Guest Blogging Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Mon, 29 Apr 2024 11:54:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Expand Networking Reach in New York with Guest Blogging Fri, 08 Sep 2023 09:00:37 +0000 Struggling to expand your networking reach in New York? Learn more about how guest post writing services can help!

The post How to Expand Networking Reach in New York with Guest Blogging appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..


With over million potential customers in New York, there’s a good chance for your business to make it in The Big Apple or its surrounding areas. The only problem though? The competition is fierce than ever. So, unless you’re seizing every opportunity both in the offline and online space, you’ll lose out.

When it comes to marketing your products or services online, Search Engine Optimization is a no-brainer. Professional SEO services in New York can help you drive targeted traffic to your business by positioning you in the top ranks in search engine result pages.

Recommended Read: A Step-by-Step On-Page SEO Guide: Dominate Search Rankings in 2023

Guest blogging is an off-page SEO activity that involves creating and publishing content on external websites, and within that content, you often include backlinks to your own website. Thereby, driving the traffic to your site and business.

services basically help set you apart from the competition by establishing your brand as a thought leader in the industry, which is exactly what you need to survive in New York’s dynamic business landscape.

Recommended Read: How

But before we dive into it headfirst, let’s cover the basics.

1. Understanding Strategic Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is more than just about creating top-notch content to improve online visibility; it involves strategic planning, relationship building, and careful alignment with other marketing objectives.

When you opt for professional guest blogging services, you’re pretty much choosing a calculated content marketing approach that can help you generate real traffic. And that’s exactly what you need in the competitive online space in New York.

1.1 What Exactly Is Strategic Guest Blogging and How Does It Work

Let’s break down guest blogging or guest posting and all that it entails:

Well, in the simplest terms, guest blogging is the practice of contributing high-quality articles to specific guest posting sites relevant to your industry where your target audience hangs out.

Think of it as sharing your expertise at a grand networking event, but in the digital world. It’s your way of making a memorable impression and showing that you’re the go-to person for valuable insights.

Here’s what goes into it:

  • Top-Notch Research and Targeting:

Establishing yourself as an authority naturally means the content should be well-researched, updated and the title should be trending.

Most often than not, businesses hire blogger outreach services like ours. This allows them to channel their energy into sales, while our skilled native writers handle content creation. These writers are usually from diverse industries, well-versed in industry jargon and proficient in crafting compelling guest blogs.

  • Coming Up with Relevant Topics

The first step is to do keyword research, which involves identifying relevant keywords (or phrases) that your target audience uses when searching for information related to your industry. These keywords help you understand the language your audience uses and the topics they’re interested in.

The keywords are then naturally incorporated in the blog content in order to drive traffic to your guest post from search engines.

The guest blogs should address your audience’s pain points. It can then lead to a genuine solution in the form of your products or services.


A company offering financial services can work on a guest blog titled, “Tax Planning 101: A Step-By-Step Guide to File Your Taxes in New York.”This guest blog will be written by an expert tax advisor and the target audience for this blog title would primarily consist of individuals and small business owners in New York.

Similarly, a skincare clinic could work on a guest blog titled, “Aging Like Fine Wine: What Your Skincare Routine Should Look Like Post 40.”This guest blog will provide skincare tips tailored to a specific age group.

  • Strategic Self-Promotion

When you’re posting blogs on your own website, there’s plenty of room for self-promotion. But when you’re creating guest blogs for third-party sites, you have to be strategic about promoting your products or services. This is because your main goal here is to provide value and inform the reader.

Most guest posting sites have clear instructions on the number of self-promotional links that you can include. It usually ranges between 1 and 3.

The “About the Author” section at the end of your guest post gives an opportunity to the author to connect with the readers and establish credibility.

For example:

“The author of this blog is a seasoned financial expert with over 15 years of experience in tax planning and financial management. He has a track record of helping institutions and individuals navigate New York’s complex tax landscape.

By day, he untangles financial knots; by night, he’s a foodie exploring the city’s culinary treasures. For more tax tips and tales, visitors can swing by John’s corner of the web:”

You can also choose to write the About The Author section in first person, where the author directly addresses the reader using “I” and “me” and use a more personal and conversational tone.

1.2 Establishing Yourself As a Thought Leader

One of the most important goals of guest blogging is to establish yourself as an authority and a go-to source of expertise in a particular field.

By leveraging the right guest posting services, you can tap into the existing audience of the hosting website. These readers are likely interested in the same topics you’re discussing. By reaching this new audience, you increase your visibility and potential followers, helping you build a community of people who respect and value your insights.

For example, check out the following screenshot from Mashable that shows guest blogs written by Ekaterina Walter.

Mashable, a popular guest-blogging site, showing guest blogs by Ekaterina Walter, the social media strategist for Intel

Even though Walter works for Intel, she has built her own reputation as a successful guest blogger and social media celebrity. As a result, Ekaterina links to her own personal blog, but also engages with readers via comments where she frequently mentions Intel and how much she enjoys working there. This brings credibility to the company’s name.What’s more, it leads to connections with other industry influencers, writers, and professionals. Engaging in conversations around your guest posts opens doors for collaboration, speaking engagements, and other opportunities that contribute to your thought leadership journey.

2. Identifying Suitable Guest Blogging Opportunities

The platform you choose often dictates the success of your guest blogging journey.

The simplest way to identify these platforms is to reach out to blogger outreach services in New York. These providers often have established relationships with other influencers, bloggers, and content creators. This gives you access to a wider range of opportunities for guest blogging, and beyond.

However, if you’d like to take the longer route, make sure to follow this checklist.

  • Research your niche
  • Use search engines to find relevant websites looking for guest contributors.
  • Once you find platforms, shortlist them based on quality and relevant of the existing content on their website.
  • Make sure to aim for platforms with higher domain authority (DA).
  • Websites with a DA of 70 or higher are considered authoritative and influential in their industry.
  • Guest posting on platforms with DA 40-69) can still yield valuable backlinks and help you reach a wider audience.
  • Lower Authority websites (DA 1-39) might not have the same level of influence; they can still provide an opportunity to target specific audiences. Just ensure they have a quality readership.
  • Check if the platform allows guest authors to have a bio with a link back to their own website or social media.
  • Review submission guidelines.
  • Create well-researched pitches that include unique guest posting ideas tailored for each platform

2.1 Top Guest Posting Sites Based on Your Niche

Technology/Marketing HubSpot
Search Engine Journal
Business/Entrepreneurship Forbes
Inc. Company
Health/Fitness Healthline
Travel Lonely Planet
Nomadic Matt
The Points Guy
Fashion/Beauty Fashionista
Who What Wear
The Zoe Report
Food/Cooking Food52
Taste of Home
Personal Finance NerdWallet
The Penny Hoarder
Get Rich Slowly

3. Guest Blogging Content: Exploring The What, How and Why

 a concept illustration of a person typing on a keyboard to achieve various objectives

Content is truly king when it comes to guest blogging. You can’t expect your guest blogging efforts to work unless your content truly holds value for your readers.

This is typically why guest post writing services are provided by niche experts and not regular content writers. They ensure your content reflects knowledge and expertise, especially in a dynamic locality like New York.

3.1 What Should Your Content Look Like

We’ve talked enough about how important it is for your guest blog to be well-written. But what does that entail exactly?

Well, to be precise, well-written content should be relevant, original, well-structured, free of grammatical errors, value-adding and informative, yet engaging and easy to read.

It also needs to have a great headline and plenty of visuals to drive the point home.

4. Building Relationships with Industry Influencers

Fostering relationships with industry influencers is a gradual process that involves several steps before you’re even offered any collaborative opportunities.

Here’s how you can go about it:

Identify Influencers: Do your homework and find the key influencers in your industry. Not sure what you’re looking for? Well, check for existing guest posts/leadership articles in your industry with a great following.

Follow and Engage: Create a genuine connection by engaging with their social media content. Follow them on different platforms and like, comment and share whatever they post.

Reach Out: As soon as you identify a possible collaboration opportunity, reach out with a personalized message. Start by complimenting their work and then pitch your guest blog idea explaining clearly how it aligns with their target audience.

Offer Value: Make sure that your pitch has potential and value for their readers.

4.1 Networking Through Content

Once you connect with an influencer, keep in mind that there are several ways to network through content.

For starters, there are content collaborations in the form of co-authored articles.

Additionally, you could look into interviews with industry influencers. They are a great way to showcase their expertise while strengthening your connection with them.

4.2 Maximizing Social Media Engagement

Guest blogging and social media engagement  can work together to enhance your online presence.

When you publish a guest post on another platform, you can promote it on your social media channels.

Don’t stop there; connect with the platform’s audience through comments on your guest post and social media shares.

Here are some other tips:

  • Repurpose elements of your guest posts into various content formats (text, images, videos, infographics etc.
  • Create teasers with eye-catching snippets from the article to generate interest.
  • Use relevant hashtags to broaden the reach.
  • Discuss the possibility of cross promotions with the host-website.

4.3 Encouraging Shares and Comments

Your guest post is an excellent opportunity to engage with your audience, but they’ll need a little encouragement.

Invite the readers for a discussion in the comments in your guest blog. What’s more, engage with the respondents. Show that you value their input and answer their questions.

5. Creating Guest Blogs for A Local Audience

Silhouettes of people shaking hands in a city

Now that you know how guest blogging services help with growing your network, make sure your guest blogging efforts are geared toward networking reach in New York, i.e., your target area.

This essentially means you have to ensure your content resonates with New Yorkers’ preferences, culture and interests. This approach will help you appear more relevant, and provide value for your local readers.

5.1 Add New York-Specific Trends and Insights

So how does one factor in a specific state and its nuances into a guest blog? Well, for a diverse place like New York, there’s no easy answer to this. For starters, you’ll have to stay updated with all the latest events and trends in New York.

Also, it would really help if you choose guest blog writers that speak the lingo. Nothing resonates better with an audience than their own phrases, anecdotes, and references.

5.2. Show-Off Your Understanding of New York’s Cultural and Business Landscape

Another thing that should be evident from your guest blogs is your understanding of the local business scene and culture. Try to include cultural insights and local stories.

A sure shot, of course, is to connect and collaborate with local influencers for your guest posts. They will add authenticity and depth to your content.

Make The Most of SearchBerg’s Professional Guest Blogging Services

Guest blogging requires a lot of time and effort, but it goes a long way in establishing your authority in the industry.

Outsourcing guest blogging tasks allows you to focus on core business activities, while experts handle content creation, outreach, and submission processes.

Global-marketing Inc. offers guest blogging and posting services in New York by industry-renowned guest blog writers. Our blogger outreach services combined with services might be just what you need to take your business to the next level!

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Guest Posting 101: Proven Tactics to Boost Your Brand’s Visibility in 2023 Wed, 19 Jul 2023 10:15:22 +0000 One of the most criminally underrated SEO strategies to build your brand’s credibility is guest posting. Why?It can significantly boost your brand’s visibility in 2023 by strategically placing your content on authoritative websites within your niche. This not only enhances your brand’s reputation but also drives targeted traffic to your own website, resulting in improved search engine rankings and […]

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One of the most criminally underrated SEO strategies to build your brand’s credibility is guest posting.

Why?It can significantly boost your brand’s visibility in 2023 by strategically placing your content on authoritative websites within your niche. This not only enhances your brand’s reputation but also drives targeted traffic to your own website, resulting in improved search engine rankings and organic growth.

A staggering 34.6% of bloggers publish 1-5 guest posts a month to help build their brands, while only a small percentage (3%) do 25 or more.

The sweet spot truly depends on your business or brand’s goals and what you want to get out of your guest posting strategy—which is what our guest posting services will talk about today.

Be Our Guest—or Let Us Be Yours

70% of consumers prefer blogs to ads—which is saying a lot. This means that your audience wants to read content, gain value and insight from your materials, and take a credible authority’s word on relevant matters.

Instead of searching for experts and persuading them to try your brand, service, product, or company, as well as obtaining backlinks and publishing high-quality content on reputable websites with high domain authority, there’s a simpler option available. You can outsource your guest blog services to our team of experts.

By doing so, you’ll be able to take advantage of the top-rated strategies and highly effective tactics that we’re about to share with you.

1. Identify A Niche And Work It

When writing guest posts, it’s important to work on finding your niche and working a particular angle. This is one of the most effective strategies to work on in 2023 because it allows you to focus on your area of expertise more deeply and avoid spreading yourself too thin.

As part of our expert guest blogging work, we’re able to create highly-specialized content on subjects you focus on, including services, products, industries, and more. When readers explore guest blogs, they’re looking for content that goes above the average cut. They want expert opinions, top-notch research, unique insights, and material that appeals to their sensibilities, which is why your content needs to be immaculate.

Direct resources and effort into carving out your own niche and specialty, whether it’s focusing on digital marketing for your industry, décor advice based on your clientele’s expectations, or analyzing industry trends.

An excellent case study of this is our long-term client Education Long Finance (ELFI), whose company we’ve written highly specialized guest posts for. Rather than focusing on their services as private lenders, we created a diverse content strategy talking about debt, debt management, and repayment, the pros and cons of educational loans, and more.

The result? 73% increase in visibility and strong connections with 16 publishers. You can see some of the unique titles and expert posts that our guest blog writers created for them:

A list of all the guest posts published for ELFI.

2. Move Away From Time-Sensitive Content 

While being relevant is important, one thing we’re no longer doing in 2023 is creating time-sensitive guest post content.

This is simply because:

  • You don’t have control over the publishing period, and when your post goes up
  • You want your content to stay evergreen and stay consistently relevant and engaging.

The idea isn’t just to release a clickbait post that generates buzz and traffic but dies down when trends change—you can save that for on-site blogs and news pieces. Guest posts need to remain as relevant in 2030 as they are in 2023, and what you state in them should be fundamentally true and high-quality.

A graphic depicting the benefits of evergreen content

The idea is for your guest post to be so credible and authoritative that no passage of time will discredit that information or make it outdated and irrelevant to your readers. It’s definitely challenging and requires in-depth knowledge of your industry—but that’s where our research skills come into play alongside your firsthand knowledge.

Recommended Read: Why Your Guest Blogging Strategy is Failing

3. Look Beyond Domain Authority

While domain authority (DA) is arguably the most fundamental factor in choosing which website to publish content, it’s not the only one.

You should look at websites that generally publish high-quality content from expert writers, have a wide range of categories related to your field and line of work, and of course, enhance your branding.

You might want to aim high for platforms like Yahoo!, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and other big names related to your industry—but there are also dozens of others.

Our in-house guest posting services will take care of that aspect for you, identifying websites that tick off all the big boxes that you’re looking for, from DA to relevance to categories.

Your brand needs to connect with the website where you post for it to be most impactful—if it doesn’t, it won’t drive traffic to your website.

A custom graphic of a person using a computer to browse a list

Recommended Read: Revealed! Guest Posting Insights From Industry Insiders

4. Diversify Your Guest Blog Content 

You should aim to diversify the kind of guest blog content that you put out and focus on a variety of approaches.

Don’t just limit yourself to industry experts sharing analyses of trends. Try to expand your content style to include affiliate content, bloggers and influencers, tutorials, educational writing, and other material that helps generate greater value and interest.

This allows you to establish your brand as a definitive authority across multiple domains and show that different types of experts entrust your company and vouch for your brand, allowing the readers to get more out of it.

The more diverse your guest post creation strategy, the more diverse your inbound traffic will be, and our blogger outreach services are perfect for this purpose!

In addition to the style of your guest blogs, diversify the type of topics you choose. Think about How-To Guides, Case Studies, Ultimate Guides, and Thought Leadership Posts that define your authority.

Here’s a brief video on how to ensure that your guest blog pitch will hit a home run and get your content published on the website of your choice:

5. Be Sure To Engage With Your Own Guest Posts And Blogs

Writing and publishing the guest post is only half of the battle. It’s not just a one-and-done attempt where it’s published and sent into the void. You must engage with your own guest posts and blogs in 2023.

You have to keep tracking it to see how people respond and react to it, what the general feedback is, what comments are saying, and work to generate comments on it too. It may seem forced and inorganic to leave comments on your own guest posts, but that’s where you can outsource guest posting services to companies like ours.

Our dedicated experts create content and viable personas, allowing you to leave comments, share feedback and critique, and rate the content quality.

It’s a great way to see what readers are thinking, utilize their recommendations and feedback, and make the most out of your work.

 A simple guide to leaving quality comments on blog posts

Focusing on the quality of comments can play a major role in boosting engagement and extending the reach and impact of your guest posts. It shows the readers that you’re interested in their thoughts and that your brand is making a concerted effort to implement them in their work.

Additionally, repost published guest posts onto your socials to generate buzz, get people excited, and create a loop for backlinking and traffic generation. Who would want to miss out on the additional publicity, even if it’s a third-party platform?

Make an Impact with the Right Guest Posting Strategy

Global-marketing Inc.’s guest posting services remain unparalleled. We’re here to build your backlink strategy, establish you as an authority, and help your brand gain recognition in the most impactful way.

Using these tactics, our team will create fully-customized strategies to improve the quality of guest posts and blogs for your brand and use expert insights from leading content writers to get the job done.

Be our guest—we’ll treat you right.

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Guest Blogging Goldmine for Lawyers: Expand Your Reach & Reputation Wed, 19 Apr 2023 15:46:21 +0000 Lawyers must network to get their name out there. They must build relationships to become visible to a new audience, who, in turn, drive more clients to their law firm through word-of-mouth. News flash: That’s precisely what guest blogging does! Just replace “audience” with “traffic” and make it do all the work. You can use the […]

The post Guest Blogging Goldmine for Lawyers: Expand Your Reach & Reputation appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Guest Posting

Lawyers must network to get their name out there. They must build relationships to become visible to a new audience, who, in turn, drive more clients to their law firm through word-of-mouth.

News flash: That’s precisely what guest blogging does!

Just replace “audience” with “traffic” and make it do all the work. You can use the strategy to become a thought leader and earn a backlink to your firm’s website or social media platforms.

Let’s introduce a brief blow-by-blow of the creative guest blogging process.

What is Guest Blogging

A guest blog is created by you but posted on relevant third-party websites. As a rule of thumb, these websites should have the following:

  • A high domain authority.
  • Moderators should accept guest posts from lawyers.
  • State your name in the byline.
  • Link back to your firm’s website or social media platform.

The following websites tick all of the above boxes. They let you maximize the benefits of search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing.

Read More: Proven Link Building Tactics to Boost Your Law Firm’s SEO

Google’s Stance on Guest Posting

Google’s stance on guest blogging has remained unchanged since 2017. The search engine doesn’t penalize guest posts seeking to inform, educate, and increase awareness of your company, message, and services.

However, it does penalize the following:

1. Similar Content

Suppose you asked eight websites to host your blog and got an affirmative from all eight; that doesn’t mean you should post the same content on all eight websites.

Google is smart at sniffing out similar content across multiple websites, especially if it also has the misfortune of being poorly written, researched, and unnaturally hyperlinked.

2. Absence of “nofollow”

Google wants you to clarify your relationship with links pointing to another website by adding the attribute rel=” nofollow” to the link’s code.

You must do the same for paid guest posts, except instead of nofollow, you’ll use rel=” sponsored”.

By adopting nofollow, you’re essentially saying that you aren’t using the site for SEO reasons—Spoiler alert: You totally are. It’s just that Google doesn’t have a good reason to penalize you.

3. Not Labeling Guest Blogs

Not labeling your content and making it appear like a host website’s internal content has twofold consequences.

Google ranks down unlabeled guest posts, but that’s nothing compared to the Federal Trade Commission, which metes out a maximum penalty of $43,792 for not labeling content-based ads.

Label your content like this guest post sponsored by Infolinks on Jeff Bullas to avoid these penalties.

How to Write an Amazing Guest Post

Guest post writing is different from blog writing. For starters, depending on the guest posting platform’s guidelines, it should have at least 800-1000 words, contain images, and be written with the following considerations.

1. Prioritize Informing Over Promoting

SEO is a byproduct of guest posting. Its primary goal is to educate the readers. Its secondary goal: to establish your legal expertise in the subject.

Reserve any information about your legal services for the author bio section, and don’t link to your law firm’s website or social media posts and stories unless it’s to prove a point.

3. Match the Format

Look up the format on the guest posting websites you plan to pitch your content. Take a look at this guest post from Above the Law. It has the following aspects:

  • A bold title
  • A subhead
  • A byline with the writer’s name
  • A single image aligned with the content
  • Several bold H2 headings

Match your content’s format with the one on the hosting site. As for the content, it should satisfy search intent and should be written for your target audience.

3. End with a Bang

Close your post with a call to action that is too hard to resist. You can link to your website here, but no more than once or twice (depending on the platform’s guidelines).

The link(s) shouldn’t overtly promote your legal services. Plus, you can always ask readers to leave a comment or close your post with a question to kick off a discussion in the comments section.

4. Add an Author Bio

Author bios should be clear and concise and explain what makes you a good authority on the content.

In other words, it should have your background, achievements, experiences, and a bit of what you’re up to today for a personal touch. Some authors also add a human element by talking about their personal interests and hobbies.

You may close the bio with a “Follow me on [Insert social media profile link].”  However, this depends on whether or not the guest posting platform allows it, and the total number of linkbacks you’re allowed to include.

And there you have it, folks! That’s an overview of what makes a high-ranking guest blog different from a low-ranking guest blog. Now, all that’s left is finding a lawyer or paralegal to take one for the team.

Don’t have one? Not a problem!

Global-marketing Inc.: The Ultimate Blogger Outreach Service for Lawyers

Global-marketing Inc. can be your leg up the Google SERPs—your gateway to more organic traffic and lead conversions. Avail our guest posting services for lawyers to build your client base.

You can focus on the legal matters and getting favorable outcomes, while our expert guest blog writers work on establishing you as an authority in the industry, and consequently help you grow your practice.

Use the best SEO practices to increase visibility and awareness through effective, penalty-free link building and content marketing.

Just say the word!

The post Guest Blogging Goldmine for Lawyers: Expand Your Reach & Reputation appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Unleash the Power of Guest Blogging for Dental Practices: Insider Tips and Tricks for Successful Outreach Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:22:36 +0000 If you want to use the sharpest tool in the link building shed, make a beeline for guest blogging. What exactly is guest blogging? Why is this technique considered a game-changer for dentists? If you run a dental clinic, how can guest blogs help you reach and convert more patients? Sit tight, we’re covering everything. Let’s understand […]

The post Unleash the Power of Guest Blogging for Dental Practices: Insider Tips and Tricks for Successful Outreach appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

If you want to use the sharpest tool in the link building shed, make a beeline for guest blogging.

  • What exactly is guest blogging?
  • Why is this technique considered a game-changer for dentists?
  • If you run a dental clinic, how can guest blogs help you reach and convert more patients?

Sit tight, we’re covering everything. Let’s understand the A-Z of guest blogging, build a wider clientele, and grow your practice.

We’ll also highlight the importance of hiring professional guest blogging services for crackerjack SERP rankings, high traffic, impressive conversions, and a pristine brand identity.

Let’s roll out the grand guest blogging plan!

I Want to Start with the Basics, What Is Guest Blogging?

If you run a small-to-medium dental clinic, chances are you haven’t exactly established a stellar online presence yet.

In 2023, your online footprint matters most. If a person has a toothache, the first thing they’ll do is hop on Google and run a quick “why does my tooth hurt” search. As they travel from blog to blog, they’ll eventually end up finding a local dentist, give them a call, and pay them a visit.

Google is the go-to facilitator of patient-to-dentist meetings. If you want to reach more patients, you should have one clear goal: ranking high on Google SERPs. This is where guest blogging enters the picture.

Since you’re just getting started with SEO, you haven’t climbed all the rungs of the ladder yet.

Other websites have.

Guest blogging is a terrific way to reap the benefits other websites enjoy. A guest blog is an article that’s written for another platform with high domain authority (DA). Why would you write for someone else? Because their reach, traffic, and conversions are way better than yours.

Think about it. If you write a dental guest blog for Healthline, your content will perform exceptionally well. Healthline has a DA score of 92, which is exceptionally high.

When you write for them, their visitors (and that’s a lot of visitors) will flock to your website. This is much, much better for your business than a blog posted on your own site.

Each guest blog includes a backlink towards the end. This is a hyperlink that takes readers back to your website.

A well-planned, well-written, optimized, and value-added guest blog is your golden ticket to great SERP rankings. Since Google trusts high-DA websites, their content actively circulates the top SERPs. It goes without saying that your guest blog will enjoy the same VIP treatment.

Once you start releasing a handful of high-quality guest blogs every month, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your SERP rankings, credibility, trustworthiness, and authoritativeness.

If you want to develop a better understanding of dentist SEO, the importance of dental backlinks, and what kind of links to target, read our last blog.

How Does Guest Blogging Help with Link Building?

There are many ways you can build backlinks. Guest blogging is one of them. Any time you write a guest blog for a high-DA website, you seal the deal with a shiny backlink that takes web users back to your website. At its very core, you’re building a backlink.

How Can I Write a Dental Guest Blog?

Many businesses make the mistake of handing over critical guest blogging tasks to their in-house team.

This may sound like a great idea on paper. You’ll end up saving money, and your team will sharpen its guest blogging skills. However, once you put this plan into practice, you’ll notice that your team isn’t qualified to achieve the results you’re expecting.

Dental guest blogging isn’t a walk in the park; it requires SEO and industry expertise. It must be done by experts who have experience in

a) discovering good guest blogging opportunities
b) crafting high-quality guest blogs
c) publishing the content
d) promoting the content
e) turning a one-time guest blogging opportunity into a long-time partnership.

When you turn to professional guest blog services, they’ll take care of all the legwork for you without cutting any corners.

The Recipe for Successful Guest Blogging Outreach

Guest blogging success is contingent on finding the right opportunities. Excellent blogger outreach will go a long way in helping you build strong partnerships that continue to benefit you in the long run.

Once you find the right platforms, you’re good to go; half of the work has been done. However, stumbling upon high-DA dental websites that accept guest blogs isn’t that easy. Once you check this box off the list, you also shoulder the responsibility of crafting the right email and submitting a power-packed guest blog that gets accepted.

We’ll walk you through the top insider tips and tricks for successful blogger outreach. Let’s get the ball rolling!

1. Turn to Google for Help

If you’re trying to rank on Google, why not turn to the mega platform itself? If you want to find relevant guest blogging opportunities, use the right string of words and phrases to whip up exciting results that actually get you somewhere.

Try these search queries:

  • Your keyword + “guest blog”
  • Your keyword + “guest post”
  • Your keyword + “guest post by”
  • Your keyword + “write for us”
  • Your keyword + “guest blog opportunities”
  • Your keyword + “guest article”
  • Your keyword + “contribute to us”
  • Your keyword + “contribute to our site
  • Your keyword + “contributing writer”
  • Your keyword + “contributing guest blog writer”
  • Your keyword + “guest blogs needed”

Catch our drift?

Use your primary keyword, e.g., “dentist in Alabama”, “dental clinic in Wisconsin”, “orthodontist in Arizona”, etc.

If you want to be a little extra nifty, try your hand at reverse engineering. Use a backlink checker tool (we use one at Global-marketing Inc.) to get a complete list of all the websites that have offered backlinks to your top competitors.

This is a great way to find excellent guest posting opportunities.

2. Research, Research, Research (& Then Some!)

If you want to reap the benefits of successful guest blogger outreach, put your research cap on (and don’t take it off).

Many businesses make the mistake of hastily sending in pitches without developing a good understanding of the company’s guest blogging requirements, products/services, philosophy, history, and goals.

Before you reach out to a website, you should have a good grasp of their business.

  • What kind of guest blogs are they looking for?
  • What are the submission instructions?
  • What should your pitch include?

Make sure you have clear answers to these questions before you proceed. If you fail to follow the basic instructions, your pitch, and submission will not be taken seriously.

Dental guest blogs are posted on healthcare platforms. The bar isn’t just high; it’s skyscraping. If you make small errors during the first leg of the process, you’ll leave a very poor impression on the approval team.

Take your time, research (and then some), and finally approach them once you know exactly what they’re looking for. Follow their requests to a tee. Everything from the requested format to the topic should be in line with their expectations, requirements, and preferences.

We also recommend taking a closer look at their published content before submitting your guest blog. For starters, make sure you’re not repeating a topic they’ve already covered. Moreover, your blog should closely resemble other blogs on the platform.

From the syntax to the structure to the language to the research, everything should be in line with what you find on the website itself.

Yes, you have room for experimentation. However, avoid deviating from the original style and format.

3. Always Provide Samples

This is where a lot of dental clinics mess up.

Samples are an untapped goldmine. Think about it. If you’re hiring a photographer, you’ll make it a point to explore their photography portfolio. If you’re working with an architect, you won’t proceed until you’ve seen a couple of their projects.

No matter which service you’re hiring, you’ll always feel compelled to look into their previous work to understand whether it aligns with your vision.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the company’s writing and research style, write 2–3 relevant articles that closely match their vision. This is a great way to show them that you’re capable of producing content that meets their requirements and fits their guest blogging set like a glove.

Make sure you proofread the samples and get rid of any grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax errors. Moreover, your content should read smoothly and swiftly without any hiccups. If your content is readable, engaging, value-added, and exciting, great, you’ve hit the jackpot.

Pro tip: If you don’t have guest blogging samples, create them! This is where guest blog posting services will come in handy. Let the experts take the reins and leave you with an impressive portfolio.

4. Learn From Rejection

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all your pitches were accepted without any hiccups?

Wonderful? Yes.

Realistic? Not quite.

A big portion of your submissions will get rejected; that’s just how the cookie crumbles. Now, many businesses make the critical mistake of using the same guest blogging recipe despite being turned down again (and again…and again).

There’s a reason why the cards aren’t falling into place. Learn from rejection and understand why your guest blogging efforts aren’t bearing fruit.

Lack of personalization is often the biggest reason behind rejection. High-DA guest blogging platforms receive hundreds of guest blogging requests every day. If your approach doesn’t stand out, it’ll start collecting dust with the rest of them.

Personalize your email as much as possible.

For starters, applaud the business for the work they’re doing. This is a great time to mention their accomplishments and appreciate everything they’re achieved so far.

This will show them that you’ve done your homework. You’re not just sending a guest blogging request for the sake of it; you actually enjoy the platform and know what they do, why they do it, and how they do it. This little trick will go a long way in turning a potential rejection into approval.

If you don’t hear back, don’t panic. Pitches get ignored all the time; there’s nothing wrong with that.

In some cases, editors don’t write back because they’re not interested. This is your cue to accept rejection graciously and improve your strategy. However, in other cases, it’s possible that your email got buried under a big pile of other emails (this is especially true for high-DA websites).

Craft a masterful follow-up email to gently nudge the editor to take action. One follow-up email is enough; don’t keep barking up the same tree again and again.

5. Turn to Twitter Search

You’ll be surprised by the power of Twitter search. If you use it right, you can find some incredible dental guest blogging opportunities on Twitter (opportunities that you wouldn’t come across on Google).

Twitter’s results are also ultra-fresh, which means you’ll walk away with a pocketful of guest blogging platforms that are currently accepting pieces. If you explore guest blogging opportunities on Google, you’ll often stumble across platforms that have dried up, i.e., they’ve stopped accepting and posting guest blogs over the years. You won’t run into this problem with Twitter.

Here’s how you get the ball rolling. Head over to Twitter search and run a search string that looks something like this:

Start scrolling through the results. You’ll find posts like:


Within a few minutes, you’ll end up finding a ton of sites that accept guest blogs from dentists.

At this point, your research cap should still be on (don’t tell us you’ve taken it off already). Compile a list of websites that accept guest blogs and rank them based on their DA score. The higher, the better.

Send pitches to the top dogs and work your way downward. Avoid considering websites with a DA score of 50 or lower.

6. Turn to Reddit and Quora

Reddit and Quora are the dental guest blogging industry’s best-kept secret. We’re not keeping mum anymore; it’s about time the cat is let out of the bag.

As two of the most popular Q&A websites out there, Reddit and Quora are delightful treasure troves for dentists. Let’s understand how you can leverage these platforms for guest blogger outreach.

r/AcceptGuestBlogs is a fantastic community that connects websites that are offering guest posts with websites that are accepting guest posts.

This is where the magic happens.

If you type “health” in the search bar, you’ll come across a few results. Try the same technique with Quora, and you’ll find niche information that isn’t generally available on the web.

Now, it’s important to note that Reddit and Quora are home to an uproarious exchange. While some of the comments are useful, others aren’t. It’s on you to find the diamonds in the rough. Once you land on the right insight, however, you’re in for a treat.

It’s Time to Fire Up Your Guest Blogging Cannon!

When done right—and we mean masterfully—guest blogging is one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to launch a power-packed guest blogging plan, let’s roll out the action plan!

At Global-marketing Inc., we specialize in SEO for dentists. As part of our SEO techniques, we provide a wide range of services to dental clinics, including guest blogging services.

Our guest posting services identify the most beneficial opportunities, craft high-quality guest blogs that demonstrate industry expertise, and help you dominate Google SERPs.

Your dental businesses deserves to get seen online. Let’s get you there!

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Why Your Guest Blogging Strategy is Failing Mon, 24 Oct 2022 12:56:25 +0000 The Truth About Guest Blogging  With recent algorithm changes like Helpful Content Update, the focus is now shifting away from traditional link building strategies that involve mass article submissions, bulk directory submissions, etc. Link building using guest blogging may just be the most effective strategy. If you’re looking for a quick refresher on it, check […]

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The Truth About Guest Blogging 

With recent algorithm changes like Helpful Content Update, the focus is now shifting away from traditional link building strategies that involve mass article submissions, bulk directory submissions, etc.

Link building using guest blogging may just be the most effective strategy. If you’re looking for a quick refresher on it, check out our blog: Revealed! Guest Posting Insights From Industry Insiders.

Guest blogging helps you promote your content on some of the most credible (high DA) sites to get maximum traffic on your website.

But there’s a method to the madness that is Guest Blogging. And that’s why, you notice—even after months of guest posting efforts—you don’t see an uptick in traffic.

What are the guest blogging mistakes you’re making?

We’ve split the mistakes into three categories: strategy, content generation, and pitching. We’ve also included a cheat sheet at the end of each section for you to refer to whenever you need a refresher on things to avoid when guest blogging.

Once you’ve gone through this post, you’ll have all the tools to optimize your guest blogging strategy and turn those fails into wins.

Now let’s dive in!

Things To Avoid When Guest Blogging: Strategy, Pitch, Content

Guest Blogging Mistakes In Strategy

Writing Guest Posts Without a Single Primary Objective

Tempted to submit a guest post that aims to maximize your web traffic, capture the attention of a specific demographic, and position you as an authority in the industry simultaneously?

This is a mistake.

The most effective guest posts aim to deliver one primary objective instead of trying to fulfill multiple objectives simultaneously.

For instance, if the post’s objective is to get your page to rank higher for a certain set of keywords, make sure your keywords are incorporated organically. After that, publish the post on a blog that ranks high for that keyword, and watch the magic happen!

Similarly, if the primary objective is to attract attention from a new target audience, research keywords your customers are interested in before getting the post published on blogs they frequent.

Posting on Irrelevant Blogs

When was the last time you checked the kind of blogs you’re sending over as guest posts?

It’s vital to submit guest posts to blogs that focus on your industry and are frequently visited by your target audience. In other words, if you want to hit the ball out of the park, choose blogs that focus on your niche.

For example, let’s say you’re a mortgage company, and you’re thinking of submitting a guest post to a credible business blog with multiple sections such as ‘finance’ and ‘markets.’

If you don’t scrutinize the relevance of each blog section, you might submit a post to the blog as a whole and call it a day. But if you take a moment to analyze each section, maybe you’ll notice the ‘finance’ section posts content containing mortgage-related keywords more than any other section.

You might also realize the finance section has more mortgage holders liking, commenting on, and sharing content than any other section.

In this scenario, submitting a guest post that ends up specifically in the finance section will maximize your ability to drive sales through increased web and social media traffic!

Writing Without the Target Audience in Mind

People love content that speaks to them personally—so why not take advantage?

One of the best ways to do this is by tailoring the tone and language of your guest posts to your customers instead of concentrating on Google ranking your page.

For example, if you’re a doctor interested in using SEO to attract more patients, you’re better off using a tone that’s informative and reassuring in your posts.

On the other hand, if you’re a pet daycare, an engaging tone that exudes fun is more likely to resonate with your customers!

Strategy Cheat Sheet

Strategy Cheat Sheet

Guest Blogging Mistakes In the Pitch

Sending Impersonal Pitches

Did you know numerous guest blogging strategies fail because of how the content is pitched instead of what’s in it?

No matter how good your guest post is, if you send it to the blog manager without addressing them properly, you’ll fail to make a solid impression!

Take the time to check their blog and social media handles to find out their name. This will help you address them properly.

Forgetting to Describe the Blog in the Pitch

Another key aspect of pitching is including a brief description of the post in the email.

Describe the post briefly and state the title in either the email subject line or as a heading within the body of the email.

It’s also worth describing the value your guest post will provide the blog.

Remember: the blog is doing you a favor by publishing your post, so make sure you tell them why it’s worth their while too!

Here’s a sample:

Describe the Blog

Pitching Cheat Sheet

Mistakes During Guest Blogging In Content

Prioritizing Promotion Over Information

It’s common for businesses to use guest blogs solely as a promotional tool—but did you know this isn’t effective?

The main purpose of a guest blog is to provide value-adding information to the audience. In other words, your guest post is more likely to be well-received if it’s seen as a learning resource.

However, this doesn’t mean guest posts shouldn’t contain any promotional material. It means you must be more tactful about how you promote your business in the post.

Most effective guest posts contain promotional text in the ‘call to action’ section toward the end.

However, skilled content writers can subtly promote the business while maintaining an informative tone throughout a guest post.

Submitting a Cluttered Guest Bio

The guest bio is where you get to link back to your own website, resources, social channels, and more. But does this mean it’s worth loading the bio with information? Absolutely not!

Keep the bio as clean as possible by sticking to a handful of links for your website/intended landing page and social media profiles.

This way, your bio will be easy to read and the chances of the reader clicking on your links will be higher!

Underutilizing Formatting

Does your guest post follow a similar format to the other posts on the blog?

Does it feature headers and sub-headers your target audience will find relevant and captivating?

Have you stuffed the post with keywords, or is there a natural flow that reflects organic keyword usage?

Have you included images that don’t infringe on copyrights?

These are some of the key questions to ask yourself regarding the format of your guest post if you want your guest blogging strategy to succeed.

The best guest posts feature an even and consistent balance of internal/external links and keywords.

They also follow the blog’s format regarding headers/sub-headers and include just enough images to be engaging and complement the written content in the post rather than turning it into a picture book!

Content Generation Cheat Sheet

Content Generation Cheat Sheet

The Bottom Line

There are three common reasons why companies’ guest blogging strategies fail:

  1. They don’t know the objective of each guest post, so there’s no clear target audience and it ends up on an irrelevant blog
  2. They don’t know how to pitch the guest post properly
  3. They don’t know how to write a guest post that has proper formatting and relevant content

If you’re looking for a professional guest post writing and outreach team that ticks all the boxes, try out Global-marketing Inc.’s guest blogging services!

We have a team of experienced native English writers and content marketing specialists who understand how blogger outreach works.

We have a range of price packages for you to choose from. Your first link will cost just $5 and we’ll be with you every step of the way to give you updates on how the content affects your web traffic!

Call +1(833)405-1025 now to speak to our experts.

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7 Tips to Supercharge Your Guest Posting in 2022 [Video] Mon, 27 Jun 2022 16:53:44 +0000 Blogging is a relevant tool. But you’d have difficulty increasing brand awareness if your content is limited to your website. So how do you scale your content reach? – Through guest posting! We have made a video covering the relevance and benefits of guest posting in 2022. Our YouTube video features everything you need to […]

The post 7 Tips to Supercharge Your Guest Posting in 2022 [Video] appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Blogging is a relevant tool. But you’d have difficulty increasing brand awareness if your content is limited to your website. So how do you scale your content reach? – Through guest posting!

We have made a video covering the relevance and benefits of guest posting in 2022. Our YouTube video features everything you need to know before launching your blogger outreach campaign.


Here’s what you’ll find in our video:

What is Guest Posting?

Guest posting or guest blogging is the process of writing a blog or an article for another website with the hope of securing a backlink to your own website or service pages, along with other benefits.

Benefits of Guest Posting

Each guest post you create puts your business closer to your marketing goal. But that’s not all; guest posting has additional benefits that directly influence your brand.

These benefits include:

  • Increasing your brand awareness
  • Getting potential customers to your own product pages
  • Getting recognized as a thought leader in your niche

7 Sure-fire Guest Posting Tips to Supercharge Your Pitch

Some of the tips we have shared in our video are general, while others are great on their own. We’d advise you to take the below-mentioned tips as a whole and base your guest posting roadmap around them.

1. Strategize Your Guest Posting Goals

You must know what you want from your guest posting goals to target relevant websites. For instance, if you are looking for brand awareness, you’ll obviously want websites that get a lot of visitors.

2. Find Great and Relevant Websites to Pitch

Usually, your guest posting list will be full of irrelevant websites that will not benefit you in any way. Our video covers how you can find awesome (and relevant!) websites by using custom Google search operators.

3. Vetting the Websites According to Your Metrics

Run your list of websites on Ahrefs free domain authority checker to determine if they are worth the effort. There’s no point in writing personalized emails and deleting them because the sites you are reaching out to aren’t as authoritative as you want.

4. Connecting With the Right Person

The best way to get your pitch approved is by getting in touch with the right person. You can do this by

  • Using a simple Linkedin search to acquire alternate contact information.
  • Using nifty lookup tools to find out personal email addresses.

5. Make “Friends” Before You Pitch

Small blogs are pretty suspicious of people looking for links. They’ll respond with a big fat NO if you pitch them upright. That’s why we shared our “make friends formula” to make a connection. Here’s how it goes:

  • Connect with guest bloggers on Twitter
  • Subscribe to their newsletter
  • Familiarize yourself with guest blogging site’s content
  • Quote their article and tag them


6. Take Time & Research While Crafting the Perfect Pitch

A perfect pitch depends on your topic research. Familiarize yourself with the publishing website content and find out topics they care about. Next, find an angle that hasn’t been used and pitch that in your blogger outreach email.

7. Use Your Author Bio as a Lead Magnet

Yeah, you read that right. So instead of writing a boring bio, mention your achievements and the websites you have written for. This will get your readers more interested in having your content published on their site.

If you’d like to learn about guest blogging in even greater depth you can check out our guest blogging master plan.

Scalable Guest Blogging Services With Real Traffic and Authority

At Global-marketing Inc., we only offer manual guest blogging. Anything else is unacceptable. With more than 10 years of experience, our high-quality guest blogging services will give you a head start with premium links.

For more information, you can contact us on 855 444 4777. 

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Revealed! Guest Posting Insights From Industry Insiders Thu, 09 Jun 2022 11:07:37 +0000 Imagine an SEO world without guest blogging. Where would your website be in terms of ranking and authority? What would your organic traffic numbers look like? And most importantly, would you be better or worse off in terms of leads, conversions, and sales? Digital marketers will line up to tell you how guest posting remains […]

The post Revealed! Guest Posting Insights From Industry Insiders appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Imagine an SEO world without guest blogging.

Where would your website be in terms of ranking and authority?

What would your organic traffic numbers look like?

And most importantly, would you be better or worse off in terms of leads, conversions, and sales?

Digital marketers will line up to tell you how guest posting remains an integral part of their SEO strategy to this day. From in-house SEO teams to freelancers, most SEOs have utilized guest posting in some way, shape, or form.

On the other hand, there are those who believe guest posting is not really worth it and their time and money would be better spent elsewhere.

Why though?

Why Do Some People Perceive Guest Posting as an Unhealthy SEO Practice?

A world without guest blogging might slow down SEO. But some people won’t mind if guest blogging is out of the picture because it has a ‘perceived’ reputation.

Guest posting got its perceived “bad” reputation after the Penguin Update. This update targeted link volume and de-ranked websites that got their links from link farms and PBNs. So many outreachers and guest bloggers had to make changes to their guest blogging masterplan.

Penguin update for guest bloggers

The update was not intended to affect high-quality guest blogs or backlinks. But it ended up creating distrust in the SEO industry.  As a result, a lot of opinions were swayed when it came to guest blogging for SEO.

The point is, all of our online research led us to a lot of conflicting views with no concrete answer. So, we decided to conduct our own first-hand research, straight from SEOs, marketers, and business owners.

Let’s get to the bottom of it- how industry insiders really feel about guest posting 

As a digital marketing agency with thousands of clients, we wanted to get to the bottom of this. So we asked industry insiders how they felt about guest posting and the reasons behind those sentiments.

Our Guest Posting Survey Parameters

41.6% of our respondents were either business owners or had their own SEO agency. 25% of respondents were from the top-level management. Finally, 33% of respondents were middle-level managers from digital marketing managers to SEO strategists.

Guest blogging insights 2022

Here are all the questions we asked.

  1. How many guest posts would you normally include in your monthly SEO strategy?
  2. Do you believe guest posting is still valuable for link building in 2022?
  3. Have you paid for guest posting?
  4. If you have paid for guest posting, then how do you determine whether the asking price is fair?
  5. What would turn you away from a website/blog offering guest post opportunities?
  6. How much do you spend on guest posts in a year?
  7. What is the most significant benefit you have received from a single guest post?
  8. What niche do you usually guest post in?

Q1: How Many Guest Posts Would You Normally Include in Your Monthly SEO Strategy?

36% of the respondents said they included 1-2 high-quality guest posts in their monthly SEO strategy, while 33% said they would get anywhere between 5 and 20 guest posts per month.

A fair few of the respondents obtained 20+ guest posts per month, while some were held back by their budget. Website domain age, target audience, and rankings played an important role in the number of guest posts our respondents published per month.

guest post per month

Q2: Do You Believe Guest Posting Is Still Valuable for Link Building In 2022?

Most of our respondents agreed that guest posting is still valuable for link building and SEO in 2022.

Guest blogging quotes

“…Guest posting on blogs that get read create links that drive real traffic, boost rankings and sometimes lead to additional links from other bloggers who read the post.” David Leonhardt President THGM Writers

Most respondents only swore by high-quality content published on high-authority websites.

In fact, 41.6% of our respondents believed that content should be relevant to the reader, not just the publisher. By adding value, guest bloggers can increase their chances of getting their content shared on social media.

In addition, informative and high-quality articles can help forge professional relationships.

Blogging quotes

“…Writing informative and helpful articles for industry-relevant magazines and
websites also helps forge professional relationships with reporters. And
the more you engage with them, the more inclined they’ll be to turn to you
when they need a reliable quote for a story.” – Chris Gadek (Vice President of Growth at AdQuicK)

But that’s not all, 58.3% of respondents shared that guest blogging is an excellent SEO technique for link building making it highly relevant in 2022 and beyond. Because when you provide value for someone else’s readership they are inclined to reward you with a backlink.

Guest posting quotes

“…When the insights we provide in the guest posts are valuable to the readers, they are more likely to share them with their followers, resulting in more links back to our website.” – Harriet Chan (Co-founder and marketing director at CocoFinder)

Q3: Have You Paid for Guest Posting?

This is where guest posting gets its perceived reputation from. Many digital marketers are concerned about the ethical aspect of paid guest posting. We wanted to get to the bottom of this so we asked our respondents to explain why they don’t pay for guest posts (if they don’t).

Guest blogging insights 2022

None of our respondents mentioned anything unethical related to paid guest posting itself. In fact, 60% of respondents that didn’t pay for guest posts said they didn’t trust guest posting sites and didn’t want to mess up their backlink profile.

The remaining respondents that didn’t pay for guest posts believed that the prices asked by webmasters were notoriously high.

In contrast, 16.66% of respondents who paid for guest posts shared that they paid in six figures from 2020 to 2021.

Q4: How Do You Determine if the Asking Price for a Guest Post Is Fair?

A significant deterrent with paid guest posting is that many high authority websites tend to charge a lot of money. Among several guest post site evaluation criteria, the overwhelming majority cited DA/DR and web traffic.

63% of respondents cited domain authority/domain rating and website traffic as their go-to evaluation criteria. The remaining 37% based their evaluation on multiple site metrics such as topical relevance, keyword ranking, and more. Here’s a breakdown of all the responses.

Guest blogging for SEO insights 2022

Q5: What Would Turn You Away From a Website/Blog Offering Guest Posting Opportunities?

Most respondents confirmed that they didn’t pay for guest posting because it was either too expensive or they didn’t trust the guest blogging site. But we wanted to know more – especially from the ones who were paying for guest posts.

Why people turn away from guest posts

Low-quality content and a low-quality backlink profile of the publisher were the most significant factors when it came to “turn-offs” from paid guest posting.

In addition to these stats, one of our respondents shared that unnatural keyword placement is more than a  turnoff.

Quotes about guest blogging

“….For instance, an article with no geographic aspect that features a link to “personal injuries lawyer Baltimore” in the middle of a paragraph. This is more than a turn-off. This is a complete by-pass.” David Leonhardt President, THGM Writers

Q6: How Much Do You Spend on Guest Posts in a Year?

In question 3 we determined what percentage of industry insiders (from our sample data) paid for guest posting. So we asked how much our survey participants spent on guest posting per year.

Here are the results.

How much do companies spend on guest posts

Over 12% of the respondents admitted to spending upwards of $50,000 per month on paid guest posting. Most of our respondents didn’t want to share their yearly guest posting budget. But what we got from the rest was enough.

  • Those who paid $1000 – $5000 per year on guest posting opted for 1-3 guest blogsper month.
  • The 11% respondents with $5000 – $15,000 budget paid for 5-20 guest blogsper month.
  • Finally, large-scale companies with a budget of ≤ $50,000 made 7 guest blogsper month.

As you can see, when the publisher profile is authentic and relevant to a certain niche, brands are willing to shell out the big bucks.

Q7: What Is the Most Significant Benefit You Have Received From a Single Guest Post?

We learned that a lot of the respondents believed that guest posting is much more than getting a backlink. A significant portion (71%) of our respondents confirmed a massive increase in their organic traffic and leads.

This shed more light on the importance of guest posting. In fact, one of our respondents generated more leads than usual – $3,500,000 worth of new clients each year from a single guest post.

Quotes about guest posting

“…This lead sharing is now responsible for 30% of the property law firm’s new clients each month, or $3,500,000 worth of new clients each year.” – Oli Baise (Founder & Managing Editor at Drinky Coffee)

Among other significant responses, participants claimed upwards of 225% increase in web traffic and more than 10% increase in social following.

Q8: What Niche Do You Usually Guest Post In?

At Global-marketing Inc., we publish guest blogs for our clients. This got us thinking about which guest blogging niches are the most popular among our respondents. Since we knew how much they spent and why some of them refrained from paid guest posting, the final question was aimed at understanding our respondents’ niche.

We weren’t surprised to see scattered results because most businesses would focus on their relevant niche. However, we discovered that majority of our respondents were inclined to guest posting in the marketing and business niche.

The “others” segment represents every respondent’s related niche. For instance, some of our respondents sold sporting goods. Therefore, their guest posting niche and preferred sites were within their industry.

What We Discovered – Relevancy of Guest Posting / Guest Blogging

Contrary to the “perceived bad image” of guest blogging, an overwhelming majority of SEOs, business owners and digital marketing managers believe that guest posting is one of the most popular SEO strategies in 2022

However, quality content remains a cornerstone of guest blogging because high authority websites want to add value to their blogs for their readers.

About paid guest posting. Companies have no problems spending big on guest posts if it means significant exposure, leads, and new clients.

To Recap 

  • High-quality guest posts are better than spamming.
  • 58% of industry insiders confirmed that guest blogging is an excellent strategy for link building.
  • 6% of industry insiders believe content should be relevant for the reader.
  • 54% of industry insiders are happy with paying for guest posts.
  • 63% of industry leaders value guest blogging sites based on their DA/DR
  • 47% of SEO practitioners are turned off by low-quality links on a guest blogging website.
  • 12% of industry leaders (big-budget companies) pay around $50,000/year for guest blogging.
  • 71% of respondents confirmed a massive increase in organic traffic and leads.
  • 45% of respondents prefer guest posting in the marketing niche.

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5 Eye-opening Facts About Guest Posting to Help You Get Started Mon, 25 Apr 2022 13:34:04 +0000 Table of Contents Eye-opening Facts About Guest Posting Prepare For A Lot Of Rejections! Continuous Follow-up Is a Recipe For Disaster Sending a Final Draft In Your Initial Pitch Isn’t Encouraged The More the Merrier? (Hint: We’re talking about authors) Quality Content is Rare. Especially at Scale! Case in Point: Some Guest Posting Insights   […]

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Table of Contents

Eye-opening Facts About Guest Posting

  1. Prepare For A Lot Of Rejections!
  2. Continuous Follow-up Is a Recipe For Disaster
  3. Sending a Final Draft In Your Initial Pitch Isn’t Encouraged
  4. The More the Merrier? (Hint: We’re talking about authors)
  5. Quality Content is Rare. Especially at Scale!

Case in Point: Some Guest Posting Insights


60% of content marketers struggle with producing clear and compeling content. Therefore, they are open to high-quality guest posts.

A couple of Google searches might get you a list of websites offering guest posts for cheap. Apart from the fact that this will not benefit your website in any way, cheap guest posting may actually end up hurting your website’s authority and link profile.

Running a high-quality guest posting and blogger outreach campaign takes some skill and experience, whether it is for yourself or for your clients. Therefore, if you’re new to this, it’s vital to arm yourself with necessary information about the industry before you end up falling for a scam.

In this blog post, we will share eye-opening facts about guest posting or guest blogging (both terms are acceptable).

Read on.

Facts About Guest Posting 

Most of the following facts about guest posting will help you gain valuable insights into the guest posting industry. This, in turn, can be used to improve your guest posting game.

So here goes.

1. Prepare For A Lot Of Rejections!

On average, editors reject around 9 out of 10 guest posting pitches. Having said that, this is a small number compared to the guest posting requests a high domain authority website gets. However, it’s enough to explain the significance of pitching to an editor.

Your guest posting pitch reflects your writing abilities and attention to detail. Therefore, it’s important to take your time to craft a near-perfect pitch. The key elements to address when crafting a guest posting pitch are,

  • The flow & structure of your pitch email
  • Spelling, grammar, as well the tone of voice used
  • Link(s) to previous work
  • Suggested topic with adequate research

2. Continuous Follow-up Is a Recipe For Disaster

According to research by PointVisible, 20% of 86 interviewed editors don’t read guest post pitches. Therefore, inbound marketers might wonder, “is guest posting worth it?”

Guest posting is still pretty solid. It’s the continuous follow-up emails that might fail your pitch. According to Sarah Mitchell, founder of Global copywriting, following up more than once is a bad idea. It only irritates guest posting sites to a point they don’t bother replying.

The ideal time for follow-ups is one week after you have sent your pitch. But you can cut this time to 3 days if you have a strong relationship with the publishing site.

3. Sending a Final Draft In Your Initial Pitch Isn’t Encouraged

Most outreachers and guest bloggers rush to get their content published on reputable sites. As a result, they may send their final draft attached with their pitch. According to the stats mentioned above, 20% of editors don’t read guest posting pitches.

And even then, a good website will almost always have things to add to the “suggested article” or even request a completely new direction. Therefore, it’s best to communicate with the editor before throwing your article in the first email.

Ideally, you should review the guest posting site’s content and build an understanding of their readership. Next, you can send your topic along with keywords. Once you get a positive response, share the first draft of your guest post.

4. The More the Merrier? (Hint: We’re talking about authors)

While a higher word count may help you improve search engine friendliness, having more authors increases your readership, or rather, endears your content to more people. According to statistics, more than 62% of readers prefer content under multiple authors.

A guest post written by multiple authors is a great way to show that you have done longitudinal research. Moreover, it adds more depth and credibility to your guest posting plan. However, it’s best to run it by your publishing site.

Some editors aren’t fond of reading the content under multiple authors. But others welcome a well-researched post with multiple contributors.

5. Quality Content is Rare. Especially at Scale!

According to a survey of marketers and guest bloggers, there were almost  2 outreachers and prospectors for every 1 writer. Of course, there are those who can do it all; outreaching, prospecting, writing, etc. But that is not the norm.

In order to keep the guest posting machine running, companies separate the aforementioned tasks in the interest of scalability. If you’re an on-off guest poster, then fine. But if you wish to do it at scale, you should get specialists for each phase or hire a reputable guest posting company.

Case in Point: Some Guest Posting Insights

The facts above highlight the importance of sending a well-thought guest posting pitch. If you lost track of what we have shared above, here are the important parts.

  • Rejections are a part of guest posting. Work on your pitch.
  • Keep follow-up emails to a minimum. A lot of editors find it annoying.
  • Don’t rush in with your 1st Build a rapport first.
  • Find additional contributors to co-author your post. It helps increase credibility and authority.
  • To ensure quality content at scale, divide your guest blogging team, especially the writers.

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Guest Blogging and Blogger Outreach Master Plan: Complete Blueprint For Guest Posting in 2022 Wed, 16 Mar 2022 14:45:26 +0000 Guest Blogging and Blogger Outreach Masterplan: Complete Blueprint For Guest Posting in 2022 What’s the fastest way of growing your website? Use someone else’s. Really! Bloggers have a lot of followers, and you can use it to your advantage through guest posting. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. Case in point, Freelancers use guest […]

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Guest Blogging and Blogger Outreach Masterplan: Complete Blueprint For Guest Posting in 2022

What’s the fastest way of growing your website?

Use someone else’s. Really!

Bloggers have a lot of followers, and you can use it to your advantage through guest posting. But it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Case in point, Freelancers use guest blogging strategies to earn a full-time income. Businesses use guest blogging to get backlinks, brand awareness and much more.

In this blog post, you’ll find; my complete guest posting roadmap, including tips and strategies to find the best guest posting sites, as well as practices to avoid while executing your guest posting strategy.


What Is Guest Blogging In SEO?

Guest blogging in SEO is the process of writing content on someone else’s website to grow your business and win a backlink.

In simple terms, it’s the practice of contributing your content (mainly blogs) to another website. Companies and individuals do this to grow their brand awareness.

But for the most part, guest blogging in SEO is for link building. And why not? Links are one of the primary ranking factors on Google.

Guest posting offers an excellent opportunity to secure a do-follow (in some cases) backlink from a website.

Bloggers are always looking for fresh and unique content to post on their sites. This makes guest blogging a win-win situation for both parties involved.

The guest blogger gets a backlink, and the blog hosting website receives unique content.

Is Guest Blogging Good for SEO?

Short answer? Yes, but like any tactic, guest blogging has been abused over the years. Therefore, search engines value guest blogging on  niche-relevant sites.

For example, if your business sells shoes, your guest blogging niche should be lifestyle or fashion. I have shared a complete list of guest posting dos and don’ts below to help you avoid shady practices.

But before we move into the advanced section of this master plan, let’s start with the basics.

Difference Between Guest Blogging, Guest Posting & Blogger Outreach

While guest blogging is writing for a website and having your content published, blogger outreach is the preliminary step.

Before your content is published or your writers start working, you need to connect with the guest posting website. For that, you’ll need blogger outreach expertise.

Since an average blogging website gets 100’s of emails for guest blogging, you need to stand out and strike the right chord with them. This is where blogger outreach comes in.

Blogger outreach is a strategic process of building a relationship with the guest posting website and attaining a backlink. In most cases, you’ll need a strong blogger outreach program to acquire Do-follow links (links that pass on authority to another website, thereby, positively impacting its ranking).

Now, blogger outreach is more than just writing great emails, this relationship is built over time, and it often results in greater and more frequent guest blogging opportunities.

Who Can Benefit From Guest Posting? 

Guest posting is a crucial part of content marketing. It can help anyone put a word out for their product/services.

Therefore, guest posting can be highly beneficial for individuals and companies alike. Imagine if you secure a backlink (via a guest post) on a website that has around 10-15k monthly organic traffic. Think of all the potential visits YOUR website can get.

How Much Do Guest Posting Services Cost?

A quick Google search will tell you that most guest blogging service providers price their services according to Domain Authority (DA) or by organic traffic. The higher the DA or traffic of the publishing website, the more you have to pay.

Here’s a quick look at the average cost of guest posting across the industry.

Domain Authority Publishing Fee
10+ $102
20+ $156
30+ $225
40+ $300
  • Prices based on an industry average of the top 20 guest posting websites.

These rates vary based on the industry you are targeting. For example, “crypto” guest blogging is more expensive than “food.” Rarity in niche and content is a contributing factor towards different prices. A cryptocurrency blog needs to build more authority in order to be considered trustworthy, then say, a food or a lifestyle blog.

What’s Your Potential Benefit?

I use the rule of 1% to determine the cost and benefit of all my content marketing strategies. It’s a simple rule that takes only 1% traffic and 1% conversion rate. Here’s is a detailed example of it.

Let’s say you sell web design and development services, and your most popular package is $699.

By assuming 1% conversion and spending $1000 on guest posting you gain backlinks, and brand exposure.

If only 1% of your reach clicks on your blog post, you get a significant number of visitors. This translates into high-quality leads and more sales.

Put the same rule on your business and see the benefit vs. cost of guest posting yourself.

But building contacts and finding a niche relevant site for guest posting results in high opportunity costs. You can be spending this time on your core business activities.

One possible solution is to outsource your guest posting efforts to a reliable agency that specializes in SEO, and ultimately, guest posting services.

Guest Blogging Benefits

Besides link building and brand awareness, guest posting has numerous other benefits.

For starters, you can:

  • Boost social media shares– If you are publishing on a site with exponential social media activity, you can expect your blog post to receive the same level of attention if your content is worthy.
  • Boost your following– By posting on authoritative brands in your niche, you allow their followers to trust your product/services. For example, a technology guest post on The Verge ensures maximum brand awareness and credibility.

Even if you don’t have a website and run your operations through social media, you can benefit from guest posting opportunities.

For example,

You can link your social media page to your guest post to gain traction. From there, you can apply a “lookalike” audience in your social media advertising to attract more customers of the same profile.

This drastically improves your chances of generating quality leads.

Conversion-oriented benefits of guest blogging include.

  • Shortening the sales cycle– Sales funnel has always been challenging for content marketing. You can introduce your brand’s value proposition on other websites through guest blogging. Think of it like this, instead of waiting for customers to enter your store, you put your product in supermarkets.
  • Generating qualified leads – Instead of mass marketing, guest blogging narrows down your target audience. Hence you generate qualified leads. For instance, guest posting on Allure means your target audience will click on your site if you sell beauty products. The difference between this and the “boosting your followers” point above is that you link your landing page in your guest post, not your social media.

Now that you Have a basic understanding about guest posting, guest blogging & blogger outreach, let’s dive into the Guest Posting Roadmap.

Guest Posting Roadmap

1. Have a Guest Posting Strategy in Place

This is the base of all your guest posting operations. Without a solid strategy in place, you cannot expect to achieve your desired results.

For Start-ups

If you are new in your industry, a conversion-oriented guest posting strategy will be less likely to succeed compared to a brand awareness guest post. This is because you need social proof before pitching your product/service.

Here’s a quick example.

Moz has a great digital presence. Whether it’s their website DA or their social presence, any content by Moz can expect A high number of followers means more reach. Getting your guest post published on Moz can increase your website’s authority and traffic.

· Moz Facebook and Twitter Reach

For Small Businesses

For small businesses and businesses in general, a link back to their “money pages” is an acceptable strategy. This ties in with my aforementioned conversion-focused guest posting strategy.

However, if you do not have a diverse backlink profile, I’d advise you first build a base of DA20, DA30, and DA40 links before you spend thousands on a link from Forbes.

Sticking to low and medium DA guest posts will diversify your link profile, giving your website the foundation to get that coveted DA75+ link a few months down the line.

Simply put, you don’t want your link profile sticking out like a sore thumb. Make it natural.

For Established Brands

If your brand has an existing backlink profile that has been built over the years, you can go after guest blogs with high traffic in mind.

This guest posting strategy emphasizes high traffic over a high domain authority. Since your website already has a strong brand image and a high DA/PA, you don’t value link building as much as leads.

2. List of Guest Blogging Sites 

Now that you probably have a guest posting strategy in place Let’s move on to the execution.

After you decide what you want to achieve from your guest posting, it’s time to list down relevant sites.

According to John Muller – Google Search Advocate, Spamming guest posts doesn’t add value to your website. In fact, Google devalues sites with spam guest post links.


So what do you do?

You find niche-relevant sites.

Google abandons websites with links from sources that aren’t relevant to their business. Therefore, always find credible online platforms within your niche for guest posting.

Here are some relevant examples of guest posting websites for the technology businesses.

Examples of guest posting sites for the beauty niche.

Examples of guest posting sites for the home improvement niche

Examples of guest posting sites for the carpet cleaning micro-niche

Examples of guest posting sites for the digital businesses niche

Besides the aforementioned list, there are plenty of  guest posting sites on Google.

How to Find Guest Posting Sites?

A quick Google search can identify numerous websites that are accepting guest posts.

You can do this by typing

  • “Keyword + write for us”
  • “Keyword + guest posts”
  • “Keywords + become a guest blogger”
  • “Keyword + send tips”

Replace “keyword” with your keyword when you search on Google.

Remember, your keyword specifies your niche. For example, if you sell shoes, here’s how you can search for guest posts.


Other than this, you can use online tools to find guest posting sites. In my experience, these tools have saved me a lot of time.

For instance, you can look up DA and PA with MOZ Google chrome extension.

After you download and install the MOZ extension, you’ll need to sign up. Once you log in, click on the MOZ extension in chrome, and It’ll show you the DA of the website you are on.

Similarly, you can use the Similar Web Extension for more details on your guest posting sites.

Here’s what you can find running the Similar Web Extension on a website.

Go to the blog section of your guest posting sites and run similar web extension. The details you can see in the above picture will assist in understanding more about your publishing site.

For instance,

  • Monthly visits will tell you how many web visitors you can lead to your website.
  • Pages per visit show how many pages an average web visitor at The Verge checks before leaving.
  • Average Visit duration explains how long visitors stick on a website.

These metrics allow you to plan your guest posts.

For example, a website with fewer pages per visit indicates fewer chances for your guest post to be opened when someone visit’s The Verge’s home page.

Therefore, this number must be above 60 to become a part of your guest posting list.

Similarly, the country section shows where visitors are coming from. If your business is within these countries, The Verge is the best guest posting site for you.

Marketing mix entails your keyword strategy. For example, you can see that 55.51% of The Verge’s traffic comes from Google searches. Therefore, your guest post should have optimum keyword density and high-quality content.

After finding your guest posting sites, you can organize them in MS-excel or Google sheets by domain authority, organic traffic, niche, etc. This will help you identify related and marketing overlap guest posting sites.

Finding guest posting sites is one thing; reaching out to editors is a whole new ball game. This brings us to our next point.

3. Write Email Templates 

After shortlisting your guest posting websites and having them in your sheet, you can start writing email templates.

Yes, it is important to get to the point and not waste the reader’s time, but a little personalization goes a long way.

Having more than one email template is a great idea. This will help you identify which approach is more fruitful.

But before you start sending blogger outreach emails, you need a strong plan of action.

Blogger Outreach Formula

The blogger outreach formula establishes a concrete step-by-step master plan that assists in reaching out to top bloggers.

With this formula, I have landed several guest posts in top publications. But enough about me. Here’s the blogger outreach formula in all its glory.

Awareness + Desire + Interest + Action

I know it’s a simple sales formula, but how you use it will affect your blogger outreach campaigns.


For blogger outreach, the real power lies with” Twitter.” Many industry-leading and gifted writers are on this social media platform.

You need to build a relationship with them before asking for a guest post. Here’s how you can do that.

  • Engage with them– Follow your niche-specific bloggers and engage with them on their tweets. Read their content and share genuine compliments. (Attention)
  • Give them credit – Blogger outreach is pure sales play.You need to read your bloggers content to make them aware of your existence. For that, you’ll need to give them credit for their work. Go through your blogger’s latest publication and share a quote you loved. (Interest)
  • Agree, but with an explanation – It’s not nice to oppose someone you are trying to please. But blatantly agreeing will put your efforts in jeopardy. Agree with bloggers on Twitter but always share an explanation.
  • Create a discussion –This is isn’t easy, but it’ll be if you know your blogger’s niche. But to start a discussion, you need to disagree. Do it politely and share references of why you think otherwise. (Desire)

Following these steps will build frequent communication and allow you to step into your blogger’s bubble.

Once there, you can pitch your request (action). It’s not as easy as it sounds, but practice makes perfect.

Do’s and Don’ts of Blogger Outreach

Whether you are new to blogger outreach or can do it your sleep, it’s wise to check your strategy once in a while.

My nature of work revolves around talking to PR pros and marketing champions. So I always update my blogger outreach campaigns according to the latest trend.

Therefore, I present to you my Do’s and Don’ts of blogger outreach.

Blogger Outreach Email Templates

An excellent blogger outreach template has 3 things,

  • Introduction
  • Compliment
  • Purpose

Use these three principles to design your campaign. But you can also make edits to my email templates.

These templates have successfully rounded up the top talent in digital marketing. But I have changed them to sound general. You can add your twist to make them personal.

For individuals

 For companies

4. Sending Out your Emails – Tools vs. Manual Sending

There are plenty of ways of sending out your blogger outreach emails. You can choose the cheaper option and do it manually.

Or you can use paid tools.

Here are the differences between using paid and free email tools for sending out guest posting emails.


  • Saves time
  • Can send bulk email
  • Can use pre-designed templates
  • Paid email platforms have reporting tools that allow you to see the status of your email (whether the recipients opened your mail or not)

Manual Sending

  • Manual sending is cost-effective because you don’t have to pay for third-party tools. However, it’s less efficient and time-consuming.
  • Easy to use as compared to paid tools.

Ultimately, your choice of email tools will depend on your expected usage, availability of resources, and personal preference.

Never give bloggers a chance to turn you down. You might subconsciously do that by pitching a question. Therefore, it’s best to put a rhetorical question that serves as a CTA.

5. Follow Up 

Once you get the green light from the publisher, it’s time to start writing your post.

Make sure you follow the guest posting acceptance criteria shared by the publishing site. It’s usually on the “write for us” page.

Most publishers share their criteria when they respond to your emails. If you can’t find that, you can outright ask them via email.

When your post is ready, send it to the publishing site mentioning that it’s a “draft post.” This allows the publishing site to send it for revisions if it doesn’t meet their criteria.

If you send the final draft in the first mail, the publishing site might reject your proposal.

The best time to send a follow-up mail is between 9am to 12pm. This is because 1pm till 3pm is lunch hour in most organizations, and after that, editors are itching to get home.

How Long Do I Wait For a Response?

If you sent your blogger outreach email and haven’t heard back from the publishing site – don’t lose hope. I once waited 3 months for a response from a high DA site. There is no ideal wait time.

The best you can do is send a perfect pitch and wait for a response. That’s why most companies believe scalable guest blogging is a myth.

Scalable Guest Blogging Solutions – Do They Exist?

Well, yes and no. As you’re probably aware, there are companies out there that allow you to acquire thousands of links per month.

However, not all of these companies are trustworthy. The use of PBNs, low-quality links, and other blackhat techniques has left customers wary of such companies.

Companies may do this via an in-house team of outreaches or hire blogger outreach services to carry the load.

In-house Vs. Outsourced Scalable Guest Blogging 

Scalable guest blogging is possible, and there are only two ways to achieve it.

  1. Hire a team of outreachers and writers (In-house)
  2. Hire a professional blogger outreach company (Outsource)

Both solutions will help you achieve your guest blogging goals. But they come at different prices.

In-house Scalable Guest Blogging

If you are looking to oversee your guest blogging tasks, you can hire a team of writers and outreachers.

However, you’ll have to pay their salaries and on-job benefits. This can mount up to a substantial cost.

Moreover, you’ll have to hire the right resource to accomplish your guest posting objectives.

Outsource Scalable Guest Blogging

Outsource blogging can boost your business without disturbing your core activities. Your hired company will be responsible for generating backlinks and boosting your brand awareness.

For example, if you own a web designing agency, outsourcing guest blogging will help you focus on your core business objectives. As a result, you won’t have to manage additional resources unrelated to your core activities.

In a Nutshell

By now, you must be exhausted reading all that’s mentioned above. So I’ll keep it short here. If you lost track of the information I shared, here’s a short recap.

Guest blogging in SEO is the art of winning over other websites and placing your blog on their platform. You need to sound convincing and express mutual benefit.

The convincing part falls under “blogger outreach.” Whereas hunting for relevant sites and shortlisting based on their DA is a part of the guest posting strategy.

Don’t be confused; guest blogging and posting are similar, but blogger outreach isn’t. The latter is the art of connecting with a blogger.

Just avoid being too salsey and read through your blogger’s content before sending blogger outreach emails. This’ll improve your chances of winning a spot on the best guest posting sites.

Below are some FAQs that address basic questions about guest posting. They aren’t long-form, so I’ll urge you to go through them.


What Are The Criteria For Accepting Guest Posts?

The criteria for guest blogging are shared by the website you are emailing to. Once you get a positive response, the webmaster will share a link to their criteria page or send it via email.

How Does Paid Guest Posting Work?

Paid guest posting works through a monetary exchange. Paid guest posting websites have daily writers, so they don’t need content. You can pursue them by paying them the price they request.

Is Guest Posting Black Hat Seo?

Guest posting isn’t black hat SEO, and it’s a legitimate content marketing practice. However, Google clarified that spammy (irrelevant backlinks) guest posts devalue a site’s ranking.

How Do I Promote My Guest Post For Better Reach?

You can promote your blog post by targeting relevant keywords – a practice most businesses don’t follow but actually works. Moreover, you can hire guest blogging services to find relevant sites, write content and post them for guest posting.

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What is a Good Website Domain Authority and How Can You Increase Yours? Wed, 03 Mar 2021 11:55:56 +0000 If you’re reading this blog, chances are, you’ve come across the term Domain Authority (DA) a couple of times. But what is Domain Authority? What does it mean for your website’s performance? To help you understand the concept and increase the Domain Authority of your website, we’ve created this comprehensive guide. Want to increase your […]

The post What is a Good Website Domain Authority and How Can You Increase Yours? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

If you’re reading this blog, chances are, you’ve come across the term Domain Authority (DA) a couple of times. But what is Domain Authority? What does it mean for your website’s performance?

To help you understand the concept and increase the Domain Authority of your website, we’ve created this comprehensive guide.

Want to increase your Domain Authority? We know how to get you there! Fill out the form to get great results!

Table of Contents

What is Domain Authority?

So, What Is A Good Domain Authority?

How is Domain Authority Calculated?

How to Increase Domain Authority of Your Website?

  1. Accept Only High-Quality, Relevant Backlinks
  2. Create a Link Building Strategy
  3. Guest Post to boost your Domain Authority
  4. Build Domain Authority with Content Syndication
  5. Create high-value content that fellow bloggers will want to link to
  6. Research your competitor’s strategies and consider writing power blogs
  7. Make sure to work on your on-page SEO

Update older content

Optimize images

Optimize meta tags and descriptions

Use keywords naturally

Use both internal and external links

  1. Fix up your Technical SEO
  2. Social Signals
  3. Mobile Friendliness

Wrapping Up!


What is Domain Authority?

What is Domain Authority?

Created by Moz, Domain Authority is a ranking metric—an aggregated number—that indicates how authoritative your website is. The higher your website’s domain authority, the more easily it can rank for your target keywords.

Furthermore, Moz states that a website’s DA is calculated by assessing aspects like linking root domains and the number of total links into a DA score.

DA is scored on a scale of 1–100, with 1 being the lowest performing and 100 being the highest. New websites that have very little to no authority typically start out with a DA of 1. The top websites on the internet, including Apple, YouTube, and Google, have DAs of 100.

So, What Is A Good Domain Authority?

DA below 40 is considered poor; 40–50 is considered average; 51–60 is good; anything above 60 is excellent.

So clearly, scoring high when it comes to Domain Authority should definitely be on your business’s bucket list. But instead of focusing on getting the highest possible DA and competing with giants like Apple and Google, look at your competitors. Your goal should be to develop a higher domain authority than them.

Small businesses, for example, have a relatively lower DA overall, making it easier for competitors to scope out the landscape and improve their authority.

The next logical question is, how do you get high domain authority relative to your competitors?

There are many factors, and in this comprehensive blog, we’ll cover them all in depth.

How is Domain Authority Calculated?

Domain Authority is calculated using the total number of backlinks you receive, including root domains (among a host of other metrics). It defines the ranking capabilities of an entire website for any page it creates, including but not limited to blog posts.

It’s important to note that Domain Authority is different from Page Authority (PA). So what is Page Authority? While PA measures the ranking strength and capabilities of a single web page on a website, DA showcases the strength of the entire website, indicating the likelihood of a web page ranking when you create one. While different, PA largely depends on Domain Authority because they ultimately rely on the same factors.

So without further ado, let’s get to our comprehensive ways to increase your site’s Domain Authority.

How to Increase Domain Authority of Your Website?

1. Accept Only High-Quality, Relevant Backlinks

Your backlinks are arguably the most important factor in improving your Domain Authority score.

Backlinks are created when other websites hyperlink to your website. These links can send traffic to your websites, improve rankings, and increase your Domain Authority.

To better understand backlinks, check out our YouTube video What is Backlinking And Why is it Important for YOUR Business.


So your goal with backlinks is to make sure that they’re all high-quality and relevant to your site. Luckily, you can remove irrelevant, spammy backlinks that will harm your domain authority in the long run using the Disavow tool, courtesy of Google.

Way over your head? You can get in touch with a professional SEO company that can run a backlink audit for you to take care of that.

screenshot of Disavow tool from Google for backlinks which helps improve website Domain Authority by removing irrelevant, low-quality links

If only high-quality, relevant websites are able to link to your website, Google’s bots are more likely to trust your website’s domain authority. The industry-standard rule is that do-follow links are better than no-follow links. This is because do-follow links transfer greater “SEO juice” from the linking site to yours compared to no-follow links.

No follow links aren’t bad to have by any means—you just want to try to target more do-follow links because they’ll give you more SEO bang for your buck. Once you audit your current links and regularly remove the “trash” links, so to speak, you can focus on building more high-quality, relevant backlinks.

Pro tip

If you’re running a small business, submit your site for local roundups. These include “best XYZ” lists and/or directories that accept submissions. These are easy backlinks for you to grab for your business.

Another hack is to collaborate with local businesses that have a similar customer demographic as you. In this way, you can build mutually beneficial links that are relevant to your mutual customers. You can even work with small businesses that you already have a professional relationship with whose customer demographics would be interested in your product or service. There are more ways to build high-quality links, though.

We’ve helped hundreds of businesses increase their Domain Authority. Become one of them today!

2. Create a Link Building Strategy

Now that you know you want to maintain only high quality, high authority links and are well aware of how to disavow unwanted links, you need a strategy to build wanted links.

The first most important building block to any great promotion strategy is having something of note or value to say in your industry. The second is to promote this content using every marketing channel at your disposal.

So once you’ve created in-depth blogs (we will get into details about how to create linkable content in a future point), send it to your email list and promote it on your social media channels. Don’t underestimate organic reach even if you don’t have a sizable following yet. Use hashtags that are relevant to your industry and content to get more eyeballs on your content.

The next step once you’ve squared away what you can do on your own is to reach out to the big boys. Or, at least, the bigger boys in your industry. As long as their website has a similar or greater authority as yours, you should contact them for a backlink. You want to be subtle as opposed to making demands when you contact them. Make sure you do your research regarding their brand beforehand. If the person’s audience isn’t relevant to yours, then there’s no point reaching out.

Express gratitude for the content they publish. Here, it can help to link to a specific blog that resonated with you, one that is similar in topic to the content you are seeking to build a link with. You can then say in your email or message that you also wrote a new blog about *insert similar topic interest* and that you thought they might enjoy it as someone who writes about said topic/s.

You can end your email or message by saying that your blog/guide/article/etc. might make a helpful addition to their page. End the message on a positive note and send it off. If they like your content and think it would help their audience to read it, they will happily link to it. Many will accept, a lot will say no, and some won’t even respond. That is part of the game of link building.

Another key way to proactively build links is to strategically guest post.

3. Guest Post to boost your Domain Authority

Guest posting is when you write a piece that is to be published on a third party website instead of your own. A guest post is many times more efficient and effective at boosting your current DA score than only creating content on your native website is.

screenshot of example guest post page for the photography niche

With guest posting, you will have many opportunities to link your website in your content or Author Bio yourself. Studies have shown that people are more likely to click on links within a blog while they are still gaining information rather than afterwards, once they have captured said information.

Both ways, however, provide a high quality backlink to your website from a reputable, high DA site that is sure to also boost your own DA. This is important because these links will be on high authority websites that you’ve found in your niche, showing Google that you are a thought leader in your industry.

In addition, since the new people that will read your post are already interested in your niche, this further improves the chances of them coming to your blog and linking back to your posts.

You can find guest posting websites by searching “*insert niche* guest posting websites” on Google.Screenshot of Google search to find relevant guest posting sites

Yet another way is to locate them using key phrases such as “write for us”, “submit a post”, “submit a blog”, etc.

A final note on guest posts is to make sure that the links being provided to you are “do follow” and not “no follow“. A do follow link will help your rankings directly by communicating the link to search engines, while a no follow link will not communicate this.

Pro Tip

Since guest posting is a time intensive process, don’t mass produce content to be guest posted everywhere; instead, be more strategic about which websites will give you the biggest bang for your buck.

While this information about no follow backlinks can persuade you to avoid no follow links altogether, chances are, you will get them at some point. There’s no need to remove them as long as they are from a relevant website in your niche.

They still provide referral traffic (which influences your rankings), brand awareness, and greater social media shares and engagement. So while no follow links may not directly impact your rankings and DA, they do indirectly help so there’s no harm to keep relevant no follow links as part of your website’s backlink portfolio.

4. Build Domain Authority with Content Syndication

Content syndication is when you publish a singular piece of content on multiple websites. Note that this is separate from guest posting because, instead of creating entirely new content on a website, you are instead reposting it by giving the third party website permission to do so.

You can do this on your own using blog posting websites like LinkedIn and Medium, and even forum websites such as Quora and Reddit.

screenshot of LinkedIn blogs site where content can be reposted and linked back to your website to improve your backlinks and hence, Domain Authority

You can also reach out to websites that will republish with your permission. To find these, search “republish with permission” and add the topic you are covering in your piece or even your niche as a whole so you can explore.

When you do find these web sources where you can republish with permission, you want to reach out to them communicating the value their site will receive through republishing your specific content piece.

5. Create high-value content that fellow bloggers will want to link to

There’s a reason we keep saying that Content is King. That’s because it truly is, fit with a bombastic gold crown and silver scepter.

A content marketer is typing on their laptop writing high-quality content to improve their website’s SEO and Domain AuthorityA content marketer is typing on their laptop writing high-quality content to improve their website’s SEO and Domain Authority

The truth is, you can follow every single SEO advice and tactic in the proverbial book, but, ultimately, having good SEO clears the path for a site visitor to come to your content. So if your content isn’t helpful, engaging, or even interesting, you’re going to get stuck with a high bounce rate and very minimal to no conversions.

People are searching for answers to their pain-points and concerns on the internet. If you’re the one to be able to provide them with answers in a way that makes sense to them, they’ll be grateful and are more likely to remember your site as a future resource.

Good content is helpful to build trust with your prospect. Trust leads to higher site visits, lower bounce rates, greater dwell time, and greater conversions. Yet another awesome benefit of creating high-quality content, though, is that authoritative blogs within your niche will also find it valuable.

Because your blog explains, teaches, or provides some sort of resource to them in an easily digestible manner, they’ll be incentivized to link back to your blog as a citation in one of their pieces. Therefore, your go-to strategy to increase your DA should be to regularly release high-value content for your niche.

Pro Tip

Provide valuable content that you can use is to create media-rich content such as infographics, graphs, and charts that break down complex topics in your niche into a simple picture.

One final tip we will impart here for content is if you’re wondering what kind of content to create that fills a gap, you might want to check out the content your competitors are creating and figure out what’s missing. Therein lies your opportunity.

To learn more about writing great content, be sure to check out our blog: How To Write A Blog That Ranks.

6. Research your competitor’s strategies and consider writing power blogs

If you do your research thoroughly, you’ll discover the keywords your competitors are targeting. Based on this, you’ll know what’s missing in your content marketing strategy and what you need to beat in order to rank.

Check what kind of sites are already linking to their web page. Are you able to build a Franken-blog that is the MOST comprehensive one out of all these competitors? This kind of blog, also known as a power blog, can be highly sought after by readers because it is a one-stop shop for everything they need to know about a topic. A power blog in this way can help your blog stand out.

If you still need convincing here, be sure to read our blog 5 Reasons Why You Need Power Blog PostsFor Your Website Blog.

7. Make sure to work on your on-page SEO

In addition to your off-page SEO, which includes setting up backlinks, it’s also important to work on your on-page SEO to increase your domain authority.

Update older content

The most important factor in your on-page SEO is to make sure your content is up to date and relevant to today’s audiences. If your blog has lost relevance, it will result in an increased bounce rate, which ultimately affects your overall SEO efforts, rankings, and domain authority.

A screenshot of a recent Global-marketing Inc. blog updated for relevancy in 2021

Optimize images

A feature not enough people with websites are aware of is that you can actually add more text at the back-end of every image on your website.

You can do this by updating the image’s file name and the associated Alt Text. The point of these fields is to show the text to the viewer about what’s happening in the image in case it doesn’t load, or your visitor is visually impaired. You can simply describe what your image contains and, where relevant, insert your target keywords in the Alt text.

Optimize meta tags and descriptions

Each page on your website will have a section in the HTML region to optimize your meta tags and descriptions.Meta tags and descriptions shown in search results, which, when optimized, improve website Domain Authority and SEO

In a nutshell, these are the titles and descriptions that appear on Google when you search a term.

So if you leave your meta tags and descriptions up to chance, Google will phrase them at random. Since this is the equivalent of your store’s front sign, i.e., the first thing any of your prospects from Google search results will see, it’s worth optimizing for keywords and readability.

To discover more detailed tactics on tackling meta tags and descriptions, you can learn it all in our blog How Meta Tags Affect Your Website’s SEO.

Use keywords naturally

Visual demonstration of web SEO and Domain Authority

The number one practice that you want to avoid like the plague is keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is essentially when a keyword is “stuffed” into a site’s meta data, backlinks, web pages, etc., in an attempt to game the system and unfairly rank higher.

This may have worked very briefly a long, long time ago, but since the Hummingbird Update, Google and its robots which crawl your website have gotten very smart. Not only do they catch on if your website includes keyword stuffing, but they also penalize your website by rapidly reducing its rankings. So the best policy is to play the game by Google’s rules and win. This means using your target keywords naturally where they are relevant in your blog and web content.

The more you place your keywords based on relevancy, the greater its readability becomes, and therefore, the longer your reader is likely to stay engaged.

Use both internal and external links

Internal links are important because they create a web of interconnected pages on your website through links. The more coiled and well-connected the web is, the better Google’s Spiders can crawl it.

Who doesn’t love a good spider pun?

A spider web is shown with a spider crawling it to illustrate that increasing internal links help Google's spiders crawl your website more easily, improving your domain authority.

Internal links build a high-quality network between your web pages the Spiders can index on Google.

Building internal links also helps you “pass on” some of the authority you’ve gained from a reputable page to other specific web pages on your site for which your goal is to rank.

External links help when they are relevant because it shows you are linking to note-worthy blogs and websites related to your topics. The idea is: if you’re commenting about relevant topics within your niche, then your commentary must by proxy also be somewhat relevant.

For further on-page SEO tips to keep your visitor on your website longer, you can check out our blog 10 Proven Tips to Drastically Reduce Website Bounce Rate.

8. Fix up your Technical SEO

Your technical SEO is the foundation upon which your rankings, domain authority, and everything you’re doing for your website, stand on. You need to have your website registered on Google Search Console. Once you’ve registered, submit a file known as the “xml sitemap” of your website to Google Search Console.

This is the equivalent of giving Google a “cheat sheet” map to send its crawlers through your website. You want these crawlers all over your website because once they are, they can index your web pages.

Indexing your pages means that they become part of the Google Search results. Once you’ve completed these steps, you can actually test your pages for crawlability.

This can be done using the Fetch tool within Google Search Console. The Fetch as Google bot feature in your Google Search Console dashboard allows you to submit new and updated URLs to Google for sped-up indexing and to check whether your site pages can be crawled by Google’s bots.

To check the status of existing pages that you’ve already been in the process of indexing, you can use Google’s URL Inspection Tool.

A screenshot of a Google tool to help with technical SEO and heighten domain authority

Crawlability problems, in particular, are frustrating because they mean that even if all the right elements on your website are in place, you are still missing out on some SEO juice that can impact your domain authority score.

Thus, it’s important to regularly audit your website for crawlability problems including problematic redirects, links that don’t work, 404 pages, irrelevant or outdated content links, etc.

Another major focus area to improve your DA should be social signals.

9. Social Signals

Social signals are social media engagements and shares. They’re important because they indicate to Google that your content is creating buzz and is relevant within your niche.

Worldwide social media penetration statistics to demonstrate its importance in the world today and how it can be instrumental in bettering a website's Domain Authority

While Google has maintained that Social Signals are not an official ranking factor, there’s a huge correlation between pages that rank well and their social media presences. High-ranking pages have great social media presence and engagement metrics.

Screenshot of Searchberg Facebook page

This means building your brand and/or small business’s presence on social media is an integral step to take if you want to secure a high Domain Authority.

Whether you start with LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram, the key is to build your brand and engage with your customers in a meaningful way. Take the key principles from our content section in this blog and apply them here. You want to provide value, and on social media, this can be as simple as bringing positivity to someone’s newsfeed.

To learn more in-depth strategies for each social media platform stated previously, be sure to check out the links above. To binge-learn how to create high-quality social media content for your business and improve your engagement, here’s a list of our social media marketing blogs for businesses to help you out.

Specifically to improve your SEO and therefore, DA, we suggest reading our blog Social Media and SEO: How to Use Social Media to Improve SEO Rankings.

10. Mobile Friendliness

Making sure your website is mobile friendly is important for three key reasons:

  1. Mobile friendly sites are easier to use, providing a more high quality user experience
  2. They are looked upon more favorably by Google’s ranking system
  • Thus, they are more likely to secure backlinks, so it’s a key way to improve your site’s Domain Authority.

Since Mobilegeddon in 2015, Google has cracked down on websites which are not friendly to use on a mobile device or smartphone and rewards those sites that are.

So if a website is easy to use on a smartphone or a tablet, then Google notices and ranks that site higher in the search results for the site’s target keywords.

If it’s not, however, then the algorithm punishes the site by reducing its rankings and pushing its web pages lower in search results.

You can easily measure your website’s mobile friendliness capabilities using the Google Mobile Friendly Test Tool.screen shot of mobile friendly test tool through Google to help improve mobile friendliness and increase Domain Authority

Wrapping Up!

In this blog, we dove into the deep end to learn all about website DA and how to increase domain authority.

While many of these tips can easily be performed by an everyday Joe who is just learning about domain authority and discovering the world of SEO, it will definitely speed things up and prevent errors if you consult with professionals who have been in the game for a long time.

We, at Global-marketing Inc., can help you increase your website’s domain authority today. Call us at +1(833)405-1025 to kick-start your domain authority score and SEO rankings or fill out the form below!

The post What is a Good Website Domain Authority and How Can You Increase Yours? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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