News Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Thu, 16 May 2024 15:00:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 OpenAI Introduces GPT-4o Omni: A Multimodal Leap in AI Technology Thu, 16 May 2024 15:00:59 +0000 OpenAI has taken a step toward multimodal AI technology with GPT-4o Omni. It can respond to audio inputs in 232 milliseconds. See what else it’s got in store.

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The latest ChatGPT version can analyze images with direct audio processing on the horizon.

An illustration of GPT-4o Omni


  • GPT-4o Omni integrates sight and sound with text, advancing AI capabilities.
  • It can analyze images and will soon process audio, enabling real-time language translation.
  • GPT-4o boasts quicker response times and is freely accessible.
  • Despite being in development, its multimodal approach is commendable.

After announcing a revolutionary text-to-video model earlier this year, OpenAI has taken yet another significant leap in AI technology with the launch of GPT-4o Omni. This new model overcomes the limitations of its predecessor, GPT-4, by incorporating sight and sound processing capabilities into its text-based strengths.

The Multimodality of GPT-4o Omni

The previous iteration, GPT-4, while impressive in its ability to generate human-quality text, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content, relied solely on textual input and output. This meant interactions were limited to typing and reading responses.

GPT-4o Omni shatters this barrier, taking on a more multimodal AI approach.

It can now:

  • Analyze Images: Show GPT-4o Omni a picture of a malfunctioning appliance, and it might diagnose the problem or suggest repairs.
  • Directly Process Audio (Future Update): Word on the street is that GPT-4o Omni will soon offer direct audio processing, translating languages in real-time during a video call.

Speed and Accessibility: Democratizing AI Technology

Apparently, OpenAI’s GPT-4o is rather speedier than its predecessor. It claims a response time of just 232 milliseconds for audio inputs, mirroring the speed of human conversation. This opens doors for applications like real-time translation assistance or voice-activated AI assistants.

Now, for the good part: the most exciting aspect of GPT-4o Omni is its accessibility. Unlike its predecessor, which was only available through paid APIs, GPT-4o Omni is offered for free on OpenAI’s basic tier. The move streamlines access to powerful AI technology, welcoming students, researchers, and entrepreneurs to explore its potential.

Still, a Long Way to Go

It’s important to acknowledge GPT-4o Omni’s developmental stage. While it can analyze images and promise future audio processing, full-fledged audio conversations are yet to be achieved.

Despite these limitations, this leap in AI technology deserves all the credit. Its ability to handle different modalities of information processing—text, images, and soon, audio—positions it as a powerful tool for reshaping various industries, from education and customer service to content creation and scientific research.

The future of AI is multimodal, and GPT-4o Omni might just be leading the charge.

Read More: ChatGPT Set To Launch a Search Feature

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ChatGPT Set To Launch a Search Feature: Integrates Web Content & Links Thu, 09 May 2024 15:59:33 +0000 ChatGPT, for all its faults, is the first chatbot of its kind to emulate coherent human like conversational dialogue. While many others, like Google and Microsoft, have since responded to the frenzy this chatbot created with their own versions, the most recent OpenAI updates indicate it’s not done evolving ChatGPT yet. In short, Bloomberg has […]

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An illustration of a robot to represent ChatGPT, the chatbot

ChatGPT, for all its faults, is the first chatbot of its kind to emulate coherent human like conversational dialogue. While many others, like Google and Microsoft, have since responded to the frenzy this chatbot created with their own versions, the most recent OpenAI updates indicate it’s not done evolving ChatGPT yet.

In short, Bloomberg has hinted at a new ChatGPT search feature on the horizon that would take a different approach to search queries.

Here’s what we know so far.

Analyzing Search Queries: Integrating Content and Links

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is reportedly developing a search feature that won’t just provide links. It will use its AI muscle to analyze search queries and curate relevant snippets of information directly from the web.

If this is true, premium ChatGPT users can ask a question and get a clear answer with links to the sources!

A Move Away From Traditional Search

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has made it clear he doesn’t want to simply copy Google’s search model.

Instead, his team is aiming to integrate ChatGPT’s capabilities with search, creating a potentially “cooler” experience that could involve visuals and a more user-friendly format.

Content Marketers Take Note

OpenAI has been making strides towards transparency and attribution. A recent content licensing deal with the Financial Times suggests that ChatGPT might soon be able to directly quote sources and provide links within its responses to various search queries and requests in general.

This could be good news for publishers and SEOs who’ve been concerned about AI’s “parasitic” use of content.

Is Google on Notice?

While this is a developing story, this AI search integration has the potential to challenge Google’s dominance. Search is evolving rapidly with generative AI in the mix, and OpenAI seems to be taking a slightly different approach to this change.

Growing frustration with traditional search engines, especially regarding ad overload and alleged bias, could further fuel this shift.

Is ChatGPT the Google Search killer?

It’s too early to say. However, this development is a significant step towards a more informative and user-friendly search experience.

Even if ChatGPT’s AI search responses to search queries don’t end up taking the crown from Google, the search-related developments are definitely getting more interesting, their impact on search rankings even more so.

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Google’s March 2024 Core Update Completes: Impact on Search Rankings Fri, 03 May 2024 12:56:59 +0000 Despite overlapping changes, user experience remains the focus. Highlights: Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Update aimed for a 40% drop in low-quality content. The extensive core update rolled out on 19thApril but was officially announced on 26th Industry estimates suggest a higher impact on SEO rankings than initially predicted. The update favors high-quality content, […]

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Despite overlapping changes, user experience remains the focus.


  • Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Update aimed for a 40% drop in low-quality content.
  • The extensive core update rolled out on 19thApril but was officially announced on 26th
  • Industry estimates suggest a higher impact on SEO rankings than initially predicted.
  • The update favors high-quality content, emphasizing marketer authority and experience.
  • Focus on user experience and staying informed about content-related updates.

Back in March, when we first reported on Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Update, the search engine’s Director of Product Management, Elizabeth Tucker, predicted a 40% drop in low-quality content.

Google’s first and most extensive core update of 2024 completed its rollout on 19th April, but it didn’t make an official announcement until a week later, on the 26th of the same month.

While Google hasn’t released official numbers on affected sites, industry analysts estimate the impact of the SEO ranking changes to be slightly higher than the initial prediction made at the start of March, with millions of websites likely experiencing a dip in rankings.

The good news?

This update rewards high-quality content, conflating the core system with the helpful content system. If your website prioritizes user needs, offers in-depth information, and demonstrates expertise in your field, you might see a positive bump in search rankings.

A Case of Overlapping Updates

It’s important to note that the March 2024core update wasn’t the only factor impacting search rankings during this time.

Google also rolled out a separate spam update in March and updated its core web vitals metric, a change it had hinted at a while ago.

While this can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for SEO ranking changes, focusing on high-quality content and user experience will benefit your website in the long run.

No Concessions Over High-quality Content

Gone are the days of keyword-stuffed content solely designed to trick search engine algorithms.

The Google March 2024 update emphasizes several key factors for SEO success:

  • Content Quality: In-depth, informative content that genuinely helps users has been and will always be the standard. Focus on establishing your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T): Google values websites with a strong reputation and reliable information. Build trust with your audience by showcasing your experience and credibility.
  • User Experience (UX): Make sure your website is user-friendly with clear navigation, fast loading times, and mobile responsiveness.

Recovering After the Update

If your search rankings dipped, don’t panic. Google Search Console offers valuable tools to help you identify areas for improvement.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Focus on Content Quality: Audit your website’s content and prioritize creating informative content that solves user problems and establishes you as a leader in your industry.
  • Optimize for User Experience: Ensure your website offers a smooth user experience with clear CTAs, easy navigation, and fast loading speeds.
  • Stay Informed: Google regularly updates its SEO guidelines. Stay on top of the latest trends to ensure your website remains search-engine friendly.

The Takeaway

The March 2024coreupdate signifies a significant shift in Google’s search algorithm. By prioritizing user experience and high-quality content, this update presents a golden opportunity for businesses that prioritize informative and trustworthy content.

The key to success lies in providing genuine value to your audience—a feat that has helped our clients weather the update—and establishing your brand as a reliable source in your industry.

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Meta’s AI Assistant Incorporates Google and Bing Search Results Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:20:57 +0000 Meta's AI Assistant integrates results from search engines Google and Bing. See how it can enhance user experience and impact SEO strategies. Learn more!

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 An illustration of the new Meta AI Assistant, built on Llama 3 technology.

Meta AI brings search engines to Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, and the World Wide Web.


  • Meta’s AI Assistant integrates real-time search results from Google and Bing.
  • Users get contextualized search results within the Meta app, eliminating app-switching.
  • SEO implications require tailoring content for AI assistant
  • Google emphasizes user experience for SEO, focusing on content optimization.

The Meta AI Assistant is pulling in real-time search results from search engines like Google and Bing as we speak! It’s all thanks to Llama 3, Meta’s latest development, that signals its commitment to making your digital interactions smoother and smarter.

In addition to, the company is also bringing real-time Google and Bing search results to Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger.

Contextualizing Meta’s AI Search Results

Animation showing Meta AI in Facebook FeedSource:

You scroll through Facebook and come across a post that has you daydreaming about a weekend getaway. With a quick question to Meta AI, you’ll not only get suggestions based on your likes but also curated results from Google and Bing – all within the same app.

No more app-hopping!

The integration of Google search results, in particular, gives you a wider net to cast, potentially leading you to rarely-visited destinations or unexpected travel inspiration.

The Impact on SEO

As with everything else, this addition, while convenient, has implications.

The Convenience

Meta embracing external search results is a fascinating shift. It suggests a future where AI assistants break free from their bubbles, becoming sophisticated information aggregators that leverage the best of the web.

The Implications

However, this has major SEO consequences for businesses and content creators. While traditional search engine optimization remains important, you might also need to consider how your content performs within AI assistant algorithms.

Here’s why this matters for your searches:

  • The New SEO: Drafting content that ranks well in traditional search engines will still be important. Now, however, you might have to tailor your content for a more conversational search style and understand how user interaction patterns influence ranking within these AI assistant
  • The Future of Search: Meta’s move suggests a potential future where AI assistants collaborate rather than compete. This collaborative approach could lead to a more comprehensive and user-centric information retrieval experience, with AI assistants leveraging the strengths of different search engines to deliver the most relevant results for you.

More from the World of AI

In other news:

  • Google’s Focus on User Experience for SEO: In a recent blog post, Google emphasized the growing importance of user experience (UX) for search engine ranking with new spam policies. In addition to avoiding expired domain, scaled content, and site reputation abuse, this means optimizing your content, AI-generated or otherwise, with keywords and information users find helpful.
  • OpenAI Announces Advancement in AI Text-to-Image Generation: In April 2024, OpenAI, a leading research lab in artificial intelligence, announced Dall-E 2, a new AI system that can generate incredibly realistic and creative images from just a text description. This advancement could turn things around for various creative fields like marketing, design, and entertainment.

What You Can Do About It All

Only time will tell how integrating Google and Bing search results will affect your SEO ranking and the way you interact with search engines. Google has, on multiple occasions, reiterated the importance of prioritizing user experience and creating the kind of content the users find “helpful.”

As search engines integrate with these chatbots and search results become more concentrated, content creators and businesses must understand the gravity of Google’s continued emphasis on UX.

Related: How To Measure Website Traffic With Google Analytics 4


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Google’s CEO on AI-Powered Evolution of Search Thu, 18 Apr 2024 15:58:48 +0000 Sundar Pichai reiterates Google’s commitment to SGE; receives a mixed reaction. Highlights: AI integration enhances search by predicting user intent Google’s evolution transcends ’10 blue links’ and embraces AI snippets. Google SGE revolutionizes search with direct, informative responses. Pichai emphasizes “Query Deserves Ads” for relevant, quality advertising. The CEO of Alphabet and Google, Sundar Pichai, […]

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Sundar Pichai reiterates Google’s commitment to SGE; receives a mixed reaction.

evolution of Google Search


  • AI integration enhances search by predicting user intent
  • Google’s evolution transcends ’10 blue links’ and embraces AI snippets.
  • Google SGE revolutionizes search with direct, informative responses.
  • Pichai emphasizes “Query Deserves Ads” for relevant, quality advertising.

The CEO of Alphabet and Google, Sundar Pichai, recently addressed the rapid progress of AI, particularly AI search, at the 2024 Business, Government & Society Forum at Stanford University. His remarks centered on the transformative power of technology in shaping the future of Google Search.

Predicting User Intent with AI

Pichai emphasized the ongoing integration of AI into search functionalities. He highlighted how AI is improving search by understanding and predicting user intent more effectively. This spells a significant improvement in the relevance and accuracy of search results, ensuring users find the information they need that much quicker.

The Ongoing Evolution of Google Search

He also went on to say that the ’10 blue links’ search results page is a thing of the past. He elaborated on how Google Search has been on an evolutionary path for years. Features like mobile-friendly layouts and AI-powered snippets exemplify this commitment to continuous improvement.

The Role of Google SGE

The conversation then moved to the Search Generative Experience (SGE), which has represented Google’s foray into AI-powered search. Google SGE represents a paradigm shift, adapting search technology to provide more direct and informative responses to complex queries. This innovative approach integrates traditional search functionalities with the power of generative AI, offering users a richer and more intuitive search experience.

Related: Google’s Gemini Era

According to Pichai, Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI provide a more powerful tool for grasping user intent and delivering the information they truly seek. The Google spearhead explained that this was the driving force behind Google SGE and that they are firmly committed to ongoing development in this direction.

The Impact of SGE

Google SGE has many brands worried because it reduces the need to visit websites. This may or may not happen, depending on the industry and the type of website.

Websites with high-quality content and positive user experience might be less affected by a decrease in clicks, as users might still be drawn to their content.

One thing’s for sure: SEO strategies will need to adapt to this change. As a marketer, you will need to focus on optimizing for both traditional search results and potential inclusion within the SGE framework.

Query Deserves Ads: A Contribution Toward Google Search Quality

Looking beyond the obvious upsides and downsides of AI-powered search, Pichai reiterated Google’s commitment to “Query Deserves Ads.” This core principle ensures that advertisements displayed alongside search results are not only relevant to the user’s query but also uphold the high standards of Google Search Quality.

This commitment to user experience and responsible advertising reflects Google’s ongoing pursuit of excellence in search innovation.

If things continue the way they’ve been going, the future of Google Search will be more intuitive, efficient, and user-centric than it is, and that’s saying something.

For More on Google Search

For those interested in learning more, we’ve got a wealth of resources related to Google SGE, Google Search trends, the future of Google Search itself, and how user intent plays into all of this by checking out our blogs.

On that note, are you a marketer or brand affected by Google’s recent core update? Work with us to follow all-new Google Search trends and get back what’s lost—we have, after all, remained unaffected by this recent upheaval.

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Global-marketing Inc. Sails Through Google’s March 2024 Core Update Unscathed Mon, 08 Apr 2024 10:33:32 +0000 Focuses on high-quality content to organically stay on top of SEO ranking changes. Highlights: Global-marketing Inc. navigates Google’s March 2024core update We prioritize high-quality content creation and user experience. A focus on in-depth and informative content authored by subject matter experts. Global-marketing Inc.’s strategy aligns with Google’s principles of EEAT and HCU. We emphasize user-centric approaches […]

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Focuses on high-quality content to organically stay on top of SEO ranking changes.


  • Global-marketing Inc. navigates Google’s March 2024core update
  • We prioritize high-quality content creation and user experience.
  • A focus on in-depth and informative content authored by subject matter experts.
  • Global-marketing Inc.’s strategy aligns with Google’s principles of EEAT and HCU.
  • We emphasize user-centric approaches to address search queries.

It’s not clear whether or not Google‘s recent March 2024 core update has completed its rollout.

While several websites have reported that the rollout is complete, an X post by Google Search Liaison dated April 3 basically refuted the reports, saying it could take up to a month for the update to complete.The reason: this spam update is anything but simple, with its focus on weeding out low-quality content and AI-generated spam. According to Niche Site Metrics, as many as 837 sites relying on these tactics were deindexed, with many more seeing a significant drop in rankings.

Here at Global-marketing Inc., however, we weathered the storm, for it’s not our first rodeo. We’ve been navigating the rapidly changing SEO policies for years; it’s whiplash-inducing, we know, but it has not been entirely unrewarding. Quite the opposite; we were rewarded by emerging unscathed from major algorithm updates like Panda and Penguin.

Our secret?

A relentless focus on creating high-quality content that prioritizes user experience.

Prioritizing User Experience to Beat the Odds

The recent core update targeted content lacking Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EEAT) and Helpful Content Use Cases (HCU). These are principles we’ve championed since day one.

Our team of specialists creates high-quality content that is:

  • In-depth and informative: Our content is anything but skin-deep, providing users with valuable insights and solutions.
  • Authored by experts: Our writers are knowledgeable in their fields, ensuring content accuracy and credibility.
  • User-centric: We prioritize user intent, addressing search queries comprehensively and providing a positive user experience.

While others relied on shortcuts and minimally edited AI-generated content, we built a foundation of trust with Google and, more importantly, our readers.

The Future of SEO: Quality Trumps AI-Generated Spam

The March 2024 update is a clear message from Google: AI-generated content without human supervision just doesn’t cut it. Users deserve valuable, informative content, and that’s exactly what we deliver.

By prioritizing EEAT, HCU, and exceptional user experience, Global-marketing Inc. is well-positioned to improve its clients’ SEO rankings. If you’re looking for an SEO partner who prioritizes quality over shortcuts, you know where to go!

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Google Search Liaison: Can Ads Impact Search Rankings? Sat, 30 Mar 2024 09:57:42 +0000 Google’s March core update raises new questions for website owners. Highlights: Google confirms ads won’t directly hurt search rankings. User experience will remain the top priority. Well-placed ads are fine, but intrusive ones can affect SEO. Google’s March core update is a step in this direction. Focus on valuable content and ad strategy for winning […]

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Google’s March core update raises new questions for website owners.


  • Google confirms ads won’t directly hurt search rankings.
  • User experience will remain the top priority.
  • Well-placed ads are fine, but intrusive ones can affect SEO.
  • Google’s March core update is a step in this direction.
  • Focus on valuable content and ad strategy for winning SEO.

Website owners can breathe a sigh of relief now that a recent statement by Google Search Liaison has confirmed that ads themselves won’t directly hurt their search ranking. However, there’s a caveat: how you implement them can still indirectly affect your SEO, especially after Google’s major March core update.

User Experience Above All

User experience remains the top priority for Google’s search rankings. This means overwhelming visitors with excessive or intrusive ads could negatively impact your ranking.

In simpler terms, finding a balance between monetization and user experience is essential; a task easier said than done for smaller websites that have put all their eggs in one basket, aka ad revenue.

Well-placed, unobtrusive ads are unlikely to cause issues. However, if your site feels cluttered or frustrating to navigate due to ads, Google’s algorithms might take notice.

The Core Update That Sparked This Conversation

This news follows Google’s March core update, a major change to its search ranking system. The update has website owners worried that advertisements might affect their online standing.

SEO experts, on the other hand, believe the update merely prioritizes user experience and high-quality content. The ads don’t matter as long as they don’t disrupt the visitors.

In this regard, the update seems to have refined Google’s ability to identify and reward sites that prioritize user needs. Intrusive ads, while not a direct ranking factor, as per Google Search Liaison, might indicate a website that doesn’t put user experience first.

The Bottom Line

The message for website owners is clear: focus on creating valuable, informative content and ensure your ad strategy complements, not hinders, the user experience. Adopt the straight-and-narrow approach with us to not only keep Google happy but also attract a more engaged audience.

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YouTube Demands Creators Disclose AI Content in New Policy Update Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:37:47 +0000 The video-sharing platform to roll out its AI policy in the coming weeks. Highlights: YouTube’s new policy requires creators to disclose AI-generated content. Disclosure is needed for face swapping, synthetic speech, and altering real-world footage. Sensitive topics like health and elections will have prominent disclosure labels. Enforcement measures may be implemented for creators who repeatedly fail […]

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The video-sharing platform to roll out its AI policy in the coming weeks.


  • YouTube’s new policy requires creators to disclose AI-generated content.
  • Disclosure is needed for face swapping, synthetic speech, and altering real-world footage.
  • Sensitive topics like health and elections will have prominent disclosure labels.
  • Enforcement measures may be implemented for creators who repeatedly fail to disclose AI content.
  • The platform is revising its privacy process for AI-generated content impersonating identifiable features.

As Google continues its absolute rampage of a March rollout, penalizing websites with AI-generated content left and right, YouTube takes a much softer approach. The online video-sharing platform has brought a new tool to the Creator Studio, requiring content creators to specify when their content is generated or modified by AI.

If we are to take YouTube at its word, the AI disclosure is to help viewers identify when they are watching AI-generated content—whether the people, places, and events they are watching unfold are real, modified, or completely AI-generated.

Let’s take a closer look at YouTube’s AI policy, particularly the AI content requiring disclosure.

AI Content Requiring Disclosure

Building on its commitment to responsible AI innovation, YouTube has introduced disclosure requirements and content labels for AI-generated videos.

The policy encompasses the following:

  • Swapping one face with another in videos.
  • Creating synthetic speech for narration.
  • Manipulating real-world footage to alter its appearance.
  • Generating realistic depictions of fictional events.

These disclosures will have a content label visible in the video’s expanded version. On the other hand, AI-generated content on sensitive topics, such as health, elections, and finance, will feature a more prominent content label visible on the video itself.

YouTube has described this as a move toward espousing trust and transparency between the creators and their viewers.

AI-assisted Content Not Requiring an AI Disclosure

Since YouTube’s focus is on transparency for synthetic media that could be misconstrued as real, it won’t require an AI disclosure for content that will never be mistaken for the real thing.

This includes the following:

  • Clearly Fictional Content: This includes animation, fantastical settings, or scenarios defying reality, such as an elephant made of leaves or any of the other unrealistic but captivating stuff Sora’s generated since its announcement.
  • Minor Visual Alterations: Common adjustments like color correction, lighting filters, and non-distorting effects (background blur, vintage effects) are exempt.
  • Cosmetic Enhancements: Beauty filters and other visual enhancements that don’t significantly alter the content’s core message are not required for disclosure.

A Weeks-Long Rollout and Enforcement Measures

The content labels will appear progressively across all YouTube platforms (mobile app first, then desktop and TV) over the coming weeks.

Creators will have time to adjust to the new process. However, YouTube may implement enforcement measures in the future for creators who repeatedly fail to disclose AI-generated content.

Instead of demonetizing instances where misleading or potentially confusing synthetic content is uploaded, YouTube will reserve the right to add disclosure labels even without the creator’s initial inclusion.

While the platform has a robust impersonation policy, it is currently revising its privacy process to allow individuals to request the removal of AI-generated content impersonating their identifiable features (voice or face).

An AI Disclosure for Transparency: What About Quality?

With YouTube’s new focus on transparency around AI-generated content, creators need a partner who understands both compelling visuals and ethical considerations. Global-marketing Inc.’s video design services can help you with that.

Stay tuned for educational resources on YouTube’s AI policy, and seek our assistance for high-quality animated videos with the perfect voice-over and message for brand engagement.

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Google’s March 2024 Core and Spam Update Fri, 15 Mar 2024 10:27:32 +0000 Google’s Director of Product Management predicts a 40% decline in low-quality content. Highlights: Google’s March 2024 update prioritizes high-quality, user-centric content. Websites with poor user experience or “thin content” may see ranking declines. AI-generated content manipulation faces a crackdown, with many sites already deindexed. New spam policies target tactics like repurposing expired websites and obituary […]

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Illustration of Google Search Algorithm Update

Google’s Director of Product Management predicts a 40% decline in low-quality content.


  • Google’s March 2024 update prioritizes high-quality, user-centric content.
  • Websites with poor user experience or “thin content” may see ranking declines.
  • AI-generated content manipulation faces a crackdown, with many sites already deindexed.
  • New spam policies target tactics like repurposing expired websites and obituary spam.
  • Marketers must refocus on quality content creation and stay updated on evolving policies.

Google’s search algorithm received a major update in early March 2024, sending not so much shockwaves as subdued gasps through the world of SEO. This two-part update, comprising a core update and revamped spam policies, aims to rank high-quality content and deindex low-quality results, specifically targeting AI-generated content.

Let’s discuss the different aspects of this update and how it will affect SEO content and marketers.

Double Trouble: Core Update Focuses on User-Centric Content

Google’s March update represents a significant shift in the search engine’s ability to identify valuable content for users.

Websites with unoriginal content, poor user experience, or content created primarily for search engines, known as “thin content”—something we’ve been asking you to avoid since at least 2017—are likely to see a decline in search rankings.

This update emphasizes Google’s ongoing commitment to prioritizing human-generated content that offers genuine value and a positive user experience.

For SEO professionals, the updated spam policies necessitate a renewed focus on content strategy. Keyword stuffing and other outdated tactics will no longer suffice, but you already knew that.

Instead, creating informative, engaging content that caters to their target demographic will be key to success.

The War on AI-Generated Content: Deindexing Websites

The update’s impact has been particularly harsh on websites that have been using AI-generated content to manipulate SEO rankings. Google’s Director of Product Management, Elizabeth Tucker, predicted a 40% reduction in low-quality content.

Hundreds of websites have already been deindexed, highlighting the search engine’s success in identifying and penalizing this type of content.

This serves as a stark warning for SEO marketers who may have started leaning too much on low-quality AI-generated content. Google’s ability to detect and penalize such content is becoming increasingly sophisticated.

New Spam Policies Target Specific Tactics

In addition to the core update, Google also bolstered its spam policies. The new policies target specific tactics that have been used to manipulate search results, such as:

  • Repurposing Expired Websites for Spam: This tactic falls under scaled content abuse and involves buying expired domain names and filling them with low-quality content to improve search ranking.
  • Obituary Spam: This involves creating fake obituaries with links to unrelated websites.

These updates signal Google’s intent to create a cleaner search environment overall. Marketers will need to stay updated on these evolving spam policies to avoid inadvertently employing tactics that could harm websites.

The Takeaway for SEO Marketers: Quality Content Reigns Supreme

The March 2024 Core and Spam Update represents a significant shift in Google’s search algorithm. For SEO marketers, the key takeaway is clear: quality content is the best SEO. Focusing on creating original, informative, and user-centric content that provides genuine value will define successful SEO strategies moving forward.

By staying updated on Google’s core updates and prioritizing user experience, marketers can navigate SEO ranking changes and achieve long-term success.

Previous Updates:

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Google Chrome Launches Improved Search Suggestion Feature Fri, 08 Mar 2024 09:36:56 +0000 Thanks to For You Pages, you rarely have to visit your search bar on a social media platform. The algorithm studies your behavior, discerns what you like, and adjusts suggested posts in real-time. Now, imagine such intuitiveness from a search engine. Better yet, update Google Chrome to experience three new features that bring the future […]

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Thanks to For You Pages, you rarely have to visit your search bar on a social media platform. The algorithm studies your behavior, discerns what you like, and adjusts suggested posts in real-time.

Now, imagine such intuitiveness from a search engine.

Better yet, update Google Chrome to experience three new features that bring the future of search squarely into the present. While the search engine doesn’t have an FYP, it brings something similar to the user.

Google Massively Updates Its Search Engine

In a recent blog entry on The Keyword, Google announced three improvements to search suggestions in Chrome geared towards expediting your quest for information, particularly in instances of limited internet access.

While the post doesn’t specify the platform for these additions, whether they’re exclusive to mobile, desktop, or both, the screenshots featured on the post suggest these three features apply across the board.

1. The “People also search for” Feature

The "People also search for” Feature

You can now see relevant suggestions based on what everyone else is searching for, displayed alongside the typical list of recommended search terms when initiating a query. This feature, called “People also search for,” enriches the search experience with collective insights.

2. Visualizing Related Searches

Visualizing Related Searches

To further refine search results, you can now view additional images within search suggestions. This feature helps in cases where the entered term may not precisely match what you’re looking for. It displays thumbnail images of related searches other users have conducted.

3. Search Suggestions on Bad Connections

It doesn’t matter if your network connection is so bad you can’t even manage a simple Google search. Chrome’s enhanced on-device search capabilities will now offer search suggestions even when mobile users have a poor internet connection.

By not relying on external server requests all that much, users can receive search suggestions in Chrome even when offline or experiencing limited connectivity.

This improvement also extends to Incognito mode!

The Impact on SEO

The implementation of personalized search suggestions necessitates a shift in SEO tactics toward prioritizing optimization for pertinent long-tail queries that closely match searcher intent.

With Chrome introducing visual representations of products within broader shopping categories, marketers should focus on optimizing both text and visuals to improve their odds of popping up on a search suggestion.

With Chrome now offering search suggestions even in scenarios with limited connectivity, brands need to strategize on ensuring the discoverability of their content under such conditions. This may involve targeting keywords likely to be included in these suggestions to maintain visibility—it’s SEO 101 but different.

Learn More: What is Search Engine Positioning & How To Improve Ranking

The Benefits of Google Chrome’s New Search Suggestions

Website owners and digital marketers can capitalize on the three new features in the following ways:

1. Improve Visibility

By optimizing your website for these search suggestions, you increase its visibility to users actively seeking relevant content. This can drive more organic traffic to your site.

2. Improve User Experience

Understanding user intent and aligning your content with search queries ensures a better user experience. By providing valuable and informative content that meets user needs, you can improve engagement and satisfaction among your audience.

3. Targeted Reach

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your content allows you to target specific niches or audience segments effectively. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of your website appearing in search suggestions for relevant queries, reaching users with particular interests or needs.

4. Faster Discovery

With Chrome’s ability to provide search suggestions even under limited connectivity, your content remains discoverable even when your audience does not have a good network connection. By optimizing for these suggestions, you can expand your reach to anyone with an Android or Apple device.

How to Prepare Content Tailored to the New Google Chrome Features

Marketers should focus on optimizing their content to be cache-friendly, particularly in situations where connectivity is limited. This involves creating lightweight pages and implementing efficient coding practices.

Ensuring that the content is of high quality and relevance to address various user queries increases the chances of being featured in Chrome’s on-device suggestions.

Moreover, you must maintain an updated sitemap and use structured data to assist Chrome in quickly understanding and retrieving content, even when users are in Incognito mode.

Create Content for the New-and-Improved Search Engine

With the addition of these three new features, it’s more apparent than ever that Google wants to see helpful and unique content that fires off on all the E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) cylinders in real-time.

In other words, you must put out relevant content to stay visible to your audience via search suggestions instead of merely aiming to top those search engine rankings. Bring out your A-game with our end-to-end SEO services.

Entrust our team with your digital marketing tasks to score those Chrome search suggestions.

The post Google Chrome Launches Improved Search Suggestion Feature appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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