Link Building Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Tue, 16 Jan 2024 13:29:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 White Hat Link Building Strategies for 2024 Fri, 12 Jan 2024 14:24:13 +0000 Struggling to build quality backlinks in 2024? Let's turn that around. Our fresh white hat link building blog is ready to show you the way!

The post 6 White Hat Link Building Strategies for 2024 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

a chessboard with the pieces being thrown off by the placement of the queen

In the grand chessboard of digital marketing, link building is the queen for small to medium-sized businesses: powerful, strategic, and often the game-changer.


Because in the digital kingdom, links are more than just digital pathways; they’re endorsements. They get a hold of search engines and whisper,” This site, this one right here, is worth your attention.” For businesses striving to carve out their niche, effective link building is the smart move.

Now, let’s talk strategy. Think of the digital world as the Wild West: a land of outlaws and lawmen. White hat link building strategies are your badge of honor; they’re a symbol of playing by the rules while outsmarting the outlaws. They help you maintain a clean reputation and avoid black hat tactics that can tarnish your digital presence faster than a tumbleweed in a dust storm.

Since last year, the landscape has evolved significantly. In 2024, the link building terrain is rough, thorny, and labyrinthine. You must pull out shiny new strategies if you want to stay ahead of the game.

This blog will help you do just that.

Join us as we break down the top white hat link building strategies for 2024. We’ll also discuss the importance of backlink building services and help you take the right action to give your business the momentum it needs.

It’s all systems go!

1. Guest Blogging on Reputable Websites

a digital marketing expert publishing a guest blog for a client

Guest blogging is a strategic alliance between two digital entities where a business contributes a piece of content to a third-party website.

It’s a symbiotic relationship where both parties benefit: the guest blogger gains exposure to a new audience, and the opportunity to establish authority in their field while the host site receives fresh content that adds value for their readers.

Guest blogging is a nuanced form of networking; it helps expand digital footprints and forge professional relationships. In the ever-competitive sphere of online content, it serves as a bridge that connects diverse audiences and ideas. It also plays a pivotal role in enhancing SEO efforts through the acquisition of quality backlinks.

This collaboration is a strategic endeavor that can amplify brand presence, drive traffic, and position both the contributor and the host as thought leaders in their respective domains.

In 2024, you cannot afford to drop the guest blogging ball. If you go about it the wrong way, you’ll end up wasting precious time, money, and resources. You’ll walk away without the shiny benefits up for grabs.

If you already have a guest blogging strategy in place, it’s time to tweak it for 2024. Here’s the new blueprint you should follow.

  1. Identify the Right Opportunities: The first step in guest blogging is finding the right platforms. This involves seeking out blogs that aren’t just relevant to your industry, but that also command respect from your target audience.

Look for blogs with an engaged readership (indicated by comments, shares, and likes) and ensure they allow backlinks to your site. Pitch ideas that align with their content and provide value to their audience​​.

  1. Craft a Compelling Pitch: Your pitch can make or break your guest blogging efforts. Personalize your email by addressing the recipient by name and demonstrating familiarity with their content. Introduce yourself, highlight your expertise, and explain why your post would benefit their audience. Pitch multiple ideas to increase your chances of acceptance​​.
  2. Write Quality Content: Once your pitch is accepted, the onus is on you to deliver an engaging, informative, and value-added post.

Your guest post’s opening is where the battle for attention is won or lost. The introduction must hook the reader instantly. This could be through a bold statement, a thought-provoking question, or an anecdote that sets the tone for the rest of the piece. Keep in mind that you’re not just competing against other articles; you’re vying for attention amidst a myriad of online distractions.

While it’s important to write authoritatively, the key is to ensure that your language remains accessible. Avoid jargon and overly complex sentences. Instead, opt for a conversational tone that makes even the most intricate topics digestible to a wider audience. Use examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points.

We also recommend paying close attention to visuals and structure. Integrating relevant images, infographics, or videos can significantly enhance engagement. These elements help break the monotony of text; they provide visual rest and aid in explaining complex points. Structuring your content with subheadings and bullet points aids in readability; it allows readers to scan the post and still grasp the key messages.

The end of your post should open a door for interaction. A question or a call to action (CTA) that prompts readers to engage (whether it’s through comments, shares, or exploring your website) can amplify the post’s impact. Engaging with comments and fostering a dialogue enriches the reader experience and builds a rapport with the audience.

  1. The Art of the Follow-Up: After submitting your guest post, maintain communication with the publisher. Once published, share the post on your social media channels and engage with any comments to boost its visibility and impact​​. Use these social media tips to win your audience over.
  2. Measure Your Success: Tracking the results of your guest blogging efforts is imperative. Closely and consistently monitor website traffic, backlinks, SEO rankings, social media engagement, and audience feedback. This data will guide you in refining your strategy and understanding the ROI of your guest blogging initiatives​​.
  3. Relationship Building: Forge lasting relationships with blog owners and editors. This will facilitate future guest posting opportunities and enhance your business’ exposure. Personalize your outreach and consistently follow up to nurture these valuable connections​​.
  4. Optimized Content: Structure your guest post for maximum readability and engagement. Incorporate relevant keywords and links strategically to enhance your post’s SEO value and generate powerful backlinks​​. This is where you must turn to an experienced content optimization team that also specializes in white hat link building. They’ll expertly optimize your posts to maximize engagement. Stellar keyword research is extremely important here. Experts will get it right and help your guest post reach a wider audience. Bottom of Form

2. Create Linkable Assets

Unlike traditional backlink building methods, which are often time-consuming and financially intensive, linkable assets present an evergreen solution.

These are high-quality content pieces hosted on your website. They naturally attract backlinks as they’re referenced or utilized by others. The longevity of these assets means they can continue to garner backlinks as long as they remain relevant and popular. You’ll enjoy ongoing SEO benefits with a one-time investment.

Linkable assets vary in type; they’re tailored to different target audiences and industries. The choice of asset depends on who you’re targeting, the desired action, and the industry context.

For example, case studies offer detailed analyses of specific examples or actions; this makes them powerful tools for demonstrating best practices or highlighting what to avoid. Original research and studies, while time-intensive to create, can yield substantial value if they provide new insights or statistics relevant to your industry.

Tools, calculators, and lead magnets are other forms of linkable assets that offer practical utility to users. These require a more significant investment, especially if coding is involved, but they can attract substantial backlinks if they meet a specific need within your industry. List posts or listicles, on the other hand, are simpler to create and can be highly effective if they provide curated and valuable information in an easily digestible format.

Trends and statistics, like original research, hold immense value as linkable assets. If you can identify and validate industry-relevant trends or compile insightful statistics, these assets can become go-to references within your field. Similarly, infographics, GIFographics, and “map-o-graphics” provide visual representations of data; they make complex information more accessible and shareable.

Awards and rankings, when well-researched and justified, can also serve as effective linkable assets. They provide a comparative overview of industry players or products (which can be a valuable resource for others in the industry). “Definitive” guides and tutorials, if comprehensive and insightful, can establish your site as an authoritative source on a particular topic.

Creating linkable assets involves understanding your audience, identifying gaps in existing content, and providing unique value. They should be designed with shareability in mind to ensure they’re easily distributable across social media platforms.

Focus on creating unique, creative, and valuable assets. Additionally, align them with your overall white hat link building strategy to effectively enhance your website’s SEO performance and establish your brand as a valuable resource in your industry.

3. Resource Page Link Building

resource page link building

This is one of the more intricate and strategic approaches found in the SEO waters. It’s centered around the concept of leveraging the power of already curated resource pages on various websites to enhance your site’s backlink profile.

In essence, this method involves identifying web pages that compile and list valuable resources for their audience and persuading the owners of these pages to include a link to your content. This tactic is an excellent way to acquire links from pages that are deemed authoritative and relevant in your niche. The outcome? You’ll end up boosting your site’s credibility and search engine rankings by leaps and bounds.

These resource pages are typically designed to provide their readers with a collection of helpful links on specific topics; this makes them a prime target for strategic link building. By tapping into this goldmine, you can significantly enhance your website’s visibility and authority in the eyes of both users and search engines.

The art of resource page link building, therefore, lies in meticulously researching, identifying, and reaching out to these resource pages with a compelling reason why your content would be a valuable addition to their list.

  1. Identify Relevant Resource Pages: The first step in resource page link building is finding pages that align with your content and can provide valuable backlinks.

Utilizing search operators like “inurl:links”, “keyword + helpful resources”, or “keyword + useful resources” can be effective in locating relevant resource pages. Understanding the SEO metrics of these pages, including domain rating and traffic, is essential to determine their potential impact on your SEO efforts.

Tools like Moz and Ahrefs can be instrumental in this analysis; they offer insights into a site’s authority and relevance.

  1. Assess Content Quality and Context: Once potential resource pages have been identified, it’s time to evaluate the quality and relevance of the content.

High-quality content is typically well-written, informative, and engaging. It delivers value to its audience. It’s important to ensure that the resource page features content that resonates with your target audience and aligns with your brand’s messaging and values.

Assess the anchor text used on the resource page for insights into how your link will be contextualized within the page.

  1. Craft an Effective Outreach Strategy: This critical step goes beyond sending a generic request for a link. It involves a tailored approach that begins with thorough research of the target website and its audience. Understanding the content tone, style, and the type of resources they usually link to is essential. This insight will help you frame your outreach in a way that resonates with the site owner or editor.

Personalization is key. Address the site owner by name and reference specific aspects of their resource page to show that your request isn’t just another mass email. Highlight how your content aligns with their existing resources and adds value to their audience to establish the mutual benefit of your proposal.

The tone of your message should be professional yet approachable. Briefly introduce yourself and your content; focus on its uniqueness and relevance. A concise, clear, and engaging pitch is more likely to capture attention and elicit a positive response. End your outreach with a polite call to action (CTA); invite them to review your content and consider adding it to their page.

Keep in mind that building rapport and showing genuine interest in their work can significantly increase your chances of a successful link placement.

  1. Broken Link Building: An effective tactic within resource page link building is to identify and replace broken links on these pages. Tools like Check My Links can be used to find broken links on a resource page. This approach adds value to the host site by improving user experience and increases the likelihood of your link being accepted as a replacement for the broken one.
  2. Continuous Monitoring and Relationship Building: Resource page link building isn’t just a one-time effort; it requires continuous monitoring and relationship building. Keep track of your backlinks, monitor their performance, and stay in touch with site owners to fetch more link-building opportunities in the future. Building long-term relationships with site owners and regularly updating them about your new content can help in securing ongoing backlinks.

4. Email Outreach for Link Building

email outreach

As search engines continue to refine their algorithms, prioritizing quality and relevance, the importance of acquiring authoritative backlinks through ethical means has been amplified. Email outreach, in this context, is a strategic avenue for building meaningful connections and collaborations in the digital realm.

At its core, email outreach for link building means forging genuine relationships with website owners, bloggers, and influencers within your niche. Unlike other strategies that may tread the gray areas of SEO, email outreach is firmly rooted in white hat practices. It involves reaching out to relevant parties with personalized, well-crafted, and relevant messages that propose a value-add for both parties. This approach is far removed from the bulk link exchange requests of the past (which search engines now easily identify and penalize).

The relevance of email outreach in 2024 lies in its ability to align with the user-focused direction of modern SEO. Search engines like Google prioritize user experience and content value. Links from reputable sources are a key indicator of these qualities.

Through personalized email outreach, you can effectively convey how your content or website complements the recipient’s resources. This relevance is imperative; it ensures that any backlinks gained don’t just boost your SEO but also enhance the web ecosystem by connecting users with valuable information.

And let’s not forget that email outreach also nurtures a level of professional networking that goes beyond link building. It opens doors to future collaborations, guest blogging opportunities, and the exchange of industry insights. At a time when content is abundant but quality is king, establishing a network of reputable contacts can be invaluable. Each successful outreach is a step towards building a reputation as a credible and authoritative voice in your field.

However, the success of email outreach hinges on a strategic approach. This involves meticulous research to identify potential link building partners, understanding their content and audience, and tailoring your outreach to demonstrate mutual benefits. It’s important to strike a balance between being persuasive and respectful. Your message should be concise yet comprehensive enough to highlight the synergy between your content and their platform.

5. Infographic Creation and Distribution

Infographics are the Swiss Army knife in your digital toolkit. They’re versatile, they’re shareable, and they have the unique ability to simplify complex information into visually appealing nuggets.

Imagine turning a 2,000-word report on climate change into a compelling, easy-to-understand, and engaging visual story. That’s the power of an infographic. It transcends the barrier of heavy text and makes your content accessible to a broader audience: everyone from the time-crunched CEO to the curious high schooler.

The process of creating an infographic, however, is an art form in itself. It begins with a marriage of data and design. First, you need a compelling story or a strong data set. This is where your Sherlock Holmes hat comes in handy; research, dig deep, and find those golden data nuggets that have been overlooked. This is followed by the role of a designer; they transform this data into a visual feast that captures attention and engages the audience.

The real game begins with distribution. You cannot just create a masterpiece and call it a day; you must make sure it’s seen. Social media platforms are your galleries where infographics can shine and reach the masses. Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn can be particularly effective; each offers unique ways to engage with different demographics. The key here is to tailor your distribution strategy to align with the platform’s audience.

Let’s talk about outreach. Think of this as your digital PR campaign. We recommend reaching out to bloggers, influencers, and websites that align with your infographic’s topic. A personalized email, highlighting how your infographic adds value to their content, can open doors to new audiences.

SEO shouldn’t be forgotten in the excitement. Optimize your infographic with relevant keywords, an engaging title, and a compelling meta description. This ensures that your infographic is shared widely and ranked high on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Infographics are highly shareable. When you create an infographic that’s both informative and visually appealing, it naturally invites shares across various platforms. Each share increases the chances of your content being noticed by influencers, bloggers, and website owners, who may then link back to your original piece in their content. It’s the ripple effect: one great infographic can lead to multiple backlinks from various sources.

Similar to guest blogging, guest infographics are also a thing. You can reach out to websites and offer to create custom infographics for them. This is a great way to get your work on their site with a credit link. It’s a win-win: the host site gets quality content, and you get a quality backlink.

Recommended Read: SEO Strategy: How to Get Backlinks with Infographics

6. Create Interactive Content

a web user interacting with content online

Interactive content has emerged as a powerhouse for white hat link building. In 2024, the ability to engage and captivate audiences is more important than ever, and interactive content stands at the forefront of this endeavor. This innovative approach to content creation is centered around providing your audience with a dynamic and immersive experience that encourages sharing and linking.

Interactive content, including quizzes, polls, calculators, and videos, does more than just hold the viewer’s attention. It invites them to participate, engage, and contribute to the narrative. This level of engagement is a significant departure from traditional content consumption; it transforms passive readers into active participants.

The benefits of this for link building are manifold. First and foremost, interactive content is inherently more shareable. When users find content that’s not only informative but also engaging and fun, they’re more likely to share it within their networks. This organic sharing across social media platforms, forums, and other online communities significantly increases the content’s visibility and the potential for backlinks.

Interactive content, by its very nature, is link-worthy. High-quality interactive pieces are more likely to attract the attention of other content creators, bloggers, and journalists. These influencers are always on the lookout for unique and valuable resources to enhance their own content and provide value to their readers.

Another key aspect of interactive content is its ability to provide personalized experiences to users. By tailoring content based on user inputs or choices, you can enhance user engagement and increase the relevance and value of the content for the audience. This personalization makes your content a valuable resource that other websites want to link to. Why? It enhances their user experience by providing their audience with something unique and tailored.

Interactive content is also a treasure trove of data. Every interaction a user has with your content gives you insights into their preferences, behaviors, and interests. This data is invaluable in refining your future content strategies. It’ll ultimately help you ensure that your content remains relevant and valuable to your audience (a critical factor in attracting quality backlinks).

How can you use interactive content to build high-quality backlinks in 2024? Let’s look at a few examples.

Suppose you run a health and wellness website. You could create an interactive infographic that lets users input their daily habits to receive personalized health tips. This tool can become a valuable resource for other health bloggers or news sites focusing on wellness. It’ll prompt them to link back to your infographic in their articles for their readers to use.Top of Form

If your business revolves around career development, you could develop a quiz like “Find Your Dream Job,” where users answer questions about their skills and interests. The quiz, in turn, could provide career suggestions. Career coaches, educational institutions, and job boards may find this tool useful and link to it from their sites. The outcome? High-quality backlinks to your content.Bottom of Form

And if you run a tech website, you could create an interactive video that lets viewers choose how they want to learn about a new technology or product. Tech forums, educational sites, or product review sites could link to your video as an engaging way to learn about new tech advancements.

The possibilities are limitless. By creatively integrating user engagement and information dissemination, you’ll open up new avenues for audience interaction and, consequently, link building.

Work with a team of experienced, qualified, and skilled experts who can take the reins for you. Crafting interactive content that resonates with your audience and attracts backlinks requires a blend of creativity, technical know-how, and marketing acumen.

Professionals in this field have honed their skills over numerous projects; they have a keen understanding of what works and what doesn’t. They can create high-quality content that aligns with your brand’s voice and appeals to your target audience.

Experts in interactive content and SEO also have access to the latest tools and technologies. These resources enable them to create more sophisticated and engaging content. They can leverage these tools to analyze data, track user engagement, and optimize content for the best results.

And let’s not forget that the world of SEO and white hat link building is fraught with potential pitfalls. Experts are well-versed in the dos and don’ts; they can navigate these waters safely and ensure that your strategies remain ethical (white hat) and effective. This reduces the risk of penalties or negative impacts on your website’s ranking.

Start Building High-Quality Backlinks with Global-marketing Inc.!

We’ve unpacked the top white hat link building strategies, demystified the complexities of SEO, and laid bare the secrets of effective link building in 2024.

Now, it’s time for action.

Embarking on this journey alone, armed only with a handful of strategies, is like exploring uncharted waters without a seasoned captain. The world of SEO is dynamic, with search engine algorithms evolving as swiftly as the tides change.

Taking matters into your own hands may seem like a cost-effective approach initially, but it’s fraught with risks: the risk of using outdated tactics, the peril of unwittingly stepping into black hat territory, or the danger of investing time and resources into strategies that yield no tangible results.

This is where turning to backlink building professionals (those who breathe, eat, and sleep digital marketing) becomes necessary. Global-marketing Inc. isn’t just a name; we’re considered leading experts in the complex world of digital marketing. We specialize in providing expert white hat link building services. Our strategies are meticulously crafted, executed with precision, and constantly fine-tuned to ensure they deliver measurable results.

With Global-marketing Inc., you’re gaining a professional link building partner who’s as invested in your success as you are. Let us be the architects of your digital success. Schedule a free consultation today!

The post 6 White Hat Link Building Strategies for 2024 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How to Create a Link Building Campaign: A Beginner’s Guide Tue, 19 Sep 2023 10:18:54 +0000 What is Link Building And Why’s There Such a Hullabaloo? Envision the World Wide Web as more of a literal web for a moment. Each string of the web connects to another, and then another, and so on, to form a complex system of information that feeds off different components. Your website is one such […]

The post How to Create a Link Building Campaign: A Beginner’s Guide appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

What is Link Building And Why’s There Such a Hullabaloo?

Envision the World Wide Web as more of a literal web for a moment.

Each string of the web connects to another, and then another, and so on, to form a complex system of information that feeds off different components.

Your website is one such component, and it needs to be connected to other websites for there to be a path.

In the context of your website, think of link building as the deliberate act of weaving your own string into this expansive web, carefully choosing which other strings to connect with. The better and more relevant these connections, the easier it is for ‘spiders’—in this case, search engines and users—to find and value your component in this intricate tapestry.

Now that you have a gist of what link building is in theory let’s cut to the chase and talk about it in more depth.

It’s essentially the process of obtaining inbound links that lead to your website. These links should come from vetted, high-quality pages and websites that either promote or refer to your website in different ways.

Link building campaigns are crucial to any successful SEO strategy since it’s what help you rank higher on SERPs and directly impact how authoritative and high-quality your website is considered.

That’s precisely why link building campaigns are a game changer for your brand.

What is a Link Building Campaign?

A link building campaign is a planned and strategic effort aimed at increasing the number and quality of inbound links that point to your website.

Now, before moving on to anything, it’s important to understand that not all links are equal.

Having low-quality, spammy links from sketchy websites, barter links, bought links, bot links, etc., actually does more harm than good. When it comes to link building, quality is definitely greater than quantity.

You can learn more about common link building mistakes in our other blog post as we walk you through the importance of this SEO strategy and the pitfalls that come with it.

It’s necessary to have a purpose-driven, intentional link-building campaign with clearly defined goals and outcomes, and while this sounds like a breeze, 41% of large companies believe that link building is the hardest aspect of SEO.

But boy, is it worth it. Here’s why:

An image showing the benefits of link building

But you’re probably wondering, “I still don’t know what the heck a link building campaign is!”

It’s just a concerted, conscious effort and approach that comprises multiple strategies and methods with one primary focus: getting that moolah—whoops, we mean links.

It uses structure, strategy, and clarity to not only get more links but also better links that lead to your targeted page or your website in general.

Recommended Read: Going Beyond Backlinks: Harnessing the Power of Shallow Link Building

So, How Do You Create a Winning Link Building Campaign for Your Brand?

Global-marketing Inc.’s backlink campaigns and link building strategies are tailored exactly to your needs, focusing primarily on manual links.

Here are some steps we take to design your campaign:

1. Set Clear Objectives And Goals For What You Want To Achieve

This is a fairly obvious place to begin. You need to have clear objectives and goals for your campaign since that will set the pace for everything else.

Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Campaign Focus: Are you looking to increase sales for a specific product?
  • Target Pages: Are there particular pages on your website you want to promote?
  • Keyword Strategy: Are there specific keywords you’re aiming to rank for? These will guide the kind of content you’ll produce and the type of sites you’ll try to earn links from.
  • Engagement Metrics: Is one of your goals to increase user engagement? If so, you’ll need to measure metrics like time spent on a page, bounce rate, and social shares.
  • Timeline and Milestones: Establish a realistic timeline for your campaign. Setting milestones along the way will help you assess whether you’re on track to meet your objectives.
  • Monitoring and Adjustment: Be prepared to regularly review your campaign’s performance against your objectives. This will allow you to make data-driven adjustments as needed.
  • Intended Outcome for Each Link: Every link you aim to acquire should serve a specific purpose aligned with your broader campaign goals. Having clear intent for each link helps in evaluating the campaign’s success.

Having a clear intent for each link that is produced is key. This way, you’ll lay a strong foundation for your link-building campaign, one that guides all subsequent stages, from strategy to execution.

2. Identify Worthy, Relevant Platforms And Opportunities For Yourself

As stated earlier, you don’t just need as many links as you can get. You need to find opportunities that are relevant to your niche, have high domain authority, are not considered spam, and are contextually relevant.

You don’t want to pay a lifestyle or fashion influencer to post your link for gas station equipment in a random blog and call it a day, do you?

A longstanding client of ours, CATECM, saw a whopping 296% increase in their top 3 keywords, and 90x increase in organic traffic, and a 1.5x increase in their DA thanks to a combination of link-building activities and mini-campaigns. Their campaigns helped them get featured on 25 web directories, 25 community participation platforms, and generate dozens of ads.

Why did it work so well? We knew where to post their content.

An example of a writer using backlinking to promote their service


As you can see from this snippet, the writer uses one of the most popular guest posting and blogging platforms, Medium, and ironically talks about the end of the Subscription Era, yet embeds a backlink to his own content and asks for subscribers to pay. Clever, right?

But of course, we’ll help you find these opportunities and openings for link building through backlink audits and help you with the next step.

3. Generate Link-Worthy Content That Can Be Shared With Various Platforms

With that being said, you also need link-worthy content that people will want to share and link to. Your link building campaign should focus on a healthy mix of methods and strategies that target the right audiences, too.

For instance, you don’t want to limit yourself to a single method only because it’s worked in the past. Different consumer groups will have different preferences and behaviors, while different goals also need unique strategies.

Once you know what their pain points, interests, shared qualities, social media habits, and preferences are, it’s easy to pick what works, including:

  • Blogs and articles on a wide range of relevant subjects
  • Tutorials that educate audiences and establish your authority
  • Guest posts that can increase traffic by 2,000%
  • Infographics, videos, unique data visuals, and more
  • Research and data that is credible and valuable
  • Fixing broken or bad links that are hurting your site
  • Press Releases that share newsworthy information with the world
  • Unlinked mentions from brands and websites that occur organically

Recommended Read: 4 Common Link Building Challenges for Small Business Owners

4. Reach Out To Relevant Pages, Platforms, Websites, Forums, And Individuals To Post Your Content

Unfortunately, great quality content isn’t always enough for someone to use and post your links, no matter how relevant the website or platform may be.

It’s not a one-and-done situation, and you will have to focus on outreach and building rapport with them. Whether you’re dealing with affiliate marketers, influencers, guest posting platforms, community forums, or any other platform, you need to reach out and follow up continually.

With clear link building campaign goals in mind, you can share why you chose this particular channel, express interest in their followers and features in relation to your assets, and include a call-to-action, too.

Usually, they’ll take the bait and respond—but if they don’t, persistence is key. We’ll help you follow-up and land successful links; don’t worry.

5. Evaluate, Re-Strategize If Needed, And Keep Learning From Your Wins And Losses

Even after your backlink is successfully posted, you need to be on your toes. Track, measure, evaluate, and re-strategize based on performance metrics and feedback.

An illustration of a link depicting the most important qualities it comprises

Through manual and digital backlink analysis, tracking KPIs and metrics, and monitoring its performance during the campaign timeline, our team will share which links are doing well and which ones aren’t. This gives us a chance to ideate and innovate, fix errors, and address issues before they stagnate, allowing us to redesign and adapt your next link building campaign.

It’s Time to Take the Reigns—Choose Global-marketing Inc. for All Your Link Building Campaigns

Global-marketing Inc. is a full-service digital marketing firm that has the foresight, experience, and knowledge required to create a truly kickass link building campaign for your business.

No matter what you want your approach to be or what service you want to highlight, our backlink building service has what it takes. Reach out to us to learn more about our services, and our experts will walk you through the best strategies for your industry, business, and brand in particular.

Take the reigns and be in charge of your online presence—we’re right behind you.

The post How to Create a Link Building Campaign: A Beginner’s Guide appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Link Building Trends to Watch Out for in 2023 Thu, 14 Sep 2023 07:02:42 +0000 Backlinks. These unassuming connectors have an uncanny knack for catapulting websites from the depths of obscurity to the dazzling limelight of search engine supremacy. But let’s face it. Backlinks aren’t just clicks; they’re digital pats on the back that say, “Hey, this content here? It’s valuable, authoritative, and trustworthy. You need to pay attention to […]

The post Link Building Trends to Watch Out for in 2023 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

a concept illustration of a link building chain


These unassuming connectors have an uncanny knack for catapulting websites from the depths of obscurity to the dazzling limelight of search engine supremacy.

But let’s face it. Backlinks aren’t just clicks; they’re digital pats on the back that say, “Hey, this content here? It’s valuable, authoritative, and trustworthy. You need to pay attention to it!”

They’re nods of approval from one website to another. And they’re worth their weight in digital gold! But the process of building backlinks, link building, isn’t exactly a walk in the park. You can’t just roll out a strategy or two and expect the cards to fall into place.

Link building must be mastered. And you can only do so when you keep up with the evolving landscape, latest trends, and algorithmic developments.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the most power-packed link building trends for 2023. Why are these trends so important? How can you jump on the bandwagon? And where do link building services fit into this intricate puzzle? Let’s peel back the layers one by one!

1. The Rise of E-E-A-T in Link Evaluation

a concept illustration of a webpage being optimized in accordance with Google's E-E-A-T criteria

Search engines have evolved tremendously within the span of a few years. The battle for top search engine result page (SERP) rankings is no longer just about keywords or sheer link volume. Now, the quality of links matters more than ever before.

As we delve deeper into 2023, a concept previously whispered among SEO professionals is now being discussed loudly: the significance of E-E-A-T in link evaluation. So, what is E-E-A-T, and why is it taking center stage in the domain of link building services?

1.1. Understanding E-E-A-T: A Deep Dive

For all its benefits, the digital landscape is also a breeding ground for misinformation. The clarity and credibility of information is paramount. This leads us to the heart of E-E-A-T (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) and its profound impact on search and content evaluation.

But what exactly is E-E-A-T? And why has it become such an instrumental factor in today’s SEO landscape?

The concept of E-E-A-T originated from Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines. These guidelines are essentially a blueprint used by human evaluators to assess the quality of search results. Google strives to provide the most relevant and accurate search results to users. E-E-A-T, in this framework, is a yardstick for content credibility.

  1. Experience

Experience refers to a content creator’s direct personal involvement or encounters with their subject matter. It emphasizes firsthand knowledge, personal narratives, and authentic insights derived from individual interactions with a topic, product, or service.

In essence, it’s the embodiment of the saying, “Been there, done that.”

Unique anecdotes, detailed descriptions, personal photographs, and other forms of firsthand evidence can indicate a creator’s experience. Content that resonates with users (evidenced by engagement metrics like time spent on page, comments, and shares) can indirectly influence SEO.

Authentic, experience-driven content often garners better engagement.

  1. Expertise

Expertise refers to deep knowledge or skill in a particular area. In the context of digital content, it’s about presenting information that reflects a comprehensive understanding of the subject at hand.

In practical terms, a piece on cardiovascular health penned by a cardiologist would be considered to demonstrate high expertise.

However, it’s worth noting that every topic doesn’t necessitate formal education. For hobbies or experiential topics, like personal blogs, lived experiences and personal mastery can also demonstrate expertise.

As the internet becomes increasingly saturated with information, users want to be assured that the content they consume comes from a knowledgeable source. Expertise guarantees depth and precision; it masterfully distinguishes content from the sea of generic information.

  1. Authoritativeness

While expertise is about depth of knowledge, authoritativeness is about recognition and respect in a particular field or subject.

Typically, the more external entities (e.g., reputable websites, industry leaders, or institutions) recognize and reference a source, the more authoritative it is considered.

Backlinks, mentions, and citations from esteemed sources can bolster authoritativeness. Authoritativeness builds a bridge of trust with the audience. When users see that a source or content piece is acknowledged by others in the field, they’re more inclined to trust its validity.

  1. Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is the integrity and reliability of a source or website. It assures users that the information presented is accurate, genuine, and free from deceit.

Trustworthiness is evaluated by several factors. These include the security of the website (SSL certificates), transparency (providing clear citations, sources, or authorship), and a track record of consistent and honest information.

In the age of fake news and misinformation, users are becoming more discerning about where they gather information. Trustworthiness ensures that the audience can rely on the content without reservations.

1.2. Incorporating E-E-A-T Into Your Link Building Strategy

Incorporating E-E-A-T into link building

Incorporating E-E-A-T into a backlink building service’s action plan is more than a trend; it’s a necessary evolution to align with modern SEO practices. This approach ensures a website ranks well and offers genuine value to users.

What should be your starting point? Prioritizing quality over quantity. Instead of amassing dozens of backlinks from various sources, seek a select few from high-authority and reputable websites. These links will do more than just fill your glass with SEO juice; they’ll also establish your site as a trusted, authoritative, reputable voice in your domain.

For instance, a single link from a recognized expert in your industry can significantly outweigh multiple links from lesser-known or generic websites.

But how does one ensure top-notch quality? By diligently and meticulously assessing potential linking partners. Before seeking a link, take a closer look at the website’s content history, authors’ expertise, any awards or recognition they’ve received, and even user reviews.

This assessment helps ascertain the E-E-A-T value of the prospective link. You’ll be able to answer the million-dollar question, “Will this link add tangible value to my site’s reputation and standing?”

While the technicalities of link building are essential, the human element is just as important. The era of transactional link exchanges is waning. Today, authentic relationship-building takes precedence.

By forging genuine relationships with domain experts, authoritative websites, and trusted industry voices, you’ll enjoy a greater chance of securing organic and meaningful backlink opportunities. These aren’t just links; they’re endorsements from respected figures in the field.

The addition of “experience” to the E-E-A-T framework offers another dimension. Content is no longer just about presenting facts; it’s about embedding personal experiences and authentic encounters into the narrative.

This approach resonates with audiences who seek relatable insights. This authenticity (in the form of case studies, personal anecdotes, detailed product reviews, etc.) makes your content more link-worthy; it provides a unique perspective often sought after by other content creators.

We also recommend periodically scrutinizing your backlink profile. Just like your content can become outdated, links can also lose their relevance or value. A regular audit ensures that all your inbound links align with E-E-A-T principles; you’ll be able to proactively remove or disavow links that may detract from your site’s trustworthiness.

Thought leadership is also instrumental. By consistently producing deeply researched, experience-laden, and expert-driven content, you’ll establish your website as the go-to resource in its niche.

Authoritative content naturally garners attention and, by extension, backlinks. It’s a testament to the depth and breadth of your expertise.

Recommended Read: Backlink Quality vs. Quantity: What’s More Important?

1.3. Examples

examples of integrating E-E-A-T into link building

2. Integration of AI and Machine Learning in Link Building Strategies

the evolution of artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing the domain of link building services. Historically, link building was a manual and often tedious process. SEO professionals would seek out potential linking sites, send outreach emails, and negotiate link placements. It was time-consuming, and the results were always a mixed bag.

With the onset of AI and ML, the dynamics of this process have shifted dramatically. These technologies can process vast amounts of data at lightning speeds, analyze patterns, and make predictions that humans may overlook.

2.1. Predictive Analysis and Link Prospecting

One of the primary ways AI and ML are influencing link building is through predictive analysis. Predictive analysis, at its core, involves using statistical algorithms and machine learning strategies to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data.

In the context of link building, this becomes a powerful tool, primarily when harnessed for link prospecting. Let’s look at how it works.

the three-step predictive analysis process

Why would you consider dabbling in the predictive analysis waters? The answer is simple: greater efficiency.

Instead of spending hours manually researching potential link opportunities, SEO professionals can rely on predictive models to provide a list of high-potential prospects in a fraction of the time.

Predictive analysis can also significantly improve the hit rate of outreach efforts. The model targets sites it deems high-potential. The outcome? A greater chance of securing valuable backlinks.

We also cannot ignore the continuous learning factor. The beauty of machine learning is that it’s iterative. As more data is collected over time, the model becomes more accurate in its predictions. So, the more you use it for link prospecting, the better it gets at providing valuable suggestions.

While predictive analysis offers substantial advantages, it has its fair share of challenges. For one, the quality of predictions hinges on the quality of the input data. If the historical data used to train the model is flawed or limited, it can lead to inaccurate predictions.

Moreover, while predictive analysis can provide a direction, it can’t account for all the qualitative aspects of link building. Personal relationships, the tone of outreach communication, and the evolving priorities of website owners can all influence the success of link building efforts. And these are elements that algorithms may not fully capture.

2.2. Enhanced Personalization in Outreach

Personalization is no longer a luxury; it’s an expectation. Personalized outreach in link building ensures that communication is tailored to the recipient’s preferences, previous interactions, and potential interests.

Enhanced personalization is a product of both AI-driven insights and meticulous strategy. At its core, enhanced personalization is about crafting outreach communication that resonates with the recipient. It’s a critical component of stellar link building services.

Generic emails and messages are easily identifiable and often discarded. Instead, successful link building outreach feels custom-tailored. It’s like a tailored glove that hugs every finger without leaving so much as a single crease.

AI plays a pivotal role by analyzing vast data sets ranging from past interactions between sites to the content preferences of target domains. By understanding these preferences and behaviors, AI tools can segment outreach lists and adjust the message’s tone, content, or call-to-action to suit the recipient. This increased relevance significantly heightens the chance of a positive response.

However, it’s also important to understand that personalization is more than just addressing the recipient by their first name. It’s about creating a message that aligns with their values, interests, and current content direction. You must demonstrate that you’ve done your homework and genuinely value the potential relationship.

Recommended Read: A Quick 8-Step Backlink Audit Guide

3. Shift Toward Relationship-Based Link Building

link building partners shaking hands

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, there’s a noticeable shift from transactional link building strategies to a more relationship-based approach.

As search engines continue to refine their algorithms to prioritize genuine, high-quality content and connections, the old methods of simply acquiring as many links as possible have lost their effectiveness.

In 2023, the spotlight is on cultivating meaningful relationships as the foundation of sustainable link building services.

3.1. Why Relationship-Based Link Building Works

The unparalleled value of genuine connections and human-centric strategies cannot be ignored. When you dig deeper, you’ll find relationship-based link building at the heart of this shift.

This method, which emphasizes authentic partnerships over mere transactions, is proving to be far more effective and enduring than traditional tactics. Let’s explore the reasons behind its growing appeal and success:

  1. Natural and Organic: Unlike links that are purchased or come from templated outreach, relationship-based links arise from genuine interactions and collaborations.

These links are inherently more natural and resonate more with both users and search engines. They aren’t forced or shoehorned into content but are a genuine recommendation or reference.

  1. Enhanced Trustworthiness: Trust is an invaluable currency in the digital space. Links born out of established relationships are viewed as endorsements from trusted entities. Search engines reward high credibility with enviable rankings.
  2. Higher Quality and Relevance: When you build a link based on a relationship, it’s often with an entity in a related or complementary niche. This ensures that the link isn’t just a random insertion but is contextually relevant, adding more weight from an SEO perspective. These links align with the content’s theme and cater to the audience’s genuine interests.
  3. Protection from Algorithmic Fluctuations: Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving. While tactics that try to “game” the system may work temporarily, they often become obsolete or even detrimental with the next update.

Owing to their organic and genuine nature, relationship-based links are less susceptible to these fluctuations; they offer stability in a dynamic digital landscape.

  1. Encourages Mutual Growth: A key facet of relationship-based link building is the reciprocity it fosters. Partnerships built on mutual respect and shared goals often lead to collaborative efforts, joint content initiatives, and shared promotions. This mutual support ensures that both parties benefit; their combined reach and impact are amplified.
  2. Future Opportunities: Relationships in the digital realm, much like in the real world, can open doors to future opportunities. Today’s content collaboration can evolve into tomorrow’s joint webinar, shared research project, or co-hosted event.

These evolving collaborations continually refresh and expand the link building landscape for the involved entities.

  1. Cost-Effective in the Long Run: While building and nurturing relationships may sound time-consuming compared to transactional link acquisition, the long-term ROI is often higher.

Relationship-based links are more durable, lead to additional opportunities, and often come without the direct costs associated with paid link placements.

  1. Diverse and Rich Backlink Profile: Engaging with various entities across niches and platforms results in a diverse set of backlinks. This is a positive signal to search engines; it indicates organic growth and positively contributes to search engine rankings.

3.2. Building and Cultivating Relationships

In the vast and interconnected world of the internet, building and cultivating genuine relationships is both an art and a science.

These relationships serve as foundational elements for long-term success. They go beyond mere transactions and provide enduring value through trust, collaboration, and mutual growth.

Let’s take a deep dive into the intricacies of fostering these pivotal connections:

  1. Start with Genuine Interest: The foundation of any lasting relationship is genuine interest. Instead of approaching a potential link partner with immediate gains in mind, consider what you genuinely admire about their work.

Engage with their content, understand their audience, and identify how a partnership could be mutually beneficial. Authenticity sets the stage for meaningful interactions.

  1. Regular and Meaningful Engagement: Digital relationships, much like traditional ones, thrive on consistency. Regularly engage with potential and existing partners on platforms like social media, blogs, or forums.

But remember, it’s not about the frequency alone but the quality of engagement. Genuine comments, insightful feedback, and constructive discussions can elevate your standing in their eyes.

  1. Provide Value Upfront: Before expecting a favor or collaboration, think about what you can offer without expecting anything in return. This could be in the form of sharing their content, referencing them in your articles, or offering a platform for them to share their insights.

By providing value upfront, you’ll show goodwill and establish a foundation of trust.

  1. Personalized Outreach: When reaching out for potential collaborations, generic, templated messages rarely make the cut. Instead, craft personalized outreach emails or messages that show you’ve taken the time to understand their work and see a potential alignment.

Highlight past interactions, discuss shared interests, and propose collaborative efforts that align with their objectives.

  1. Collaborative Ventures: One of the most effective ways to solidify a relationship is through joint projects. Collaborative content pieces, joint webinars, shared research initiatives, or co-hosted events can bring both parties closer.

These ventures result in mutual growth and provide ample opportunities for organic link exchanges and references.

  1. Transparency and Honesty: In all interactions, be transparent about your intentions and honest in your feedback. If a proposed collaboration doesn’t align with your brand’s vision or values, communicate it respectfully.
  2. Celebrate and Support: Celebrate your partners’ success. Share their milestones, engage with their achievements, and offer support during challenging times. This mutual camaraderie will help keep the relationship strong and reciprocative.
  3. Continuous Nurturing: Building a relationship is just the beginning. Continuous nurturing through regular check-ins, feedback sessions, or brainstorming meetings ensures the connection remains vibrant and productive. Stay updated about their endeavors and look for new avenues where both parties can benefit!

4. The Impact of Voice Search on Backlink Strategies

a web user running a voice search using their smartphone

The advent of voice search has thrown a delightful curveball into the game of SEO and, by extension, link building strategies. In 2023, a significant portion of online searches are now being conducted via voice-activated devices like smartphones, smart speakers, and home assistants.

This shift toward voice search is reshaping the way users seek information and, in turn, how SEO professionals approach link building and optimization strategies.

4.1. A Shift Towards Conversational Queries

a conversational voice search query

There has been a transformative shift in how people search for information. One of the most prominent changes has been the evolution of conversational queries.

As voice search continues its upward trajectory, it brings along a distinct search pattern that contrasts sharply with the traditional, text-based approach.

Conversational queries are characterized by their natural, often colloquial tone, mirroring the way humans speak in day-to-day conversations. Instead of fragmented keywords like “weather Paris,” voice search users might ask, “What’s the weather like in Paris today?”

This distinction is more than just syntactical. It represents a more intuitive, human-centric approach to seeking information.

With the rise of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, search engines have become adept at understanding context, nuance, and intent behind these queries. As a result, content creators and SEO professionals are challenged to rethink their keyword strategies.

It’s no longer sufficient to target high-volume keywords alone. A successful strategy now includes long-tail keywords and phrases that align with the way real people talk and ask questions. This emphasis on natural language means content must be crafted to answer specific questions and provide value to the user.

Recommended Read: 6 Tips to Optimize Your eCommerce Store for Voice Search

4.2. Local SEO Takes Center Stage

The immediacy and convenience of voice search have made it a favorite for users seeking local information. Whether they’re trying to find a nearby Italian restaurant, locate the closest pharmacy, or check the hours of the local library, web users can conveniently and quickly use voice search for guidance. It serves as a digital concierge!

This increasing reliance on voice search for local inquiries has propelled local SEO into the spotlight. Local SEO is no longer just a niche aspect of digital marketing; it’s central to businesses aiming to capture the attention of local consumers.

Ensuring accurate and consistent NAP (name, address, phone number) across all online platforms is fundamental. Any discrepancy in this data can lead to missed opportunities and misdirected customers.

Securing local backlinks has become even more vital. Links from local newspapers, blogs, community websites, or regional directories can significantly bolster a business’s local authority in the eyes of search engines. These backlinks improve search rankings and drive targeted, local traffic to the business.

And, of course, reviews also play a critical role in local SEO. Voice search users often ask for “the best” or “top-rated” services. Offering a wealth of positive reviews is a great way to set your business apart and ensure it’s recommended by voice assistants.

Lastly, optimizing for “near me” searches is pivotal. As users increasingly rely on voice search to find services and businesses in their vicinity, ensuring content and metadata are optimized for these local queries can yield substantial dividends.

Hire link building services to master this technique. Local SEO may sound pretty straightforward at first. However, you need an ultra-refined approach to achieve excellent results. Turn to experienced backlink building service providers who can confidently take the reins for you.

5. Visual Search and Image Link Building Opportunities

a concept illustration of visual search

Visual search is no longer the stuff of science fiction; it’s a reality that’s altering the way users interact with search engines. With platforms like Google Lens, Pinterest Lens, and Bing Visual Search, users can now upload an image to generate search results.

Whether they’re trying to identify a species of plant or looking for a similar piece of furniture, web users can leverage visual search to enjoy a more intuitive and interactive user experience.

But what does this mean for link building? The visual search revolution opens up a new frontier for SEO professionals and adds another layer of complexity to link building strategies.

5.1. Image Optimization as a Link Building Goldmine

Image optimization is rapidly evolving from a mere side note in SEO strategy to a primary player (particularly in the era of visual search). This shift is creating unparalleled opportunities for linkbuilding efforts that many businesses are yet to fully leverage.

But why are optimized images so invaluable for link building? The answer lies in a combination of visibility, relevance, and user experience.

Firstly, let’s consider visibility. Visual search engines crawl the web for images using complex algorithms that look at various factors like the image’s metadata, file name, and alt text.

Search engines also consider the context in which the image is placed, i.e., the text that surrounds it, how it aligns with the content, and so on.

When an image is finely optimized to rank highly in visual search, it gains visibility that extends beyond your website. As more people encounter your image during their own searches, the likelihood of them linking back to your website as a resource increases significantly.

Now, onto relevance. The digital realm is awash with content, and the fight for consumer attention is fierce. Visual content often serves as a quicker, more immediate form of engagement. Whether you’re discussing the latest fashion trends or breaking down complex scientific theories, relevant images that augment your content are more likely to catch a reader’s eye.

If your image provides valuable context or adds a layer of understanding to the subject matter, it becomes a prime candidate for other content creators to link back to. An optimized, high-quality image signals that your content is relevant and authoritative.

Lastly, there’s the aspect of user experience. Gone are the days when web users were willing to squint at pixelated images or wait for large files to load. High-quality, fast-loading, and responsive images contribute to a smoother, more enjoyable user experience.

When other sites link back to your optimized images, they implicitly endorse the quality of your site, which can improve your site’s overall domain authority. The higher your domain authority, the better your rankings! It’s like creating a virtuous cycle that feeds into your ongoing link building strategy.

5.2. How to Master the Art of Image Link Building

Mastering the art of image link building involves a blend of creativity, technical know-how, and strategic thinking. It’s not merely about adding pictures to your content; it’s about making said images a core part of your overall link building service plan.

First, you need to start with high-quality, original images. Stock photos may be convenient, but they won’t offer the unique appeal that draws other content creators to link back to your site. Whether you’re employing professional photography or creating custom graphics, ensure your visual assets are high-resolution, relevant, and value-added.

The goal is to create images that other websites would want to use. Compel them to link back to you as the original source.

The next step involves meticulous optimization. Simply uploading an image with a generic filename and hoping for the best won’t suffice. Each image should be optimized meticulously.

Set descriptive file names, compress the file size without compromising quality, and add relevant metadata like alt text. Use keywords naturally in the alt text and the surrounding content to improve the image’s search visibility.

Context is crucial. The image shouldn’t just complement your written content but also serve as a standalone piece that offers significant value.

Select images that are directly related to the subject matter and place them strategically within the content to enhance understanding or offer a different perspective. If your image appears random or forced, it won’t encourage backlinks. However, an image that provides clarity or adds value will quickly become a linkable asset.

It’s also important to venture beyond static images to include a variety of visual content types, e.g., infographics, charts, and even video stills. Infographics are particularly useful as they can condense a lot of information into an easily digestible format.

By producing different types of visual content, you’ll increase your chances of attracting a wider range of backlinks from diverse sources.

Finally, you have to be proactive in your outreach. If you’ve created an image that you believe adds significant value, don’t wait for others to stumble upon it. Actively reach out to industry influencers, bloggers, or journalists who might find it useful for their content.

Platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can be effective channels for this kind of outreach. You can also submit your visual assets to image directories and communities related to your niche; this is an excellent way to further increase your exposure and potential for backlinks.

Want to master the image link building ropes? Instead of turning to your in-house team, turn to experienced, dedicated, and knowledgeable SEO experts who specialize in link building services. Global-marketing Inc. can take over for you!

6. Harnessing the Power of Podcasts and Audio Content for Backlinks

a podcast host and guest interacting

The popularity of podcasts and other forms of audio content has been skyrocketing. And it’s not just because they offer a convenient way for audiences to consume information.

These audio platforms also serve as a unique opportunity for SEO experts and marketers to enhance their link building campaigns.

Podcasts and audio content can act as incredibly potent linkable assets; they’re both shareable and rich in information. When you appear as a guest on a podcast or even host your own, you can often secure a backlink from the podcast’s website, show notes, or transcript pages.

Additionally, podcasts create opportunities for follow-up articles, social shares, and even crowd-sourced content. Each avenue opens up new potential for backlinks!

6.1. Maximize Exposure Through Strategic Podcast Partnerships

This goes beyond merely appearing on a show or having a guest on your own podcast. It’s about leveraging that appearance for backlinks. These partnerships can serve as a critical pillar in a diversified link building strategy. Here’s why.

When you collaborate with a podcast that’s closely aligned with your industry, the audience is already primed for the kind of content or services you offer. This makes the backlinks you gain from such collaborations more valuable as they come from a relevant source and point to an audience with a built-in interest in your field.

Typically, your name and website are included in the podcast episode’s description, and most podcast hosts will gladly link to your site either in the show notes on their website or within the podcast platform itself. These links are particularly beneficial as they are often “do-follow,” which means they pass on SEO value to your site.

But the link building benefits of strategic podcast partnerships don’t stop at the immediate backlink from the episode page. These partnerships often result in a ripple effect.

Listeners who find your content valuable may write blog posts or articles referencing the podcast episode, offering additional backlinks. You can also use the podcast episode as a basis for guest posts on other sites, expanding on the topics discussed during the show.

In these guest posts, you can link back to the original podcast episode, creating a network of interlinked content that boosts the SEO value of both your site and the podcast.

Additionally, leveraging social media promotion around the episode can create buzz and encourage shares, which, while not as effective as direct backlinks, still contribute to your site’s overall authority and reach. You and the podcast host can also cross-promote the episode through newsletters (each linking back to the other’s website) and create yet another channel for valuable backlinks.

6.2. Turning Audio Content Into a Multichannel Link Building Strategy

This essentially means extending the reach and utility of your podcast episodes or other audio content across various platforms and formats. The idea is to take one piece of high-quality audio content and adapt it into multiple assets that are conducive to link building.

Let’s start with transcripts. Every podcast episode can be transcribed and transformed into a blog post that serves as fresh content for your website. These transcripts-turned-articles can include internal links to other relevant content on your site and serve as resource material for other blogs or publications (potentially leading to backlinks).

It’s also easier for search engines to crawl text-based content than audio. To put it simply, transcripts increase your original podcast episode’s SEO potential.

Next, consider the concept of ‘bite-sized’ sharing. Take key insights, interesting quotes, or critical segments from your podcast and turn them into smaller clips or quote graphics. These can be shared on social media platforms, forums, and even email newsletters.

While social shares don’t carry the SEO weight of a genuine backlink, they do contribute to online visibility and could result in natural link building when people begin to reference these bite-sized pieces of content in their own articles or blog posts.

User-generated content is another exciting avenue to explore. Encouraging listeners to share their thoughts or create content around an episode can yield a multitude of potential backlinks. This could range from a listener’s personal blog post reviewing the episode to a discussion on a niche forum that includes a link to your content.

Encouraging this kind of engagement can be as simple as asking for shares and discussions at the end of each episode. You could also run a promotional contest where listeners can win prizes for the best review or insight related to an episode.

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of collaborative content. Partner with other content creators to develop mutually beneficial content.

For instance, if your podcast episode discusses the latest trends in digital marketing, it might make sense to collaborate with a software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider in the marketing space. You could contribute a guest blog post on their site, linking back to your podcast episode, while they could provide an exclusive offer to your podcast listeners.

This opens up opportunities for both parties to gain valuable backlinks and broaden their respective audiences.

7. Unlinked Brand Mentions: The Untapped Potential

a concept illustration indicating unlinked brand mentions

If you’ve been keeping an eye on your brand mentions online but haven’t thought about how they could influence your link building strategy, it’s time for a wake-up call.

Unlinked brand mentions represent an often-overlooked treasure trove of opportunities for acquiring valuable backlinks. Unlinked mentions are instances when your brand is talked about on websites, blogs, or social media platforms, but there’s no hyperlink leading back to your site.

These mentions indicate that people are discussing your brand, acknowledging its presence, or even recommending it. However, without the accompanying hyperlink, you’re missing out on the SEO benefits of a backlink.

7.1. Converting Mentions Into Links

Turning an unlinked brand mention into a backlink is usually low-hanging fruit; it often requires nothing more than a polite outreach email to the website owner or author.

You’d be surprised how many are willing to add a link (especially if your brand or content adds value to their audience)!

However, not all mentions are created equal. For a more targeted approach, focus on mentions on sites with high domain authority or within content that’s directly related to your niche.

When you reach out, make it easy for them to say yes. Provide the specific URL you’d like them to link to and briefly explain how this link would enrich their content or offer additional value to their readers. Personalization is key; nobody wants to feel like they’re receiving a mass email.

People are busy; your initial email may get lost in the shuffle. A polite follow-up email a week or so after the first can often yield successful results. Keep it brief and to the point. Simply inquire if they had a chance to consider your proposal.

7.2. Leveraging Monitoring Tools for Ongoing Benefits

The digital landscape is incredibly dynamic. Without even knowing it, brands may get mentioned across various platforms every now and then.

While this constant activity can be a powerful indicator of your brand’s growing influence, it can also present a logistical challenge: how do you keep track of all these mentions (particularly the unlinked ones that represent untapped link building opportunities)? This is where you start leveraging monitoring tools.

Tools like Google Alerts can be indispensable allies in your quest for more backlinks. These tools automate the tedious process of scanning the web for mentions of your brand, products, or services.

Once set up, they send real-time alerts directly to your inbox whenever a new mention is discovered. This saves an enormous amount of time and ensures that you don’t miss any potential opportunities.

But it’s not just about identifying mentions; it’s about evaluating them too. These tools often come with analytics features that help you assess the quality and potential SEO value of a mention.

For example, you may obtain data on the domain authority of the mentioning site, the context in which your brand was mentioned, and even the sentiment of the mention (positive, neutral, or negative).

Furthermore, monitoring tools can help you measure the effectiveness of your link building efforts over time. As you convert unlinked mentions into backlinks, you can track how these new links impact your site’s traffic and search engine rankings.

Are they bringing in qualified leads? Are they increasing your brand’s authority? This data can inform future strategies and help you fine-tune your approach for even better results.

It’s also important to note that monitoring tools allow for long-term relationship-building. When you’re alerted to a new mention, you’re not just gaining a one-time opportunity for a backlink; you’re also discovering another member of your online community who already finds your brand noteworthy.

This opens the door for future collaborations, guest posts, or even partnerships; it creates a cycle of ongoing benefits that extend far beyond a single backlink.

By making monitoring tools a central part of your link building strategy, you’re essentially installing a set of extra eyes and ears that are always on the lookout for opportunities. And these aren’t just any opportunities; they’re highly targeted, qualified, relevant, and aligned with your broader marketing and SEO objectives.

This systematic approach maximizes link building efficiency and turns an otherwise cumbersome process into a streamlined strategy.

8. Diversifying Link Sources with Niche Platforms and Communities

Variety isn’t just the spice of life; it’s a necessity. Search engines, particularly Google, are getting increasingly smarter at evaluating backlink profiles. A backlink profile dominated by links from just one or two types of sources can raise red flags and even lead to diminished SEO benefits.

The solution is simple: diversifying your link sources across various niche platforms and communities. This is an excellent way to bolster your backlink profile and improve your engagement with specialized audiences.

8.1. The Goldmine of Niche Platforms

The allure of niche platforms lies in their specialized focus and highly engaged communities. These are spaces where people with specific interests or expertise congregate to discuss, debate, and share resources. Such targeted audiences offer a level of relevance and engagement that you’d be hard-pressed to find in more generalized platforms.

These platforms usually possess a strong sense of community and authority within their specific subject matter. This means that a backlink from a well-respected niche platform can carry significant weight (especially when it comes to domain relevance).

While a backlink from a major news outlet is undoubtedly valuable, a link from a respected platform within your industry can be equally potent because it carries an implicit endorsement from a community of experts or enthusiasts.

Additionally, the focused nature of niche platforms often means that their audiences are more engaged, knowledgeable, and potentially more willing to click through a relevant link. The conversion rate could also be higher because these individuals are already interested in or in need of the products, services, or information you offer.

Essentially, you’re not casting a wide net into a vast ocean; you’re fishing in a barrel filled with fish that already like the bait you’re offering.

However, it’s worth noting that the specialized nature of these platforms often comes with a heightened expectation for quality and relevance. People come to these platforms for expert information, meaningful discussions, and high-quality resources.

Any link building efforts in such environments must be approached tactfully. The content you link to must be genuinely valuable and relevant to the community’s focus. Otherwise, your links will be ignored at best and could damage your reputation at worst.

8.2. Leveraging Community Engagement

Community engagement is much more than a buzzword; it’s a strategy that transcends transactional interactions to forge meaningful relationships. These relationships can yield high-quality backlinks that drive highly targeted and engaged traffic to your site.

The key to leveraging community engagement for link building lies in understanding the dynamics of the community you’re targeting and positioning yourself as a valuable member.

When you engage with a niche community, you step into a space that already has established norms, influential figures, and a constant exchange of information. Instead of arriving with the overt intention to build links, start by genuinely participating in conversations, sharing insights, and providing value.

Answer questions with depth and accuracy, comment meaningfully on others’ posts, and share relevant content that adds to the ongoing conversations.

Once you’ve built up a reputation as a knowledgeable and helpful community member, you’ve earned the social currency needed to share your links in a way that will be welcomed rather than shunned.

Now, when you post a link to a piece of your content that solves a problem, answers a question, or adds a new perspective, you’re not just dropping a link; you’re providing a resource that the community values. This can lead to higher click-through rates and more engagement with your content. The weight of your backlinks will increase significantly.

Active community engagement offers a unique form of social listening; it allows you to understand the pain points, preferences, and discussions that are shaping your niche. This information is gold for crafting content that resonates with your target audience and earns additional backlinks organically.

As community members start to recognize the value you bring, they’re more likely to share your content within and outside the community, leading to a snowball effect of link building opportunities.

Let’s Build Some Links!

link building service providers building high-quality backlinks for a client

Feeling overwhelmed? That’s what we’re here for!

As important as link building is, it can feel equally overwhelming and draining if you’re unfamiliar with the landscape.

At Global-marketing Inc., our job is to equip you with the knowledge you need to understand the wider landscape, make the right calls, and steer your business forward.

Now that you have a tight grasp of the top link building trends for 2023, it’s time to get the wheels moving. Global-marketing Inc. is ready to take the reins!

As an experienced, reputable, and trusted SEO company, we offer professional link building services to help you get seen by your target audience, climb Google SERPs, make enviable sales, and prompt staggering growth.

When you hire link building services, prioritize experience, expertise, and results. At Global-marketing Inc., our reviews speak for themselves. We’ve helped countless businesses build high-DA backlinks, enjoy high credibility in their industry, and become a common sight on Google SERPs.

Are you ready to become our next success story? It all starts with a free consultation! We’re ready when you are.


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The Ultimate Guide to SaaS Link Building in 2023 Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:27:44 +0000 In the dynamic realm of digital landscapes, where innovation and competition reign supreme, the role of SaaS link building has emerged as a crucial driving force behind online success. Think of it this way—your SaaS website is waiting to be discovered amidst the vast expanse of the internet. What holds the power to breathe life […]

The post The Ultimate Guide to SaaS Link Building in 2023 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

In the dynamic realm of digital landscapes, where innovation and competition reign supreme, the role of SaaS link building has emerged as a crucial driving force behind online success.

Think of it this way—your SaaS website is waiting to be discovered amidst the vast expanse of the internet. What holds the power to breathe life into this virtual creation? Link building. It’s a strategy that not only defines your website’s visibility but also shapes its destiny in the eyes of search engines and your audience alike. It’s no surprise that SEO experts consider link building to be the 3rd most important SEO ranking factor.

As the online realm becomes increasingly saturated, rising above the noise becomes imperative. This makes SaaS link building all more important in 2023.

It’s no longer enough to offer a groundbreaking SaaS solution; you must ensure it’s visible to your target audience. That’s where link building comes into play, acting as a bridge connecting your SaaS platform to the right audience and amplifying its voice amidst the virtual cacophony.

Intrigued? You should be.

We’re delving into the strategies, tools, and best practices that make SaaS link building not just a buzzword but a tangible force driving your online presence. So, fasten your seatbelt as we weave a tapestry of SaaS link building success that’s yours for the taking.

Why Saas Is Different From Standard Digital Products

Contrary to what many people believe, SaaS (Software as a Service) is actually not a digital product.

Customers are not buying your software as a product that they can own and keep on their devices, such as an eBook, a downloaded application, or downloading a software program that they are paying to run and maintain on their own.

But rather, they’re paying a company with an existing software and hardware framework, systems, maintenance teams, and tools on the back end to use their software. In fact, this has become so common that 99% of companies use at least one SaaS solution for their business, and 38% of all businesses use SaaS for all their operational needs.

While that’s incredibly promising for SaaS providers, it’s not that straightforward. The growing popularity of these solutions means there’s going to be more competition, and you will need effective SaaS SEO in 2023 if you want to stand out.

The Formula for Successful Link Building for SaaS Solutions

Successful SaaS link building is not going to be an easy process and requires more creativity, innovation, and greater personalization for your brand since you’re primarily working as a B2B provider.

Fortunately, our experts are sharing some of the best recommendations to implement in 2023:

1. Resource Page Link Building

You ever look at competitors or businesses that you aspire to be like and see their names on the most highly-coveted lists? Do you also hope to rise to that level and be recommended by peers and industry members or clients?

We’ll let you in on a little secret: that’s known as resource page link building.

The goal here is to get your SaaS solution or software listed on what is known as the ‘best of lists’ and other types of resource pages.

These pages tend to rank software programs based on their relevance, performance, and other factors, creating comprehensive indices that search engines like Google also love! It makes your business significantly more credible and reliable based on their algorithm.

This strategy works so well because it’s more direct than other SaaS link building techniques and very directly pushes the reader to click through to your website—what could be better?

Here’s a brief guide on what to look for when choosing resource pages:

A guide to pitching to resource pages

Recommended Read: What Is Link Building And Why Does My Business Need It?

2. Guest Posting On High-Quality, Relevant Sites

Want your SaaS tool or platform to gain significant recognition from credible sources and generate a valuable readership? You need to invest in guest blogging as a SaaS backlinking technique.

Guest posting remains one of the leading strategies for building credible links and content, used by 64.9% of link builders—but that doesn’t mean you generate dozens of spammy articles about how great your solution or program is.

You need to identify the best websites, looking at factors such as Domain Authority (DA), relevance, industry value, and readership. Approaching a website that caters directly to your industry but has an average DA rating would possibly benefit you more than a random website.

An illustration showing the benefits of guest posting for SaaS businesses

Guest posting allows you to bring in experts and share valuable opinions, insights, and knowledge about your industry’s issues, the benefits of your SaaS, and much more without tooting your own horn.

We offer comprehensive SaaS guest posting services that will establish your company as a problem-solver and industry leader, with all the bells and whistles—and backlinks. Getting published on reliable websites that link back to your software program and website is excellent.

The goal here is to get niche-specific or contextual backlinks that offer a viable solution rather than a sales plugin on a third-party platform—and we can do that for you!

3. Trend And Research-Based Link Building

One of the most impactful professional link building services to invest in for your SaaS brand is trend and research-based link building.

This is known as thought leadership and helps you establish yourself as an authority and industry leader by producing original research and data. This is particularly helpful for SaaS clients because you ultimately want to trailblaze rather than jump on trends and follow the masses.

There are several ways of conducting research, including case studies and analyses of your own clientele, their issues, your solutions, and the results that came out of it. These results and studies act as resources for other members of your industry, allowing them to link, repost, and share your studies.

An illustration depicting the benefits of trend analysis for SaaS companies

Don’t hesitate to conduct surveys, share business reports, and provide insights into the ways your SaaS solution has helped your clients and disrupted the industry. It’s an excellent way to generate buzz.

Our SaaS link building services have helped clients like PM Movers, a Dubai-based professional moving company, establish itself as an industry leader and generate viable links and, thus, organic traffic through a variety of methods. Our goal has been to help them establish their authority and dominance in their industry and stay on top of the latest trends in their line of work. Our team develops detailed, up-to-date original content analyzing what’s happening in their industry and plugging in their analysis of it as an authority.

This approach is exceptionally effective for SaaS brands that introduce innovative solutions and address existing gaps already—so why not make the work you’re doing more credible?

Recommended Read: 10 Advanced Link Building Tips and Tricks to Boost Your SEO

4. Audit and identify both linked and unliked brand mentions

This is one of the most underrated link building strategies for businesses to focus on.

It involves conducting a detailed audit of all the different mentions of your SaaS solution or brand to identify where it’s been mentioned and in what context. Once that has been accomplished, our team will help you approach websites that are unlinked and ask them to add a backlink.

It’s straightforward, fuss-free, and helps you get several backlinks that you didn’t even know existed or were created. That’s why we always recommend starting out with a detailed audit of your business or brand before any type of link building services are deployed.

Additionally, you can do the same for images and infographics that are being used without credit or appropriate linking. You can request that credit and links be added to any custom image, graphic, or illustration and have a set of assets ready for use.

A graphic showing multiple brands and popular platforms for link building

5. Double Down On PR Campaigns For Link Building

Public relations campaigns are one of the most effective link building services for SaaS solutions because they help brands connect with relevant journalists and platforms alike. Press Release directories feature important articles and content that help subtly promote your solution or program, while effective marketing and communication will build connections with journalists.

This feeds back to one of the most significant trends in SaaS link building, which is using the HARO (Help A Reporter Out) strategy. Given that 78% of journalists are interested in receiving PRs, newsworthy content, and announcements, and want unique stories to cover, HARO + Public Relations = Killer link building.

You can do this directly by signing up as a source on multiple platforms that connect journalists and businesses or subject matter experts and pitch to them through the content and PRs that we develop for you. In fact, if your profile and content are compelling enough, many of them will be approaching you directly too.

Get Noticed and Reach Clients Who’d Benefit from Your Software with Our Help

When marketing SaaS, it’s important to know that your audience isn’t going to be the same as your average consumer. A generic strategy just won’t cut it—and that’s why you need Global-marketing Inc.’s cutting-edge link building services.

We offer highly personalized SaaS link building strategies and recommendations that are intended to help your business and digital product stand out and reach relevant audiences and clients.

Let us help you help them! Get in touch with us for a consultation.

The post The Ultimate Guide to SaaS Link Building in 2023 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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The Role of Link Intent in Link Building and SEO: How It Impacts Search Engine Rankings Tue, 01 Aug 2023 13:25:55 +0000 Link-building is an integral part of SEO, and it plays a pivotal role in determining your website’s authority and online visibility. If you’re struggling to generate traffic to your site, it’s likely you’re ignoring the impact of a comprehensive link-building strategy on your site’s ranking. To get started, connect with our professional link-building experts or go […]

The post The Role of Link Intent in Link Building and SEO: How It Impacts Search Engine Rankings appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Link-building is an integral part of SEO, and it plays a pivotal role in determining your website’s authority and online visibility.

If you’re struggling to generate traffic to your site, it’s likely you’re ignoring the impact of a comprehensive link-building strategy on your site’s ranking. To get started, connect with our professional link-building experts or go through this introductory video.

an illustration of link-building and link intent optimization

Understanding Link Intent – Creating Purposeful Connections for SEO Success

Have you come across instances where content is linked to other pages on the internet? For example, a medical website offering information about one medical condition might link to its own webpages on related topics.

The screenshot below shows how WebMD connects its blog about bloating to another one about abdominal pain. This is an internal link, meaning it links to web pages that are on the same domain.

a screenshot of anchor texts on a WebMD webpage about bloating

Well-placed internal links have a purpose.

  • They improve website navigation by helping users find relevant information, thus improving the overall user experience
  • They help distribute link equity (SEO value) across various pages of the site, thereby boosting the ranking and visibility of other pages
  • A well-structured internal linking system creates a clear hierarchy for your website’s content

Similarly, external or outbound links point to another domain or website. They have a purpose too.

  • They provide valuable resources that supplement the content, thereby adding value to the reader’s understanding of the subject matter
  • Search engines consider external links as a sign of the website’s authority and trustworthiness
  • They potentially lead to a collaboration with other content creators

For instance, Global-marketing Inc. blogs feature high-quality external links that enrich the reader’s experience and boost the webpage’s SEO ranking. These blogs are written in conjunction with professional backlink-building services, making them a good authority on this topic.

A Global-marketing Inc. blog externally hyperlinking to a Forbes webpage

Hyperlinks leading to and from other high-authority domains act as an endorsement for both sides. They basically say, “This guy knows what he’s talking about!” and make Google view the webpage as credible.

However, links should not be inserted randomly. Every link used on a webpage should either inform or guide the reader. The purpose behind using a certain link, whether internally or externally, is called link intent.

Link intent goes beyond the superficial act of exchanging URLs between two webpages or websites. Instead, it aims to provide meaning and context to a link, making it relevant for web users and search engines alike. Understanding link intent allows users and search engines to evaluate the credibility, quality, and relevance of a certain link. High-quality relevant links help a webpage rank higher on search engines, ultimately improving the website’s Google ranking.

Different Types of Link Intent

The purpose behind adding a certain link, whether it links to another page on the same domain or a different one, significantly impacts the link’s effectiveness. When you hire a professional link-building service, this is the main thing they help you accomplish. They help build backlinks that align with the user’s intention when browsing your site’s webpages.

Let’s learn about the different types of link intent.

Informational Link Intent

Webpages mostly use links for informational purposes. The underlying intention of the link is to provide background information, additional context, or in-depth details on a specific topic. As such, informational links commonly direct to high-authority webpages and sources.

For instance, have a look at this Healthline article about properly brushing your teeth.

 a screenshot of anchor text in a Healthline article about brushing teeth

Notice how it mentions a reputable organization, cites its recommendations, and then links to its official website? This qualifies as a valuable link because it offers relevant resources to enhance the reader’s understanding. Plus, the destination website has high domain authority.

Navigational Link Intent

Navigational links aim to simplify user navigation by helping visitors find specific webpages within the same website or a partner site with just a click.

When directing to other pages on the same website, the overall bounce rate is reduced, and the user is more likely to stay on the website.

A screenshot from the official Apple website displays what we call Quick Links in the footer of the website.

a screenshot of the footer on Apple’s homepage

Other examples of navigational links may appear on FAQs, signup, contact, product category, and blog webpages. Take this recent Global-marketing Inc. blog, for instance. Notice how the content mentions two relevant services the user might be looking for? Adding navigational links here provides the user quick access to the respective service pages.

 navigational links in a Global-marketing Inc. blog about Dentist SEO

Transactional Link Intent

Transactional links aim to persuade users to take specific actions, such as making a purchase, filling out an online form, or subscribing to a newsletter.

These links are closely tied to conversions and sales-related user behaviors. The screenshot below shows three call-to-action buttons with transactional links on a Global-marketing Inc. webpage for backlink building services.

screenshot of CTA buttons on a Global-marketing Inc. webpage

Here, linked page on the “Request Quote” button is a signup form to submit an audit request.

Similarly, this excerpt from a BigCommerce blog features a transactional link enticing users to register for the company’s affiliate program.

A BigCommerce blog linking to its affiliate program sign-up page

Bridging the Online Gap – The Art of Optimizing for Link Intent

Adding internal and external links is typically not enough to drive organic traffic to webpages. Each link needs to be contextually relevant to contribute positively toward the website’s search engine rankings. Links lose their value by breaking or becoming irrelevant over time, so using links strategically is critical for SEO.

Optimizing for link intent involves the process of ensuring that the content and context of each link aligns with its intent. The goal is to establish a clear and meaningful purpose for each link, allowing users and search engines to access informative, navigational, and transactional resources easily.

Whether you hire a link-building service or tackle the task yourself, the following factors will significantly impact your link intent optimization.


Link intent is only meaningful and effective when the links being used are relevant in content and context. This basically means that the linked web page and the content in which the link appears should be aligned in terms of the subject matter.

For instance, the “Top 3 Link Building Mistakes To Avoid in 2023” blog by Global-marketing Inc. mentions certain statistics.

 screenshot of statistic anchor texts in a Global-marketing Inc. blog about link-building

Clicking on the statistic links, the user is directed to the source of the study, thereby supporting the claims with trustworthy references. Not only does this enhance the overall credibility of the content, but it also creates a natural backlink profile.

High Domain Authority (DA)

Linking to authoritative and reputable sources plays a huge role in determining a site’s credibility. In the context of SEO, authority or Domain Authority(DA) predicts how well a website or domain is likely to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). High DA sites, like Forbes, Adobe, and NY Times, are considered the most credible by search engines. So, earning authoritative backlinks helps your webpages rank higher by association.

A Forbes article linking to a MarketMuse blog

Forbes linking to a MarketMuse blog will generate organic traffic for the agency. Since Forbes has high DA, the backlink will also boost MarketMuse’s rankings on search engines, earning it a vote of credibility. So, quality backlinks with the right intent benefit both sides!

User Experience

The main goal of optimizing link intent is improving the user experience on your website. Poor linking practices can not only hurt your search engine rankings but also turn potential customers away.

Surveys show that 60% of online shoppers abandon their carts if a website or online store’s user experience is poor. Bad backlinks, i.e.,bought, spammy, irrelevant, or outdated ones, significantly hurt user experience and SEO. Good backlinks are always organic, coming from credible and relevant sources.

For instance, if a low-authority webpage for a restaurant in China backlinks to your dentistry website targeting the US, that backlink will be considered poor quality. Why? Because:

  • The source is unrelated to your niche
  • The source has low domain authority
  • The backlink is irrelevant in context
  • The backlink may count as spam

Contrarily, if a Healthline article about cosmetic dentistry hyperlinks to your dental website, that backlink will be beneficial. It will be relevant in context and will be coming from a high domain authority website, making your webpage look more credible.

Embedding high-quality links in the right places can help avoid this problem. They can lead users to important webpages and sources easily and quickly, improving the overall user experience. This leads to increased online traffic and engagement on your website.

Anchor Text

An anchor text is the clickable text that is hyperlinked and directs the user to another web page within the same domain or another.

Anchor text serves as a descriptive label for the linked content, giving users and search engines an idea of what they can expect to find on the destination page.

The anchor text should accurately reflect the link intent.Good anchor text is purposeful and relevant and includes keywords organically. On the other hand, take this screenshot of bad anchor text, for instance:

screenshot depicting an example of a poor anchor text

Without context, the anchor text “check out this post” might confuse readers. It’s unclear which post the text is referring to and doesn’t clarify what the users can expect when they click on this link.

Instead, using descriptive anchor text like “how to drive internet users” informs users about the content of the linked page. Remember, good anchor texts are descriptive, keyword-optimized, and contextually relevant.

Understanding the Connection Between Link Intent and Search Engine Rankings

High-quality links used strategically with the right intent can positively impact a website’s search rankings.

A well-placed link allows the search engines to use relevance as a signal to understand the context and topic of the linked page. It also helps build a network of relevant and authoritative backlinks that can contribute to higher rankings for the website.

When combined with other elements of your overall SEO strategy, like keyword research,high-quality content creation, and on-page optimization, link intent can help create a diverse and relevant backlink profile for your site. if this seems too overwhelming, you can always consult with professional link-building experts for assistance.

an illustration depicting SEO link building

Connect with Link Building Professionals to Put Your Website on the Map!

Having a comprehensive SEO strategy is essential to achieving a spot in a search engine’s first search result page. You can hire link-building services from the experts at Global-marketing Inc. to start optimizing your website today.

Our team is skilled at identifying the challenges your business website is facing and curating strategies to combat them. Whether you need our link-building services or overall SEO services, all you have to do is get in touch with our team. Give us a call or schedule an online consultation today.

Let’s put your website where the world can see it!

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Link-building 101 for Dentists: How to Dominate Your Local Market Thu, 13 Jul 2023 14:53:29 +0000 If you’re really looking to put your business on the map, having a solid online presence is a must—even for dental practices. Creating social media pages for your dental practice is a good place to start, but it’s not enough. You also need to create a business website and optimize it for SEO. Search engine […]

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If you’re really looking to put your business on the map, having a solid online presence is a must—even for dental practices. Creating social media pages for your dental practice is a good place to start, but it’s not enough. You also need to create a business website and optimize it for SEO.

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps your website appear in the top search results when potential patients look for services that you offer in their locality. Keep in mind most users never click past the first page. So, ranking higher can help you book more appointments, reach a larger patient base in your vicinity, and stand out from the competition.

But how do you optimize your website or social media pages for SEO? Link-building is one of the most effective ways!

Link-building starts with writing SEO-optimized content for your website or blog (which can just be a dedicated page on your main website). You can also explore affordable dentist SEO services or professional link-building services to enlist the help of dental SEO experts for this task.

The next step is incorporating high-quality backlinks, local SEO techniques, and targeted keywords in the written content. Before we go over these dental marketing strategies, here’s an overview of some general link-building practices:

Understanding Hyperlinks and Backlinks: Building Bridges to Dental Success

Illustration of dentists doing online marketing

Link building allows you to build bridges between your dental practice and other reputable websites in your industry. These connections, called backlinks, play a significant role in boosting your website’s visibility in search engine results. Think of backlinks as digital recommendations or endorsements that tell search engines your website is trustworthy and relevant.

When exploring the world of dental SEO, you might come across terms like hyperlink or backlink. These terms describe the clickable text you see on webpages, but there’s a slight difference between them. Hyperlinks can be any links, including links to your own webpages and social media accounts. Contrarily, backlinks are inbound/incoming links from another website to yours. The text that is linked, as shown below, is called an anchor text, and it’s extremely important.

A screenshot highlighting a “dental pulp” anchor text

Say, a person suffering from toothache looks up “best dentists in Los Angeles” online. The first search engine result page (SERP) might not show the highest-rated dentists in their location, but it will definitely show the highest-ranked dental websites and business profiles.

A screenshot of the top Google rankings for the search query “dentists in Los Angeles”

Luckily, there are link-building strategies you can use to have your site rank among the top 5 results.If you’re not sure where to start, or frankly don’t have the time, we recommend hiring link building services to make the most of your SEO efforts and dominate search results.

Characteristics of High-Quality Dental Backlinks

Adding backlinks can sometimes do more harm than good for your dental SEO. Why? Because the quality of your backlinks makes all the difference!

Let’s explore the factors that impact a backlink’s quality.

Domain Authority: If potential patients get referrals for your services from a reliable source, like family member, they’ll be more confident about trusting you, right? Similarly, backlinks coming from high-authority domains serve the same function. They indicate that authoritative and credible websites are giving you a vote of confidence, lending more value to your webpages as a result.

Recommended Read: The Impact of Link Building Services on Domain Authority and Trustworthiness

Relevance: It doesn’t make sense for a bakery to recommend your dental services, does it? Similarly, it wouldn’t make sense for an unrelated or irrelevant website to link to yours. Relevant backlinks from sites in the same niche as yours significantly impacts their quality.

Placement: If backlinks aren’t included in the content naturally, search engines will pick up on it. Links should also be in a place where readers can actually see them. So, the genuine and natural placement of backlinks and hyperlinks matters for ranking.

Anchor Text: Remember how anchor text is super important for link-building and dental SEO? That’s because anchor text is what allows you to make your backlinks keyword-rich.

 Good Anchor Text

two screenshots showing examples of a good and bad anchor text in dentistry web content

While the second example contains a possible dental keyword (“tooth infection”), it’s too long.

The first example is good, since it features a high-ranking dental keyword (“tooth extraction”) and links to a high-authority web page related to tooth extractions. Like we said, relevancy is key.

Recommended Read: Dentist SEO: The Importance of Backlinks and What Kind of Links to Target

Polishing Your Online Presence – Generating High-Quality Backlinks and Optimizing Local SEO for Dental Practices

Now that you know what a high-quality backlink entails, let’s see what professional link building experts have to say when it comes to creating a foolproof link building strategy for dental practices.

Create Valuable and Relevant Content

Your potential patients are looking for credible information and entering queries relevant to your services.Your first order of business should be to create high quality content that not only answers their questions, but also satisfies search intent.

Here are some example of possible search queries:

  • “What is a root canal treatment?”
  • “Should I get veneers”
  • “How much do dental implants cost?”

A Google search query and top results about root canal treatments

Your aim is to rank as one of the websites in the top search results for topics like these. While it may be hard to rank above government organizations’ websites because of their domain authority, you can still rank on the first page by hiring professional SEO services.

Such content titles for blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos offer valuable insights into dentistry-related topics.

Your dental content marketing and SEO strategy should include relevant, updated, and informative content that’s easy to share. When you produce valuable content with an aim of informing the reading, other websites in the dental industry or related fields may be more likely to link to your content, citing it as a trusted resource.

Leverage Local SEO

Local SEO for dentists allows you to improve your website’s visibility in the region you want to target. When your potential patients search for “best dentists near me”, your website should pop up in the results considering most users want results localized to their queries.

Recommended Read: Effective Local SEO Solutions: 5 Strategies Tailored for Dentists

Engage with Local Dental Community

Reach out to dental associations, local dental blogs, online dental communities, and influential dental professionals. Engage in discussions, offer to contribute guest posts, or collaborate on projects. By building relationships and networking within the dental industry, you increase the chances of receiving backlinks from reputable sources.

When these sources link back to your site, it can drive their audience to your website. This referral traffic can be highly targeted and is likely to convert into patients if your website is geared toward local clientele.

Remember, paying for backlinks is a BIG no-no as it can get your site penalized. So, the better and more effective alternative is to build relationships within your community. This network can be beneficial for future collaborations, referrals, or sharing of expertise.

 Illustration of two men shaking hands and building a connection

Make Guest Contributions to Other Dental Websites

Many established dental websites accept guest contributions in the form of guest blogs. You can reach out to them with well-crafted, informative blog ideas that align with their content and audience. When your guest post is published on their site, it might include an author bio section where you can include a backlink to your dental practice website.

An “about the author” section on a guest blog post

Hiring the right link building service can help make the most of your guest blogging efforts.

Recommended Read: Unleash the Power of Guest Blogging for Dental Practices: Insider Tips and Tricks for Successful Outreach

Let’s Recap!

An all-encompassing linkbuilding strategy for dentists helps you rank higher on the world’s most used search engines, thus generating more online traffic, booking more appointments, and reaching a larger patient base.

Link building strategies involve the creation of SEO-optimized content containing high-quality backlinks and hyperlinks. You can optimize local SEO for dentists, build connections with the local dental community, and appear as a credible guest contributor on high-ranking dental websites to generate natural backlinks for your own site.

Earn Your Crown As A Top Dentist by Hiring Professional Link-building Services

Now that you understand what you need to do, you can hire link-building experts to support you on this journey.

Our dental SEO experts will boost your online rankings by generating and optimizing SEO content for your website. We can bring organic traffic to your site by helping your webpages obtain genuine backlinks and capture a spot on the first search result page.

We’re ready when you are – give us a call!

The post Link-building 101 for Dentists: How to Dominate Your Local Market appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Going Beyond Backlinks: Harnessing the Power of Shallow Link Building Mon, 19 Jun 2023 13:37:04 +0000 When you think of link building, you might think of it as a way to build bridges between web pages for easy access and connectivity. It’s like trap doors and secret alleyways in the mansion of your SEO strategy, connecting your website to other reputable and influential destinations on the internet. These connections—also called backlinks—drive […]

The post Going Beyond Backlinks: Harnessing the Power of Shallow Link Building appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

When you think of link building, you might think of it as a way to build bridges between web pages for easy access and connectivity. It’s like trap doors and secret alleyways in the mansion of your SEO strategy, connecting your website to other reputable and influential destinations on the internet. These connections—also called backlinks—drive more visitors to your site to boost its credibility and visibility in search engines.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? That’s you and 58% of businesses that believe backlinks directly impact their SERP rankings for the better.

But while focusing on outbound links and backlinks from high-domain platforms is key, it’s also important to keep an eye out for the little guy: shallow links.

A custom graphic depicting how backlinks work for a website

Recommended Read: The Impact of Link Building Services on Domain Authority and Trustworthiness

What’s the Down-low on Shallow Link Building?

Now we know the name sounds like it’s doing more harm than good, but shallow links are actually the cherry on top of all your efforts and link building services.

They allow you to link to deeper pages on your website—kind of ironic, right? Let us explain.

A shallow link is a hyperlink or URL that directly navigates to a specific page or content within an app or website, bypassing the homepage. This allows users to access specific information or perform actions without going through the main entry point.

Since Google ranks individual web pages, not the whole website, it’s crucial to have optimized inbound links that direct to each specific page to boost it.

A pie chart depicting factors that affect rankings in percentages

If you don’t use shallow links effectively, your individual web pages will lack key SEO elements and fail to perform well or generate traffic, thus hurting your overall efforts.

Shallow links work by creating strategic inbound links within and to your own website, promoting the specific product, service, or content you want to highlight.

Simple enough, right?

Let’s get into how shallow links can work in your favor and how you can hire our link building services to get ahead.

Utilizing the Potential of Shallow Links—Here’s How You Go About It

A graphic showing the benefits of shallow links

In order to truly leverage the value and potential of shallow links listed above, you’ll need a comprehensive strategy in place.

That means you should aim to diversify your link-building approach to:

  1. Include different types of inbound and outbound links
  2. Add backlinks from high quality domain sources
  3. Optimize and embed them efficiently.

1. Digging Deep to Find Shallow Links

Based on insights from Databox, 42% of marketers spend the same amount of time on developing both internal and external links.

Our link building services start with a backlink audit and detailed evaluation of all the outbound and inbound links connected to your website. We use that to identify and filter out all shallow links connected to your home page so we can work on optimizing them for maximum benefit

A chart showing a comparison between different types of audits

Recommended Read: A Quick 8-Step Backlink Audit Guide

Once you’ve got all your shallow links identified and narrowed down, what comes next?

We move on to fixing them.

2. Upgrading Your Shallow Links 

The main goal is to make your shallow links work for your website rather than letting them exist as they are.

You should be upgrading them to increase your home page’s domain authority. Go link by link, targeting the most significant and valuable leads to update their inbound links for your site.

You may need to engage in extensive outreach for already published content or double down on your content creation strategy and organically add internal links for various pages on your website.

It’s time-consuming and arduous, but definitely worth it to reach out to directories, guest post sites, and other platforms. Take, for instance, Delaughter Bail Bonds, which experienced incredibly flat website traffic. That’s until they hired our link building services.

Despite having high-quality content published to third-party websites like Quora, their strategy fell short.

Why? Shallow links are, in part, to blame.

 A snippet of an article for DeLaughter Bail Bonds posted on Quora

Source: Quora Article

You can see the internal links for their website in multiple places, including the anchor text ‘bail bonds agency’ and ‘affordable bail bonds service,’—yet both links connect to their homepage at

So what did our professional link building service do? We upgraded their strategy to diversify it and doubled down on shallow links leading to a 736% increase in website traffic.

3. Focusing on the Quality of Shallow Links

It can be challenging to draw the line when it comes to how many shallow links you should be using because you want to avoid the pitfalls of over optimization—a mistake that hurts more businesses than we realize.

Don’t mistake shallow links for spammy links.

The goal isn’t just to increase the number of inbound internal links; it’s to focus on the quality of those links. You want to redirect readers to web pages where they will find more information, specific products, or service information related to the topic at hand.

The trick is to balance the presence of shallow links and specific, purposeful, and value-adding pages on your website for a deeper dive into the content available. Each link that you embed into the text should expand on what readers are searching for, and an added bonus is to pair it with effective anchor text.

For instance, you’ve published a Guest Blog about your hottest-selling product to a high-domain website, but all internal links point toward the home page. It’s actually limiting the effectiveness of the guest blog in driving traffic and conversions for your hottest-selling product. Without specific shallow links to the product page or relevant content, visitors may find it difficult to navigate directly to the desired information. And, of course, that leads to missed opportunities for showcasing and promoting your product to potential customers.

To optimize the impact of your guest blog, you should include relevant internal links that direct readers to specific product pages or related content, enhancing the chances of driving engagement and conversions. This will complement your overall link-building strategy and help you leverage the advantages of shallow links simultaneously.

4. Quick Tips to Improve Shallow Links

Like we said before, you need to know how to use shallow links effectively as part of your backlink building services. Identify which sub-pages you want to focus on most, and request your writers and content services to add it to the on- and off-site content.

This will help create a sense of direction for the type of content our team will generate, and we can also provide recommendations for doing so.

Using high-ranking keywords as anchor text that leads to your inner pages is another great tip, and it’s important to understand the limitation that they pose too. Shallow links, while integral to your link building strategy, must be relevant, context-specific, and eye-catching.

Overall, your website will require a unique shallow link strategy that our professional link building experts can help you identify.

Recommended Read: Top 3 Link Building Mistakes To Avoid in 2023

Sink Your Shallow Links Deeper with Our Help

Improve your strategy when you hire our link building services.

At Global-marketing Inc., our SEO experts have access to the best audit tools, link building strategies, and the most extensive, comprehensive, and well-rounded techniques to improve your business’s presence.

Not only will we help you identify common mistakes in your strategy, but we will upgrade and enhance all of your backlinks to direct more high-value, organic traffic and leads. Reach out to us to set up a consultation and get started with a free website audit!

For more interesting link building strategies, here’s a video you can check out:

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4 Common Link Building Challenges for Small Business Owners Fri, 16 Jun 2023 11:42:45 +0000 Standing out in SERPs is all about keeping up with on-page SEO trends, excellent keyword research, and creating high quality content so that other websites see you as an authority in your field. Most SEO experts agree that link building is effective when done right, and that’s where professional link building services come in. As of 2023, […]

The post 4 Common Link Building Challenges for Small Business Owners appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

custom illustration depicting backlinks to high domain websites

Standing out in SERPs is all about keeping up with on-page SEO trends, excellent keyword research, and creating high quality content so that other websites see you as an authority in your field. Most SEO experts agree that link building is effective when done right, and that’s where professional link building services come in.

As of 2023, our world had approximately 1.13 billion websites. For small business owners, that was the bad news. The good news is that only a tiny fraction of these websites are actively used and updated. Remove any website that isn’t a small business or your direct competitor; you have an even smaller pool to contend with.

In today’s blog, we shall explain the following:

  • Why backlinks are crucial to your SEO efforts.
  • The link building challenges of small business SEO.
  • The solutions to said challenges.

Are you ready to get better acquainted with link building? Dive right in!

The Importance of Link Building for Small Businesses

custom illustration depicting leveraging link building to reach top search engine rankings

Link building is when a non-competitive website with a high domain authority score adds links to your web pages in their content because they see your content as authoritative.

While this type of backlinking happens often, Google and Bing have developed spam policies to prevent unnatural link building campaigns.

Effective link building can boost a small business’s profile and improves its trustworthiness and credibility in the online landscape. With a robust and ever-evolving link building strategy with help from a baclink building service, you can improve your online presence and eventually lead the competition in your respective industry.

Proven Link Building Strategies for Small Businesses

Below are some effective link building strategies that can improve a brand’s visibility in highly competitive industries.

1. Guest Blogging

custom illustration depicting link building via guest blogs

Share well-written guest posts to relevant websites and bloggers. “Well-written” in this context means creating content aligned with Google’s Helpful Content Update.

Your content should be geared towards helping people instead of just promoting your services, contain valuable and authoritative content, and include a naturally incorporated link to your website.

Recommended Read: What is Guest Blogging and How to Get Started with it?

2. Establish Industry Connections

Contact other website owners (not direct competitors), bloggers, vloggers, and other social media influencers. As 72% of millennials and Gen Zers follow influencers, social media and microblogging platforms are untapped wells for businesses.

Comment on their content and make collaboration or sponsorship offers in exchange for money, a shoutout or backlink.

3. Broken Link Building

Broken link building is a unique, albeit time-consuming, strategy whereby you could identify broken links on other relevant websites and offer to replace them with your own. Since it’s a mutually beneficial offer, they have no reason to turn you down.

If you’re having trouble finding relevant broken links, hire link building services and have them take over the entire process.

4. Create Authoritative Content

It all comes full-circle with high-quality content. Give other industry stakeholders something to link back to by creating valuable resources like eBooks, comprehensive guides, and case studies. These assets stand on their own and naturally attract backlinks.

Recommended Read: How to Write Quality SEO Content and Optimize It for Search Engines

Common Link Building Challenges And How You Can Address Them

custom illustration shows assembling missing puzzle pieces in a link building strategy

Link building is rewarding, but it isn’t easy to implement. Nearly 41% of SEO experts believe it’s one of the most challenging parts of search engine optimization.

Here’s how they might address the following problems.

Challenge #1: Lack of Resources

Small businesses have finite resources; their marketing budget and time might be limited. Link building is a small part of this budget, but there are many ways to implement it, and not all are guaranteed to work.

Solution: Invest the resources you have into cost-effective strategies. Work with SEO experts and hire professional link building services to ensure perfect execution. You can submit guest blogs to relevant websites containing links to your website in the content or author’s bio.

You can also generate organic traffic for your website by sharing content on social media and engaging with followers in the comments section.

Lastly, you may collaborate with complementary small businesses that aren’t your direct competitors and social media influencers. Google doesn’t allow link exchange, but you can still reciprocate relevant links with your collaborators.

Challenge #2: Finding Relevant and Authoritative Websites

To earn backlinks, you must find websites that are:

  1. Not your direct competitors
  2. Relevant to your business
  3. Authoritative, and have the domain authority score to prove it.

The above might seem like a tall order for small businesses.

Solution: For the first part, you can visit competitors’ websites and search for non-competing resources in their content.

For the second part, you could look up relevant keywords on several online tools like the Google Keyword Planner and scan resource lists to identify relevant websites.

For the third part, you can look up websites that accept guest posts on industry directories. These directories usually state the domain authority score of a website, so you can easily filter out domains with a DA score below 60.

Related Read: Guest Blogging Goldmine for Lawyers

Challenge #3: Connecting with Site Owners and Influencers AKA Outreach

custom illustration depicting people connected via social platforms

Establishing connections with site owners and popular social media influencers is a common problem, with a simple solution: approach them like your target audience.

Solution: Write personalized outreach emails expressing your interest in a collaboration. You could take this further by listing your objectives (read mutual benefits).

You can pitch a post or draft a well-crafted one and share it with the site owners or influencers. It will add value and improve your chances of getting a positive response.

Networking is an oldie but a goodie. Try attending industry events like trade fairs. These events usually have social media influencers and professionals from your industry. Put yourself out there—you don’t have to pitch your content immediately. Build a rapport, and only then should you propose a collaboration.

When it comes to social media platforms, relevant hashtags is the key. Start by searching for hashtags that are relevant to your industry or niche. This could include product categories, event names, trends, or industry jargon. This will give you a list of posts where the hashtags have been used. Start engaging with the posts; this includes liking, commenting, sharing, or retweeting the posts. When commenting, try to add value by asking a question or sharing a thoughtful opinion or insight.

Use these hastags in your own posts to make them discoverable for your target audience. Don’t be afraid to join the conversation to get your name out there.

Challenge #4: Adapting to The Changing SEO Landscape

Google last made broad changes to its search algorithm on March 22, 2023; this is the current year’s third and most recent update. If you had a website in 2022, you’d know that the search engine changed its algorithm 18 times! How is your link building strategy to cope with this ever-evolving system?

Solution: The more link building tactics you utilize, the better you can cope with Google’s algorithmic changes. Of course, this goes without saying that hiring a backlink building service can take this task off your plate while you focus on improving and upscaling your products or services.

Plus, no matter how the SEO landscape changes, it would always appreciate a natural link profile i.e., acquiring a diverse mix of different types of links at a steady pace. It’s better to have a few of those instead of associating yourself with scores of spammy or irrelevant websites.

Outsource Content Creation to Generate Backlink Material

As a business owner, you might be the authority on your products and/or services, but does that expertise translate to link-worthy content?

Creating seamless, engaging, and SEO-optimized content is a time-consuming task, and that is only one aspect of link building. Add regular link building audits, keeping tabs on Google’s algorithm changes, and influencer marketing to the mix, all while running your business.

Sounds overwhelming? Hire link building and content marketing services which adapt to search engine updates for a living and have the industry insights to create authoritative content.

Take your small business to new heights in no time with professional link building.

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Top 3 Link Building Mistakes To Avoid in 2023 Fri, 09 Jun 2023 16:37:24 +0000 Link building, the unsung hero of SEO strategies, is like the superhero that helps search engines like Google discover and rank web pages on those elusive SERPs. It’s like Spider-Man swinging through the digital realm, connecting pages together with a web of hyperlinks. By hiring professional link building services, you can create a strategy that […]

The post Top 3 Link Building Mistakes To Avoid in 2023 appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Link building, the unsung hero of SEO strategies, is like the superhero that helps search engines like Google discover and rank web pages on those elusive SERPs. It’s like Spider-Man swinging through the digital realm, connecting pages together with a web of hyperlinks.

By hiring professional link building services, you can create a strategy that can be a collaborative effort, which includes affiliate marketing, or it can focus on generating links in a more organic way through value-added content.

The result? Your page gets the ultimate power boost, propelling it to higher rankings.

Remember, it’s not just about quantity but quality too. The higher the quality of hyperlinks on your page, the more likely it is to skyrocket up the search.

But watch out for the lurking traps and pitfalls that can derail your link building. Stay tuned as we help you navigate the SEO landscape like a Jedi master and achieve online greatness.

May the links be with you!

The Significance of Link Building

41% of marketers believe that link building services are the toughest aspect of SEO to crack—and they’re not wrong.

But when it’s done right, the benefits you reap are nothing short of incredible.

Did you know that the number #1 ranking page on Google has 3.8x more backlinks than those ranking lower?

That should tell you just how impactful a well-designed link building strategy can be.

Link building allows you to improve your brand awareness and garner credibility and authority in your industry. It also helps you increase traffic to your website.


  • Helps web pages rank higher in search engine results
  • Attracts more visitors to your website
  • Enhances website’s authority and trustworthiness
  • Earns traffic from other websites linking to you
  • Raises brand awareness and online presence
  • Fosters relationships with key influencers and industry peers
  • Improves perception of your brand’s reliability and expertise
  • Potentially leads to higher conversion rates and sales

Recommended Read: The Impact of Link Building Services on Domain Authority and Trustworthiness

But while hiring a link building service can have an incredible impact on your overall SEO strategy for the better, there are certain mistakes that you will want to avoid in 2023.

Keep reading as we break it down for you.

Top 3 Link Building Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Here are some critical mistakes that you want to keep an eye out for as you tweak your link building strategy for success in 2023.

1. Repeating Or Reusing Anchor Text Throughout Your Pages

An anchor text is a clickable text within a hyperlink that serves as a signal to search engines by providing contextual information about the linked page.

It’s essential to diversify your anchor text strategy—even Google says so:

You may have seen or used anchor text phrases like “click here,” “the website,” or even longer phrases that include the keyword and useless text along with it. They’re not exactly the strongest uses of anchor text because they tend to provide little no context or information as to what the page is about, what readers will find there, and why it’s adding to the knowledge you’re already providing.

A good anchor text is organic, has a purpose, and is varied.

Let’s break down these buzzwords:

An organic anchor text fits naturally with the context of the content and doesn’t seem like it’s been forcefully inserted there just for the sake of it.

A purposeful or relevant anchor text gives the audience a clear idea of what to expect when they click on the link. For example, if the link leads to an article about “SEO best practices,” the anchor text could be something like “SEO best practices guide”.

Variation in anchor texts is key. A diverse range of anchor texts amplifies your link building efforts as you incorporate different keyword variations, brand names, and generic phrases. This diversity not only appears more natural to search engines but also caters to a broader range of user search intents. It’s a win-win.

Try a mix of different kinds of anchor text that fit these parameters to reap the real benefits of link building.

Here’s a good example: This is how a simple statistic was used as a backlink to a high-quality, credible medical study on one of our client’s websites:

Source: TOPS Surgical Specialty Hospital Blog Post:

The anchor text is contextual to the subject, sharing an insight into the numbers, i.e., 18%–26% of adults, while the link is:

2. Buying Bad Links And Not Removing Toxic Links

As part of our backlink building services, we run a complete backlink audit to evaluate the quality and efficacy of your current strategy. This helps us identify bad or toxic links and paid links that do very little for your business.

Not removing toxic links is detrimental to your rankings because they’re often connected to poor quality websites, including scammy platforms with zero regulation or editorial control.

They’re typically connected to mirrored pages that use the same anchor text repeatedly and have low domain authority and trust scores. Having too many of these links will not only tank your SERP ranking but could also lead to the removal of your page from search engine listings altogether.

Since these links are identified through two algorithms, there’s very little wiggle room to convince Google to change its mind. Additionally, Google has people working at the backend to identify and evaluate spammy content links to take action based on their findings.

Here’s how we helped one of our clients, A to Z Pediatrics, get rid of toxic links. One of the first things our audit revealed was the poor quality backlinks they had, and our team not only diversified their reach but chose higher-authority domains to get the job done.

Ultimately this jump from 76 backlinks to 195 led to a 132% increase in web actions.

It’s through an extensive backlink audit and custom strategies that we’re able to boost your rankings and create a more effective online presence. Our team will deploy a wide range of strategies to generate more traction and redirect readers to your website.

The higher quality sources and strategic use of backlinks will also minimize bounce back rates which range between 41 and 55% on average, and encourage users to spend more time on your site.

Recommended Read: A Quick 8 Step Backlink Audit Guide

3.  Developing Low-Quality Content That Isnt Worth Linking To

Many business owners make the mistake of rushing through link-building activities and generating far too many links without much thought.

It’s not just the number of links you have but also the quality that impacts your rankings. Many websites are penalized for using low-quality links or releasing far too many links in a matter of weeks, leading to additional scrutiny.

But what does content quality have to do with the quality or quantity of your backlinks?

Simply put, if your website lacks engaging, meaningful, and value-added content or information, you could get all the backlinks in the world and still not retain an audience.

Visitors are looking to learn more and gain something from your website. So if you’re unable to provide them with that, they will leave your website even if they’ve visited your page from top-notch platforms. You need to work on page copy, layouts, media, products and services, and SEO content like on-site blogs and articles.

All of this ties in with your wider back linking strategy.

You need a clearly thought-out, personalized approach that helps target specific domains, websites, and platforms and brings you closer to the kind of content you wish to generate.

According to sources, blogging impacts the ability to get quality backlinks by 97%, making it one of the most important approaches in your strategy.

That’s precisely what our professional link building services will deliver. Take a look at another clients strategy for an overview:

Catcem’s link building strategy was diversified in multiple ways, primarily through web directories where custom content is created and published.

Our experts review your industry, business, and goals to tailor a strategy to get your business recognized on SERPs.

We use guest blogs and posts, articles for web directories, infographics, and other forms of content that generate more leads and create stronger outbound and inbound links. The content is research-based, engaging, and focused on your clients’ user intent, your business’s aims and objectives, and your general SEO strategy.

Remember, high-quality content drives traffic and is the perfect tool for organic link building. Our backlink building service also analyzes, tracks, and processes data from your backlinks to see what further actions we need and how we can leverage content more effectively.

Let’s Build Links That Get You Noticed

Improve your backlinking strategy by hiring our link building services.

At Global-marketing Inc., we specialize in a range of methods and techniques that improve your webpage quality by building a cohesive range of backlinks.

From launching your presence onto third-party directories to identifying and approaching high-domain authority posting sites, we’ll ensure that your strategy is free of these grave mistakes.

Don’t wait around to get the ball rolling—link up with us today to get started!


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Link Building for Contractors: Best Practices to Maximize SEO Benefits Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:35:22 +0000 Link building is when a website includes a link to one of your web pages—a backlink—in its SEO content. The more high-quality backlinks you earn, the more visitors you will likely get through those third-party websites. This increase in traffic won’t go unnoticed by Google and other search engines. At this point, they will see you […]

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Link building is when a website includes a link to one of your web pages—a backlink—in its SEO content. The more high-quality backlinks you earn, the more visitors you will likely get through those third-party websites.

This increase in traffic won’t go unnoticed by Google and other search engines. At this point, they will see you as an authority and a helpful resource in your line of work.

Link building can prove to be a cost-effective way for contractors to expand their local reach, and improve their online presence while working with a set marketing budget.

A professional link building service or a dedicated SEO for Contractors package can help you do all this and more.

Link Building: The Key To Enhanced Brand Visibility

Link building can help contractors expand their brand visibility by getting their website and brand mentioned on various reputable platforms. When other websites link to your content or mention your brand, it increases brand recognition and awareness among your target audience.

Now let’s apply the quality vs. quantity argument to link building strategies. When your content is helpful, it naturally earns backlinks, ideally by high-traffic websites.

When it isn’t helpful, you could obtain low-quality backlinks en masse through alternative means. However, like content, Google would rather you earn ten high-quality links than borrow, buy, or barter 100 low-quality links.

9 Strategies for Earning High-Quality Backlinks

A backlink building service can pave the way to valuable networking opportunities and potential collaborations. Building relationships with other professionals in the field can open doors to new business prospects and expand your network.

What’s more, it directly contributes to your SEO efforts by improving the ranking of your web pages.

Here’s a video that offers more insight into backlinks:

In a nutshell, contractors no longer have to only rely on word of mouth to promote their services.

Here’s the recipe for a winning backlinking strategy that drives results:

1. Find Your Keywords

Keyword research is a tried, tested, proven strategy among contractors who went digital during the pandemic’s heydays. When you incorporate words your target audience is typing in their search bar, other high-quality websites can find and add links from your website.

Free tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest are great starting points for keyword research. You can also take this a step forward with local SEO and rank for keywords used in the areas where you provide your services. Localizing your search will give you a competitive edge in the market.

2. Reevaluate Your Linking Strategy

Meet link spam, also known as a Google pet peeve. It includes everything, from buying backlinks to adding an unnatural number of outbound links to the content.

Linking to lots of non-competitive websites signals your site as link spam to Google’s algorithm.

Consider the following relevancy factors before adding outbound links:

  • Topic Relevancy: Is the topic of the content on the other website in any way relevant to your content, especially the word or phrase you’re linking it to? If yes, go ahead. If not, steer clear!
  • Website Authority: You must be aware of the domain authority, i.e., how authoritative a website is in your industry, before associating yourself with its content. Low domain authority makes for a low-quality outbound link.

Recommended Read: How to Find Link Building Opportunities

3. Create Helpful Content

The next step is to create high-quality and well-researched content your audience is looking for.

The first order of business is to create relevant content.

Create informative and engaging content that satisfies your target audience’s search intent. What kind of information is your audience looking for when searching for contracting services? Quality content is more likely to attract backlinks naturally, as other websites find it valuable and worth referencing.

Watch the following video to learn what Google wants to see in your content.

Recommended Read:  Real-Time SEO Content Writing: A 7-Step Process for Everyone

4. Invest in Mobile SEO

Google has started prioritizing websites with a mobile version over those with only the desktop version. If your website is optimized for smart devices, it’s likely to rank on SERPs.

Look up the mobile-optimized version of E&M Shore Construction Inc on your cellphone. Better yet, type “contractor in Bay Ridge Brooklyn” in the search bar; the website should be visible in the top results. Its visibility increases its chances of earning backlinks.

Recommended Read: The Importance of Mobile SEO for Contractors

5. Initiate Guest Blogging Campaigns

Write and submit your blogs to authoritative and industry-specific third-party websites. Follow the tenets of helpful and high-quality content. Finally, don’t forget to include one backlink to your website or socials in the content or author bio and state your name in the byline.

Recommended Read: What is Guest Blogging and How to Get Started with it?

The following websites accept guest posts by contractors and have a high enough domain authority to pass Google’s stringent link building rules.

6. Consider Broken Link Building

Dead or broken link building is an outreach approach. You approach other non-competing websites within your industry and offer to replace the broken links in their content with a working link to your website.

Since you are non-competitors and the broken link isn’t doing their ranks much good, they will see this as a valuable opportunity. You, on the other hand, will gain a shiny brand-new backlink from an authoritative stakeholder.

7. Write to the Resource Page Owners

Compile a list of resource pages whose content and links are relevant to your industry. Pitch your content and ideas to the owners and moderators of these websites. If they like your content and believe it will make a valuable addition to their domain, they will reward you with a backlink.

Recommended Read: Manual Link Building Tips

8. Invest in Social Media Promotion

Your industry has as significant a social media presence as any. Attract link building opportunities by promoting and sharing your content across social media platforms. Create engaging posts and reply to your audience’s comments once they respond to your prompts.

You can also connect with influencers and offer to sponsor their content in exchange for promoting your services; they are always open to mentioning your website in sponsored posts and videos.

Recommended Read: How Small Business Owners Can Boost Their Online Presence

9. Stay on Top with Link Reclamation

Link reclamation is when you reach out to a website owner, asking them to add a link to your website. The practice is limited to content where your brand name is mentioned without a corresponding link.

You can easily create a Google Alert for your brand, name, and other related nouns. That way, Google will let you know when they pop up, and you can check whether or not they feature a backlink to your website.

Hire Link Building Services to Be the Go-to Contractor in Your Area

Do you want to direct organic traffic to your site without incurring additional advertising costs? Do you need help marketing an expansion of operations beyond your primary location? The word on the street can only go so far.

Hire Global-marketing Inc.’s link building services to earn high-quality backlinks and disavow low-quality links. With SEO for Contractors, you can perform an end-to-end SEO audit and assessment of your website, perform a competitor analysis, research keywords, and more.

Build and maintain your online presence with a professional link building service today!

The post Link Building for Contractors: Best Practices to Maximize SEO Benefits appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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