that respects user privacy and yields better returns on investment.

Transparent and ethical data usage in PPC is becoming a competitive advantage in 2024. In a market where consumers are increasingly wary of how their data is used, brands that demonstrate a commitment to ethical practices stand out. They’re likely to garner more trust and loyalty from customers. The outcome? Long-term relationships and brand advocacy. It’s a win-win!

7. Future Predictions for PPC Management Services

The PPC management terrain is poised for a series of transformative shifts driven by both technological advancements and changing market dynamics.

Based on expert opinions and forecasts, we can anticipate a future where PPC isn’t just a tool for digital marketing but a data-driven and highly sophisticated ecosystem that leverages the latest in technology to deliver unparalleled advertising efficiency and effectiveness.

One of the most significant changes experts foresee is the deep integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in PPC. These technologies are expected to evolve beyond basic automation and into predictive analytics. They’re expected to offer insights that can preempt consumer behaviors and market trends.

The implications here are profound; AI could enable real-time campaign adjustments (not just in response to market dynamics but in anticipation of them). This level of foresight could dramatically increase the efficiency of ad spend and ROI. It could offer businesses a competitive edge that was previously unattainable.

Another area ripe for evolution is the realm of voice and visual search. As smart devices become increasingly ubiquitous, voice search is expected to account for a significant portion of online queries. PPC strategies will need to adapt to this shiftby moving away from traditional keyword targeting to more conversational phrases that align with how people naturally speak.

Visual search is also on the rise! This development will likely lead to new ad formats and visual optimization strategies. Advertisers will be pushed to think more creatively about how they capture user attention.

Experts also predict a greater emphasis on privacy and ethical data use in PPC. As consumers become more aware of and concerned about their digital footprints, there’s a growing demand for transparency and privacy in online advertising. Future PPC strategies will likely pivot towards greater reliance on first-party data and contextual targeting; the dependence on third-party data sources will be reduced. This shift will require a delicate balance of maintaining effective targeting while respecting user privacy.

The potential for new platforms and technologies to revolutionize PPC is also on the horizon. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are expected to create new opportunities for immersive advertising experiences. Imagine showcasing your products in a virtual environment where users can interact and engage in ways that were previously impossible. This level of immersion could redefine user engagement and open up new avenues for creative and impactful advertising!

Blockchain technology is another area that could significantly impact PPC. Its potential to bring transparency to ad transactions could help combat fraud and provide a more accurate and reliable tracking of ad performance. This development could result in a more trustworthy and efficient digital advertising ecosystem. This means benefits for both advertisers and consumers.

The future of PPC management services is shaping up to be an exciting confluence of technology, creativity, and ethical practices. These developments will very obviously enhance the capabilities and effectiveness of PPC campaigns. They’ll also redefine the relationship between advertisers and their audiences.

As we look towards the future, it’s evident that PPC will continue to be a critical component of digital marketing, albeit one that’s constantly evolving to meet the demands of a rapidly changing digital landscape.

Let Global-marketing Inc. Take the Reins!

PPC management doesn’t just require skill and knowledge; it calls for a visionary approach.

This is where Global-marketing Inc. enters the picture! With the myriad changes shaping the future of PPC, from emerging technologies to shifting privacy norms, partnering with Global-marketing Inc. offers a strategic advantage.

We bring a wealth of expertise and experience in PPC management to the table. This is combined with a keen understanding of the latest trends and technological advancements. Our team of seasoned PPC campaign management professionals is adept at crafting campaigns that are compliant with the latest privacy regulations and optimized for the highest efficiency and ROI.

We understand that the future of PPC lies in embracing innovation while maintaining an unwavering commitment to ethical practices. Keeping this in mind, we prioritize transparency and ethical data usage, aligning our strategies with your brand’s values and your audience’s expectations.

Our approach is holistic and data-driven. We believe in harnessing the power of AI, voice search optimization, and emerging platforms to deliver PPC campaigns that resonate with your target audience. By staying ahead of technological breakthroughs, we ensure that your PPC campaigns leverage the most advanced tools and strategies available. Whether it’s adapting to voice search, exploring AR/VR possibilities, or navigating the nuances of mobile optimization, our team is equipped to handle the challenges and opportunities that come with these advancements.

Are you ready to reap the benefits of PPC ad management services crafted by a team of experts? We’ve talked the talk. Now, let us walk it. Schedule a free consultation today!

The post The Evolution of PPC Management Services: Modern Strategies for 2024 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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The Top 4 Reasons Your PPC Leads Aren’t Converting — And How to Fix Them Mon, 11 Sep 2023 08:17:14 +0000 Wait—Weren’t PPC Conversions Low-Risk High Reward? If you’ve been on the business side of the internet in any capacity in the last decade (maybe longer), you’re probably more than familiar with pay-per-click (PPC) ads. You’ve also probably heard that they’re the holy grail of digital marketing and one of the quickest, easiest, and cheapest ways […]

The post The Top 4 Reasons Your PPC Leads Aren’t Converting — And How to Fix Them appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Wait—Weren’t PPC Conversions Low-Risk High Reward?

If you’ve been on the business side of the internet in any capacity in the last decade (maybe longer), you’re probably more than familiar with pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

You’ve also probably heard that they’re the holy grail of digital marketing and one of the quickest, easiest, and cheapest ways to generate leads and conversions for your business, generating $2 for every $1 spent.

But if they’re so impactful and useful, shouldn’t they be low-maintenance?

Well, yes. That statement is true.

But low maintenance doesn’t equate to no maintenance—which is a common misconception in the industry considering that 72% of advertisers spend more on social ads than PPC marketing.

So, where are you going wrong?

What’s Causing Your PPC Leads To Hit Dead Ends?

In order to understand how you can improve your PPC management, you need to get to the root of what’s causing this issue. There could be several reasons why your PPC ad management services aren’t cutting it.

Let’s get into it:

The Problem: Your Landing Page Strategy And Mobile Optimization Are Off The Mark

In the realm of PPC, it’s not just about driving clicks—it’s about what happens after the click that counts. Many companies falter in two critical aspects: landing page relevance and mobile optimization.

When it comes to landing page relevance, a surprisingly large number of businesses make the mistake of directing PPC traffic to their homepages instead of a dedicated landing page. The homepage is your digital business card, whereas a landing page is a focused sales pitch. By sending PPC visitors to your homepage, you’re diluting their attention and decreasing the likelihood of conversion.

The other pain point is mobile optimization. Many businesses still operate under the assumption that the bulk of their traffic is desktop-oriented. While this may be true in some cases, it’s a fatal mistake for most, especially for local and service-oriented industries. A poorly optimized mobile experience can make your PPC campaign a case of “right message, wrong format.

The Solution: Implement Targeted Landing Pages And Mobile Optimization

If you’re serious about getting your PPC leads to convert, it’s essential to guide them to a destination designed for that purpose—a dedicated landing page. These pages focus solely on driving conversions, be it getting users to fill out a form, make a call, or complete a purchase.

Our team at Global-marketing Inc. is well-versed in designing and implementing hyper-targeted landing pages tailored to the needs of your PPC campaign. Every click on your ad is an investment, and we aim to maximize the return on it.

On the mobile front, optimizing your landing pages is non-negotiable. Mobile search is not the future; it’s the present. Ensure that your landing pages are responsive and offer easy readability. Remember, Google offers tools to test the mobile-friendliness of your pages. Use these resources to ensure you’re not missing out on a significant chunk of your potential customer base.

The Problem: Your Marketing And Sales Teams Are In Different Corners Of The Multiverse

Unlike Miles Morales, it’s not that easy to swing from one end of the multiverse to another when it comes to digital marketing.

A major reason why many PPC ads fail to generate conversions is that sales and marketing teams do not communicate with one another. They’re expected to do their end of the bargain, where marketing drives leads while sales drives conversions—and nothing more.

In theory, this works well since each team has a specialized role in creating PPC ad campaigns and strategies and then hooking customers that clickthrough with your sales strategy.

In truth, however, it’s not that simple.

The average buyer’s journey from awareness to sales is much more complex and long-winded. Customers will have questions — both for themselves and you — while 90% of them will also expect consistency regardless of medium, and they may not have a straightforward purchasing experience either.

A graphic depicting the importance of teamwork, showing multiple people working together

The Solution: Choosing A Multi-Service PPC Management Agency For Your Needs

One of the biggest strategic benefits of choosing a PPC management company like Global-marketing Inc. is that we value and prioritize teamwork and collaboration between all our teams. That means what our marketing team does and plans, our sales team follows up on and executes.

It’s like cogs in a well-oiled machine that ensures standard messaging and conversion goals are set and followed across all steps of the sales and marketing funnel.  This ensures that from the moment a prospect clicks on your ad to the time they make a purchase, there’s a logical and compelling narrative guiding them.

Global-marketing Inc. employs a range of metrics to assess the effectiveness of our coordinated efforts. These metrics reveal how well our integrated approach is performing and where it needs fine-tuning. Through this strategy, our PPC management services helped Discount Golf Company’s purchases go up by a staggering 328.75% in a year!


Recommended Read: Winning PPC Trends of 2023 You Need to Know

The Problem: Your Data Is Insufficient, Outdated, Or Being Used Ineffectively

Data is at the heart of PPC management. Whether you’re in the planning stages of a PPC strategy or monitoring an active campaign, data serves as a navigational compass, directing each decision you make in your PPC journey.

To get a comprehensive picture, it’s essential to focus on multiple KPIs. We’re talking about metrics like clickthrough rate, funnel engagement, audience performance, revenue, and the overall health of the campaign. These KPIs give you a 360-degree view, showing you what’s working and what needs adjustment.

Yet, despite the availability of these metrics, so many PPC leads go belly-up. Why? The data that PPC management experts and business owners are working with is insufficient, outdated, or misunderstood. In other words, you might be sailing with a faulty compass.

The Solution: Understand Your Sales Cycle More Efficiently And Leverage That Information

The first step to combating this issue is to understand your business’s sales cycle more efficiently. You need to generate fresh, relevant data and align it with current customer behavior, prevailing industry trends, and, yes, those ever-important KPIs.

A quick overview of the average buyer’s journey today

This is where we come in. We don’t just throw data at you; we help you make sense of it. We’ll collaborate closely with your team to set realistic timelines and goals, applying the right metrics for actionable insights—because the data often shows emerging trends and shifts in customer behavior that a static strategy won’t catch.

Recommended Read: Top 8 PPC Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

The Problem: You’re Using Too Many High-Volume Keywords That Aren’t Generating Leads

Less is more, and quality definitely accounts for more than quantity when it comes to keywords.

If you’re too focused on a higher volume of leads as opposed to effectiveness, you’re missing out. Keywords for your PPC management services need to be diverse and versatile enough to target the audience you’re aiming for, but they also need to be specific enough to generate leads.

Too broad, and it won’t really direct them to the action or conversion you want or target the right audience. Too narrow, and it will filter out your targeted niche.

An illustration depicting a customer exiting as they abandon their cart

Additionally, you may be missing out because you’re getting outbid on high-performing keywords, causing you to miss out on valuable leads. Secondly, if your website, landing pages, and product pages aren’t optimized, you’ll likely see clickthroughs that don’t convert. In other words, people may arrive, but they leave without engaging or taking any action. This leads to elevated bounce rates and other issues, diminishing the effectiveness of even a well-placed PPC ad.

The Solution: Audit, Analyze, And Redesign Your Keyword Strategy

What’s the fix? You need to audit, analyze, and redesign your keyword strategy for greater performance and optimal results.

Work with our PPC management experts to revamp your PPC strategy from the ground up. We’re going to help you identify who your audience members are and what they’re looking for, dig deeper into search intent, and audit and identify negative keywords or low-volume keywords that are hurting your presence.

Understanding all of these factors can help you reorient your strategy and improve it for better outcomes and optimization. Perhaps your ads are only getting impressions but not clickthroughs; maybe customers clickthrough but don’t purchase; perhaps they do add to their carts and abandon them. No matter what the issue is, having a systematic review and revaluation of your business approach is key.

Clickthrough for Clickthroughs—We’ve Got You Covered

It’s crucial to identify the root cause of your PPC ads’ failure to launch. At Global-marketing Inc., we offer PPC management services like campaign management and audits, among other tasks.

Once we know where your strategy is going wrong, we’ll help you revamp, upgrade, and adjust your strategy to generate more clickthroughs and conversions. After all, PPC marketing has one of the highest ROIs in digital marketing—so why not leverage it to the fullest?

Clickthrough to connect to our team and set up a consultation with us. We’re here to address any queries and help you get started on revamping your strategy.

The post The Top 4 Reasons Your PPC Leads Aren’t Converting — And How to Fix Them appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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PPC Management with Google Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide Mon, 31 Jul 2023 11:50:27 +0000 You know that exhilarating rush you get when you successfully assemble a piece of flat-pack furniture? That ‘aha!’ moment when what was once a bewildering array of screws, brackets, and wooden panels morphs into a functional, usable item? Successful PPC management with Google Ads can provide a similar rush. It may appear as an enigmatic puzzle […]

The post PPC Management with Google Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

a concept illustration of a laptop with the Google Ads logo

You know that exhilarating rush you get when you successfully assemble a piece of flat-pack furniture? That ‘aha!’ moment when what was once a bewildering array of screws, brackets, and wooden panels morphs into a functional, usable item?

Successful PPC management with Google Ads can provide a similar rush. It may appear as an enigmatic puzzle at first glance, but once you slot the pieces together, it transforms into a powerful tool that can skyrocket your business growth.

Our PPC management experts will help you do just that today. Join us as we unlock the power of Google Ads with our expert-led PPC management guide.

It’s time to unleash the full potential of your advertising budget, maximize conversions, and stay ahead of the curve. By the end of this blog, you’ll become well-versed in PPC management and relish the satisfaction of successfully piecing together your Google Ads campaign.

Are you ready to start puzzling? Let’s dive in!

1. Understand the Basics of Google Ads and PPC

You can’t just dive into complex systems and processes right away; you must take some time to understand the basics before getting your hands dirty. And Google Ads, with its vast potential for businesses of all sizes, is no different.

Let’s start with the very basics. What is Google Ads? And what do we mean by PPC?

Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords, is an online advertising platform developed by Google. It allows advertisers to display short advertisements, product listings, service offerings, and video content to web users within the Google ad network. Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, which brings us to the question, what is PPC?

PPC, or pay-per-click, is an online advertising model that requires advertisers to pay each time a user clicks on one of their online ads. It’s akin to buying visits to your website rather than attempting to earn them organically. And Google Ads is one of the most popular platforms where PPC is employed.

However, not all Google Ads operate on a PPC model. There are various types of Google Ads, including search, display, shopping, video, and app ads. While search ads typically work on the PPC model, other ad types may operate on cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) or cost-per-acquisition (CPA) models.

In the case of Search Ads, when a user performs a search using keywords related to what your business offers, your ad can appear at the top of the search result page. This prime digital real estate makes Google Ads incredibly effective for driving relevant traffic to your website.

The heart of a PPC campaign lies in the keywords you choose. Keywords are the linchpin between what people search for and the content you provide to fill that need. Your PPC campaign’s success largely depends on how well you match your keywords with potential customers’ intent.

But remember, keywords aren’t the whole story (we wish it were that simple). They’re merely one cog in the complex machinery of Google Ads. To design effective PPC campaigns, you must understand other critical aspects like ad creation, audience targeting, bidding strategies, budget management, performance analysis, and more.

Think of Google Ads as a multi-faceted tool. To capitalize on its benefits, you need to learn how to use each function harmoniously with the others. Check this box off the list, and you’ll be able to construct a PPC campaign that delivers maximum return on investment (ROI).

Our PPC management experts will dissect each of these aspects in the upcoming sections. Are you with us? Let’s roll out the grand plan!

2. Craft an Effective Ad Campaign

Crafting an effective ad campaign on Google Ads is akin to composing a symphony. You start with a blank sheet, but with the right elements in place, your ad campaign can create a lasting impact (much like a beautiful melody).

But remember, this melody shouldn’t just sound good to you; it should also get your intended audience grooving! How can you do that? We’ll show you the way.

2.1.Set Clear Objectives

a concept illustration of a man running on ascending arrow to achieve PPC management objectives

In the context of Google Ads, your objectives should be closely tied to your business goals and must provide a clear direction for your ad campaign.

These objectives may be driving website traffic, increasing online or in-store sales, generating leads, promoting your app, building brand awareness, and so on.

For example, if you’re launching a new product, your objective could be increasing product awareness among a specific demographic. If you’re a local business, your goal may be driving foot traffic to your store.

Google Ads provides you with various types of campaigns tailored for different objectives. For instance, if your goal is to generate leads, a search campaign that promotes a specific offer may be most effective. On the other hand, if you’re looking to build brand awareness, a display campaign that targets relevant websites may be the way to go.

2.2. Perform Keyword Research

Effective keyword research entails optimizing your ads for the search queries most relevant to your business. This means your ads are more likely to show up in the right searches, attract more relevant traffic, and fetch more conversions. Ka-ching!

Start by brainstorming a list of keywords related to your product or service. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify the search volume for these keywords, find related keywords, and discover long-tail keywords that could provide valuable niches.

The user intent behind each keyword is very important. Are users looking for information? Or are they ready to make a purchase? Closely match your keywords and ads to the user’s intent to improve your campaign’s performance significantly.

Work with PPC management experts to get your hands on the most relevant keywords for your industry. At Global-marketing Inc., we take things up a notch. Our cutting-edge keyword research tool is more advanced than Google Keyword Planner. This helps us uncover the highest-ranking keywords for your campaign.

PPC management services will help you fine-tune your keyword research strategy and dominate Google SERPs like a seasoned pro.

2.3. Write Compelling Ad Copy

Compelling ad copy starts with a clear understanding of your audience. What problems are they facing? How does your product or service solve these problems? What language do they use? These insights will help you craft messages that resonate with your audience.

Always include keywords in your ad copy. The right keywords help users determine whether an ad is relevant to their search. However, don’t just stuff your ad with keywords; make sure they fit naturally and seamlessly into your copy.

Your ad headline is the first thing people see. It must be compelling and contain your main keyword. The description lines should provide more details about your offer and include a strong call-to-action (CTA). Encourage users to take immediate action by using action verbs like “Buy,””Shop,” or “Sign Up.”

We also recommend using ad extensions to provide additional information like your business location, phone number, or additional links to your site. This will increase your ad’s visibility and give users more reasons to choose your business (more on ad extensions later).

2.4. Optimize for Relevance

This may sound tricky, but it’s not. It all comes down to how well your keywords, ads, and landing pages match user search intent. The more closely your ad and landing page content matches a user’s intent, the higher your Quality Score, a Google metric that influences your ad’s rank and cost-per-click (CPC).

How can you optimize for relevance? Start by organizing your campaigns into tightly themed ad groups with a small set of closely related keywords. This will help you write highly targeted ad copy for each ad group and increase your ads’ relevance to the user’s search.

Ensure your landing pages deliver what your ads promise. If your ad promotes a specific product, the user should land on the product page, not your home page. Providing a seamless user experience is your golden ticket to improving your ad’s performance and boosting your Quality Score.

2.5. Conduct A/B Testing

a concept illustration of A/B testing

The process of A/B testing Google Ads is much like a chef testing different recipes. They take a base recipe, tweak one ingredient, and compare the results to the original. In this case, you take an ad, tweak one element, and analyze its performance against the original ad.

This systematic approach helps you determine what works best for your audience and optimize your ads for better performance. You could test virtually any ad element, including headlines, descriptions, display paths, and CTAs. You can also test different visuals or ad formats in display or video ads.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Decide What to Test: Start by identifying the element of your ad you want to test (e.g., headline, CTA, etc.). The key is to test only one element at a time to ensure any performance differences are due to that specific change.
  2. Create a Variation: Next, create a new ad within the same ad group that’s identical to the original (except for the element you’re testing). For example, if you’re testing the headline, keep the description, display path, and everything else the same.
  3. Set Up Your Test: Google Ads makes it easy to set up A/B tests using Drafts and Experiments. This feature allows you to split your traffic between the original and the variant to get accurate results.
  4. Analyze the Results: After running your test for a sufficient amount of time, analyze the results. Look at the metrics that matter most to your campaign objectives, e.g., click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per conversion, etc.
  5. Implement the Winning Variation: If the variant performs better, implement it in your campaign. If not, return to the original. Remember, negative results aren’t failures; they’re learnings that bring you closer to an optimized campaign.

A/B testing is an ongoing process that involves continuous testing and learning. Each test provides insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors. Even a small improvement in CTR or conversion rate can significantly impact your campaign’s overall success.

Crafting an effective Google Ads campaign isn’t an overnight task. It requires careful planning, a deep understanding of your audience, and continuous optimization. Instead of handing this critical task to your in-house team, hire an experienced PPC management company that can take the reins for you.

Recommended Read: SEO vs. PPC: What’s Better for Your Business?

3. Target the Right Audience

a concept illustration of a pie chart with web users and selecting the pie with the right target audience

Targeting the right audience is like being a skilled archer. An archer doesn’t aimlessly fire arrows hoping to hit the target; they consider factors like distance, wind direction, and target size to ensure their arrow hits the bullseye.

Similarly, with Google Ads, you don’t want to throw your ads into the digital realm and hope for the best. You want to carefully target your ads to reach the right people at the right time.

Google Ads offers a range of targeting options to help you zero in on your audience:

3.1. Demographic Targeting

Demographic targeting allows you to target your ads based on age, gender, parental status, and household income. This is particularly useful when your product or service appeals more to a specific demographic group.

For instance, if you’re selling luxury watches, you may want to target an older, more affluent audience. On the other hand, if you’re promoting a video game, a younger demographic would be more appropriate.

Google Ads gives you the flexibility to adjust bids for different demographics. This means you can bid more aggressively for demographics more likely to convert and reduce bids or exclude demographics that are less relevant.

3.2. Location Targeting

Location targeting enables you to show your ads to customers in a specific location or locations you select. This could be as broad as a whole country or as specific as a zip code.

This targeting option is particularly beneficial for businesses with physical locations or location-specific services. For example, a local restaurant may only want to show its ads to users within a 10-mile radius.

Additionally, you can adjust your bids based on location. If you find that users from a specific location are more likely to convert, you can increase your bids for that location to capture more high-value traffic.

Recommended Read: What is Local SEO?

3.3. Interest & Affinity Targeting

Interest and affinity targeting allows you to reach users based on their specific interests, habits, and long-term passions. Google Ads uses data from a user’s search and browsing history, the types of pages they visit, the apps they use, the ads they click, and other actions to determine their interests.

For instance, a business selling hiking gear may target users interested in outdoor activities. Alternatively, a new sci-fi movie may be promoted to users with an affinity for science fiction. See how this works?

3.4. In-Market and Life Events Targeting

In-market targeting focuses on users who are actively considering buying a product or service. Google determines whether someone is ‘in-market’ for a certain product or service based on clicks on related ads and subsequent conversion events. Google also pays attention to the content of the sites and pages they visit.

On the other hand, life events targeting allows you to reach users who are undergoing rites of passage, e.g., college graduation, moving, or getting married. Google identifies these life events based on user behavior changes (inferred from their search activity and profile information).

This type of targeting can be incredibly powerful. For example, a company that sells furniture may target people who’ve just moved into a new house.

Work with an experienced PPC management agency to collect comprehensive insights about your audience and target the right subsets accordingly. Global-marketing Inc. should be your first call! We perform extensive audience research to help you target interested buyers with high conversion potential.

4. Budget Management and Bidding Strategies

a concept illustration of PPC management budget on a screen

Let’s say you’re participating in an art auction. You’ve got your eye on a few valuable pieces, but you also have a budget to stick to. What do you do? You strategize, bid higher on pieces you must have, and save your resources for high-priority items.

Similarly, with Google Ads, you must balance your budget and strategize your bidding to win those valuable ad placements without breaking the bank.

4.1. Budget Management

Start by setting a daily budget for each campaign. This represents the average amount you’re willing to spend on a particular campaign in a day. The key term here is ‘average’. Your spending will vary due to fluctuations in daily traffic; it may be high on some days and lower on others.

Let’s understand one of the most critical aspects of budget management in Google Ads: distributing your budget based on campaign performance. Not all campaigns are created equal. Some may bring you a torrent of leads, while others just a trickle. Some campaigns may generate traffic during a particular season, while others do well year-round.

Start monitoring your campaign performance regularly and adjusting your budget accordingly. Consider factors like the quality of leads, conversion rates, and the overall return on investment (ROI) while making these adjustments.

A campaign that brings in fewer but higher-quality leads may be worth more investment than one that fetches a large number of low-quality leads.

Keep your business goals in mind through and through; this is one of the most critical aspects of budget management. Is your primary goal brand awareness? You may want to allocate more budget to display network campaigns. Are you aiming to drive sales and leads? Invest more in search network campaigns.

It’s also worth mentioning that your PPC management campaign budget should align with your keyword bidding strategy. For instance, if you’re bidding on highly competitive keywords, your budget must be sufficient to compete with other advertisers and win ad placements.

4.2. Bidding Strategies

Think of bidding strategies as the blueprint for constructing a skyscraper. Every floor, window, and door must align with the master plan. In the same vein, your bidding strategy must align with your advertising goals.

Whether you want to increase website traffic, generate leads, drive sales, or enhance brand awareness, Google Ads has a bidding strategy to help you achieve your objectives.

  1. Maximize Clicks: This strategy is the simplest way to bid for clicks. It automatically sets your bids to fetch the most clicks within your budget. This is the way to go if you want to drive website traffic.
  2. Maximize Conversions: Are you focused on getting more conversions within your budget? This is the strategy for you. Google uses machine learning to set bids at auction time automatically. The outcome? You’ll earn as many conversions as possible.
  3. Target CPA (Cost-Per-Action): Set the amount you’re willing to pay for a conversion. Google Ads will automatically set your bids to earn as many conversions as possible at your targeted cost per action.

This strategy is perfect if you know how much a conversion is worth to your business and want to maximize conversions within that cost.

  1. Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): Are you interested in getting a specific return on your ad spend? This is your strategy.

Set a target ROAS percentage, and Google will adjust your bids to maximize conversion value while trying to reach the average ROAS you set. This is great for businesses focused on achieving a certain return on their ad spend.

  1. Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (ECPC): ECPC is a semi-automated bidding strategy. Set your bids manually, and Google will adjust them automatically to maximize conversions.

ECPC is a great way to retain control over your bids and leverage Google’s machine learning to improve performance.

  1. Manual CPC Bidding: This strategy is for those who want to control their bids completely. It lets you set the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for a click on your ad. It’s a great strategy if you have the resources to manage and adjust bids regularly.
  2. Target Impression Share: Struggling to increase brand visibility? This strategy can help. Choose a target impression share percentage (the percentage of total possible impressions you want to achieve), and Google will set your bids to achieve that target.

This strategy is designed to maximize visibility. It’s perfect if you want your ads to be seen by a large audience.

Google Ads’ bidding strategies are like your advertising vehicle’s steering wheel. Your destination (advertising goals) will ultimately determine the direction you steer your vehicle in. Understand each bidding strategy’s nuances and select one that aligns with your objectives.

Work with a team of experienced, dedicated, and skilled PPC management experts to get off to a great start! PPC management services will help you take the guesswork out of the equation and check off all the right boxes in the right manner.

5. Design Eye-Catching Ad Creatives

a concept illustration of a PPC ads

An effective ad creative should captivate your audience, communicate your brand’s unique value proposition, and resonate with the searcher’s needs or interests.

Google Ads offers a range of ad formats, including text, image, video, and responsive ads. Here are some key principles to consider when designing ad creatives:

5.1. Speak to the Audience’s Needs

Think about it this way. When you’re out to buy a new smartphone, are you interested in the nitty-gritty details of its processor, or are you more inclined to know if it can run your favorite games smoothly and capture high-quality selfies?

Consumers are naturally more interested in how a product or service can cater to their specific needs or solve their problems.

Speaking to the audience’s needs in your ad creatives means emphasizing your product or service’s unique benefits. It means shifting the focus from features to benefits.

For instance, instead of stating, “Our mattress is made with advanced foam technology,” you could say, “Enjoy a night of restful sleep with our ultra-comfortable mattresses.” See the difference?

5.2. Use High-Quality Visuals

Visuals are like your ad’s windows. They offer a glimpse into what your brand has to offer. High-quality visuals will masterfully enhance your ad’s aesthetic appeal and improve its performance by attracting attention and improving comprehension.

Whether you’re using images, graphics, or videos, make sure they’re clear, professional, and visually appealing. They should convey your message even if the audience doesn’t read the text.

For instance, if you’re advertising a yoga retreat, an image of a serene location, or someone practicing yoga can instantly communicate your offer.

Visuals can also be used to highlight your product’s features or benefits. For instance, a skincare brand can use before-and-after images to showcase its product’s effectiveness.

5.3. Maintain Brand Consistency

Your brand’s personality, tone, and visual elements must remain uniform across all ads. This includes elements like your logo, color scheme, typography, messaging, and imagery.

Consistency breeds familiarity. And familiarity breeds audience trust. Presenting a consistent brand image is a great way to help customers recognize and remember your brand. The outcome? Enhanced trust and loyalty.

For instance, if your brand voice is friendly and informal, avoid using formal or technical language in your ads. If your brand colors are blue and white, make sure they stand out in your ad creatives. Brand consistency is about creating a cohesive and memorable brand experience at every touch point.

Recommended Read: Winning PPC Trends for 2023

6. Master Ad Extensions

a concept illustration of different PPC ad extensions

Chess requires you to use your pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, queen, and king strategically to control the board. Similarly, Google Ads provides various ad extensions that, when used effectively, can strengthen your advertising strategy, boost visibility, and enhance click-through rates (CTR).

As discussed earlier, ad extensions are additional pieces of information about your business that supplement your main ad. They’re a critical part of every PPC campaign management plan. In this section, we’ll dig deeper. Let’s look at the most critical ad extensions and learn how to master them:

  1. Sitelink Extensions: Sitelink extensions are additional links in your ad that direct users to specific pages on your website. For example, an eCommerce store may include sitelinks to ‘Men’s Clothing’, ‘Women’s Clothing’, ‘New Arrivals’, and ‘Sale’.

Mastering sitelink extensions involves grasping the most valuable or relevant pages or sections of your website.

  1. Callout Extensions: Callout extensions are short pieces of text that highlight your business’ unique offers or aspects. They’re like your ad’s unique selling points.

To leverage them effectively, think about what makes your business stand out. This could be ‘Free Shipping’, ’24/7 Customer Service’, or ‘Award-Winning Products’.

  1. Structured Snippet Extensions: Structured snippet extensions allow you to list specific aspects of your products or services. They’re like a quick snapshot of your offerings.

If you’re a travel agency, your structured snippets could include ‘Destinations: Paris, Rome, London’. Mastering structured snippet extensions requires a clear understanding of your product or service range and the aspects that appeal most to your audience.

  1. Call Extensions: Call extensions add a phone number or call button to your ad and encourage users to contact your business directly. Are phone calls an important part of your business model? If so, mastering call extensions can fetch direct leads and conversions.
  2. Location Extensions: Location extensions display your business’s address and encourage users to visit in person. This extension can be extremely beneficial if you want to drive traffic to a physical location.
  3. Price Extensions: Price extensions display your products or services along with their prices. They give users a clear idea of your offerings and pricing before they even click on your ad.

If competitive pricing is one of your key strengths, master price extensions to attract price-sensitive customers.

7. Set Up Conversion Tracking

 a concept illustration of a smartphone with a funnel collecting sales

Imagine playing a game of basketball without keeping track of the score. You’d still be shooting hoops, but you’d have no idea how well you’re doing or who’s winning.

When it comes to PPC advertising, conversions are your points, and conversion tracking is your scoreboard.

Conversion tracking is a free tool that indicates what happens after a customer interacts with your ads, i.e., purchases a product, signs up for your newsletter, calls your business, or downloads your app. When a customer completes an action you’ve defined as valuable, the action is called a conversion.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on setting up conversion tracking:

  1. Define Your Conversions: The first step is deciding what qualifies as a conversion for your business. This could be a sale, a sign-up, a form submission, or a phone call. Consider your overall business goals and the purpose of your ad campaign when making this decision.
  2. Go to Google Ads’ Conversion Page: Select ‘Conversions’ from the navigation panel in Google Ads. This is where you’ll start the process of setting up conversion tracking.
  3. Choose the Type of Conversion to Track: Google Ads allows you to track different types of conversions, e.g., website actions, phone calls, app downloads or in-app actions, and importation of conversions from another system.
  4. Set Up Conversion Actions: You’ll be requested to add a few more details depending on the type of conversion you choose. For website actions, you may need to install a conversion tracking tag (or a piece of code) on your website. For phone calls, you may need to set up call reporting.
  5. Add Conversion Value: Each conversion can be assigned a particular value. This could represent the actual revenue from a sale. It could also be a more subjective value associated with a particular action, like filling out a contact form.
  6. Set Up Conversion Windows: A conversion window is the period during which a conversion is recorded after an interaction with your ad. You can set this according to your business needs and customer behavior.
  7. Include in ‘Conversions’: Choose whether or not to include the conversion action in your ‘Conversions’ reporting column. If you’re using Smart Bidding, this is also where Google Ads gets the information.

All set up? It’s time to start gathering valuable data on ad performance. It’s like having a crystal ball that shows you how many people took the desired action!

Keep in mind that conversion tracking provides critical insights for optimizing your ad campaigns, understanding your ROI, and making informed decisions about your PPC management strategy.

It’s not just about playing the game; it’s also about understanding how to win. Hire PPC ad management services to guarantee win after win.

8. Monitor and Analyze Performance

Monitoring and analyzing performance isn’t a simple “set and forget” process. Instead, it’s your campaign’s constant pulse check that offers real-time insights and opportunities for quick adjustments.

By tuning into performance metrics, you can discern what works and pivot from what doesn’t. This is an excellent way to maximize effectiveness and ensure optimal return on investment.

  1. Regularly Review Your Google Ads Dashboard: Your Google Ads dashboard is a treasure trove of valuable data. It acts as a central hub for your campaign’s vital signs.

You’ll find key metrics like impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), average cost-per-click (CPC), and conversions. These metrics give a bird’s eye view of your campaign performance and alert you to both red flags and potential areas of opportunity.

  1. Understand and Use Key Metrics: Google Ads provides a host of metrics with unique insights.

For instance, impressions and clicks show your ads’ reach and engagement, the average CPC tells you the average amount you’re paying for each click, and conversion data tells you whether your ads drive the desired actions, and so on.

Consistently delve into these metrics and use them to assess and reassess your campaigns.

  1. Review and Adjust Bids Regularly: Bidding is a dynamic process that requires ongoing attention and adjustment.

If you notice a particular keyword is bringing in a substantial amount of conversions, it may be worth increasing your bid on it. Conversely, if a keyword is consuming the budget but not delivering results, consider reducing your bid or pausing the keyword.

Work with PPC management experts who can help you monitor and analyze your performance.

9. Adapt to Google Ads Updates and Changes

a concept illustration of the Google Ads factory churning out updates

Google Ads is renowned for its frequent updates and changes. These can range from small interface adjustments to significant algorithmic modifications.

While these updates may seem daunting, they present an opportunity to reassess, readjust, and reinvigorate your PPC strategies. Here are some ways to navigate this ever-evolving terrain effectively:

  1. Stay Informed: The first step to adapt to Google Ads updates is to stay updated yourself. Google’s official blog is an excellent resource. Join online communities and forums for real-time updates and discussions on the latest changes.
  2. Evaluate the Impact: Not all changes will affect your campaigns. Evaluate what an update means for your specific situation before taking any action. Ask yourself, “Will this change the way my ads are displayed? Will it affect how I bid or how my ads are ranked?”
  3. Experiment and Test: After you’ve assessed the potential impact, test new changes in a controlled environment. Google Ads often allows you to try new features in a limited capacity.
  4. Attend Webinars and Trainings: Google often organizes webinars and training sessions when major updates are rolled out. These can be excellent opportunities to gain first-hand knowledge about the changes, ask questions, and learn how to adapt your strategies.
  5. Hire a PPC Management Agency: If you find it challenging to keep up with the frequent changes, consider hiring a PPC management company. They can help manage your campaigns, adapt to changes, and ensure you make the most of your advertising budget.

Find PPC management experts with the right experience, qualifications, skill set, track record, practical know-how, and tools. Check their online reviews and testimonials before making the final call.

  1. Utilize Automated Bidding Strategies: Thanks to advancements in machine learning, Google Ads has been introducing more automated bidding strategies. These techniques can help you optimize bids, adjust to changes, and improve performance without constant manual intervention.

While Google Ads’ updates can shake things up, they can also open up new opportunities for those savvy enough to leverage them effectively. Embrace change, be proactive, and let your PPC management campaigns evolve with Google Ads.

Recommended Read: Top 8 PPC Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

10. Scale Your PPC Campaigns

Once your PPC campaigns are up, running, and delivering satisfying results, the next logical step is to scale. Scaling your PPC campaigns allows you to amplify your success, reach a broader audience, and ultimately increase your returns.

But remember, scaling isn’t merely about increasing your budget; it’s about making strategic decisions to drive proportional growth. Here’s how you can effectively scale your PPC campaigns:

  1. Identify High-Performing Elements: Start by identifying components that are working exceptionally well. These could be keywords, ads, demographic segments, geographic areas, or times of day. Use Google Ads’ built-in reporting features to understand what’s driving your current success.
  2. Increase Budget Strategically: If certain campaigns or ad groups consistently hit their budget cap and provide good ROI, consider increasing your budget for these areas. However, proceed cautiously and monitor performance closely to ensure increased spending continues to provide profitable results.
  3. Expand Your Keyword List: If certain keywords drive significant traffic or conversions, consider finding related keywords to expand your reach. Google Keyword Planner can help you find new keyword ideas that align with your product or service.
  4. Explore New Targeting Options: As you scale, you may want to reach new audience segments. You can do this by exploring different demographic, geographic, or interest-based targeting options. For example, if your product is proving popular among a certain age group in one city, you may consider targeting that age group in other similar cities.
  5. Test Different Ad Formats: Different ad formats can help you reach different parts of the sales funnel. If you’ve been focusing primarily on text ads, consider testing shopping, display, or video ads to broaden your reach.
  6. Optimize for Mobile: Mobile searches are on the rise. If your campaigns aren’t optimized for mobile users, jump on this bandwagon stat. Tweak your ad copy for mobile users, optimize your landing pages for mobile, and bid more aggressively on mobile devices.

Scaling your PPC campaigns is a careful balancing act. When done right, it can exponentially increase your reach and ROI. However, keep in mind that what works at a smaller scale may not always yield the same results when scaled up. Always monitor performance closely and be prepared to adjust your strategy as necessary.

It’s Time to Master the PPC Management Ropes with Global-marketing Inc.!

 a concept illustration of a laptop displaying a paid ad

Now that you have a good grasp of PPC management with Google Ads, it’s time to put this knowledge to good use.

Global-marketing Inc. is ready to take the reins and steer your business in the right direction! Explore our PPC management services to get started.

As a team of experienced, dedicated, and knowledgeable PPC management experts, we use advanced tools and techniques to give your business the visibility it deserves. Our PPC management company goes the extra mile to help you innovate, grow, and thrive.

We’re ready to get your business back on track. Let’s get started!

The post PPC Management with Google Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Winning PPC Trends of 2023 You Need to Know Fri, 23 Jun 2023 15:50:54 +0000 Are PPC Services still a thing in 2023, or have we all magically transcended the need to attract customers and make money? Contrary to what you might have heard, PPC advertisement is still very relevant and offers $2 for every $1 spent—an incredible 200% ROI. Translation: the revenue generated from PPC campaigns is twice the […]

The post Winning PPC Trends of 2023 You Need to Know appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Are PPC Services still a thing in 2023, or have we all magically transcended the need to attract customers and make money?

Contrary to what you might have heard, PPC advertisement is still very relevant and offers $2 for every $1 spent—an incredible 200% ROI. Translation: the revenue generated from PPC campaigns is twice the amount spent on them, making it a highly profitable marketing strategy.

Talk about a sweet deal.

Spending on mobile advertising is expected to reach 235.7 billion by 2025, which means now’s the time to invest in a robust PPC marketing campaign for your business that has the power to precisely target your desired audience and demographic, compelling them to take action and convert those visits into sales.

An illustration demonstrating how PPC works

PPC reigns supreme in 2023 despite all the latest trends, gimmicks, and rapidly changing digital marketing landscape. Whether it’s ads on social media platforms, existing websites, or Google itself, the far-reaching effects of PPC advertising make it one of the most inexpensive yet useful weapons in your artillery.

That’s why our PPC management services focus on diversifying clients’ strategies and deploying the most effective—and impactful—methods.

So what’s hot this year, and how can you hop on board?

Let’s find out.

1. Optimizing PPC Advertising with AI And Automation

If you thought Artificial Intelligence was coming for you, you thought right. But it’s not going to be in the way you think.

In fact, it’s here to make your life and our PPC management services a lot more efficient than you realize. AI and automation are all about revolutionizing how we design strategies, bid for keywords, and even gain insight into what competitors are doing.

Currently, 32% of marketers worldwide use automation for PPC, email generation, and more. In fact, the use of AI and automation in marketing is expected to grow from 27.4 billion USD in 2023 to 107.4 billion USD by 2028.

AI and automation will take away a lot of the guesswork that PPC marketing experts do when it comes to setting bids, analyzing the efficacy of clickthrough rates (CTR), and determining how impactful their decisions have been.

Here’s more on what they can do for your PPC campaign:

An illustration demonstrating the benefits of AI and automation for PPC marketing.

But, of course, you’d still require the expertise of a PPC ad management service to make it work.

While AI can automate various tasks and provide data-driven insights, human involvement is necessary for strategic decision-making, creativity, and oversight. You still do need a human element to create compelling copy, track and measure conversions, and analyze gaps in your strategy.

And that’s where our PPC management services will take care of the rest. Our PPC campaign management experts will:

  • Develop the overall PPC strategy, including campaign objectives, target audience, and messaging
  • Analyze AI-generated data and insights to make informed decisions, identify trends, and optimize campaigns accordingly.
  • Make necessary adjustments based on changing market conditions or campaign goals

Manage customer interactions, address inquiries, and provide personalized support.

Recommended Read: Outsourcing PPC Management Services: The Secret to More Profitable Campaigns

2. Embracing The Video Ad Takeover

You know when you’re on YouTube and trying to skip through a series of ads just to watch that ramen noodle recipe? Or how you’ll be scrolling on Instagram, and suddenly a video clip of a product you were looking at shows up?

Get ready to see that in full force in 2023.

Video marketing—which never really left—is back with a bang this year, and it’s something our PPC management experts have been saying for years.

These bite-sized, power-packed bits of moving pictures can be used to share important information, generate clickthroughs, and engage mobile phone users in particular, like never before.

In fact, 92% of marketers have stated that they get a higher ROI from video marketing, which was already a whopping 87% in 2022.

Plus, video marketing is incredibly varied and diverse, and you can create low-cost, impactful content that ranges from 30-90 seconds to run on video marketing platforms, social media, websites, and other marketing spaces.

Think TikTok, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and other similar-length videos where brands experiment with format and style.

A great example of this would be the global brand Nike which has an incredibly strong social media presence, with 299 million followers (at the time this was written), on Instagram alone.


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Nike (@nike)


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Nike (@nike)

Each reel features short, snippy content, with one doing a feature on an individual and the other featuring crowd-sourced content. Both videos actually function as PPC ads, given that they take you directly to the collection or store where products from the video are featured. Plus, the videos give a direct demonstration of the product’s functionality.

It’s subtle, moving, engaging, and genius. But we could be biased toward great shoes—or ads.

3. Harnessing The Gowring Momentum Of PPC On Social Media

Speaking of social media, this is one PPC campaign management strategy you do not want to sleep on.

You may have seen it all and done it all when it comes to social media marketing and think it’s hackneyed and ineffective, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Seeing as how there are 4.9 billion social media users in the world,with 85% of mobile users browsing an average of 6.6 platforms, you’re sitting on a goldmine of PPC marketing opportunities.

PPC advertising and marketing on social media is pretty straightforward and use in-built advertising features on all platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

These ads tend to pop up for users as they browse, scroll, and tap through their favorite platforms, offering them products and services that are targeted at them based on previous behavior and user preferences.

Again, PPC for social media is inexpensive and offers a lot of benefits through a multi-channel approach.

A Facebook ad for Fenty Products on Sephora

Take, for instance, the Sephora Facebook ad shown above. It’s simple, uses compelling visuals, and allows users to scroll through multiple products before clicking through and being led to the website to get more details and place an order.

Recommended Read: PPC Management for Small Businesses: Tips and Tricks

4. Captivating Audiences With Voice And Visual Search Ads

And finally, we have the ultimate solution for personalized PPC advertising: visual and voice search.

This is the year to invest in heavy-duty visual search optimization and click through ads that are optimized for user preferences. As people get used to uploading images and sharing screenshots of their desired product rather than using keywords and searchable terms, brands need to step up to meet those needs.

A visual search of a popular Chanel bag revealing multiple results

The algorithm is getting smarter and more advanced by the minute, focusing on user convenience, and brands need to keep up.

Similarly, voice searches for PPC advertising will also be big this year as personal devices like phones and tablets and household smart speaker systems grow in popularity. In fact, the market is expected to grow to $27.5 Billion by 2028, making this the perfect time to hop on board.

Create innovative, engaging PPC ads using commonly used and recognized short and long-tail keywords, phrases, and product names, and work extra hard to understand your audience.

Fortunately, you’ve got our PPC management agency to help you.

Shoot Your Shot with These Updated PPC Strategies

With our top-rated PPC management services, you’re bound to see an uptick in click-through rates, website traffic, and, eventually, conversions. Don’t wait around to upgrade your strategy—get in touch with our team today.

We’ll design a fully-customized strategy based on your industry, business, clientele, and other factors to help target general and specialized audiences.

The ball is in your court—all you have to do is click.

The post Winning PPC Trends of 2023 You Need to Know appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Top 8 PPC Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2023 Tue, 30 May 2023 13:12:06 +0000 PPC marketing is like a game of digital chess. Strategy, skill, and a dash of creativity can catapult you to the top search engine result pages (SERPs) and capture your target audience’s attention. Every click is a high-stakes gamble, and success is but a bid away! But let’s be honest: PPC is not for the faint […]

The post Top 8 PPC Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2023 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..


PPC marketing is like a game of digital chess. Strategy, skill, and a dash of creativity can catapult you to the top search engine result pages (SERPs) and capture your target audience’s attention.

Every click is a high-stakes gamble, and success is but a bid away!

But let’s be honest: PPC is not for the faint of heart. With the landscape growing increasingly competitive by the minute, it’s easy for even the most experienced marketers to fall prey to costly mistakes. One wrong move, and your ad budget can vanish like a magician’s rabbit, leaving you scratching your head and wondering what went wrong.

Signing up for PPC marketing services is the first step, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to call it a day, cancel the rest of the magic show altogether, and head home.

Once you’ve partnered with a PPC marketing services agency, you must do your due diligence, sneak the rabbit back in the hat, and put on a show that earns a roaring round of applause.

In this blog, we’ll get you there. Let’s take a closer look at the top PPC mistakes in 2023. Where does it all go wrong? How can you undo the damage? And what’s the best preventative plan? We’re breaking it all down!

Wait, What Is PPC Marketing to Begin With?

Before we jump into the deep end of the pool, let’s dip our toes into the shallow waters and warm up first.

PPC (pay-per-click) marketing is a digital marketing strategy that operates around the simple and smart logic of only making a payment when someone clicks on your ad. Think of it as a grand auction where you bid for prime real estate on search engines like Google or social media platforms like Facebook!

Here’s how this works.

Let’s say a web user runs a Google search for the perfect pair of sneakers online. They type “cool sneakers for men” in the search bar and receive a ton of results.

The first few results often feature ads. In this case, Google fetches ads from the top sneaker companies.

These brands are all vying for web users’ attention (and wallets). They’ve strategically placed PPC ads to ensure their products are front and center when web users are in the mood to shop.

Here’s the thing, PPC isn’t just for big brands; it’s also a versatile tool for small to medium-sized businesses that want to boost their online visibility, drive traffic, and increase conversions.

From the mom-and-pop bakery down the street promoting their scrumptious pastries to the hip new software startup looking to make a splash, every business can benefit from the PPC magic.

As long as you get things right and avoid PPC pitfalls.

Which reminds us, we have a lot to dig into. Let’s get right to it.

Mistake #1: Ignoring the Power of Negative Keywords

Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are the unsung heroes of the PPC world. They’re like the bouncers at an exclusive club, ensuring that only the most relevant traffic enters your digital party. By adding negative keywords to your PPC marketing campaign, you’re telling search engines which search queries you don’t want your ads to show up for.

This is a great way to filter out irrelevant traffic, improve your click-through rate (CTR), and ultimately get more bang for your buck.

Let’s say you’re a high-end fashion retailer specializing in luxury handbags. You wouldn’t want your ads to appear when someone searches for “cheap handbags” or “discount handbags”. In this case, you would add “cheap” and “discount” as negative keywords, ensuring that your ads only show up for search queries that match your target audience’s preferences.

Let’s consider another example. Imagine you own an online store that sells eco-friendly, reusable water bottles. You want to target customers who are looking for sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic bottles.

However, you notice that your ads are showing up for search queries like “plastic water bottles” and “disposable water bottles.” To prevent your ads from appearing in these irrelevant searches, you add “plastic” and “disposable” as negative keywords.

How to Avoid This Mistake

1. Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

Before launching your campaign, research and identify potential negative keywords. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to explore search queries related to your target keywords and spot irrelevant terms that could trigger your ads.

2. Analyze Your Search Term Report

Regularly review your search terms report in your Google Ads account to identify search queries that are triggering your ads. Keep an eye out for irrelevant or low-performing terms and add them as negative keywords.

3. Leverage Match Types

Understand the different negative keyword match types (broad, phrase, and exact) and how they impact your campaign. Choose the appropriate match type when adding negative keywords to optimally filter out irrelevant search queries.

4. Create Shared Negative Keyword Lists

Organize your negative keywords into shared lists that can be applied across multiple campaigns or ad groups. This will help you maintain a clean and consistent negative keyword strategy. You’ll end up saving a lot of time and energy in the long run.

5. Monitor and Refine

Continuously track your campaigns’ performance and stay vigilant for new irrelevant search queries. Update your negative keyword lists as needed to maintain optimal results. Keep in mind that PPC is an ongoing process that requires constant optimization and adjustment.

Mistake #2: Forgetting About Ad Extensions

If you’re not utilizing ad extensions, you’re missing out on the golden opportunity to supercharge your ad’s performance. This is easily one of the most damaging PPC mistakes in 2023.

Ad extensions are like the cherry on top of your PPC sundae. They add extra information and pizzazz to your ads, making them more enticing and helpful to potential customers. By neglecting ad extensions, you’re missing out on valuable opportunities to boost your ad’s click-through rate (CTR) and overall performance.

Types of Ad Extensions

1. Sitelink Extensions

Sitelink extensions provide additional links to specific pages on your website, allowing users to access the content they’re interested in directly. This not only improves user experience but also increases the likelihood of conversions.

For instance, if you enter “IT services near me” in the Google search bar, some ads may include additional subpages.

This helps users decide where they would like to go. Instead of visiting the generic home page, they’ll end up visiting a more specific page that helps them take the precise action they had in mind.

2. Callout Extensions

Callout extensions help you showcase unique selling points, offers, or services that set your business apart from competitors. They appear as short, non-clickable text snippets in your ad and add extra value to your message. Callout extensions are always under 25 words.

3. Call Extensions

Call extensions display your phone number directly within the ad, making it easy for users to contact your business. This is especially useful for mobile users who can click the number to initiate a call immediately.

4. Structured Snippet Extensions

These extensions allow you to display a list of specific attributes or categories related to your products or services. Structured snippets provide additional context, helping users understand the scope of your offerings. They’re always identified by colons.

In this example, we looked for the best hiking shoes on Google. The top paid search result from Amazon displayed a sweet structured snippet. When web users read this, they’ll feel more confident going through with their purchase owing to the flexible return policy.

5. Price Extensions

Price extensions display a range of products or services along with their respective prices, giving users a quick overview of your offerings and their costs. This information will help users make budget-friendly decisions while you, as a business, will walk away with sweet conversions!

6. App Extensions

App extensions provide a direct link for users to download or open your app. This can help increase app installs and user engagement. App extensions are perfect for businesses with mobile apps.

Recommended Service: Global-marketing Inc.’s Mobile App Development Services

7. Location Extensions

Location extensions display your business’ address, phone number, and distance from the user’s location (if applicable). This is particularly helpful for businesses with physical locations as it encourages users to visit in person.

For instance, if you look for “home remodeling services,” there’s a high chance the ad results will include the address or phone number of the business. In this case, the address is conveniently revealed.

8. Affiliate Location Extensions

Affiliate location extensions help businesses promote their products or services available at third-party retailers. This extension displays the address and distance of the nearest store selling your products, making it easier for users to find a convenient location to make a purchase.

9. Seller Ratings Extensions

Seller ratings extensions display your business’s overall star rating based on customer reviews from various sources. This helps build trust and credibility with potential customers, increasing the chances of them clicking on your ad and making a purchase.

If you look for “house flipping companies” on Google, the paid ads may include ratings to help you determine where potential companies stand. Here’s an example:

10. Image Extensions

Image extensions add a visual element to your ads by including relevant images alongside text. These images showcase your products or services and make your ads more eye-catching and engaging.

11. Lead Form Extensions

Lead form extensions enable users to submit their contact information directly from your ad, making it easier for potential customers to express interest in your products or services. This can help increase lead generation and improve conversion rates.


12. Promotion Extensions

Promotion extensions highlight special offers, discounts, or promotions in your ads. This can make your ad more enticing to potential customers and encourage them to click on your ad to take advantage of the deal.

How to Avoid This Mistake

1. Identify Relevant Extensions

Review different ad extensions and determine which ones are most suitable for your business and campaign goals. Since different extensions serve different purposes, choose extensions that best align with your objectives. Work with PPC campaign marketing experts to identify the right extensions for your business.

2. Add Value to Your Ad

Use ad extensions to provide useful information or options that complement your ad’s message. The goal is to make your ad more attractive and relevant to users. This will help you earn more clicks and conversions!

3. Monitor and Optimize

Regularly review your ad extensions’ performance to identify areas for improvement. Adjust and refine your extensions as needed to maximize their impact on your campaigns.

Mistake #3: Overlooking the Importance of Landing Page Experience

Let’s say you’ve crafted the perfect PPC ad with an irresistible headline, a compelling call-to-action (CTA), and all the right ad extensions. Web users are clicking through—only to land on a page that loads slowly, lacks visual appeal, and fails to deliver what the ad promised.

This won’t just disappoint users; it’ll leave them feeling frustrated and enraged.

At a time when attention spans are shorter than ever, you can’t afford to make such critical mistakes. Your landing page must be as spectacular as your ads; this is non-negotiable.

A top-notch landing page experience can mean the difference between a potential customer converting or bouncing right off your site and landing on another.

How to Avoid This Mistake

1. Deliver on Your Ad’s Promise

Your landing page must align with your ad’s messaging and offers. If your ad promises a discount, make sure the landing page clearly showcases the deal. And if your ad mentions that you provide free parking, make sure you actually provide free parking.

A no-nonsense approach will help you convert and retain customers, not send them towards the nearest exit. Leave embellishments, exaggerations, and fake promises at home. Instead, give your audience exactly what your ad says!

When you maintain consistency between your ad and landing page, you’ll provide a seamless experience to your audience and build trust. If you’re confused about achieving this harmonious balance, hire PPC services.

2. Design for Clarity and Ease of Use

Create a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate, and interactive landing page that highlights the most important information and guides users towards the desired action. Use clear headings, concise copy, and strategically placed CTAs to encourage more conversions.

3. Prioritize Speed

In 2023, patience is a rarity. While we wish people had more time on their hands, the fact of the matter is that everyone is busier than busy (and then some).

Optimize your landing page’s load time by compressing images, minimizing HTTP requests, and using a content delivery network (CDN). Once a web user is impressed by and interested in your ad, they shouldn’t have to endure a long wait to access the requested page.

If that happens, people will leave your site feeling annoyed. And the last thing you want to do is waste your audience’s time. A faster-loading page will help you reduce your site’s bounce rate and improve user experience.

Recommended Read: How to Optimize Your Landing Page for PPC Conversions

Mistake #4: Neglecting Mobile Experience

At a time when mobile devices have practically become an extension of our limbs, it baffles us that many businesses still haven’t fully embraced the importance of mobile-friendliness.

This isn’t just another strategy you should consider tossing into your digital marketing cart. Instead, it’s the star ingredient of your dish that you simply can’t do without. Just as you wouldn’t invite guests to a party and fail to provide snacks, you shouldn’t entice users with a catchy ad only to disappoint them with a less-than-stellar mobile experience.

Let’s consider some hypothetical scenarios to drive the point home.

Examples of Poor Mobile Experience

  1. Sue’s Shoe Shop: Sue’s desktop site is a visual feast, but on mobile, the text is so small that users need a magnifying glass to read it. The result? Frustrated customers and lost sales.
  2. Pete’s Pizzeria: Pete’s mobile site requires users to pinch and zoom to navigate the menu, leaving greasy fingerprints on their screens and driving them to find pizza elsewhere.
  3. Larry’s Laptop Emporium: Larry’s desktop site loads at lightning-fast speed, but his mobile site takes ages to load. As web users become increasingly impatient, they bounce before seeing what Larry has to offer.
  4. Todd’s Tech Store: While Todd’s desktop site is easy to navigate, his mobile site features buttons so small that users are constantly tapping the wrong ones. The outcome? A frustrating user experience and abandoned carts.

How to Avoid This Mistake

1. Embrace Responsive Design

Opt for a responsive website design that automatically adjusts your layout and content to fit various screen sizes and orientations. This is a great way to provide a seamless experience across all devices. You’ll keep both desktop and mobile users happy!

2. Optimize Images and Load Times

Compress images and use lazy loading techniques to speed up your site on mobile devices. Mobile users are notoriously impatient (we said what we said). A faster loading site will help you keep them engaged, not send them into a roaring fit.

3. Simplify Navigation

Adapt your site navigation for mobile users by using a collapsible “hamburger” menu and large, easy-to-tap buttons. When your website is easy to navigate, web users will feel compelled to keep exploring your content.

4. Make Text Legible

Choose easily readable fonts and ensure the font size is large enough to read comfortably on mobile screens. No one wants to squint at their phone while trying to learn about your products or services!

5. Design Forms for Mobile

If your site includes forms, make sure they’re designed with mobile users in mind. Use larger input fields, dropdown menus, and buttons to make it easier for users to complete and submit forms on their devices.

Mistake #5: Failing to Track Conversions

In the high-stakes world of PPC marketing, every click and conversion counts. Ignoring the power of conversion tracking is like trying to hit a bullseye with your eyes closed. Yes, you may get lucky once or twice, but long-term success will be elusive.

Track conversions with the help of PPC management experts and unlock the secrets of your PPC marketing campaign. Make informed decisions and chart a course to a lucrative and sustainable ROI.

Conversion tracking also provides insights into how users interact with your ads and move through the sales funnel. This is a great way to identify potential bottlenecks or areas where users may drop off.

Once you’re equipped with this critical knowledge, you can cleverly address these issues and create a smoother path to conversion.

How to Avoid This Mistake

1. Set Up Conversion Tracking

Use Google Ads or Global-marketing Inc.’s PPC campaign marketing tools to set up conversion tracking for various types of conversions, including form submissions, sales, phone calls, and so on. This will help you gather data on which ads, keywords, and targeting options are most effective in driving conversions.

2. Track Multiple Conversion Types

Depending on your business and goals, track multiple types of conversions, including sales, sign-ups, and downloads. This will help you better understand the customer journey and optimize your campaign for different stages of the funnel.

3. Use Call Tracking

Implement call-tracking solutions like call extensions with Google forwarding numbers or third-party call-tracking software. This is a genius way to track phone call conversions and gather valuable data on which ads and keywords are driving calls.

4. Analyze and Optimize

Frequently review your conversion data to identify trends, high-performing ads, and areas for improvement. Use this data to optimize your bidding strategies, ad creative, and targeting options for a sweeter return on investment.

By setting sail with smart conversion tracking in your PPC toolkit, you’ll be able to navigate your way to PPC success with confidence and precision. You’ll know which ads are pulling their weight and which ones are just dead weights.

This insight will help you make data-driven decisions and steer your PPC ship towards a treasure trove of conversions! Need a hand? Global-marketing Inc.’s affordable PPC marketing services are a call away.

Mistake #6: Setting and Forgetting Your Campaigns

PPC marketing is not a set-it-and-forget-it game. Treating your PPC campaign like a slow cooker may be tempting, but it’s a recipe for mediocrity.

The digital marketing landscape is ever-evolving. Needless to say, your PPC knife should also remain sharp at all times. To truly succeed, continually monitor, analyze, and optimize your campaigns.

The Downsides of Setting and Forgetting Your PPC Campaigns

  1. Ad Fatigue Fiasco:You create a set of eye-catching ads, but you never update or refresh them. As time passes, your audience becomes increasingly desensitized to your ad creative, and your click-through rates begin to plummet.
  2. The Stagnant Keyword Catastrophe:You set up a PPC campaign with a great initial set of keywords but never revisit them. Over time, search trends change and new competitors enter the market. Your once-great keywords are now under performing, and you’re missing out on tempting opportunities to reach and convert your target audience.
  3. Budget Blunder:You allocate your budget based on initial assumptions, but you never adjust it based on actual performance data. You may be over investing in under performing ads or keywords while high-performing ones are left starving for ad spend.

How to Avoid This Mistake

1. Frequently Review and Update Your Keyword Strategy

Keep an eye on search trends and competitor activity to identify new keyword opportunities and refine your existing keyword list. Closely review your search term reports to discover high-performing long-tail keywords and negative keywords to refine your targeting efforts.

Recommended Service: Global-marketing Inc.’s SEO Keywords Research Services

2. Refresh Your Ad Creative

Frequently update your ad copy and visuals to keep your ads fresh and engaging. Experiment with different headlines, CTAs, and ad formats to find the most powerful combination that drives conversions in hordes!

3. Monitor and Adjust Your Bidding Strategy

Analyze performance data to identify high-performing keywords and ad groups, and always allocate your budget accordingly. Adjust your bidding strategy based on factors like device, location, time of day, and audience demographics to maximize your ROI.

4. Stay Current with Industry Trends and Platform Updates

Stay informed about the latest PPC news, strategies, and platform updates to ensure your campaigns are infused with the latest features and best practices.

Mistake #7: Focusing Solely on High-Volume Keywords

In the quest for PPC marketing dominance, businesses often develop tunnel vision and hone in on high-volume keywords that promise a flood of traffic.

While this strategy seems like a surefire winner, it overlooks the hidden gems of the keyword world: long-tail keywords.

While these specific search terms may have lower search volumes, they’re primed for higher conversion rates due to their razor-sharp relevance. If you’re confused about what we mean, let’s consider some examples.

Examples of This Mistake in Action

  1. An online bookstore may focus on high-volume keywords like “bestselling books” but miss out on the opportunity to target niche audiences with long-tail keywords like “vegan cookbooks for beginners” or “mystery novels set in Victorian England.”
  2. A local artisanal chocolate shop may chase after high-volume keywords like “chocolate gifts” but fail to capitalize on the potential goldmine of long-tail keywords like “handmade chocolate truffles for anniversary” or “gourmet dark chocolate tasting box.”
  3. A custom-made furniture store may very well focus on high-competition keywords like “custom furniture”, but they may miss out on the benefits of targeting more niche, long-tail keywords like “bespoke wood dining table” or “handcrafted mid-century sofa.”

Catch our drift? As one of the most common PPC mistakes in 2023, this slip-up will prevent you from tapping into your niche audience and driving high sales.

How to Avoid This Mistake

1. Become a Keyword Detective

Use keyword research tools to uncover long-tail keyword opportunities that align with your industry and target audience. Don’t be afraid to dig deep; the most valuable keywords are often hiding in plain sight.

2. Understand Audience Intent

Analyze the search intent behind your targeted keywords to craft ad copy and landing pages that speak directly to your audience’s needs and desires. This level of personalization will give you a competitive edge in the world of PPC.

3. Don’t Let High-Volume Keywords Blind You

While it’s tempting to put all your eggs (read: resources) in the high-volume keywords basket, take a step back and assess your overall strategy. Are you sacrificing long-tail keyword opportunities that could deliver better ROI? Finding the right balance is key.

4. Stay Vigilant

Carefully review your keyword performance data to pinpoint high-converting long-tail keywords that may be flying under the radar. Once you’ve identified these hidden gems, optimize your bidding strategy to ensure you’re making the most of these valuable opportunities.

5. Create Tailored Ad Copy

When targeting long-tail keywords, create ad copy that specifically addresses users’ unique concerns or interests pertaining to these terms. The right level of customization will boost your ad revenue and ultimately improve campaign performance.

Examples of Long-Tail Keywords for PPC Success

1. Travel Industry

  • “affordable family-friendly hotels in Orlando”
  • “romantic bed and breakfast in Napa Valley”
  • “best scuba diving spots in Belize”

2. Health and Fitness

  • “beginner-friendly yoga classes near me”
  • “gluten-free meal delivery services”
  • “home workout routines for seniors”

3. eCommerce and Retail

  • “organic cotton baby clothes online”
  • “noise-canceling headphones for studying”
  • “vegan leather handbags on sale”

4. Real Estate

  • “pet-friendly apartments for rent in Seattle”
  • “modern lofts for sale in downtown Chicago”
  • “co-working spaces with childcare facilities”

5. Home and Garden

  • “eco-friendly landscaping services in Austin”
  • “kitchen remodeling contractors in Denver”
  • “indoor plants for low-light conditions”

6. Technology and Gadgets

  • “wireless chargers for iPhone and Android”
  • “budget-friendly gaming laptops for students”
  • “smart home security systems with cameras”

You get the gist.

Mistake #8: Overlooking Seasonal Trends and Events

Just like the changing seasons, consumer behavior and search trends can shift dramatically throughout the year.

Businesses that fail to anticipate these fluctuations and adapt their PPC strategies accordingly can miss out on valuable opportunities to connect with their target audience.

Seasonal trends and events can drive significant changes in search volume and intent. If you want your PPC ship to sail, not sink, stay on top of these cycles.

Let’s consider some examples to understand the right way to jump on this bandwagon.


  1. A flower delivery service should be poised to capitalize on events like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and wedding season. How can they check this box off the list? By crafting targeted ad campaigns that appeal to users interested in sending bouquets and arrangements during these high-demand periods.

  1. A travel agency can miss out on potential bookings if they fail to adjust their PPC strategy for peak travel seasons, including summer vacations, spring break, or the winter holidays. Ad campaigns should be tailored to travelers’ specific interests and needs during these times.
  2. An eCommerce store that stocks winter gear should be prepared to ramp up its PPC efforts as temperatures drop. What’s a smart way to go about this? Targeting keywords like “winter jackets,””snow boots,” and “thermal gloves.”

  1. A tax preparation service that fails to increase their PPC spend and optimize their ad copy during tax season may find themselves missing out on a significant portion of potential customers looking for help with tax returns.

How to Avoid This Mistake

1. Stay Informed

Keep track of important dates, holidays, and seasonal trends in your industry. Research the key events and shifts in consumer behavior throughout the year to identify potential PPC opportunities. If you’re having trouble keeping abreast of the latest developments, hire a PPC marketing agency that will do the trick for you.

2. Create a Marketing Calendar

Develop a comprehensive marketing calendar that outlines your planned PPC campaigns for the year. This will help you stay organized and ensure you don’t miss any critical marketing opportunities.

3. Optimize Ad Copy and Keywords

As the seasons change and new events approach, tweak your ad copy and keywords to better target users searching for related products or services. For example, a swimwear retailer may switch from targeting “summer swimsuits” in June to “fall swimsuits” in September.

4. Adjust Your Ad Spend

Be prepared to increase your PPC budget during peak seasons or events when competition for ad placements may be higher. This will help you maintain optimal visibility and capture a larger market share.

5. Analyze and Learn From Past Performance

Review previous PPC campaigns’ performance during seasonal trends and events to identify what worked well and what didn’t. Use this information to refine your strategy like a seasoned pro.

6. Test and Iterate

Run A/B tests on your ad copy, keywords, and bidding strategies during different seasonal periods to find the most effective approach. Continuously optimize your campaigns to ensure you’re getting the best possible return on your investment.

Recommended Read: A Simple Guide to Getting Started with PPC

Let’s Get the PPC Ball Rolling!

As the competition reaches an all-time high, new strategies and tricks enter the landscape, and everyone brings out their A game, you can’t afford to slow down.

Not a chance.

Instead of taking the PPC reins yourself and heading in the wrong direction, hire a PPC marketing services agency that knows what it’s doing.

Can’t find one? It’s sitting right under your nose.

At Global-marketing Inc., we firmly take the reins, steer your business in the right direction, and execute a smooth landing. Our PPC specialists help your business get seen by your target audience, earn more clicks, generate ample sales, and head towards consistent growth.

Sounds like a plan? Let’s get to work!

Explore our PPC marketing services to get started. If you have any questions, our team is always happy to help. It’s time to unlock the power of PPC and see what your business is capable of.

The post Top 8 PPC Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2023 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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SEO Services vs. PPC Advertising: Which Is Better for Your Business? Thu, 20 Apr 2023 12:46:36 +0000 Picture a high-stakes boxing match with two heavyweights duking it out in the ring for the title of your business’ online marketing champion. In one corner, we have the indomitable search engine optimization (SEO), known for its long-term results and ability to build credibility. In the other corner, we have the swift and targeted pay-per-click (PPC) advertising […]

The post SEO Services vs. PPC Advertising: Which Is Better for Your Business? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..


Picture a high-stakes boxing match with two heavyweights duking it out in the ring for the title of your business’ online marketing champion.

In one corner, we have the indomitable search engine optimization (SEO), known for its long-term results and ability to build credibility. In the other corner, we have the swift and targeted pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model, famed for its immediate results and precise audience reach.

As the bell rings, you wait for some pretty heavy punches and a splatter or two of blood. Instead, the two contenders walk towards each other, politely shake hands, and walk away.



A more accurate version of reality?


The SEO services vs. PPC advertising showdown isn’t as dramatic and cut-throat as we’re led to believe. In actuality, both techniques work best when leveraged together.

In this blog, we’ll take a deep dive into the SEO and PPC waters.

  • What are the pros and cons of each technique?
  • How can you combine SEO and PPC for the best results your business has seen yet?
  • What role does Global-marketing Inc. play in all of this?

Let’s roll out the grand plan!

SEO vs. PPC: The Basics

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of tweaking your website to improve its visibility on Google.

Let’s say you run a fitness business and want to rank higher for the keyword “best home workout routines.” To optimize your content for this keyword, you’ll incorporate it into your blogs (title, headings, meta description, image alt tags, etc.) and web copy.

The outcome?

Your business will start showing up among the top search results for this keyword.

This is the power of SEO in a nutshell.

Fast, consistent, and powerful, SEO can help you climb search engine result pages (SERPs) and get seen by your target audience.

Watch this video for more insight into the workings of SEO:

SEO Strategies at a Glance

  1. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords and phrases your target audience is actively searching for. Use advanced tools (available at Global-marketing Inc.) to find keywords with high search volume and moderate competition.
  2. On-Page Optimization: Optimize your web pages by incorporating target keywords in title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and body text. Ensure that your URL structure is clean and descriptive.
  3. High-Quality Content: Create informative, engaging, and shareable content that provides value to your audience. High-quality content attracts more traffic, increases user dwell time, and boosts site authority.
  4. Mobile-Friendly Design: 92.3% of web users access the internet using mobile phones. Mobile searches now account for a significant portion of search traffic. Launch a responsive, interactive, and mobile-friendly website for higher search rankings.
  5. Internal Linking: Establish a strong internal linking structure to connect relevant content within your website. Internal links help search engines crawl and index your site more effectively. High-quality internal links will also help you enhance user experience.
  6. Link Building: Build relevant backlinks from websites with a high domain authority (DA) score. Backlinks act as endorsements. When the top dogs provide backlinks to your content, Google will start considering your website a valuable resource by virtue of association.
  7. Technical SEO: Optimize your website’s technical elements, including site speed, crawlability, and indexability. A well-structured, fast-loading website is more likely to rank higher on SERPs.
  8. Local SEO: Claim your Google Business Profile listing, use location-specific keywords, and build more customer reviews to reach a wider local audience.

What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising?

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a digital marketing model that involves paying a fee each time a user clicks your ad. As an advertiser, you’ll be able to buy ad placements on search engines, social media platforms, and other websites to drive targeted traffic to your site.

Paid ads show up before organic search results on Google. They’re identifiable thanks to the bold “Sponsored” tag.

Let’s say you own an online shoe store and want to boost your sales by targeting users who are looking for “running shoes” online.

You’ll start by creating a Google Ads campaign. This will allow you to bid on the keyword “running shoes” and create compelling ad copy that entices users to click on and visit your website.

When users search for “running shoes” on Google, your ad will show up at the top of the search results page. The outcome? High store visibility, a generous stream of clicks, and roaring conversions.

PPC Advertising Techniques at a Glance

  1. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords that your target audience is actively using when searching for products or services that fall in your industry. Focus on keywords with high commercial intent to maximize your ad spend.
  2. Ad Group Structure: your PPC campaigns into tightly-themed ad groups with specific keywords. This is a great way to ensure your ads and landing pages are relevant to the user’s search query.
  3. Compelling Ad Copy: Write engaging ad copy that clearly communicates your value proposition and includes a strong call-to-action (CTA). This will encourage users to click on your ad and complete the desired action.
  4. Ad Extensions: Use ad extensions such as sitelinks, callouts, and structured snippets to provide additional information and enhance ad visibility.
  5. Landing Page Optimization: Create relevant, user-friendly landing pages that match your ad copy and provide a seamless experience to users. Optimized landing pages help reduce bounce rate and increase conversions.
  6. Bid Management: Monitor and adjust your keyword bids to optimize your ad spend and achieve the desired ad position. Consider using automated bidding strategies like Target CPA or Target ROAS to achieve specific performance goals.
  7. Geo-Targeting: Target specific geographic locations to reach your local audience and optimize your ad spend.
  8. Ad Scheduling: Schedule your ads to run during specific days and times when your target audience is active, online, and engaged.

SEO and PPC Services Both Sound Great. So What’s the Fuss About?

Why are SEO and PPC pit against each other? Both services have a lot to offer in their own ways. So what’s the fuss about?

Let’s understand this better. Like no economic model is perfect, no online marketing approach is a paragon in any way. Both SEO and PPC have their strengths and shortcomings. Marketing specialists often pick favorites and confuse businesses that are new to the online marketing waters. This is where things get messy.

Instead of picking between SEO and PPC, small businesses must master the art of playing to the strengths of each technique.

Pick out the fresh fruit from both baskets, discard the spoilt pieces, and whip up a delicious SEO and PPC smoothie.

Let’s explore the pros and cons of SEO and PPC to give you a better understanding of the right way to combine these models.

The Pros of SEO: The Good, the Great, and the Excellent

1. Long-Lasting, Evergreen Charm

The beauty of SEO is that its effects are long-lasting. Unlike PPC ads, which disappear as soon as you stop paying for them, the results of a power-packed SEO strategy can last for months or even years.

And who wouldn’t love a marketing strategy that keeps on giving?

If you want to capitalize on SEO’s evergreen charm, take things quite literally: start creating evergreen content. This type of content remains valuable, relevant, and informative over an extended period of time, regardless of seasonal trends and industry changes.

Since the content is evergreen, it’ll continue to attract organic traffic for years to come.

Some examples of evergreen content formats include:

  • How-to guides or tutorials
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
  • Lists or resource compilations
  • “Ultimate” guides or in-depth analyses
  • Case studies or success stories
  • Educational or informative articles about a specific topic or industry

If you want to play to SEO’s strengths, jump on the evergreen bandwagon.

If you sell gardening equipment, write a blog titled “The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Own Vegetables at Home”. This is an example of an evergreen blog because the content isn’t subject to change over time.

If you run a finance business, opt for an article titled “10 Timeless Tips for Saving Money and Reducing Debt”.

Work in health and fitness? How about “The 7 Most Effective Body weight Exercises for Building Strength and Muscle”?

You get the idea.

Every month, sprinkle some evergreen titles over your content plan that aren’t based on local events, holidays, or trends. This will keep you on the first SERP for years to come, not just a handful of days (provided that your content is actually good and well-optimized, of course).

2. The Free Traffic Fairytale

SEO is often referred to as “free” traffic. Of course, there’s no such thing as free traffic. However, once you invest in a solid SEO strategy, the ongoing cost of maintaining it will be relatively low compared to other marketing approaches (we’re looking at you, PPC).

3. Trust and Credibility

Once you’ve built trust and credibility, it’s game over. You’ll have the power to sweep potential customers off their feet and win their hearts. Investing in SEO is a great way to establish your brand as an authoritative, trustworthy, credible, and reputable name in your local industry.

Users tend to trust organic search results more than paid advertisements. In general, people perceive organic results as more reliable and relevant to their search queries.


Because these websites have earned their rankings through quality content and optimization rather than paying for visibility.

SEO is a long-term strategy that helps businesses rank consistently in search results. Consistent visibility increases brand awareness and demonstrates stability and reliability.

Since PPC campaigns are time-bound, your ads will only appear when you actively pay for them. This can make your online presence appear more sporadic and less trustworthy in the eyes of potential customers.

The Cons of SEO Services: The Game of Patience

1. The Slow and Steady Tortoise

SEO services will not make your business an overnight success story. It takes time, patience, and persistence to see results.

If you want to wake up to stellar SERP rankings, staggeringly high traffic, and enviable conversions, SEO may not be for you.

The process of optimizing your website, building backlinks, and creating high-quality content takes time, and it may be several months before you start seeing significant improvements in your search rankings and organic traffic.

2. The Fickle Nature of Algorithm Updates

Google rarely stays put.

On a mission to get better and better, Google continually launches new updates that can significantly affect your website’s rankings. If you want to ride the SEO waters with ease and adroitness, you’ll have to stay on top of these updates.

This can be a little challenging for small businesses that are new to online marketing.

Since the updates are often rather technical in nature, you may feel overwhelmed and frustrated. If you want to stay on track with SEO, you’ll have to turn to the pros at some point.

Real-Life Example: Canva’s SEO Success Story

While most people in the online marketing industry recognize Canva as a popular graphic design platform today, it hasn’t always enjoyed the same success.

Like any other business, Canva started off slow and steady. It was founded in 2012 by Melanie Perkins, Cliff Obrecht, and Cameron Adams in Sydney, Australia. Their vision was to make graphic design accessible to everyone, regardless of their skills or expertise.

From the beginning, Canva understood the importance of SEO in driving organic traffic and attracting users to their platform. Their key SEO strategies have been keyword research, high-quality content creation, UX optimization, and social media marketing.

Today, Canva boasts millions of users worldwide and a valuation of over $40 billion. Their mastery of SEO has played a crucial role in helping them stand out in a competitive market, drive consistent organic traffic, and establish themselves as the go-to resource for graphic design.

The Pros of PPC Advertising: The Fast, the Flexible, and the Fantastic

1. The Need for Speed: Instant Gratification

In 2023, time is money.

Yes, slow and steady wins the race, but not everybody has the time for slow and steady.

If you’re short on time and you want to take your business from Point A to Point X in a matter of weeks, PPC marketing is your guy.

Unlike SEO, which can take several months to show noticeable improvements, PPC campaigns start driving traffic as soon as they’re launched. This instant gratification can be especially beneficial in certain scenarios.

Let’s say you run an online store that sells winter clothing, and you want to run a promotion during the holiday season.

PPC advertising will help you create targeted ads for specific products or offers and start driving traffic to your promotion right away. This immediacy will help you capitalize on seasonal trends and limited-time offers without having to worry about the slowness of SEO.

PPC is also an excellent tool for businesses that are launching a new product/service or hosting an upcoming event.

If you need to put word out fast, the PPC model will help you target your ads to a specific audience and reach the right customers in the desired time frame. As you drive immediate traffic to your landing page, you’ll be able to generate quality leads, sign-ups, and even sales in a short amount of time.

While SEO is great in its own right, it doesn’t speed things up the same way.

2. Targeting Precision: The Sniper of Digital Marketing

PPC advertising allows you to target specific audiences with laser-like precision. You can target users based on their location, interests, and even the type of device they’re using. This means you can reach the right people at the right time, maximizing your chances of success.

One of the primary ways PPC advertising achieves precise targeting is through keywords. When setting up a PPC campaign, advertisers select specific keywords or phrases that are relevant to their products/services.

When users search for these keywords, the business’ ads are displayed in the search results.

PPC platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads also allow advertisers to target certain demographics (age, gender, location, language, and more). This level of demographic targeting ensures that ads are only shown to users who match the desired profile.

PPC advertising has another trick up its sleeve: behavioral targeting. Advertisers can reach users based on their online behavior, including their browsing history, past searches, interactions with specific websites, and the like.

This is a great way to target users who have already shown interest in your products/services or who have similar interests to your existing customers. The outcome? Stellar conversions.


3. A Control Freak’s Dream: Complete Command of Your Budget

PPC gives you complete (and we mean complete) control of your ad spend.

You can set a daily, weekly, or monthly budget for your campaigns. This will help you avoid spending more than you can afford.

PPC offers a staggeringly high level of control that’s especially useful for small businesses and startups with limited marketing budgets. You’ll be able to allocate your resources strategically and avoid overspending.

The PPC advertising model has a rather tit-for-tat nature. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This makes PPC a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website.

You can control how much you’re willing to pay per click by setting a maximum bid for each keyword or ad group. This will help you prioritize your spending on high-performing keywords and optimize your campaigns for the best possible return on investment (ROI).

Sweet, right?

If you’re a control freak, chances are you love performance tracking and optimization. PPC platforms provide detailed performance data for each campaign, allowing you to monitor your spending and identify areas for improvement.

By tracking critical metrics (e.g., click-through rates, cost per click, conversion rates, etc.), you can quickly identify which ads and keywords generate the best results.

Use this insight to adjust your budget accordingly. This data-driven approach enables you to optimize your campaigns in real-time and allocate your budget to the most effective strategies.

No wasted effort, no wasted revenue.

Just terrific results.

Recommended Read: PPC Management for Small Businesses: Tips and Tricks

The Cons of PPC Advertising: The Costly, the Competitive, and the Complex

1. The Pay-to-Play Arena

All fun and games? We wish.

PPC can be an expensive game, particularly if you’re targeting competitive keywords. Costs can quickly add up, and if you’re not careful, your return on investment (ROI) can take a hit.

Unlike SEO, which can generate long-term organic traffic with a one-time investment, PPC advertising requires ongoing spending to maintain its effectiveness. You can’t run a PPC advertising campaign for two months, call it off, and expect the results to keep floating around. Not a chance.

If you want to keep driving traffic to your website, you’ll have to continue to invest in PPC.

It’s not all bad news for your pocket. PPC can be affordable if you partner with the right platform. At Global-marketing Inc., our PPC services start from $399, which is a far cry from the heavy price tag slapped on conventional PPC plans.

Choose wisely.

2. The Everlasting Battle: Stiff Competition

In the world of PPC, you’re constantly competing with other businesses for ad space and attention. This means you need to be on your toes at all times, constantly tweaking and optimizing your campaigns to stay ahead of the competition.

As more and more businesses recognize the benefits of PPC and launch their own campaigns, the advertising landscape will become even more crowded, making it increasingly difficult to stand out, hold your own, and achieve the desired results.

As mentioned earlier, PPC operates on a bidding system; advertisers compete for ad placements based on their bids. As the competition thickens, businesses are often forced to raise their bids to maintain high ad visibility and search rankings.

This can result in escalating CPC costs.

Search engines like Google and Bing also have limited ad space available. As more businesses enter the PPC arena, the competition for these coveted spots intensifies. This can make it more challenging for businesses to secure prominent ad placements.

Real-Life Example: Airbnb’s PPC Success Story

Airbnb, the global online marketplace for lodging and tourism experience, has experienced tremendous growth since its inception in 2008. They used many keys to crack the success portal open, including, of course, PPC advertising.

By leveraging the power of PPC advertising, Airbnb grew its user base rapidly and became the go-to platform for vacation rentals.

When Airbnb first entered the market, it faced stiff competition from established players in the hospitality industry. PPC advertising helped Airbnb quickly gain visibility and reach a broader audience.

By targeting relevant keywords and placing their ads prominently in search results, Airbnb attracted users who were looking for accommodation and converted them into customers. They’ve been doing that since 2008, and the results have been simply spectacular.

Of course, Airbnb had many more tricks up its sleeve. However, its PPC prowess played a big role in helping it get seen online, generate buzz, and captivate audiences.

Today, Airbnb is valued at a whopping $72.3 billion.


SEO or PPC: What’s Right for My Business?

The answer is simple: both.

Now that you have a better understanding of SEO and PPC, you’ll be able to leverage both models to give your business the visibility, traffic, and rankings it deserves.

When crafting your SEO and PPC campaigns, keep this cheat sheet in mind:

If you want to achieve long-term growth, put more eggs in the SEO basket. This will help you build a strong foundation and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

If you’re looking for quick results or want to target specific audiences with laser-like precision, put more eggs in the PPC advertising basket.

The truth is that both SEO and PPC can be incredibly effective when used correctly. For most businesses, a smart combinative approach is the best call.

Before you begin, ask yourself the right questions and decide the most suitable course of action accordingly. We’ll help you steer in the right direction.

Question #1: What is your primary goal: building long-term brand visibility or driving immediate results?

  • If long-term brand visibility is your focus, lean towards professional SEO services.
  • If immediate results are your priority, turn to PPC marketing services.

Question #2: How competitive are your target keywords, and what is your budget for online marketing?

  • If competition is high and your budget is limited, SEO is a better option.
  • If you have a more flexible budget, PPC can help you compete for high-value keywords.

Question #3: What is the current state of your website’s user experience (UX) and content quality?

  • If your website’s UX and content quality need improvement, focus on SEO first.
  • If your website is already optimized and equipped with high-quality content, consider investing in PPC.

Question #4: How important is it for your business to maintain a consistent online presence?

  • If a consistent online presence is crucial, focus more on SEO.
  • If you have specific, time-sensitive campaigns or promotions, PPC might be more suitable.

Question #5: How well do you understand your target audience’s demographics, interests, and online behavior?

  • If you have a deep understanding of your audience, PPC service scan help you target them effectively.
  • If you need to gather more data and insights about your audience, SEO services can help you reach a broader audience and learn more about their preferences.

Question #6: How much time and resources can you dedicate to managing your digital marketing efforts?

  • If you can invest time in creating and optimizing content, SEO is a better fit.
  • If you prefer a more hands-off approach and have the budget to pay for ads, PPC is more suitable.

Question #7: How quickly do you need to see a return on your investment (ROI)?

  • If you’re looking for a faster ROI, PPC advertising can provide quicker results.
  • If you’re willing to invest time and effort for long-term ROI, hire SEO services.

Question #7: How important is building trust and credibility with your audience?

  • If trust and credibility are crucial for your business, SEO can be more effective in fostering a positive brand image.
  • If you already have a strong, established reputation, PPC can help you maintain that image and reach more customers.

Question #8: How frequently do you plan to update and refresh your website’s content?

  • If you can consistently produce high-quality, evergreen content, SEO will be more effective in the long run.
  • If you prefer creating content for specific promotions or events, PPC can be a better option for time-sensitive campaigns.

Question #9: What is your level of expertise in digital marketing, and how much support do you need?

  • If you’re new to digital marketing and need a more guided approach, SEO can provide a more structured path for learning and improving your online presence.
  • If you’re comfortable managing your online marketing efforts and prefer more control over your campaigns, PPC might be more suitable.

Question #10: Are you targeting a specific niche or a broader market?

  • If you’re targeting a niche market, SEO can help you rank higher for niche-specific keywords and attract relevant traffic.
  • If you’re targeting a broader market with diverse segments, PPC can help you create targeted campaigns for each segment and reach a wider audience.

It’s Time for Action!

In this blog, we offered a complete breakdown of SEO services vs. PPC advertising.

The real competition doesn’t lie between these two strategies; it lies between you and your competitors.

Leverage SEO and PPC to knock out your competition and earn a power-packed boost in online visibility.

Global-marketing Inc. is ready to make it happen!

We provide professional SEO services and PPC marketing services to give your business the ammo it needs to dominate the web.

It’s time to get seen by your target audience, turn clicks into conversions, and let the revenue come rolling in.

We’re ready when you are!

The post SEO Services vs. PPC Advertising: Which Is Better for Your Business? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Outsourcing PPC Management Services: The Secret to More Profitable Campaigns Wed, 12 Apr 2023 14:43:15 +0000 You need a ton of leads and a steady stream of traffic to put your business on the map. This is why 65%of small businesses utilize PPC advertising to use online marketing to its full potential and convert prospects into paying customers. A well-managed PPC campaign (emphasis on well) can quickly increase leads and generate online traffic […]

The post Outsourcing PPC Management Services: The Secret to More Profitable Campaigns appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

You need a ton of leads and a steady stream of traffic to put your business on the map. This is why 65%of small businesses utilize PPC advertising to use online marketing to its full potential and convert prospects into paying customers.

A well-managed PPC campaign (emphasis on well) can quickly increase leads and generate online traffic since this marketing channel allows you to reach your targeted audience at the right time.

For example, if you run a coffee shop, you can set your PPC ads to appear first thing in the morning when your targeted audience is looking for a caffeine fix.

The key to reaching a larger audience with PPC campaigns is ensuring that it is well-structured and tailor-made to meet your unique needs.

Reports show that the average conversion rate for an e-commerce business website can range from 1.81% to 3.71%. This shows the average percentage of users visiting an e-commerce website who make a purchase.

This rate depends on factors like a good website design, excellent customer experience, and engaging marketing tactics.

So, how can you achieve all of that?

By outsourcing PPC management services!

Let our experts break it down for you.

Don’t settle for mediocre PPC campaign results. Outsource with us for success. Fill out the form below for a free proposal.

What Makes PPC The Pinnacle of Online Marketing?

PPC is a form of online advertising where you pay every time an individual clicks on your ad. Google reveals that for every $1 a company invests in an ad, around $8 is generated in profits.

Search advertising spending is reportedly expected to hit 164.6 billion dollars worldwide and grow to 190.5 billion US dollars by the end of 2024.

One of the immediate benefits you’ll observe with PPC campaigns is that you don’t have to compete against a horde of competitors to get your brand in front of potential customers.

Since businesses only pay when someone clicks on their ad, this form of online marketing yields a good ROI.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

Converse, the global footwear giant, partnered with a marketing agency to create a highly engaging PPC ad campaign to increase its online engagement.

The brand used keywords that its teenage audience was currently searching for to start a dialogue with its viewers and draw them in.

Keywords like “spelling bee,” “prom night,” and “how to talk to girls” helped its viewers begin conversations through the ad copy and several interconnected microsites, allowing for a more meaningful experience.

This campaign was very successful in connecting the brand with its targeted audience and building brand loyalty.

Still not convinced about outsourcing PPC campaigns? Here’s a quick rundown of the benefits of PPC ad management services.

The Value of Effective Pay-Per-Click Management

PPC campaigns can only help you direct high-quality traffic to your website if they’re executed correctly.

Some of the foundational elements of a winning PPC campaign include:

  • Keyword research
  • Ad auctions
  • Quality score
  • Ad groups

Without an effective PPC strategy, value-adding content, and relation-building tactics, people might click on your ad but won’t make the purchase. This may lead to poor website conversions.

Why Are Leading Businesses Turning Towards Outsourcing PPC Management?

With so many core business tasks already on their plate, business owners may find it difficult to focus on devising an optimized PPC strategy that includes the following:

  • Well-researched long-tail and negative keywords
  • Refinedbidding strategies
  • Allocating a budget and managing it
  • Performing competitive analysis
  • Researching and implementing the updated strategies
  • Channel targeting and copy creation

You need a wide range of skill sets and expertise to complete all of these tasks and achieve desired results.

Also, PPC marketing isn’t just about running ads.

A good PPC campaign requires assessing the entire lead generation strategy, meeting the prospect where it is, and then leading it toward building a relationship with your brand.

So if you haven’t achieved your PPC goals yet despite months of trying, this might be why.

Recommended read: Lead Generation and Conversion Statistics to Guide Your Marketing Strategy in 2023

By leveraging PPC ad Management Services, you can:

1. Get Incomparable Expertise

PPC management companies have been a part of the digital marketing industry for years, which is why they have more expertise and an in-depth understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

With their experience, PPC management experts can execute a strategy more efficiently and provide you with customized solutions that meet your unique needs and requirements.

Recommended read: PPC Management for Small Businesses: Tips and Tricks

2. Cut Costs and Save Money

In-house PPC management is far more expensive than outsourcing it.

This is because hiring a full-time employee and providing them with a full benefits package with a competitive salary will cost you more than working with an agency for a short time.

Outsourcing also removes all the complexities and costs of recruitment, compliance, taxation, and healthcare.

3. Get the Benefits of Using Advanced Tools and Techniques

PPC management experts employ state-of-the-art technology like Google Analytics, Google AdWords, BingAds, DoubleClick, etc., to help you achieve your business goals.

They have the tools and resources, like Semrush, Ad Badger, and Google Ads Editor, that can be used to analyze campaign results and tweak them in real time based on the results.

4. Leverage the Latest Industry Trends

Working closely with PPC marketing professionals will help you benefit from the latest industry trends and knowledge.

PPC management agencies are constantly adapting and implementing the latest and most innovative tactics that make their well-crafted campaigns more effective.

5. Prevent Major Marketing Mishaps

We know how even the smallest of mistakes in your marketing strategy can cause irrevocable damage to your brand.

Remember when Pringles created an ad that referred to “Multi Tasty MultiGran” and completely missed adding an “i” in grain?

After the release of the ad, Twitter was flooded with images of the typo, with consumers making fun of this marketing disaster.

Pringles had to do some damage control to make sure its brand image wasn’t affected due to a single marketing failure.

Outsourcing PPC management services will minimize the possibility of errors, leading to quicker results.

Ready To Take Your PPC Campaigns To The Next Level?

Make sure your PPC campaign has the right content, offers an unforgettable website experience, and implements the right targeting with help from our PPC management experts.

Don’t waste any more time on ineffective PPC campaigns. Outsource your management services to us and get impressive new leads.

Dominate the market with our data-driven PPC management service. Sign up today!

The post Outsourcing PPC Management Services: The Secret to More Profitable Campaigns appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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PPC Marketing for E-Commerce: Unlock the Full Potential of Online Retail Advertising Wed, 05 Apr 2023 15:11:06 +0000 Whether you’re a fledgling startup or a well-established organization, every business needs to have a bunch of tried-and-true digital marketing tools to boost their online traffic and generate more leads. This is why in addition to using conventional marketing tools, businesses leverage PPC or (pay-per-view clicking), which  allows them to improve brand awareness by 80%. […]

The post PPC Marketing for E-Commerce: Unlock the Full Potential of Online Retail Advertising appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Whether you’re a fledgling startup or a well-established organization, every business needs to have a bunch of tried-and-true digital marketing tools to boost their online traffic and generate more leads.

This is why in addition to using conventional marketing tools, businesses leverage PPC or (pay-per-view clicking), which  allows them to improve brand awareness by 80%.

PPC marketing is an advertising model where you pay every time someone clicks on your ad – it’s as simple as that!

The best part is that PPC is cost-effective and allows advertisers to target ads to specific audiences.

Ready to learn how you can scale your business with PPC marketing? Our PPC management experts break it down for you!

Numerous businesses opt for PPC because,unlike SEO, PPC can generate traffic almost immediately and allow you to measure your advertising results in real-time to make data-driven decisions.

What would have taken months of hard work to snag prospective customers is now easier, thanks to PPC marketing.PPC campaigns allow you to have control over your advertising costs by adjusting bids and budgets based on your ads’ performance.

Some popular PPC marketing platforms include:

  • YouTube Ads
  • Amazon Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Microsoft Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Yelp Ads
  • Etsy Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads

You might have seen sponsored content like paid search ads on many online platforms popping up on the top of the screen when using your phone or computer – those are PPC ads!

Here’s how PPC works: The ads are typically displayed in SERPs depending on the ad rank. It determines the position of an advertiser’s ad based on several factors,such as the maximum bid amount, the quality of the ad, the relevance of the ad to the search query, and the expected impact of ad extensions.

Upon clicking the ad, the consumer is directed to a landing page on your website.

For example, clicking on one of the Amazon industrial shelving ads will take the viewer to the product page so they can make the purchase.

How Can PPC Marketing Skyrocket Your E-Commerce Sales?

PPC marketing gives e-commerce businesses unlimited room to test what works, adjust their strategies in real-time, and scale their businesses. Plus, it can be managed by an in-house team and therefore doesn’t require a large investment.

PPC ad results can be measured and tracked by Google Analytics and Google ads, and your ad can be tweaked according to search behavior, demographic data, and browsing history.

Here’s how online retailers can get fast, targeted results with PPC advertising:

Expanding Your Reach

Google processes around 3.5 billion searches in a day.

How can you make your services or products visible to your customers when they’re typing a relevant query in the search bar?

Through PPC marketing! It allows you to expand your reach.Even if users don’t click on your ad, they may still see your brand name and message, increasing brand awareness and recognition over time.

You Only Pay When Someone Comes Across Your Content

When you use PPC marketing, you don’t have to pay anything until prospective customers are actually on your website.This way, you don’t have to spend any money on audiences that aren’t interested in your ad.

This advertising model is more cost-effective than cost per impression (CPM), where advertisers have to pay for every 1,000 impressions of their ad. It is based on the number of times their ad is shown to users, regardless of whether or not the user clicks on the ad.

Precise Targeting

If you’re a business that only targets a niche audience group, then PPC might just be for you.

PPC marketing will allow you to reach a highly targeted audience based on specific criteria. The criteria can include demographic information like age, income level, gender, or online vistors’ behavior and interests. Here is an example of using precise targeting to reach a specific targeted audience.

You can also change and tweak your PPC campaign to reach a specific audience at a specific time.

This can be done by:

  • Expanding your keyword list, especially using long-tail keywords
  • Expanding the negative keyword list
  • Displaying your stellar ratings in your ad for any service or product
  • Using geographic reporting features in your paid search platform

It Fits Perfectly With The E-Commerce Business Model

E-commerce is typically data-driven.

This is why PPC is perfect for e-commerce businesses since it allows business owners to track their advertising campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize the campaign for more clicks. PPC visitors are more likely to use your services and make a purchase compared to organic visitors. See what we mean?This is the impact of using PPC marketing!

How to Start a Winning PPC Campaign

Managing a PPC campaign is a multi-step process. Let’s take a look at how you can create an effective paid search campaign.

Perform Your Keyword Research

Firstly, select the keywords that will trigger the search engine to display your ad.

For example, if an individual Googles “carpenters near me in San Diego,” the search engine will show ads from companies and businesses that use keywords such as “carpenters in San Diego” or “carpenters near you in San Diego.

You can also consider selecting negative keywords that you don’t want to be associated with your ad. Negative keywords will also help you avoid viewers who aren’t looking to purchase your products.

Keyword research can go a long way in helping you boost your sales and get more clicks and profit!

Optimize Your Copy Fora Better Ad Click-Through Rate

The CTR or the click-through rate of an ad refers to the number of individuals who see your ad compared to those who click on it.

The more clicks you get, the likelier it is for prospective customers to make a purchase.

So, how can you increase your CTR?

The cardinal rule is to use Google site links. Many advertisers are still not using this strategy to its full potential.

Add new pages to test as site links and then review the performance metrics from time to time to boost success.

The second strategy is to use numbers correctly. Numbers and symbols can generate a lot of interest in your ad copy – if used the right way.

When potential customers see your service or product, they immediately think, “How much will it cost me?”

Ads that include discounts, like “Save $20 Now,” are more likely to attract paying customers.

The last thing you need to focus on is the headline. Make sure your headline is click-worthy and connects with your customer’s needs.

Viewers are more inclined to read a headline than an entire ad.

Optimize Your Pages

What is the ultimate goal of a PPC campaign for your e-commerce business? Bringing more leads to your online store.

Here’s how you can optimize your product pages to minimize bounce rate:

Use relevant keywords

Keywords are the cornerstones of SEO and the most effective tool to make your e-commerce product page appear at the top of a user’s search results.

Create accurate product titles

Make sure your product title has a relevant keyword and isn’t more than 60 characters.

Use relevant images and videos

The images and videos you use will help make prospective customers decide whether or not they want to make the purchase.

So use high-resolution photos with an optimized file name and alt text.

Pay Your Ad Network

Ad networks use different methods to charge for ad clicks.

For example, Google ads automatically charge an advertiser’s accounts at the beginning of the month for the previous month’s clicked ads.

Create a Streamlined Shopping Cart Experience

You need to improve your shopping cart experience in order for your customers to check out and complete the purchase.

Pick the right shopping cart platform,and go through each step of the buying process to check if the instructions provided are clear for the viewers. The experience should ideally encourage them to check out.

According to a report by Baymard, 17% of shoppers abandon their shopping carts because of a multi-step or complicated checkout process. Remember to keep the checkout process as quick and simple as possible.

Create a Successful PPC Strategy with Help From Our PPC Campaign Management Experts!

In this blog, we touched upon some of the benefits of PPC campaigns that can help you exponentially scale your e-commerce business.

With a winning PPC campaign, you can increase conversions, reach more customers, boost your traffic, and ultimately build brand recognition.

We offer PPC ad management services for startups, small businesses, individuals, and established brands.

From A/B split testing to keyword research, our PPC management experts can help increase your lead generation and revenue.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with us today!

The post PPC Marketing for E-Commerce: Unlock the Full Potential of Online Retail Advertising appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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10 Tips to Optimize Your Google Product Listing Ads Mon, 22 Aug 2022 15:12:33 +0000 Move over, standard text-based ads. There's a new sheriff in town, and they have bigger and better plans!

The post 10 Tips to Optimize Your Google Product Listing Ads appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Move over, standard text-based ads. There’s a new sheriff in town: Google product listing ads.

When Google first introduced product listing ads (PLAs), the SEO world knew they were going to change the game for eCommerce businesses.

A far cry from regular ads, PLAs provide more information to users, including photos, reviews, titles, prices, buying options, ratings, store names, and so much more.

As your products are plastered inches away from Google search queries, web users feel compelled to engage with them.

PLAs capture buyer intent, provide a spectacular user experience, and give you sweet conversions…if they’re leveraged correctly, that is.

PLA marketing can easily go wrong if you leave optimization out of the mix.

If you simply launch PLAs and let them collect dust, your competitors will engulf you.

We’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Join us as we walk you through the best ways to optimize your Google product listing ads.

Which tricks will give your ads the traction they deserve? Are there any mistakes you should avoid?

Buckle up; we’re covering the A-Z of effective Google PLA optimization.


Bigger sales are finally within reach… grab ’em! Let our PLA marketing team show you the way. Fill out the form below for a free proposal!

1. Get the Details Just Right

Sounds pretty basic, right?

It is, but advertisers still get this wrong.

While this is the easiest mistake to make, it’s also the most critical.

If you mess up the details, your ads will fail to make it to the top.

When it comes to PLA optimization, shaping up your ads is the first step.

Here’s what we mean.

Let’s say you’re looking for white and red sneakers. If you run this search query, your PLA feed will look something like this:

white and red sneakers

And if you’re working from home and dealing with a gimcrack laptop that needs to be replaced at the earliest, a quick Google search will fetch these results:

PLAs for best laptops for WFH

What’s the first thing you notice about these PLAs?

They’re accurate, relevant, and to the point.

There are no embellishments or errors; you get exactly what you asked for.

Your PLAs should follow the same recipe.

The product title should be specific, succinct, and direct; it shouldn’t exceed 70 characters.

Mention the accurate price and make sure you update it within 12 hours of making price changes, if any.

Avoid spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax errors like the plague.

If your PLAs are filled with errors, Google won’t even consider your ads, let alone display them in the PLA feed.

Use the right product category. If you’re confused, reach out to experts instead of winging it.

Most importantly, keep your PLAs consistent.

The product feed should feature the exact same title as your product landing page.

Inconsistencies are off-putting to web users. They show a lack of attention to detail, and even the most rushed web users pick up on these things.

If your PLAs are neat, accurate, organized, consistent, and polished, you’re more likely to earn a click and conversion.

2. Use Simple, High-Quality Images That Match User Intent

Fluff is sometimes great for video ads.

Perhaps even social media ads.

But your Google PLAs shouldn’t include any embellishments, period.

Advertisers often get carried away because of the impact of PLAs.

They reach so many people and do great things for your bottom line.

Surely, sprucing them up a tad will work in your favor, right?

Not really.

The fancier your ads, the subtler their impact.

If you want to engage and convert more people, keep things simple.

Start with the images.

Use simple, high-quality photos that perfectly match user intent.

If you’re confused, do competitor research to understand the kind of images your top competition is using.

You’ll notice that the biggest names in your industry use relevant, simple, high-resolution photos that give the audience exactly what it’s looking for.

Let’s say you’re looking for cozy lamps for your bedroom. Here’s what your PLA feed will look like:

cozy lamps for bedroom

As a web user, you want a clear image of the lamp.

At the same time, you want to visualize what it’ll look like in your bedroom.

This is your intention as a user.

Out of these four images, only the first and third match user intent.

The lamps are turned on and placed in a bedroom. They also emanate a soft glow. The two main keywords here (“cozy” and “bedroom”) are checked off the list.

The other two PLAs fail to do that.

Buyers can’t see the lamps’ appearance when they’re switched on. The transparent background also fails to help them envision the lamp in their own space.

See what we mean?

Apart from specificity, get the quality right as well.

Here’s another example.

If you’re looking for “brown slacks for men”, Google will fetch the following PLAs:

brown slacks for men

Take a closer look at the ones we approved and those that didn’t make the cut.

The PLAs with a checkmark feature high-quality images taken in a studio with models.

Web users can envision what the slacks will look like on them.

You can also see the slacks in their entirety from top to bottom.

The remaining PLAs feature low-quality photos in poor lighting without models. They don’t match user intent, nor do they give users an idea of what the product actually looks like.

As a buyer, which one of these PLAs would you click on?

The answer will help you understand the importance of using high-quality, relevant, and audience-centric photos in your ads.

We also recommend carefully optimizing product images.

Use the right attributes: [image_link] and [additional_image_link].

According to the Google Merchant Center, the image resolution should be less than 64 MP, the file size should be less than 16 MB, and the image size should ideally be 800 x 800 pixels.

Avoid adding promotional tags to the images, using borders, or opting for any other type of embellishment.

Watch this video to get a better understanding of what Google expects of you as far as image quality and relevance goes:

3. Write Relevant, Short Product Descriptions

Let’s say you’re looking for a basic camping flashlight.

As you click a PLA, the description goes on and on and on and on… and on.

Sure, providing useful information is important, especially if your product has detailed specs.

However, there’s always a limit.

Respect it.

Web users don’t have an hour to read through a bulk of text.

The more time you can save, the better.

The speedier the transaction, the less irate the client.

The product description will ultimately vary based on your industry and audience requirements.

If you sell laptops, sure, you can and should provide details. However, avoid presenting them in bulky text. Instead, use bullet points and cut out any unnecessary text or fluff.

Provide useful detail that helps web users decide if they want to proceed with the purchase.

Avoid combining facts with opinions. The description should be 100% factual, not biased.

Use fewer subjective adjectives and more factual descriptors for the size, color, capacity, material, use, etc.

Having trouble crafting a successful PLA marketing campaign? Leave the job to us! Fill out the form below for a free proposal.

4. Master the Art of Keeping the Title Short Yet Informative

Sounds like a strange paradox, right?

How can you possibly keep the title short yet informative?

It’s doable. Let’s show you how.

If you’re looking for an electric kettle, your PLA feed will look something like this:

electirc kettlets

Now, all of these ads are great; we can’t vilify any of them.

However, some slip through some small cracks while the others stand firm on a smooth, solid foundation.

The first ad is brilliant.

You know it’s a kettle; you can see it in the picture. Instead of including the keyword “electric kettle” at the beginning of the title, the brand has cleverly reserved it for the end of the title (knowing it won’t fit in the PLA feed).

What does show up is the capacity, which is extremely important. It’s reiterated once again in the product description.

The remaining ads don’t touch upon the capacity at all. Their titles also start reading “electric tea kettle” pretty early on instead of providing essential information first.

You have to be smart with your titles. Include the most important information first and leave the obvious bit for the end.

If you’re selling the Philips XXL Air Fryer, a great title would be “Philips XXL 7.3 L Air Fryer”.

You’ve left the basic information for the end (duh, it’s an air fryer).

The capacity comes first.

The same title, if worded poorly, would read “Philips XXL Air Fryer Black Large Capacity”.

First off, the syntax is off the mark.

Secondly, you have a completely unnecessary descriptor (black). You can see the product in the picture, you know what it looks like!

Avoid stuffing redundant words into the small 70-character title.

This title also uses the phrase “large capacity”.

This is as vague and non-specific as it gets.

Large capacity could mean something very different to a person who wants an air fryer for themselves versus a mother who’s buying an air fryer for a family of six.

A better option would have been “family-sized”, but that’s still vague.

Get as specific as you can.

The best way of going about this?

Mentioning the capacity right off the bat.

When you get the title right, you’ll earn more clicks.

Sure, web users will find all the information on the product page once they click on it.

But don’t rest on your laurels.

If your listing is incomplete, you won’t even earn a click.

Aim for a click first, a conversion second.

The right title will go a long way in helping you make sweeter sales.

Here’s another example:

Optimizing titles for PLAs

When it comes to the title, the second and third PLAs are clear winners here; you know the size and power right off the bat.

The last ad is the weakest; the title is too short and tells you nothing about the mower.

Once you crack the code, your titles will start fetching more and more clicks.

5. Use the Right Feed Attributes

Advertisers often have a razor-sharp focus on optimizing the ad copy (title, product description, categories, etc.) and images.

As they should!

However, in doing so, they often forget to pay attention to the technicalities.

This is a big advertising faux pas. The sooner you realize you’re making this mistake, the better.

Start undoing the damage by selecting the right attributes to improve PLA performance.

Your product feed should always include the following attributes:

  • Product title [title]
  • Product ID [id]
  • Product description [description]
  • Product category [google_product_category]
  • Availability information [availability]
  • Availability date for products that are out of stock [availability_date]
  • Valid GTIN [gtin]
  • Valid MPN [mpn]

You can stop here. However, the more comprehensive your feed, the better.

If you want to make your ads stand out and generate more buzz, use these additional attributes:

  • Mobile-friendly product pages [mobile_link]
  • Additional images [additional_image_link]
  • Unavailable products [expiration_date]
  • Loyalty points [loyalty_points]
  • Product pricing and size [unit_pricing_measure]
  • Discounted price [sale_price]
  • Denominator of the product price [unit_​​pricing_​​base_​​measure]
  • Monthly/annual payment plan [subscription_cost]
  • Payment plan in installments [installment]

As you introduce these attributes to the mix, you’ll increase your PLA’s reach and visibility, boost conversions, outrank other PLAs, increase ad show for personalized/specific search queries, and grow your e-commerce business.

6. Make Your PLAs Pop with Extensions

Using extensions withPLAs is perhaps one of the most genius ways to make your ads pop!

PLA reels include dozens of scrollable ads.

How can you make yours stand out?

Here’s how.

Product listing ad example

Notice the two tags: “price drop” and “in store”.

These are ad extensions in a nutshell.

They give your ad a nice kick and help generate more clicks.

Buyers love the idea of grabbing a product during a sale.

A great deal will quickly get noticed and fetch pretty conversions.

Add the “price drop” extension to your Google product listing ad if you’re offering a discount.

And if the item is available in store, add the “in store” extension.

This is especially useful for expensive equipment.

If a buyer is interested in a pricey washing machine, they won’t just buy it off the bat. Instead, they’ll pay your store a visit, check the product out, test it, and decide if they want to continue with the purchase.

In some cases, products are available for online delivery but missing from stores.

Adding the “in store” label will help you earn a store visit and increase your chances of making a sale.

Check out the remaining extensions and use them based on relevance.

Avoid stuffing them everywhere; yes, there’s such a thing as over-optimizing your ads.

If you do that, Google will penalize you.

Use optimization strategies carefully, smartly, and where needed.

Avoid going overboard.

More is not more when it comes to ad optimization.

Honest, fair usage will help you dominate SERPs and bag massive sales.

7. Become an Automation Whizz

As you introduce new products to your collection, you shouldn’t have to re-submit product feeds countless times.

That sounds tedious and, quite frankly, boring.

Google Merchant Center provides a brilliant feature called Scheduled Fetch.

This clever little option helps you automate the product feed submission process.

Every time you have a new update, Google will automatically find it and get to work.

If you want to make full use of this feature, make sure you submit clean feed files that are free of errors.

The file size should be within the strict 4 GB limit. Additionally, make sure “AdsBot-Google” and “Googlebot” user agents aren’t blocked from your feed directory.

These guidelines are stringent, so don’t try to bend the rules.

As you comply and kick things off, you’ll start updating your feeds automatically.

8. Use Negative Keywords

Every ad should be optimized for relevance with negative keywords, especially PLAs.

Here’s how this works.

Let’s say you sell sunglasses. Now, the terms “drinking glasses” and “wine glasses” are closely related to your product.

If you don’t specify these terms as negative keywords, you may rank for them and mislead web users.

What’s the point of targeting a rosé lover looking for wine glasses for their upcoming bachelorette party when you can only offer sunglasses?

You may think you can earn a roundabout conversion, but you really won’t.

You’ll leave buyers frustrated and get absolutely no benefit out of this.

When this happens, advertisers also notice a reduction in their click-through rate (CTR).

Luckily, adding negative keywords to your PLAs is a piece of cake.

Open your Google Ads account and blacklist negative words accordingly.

Don’t stop there.

Review and update your negative keyword list on a bi-yearly basis.

Make additions and deductions as needed.

9. Target Your Local Audience

Think of Google Analytics as a mine filled with the most valuable advertising gems.

If you want to reap the complete set of benefits of running a PLA marketing campaign, start using Google Analytics to your advantage.

Leverage Google Analytics data to geo-optimize your PLA campaign.

Figure out which neighborhoods, towns, cities, and states bring you the most revenue.

Localize your ads accordingly.

You can also stop showing ads in certain locations that are technically within your reach but don’t fetch any sales.

Use local extensions wisely.

According to Think with Google, a whopping 46% of buyers contact brands and confirm inventory before visiting stores.

If your products are available in local stores, use the “in store” tag to fetch more local conversions.

As you customize your PLA campaign for location, you’ll notice an increase in local clicks and sales.

Recommended Read: 15 Ways to Make Ads More ‘Local’ When Serving a Large Market

10. Organize Product Ads

Your Google Shopping campaign shouldn’t be slipshod and all over the place; it should be neatly organized, structured, and maintained.

Start organizing your product ads to get the most out of your campaign.

Ad groups are collections of ads with a specific set of intentions. Make sure you add the keywords for your products within these ad groups.

You can still set different prices for your products.

Here’s an example of how you should go about this.

Let’s say you sell shoes for toddlers, children, teenage girls, teenage boys, and adults.

Your product groups should look something like this:

Organize Product Ads

See what we mean?

As you categorize your products, the right ads will reach the right people.

Make sure you use relevant attributes within these categories.

Recommended Read: PPC Management for Small Businesses: Tips and Tricks

Take Your Google Product Listing Ads (PLA) Game to the Next Level with Global-marketing Inc.

In this blog, we walked you through the most effective ways to optimize your Google product listing ads campaign.

The ball is in your court now!

If you run a small to medium-sized business, your advertising campaign should be top-notch.

Stellar advertising is your golden ticket to growing your business and making it to the big leagues.

Ready to put this knowledge to the test? We’re here to help!

At Global-marketing Inc., we provide complete e-commerce PPC services to businesses that want to get seen, make bigger and better sales, and dominate their industry.

Unhappy with ever-increasing ad spend and disappointing conversions?

Schedule a free PLA marketing consultation with our team!

Let’s get your Google Shopping campaign back on track.

The post 10 Tips to Optimize Your Google Product Listing Ads appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Powerful PPC Advertising Trends for 2022 Thu, 04 Aug 2022 01:00:16 +0000 Successful advertising isn’t a walk in the park (we wish). If you want your advertising efforts to pay off, you have to think and work smart. This is where PPC (pay-per-click) advertising enters the picture. Effective, powerful, and algorithm-savvy, mastering PPC advertising trends is your lottery ticket. Whip up a smart strategy, and you’re in for […]

The post Powerful PPC Advertising Trends for 2022 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Successful advertising isn’t a walk in the park (we wish). If you want your advertising efforts to pay off, you have to think and work smart. This is where PPC (pay-per-click) advertising enters the picture. Effective, powerful, and algorithm-savvy, mastering PPC advertising trends is your lottery ticket.

Whip up a smart strategy, and you’re in for impressive audience reach, a high number of clicks, and sweet conversions. Like SEO, PPC is demanding and unforgiving. You cannot come up with a fair-to-middling strategy and expect great results. PPC advertising success is contingent on stellar research, an audience-centric game plan, and seamless execution by a team of experts.

At Global-marketing Inc., we’re here to spill the beans today.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most powerful PPC advertising trends that can shape up your sales and kick-start the right kind of business growth.

We’ll also touch upon effective PPC optimization strategies to help you dominate your industry with ads.

Are you with us? Let’s go!

What is PPC Advertising?

We recently wrote a step-by-step blog on PPC marketing for small businesses.

Click here for a quick read!

The guide covers pretty much everything about PPC management.

If you’re short on time, we’ll offer a quick refresher here.

PPC advertising is a model that gives advertisers the freedom to pay for ads only when they’re clicked.

It’s a more cost-effective, smart, and efficient way to advertise in 2022.


You’re only paying for clicks, not impressions (ad views).

Here’s why this matters.

PPC Advertising

While reach and impressions are great, they’re not guaranteed sales.

Of course, clicks aren’t guaranteed sales either, but they’re more likely to convert!

As an advertiser, you shouldn’t just pay for reach and impressions. You’re wasting your money.

By exclusively paying for clicks, you a) increase your conversion potential and b) save money that can be invested into other advertising efforts.

PPC advertising gives you the most bang for your buck with minimal wastage.

In 2022, it’s one of the smartest tools available to small businesses.

Make active use of it instead of letting it collect dust in your shed.

Top PPC Advertising Trends

1. Move Over Manual PPC, Hello Automation!

Manual PPC

PPC is as fast-paced as it gets.

If we’re thinking of movies, it’s not a slow burn; it’s an action thriller starring Liam Neeson.

If you kick things off manually, sure, you’ll get somewhere.

But the results won’t be as concrete as you want them to be.

Automation is a game changer in the PPC industry.

Combining artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), you can automate arduous tasks and squeeze even more juice out of your PPC campaign.

Google Ads has officially released automated testing and optimization.

The whip-smart algorithm analyzes statistical data and gets rid of poorly-performing ads.

At the same time, the top performers are heavily promoted.

The system can also create ads.


It’s simple. It scans campaign data and combines all the best aspects of your ads. Cleverly enough, the copy, CTAs, and keywords are changed.

Everything is taken care of for you.

As AI understands your target audience better, it can create targeted ads guaranteed to perform well.

Eerie, yes, but thoroughly fascinating. We’re sitting on a goldmine with this one.

With the help of AI, advertisers can also create excellent reports.

You can utilize predictive diagnostics to earn more traffic, predict click-through rates (CTRs) for upcoming ads, and calculate hyper-specific conversion rates.

The sky is your limit, no exaggeration.

Of course, we must be careful with AI. But when leveraged correctly, it’s a game changer for advertisers.

2. Voice Search

Let’s take a look at some stats real quick.

  • 40% of American web users use voice search
  • 71% of American web users prefer speaking out search queries instead of typing them
  • As of 2021, approximately one-third of all American consumers own at least one smart speaker

If your PPC campaign isn’t focused on voice search, you’re doing it all wrong.

Where do you start?

When it comes to optimizing your PPC campaign for voice search, you must understand what your audience wants.

Nope, not what they’re typing, but what they’re vocalizing.

Do these sound familiar?

  • Hey, Siri
  • Ok, Google
  • Alexa
  • How do I…
  • Where do I…
  • Where is…
  • Why is…
  • When is…
  • How is…
  • Who is…


These are some commonly used voice commands.

Incorporate them into your ads!

Voice searches are also generally more conversational. It’s easier to speak a bit more than to type a bit longer.

You can also use Answer the Public to determine what people are asking about.

Here’s how it works. Simply enter your search query:

Voice Search

Hit enter, and you’ll find clusters of relevant search results:


Cool, right?

Use these results as ammo when working on your next PPC campaign.

You can also optimize your ongoing campaign.

As voice-driven shopping takes over, voice-friendly ads are becoming the next big thing.

As a web user asks their phone, smartwatch, or speaker for the best coffee spots in Los Angeles, your ad should show up in the search results (if you sell coffee in LA, that is).

This is a great way to reach and convert more people.

With PPC added to the mix, you’re not just paying for impressions. You’re paying each time a voice search results in a click.

Now it’s up to you to turn that click into a conversion with quality products/services, visually compelling web design, witty CTAs, great offers, and so on.

But half the job has been done for you!

3. Tell a Story with Video Ads

If you want your ads to convert, you have to think outside the box.

Yes, you’ve heard this a million times at marketing conferences.

But come to think of it, this little adage holds a lot of weight.

Today, the advertising industry is cut-throat.

If your campaign isn’t top-notch, it’ll drown in the fierce competition.

Thinking outside the box isn’t an option. It’s the only way to make it in the big leagues.

And the top brands have proven this time and again.

Taco Bell’s Web of Fries video ad was a roaring success.

Apple also won audiences over with its perspective-centric ad.

And who can forget Western Union’s exciting, fun, and dynamic video ad about how to send money app to cash?

What makes these ads successful?

For starters, these advertisers were aware of the sheer power of video ads.

Here’s a refresher.

  • 4 million American web users actively watch digital videos
  • Video content is the most-liked content on social media
  • 88% of video marketers are more than happy with their ROI on video advertising

Video advertising is a gold mine waiting to be fully leveraged.

When we look at PPC trends, Google’s vertical video ads are quickly dominating the landscape.

Additionally, product/service linking is a simple yet powerful habit that can help you maximize conversions.

Advertisers are also increasingly investing in virtual reality (VR) ads to provide realistic, immersive, interactive experiences to web users (we’ll discuss this in just a bit).

If you want to succeed with video ads, tell a story.

Your ad should be engaging, exciting, and attention-grabbing.

Of course, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all type of situation. Your industry, target audience, location, and campaign agenda will determine the tone and delivery of the ad.

Whether it’s sentimental, chirpy, or futuristic, your ad should resonate with your audience and have an impact.

Launch a PPC advertising campaign with conversion-focused video ads and let the magic happen.

4. Explore Alternate PPC Platforms

Google is a force to be reckoned with. No qualms about it.

But it’s not your only option.

When it comes to PPC success, diversification is important.

You cannot put all your eggs in one basket and expect to outdo your competitors.

In 2022, advertisers are launching more and more side campaigns.

This doesn’t mean that they’re neglecting Google. Instead, they’re exploring more niche avenues alongside Google.

Start with Facebook and eventually branch out to Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Quora, Pinterest, Amazon, eBay, Yelp, and Bing.

Each of these platforms has millions of active monthly users.

As you start targeting web users who are more active on other platforms, you’ll watch the conversions come rolling in.

Think of Google as the main booth at a festival. While other booths don’t have as much reach, they have more specific reach.

Niche audiences flock to their beloved platform of choice, whether Twitter or Amazon.

You can’t target these web users through Google.

The more you diversify your PPC advertising campaign (while keeping your Google advertising efforts on track), the better the results.

Avoid getting carried away and skimping on Google. That’s your primary focus!

5. Ad Gamification

Perhaps the most fun PPC advertising trend ever, ad gamification is quickly taking over.

It’s exactly what it sounds like: adding gaming elements to non-gaming activities.

Sounds odd? We’ll break it down.

Let’s talk about the gaming industry real quick.

In 2020, it amassed a whopping $155 billion in revenue. And by the end of 2025, this number is expected to reach $260 billion.

Gaming, by design, is exciting.

It’s an excellent distraction.

As humans, we naturally crave new, exciting, unique, and fun experiences, adventures, and excursions. If these aren’t within reach in reality, we like the idea of achieving them virtually.

Advertisers can turn casual customers into loyal fans using the same thought process when creating ad campaigns.

The Nike Run Club is a brilliant example.

Nike Run Club

The app allows web users to join an online community where everyone tracks their progress.

It’s very game-like.

Athletes earn badges and trophies, celebrate each other’s wins, show support, motivate each other, and participate in customized competitions.

It’s like you’re creating a new world within the web user’s everyday experience.

Sure, they’re trying to get fit. But now they’re trying to get fit with other people, establishing connections, and vying for the top spots.

When done right, ad gamification will help you build a community of web users who exclusively shop from you.

As people develop connections within a bubble-your brand’s bubble-their shopping habits will revolve around that.

6. Smart Segmentation

As one of Google’s best advertising releases, smart segmentation is a winner any way you look at it.

As the video explains, smart segmentation uses machine learning (ML) to split your audience into two categories:

  • Predicted Non-Purchasers (PNPs): Web users who are unlikely to make in-app purchases
  • Predicted Purchasers (PPs): Web users who are likely to make in-app purchases

Ads are only displayed to non-purchasers to prompt sales. They’re not displayed to purchasers, who enjoy an ad-free experience.

Smart segmentation helps advertisers monetize app users who would not have purchased from the app otherwise.

When we talk about segmentation in a broader sense, there are even more lessons to be learned.

Google is doing a terrific job with smart segmentation. However, you can take the reins yourself when creating ads.

Instead of building generic ads for the bulk of your target audience, create specific ads for different segments of your audience.

Hyper-specific PPC ads perform much, much better than their counterparts.

Let’s say you run an online grocery store.

Now, you sell a variety of fruit and vegetables.

Sure, you could create a generic ad targeting your general audience. But if you’re smart about things, you’ll segment your audience based on their buying preferences.

The celery juice trend has taken over social media. By running a sale on celery and creating a targeted ad accordingly, you’ll reel in a big chunk of customers who subscribe to this ideology.

Segmentation is that easy.

To do it right, you must analyze user behavior.

Once you check off that box, use the data obtained to create clusters of your audience based on geography (country, state, city, town, language, climate, etc.), demographics (age, gender, education, income, family, social status, occupation, etc.), behavior (intent, usage, purpose of purchase, engagement, etc.), and psychographics (lifestyle, personality, values, attitude, etc.).

The more specific your ads get, the more excited your audience will feel.

Think about it.

If you’re a student who absolutely adores the classic McFlurry, wouldn’t something like this instantly make your day better?

The celery juice trend

This is the power of segmented ads. They target niche audiences and bag impressive conversions!

You can get more and more specific with each audience subset you’re working with. Stop when there’s still a considerable number of web users who fall into the category.

7. First-Party Data

First-party data, as the name suggests, is data directly collected from your audience. Companies do this through their own channels.

Third-party data, on the other hand, is data collected by another entity that doesn’t have a direct relationship with your customers.

As the focus on data protection and privacy increases, brands are hyper-focused on gathering data directly from their customers instead of going about it in a roundabout manner that could jeopardize important client relationships.

If you want to make big PPC changes in 2022, start with this.

Protect your audience by exclusively collecting first-party data.

While the goal of advertising is ultimately growing your business and collecting more revenue, you cannot achieve this at the cost of customer privacy.

Understand how to protect personal customer data and use it ethically across your company.

This little measure will go a long way in helping you enjoy a strong relationship with your audience. You’ll also improve your brand identity and avoid a lawsuit in the near future.

8. It’s the Moment of Mobiles

Moment of Mobiles

In 2022, you simply cannot launch an ad that isn’t mobile-friendly.

Not a chance.

If you dare to make this mistake, you’ll fail to reach a big, big chunk of your target audience.

70% of web traffic comes from mobile phones.

If you want to make bigger and better sales, mobile your way to the top!

For starters, make sure your ads are accessible across all mobile devices.

Even if the layout isn’t perfect, at least ensure that the entirety of your ad shows up on the screen.

Over time, perfect the display. Your ad should fit perfectly across all mobile devices, no exceptions.

That’s not all.

Keep PPC optimization strategies in mind as well!

Optimize your ads for mobile by trying different ad formats, using large fonts, including clear CTAs, improving ad placement, and A/B testing different ads.

Basic is boring.

Instead of using the same ol’ copy, designs, and catchphrases, wow your audience with unique, creative, and catchy ads that make a splash.

When your ads display beautifully across mobile devices, the conversions will come rolling in!

9. The Power of TikTok

Ah, TikTok.

The app that everyone loves to hate!

As an advertiser, you have to put your biases aside and recognize the sheer popularity of TikTok.

The mega platform has over 80 million monthly active users in the US.

Available in 141 countries, TikTok currently sits on the top 10 list in 124 countries.

If your target audience comprises teens and young adults, TikTok is an indispensable tool for you.

In fact, TikTok will come in handy even if you’re targeting adults!

While more popular among Gen Z, TikTok is still a roaring success among millennials and even some baby boomers.

Sounds like the app is here to stay. Its popularity certainly won’t fade anytime soon, and it’s about time advertisers confront the truth.

As you expand your PPC campaign, ensure you master the art of creating short-form content.

TikTok is all about keeping things concise and fun.

Find a way to convert your audience in a short, snappy, and witty manner.

Head over to TikTok for Business and set up your campaign!

10. Smart Bidding

Automated bidding uses machine learning to optimize ads. Smart bidding is a subset of automated bidding that takes things to a whole different level.

Simply put, it takes the guesswork out of the bidding process.

You don’t have to decide how much you should pay each time a web user clicks on your ad. Instead, a set of automated bid strategies use machine learning to figure this out for you.

The figures are within your budget.

Smart bidding takes the legwork out of PPC campaign expenditure management.

11. Set Up a Date Between PPC and SEO


Never make the mistake of kick-starting a PPC campaign without considering the importance of SEO.

PPC and SEO always go hand-in-hand.

Your PPC advertising campaign should also include PPC optimization strategies.

For starters, update your keywords on a weekly basis.

Once you clean up your keywords act, give your website some TLC.

Is your site secure and accessible? Does it load quickly? Is it responsive?

As web users land on your ads, they shouldn’t click off because of technical or design issues. If there are any, get them out of the way.

Create local landing pages to generate high-quality local traffic. Local ads perform brilliantly across just about any industry.

When you target your local audience using the right keywords and baits, you’ll pop open a cluster of new conversions.

We also suggest using ad extensions with your paid ads. You’ll receive a ton of valuable insights about audience activity. Use this to improve your ad campaigns and invest in the right advertising goals.

The better you optimize your campaigns and ads, the greater the conversions.

You’re sitting on a goldmine with PPC. As you introduce SEO to the equation, you’ll be able to leave with buckets full of gold.

12. Virtual Reality (VR) Ads

As VR trends take over, VR ads have also entered the picture.

And boy, are we glad this happened.

VR opens up a plethora of opportunities for advertisers.

There’s ample room to be creative and win over your audience.

Make sure you don’t skimp on this!

Kick things off with eye-tracking technology.

VR ads automatically begin when a web user looks at them for a few seconds. This streamlines the overall user experience.

You’ll also gain insight into which parts of the screen web users are looking at and interacting with most. Use this data to rework your campaigns.

Oh, and don’t forget to make the most of 360-degree videos.

These brilliant videos help users interact with the products/services. They get a better grasp of what’s up for grabs.

It’s simply brilliant.

We’ve never had a technology this immersive and interactive before.

Make the most of it!

Recommended Read: 10 Ways Virtual Reality Will Impact the Future of Advertising

13. Clever Conversion Tracking

Excellent tracking is your ticket to great sales.

Sure, you’ve launched a brilliant ad campaign.

But is it doing as well as you think it is?

Kick things off with clever conversion tracking.

Created by Google Ads, this free tool helps you understand what happens after a web user interacts with your ads.

How many people purchased your products/services? How many sign-ups did you earn? Any phone calls? App installs? What about local action?

Stay on top of everything.

You can also use your own conversion tracking tools. As long as you know exactly how many people you converted and their unique habits, you can fine-tune your PPC advertising strategies accordingly.

14. Test, Test, Test… and Test Again!

No matter how brilliant your PPC advertising campaign may be, it won’t reach its potential if you leave testing out of the mix.

Once you’ve wrapped things up, assiduously test every component of your ad to determine how well it performs.

Today, the top advertisers test everything from the ad copy to the graphic design to the font to the color palette.

And no, that’s not overdoing it!

You simply cannot overdo things when it comes to testing.

The more meticulous and rigorous you are, the better.

Excellent testing habits will help you create powerful, successful ads that yield magic.

What’s My Next Move?

The ball is in your court… are you ready?

Here’s a quick refresher.

In this blog, we covered the top PPC advertising trends. We also walked you through some of the most powerful PPC optimization strategies that can help maximize conversions and reel in more revenue.

It’s time to utilize this knowledge and launch a kickass PPC ad campaign that achieves stellar results.

At Global-marketing Inc., we offer complete PPC management services for small businesses, startups, and even successful corporations.

Increase conversions, maximize return on ad spend, and keep the overall cost-per-click down.

We’re here to make it all happen!

Kick things off by scheduling a free consultation.

If you want more information, give us a call any time you please. We’re available 24/7.

Let’s begin!

The post Powerful PPC Advertising Trends for 2022 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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