Digital Marketing Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Tue, 16 Jan 2024 11:55:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Importance of Digital Marketing in the Healthcare Industry Thu, 14 Dec 2023 16:18:10 +0000 There’s a vital element that many professionals often overlook in the healthcare industry: online visibility. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of providing top-notch care and forget that the digital arena is precisely where a significant chunk of your audience resides. The truth is, in the modern digital age, the lack of […]

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There’s a vital element that many professionals often overlook in the healthcare industry: online visibility.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of providing top-notch care and forget that the digital arena is precisely where a significant chunk of your audience resides.

The truth is, in the modern digital age, the lack of a strong online presence is akin to keeping your practice’s brilliance under a bushel.

Why is online visibility so critical? First and foremost, it’s about reach. The internet is a bustling hub where potential patients start their healthcare journey.

Whether they’re looking for a new dentist, researching a particular symptom, or seeking the best local physiotherapist, their first instinct is to search online. If your practice isn’t visible in these searches, you’re missing out on a vast audience actively seeking the very services you offer.

But it’s not just a matter of being seen; it’s also about engagement. Online visibility allows you to connect with your audience in ways that go beyond traditional advertising. It’s an opportunity to educate, inform, and build trust even before a patient steps into your clinic.

This engagement plays a big role in converting casual web browsers into loyal patients.

This is where healthcare digital marketing, the very foundation that holds successful online visibility, enters the picture. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; it’s a tailored approach that involves understanding your unique audience, their online behaviors, and the best ways to reach them.

It’s a multifaceted strategy that includes optimizing your website for search engines, engaging with patients on social media, managing online reviews, and much more.

If you’re hearing about digital marketing in healthcare for the first time, or you’ve heard about it before but haven’t really paid much attention to it, you’re at the right place.

In this blog, we’ll unpack the importance and benefits of digital marketing for healthcare professionals. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a comprehensive and clear understanding of why your practice needs digital marketing and the right way to kick-start the journey to a booming practice.

All aboard? Let’s begin!

1. What Exactly Does Healthcare Digital Marketing Include?

a healthcare professional leveraging digital marketing to promote their practice

Healthcare digital marketing is a multifaceted approach that encompasses a range of strategies and tools designed to enhance the online presence of healthcare providers.

It entails creating and disseminating content across various digital platforms to engage potential and existing patients.

Let’s break down what this typically includes:

1.1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

At its very core, SEO involves optimizing your website and content to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). This means using relevant keywords, optimizing website speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness.

The goal is to easily get discovered by someone who’s looking for healthcare services in your area or seeking information on health-related topics. By turning to SEO for healthcare providers, you can give your practice a big boost among online spaces.

When considering SEO services for your healthcare practice, be selective and discerning in your choice. The landscape of SEO is vast and varied,with many providers promising quick fixes and top rankings. However, the real value lies in finding an SEO agency that understands the healthcare industry’s specific needs and nuances.

An ideal SEO partner should have a proven track record in the healthcare sector. They must demonstrate an understanding of patient behavior, healthcare terminologies, and the sensitive nature of medical content. They should also be committed to ethical SEO practices and must steer clear of any shortcuts or black-hat techniques that could harm your reputation or credibility in the long run.

Take your time, do your research, and find the right healthcare SEO partner.

1.2. Content Marketing

a health and wellness blog

Content marketing, like SEO, also falls under the umbrella of digital marketing in healthcare. This strategy revolves around creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

In the healthcare sector, this could include blog posts about health tips, articles on medical advancements, patient success stories, or informational videos. Content marketing positions your practice as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source in the healthcare industry.

Let’s consider a few examples:

  1. Health Tips Blog Series: A family healthcare practice could run a weekly blog series offering practical health tips. The topics may range from nutritional advice to managing common ailments at home. For instance, a blog post titled “10 Tips for a Healthy Heart” or “Effective Ways to Manage Seasonal Allergies” would not only draw readers looking for health information but also showcase the practice’s expertise.
  2. Patient Success Stories: A specialized clinic, like an orthopedic center, could share patient success stories. These stories, possibly titled “John’s Journey: Overcoming Knee Injury with Our Advanced Physiotherapy” or “How Minimally Invasive Surgery Changed Sarah’s Life”, could help humanize the brand and demonstrate the real-world success of their treatments.
  3. Informative Videos: A dental clinic may create short videos explaining common dental procedures or offering oral hygiene tips. A video titled “Understanding Root Canal Treatment: What to Expect” can help demystify a commonly feared procedure, while “Daily Dental Care Routines for Healthy Teeth” can be a practical guide for patients.
  4. Interactive Health Quizzes: A healthcare provider could engage their audience with interactive content like health quizzes. For example, a quiz titled “Test Your Diabetes Awareness” or “Is It Time for a Health Check-Up?” is a great way to educate and encourage readers to think about their health and potentially seek services.
  5. Infographics on Medical Advancements: A hospital or medical center could create infographics on the latest advancements in medical technology or treatment methods. An infographic on “The Future of Robotic Surgery” or “Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment” can position the hospital as a leader in medical innovation.

1.3. Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms like Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram offer healthcare providers a way to connect with patients on a more personal level.

This includes sharing health tips, news, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your practice.

It’s a powerful tool for building community, increasing engagement, and even managing your practice’s reputation.

1.4. Email Marketing

Email campaigns allow healthcare providers to communicate directly with their audience. Whether it’s a newsletter, health reminders, or information about new services, email marketing keeps your patients informed and engaged with your practice.

One significant benefit of email marketing is the ability to segment your audience and tailor content to specific groups. For instance, you could send targeted emails about pediatric care to families with young children or provide information about senior health services to an older demographic. This customization ensures that your messages are relevant and valuable to each recipient.

Furthermore, email campaigns can be used to keep patients updated about changes in your practice, such as new healthcare providers joining your team, changes in office hours, or updates to policies and procedures. This kind of transparency builds trust and keeps your patients in the loop; it makes them feel more connected to your practice.

In terms of engagement, email marketing can encourage feedback and interaction. You could invite patients to participate in surveys, provide feedback on their experiences, or ask questions. This two-way communication fosters a sense of community and shows patients that their opinions and satisfaction matter to your practice.

Promotional content, while less frequent, can also be part of your email marketing strategy. Information about special promotions, new service offerings, or patient referral programs can be communicated effectively through email. However, it’s important to balance promotional content with informative and educational material to avoid overwhelming your patients with advertisements.

1.5. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC involves placing ads on search engines or social media platforms and paying each time someone clicks on them.

For healthcare professionals, this can be an effective way to reach potential patients who are actively searching for specific healthcare services or treatments.

One of the key strengths of PPC in healthcare marketing is its ability to be highly specific. For example, if your dental practice specializes in cosmetic dentistry, your PPC ads can be tailored to appear when someone searches for “cosmetic dental services” or “teeth whitening.” This level of specificity ensures that your ads are seen by individuals who are most likely to be interested in your services.

Another significant advantage of PPC is the speed at which it can impact your practice’s visibility. Unlike organic search strategies, which can take time to yield results, a well-crafted PPC campaign can propel your practice to the top of SERPs almost immediately. This immediacy can be particularly beneficial for new practices looking to establish a patient base or for established practices launching new services or promotions.

PPC also offers the flexibility of budget control. You can set the maximum amount you’re willing to spend per day or per click, making it easier to manage your marketing budget and measure the ROI of your campaigns. This flexibility ensures that practices of all sizes can leverage PPC advertising regardless of their marketing budget.

1.6. Online Reputation Management

This includes monitoring and responding to reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or health-specific review sites.

Positive reviews are invaluable in this digital landscape. They act as powerful testimonials of your services, expertise, and patient care quality. When potential patients read positive experiences from others, they feel more confident and comfortable visiting the well-reputed practice. Trust and credibility are established.

It’s essential, therefore, to encourage satisfied patients to share their experiences online. This can be done gently and ethically at the end of their visit or through follow-up emails.

Recommended Read: Online Reputation Management and SEO: Is There a Link?

1.7. Analytics and Reporting

Understanding the performance of your healthcare digital marketing efforts is imperative. This involves analyzing data from your website and social media platforms to see what’s working and where improvements can be made. This helps in making data-driven decisions to enhance your digital marketing strategies.

1.8. Mobile Marketing

a mobile-friendly healthcare website

In 2024, mobile marketing has become an indispensable component of digital marketing for healthcare providers, primarily due to the ubiquitous use of smartphones.

People are increasingly reliant on their mobile devices for accessing information, making decisions, and managing their daily lives (including their healthcare needs). Optimizing your digital marketing efforts for mobile users isn’t just beneficial but necessary.

A mobile-friendly website is the cornerstone of effective mobile marketing. This means launching a website design that automatically adjusts to fit the screen of any device (whether it’s a smartphone or a tablet).

A mobile-responsive design improves user experience and ensures that patients can easily navigate your site, read content without zooming in, and access services like appointment booking or patient portals seamlessly. Google also prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search results. This means a responsive design can boost yourhealthcare SEO efforts!

Beyond website optimization, SMS marketing presents a valuable opportunity to connect with patients directly. Text messages have a high open rate; they’re an extremely effective tool for reaching patients. Healthcare providers can use SMS for a variety of purposes, such as sending appointment reminders, which can reduce no-show rates. You can also send health tips, vaccination reminders, or information about upcoming health events or screenings.

This direct form of communication is very convenient for patients. It also fosters a continuous connection between your practice and your patients.

Furthermore, mobile apps are becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare industry; developing a mobile app for your practice can offer numerous benefits. It can serve as a platform for patients to book and manage appointments, access their medical records, receive personalized health tips, and even have telemedicine consultations. An app can enhance patient engagement and provide a level of convenience that modern patients expect.

Mobile marketing also includes advertising on mobile platforms. Mobile ads can be particularly effective as they are often more targeted and based on the user’s location and browsing history. This can help increase the visibility of your practice among local patients who are searching for healthcare services on their mobile devices.

1.9. Video Marketing

Video marketing opens up a dynamic and impactful way to engage with patients. It offers a medium that’s both visually compelling and easily digestible. In an era where information is consumed rapidly, videos stand out for their ability to convey complex medical information in a straightforward and engaging manner.

One of the key strengths of video marketing is its versatility. Healthcare providers can create a wide range of video content; they can easily cater to various patient needs and interests. For instance, explanatory videos or animations can break down complex medical procedures or treatments, making them more understandable to the average patient. This is a great way to educate patients and alleviate the stress and anxiety associated with certain procedures.

Virtual tours of healthcare facilities are another effective use of video marketing. They allow potential patients to explore your practice from the comfort of their own homes, giving them a sense of familiarity and comfort before they even step foot in your facility. This is particularly beneficial for practices like dental clinics or surgical centers where patient comfort and trust are imperative.

Testimonial videos featuring patient stories and experiences can be particularly powerful. They provide a personal touch by showcasing real-life outcomes and patient satisfaction. These testimonials can resonate deeply with potential patients. They provide a level of reassurance that’s hard to achieve through other forms of content.

Healthcare practices can also use video content to introduce their team members and showcase the human side of their practice. Videos that feature doctors, nurses, and support staff speaking about their roles or discussing their approach to patient care can build a sense of trust and connection with the audience.

Additionally, video content is highly shareable and has the potential to reach a wide audience through social media platforms, email newsletters, and your practice’s website. This broad reach can significantly enhance your practice’s visibility and brand recognition.

In the context of SEO, videos can also improve your practice’s search engine rankings. Search engines tend to favor content that engages users, and videos are known to keep visitors on your website longer, which can positively impact your website’s search engine performance.

Look for SEO services for healthcare practices that specialize in video marketing as well. As we’ve mentioned before, it’s extremely important to do your research and find the right healthcare SEO provider. A little due diligence will go a long way in helping you make the right call!

1.10. Influencer Partnerships

Collaborating with influencers in the health and wellness space can expand your reach and add credibility to your services. Influencers, with their established audiences and trusted voices, can serve as powerful allies in disseminating your message and promoting your services.

When you partner with health and wellness influencers, you tap into their follower base, which often comprises engaged individuals interested in health-related content. This can dramatically increase your visibility to a broader (yet targeted) audience. For instance, an influencer specializing in fitness and nutrition could introduce your weight management program or nutritional counseling services to an audience already interested in these areas.

Influencer collaborations can also lend a sense of authenticity and trustworthiness to your services. People tend to trust recommendations from individuals they admire and follow (more so than traditional advertising). When an influencer shares their positive experience with your practice or endorses your services, it comes across as a genuine and credible recommendation. This can be particularly effective in the healthcare sector, where trust and credibility are paramount.

These collaborations can also take various forms and add versatility to your marketing strategy. It could be as simple as an influencer visiting your practice and sharing their experience on social media. Or it could be as involved as co-creating content like health tips videos, crafting educational blog posts, or hosting joint webinars on health topics.

Additionally, working with influencers can provide valuable content for your own marketing channels. You can share and repurpose the content created through these collaborations on your website and social media platforms. This is an excellent way to enrich your content pool and reinforce your marketing messages.

It’s important, however, to choose influencers whose values align with your practice and who have a credible reputation in the health and wellness space. The right influencer should resonate with your brand’s ethos and have an audience demographic that matches your target patients. Turn to professional influencer marketing services to make the right call each time.

Healthcare digital marketing isn’t just a matter of promoting your services; it’s about educating, engaging, and building trust with your audience.

Each of these components plays a vital role in a comprehensive digital marketing strategy; it helps healthcare providers connect with patients in a meaningful way in today’s digital-centric world.

2. How Will Digital Marketing Help Me Grow My Practice?

a doctor tracking growth from digital marketing for healthcare

Embarking on a digital marketing journey opens up a realm of possibilities for growing your healthcare practice in ways that traditional methods alone can’t match. Beyond just enhancing visibility and patient engagement, digital marketing offers a strategic pathway to sustainable growth and development.

2.1. Expanding Geographic Reach

Traditionally, a healthcare provider’s influence was primarily local, confined to their physical location’s immediate surroundings. The digital world, however, has no such boundaries. It’s a vast, interconnected space where distance becomes irrelevant, and access is just a click away.

By effectively utilizing digital marketing strategies, a healthcare practice can reach potential patients far beyond its local community. This expanded reach is particularly advantageous for specialties or practices offering unique treatments and services.

For instance, a healthcare provider specializing in a rare form of therapy can attract patients from different regions or even countries, which would have been almost impossible with traditional local advertising.

An enhanced online presence allows a practice to tap into a larger pool of potential patients. This is especially relevant at a time when people are more mobile than ever before. A family moving to a new city, for instance, is likely to start their search for healthcare services online. If your practice appears prominently in their search results, regardless of your physical distance, you have the opportunity to become their provider of choice.

This reach isn’t just about attracting patients but also about establishing a broader brand presence. Healthcare providers can leverage digital marketing to position themselves as thought leader and authority in their field. By sharing expert content, participating in online discussions, and offering virtual consultations, a practice can build a reputation that resonates with a wider audience. This is an excellent way to break the constraints of physical geography.

Furthermore, the digital space allows for targeted marketing strategies. With tools like geotargeting, practices can tailor their online advertisements to appear to users in specific locations, even if those locations aren’t in their immediate vicinity. This means that a practice can strategically expand its patient base into new areas and test the waters before making any significant physical expansion or investment.

2.2. Building a Strong Brand Identity

In the digital space, your practice isn’t just a name in a directory; it’s a brand. A power-packed healthcare digital marketing plan will enable you to craft and convey a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your audience.

By leveraging consistent messaging across your website, social media, and online campaigns, you can create a recognizable and trusted brand identity. This branding goes a long way in establishing loyalty and preference among patients.

Consistency is key to building a strong brand identity. Your message and aesthetic should be uniform across all channels, whether it’s your website’s design, your social media posts, or your email newsletters. Consistency helps in reinforcing your brand and makes it more recognizable to your audience.

Engagement is another critical aspect. Interacting with your audience through social media comments, responding to reviews, and participating in online health forums can add a personal touch to your brand. This engagement will humanize your practice and build trust among your patients.

Additionally, a well-established brand identity can open doors to new marketing opportunities. Collaborations, sponsorships, and community events are more accessible to practices that have a recognizable and respected brand.

2.3. Engaging with Patients in Real-Time

a doctor interacting with their patient online

At a time when immediacy and personalization are highly valued, the ability to interact and respond to patients promptly isn’t just appreciated; it’s expected.

Quality real-time engagement in healthcare can take many forms, but at its core, it’s about creating meaningful, direct, and swift interactions.

For instance, healthcare providers can respond to patient queries, share timely health tips, and provide general health advice through social media. This immediacy of communication fosters a sense of community and belonging; it makes patients feel more connected to your practice.

Another critical aspect of real-time engagement is online chat services. By implementing live chat features, your practice can offer instant support to visitors seeking information. Whether you answer questions about your services, help with appointment scheduling, or provide directions to your clinic, these real-time interactions can significantly enhance user experience and satisfaction.

And let’s not forget that real-time engagement also extends to managing online reviews and feedback. Prompt responses to online reviews, whether they’re positive or negative, demonstrate that your practice values patient feedback and is committed to maintaining high standards of care. This helps build trust and address any concerns swiftly.

It’s also important to note that the advent of telehealth services has taken real-time engagement to new heights. Telehealth allows healthcare providers to consult with patients via video calls and provide medical advice, follow-ups, and even certain types of consultations in real-time.

2.4. Leveraging Data-Driven Insights

One of the most powerful aspects of digital marketing is the ability to collect and analyze data.

Using tools like Google Analytics, you can track website visits, patient demographics, engagement rates, and much more.

These insights allow you to understand your audience better, tailor your services to meet their needs, and make informed decisions about where to focus your marketing efforts for maximum impact.

2.5. Cost-Effectiveness and ROI

The cost-effectiveness and return on investment (ROI) of digital marketing in healthcare are among its most appealing attributes (especially when compared to traditional marketing methods). This efficiency stems from the targeted, measurable, and adaptable nature of healthcare digital marketing strategies.

Firstly, digital marketing often requires a lower upfront investment than traditional methods like print or broadcast advertising. While traditional ads can be costly to produce and place, digital campaigns can be launched with a relatively modest budget.

For example, social media campaigns or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising allow for precise budget control and targeting. You can set a daily or campaign budget, ensuring that you never spend more than what you’ve planned.

The real power of digital marketing lies in its targeting capabilities. Online platforms provide sophisticated tools that allow you to target specific demographics, geographic areas, and even user behaviors. This means your marketing efforts are focused on people who are most likely to avail your services.

For instance, a pediatric clinic can target parents in a specific locality, while a dental practice may focus on adults in a broader area. This precise targeting reduces the wastage of resources and ensures that your marketing budget is spent on reaching the most relevant audience.

Furthermore, healthcare digital marketing offers unparalleled tracking and analytics capabilities. You can track how many people viewed your ad, visited your website, or called your clinic as a direct result of a specific campaign.

This level of detailed feedback allows for an accurate calculation of ROI (something that is often challenging to measure with traditional marketing methods). By understanding what’s working and what isn’t, you can adjust your strategies in real-time, further optimizing your marketing spend.

Another aspect of cost-effectiveness is the longevity and versatility of digital content. Once created, content like blog posts, videos, or infographics can be repurposed and redistributed across various platforms, offering sustained value over time without additional investment.

3. A Practice That Leverages Digital Marketing vs. One That Doesn’t

a healthcare SEO comic strip


Feeling a little overwhelmed by the barrage of information? Let’s consider an example to help you understand how things play out in reality.

We’ll compare two healthcare practices, one that leverages digital marketing versus one that doesn’t, to help you understand how this powerful strategy pans out in real life.

Here are two hypothetical scenarios broken down to give you a better understanding of the efficacy of digital marketing for healthcare professionals.

3.1. Traditional Approach: Clarkson Family Clinic

Clarkson Family Clinic is a healthcare facility that has steadfastly adhered to traditional marketing methods.

They rely on print ads in local newspapers, flyers, and community bulletin boards to promote their services. Occasionally, they sponsor local sports teams and events for added visibility.

While these methods do garner some local recognition, their reach is inherently limited to the immediate community.

Their patient base is largely static; it’s composed mostly of long-term residents familiar with their longstanding presence. However, they struggle to attract younger demographics and newcomers to the area.

Without a digital presence, Clarkson Family Clinic remains invisible in online searches. This, of course, is a significant drawback in an era where the majority of healthcare queries begin online.

Their lack of digital engagement means missed opportunities for growth and an inability to effectively communicate with a broader audience.

3.2. Digital Savvy: Roselyn Health Group

Let’s move on to our second example.

In stark contrast to Clarkson Family Clinic, Roselyn Health Group has wholeheartedly embraced the digital marketing landscape to propel its growth and visibility.

Identifying the pivotal role of digital channels in contemporary healthcare, they’ve crafted a strategy that taps into the diverse ways patients seek healthcare services.

What’s at the forefront of their digital strategy? A sleek, engaging, interactive, and optimized website. This isn’t just a static webpage; it’s a user-friendly portal where patients can easily find information, book appointments, and access health resources.

The site is meticulously designed to appear at the top of SERPs (especially when potential patients search for healthcare services in their locality).

This high search visibility has been a game-changer. It has enabled Roselyn to capture the attention of younger demographics and tech-savvy patients who predominantly use online searches to find healthcare providers.

But their digital prowess doesn’t stop there. Roselyn Health Group has made substantial strides in social media engagement. They’ve cultivated a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, and even LinkedIn. Through these channels, they share a mix of health tips, news, patient success stories, and insights into clinic life.

This approach has humanized their brand and fostered a community-like feel among followers. It’s a space where patients feel seen and heard. The outcome?Higher engagement and trust.

Content marketing forms another pillar of their strategy. Roselyn regularly updates their blog with informative content covering a range of health topics. From preventive health tips to deep dives into specific medical conditions, their content is both educational and engaging.

This consistent flow of quality content has established them as a thought leader in the healthcare sector. They’ve managed to brilliantly drive more organic traffic to their site.

The combination of these digital marketing efforts has resulted in remarkable benefits for Roselyn Health Group. They’ve seen a significant increase in new patient inquiries, appointments, and retention rates. Their digital strategy has allowed them to tap into new market segments, attract a diverse patient base, and keep pace with evolving patient expectations in the digital age.

3.3. Lessons Learned

These examples, while hypothetical, mirror reality. They paint a vivid picture of two contrasting approaches in the healthcare industry: one steadfast in traditional methods and the other embracing the digital revolution.

These examples highlight a critical dichotomy that exists in the healthcare sector today. On one hand, there are practices like Clarkson Family Clinic that rely on traditional marketing methods. These methods, while familiar and seemingly less complex, have limited reach and impact in today’s digital-driven world.

On the other hand, practices like Roselyn Health Group represent the new age of healthcare digital marketing, where digital strategies are leveraged to maximize reach, engagement, and growth.

The key lesson here is adaptability. Healthcare practices that adapt to the changing times and adopt digital marketing strategies are more likely to thrive. In 2024, digital marketing offers unparalleled advantages in terms of reach, targeting, and engagement. It allows healthcare providers to tap into a wider audience, engage with them on a more personal level, and build lasting relationships.

However, it’s important to note that traditional marketing methods aren’t obsolete. They still hold value (especially in building local community connections and fostering trust among a certain demographic).

The caveat is that these methods shouldn’t be the sole focus. The synergy of traditional and digital marketing methods is what creates a comprehensive marketing strategy. It’s about finding the right balance: leveraging the familiarity and trustworthiness of traditional methods while embracing the expansive reach and precision of digital strategies.

4. The Importance of Working with Experts

healthcare digital marketers

Tackling digital marketing in the healthcare sector isn’t a task for the inexperienced or the faint-hearted. It’s a complex terrain that demands a specific set of skills, a deep understanding of both marketing and healthcare industries, and a continuous commitment to stay ahead of the curve.

This is why entrusting your digital marketing efforts to experienced professionals is imperative.

The landscape of digital marketing encompasses various facets, from SEO and content creation to social media management and analytics. Each of these areas requires specialized knowledge and a strategic approach.

An inexperienced in-house team may understand the basics. However, mastering the intricacies of these tools and using them effectively to reach and engage patients is a different ballgame altogether.

Healthcare digital marketing is unique. It’s not just about selling a product or service; it’s about communicating sensitive health information, understanding patient needs and concerns, and complying with industry regulations such as HIPAA. This requires combinative expertise in both SEO and healthcare to ensure that your marketing efforts are effective, ethical, and compliant.

Working with seasoned digital marketing professionals offers several key benefits. Firstly, they bring a wealth of experience and proven strategies to the table. They know what works and what doesn’t; this save you from costly trial-and-error approaches. Their expertise in analyzing market trends, understanding patient behavior, and crafting targeted campaigns can significantly elevate your online presence.

Experienced healthcare digital marketers also have the tools and resources to effectively measure and track the success of your campaigns. They can provide valuable insights into patient engagement and behavior to help refine strategies for better results.

With their finger on the pulse of the latest digital marketing trends and technologies, they can keep your practice ahead of competitors.

Additionally, professional digital marketers who specialize in healthcare understand the nuances of this field. They can create compelling, informative, and empathetic content that resonates with patients while also respecting the sensitive nature of healthcare information. Their experience in handling patient communications can enhance trust and foster stronger patient-provider relationships.

There’s also the matter of efficiency. By outsourcing your digital marketing to experts, you free up valuable time and resources that can be better spent on patient care and other core operations of your practice. They handle the complexities of digital marketing and give you the time you need to focus on what you do best: providing quality healthcare.

5. Team Global-marketing Inc.: The Experienced Healthcare Digital Marketers You Need

Think it’s time to finally jump into the healthcare digital marketing waters? Global-marketing Inc. is ready to take the reins and steer you in the right direction!

As an experienced, trusted, and reputable digital marketing company for healthcare providers, we provide professional services to help you stand out online, reach more patients, and grow your practice.

We steer clear of cookie-cutter healthcare SEO plans. Instead, we take the time to understand your unique practice and craft a personalized digital marketing plan that yields excellent results. We specialize in digital marketing for clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, medical laboratories, physical therapy centers, nursing homes, and more.

Are you ready for the plunge? Explore our SEO services for healthcare professionals to get started! It’s time to pull your practice from the abyss of poor visibility and put you under the limelight. And we’re here to make it all happen.

Start off with a free consultation. We offer a complete money-back guarantee; that’s how confident we are in our services. Let’s begin!

The post The Importance of Digital Marketing in the Healthcare Industry appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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A Guide to Measuring ROI and KPIs in Digital Marketing Thu, 12 Oct 2023 12:42:27 +0000 As a small to medium-sized business owner, you’re accustomed to wearing many hats: operations, finance, and now, digital marketing. You’ve invested time, energy, and resources into online campaigns, but how do you really know if they’re paying off? The answer is simple: by understanding your ROI and KPIs. Let’s look at it this way. Imagine […]

The post A Guide to Measuring ROI and KPIs in Digital Marketing appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

a concept illustration of digital marketing ROI and KPIs

As a small to medium-sized business owner, you’re accustomed to wearing many hats: operations, finance, and now, digital marketing.

You’ve invested time, energy, and resources into online campaigns, but how do you really know if they’re paying off? The answer is simple: by understanding your ROI and KPIs.

Let’s look at it this way. Imagine throwing a grand party and forgetting to send out invites. Or baking a delicious cake but never tasting it.

Failing to gauge the impact of your digital marketing efforts is somewhat similar. It’s like setting up dominos in a meticulously crafted pattern but never really giving the first one a nudge to see the cascade.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

We’re here to turn this frustration into clarity.

Join us as we help you master the art of measuring ROI and KPIs in digital marketing. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a good understanding of how to measure the success of your digital campaigns and amplify their impact. Let’s begin!

1. ROI & KPIs: The Basics

Like any realm of business, digital marketing is riddled with acronyms. You’ve probably heard whispers of “ROI” and “KPIs” being bandied about. But what exactly are they, and why do they carry such weight in the landscape of online marketing? Let’s break it down.

1.1. Return on Investment (ROI)

a concept illustration of return on investment (ROI)

ROI, return on investment, is one of the most venerable metrics in the world of business and finance. You’ll also hear this metric any time someone talks about digital marketing solutions.

It’s a simple yet profound measure designed to determine the profitability of any investment. In the context of digital marketing, it’s the magnifying glass that lets you closely examine the financial effectiveness of your campaigns.

The Essence of ROI: Imagine planting a seed in your garden. The return on investment is analogous to understanding how much fruit that seed yields compared to the effort and resources you invested in nurturing it.

If you’re getting baskets full of fruit from a single seed, it’s a worthy investment. In the world of digital marketing, if your campaigns generate significant revenue relative to the money you poured into them, then your ROI is robust.

The Math Behind It: ROI is computed using a straightforward formula:

the formula for return of investment (ROI)


  • Net Profit from the Investment refers to the amount of money earned from the investment minus the cost of the investment.
  • Cost of the Investment refers to the amount of money spent to make the investment.

The result is expressed as a percentage. If the ROI is positive, it means the investment gained more than it cost. Conversely, a negative ROI indicates a loss.

For example, if you invest $500 in a digital ad campaign and it generates $1500 in sales, the net profit is $1000 ($1500 – $500). Thus, your ROI would be:

ROI = (1000 ÷ 500) x 100% = 200%

This means you made twice the amount you invested.

Why ROI is Critical in Digital Marketing:

  1. Accountability & Justification: With tight budgets and the pressure to deliver, every dollar you spend on search engine optimization (SEO) services must be accounted for.

ROI helps justify marketing spends to stakeholders by showcasing tangible results.

  1. Strategic Decision Making: ROI acts as a compass; it guides you on where to invest more and where to cut back.

High ROI campaigns might warrant more resources. Low ROI initiatives may need re-evaluation or optimization.

  1. Comparative Analysis: ROI allows you to compare the effectiveness of different marketing channels side by side.

For instance, are your email marketing efforts yielding better returns than your social media ads? ROI will provide a clear answer.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Intangible Returns: Every return can’t be easily quantified. Brand recognition, customer loyalty, and market reputation are invaluable, yet they may not immediately translate into dollars and cents.

It’s important to consider both tangible and intangible returns when evaluating ROI.

  1. Long-Term Perspective: Some campaigns, especially those focused on brand building or market penetration, may not yield immediate returns. They’re investments for the long haul; their ROI may only be evident over an extended period.

1.2. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

a concept illustration of key performance indicators (KPIs)

KPIs, key performance indicators, serve as the North Star. They provide direction, offer clarity, and help marketers navigate the complex pathways of online campaigns.

But what exactly are they? And why are they pivotal to a marketer’s toolkit?

The Essence of KPIs: If you keep asking yourself the all-too-familiar question, “What is KPI in marketing?”, you’re at the right place.

KPIs are quantifiable metrics that help businesses assess their performance in relation to their objectives. They are, in essence, the milestones on the roadmap of your digital journey.

The beauty of KPIs lies in their specificity. While there are myriad metrics available, they’re not key performance indicators. KPIs are chosen based on what’s most crucial for your business goals.

  • For an eCommerce site, a KPI might be the ‘conversion rate’ or ‘average order value.’
  • For a content-driven site, ‘time spent on site’ or ‘bounce rate’ might be more pertinent.

Why KPIs Are an Indispensable Part of Digital Marketing Solutions:

  1. Focused Strategy: Use clear KPIs to align your team’s efforts toward common goals. This is a great way to ensure everyone’s pushing in the same direction.
  2. Optimization: KPIs allow for continuous monitoring. If a campaign isn’t meeting its intended KPI, tweaks and adjustments can be made on the fly.
  3. Resource Allocation: By understanding which initiatives meet their KPIs and which don’t, you can better allocate budgets and resources.
  4. Transparent Reporting: KPIs facilitate transparent, straightforward reporting. Stakeholders can easily understand the progress and results of marketing efforts.

Crafting the Right KPIs:

  1. Relevance: Your KPIs should align with your business goals and objectives. If brand visibility is the goal, then “social media shares” or “page views” might be pertinent KPIs.
  2. Quantifiable: Effective KPIs are measurable. Avoid vague KPIs like “enhance customer satisfaction” and lean toward specific ones like “increase customer review ratings by 15%.”
  3. Actionable: A KPI should provide insights that can guide action. If “newsletter sign-ups” is a KPI, and it’s underperforming, strategies like revising the sign-up incentive can be deployed.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Overemphasis on Vanity Metrics:It’s easy to get swayed by impressive numbers like “total site visits” or “social media followers.” However, if these don’t correlate with concrete business outcomes, they may be nothing more than mere vanity metrics.
  2. Changing Dynamics:The digital realm is ever-evolving. A critical KPI today may be irrelevant tomorrow. Closely and consistently review your KPIs to ensure they align with your evolving goals. This step is especially important for search engine optimizationgoals.

1.3. Is ROI a KPI?

Not quite.

Think of ROI as the grand finale of a gripping novel; it reveals the ultimate fate of our protagonist: your business.

It’s the denouement of every plot twist, character arc, and cliffhanger. ROI paints the complete picture of your investment’s performance over time. It’s the long-term narrative that gives context to your entire marketing tale.

KPIs, however, are the exciting chapters of this novel. They set the pace, add depth to characters, and lay out mini climaxes.

While ROI provides the overarching plotline, KPIs add rich texture and nuance, chapter by chapter.

ROI is more long-term; KPIs help measure short-term performance. They’re part of the same game but distinct metrics.

2. Which Metrics Should I Use to Measure ROI in Marketing?

Sure, ROI (return on investment) is the finished masterpiece we’re all aiming for. But to truly grasp its intricacies, one must become fluent in the language of other metrics as well.

Each metric is like a unique tool. Some are your standard screwdrivers; others are more specialized like that oddly-shaped IKEA key.

To craft a masterpiece, you must know when and how to use each tool in your digital toolkit. Let’s walk you through these intricacies one by one.

2.1. Conversion Rate

a concept illustration of conversion rate

The conversion rate is the heartbeat of your digital efforts; it indicates how well you’re turning passive visitors into active participants.

It’s calculated by dividing the number of desired actions (like purchases, sign-ups, or downloads) by the total number of visitors. Then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

If you’re seeing a high conversion rate, give yourself a pat on the back! This means your content, user experience, and calls-to-action (CTAs) are resonating with your target audience.

On the flip side, a low conversion rate could signal a disconnect somewhere along the user journey.

How does all this tie in with the ROI? The conversion rate directly influences it; a higher rate typically means you’re getting more value (sales, leads, subscribers) for your marketing buck.

When you optimize for better conversions, you’re essentially squeezing more juice out of your existing traffic.

Want to enjoy a higher conversion rate? Turn to professional SEO services. By leveraging advanced optimization techniques, tailored keyword strategies, and meticulous site audits, you’ll develop a robust online presence.

Expert SEO service providers will dive deep into your site’s structure, content, and backlink profile; they’ll make adjustments where necessary and implement practices that drive organic traffic. And as we all know, more targeted traffic often translates to more conversions!

2.2. Cost Per Lead (CPL)

a concept illustration of cost per lead (CPL)

The cost per lead (CPL) throws light on the financial efficiency of your lead generation campaigns. It tells you how much you’re spending to get a potential customer’s interest.

Calculate CPL by dividing the total cost of a campaign by the number of leads it generates.

This a pivotal metric for any business keeping a close eye on their marketing budget. A lower CPL suggests that your marketing efforts are cost-effective; a higher one may indicate some wastage or inefficiencies.

The direct correlation to ROI here is evident: if you’re spending less to acquire a lead, your return on that investment increases. By minimizing CPL, you maximize ROI.

2.3. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

a concept illustration of cost per acquisition (CPA)

Cost per acquisition (CPA) dives deeper into the sales funnel than CPL. While CPL gauges the cost of generating interest, CPA assesses the cost of converting that interest into a sale or a sign-up.

Calculated by dividing the total campaign cost by the number of acquisitions (sales/sign-ups), CPA gives a clear picture of the cost-effectiveness of your conversion strategies.

A lower CPA is always the goal; it means you’re spending less to convert a lead into a customer.

When it comes to ROI, CPA plays a starring role. If your CPA is high, even a significant sales volume might not give you a good return. Conversely, a low CPA means you’re getting a higher return relative to your investment.

Closely monitor and optimize your CPA to achieve the healthiest ROI possible. And if you want to maintain a low CPA, hire SEO services.

2.4. Lead Close Rate

a concept illustration of lead close rate

The lead close rate is like a reality check for businesses; it reminds us that every lead won’t turn into a sale (as much as we want it to).

It’s the percentage of leads that turn into actual customers. To determine this, divide the number of closed sales by the total number of leads and then multiply by 100.

A higher ratio tells you that your sales team is effectively converting leads; a lower ratio might hint at potential bottlenecks in the sales process or the quality of leads.

This ratio is a critical player when it comes to ROI. More conversions from leads directly amplify your returns. If you invest in generating 100 leads and close 10 versus 20, the latter scenario obviously gives you a better ROI, all other things being equal.

2.5. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

a concept illustration of customer lifetime value (CLV)

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the golden metric in the world of digital marketing solutions. It signifies the total revenue a business can reasonably expect from a single customer account. It contemplates a customer’s revenue value and compares that to the company’s predicted customer lifespan.

Businesses ideally want to maximize this value and ensure customers continue to purchase over time. CLV gives depth to ROI calculations by highlighting the long-term value of gaining and retaining customers.

A high CLV means that customers continue to buy from you (which can offset higher initial acquisition costs). Some campaigns might have a higher upfront cost or CPA. However, if they bring in customers with a high CLV, the ROI can be significantly positive over time.

SEO services should be your helping hand here. They’ll ensure your online content and brand messaging align with customer needs and search intent.

By providing relevant content, user-friendly site navigation, and a seamless user experience, SEO paves the way for customer loyalty. And as loyalty grows, so will your CLV!

Hire SEO services with care and consideration. Instead of partnering with just about anyone, turn to an experienced, well-reviewed, and expert SEO service provider you can trust.

2.6. Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)

a concept illustration of return on advertising spend (ROAS)

ROAS zooms in on the effectiveness of specific advertising campaigns. It tells businesses how much revenue they’re generating for every dollar spent on advertising.

The calculation is pretty straightforward: divide the revenue from ad campaigns by the cost of those ad campaigns. For instance, an ROAS of 5 means you’re generating $5 for every $1 you spend on advertising.

This metric acts as a magnifying glass on your ad spend’s efficacy.

In the context of ROI, ROAS is a subset, focusing specifically on advertising spend rather than the entirety of your investment. A high ROAS contributes positively to your overall ROI because it means your advertising dollars are working hard and bringing in substantial revenue.

If ROAS is low, it’s a cue to reevaluate and optimize your advertising strategies to boost ROI.

2.7. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

a concept illustration of click-through rate

Click-through rate (CTR) serves as a digital pulse check; it gives insights into how compelling your online content, ads, or email campaigns are to your audience.

To calculate CTR, divide the number of clicks an item receives by the number of times it has been displayed (impressions). Then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

A high CTR means your content is grabbing attention and enticing users to take action (yay!). A low CTR suggests the opposite.

In terms of ROI, CTR can be seen as an early indicator of potential success. If more people click on your ads or content, there’s a higher chance they’ll proceed further down the funnel, i.e., make a purchase, sign up, or take any other desired action.

An improved CTR can lead to better conversion rates, and thus, a more favorable ROI.

2.8. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

a concept illustration of customer acquisition cost

CAC puts a price tag on each new customer you gain; it encompasses all the costs associated with attracting and converting that customer.

It’s derived by dividing the total costs associated with acquisition (ad spend, marketing salaries, tools, etc.) by the total number of new customers acquired during a particular period.

A lower CAC is the dream; it means you’re acquiring customers without burning a hole in your pocket. Smart digital marketing solutions can help you maintain a low CAC.

On the flip side, a high CAC should ring some alarm bells; it indicates that you’re spending too much without seeing the desired returns.

CAC plays a central role in the realm of ROI. The balance between what you spend (CAC) and what you earn from a customer (often weighed against CLV) provides a clear picture of your investment’s true return.

If you’re spending more to acquire a customer than what they’re bringing in value, your ROI will be in the red. But if your CAC is significantly lower than the revenue these customers generate, then you’re looking at a healthy ROI.

3. How to MeasureYour Digital Marketing Return on Investment (ROI)

a concept illustration of a calculator, coins, and analytics sheet

Understanding ROI isn’t just about crunching numbers. It’s a strategic endeavor that can help businesses refocus their efforts and drive better outcomes.

Use these strategies to chart your course to ROI clarity:

3.1. Define Clear Objectives

Every great journey starts with a destination in mind. When it comes to digital marketing, your objectives are these destinations. They give direction to your strategies, determine which metrics matter most, and ultimately help you gauge your success.

Without clear objectives, you’re navigating blindfolded.

When defining these objectives, make sure they align with your broader business goals, are specific, and are measurable. The more precise you are, the clearer your path to achieving and measuring your ROI.

Here’s a table breaking down some common digital marketing objectives:

A table highlighting some digital marketing objectives and key metrics

Let’s say you’re launching a new product, and your primary objective is brand awareness. With this objective, your primary focus might be on metrics like impressions and reach. You’d invest in campaigns that amplify visibility, e.g., display ads or influencer partnerships.

When measuring ROI in marketing, instead of just looking at immediate sales, you’d also weigh the long-term value of heightened brand recognition (which can lead to increased sales in the future).

3.2. Calculate Your Total Investment

Every campaign entails a series of interconnected costs. It’s important to consider all the tangibles and intangibles that fuel your digital marketing engine.

From the costs of tools and software to the human capital invested in strategy and execution, every element plays its part. By developing a clear and comprehensive understanding of your total investment, you’ll set the stage for a more accurate ROI calculation.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the potential costs associated with digital marketing:

A table highlighting various costs of

By categorizing and quantifying each of these expenditures, businesses ensure they have a transparent and comprehensive view of their total investment, allowing for a more informed analysis of ROI in marketing.

3.3. Track Relevant Revenue

Calculate the revenue generated from your digital marketing endeavors. This could come from direct sales, leads that eventually convert, or other revenue streams specific to your business model.

3.4. Calculate Your ROI

Use the ROI formula to calculate your ROI.

3.5. Analyze and Interpret

A positive ROI indicates your investment is paying off; a negative ROI suggests the opposite.

But don’t just take these numbers at face value. Dive deeper. Perhaps one campaign has a higher ROI than another. Or maybe certain channels consistently outperform.

These insights will guide future strategies.

3.6. Adjust and Iterate

The culmination of all your digital marketing efforts and analyses boils down to this: what did you learn, and how will you apply that knowledge moving forward?

Stagnation quite simply isn’t an option. With changing algorithms, emerging trends, and evolving consumer behaviors, you must adapt your strategies based on the insights you’ve gleaned.

Once you determine the ROI of your current campaigns and delve deep into the associated metrics, certain patterns will emerge. These insights are gold mines; they offer clear pathways on where to ramp up efforts and where to recalibrate.

But it’s not just about taking these insights at face value. It’s about experimenting with them. For instance, if video content showed a promising ROI, consider exploring different video formats or topics. If a specific keyword drove high traffic, think about related keywords or delve into long-tail keyword opportunities.

Always be open to testing. A/B tests, where you present two versions of a campaign to see which one performs better, can be invaluable. They offer tangible data on what your audience prefers, down to minute details like button colors, call-to-action phrases, or image placements.

Lastly, remember that while past performance is indicative, it’s not absolute. Consumer behaviors shift, new platforms emerge, and industry standards change.

While you should act on the insights you gather, you must also keep a pulse on the broader digital ecosystem. This way, you’re not just reacting to past data but proactively positioning yourself for future success.

4. How to Define Digital Marketing KPIs

Ah, KPIs. They’re like the breadcrumbs Hansel and Gretel left behind. KPIs guide us through the dense digital forest and ensure we’re on the right path to that sweet (and profitable) gingerbread house.

But unlike our fairy tale duo, we’re not looking to backtrack; we’re in it for the onward journey! By defining the right KPIs, we can avoid getting sidetracked by wicked witches or misleading metrics.

How can you select KPIs that’ll lead you to the digital marketing castle you’ve always dreamt of? Let’s show you the way.

4.1. Align with Business Goals

Every business has distinct objectives (regardless of its size or industry). These could range from scaling sales and capturing a larger market share to fostering customer loyalty or enhancing brand visibility.

And while the digital landscape offers a myriad of metrics to track and analyze, only a handful will be pertinent to your specific objectives.

Let’s say your primary business goal for the quarter is to increase product sales. Your KPIs should directly relate to sales metrics. This could involve tracking online sales conversion rates, average order values, or shopping cart abandonment rates.

On the other hand, if your goal is brand awareness, then metrics like website visits, page views, and social media impressions become more critical.

Aligning KPIs with business goals does more than just streamline your tracking efforts. It ensures that every digital marketing endeavor you undertake has a defined purpose.

It eliminates ambiguity, keeps your team focused, and ensures that your resources (both time and money) are invested in endeavors that directly contribute to your business’s larger objectives.

This alignment also facilitates clearer communication with stakeholders. When everyone understands which KPIs are being prioritized and why, it fosters a sense of collective purpose.

Teams can work collaboratively, strategies can be adjusted in real time based on performance against these KPIs, and success can be celebrated in the context of tangible contributions to the business’s goals.

Aligning KPIs with business goals isn’t just a strategic move; it’s foundational. It ensures that the digital marketing machine functions as an integrated part of the larger business ecosystem.

4.2. Be Specific

a comic strip on specificity


When setting KPIs, a broad approach can lead to confusion and a lack of direction.

Vague goals can be the Achilles’ heel of even the most well-intentioned digital marketing strategy.

The solution? Precision and specificity.

When you set a KPI like “increase website traffic,” immediate questions arise:

  • By how much?
  • Over what time frame?
  • Through which channels?

A broad goal like this is extremely difficult to measure. It also lacks the direction needed to devise an effective strategy.

Instead, consider a more specific KPI like “boost organic website traffic by 15% over the next quarter.”

This KPI is quantifiable. It also offers clear direction for your SEO and content teams. They now have a tangible target to work toward! Strategies can be crafted to achieve this precise objective.

Being specific with your KPIs has several benefits:

  1. Clarity of Purpose: Specific KPIs provide teams with a clear understanding of what’s expected. Ambiguity is eliminated.
  2. Better Resource Allocation: When you know exactly what you’re aiming for, you can allocate resources more effectively.

For instance, knowing you want to boost organic traffic might mean investing more in SEO tools or expertise.

  1. Easier Measurement: A specific KPI in marketing is inherently more measurable. At the end of the quarter, you’ll know unequivocally whether you achieved that 15% boost in organic traffic.
  2. Motivation: There’s something inherently motivating about having a specific target. Teams can rally around it, track their progress, and celebrate when it’s achieved!

4.3. Ensure They’re Measurable

If you can’t measure it, you might as well not be doing it. The essence of KPIs is rooted in their measurability. It’s the “performance indicator” aspect that demands quantification.

By ensuring that a KPI is measurable, you’re guaranteeing that it can be tracked, analyzed, and used as a genuine barometer for success.

Imagine setting a KPI like “enhance brand image.” While this is a noble aspiration, it’s nebulous.

How do you know when your brand image is enhanced? What metrics would you use to evaluate this? Without concrete data to back this claim, it becomes subjective and open to interpretation.

In contrast, a KPI like “increase brand mentions on social media by 10% in the next month” is specific and inherently measurable. At the end of the month, a simple analysis of brand mentions will tell you if you’ve met, exceeded, or fallen short of your target.

4.4. Make Them Achievable

Setting KPIs in marketing can sometimes feel like a balancing act.

On one hand, you want to push the boundaries, aim high, and challenge your team. On the other, you want to avoid setting them up for inevitable disappointment with unrealistic targets.

Making KPIs achievable strikes a harmony between ambition and realism, ensuring that while goals stretch abilities and aspirations, they don’t snap the motivation and morale of the team.

Let’s say you task your digital marketing team with doubling website traffic in a week. Sure, it sounds impressive. But unless you have an extraordinary campaign or event coinciding, this goal is unrealistic.

Setting such lofty targets can lead to demotivation; your team may feel set up for failure from the outset.

5. Measure and Monitor Digital Marketing KPIs Like a Pro

a chemist measuring chemicals

In the hushed confines of a laboratory, a chemist meticulously measures each drop, ensuring that the exact quantity of every chemical is added to the concoction.

A tad too much or a bit too little, and the reaction might not be as expected.

KPIs are eerily similar; you have to measure and monitor each metric with the precision of a seasoned chemist. Too much focus on one KPI, and you might miss out on an essential reaction happening elsewhere. Too little attention and the desired results may remain elusive.

Now, you don’t need lab goggles or a white coat, but you certainly need the same dedication, attention to detail, and knowledge of how each chemical (read: metric) plays its part in the grand experiment of digital marketing.

5.1. The Dashboard Delight

Before you embark on the exhilarating journey of data exploration, make sure you have a dashboard that’s as intuitive as it is informative.

This powerhouse tool should be designed to consolidate the vast streams of data pouring in from various channels. It must offer a birds-eye view of all the metrics you deem essential (while also allowing the option to delve deeper when needed).

One standout in this space is Google Analytics. This power-packed platform offers comprehensive insights into your web traffic and user behavior.

But its true beauty lies in customization. Users can tailor their dashboards to their specific needs and highlight metrics like real-time visitors, bounce rate, conversion paths, and more.

The ability to set up custom alerts means you’re always in the loop (even when you’re not logged in).

The real delight of having a dedicated dashboard, however, is the clarity it provides. Instead of juggling multiple platforms or sifting through spreadsheets, you have a single, unified source of truth.

This is an excellent way to streamline your workflow and ensure your decision-making is based on accurate, up-to-date information.

At Global-marketing Inc., we use our own trusty dashboard! We ensure that the metrics most vital to your objectives are front and center. Whether you’re focused on organic traffic trends, user behavior analytics, or conversion stats, every piece of data is laid out for easy interpretation.

There’s also an emphasis on real-time data. Our dashboard ensures you have access to the most up-to-date insights for quicker decision-making.

5.2. Regular Rendezvous with Reports

Letting data accumulate without periodic reviews is akin to letting mail pile up; important insights might get lost in the stack.

Engage with your reports regularly to ensure that you’re always on top of your game. This is a great way to not just understand but master the rhythms, ebbs, and flows of your marketing endeavors.

Frequent check-ins with your reports have multiple benefits. First, they allow for timely interventions. If a campaign isn’t delivering as expected or if there’s an unexpected surge in traffic (hooray!), you become immediately aware and can adjust your strategy or allocate resources accordingly.

It’s the difference between steering a ship continuously as the winds change and suddenly realizing you’re way off course.

Secondly, consistency in reviewing reports fosters a deeper understanding of your audience. Over time, patterns emerge. You’ll start to note the days your audience is most active, the content that resonates, and the marketing channels that offer the best ROI.

It’s like getting to know a friend better with each conversation; you learn their likes, dislikes, habits, and quirks. And in marketing, understanding your audience is half the battle won.

Lastly, regular encounters with your reports promote a culture of accountability and transparency within teams. When you’re habitually pulling up data, discussing results, and making strategy tweaks, it reinforces the importance of every team member’s contribution to the collective goal.

It’s a reminder that every thread counts in the grand tapestry of digital marketing solutions.

5.3. Dive Deep with Segmentation

Surface-level figures often give a general sense of direction, but to truly understand the currents and depths, one must dive deeper.

This is where segmentation enters the picture. It offers a detailed, granular view of your data. It’s kind of like using a magnifying glass on a detailed piece of art!

Segmentation is essentially the process of breaking down your larger audience into smaller, more defined categories based on shared characteristics. Think of it as separating your audience into various rooms based on interests, behavior, or demographics.

By doing so, you’re not just talking to the crowd; you’re engaging in individual conversations, understanding specific needs, and grasping distinct preferences.

Let’s say you’ve launched an email marketing campaign. A surface-level analysis might tell you the open rate and click-through rate. But by employing segmentation, you can see which age groups were more likely to open the email, or which geographical locations showed higher engagement.

Suddenly, you’re not just aware of your campaign’s performance; you’re enlightened about who it appeals to and where.

The power of segmentation is transformative. It helps marketers ensure resources and efforts are channeled in the most effective ways. Instead of casting a broad net, you’re using a refined approach, targeting specific segments with personalized content and campaigns, and reaping stellar results.

What results are we talking here? Higher engagement, better conversion rates, and an enhanced understanding of your audience.

5.4. Alerts and Alarms

Staying continuously glued to your digital marketing metrics might sound ideal, but in reality, it’s neither practical nor efficient.

Yet, missing out on crucial data points or sudden changes can be detrimental to a campaign’s performance.

This is where the magic of alerts and alarms comes to the rescue!

Setting up alerts and alarms is like having a diligent assistant who never sleeps. They constantly monitor your data and immediately notify you of significant changes or anomalies.

Whether it’s a sudden drop in website traffic, a spike in conversion rates, or a decline in ad performance, you’ll know exactly what’s happening. These notifications ensure you’re always in the know (even when you’re not actively looking).

But it’s not just about catching potential issues; it’s also about seizing exciting opportunities.

Let’s say a piece of content you’ve created starts gaining unexpected traction. An alert can notify you of this trend in real-time, allowing you to capitalize on its popularity, perhaps by promoting it more aggressively or creating follow-up content.

These alerts and alarms also instill a sense of security and control. You can rest easy, knowing that if something significant occurs (good or bad), you’ll be the first to know. This proactive approach ensures you’re ready to pivot, adapt, or celebrate.

Oh, and let’s not forget that alerts and alarms will also help you stay on top of your search engine optimization game! If you’ve hired professional SEO services, you’ll be able to track all the great work they’re doing. You’ll also become aware of any lapses in their strategy; nothing will slip through the cracks unnoticed.

5.5. Reflection and Refinement

In the whirlwind of executing digital marketing solutions, it’s easy to become consumed by day-to-day activities. However, periodically pausing to reflect on performance and refining strategies is paramount to sustained success.

Step back and assess the bigger picture. This is the moment you sit down with your wealth of data and ask the vital questions:

  • What worked?
  • What didn’t?
  • Were the set goals achieved?
  • Were there any unexpected outcomes?

This exercise isn’t merely about celebrating success (though that’s essential, too); it’s primarily about identifying areas of improvement.

Following reflection, it’s time for refinement. Once you’ve identified gaps, inefficiencies, or missed opportunities, the next logical step is to tweak and optimize. This could mean altering content strategies, revising ad spends, targeting a different audience segment, or even overhauling an entire campaign approach.

Instead of shooting in the dark, hire SEO services. SEO experts will help you make the right (read: smart) changes.

The iterative process of reflection and refinement ensures that your digital marketing strategy remains dynamic and adaptable. Consumer preferences evolve, markets change, and new trends emerge. By integrating regular periods of introspection, you’ll keep your approach fluid, not static.

Embracing this cycle also promotes a culture of continuous learning. Every campaign (successful or not) becomes a lesson. Over time, this attitude improves efficiency and outcomes. You’ll become adept at viewing challenges as opportunities to learn, grow, and come back even stronger!

Global-marketing Inc.: Fuel for Your ROI and KPI Engine!

By now, you should have a crystal-clear understanding of the importance of measuring ROI and KPIs in digital marketing. You should also have answers to the following questions:

  • What is KPI in marketing?
  • What is ROI in marketing?
  • Is ROI a KPI?

The next step? Putting your knowledge to good use! By measuring your digital marketing ROI and tracking the right KPIs, you’ll develop a complete picture of how your business is doing. Are your strategies working? Are they failing? What are the insights telling you?

At Global-marketing Inc., we take the reins for you. We provide digital marketing services to help you enjoy high rankings, impressive traffic, and stellar growth. And if ROI and KPIs keep confusing you, we’ll also help you track and measure these metrics. Hire SEO services today. We’ll start off with a free consultation to help you understand how our digital marketing solutions can benefit you. Let’s begin!


The post A Guide to Measuring ROI and KPIs in Digital Marketing appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Digital Marketing for Contractors: 18 Ideas to Dominate the Competition Mon, 06 Jun 2022 12:00:36 +0000 Digital marketing is the cornerstone of selling your product or service these days, because most buyer journeys begin on the internet (up to 67%). Suffice to say, digital marketing for contractors is a must these days. Table of Contents 18 Ideas for Contractor Marketing to Dominate the Competition SEO for Contractors Target Low Hanging Fruits (Keywords) […]

The post Digital Marketing for Contractors: 18 Ideas to Dominate the Competition appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Digital marketing for contractors

Digital marketing is the cornerstone of selling your product or service these days, because most buyer journeys begin on the internet (up to 67%). Suffice to say, digital marketing for contractors is a must these days.

18 Ideas for Contractor Marketing to Dominate the Competition

Now, if you talk about digital marketing, the internet is brimming with content providing you with tips and tricks to maximize your marketing and advertising budget and get the best ROIs. Most of these are quite broad.

In this blog, I’m focusing on providing specific ideas for digital marketing that work for our clients and if done right, can work for you! If you already have an established website and a running online contractor business, this guide is for you.

I’ve broken down my contractor marketing ideas into 5 sections covering the entire digital marketing landscape.

  • SEO for contractors
  • Local SEO
  • Email Marketing
  • Advertising / PPC Management
  • Social Media Marketing

Go through each tip carefully and I’m sure you’ll reap the rewards.

SEO for Contractors

SEO for contractors is an ongoing process that requires fresh targeted content and links. Do you have them?

Most of my contractor clients wanted to rank higher on Google and they do so by banking on content. They published high-quality content, but it wasn’t ranking on Google. So, where are they going wrong?

From your keyword research strategy, to content marketing and back linking, you need to revisit your modus operandi.

SEO for contractors

1. Target Low Hanging Fruits (Keywords)

Start easy and scale as you grow

Low-hanging fruits are keywords with decent volume but low competition. These keywords aren’t being targeted by big companies, yet, so it’s comparatively easier to rank for them.

Once you have a decent number of low-hanging fruits to target, find more competitive keywords to supplement them. Publish authoritative content targeting the low hanging fruits while using your secondary keywords as well.

You’re likely to find that you’ll start ranking for the low hanging fruit even if the traffic isn’t extremely high, since their search volume is low. However, these high rankings and traffic give a boost to your internally linked pages as well as the more competitive keywords that are being used in the content.

This takes me to my second point.

2. Stack Content

The more, the merrier, but is there a strategy to it?

Another method of ranking your contractor website on Google is content stacking or SEO Silos. It’s a well-known technique among SEO specialists, so it’s not unusual to find your competitors practicing it.

Here’s how to go about it.

First, find a short-tail, high difficulty keyword. Next, write long-form content (3000+words) on it and mix some of the low-hanging fruits you found in the first point (if they are relevant). Let’s call this your “pillar post.”

Find low-hanging fruits again and base your content around them. Let’s call these your “supporting posts.”

Continue this process and write at least 4 “supporting posts.” And these posts should be related to your pillar post. For example, if you’re a gardening contractor, your pillar post would be about “gardening jobs”. This is your short tail keyword, your supporting posts can be.

  • 5 tips for indoor gardening
  • How to nurture tomato plants?
  • Benefits of indoor plantation

And so on.

Once you publish your supporting posts, link one of the most relevant with your pillar post. Now take the linked supporting post and link it to another.

Silo SEO

Continue this process until all supporting posts are linked with each other. This interlocked linking strategy provides link juice to all the posts, ultimately ranking your pillar post on Google’s first page.

3. Technical SEO is NOT a side note

Writing content is one thing, but is your website technically sound?

Content might be the core activity as far as SEO for contractors is concerned. However, you need to work on the technical aspects of your website and make sure they are on-point. Google gives search preference to websites that follow certain technical characteristics. For instance, load times should be under 2 seconds, your site should have an SSL certificate and working links.

Moreover, a correct site map, mobile-friendliness, and schema mark-up are all parts of technical SEO for contractors.

If you are having trouble understanding all the terms I mentioned, you can hire an SEO agency for it. Global-marketing Inc. prides itself on being an SEO company for contractors and small businesses.

We offer holistic SEO services including on-page and off-page to rank your site on the first page of Google.

4. AMP Up Your Site

Mobile-friendly websites are the future; are you up to date?

AMP is a project backed by Google that optimizes your website on mobile devices. It strips your website’s code to the bare bone by disabling scripts, comments, and forms. AMP makes your website extremely fast, even on the slowest of internets.

Though it might not seem directly connected to SEO for contractors, speeding up your website is definitely something that’ll increase your rankings.

5. Start Guest Posting to Build Quality Backlinks

Posting blogs on your site is good for SEO, but what if you could tap into other sites’ traffic?

Contractor SEO goes beyond your website because search engines like Google look at your overall online reputation. So having your content on other credible websites can help with brand building and improve your rankings at the same time.

Start by building relationships with websites within your niche. You can do this by searching for “your niche” + write for us. It’s a common search term that’ll show all the websites looking for high-quality content. In exchange, these sites will give you a backlink which has a massive impact on your ranking.

High DA/DR means better backlinks for your site. But if you are looking for more leads, you can target websites with high traffic.

Once you find websites within your niche, you can pitch them your guest posting idea via email. Just go through their “write for us” page carefully before pitching. High authority websites receive tons of emails every day and don’t open every email.

There’s no set number for how many guest posts you need per month, week, or day. It depends on your goals. Some websites will have an asking price for posting your content, while others do it for free. There’s no harm in paying for guest posting because publishing your content and making it SEO-friendly requires resources and time, and these websites will charge you for it.

For starters, tap into websites that accept guest posts for free. Once you see results, you can reach out to the top sites within your niche. But if your services are limited within your locality, you should limit your outreach to sites within your service areas.

I previously wrote a blog on Guest Blogging and Blogging Outreach Master Plan, give it a read if you need more insights into the process.

Local SEO for Contractors

To get more calls and leads, it’s essential to tap into Local SEO and rank high on local search.

Google my business is the primary player in Local SEO and ranks your business profile against “near me” search terms. For example, if someone searches for “carpenters near me,” your business has a solid chance of showing up in the search results if your Google my business (GMB) profile is optimized.

To do this, you need to stay on top of 4 things.

  • Your primary business category
  • Keyword in the business name
  • Reviews
  • Backlinks

Your other option would be to hire GMB optimization experts to set up and manage your GMB rankings.

GMB optimization for local SEO for contractors

1. Carefully Select Your Primary Business Category

Your primary business category goes a long way in Local SEO, make sure you make the right choice!

Your primary business category has the biggest impact on your Google maps ranking. This is because the Google algorithm shortlists businesses relevant to the user’s search term.

Many contractors aren’t sure which primary category to choose for their business if they offer more than one service. The best way to go about this is to find out the search volume for keywords related to your business category. You can use any paid keyword tool for that.

Next, you’ll need to download and install GMB everywhere.

Once you have GMB everywhere set up on your browser, go to Google maps and search for your competitors. When their listings show up, you’ll see their primary business category with a star.

Finally, whichever primary category you decide, tailor your website content according to it (especially the headers and the title). This will inform Google crawlers that your business is optimized for local search. Sadly, local SEO for contractors doesn’t end here! But don’t worry, I have more tips.

2. Incorporate a Keyword in Your Business Name

Keywords hint search engines for relating search intent, they shape your local SEO for contractors.

Keywords in your business name are likely to boost your rankings for “near me” searches. Many contractors know this, so it’s not unusual to see keywords in their names. Word of advice, Google guidelines are pretty clear on this, and adding unnecessary information or keyword stuffing is not permitted.

But if you can legitimately place keywords in your business name, it increases your chances of ranking on local SEO.

3. Focus on Google Reviews

Reviews can make or break your business reputation, but there’s more to reviews than what the eyes meet.

Businesses live or die on how they treat their customers, which ultimately leads to positive or negative reviews. This is the primary reason why Google reviews matter so much. Sure your site has a review section or you’re taking Facebook reviews from your clients, but does it help with your local SEO ranking?

Google wants to show the best results to its users. To do that, Google’s algorithm counts the number of reviews a business has on GMB. In fact, Google encourages collecting reviews from your customers.

But here’s the magic,

If your customers include keywords in their reviews, it helps in your local SEO rankings. For this, you can make a review template and send it to all your satisfied customers. Make sure you draft a sample review with your keywords and leave space for the customer’s name and anything else they’d like to add. For example, if you are a residential cleaning contractor, here’s what you can do.

[Contractor name/ business name] provided me with residential cleaning services and I am _________. He/she/they helped me with ________ and also did _______.

You can add more details and keywords to the template and keep changing it around. Remember to pick keywords you can’t rank for through your content because the more reviews you have with difficult keywords, the higher your rankings.

4. Develop Local Backlinks Strategically

Local links target a specific geographic location, they are more valuable than you think.

Local link building is a critical factor in Google rankings and a huge part of local SEO for contractors. But there’s a trick that can give you a leg up on your competition.

Google algorithm is very smart, and it knows where the link is coming from. For example, suppose you get a backlink from a business based in the UK. Yet, your services are based in let’s say Newark. In this case, the backlink won’t affect your rankings as much as it should.

So instead of approaching international businesses, it’s best to target local bloggers, schools, and other places within your locality.

You can acquire a backlink from local businesses by writing a guest post or by approaching them in person and requesting a link.

The way I go about with my local contractor clients is by asking their customers, if applicable, to point a link to their site. For example, one of my contractor clients was a painter, so I asked the local school where my client provided his services to link to his website.

They agreed and added a small logo pointing to my client’s website!

Email Marketing For Contractors

You have a list of email addresses, but how do you get more business from them?

Did you think email marketing was dead? Well, let me tell you it’s alive and still giving other marketing methods a run for the money. In fact, according to Optin Monsters report, every $1 spent on email marketing returns $44.

So here’s how you can focus your digital marketing for contractors on email marketing.

email marketing for contractors

1. Write Personalized Email Copy

Write copy that compels, converts, and completes your message.

Most contractors are hesitant is sending emails to their customers under the fear of being too promotional and turning them off. I know this feeling, but when someone gives you their email address, it would be foolhardy to not use it.

So instead of missing this spectacular marketing opportunity, capitalize on this and write personalized email copy.

The key here is to personalize your emails with a relevant copy so that your customers don’t feel you’re spamming them.

Personalized email copy is tailored to each customer, starting with their name and pitching services of their interest. For instance, if you’re a cleaning contractor, and you have a client that had their home cleaned, sending an email about perhaps having their garage cleaned is an excellent up-sell technique.

2. Share Tips and Tricks

Got new tricks up your sleeves? Share them!

Another method of getting the best out of your email subscribers is sharing DIY tips and tricks to help your customers. This helps your readers counter common problems themselves, all the while becoming loyal to your business. For instance, if you have a blog on removing wine stains from a hardwood floor, share it with your email subscribers.

Email marketing not only brings new customers but also builds brand recognition and recall with old ones. In addition, email marketing is excellent for getting word out about yourself because if you share helpful tips, your existing customers will promote your business through word of mouth.

3. Tap into the Power of Before and After

Before and after pictures have a massive impact on the customers!

Showing the results of your work is an incredible technique to boost your contractor marketing efforts. For example, as a cleaning contractor, sharing your work gallery with before and after pictures will entice your existing customers into taking action.

You must remember that many people often don’t realize that they need something until you show them what they’re missing. An effective email marketing campaign could do the trick for you.

Advertising for Contractors

Sometimes you have to spend money to make money!

The thing about Google Ads is that it’s essential to start small and scale up as you go. I prefer to prove the concept before asking my clients to pool in their hard-earned cash for Google Ads.

The last thing you want is to send visitors to a poorly designed web page that isn’t conducive to conversion. I use a 3 step formula when advertising for contractors; here’s how it goes.

1. Identify the Right Keywords

Should you select a broad term match for your Google Ads?

This is the most critical part of advertising for contractors because if you don’t find the right keywords, your ads aren’t likely to convert. So I start with a simple search and type what my customers would. After that, I take that data and put it on an excel sheet. From there, I search for broader terms like “residential cleaning” – short-tail keywords.

Once I get an idea of which keywords have ads on them, I merge them into my excel sheet, giving myself a clear picture of what I’m working with. Of course, you can use paid tools for that (and I do), but for the sake of you doing it yourself, I’m explaining the free method.

Next, when I am ready to launch my ad, I uncheck the “broad term” match. This is because I am hunting for local clients, and “residential cleaning” is a generic term that might get me clicks from customers that aren’t located in my area.

Having a specific set of audiences might limit your ad traffic, but those who click on your site are likely to convert – they just need a push, which brings me to my next point.

2. Write Compelling Ad Copy

The right ad copy isn’t creative; it’s interesting and drives an action.

I don’t take risks when running Google ads, so I always have my team do research and take time before writing the ad copy. Conversion-optimized copy follows the AIDA sales formula.

In the first section, your aim is to build awareness, followed by interest, desire, and action. Your ad copy is your meta title on Google ads. If you are running display ads, you need a compelling picture and some more content with a CTA.

Display ads are cost-effective, but their chances of conversion are pretty low. But there’s no harm in running them alongside your keyword ads.

3. Optimize Your Landing Page

You’re getting clicks; what’s next?

A landing page could be any page on your site where you want your ad traffic to land. Optimizing this page for maximum conversions is the key to getting the most out of your ads. You can do this by making your landing page user-friendly and adding clear CTAs.

Moreover, content plays a crucial role in conversion rate optimization. When users click on an ad, they expect to immediately find what they are looking for. So figure out your buyer’s journey and design your landing page according to it. For example, if you are a roofing contractor, here’s how you can CRO your landing page.

  • Have a small paragraph about yourself – An introduction
  • Share your prices – Give customers what they want
  • Justify your prices through your experience, services, or anything that makes you stand out – Unique Selling Proposition
  • Have a bold CTA that elicits a click or call – Sell at the right time!

conversion rate optimization

Social Media Marketing For Contractors

Social media is the most effective channel for local clients; are you using it to its full potential?

Social media is where your potential customers like to hang out. It’s like your local shopping mall where customers come for a good time and buy from local shops. In addition, social media allows you to market your business without relying on direct sales pitches. Here are my social media tricks you can use for contractor marketing.

1. Post Regularly

Regular posting hints Social media channels that your page is active, relevant and growing.

Social media algorithm works by promoting pages that regularly share relevant content for their audience. Moreover, your target audience might be following hundreds of pages which means your posts have a high chance of disappearing from the news feed.

Posting regularly gives you an edge over your competitors and tells social media channels that you are an active user. It’s like a race between you and your competitors because if someone falls short for even a single day, their posts would be less likely to appear on their follower’s news feed.

However, this doesn’t mean you should spam your social media account – remember, consistency is the key.

2. Engage With Your Followers

Social media is the key to building relationships with your target audience through engagements.

Engagements include likes, comments, and shares. These three are like link building for Google because it tells social media channels that your content is relevant. But, where it’s being shared from plays a crucial role in your posts’ organic reach.

For instance, if your business is in New York and your post is being shared from Australia, its reach would cross borders, and you’ll attract customers that can’t access your services. Therefore, it’s best to engage with your local audience.

Ask your friends in the area to like your post. When you receive a comment, reply to it to boost your engagement. As your engagement rate increases, your posts gain a better reach.

3. Ask for Social Media Reviews

Social reviews are lead magnets for your business, they are the outcome of how you treat your customers online and offline.

Social media reviews are the cornerstone of social media marketing for contractors. The more reviews your services have, the more trustworthy your business becomes. So ask your customers to share their feedback on your page.

Don’t worry; your customers don’t have to add keywords to their reviews because social media doesn’t work like that. Instead, the reach of your post depends on its design, your social media copy, and engagements. The leads you get through social media are more likely to convert when you have several positive reviews.

Social media marketing for contractors

Taking Your Digital Marketing Campaigns to the Next Level

The above-mentioned tips will help you craft a complete digital marketing strategy to target your audience from all channels. If you are looking for a reliable partner to grow your contractor marketing efforts, so that you can focus on the business side of things, you can trust Global-marketing Inc..

Global-marketing Inc. has been in business for more than 10 years with thousands of satisfied clients. We cater to businesses of all sizes, having won multiple awards in the SEO for Small Businesses category. Whether it’s local SEO, social media marketing, or a complete digital marketing plan, my team can handle your project!

The post Digital Marketing for Contractors: 18 Ideas to Dominate the Competition appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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