Conversions Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Tue, 23 Aug 2022 12:01:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 Conversion Rate Optimization Hacks You Should Know Sun, 24 Jan 2021 09:30:41 +0000 Stellar rankings? Great. A massive influx of traffic? Even better. Impressive audience retention? You’re on a roll. But wait, what about your conversion rate? As one of the most pivotal digital marketing metrics, your conversion rate can make or break your business. It should come as no surprise that websites with a high conversion rate […]

The post 10 Conversion Rate Optimization Hacks You Should Know appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Stellar rankings? Great.

A massive influx of traffic? Even better.

Impressive audience retention? You’re on a roll.

But wait, what about your conversion rate?

As one of the most pivotal digital marketing metrics, your conversion rate can make or break your business.

It should come as no surprise that websites with a high conversion rate (11% or more) make winning sales and consistently dominate their industry.

Sounds like something you wouldn’t mind doing?

Well, we’re here to share our expertise and help you get there. In this blog, we’ll break down the basics and dive deep into the most effective conversion rate optimization hacks of 2021.

Let’s get started!

Engage, convert, repeat! Give your business a power-packed vitamin shot by signing up for our conversion rate optimization services.


Conversion Rate: What Is It and How Can I Calculate It?

How to Optimize Your Conversion Rate

  1. Speed Up Your Website.
  2. Use Chatbots to Your Advantage.
  3. Let Winning CTAs (Calls-to-Action) Do the Trick!
  4. Add Impactful Videos to Your Landing Page.
  5. Make Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Stand Out
  6. Sprinkle Some Good Ol’ Testimonial Magic on Your Site.
  7. Make the Checkout Process as Smooth as Possible.
  8. Don’t Skimp on Landing Page Design in the Least
  9. Leverage A/B Testing.
  10. Work on Your Site’s Mobile-Friendliness.

Wrapping Up!

Conversion Rate: What Is It and How Can I Calculate It?

Let’s flip the pages and take a quick look at the basics before we get into the nitty-gritty of conversion rate optimization.

Your website’s conversion rate is defined as the percentage of web users who take a desired action.

Here’s a concept illustration that captures the essence of this process:

a concept illustration of the conversion rate

The higher your conversion rate, the better.

If it’s somewhere around 2.35%, there’s a lot of room for improvement.

If it’s 5.31% or higher, you’re doing pretty good.

And if you manage to make it to the big leagues (11% or higher), you’ve struck gold.

Start by calculating your conversation rate.

conversion rate formula


Once you know where you stand, you can take prompt measures to undo the damage. And that’s where conversion rate optimization (CRO) comes in.

As the process of increasing the percentage of web users who achieve a desired goal on your website, CRO helps you reorient your business towards long-term growth.

Not only will your revenue skyrocket, but your online visibility will also get a much-needed boost. In addition, you’ll manage to lower your customer acquisition costs, rank higher on SERPs, improve your brand identity, and become one of the go-to businesses in your niche.

Now that you have a good grasp on how CRO can benefit your brand, let’s cover more ground.

We’ve rounded up the top conversion rate optimization hacks to help you make bigger, better, and more sustained sales in 2021.

How to Optimize Your Conversion Rate

1. Speed Up Your Website

You’ve probably heard about the importance of page speed before. When it comes to improving your site’s conversion rate, speeding things up isn’t just important, it’s non-negotiable.


Well, every 100–millisecond delay in load speed can cause your conversion rate to drop by a whopping 7%.

In fact, 79% of web users refuse to shop from sites that take too long to load.

And if your site takes longer than two seconds to load, you can wave 53% of potential customers goodbye.

So, if you haven’t been prioritizing web performance, you may want to turn things around stat.

Start by figuring out where you stand. Use Google’s free tool, Page Speed Insights, to check whether your website passes the Core Web Vitals assessment.

Make sure you use both mobile and desktop modes.

PageSpeed Insights home page


Once you enter your website’s URL, you’ll receive a set of comprehensive statistics about the overall health of your website.

PageSpeed Insights results for EntrepreneurPageSpeed Insights results for Entrepreneur


If you don’t pass the Core Web Vitals assessment, dive deeper.

A web development expert can help you get a good grasp on the specific improvements that need to be made, especially if you’re unsure about how to analyze the results.

As a rule of thumb, check the following page speed insights:

 PageSpeedInsights lab data


If the results are in red, you’re in the danger zone. In this case, that would be the Speed Index (2.4 s), the Time to Interactive (5.2 s), and the Largest Contentful Paint (4.0 s).

As you work with a web development expert, they’ll also analyze the performance of individual page URLs. This is a great way to detect certain pages that are bringing your score down.

As you scroll down, you’ll find a set of customized fixes that can help improve your site’s performance.

PageSpeed Insights recommended fixes to improve page speed


As you browse through the suggestions, you’ll get a glimpse of exactly how many seconds you can save by implementing them.

Pretty incredible, right?

As you make these fixes, you’ll manage to increase your conversion rate.

Incredible page speed. Even better conversions. Sounds like something your website needs? Our expert web development assistance is a form away!

2. Use Chatbots to Your Advantage




Chatbots are rapidly transforming the modern website experience and we can’t say we didn’t see this one coming from miles away!

Within a few months of their introduction, chatbots were already being touted as the next big thing for CRO.

And their impact has been phenomenal, to say the least.

Today, millions of websites boast simple, speedy, aesthetically appealing, and non-disruptive chatbots.

Peloton’s visually refreshing and keyword-assisted chatbot is CRO at its best.

Peloton’s chatbot


What makes chatbots so great?

Their ability to engage your audience from the get-go. By holding your audience’s attention from the second they land on your site, chatbots effectively reduce bounce rate.

And this is just their immediate impact.

When your website visitors get quick, personalized answers to their queries, they’re more likely to take an action, i.e., make a purchase, sign up for your newsletter, etc.

If your website doesn’t feature a 24/7 chatbot, you may want to jump on the bandwagon.

With an AI-powered chatbot, you’ll get nuanced insights into customer behavior. Over time, these insights can help you tailor your product/service range and customize your marketing strategies accordingly.

When incorporating a chatbot into your site, make sure you opt for clean and compelling design.

In addition, avoid sending multiple questions if people close the chatbot or refuse to engage with it.

Remember, a great chunk of your website visitors comprises old customers who already know what they want. The last thing they want is to disrupt their quick shopping experience with a persistent, unrelenting chatbot.

Once closed, the chatbot should remain closed until the web user’s next visit.

As you get this balance right, you’ll manage to swiftly improve landing page conversions like a seasoned pro.

Recommended Read: 10 Proven Tips to Drastically Reduce Website Bounce Rate

3. Let Winning CTAs (Calls-to-Action) Do the Trick!

If you’re looking to improve your conversion rate optimization strategy, you should have a razor-sharp focus on CTAs (calls-to-action).

A CTA is a short and compelling statement that prompts your audience to take an action on your site.

If you head over to Tesla’s website, you’ll notice that it’s replete with sharp, precise, and to-the-point CTAs.

Tesla’s home page featuring CTAs


Tesla’s home page featuring CTAs

And if you browse through Adidas’ engaging blogs, you’ll also notice that each post ends with a powerful CTA and product recommendation tabs.

Adidas’ blog CTA

The right CTA can help you keep visitors on your site for longer and maximize conversions.

Here’s how you can make the most of the power of CTAs.

Instead of solely incorporating them into your landing page, make sure you add them to the remaining webpages as well, especially your product/service pages, blogs, articles, infographics, etc.

As you support your content with compelling CTAs, you’ll manage to convert curious readers into active buyers.

Remember, get as creative as possible.

While short and simple CTAs can do the trick as well, make sure you think outside the box for specific landing pages or blogs that need extra oomph.

BarkBox’s witty CTA checks off all the boxes!

BarkBox’s engaging CTA

4. Add Impactful Videos to Your Landing Page

Did you know that adding a video to your landing page makes it 50 times more likely to appear among the top Google search results?

In fact, marketers who leverage videos increase revenue 49% faster than those who don’t.

The power of video content is undeniable.

And when it comes to conversion rate optimization, incorporating impactful videos into your website is your golden ticket to converting your way to big bucks.

Lacoste’s engaging landing page videos are quite a visual treat. Not only do they compel web users to stick around, but they also prompt them to click on the sneaky CTA conveniently placed at the bottom.

Lacoste’s landing page featuring video content

And if you take a closer look, you’ll notice that the video features a small pause/press button towards the bottom left.

This is a great way to allow web users to control the video.

In contrast, landing pages often feature videos that play on loop and cannot be intercepted. This is exactly what you shouldn’t be doing.

As you allow web users to pause or press the video at their own whim, you’ll manage to earn a conversion and avoid leaving them frustrated.

5. Make Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Stand Out

Struggling to increase web conversions? There’s a high chance that you’re not highlighting your USP (unique selling proposition) like you should.

If you take a quick look at Target’s website, you’ll notice that almost all of their landing pages feature their USPs.

Target’s USPs on landing page


If you’re still confused about your brand’s USP(s), dive deeper.

What would compel your audience to shop with you instead of your competitors?

What makes you stand out?

In essence, what gives you an edge over your competition?

Perhaps you offer same-day delivery. Or maybe you offer the lowest possible quotes for home insurance in your area.

As you get a better grasp on your USPs, start incorporating them into your website.

Get creative like HelloFresh! Transform your USPs into eye-catching concept illustrations:

HelloFresh’s USPs and CTAs on landing page

Make sure you pair your USPs with compelling CTAs. As you get this balance right, you’ll increase your online store’s conversion rate by leaps and bounds.

Like always, avoid overdoing it.

While incorporating your USPs into your website is important, you don’t want to feature a single USP multiple times on the same page.

Stick to moderation, and you’ll marvel at the impressive results.

6. Sprinkle Some Good Ol’ Testimonial Magic on Your Site

According to research, an astounding 92% of people read testimonials when shopping online.

And that’s not all.

As much as 80% of web users trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Sure, your Google 3-Pack features a bunch of impressive reviews and your website features a separate testimonial page.

While these measures may sound like they’re enough, they’re not.

If you take a quick look at Evernote’s home page, you’ll notice that it features a bunch of powerful testimonials from industry giants like Forbes, Well + Good, Inc. Magazine, The Verge, Entrepreneur Magazine, etc.

Here’s a snippet:

Evernote’s online reviews by industry giants ChowNow’s home page is also replete with impressive online reviews:

ChowNow’s online reviews by industry giants


As web users engage with flattering reviews, they’re more likely to take an action on your site.

Each review acts as a vote for your business.

The more the votes, the better the conversions!

If you haven’t earned notable reviews from industry giants, you don’t have to skip this strategy altogether. Your home page can also feature testimonials from customers.

The kind of reviews you choose to display largely depends on whether you run a B2B or B2C business.

At the end of the day, you have free rein. Feature professional and/or customer reviews to give your business an edge and increase conversions.

Recommended Read: 8 Reasons to Protect Your Brand’s Online Reputation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

7. Make the Checkout Process as Smooth as Possible

If your site’s checkout process is too complex, you could easily lose hundreds of potential conversions.

And by complex, we mean anything ranging from tricky navigation to long-drawn-out checkout.

If you’re looking to increase the conversion rate for your e-commerce business, make sure your website offers a simple, smooth, and quick checkout process.

Here’s how you can turn things around.

Start by opting for straightforward, minimalistic, and user-friendly navigation.

Avoid requesting unnecessary information that could potentially delay checkout.

In addition, cut down on the number of pages that appear before the checkout process ends.

These simple fixes will help you speed up the checkout process and, in turn, increase your online store’s conversion rate.

8. Don’t Skimp on Landing Page Design in the Least

A whopping 94% of first impressions have to do with your website’s design.

In fact, approximately 75% of website credibility is attributed to its aesthetic appeal.

If your landing pages are poorly designed, your conversions will take a big hit.

And the last thing you want is to lose conversions because your website simply didn’t look the part. As an easy fix, web design isn’t worth losing potential sales over.

Start by creating a unique color palette for your brand. Not only will this help you optimize your conversion rate, but it’ll also play a big role in crystallizing your brand identity and increasing brand recall.

If you browse through Target’s landing pages, you’ll notice that they’ve incorporated their signature color—deep red—into the navigation, thumbnails, text, and concept illustrations.

Target’s engaging home page design

Target’s engaging home page design

Target’s engaging home page design

Their web design is clean, modern, fresh, and in line with their classic color scheme.

This is exactly what you want to do!

Apart from using your brand’s signature colors, use high-quality images and visuals to catch your audience’s attention.

A minimalistic—albeit unmistakably engaging—website will give your conversions a much-needed boost!

9. Leverage A/B Testing

a concept illustration of A/B testing

Conversion rate optimization and A/B testing go hand in hand.

Converting uninterested or casually interested visitors into enthusiastic buyers isn’t a straightforward process.

It requires a lot of experimentation.

This is where A/B testing comes in handy.

Also known as split testing, A/B testing is a technique that relies on comparing two versions of the same web page to determine which one does better.

This strategy can help you equip your website with CTAs, content, navigation, offers, headlines, and related web elements that outperform other variants.

In essence, it’s a trial-and-error boon that helps you uncover the crème de la crème of web elements.

Needless to say, A/B testing works wonders for CRO.

Start by identifying the unique elements you’re interested in testing. Once you have a rough list ready, sort it based on importance.

Start by tackling the first element.

Let’s say you’re working on the CTAs for your home page.

Create a “control” (the original version) and a “challenger” (the altered version).

Make sure you randomly select your sample to avoid distorting the results.

Test both variations and carefully analyze the results.

Based on the outcome, you may choose to stick to the “control” or go with the “challenger.”

While it may seem small, this change will heavily impact your conversions. Continue to leverage A/B testing in the long run!

10. Work on Your Site’s Mobile-Friendliness

Longines’ and Spotify’s mobile-friendly webpages Longines’ and Spotify’s mobile-friendly webpages

A whopping 61% of customers are more likely to shop from mobile-friendly websites.

And it’s easy to see why.

Unlike desktop computers, laptops, and tablets, mobile phones are extremely practical. Owing to their portability and convenience, they’re the go-to device for millions of people across the globe.

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing a massive amount of conversions.

And as mobile phone usage continues to skyrocket in 2021, opting out of mobile-friendliness can do tremendous damage to your revenue reports.

Execute a winning mobile-friendly website that offers seamless navigation, looks like a visual treat, and loads quickly.

In addition, make optimization a priority.

As you engage smartphone users, you’ll watch your conversions steadily rise and continue to rise.

Wrapping Up!

In this blog, we walked you through the top conversion rate optimization hacks for 2021.

If you’re ready to put these strategies into action, we’re here to help!

Our conversion rate optimization services are designed to help you bring in more qualified leads and optimize your entire sales funnel. We’re sticklers for attention-to-detail, so you know you’re in great hands!

By engaging potential customers at every step of their journey, we help you convert your target audience in abundance.

The outcome? Massive sales that don’t show any signs of slowing down.

Get started today!

The post 10 Conversion Rate Optimization Hacks You Should Know appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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11 Ways to Triple Your B2B Ecommerce Conversions Thu, 24 Oct 2019 09:41:47 +0000 The B2B market is growing exponentially! Forrester reports that B2B ecommerce sites in the US are estimated to reach $1.8 trillion by 2023. But let’s face it: a lot goes into launching and building an ecommerce business. Once set up, you can increase your B2B conversion rates by helping your buyers find what they’re looking for in […]

The post 11 Ways to Triple Your B2B Ecommerce Conversions appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

The B2B market is growing exponentially! Forrester reports that B2B ecommerce sites in the US are estimated to reach $1.8 trillion by 2023.

But let’s face it: a lot goes into launching and building an ecommerce business.

Once set up, you can increase your B2B conversion rates by helping your buyers find what they’re looking for in a seamless manner.

However, this is easier said than done; there are some hidden factors that contribute to your conversion goals:

  1. Email signups
  2. Social media shares
  3. A profitable online sale
  4. Visitors adding products to their carts
  5. Visitors adding products to their wish list
  6. KPIs that are valuable for your company
  7. Let Customers review the products you sell them

Understanding ecommerce conversion rates

The ecommerce conversion rate is the percentage of users that visit your website and complete a desired action.

So, what’s a good conversion rate?

The Monetate Ecommerce Quarterly regularly updates the benchmarks on ecommerce conversions for large brands. From this data, we can deduce that the average ecommerce conversion rate is somewhere between 2 and 4%.

Let’s look at 10 ways you can increase your ecommerce conversions:

1. Improve your analytics

Analytics that are in tune with your business goals give you real insight into your customers’ buying behavior and point out the improvements that you need to make in your Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategy.

Improve your analytics

High-tier brands know what their top selling commodities are, and when it’s high-time to remarket them.

Your B2B firm is no different.

When you fix your analytics to properly track your goals, you’ll be able to map out the journey of top customers and learn how likely are customers to go through your products.

For instance, find out what people are looking for when they visit your site, including specific categories, product pages and information pages.

Constructing customer journey is an essential and integral part of Ecommerce SEO, which in turn translates into higher conversions.

Without having access to the trigger events, scenarios and unified data source that synchronizes offline sales with the online activity, your B2B business will not be able to reach its potential.

Your digital plan should primarily include the concept of storing customer data and acting upon it in real-time.

You can even tweak your analytics by segmenting the traffic to track repeat purchasers and for insights into the events leading to a purchase.

2. Mobile Optimization

Studies show that the number of smartphone users worldwide surpasses the three million mark, and this figure is forecasted to further increase by several hundred million in the upcoming years. This gives way to the increasing trend of mobile shopping.

Mobile conversion rates can take a massive hit if ecommerce businesses don’t follow the best practices of mobile landing pages. In fact, a study has shown that 67% of smartphone users are likely to purchase from businesses with content customized according to their location.

To optimize for mobile devices, it is very important to keep your text concise, to the point, and also impactful.

You need to hit the customer’s pain points and benefits right on the bull’s eye. This will significantly improve and increase your b2b conversions rate via your mobile website.

You can do this by writing essentials-only product descriptions and copy. On a mobile phone, a person is scrolling and therefore has a more limited screen size and attention span.

No one likes to read pointless fluff, especially mobile users.

Another important note to optimize your ecommerce site for mobile users is speed. To figure out whether your website is currently optimized for speed on mobile devices, you can use Google’s Pagespeed Insights tool.

The tool will then spit out firstly what speed your users are experiencing when using your site and secondly what you should change in order to improve their experience.

Making sure your speed is fast in this way optimizes your customer experience, which in turn, massively improves your b2b website conversion rate.

Mobile Optimization

As illustrated, mobile site’s performance plays a major role in the success of any online venture.

By providing your customers with a fast and seamless mobile experience, enhanced merchandizing and auto complete features, you’ll quickly see the web conversions and revenue increase significantly.

Research shows that 47% of the visitors expect the website to load in less than 2 seconds. Conversely, 40% visitors are likely to leave the site if the load time is more than 3 seconds.

So remember to plug your URL into Google’s PageSpeed Insights to make sure your site’s load time is within these parameters and if it’s not, make the recommended changes to boost your b2b conversion rate.

3. Give clear and detailed product descriptions

Once you’ve captured your visitor’s attention, it’s time to keep them engaged. That’s where product page optimization comes in. You can drive high levels of B2B online sales by adding unique content to your site that speaks to the challenges of your customers. Always add as much information as you can about the product; visitors bounce from pages that aren’t able to answer their questions. This includes the products’ features, benefits, how it works, and what it can and cannot do.

Salesforce reports that nearly 59% of all B2B buyers conduct online research on the products that they require, instead of contacting a customer service.

You should also try to include a product reviews section into your site to enhance your B2B ecommerce experience. Doing so creates the “Amazon Effect”, which reinforces positive feelings in your buyers.

Be sure to integrate the cross sell and upsell functionalities in the website’s initial presentation as well as the order confirmation stage—the website should speak to the visitors in a way that complements the products that they’re about to purchase.

4. Consider adding a product video/demonstration

Images are great, but videos are better. Adding a product video will go hand-in-hand with the product description. Since your site isn’t a brick and mortar store where visitors can talk directly to representatives and ask them questions, your aim should be to provide a digital experience that’s as close to the real deal as possible.

Provide a clear walk through of how to set up the product and its use through a demo video. Customers prefer to assess the ease of using the product.

5. Product filtering and site search

Setting your site with powerful characterization and filtering will help your customers find exactly what they’re looking for. For instance, give visitors the ability to filter products by price, size, color or style. Going through a long list of products without categories would be chaotic!

Moreover, in case you offer services instead of products, make sure your services are clearly listed in a structured product menu. You can even add a ‘Suggested Products’ functionality that will increase your cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

6. Provide free shipping


Provide free shipping

Statistics show that nearly 75% of consumers expect free shipping—even if their orders are under $50. Amazon’s Prime membership is based entirely on consumers’ obsession with free shipping. This is a pretty smart strategy. Analysts believe that Amazon is trying to get the customers hooked on the convenience of free shipping; once customers get their Prime ID, they start buying everything without really paying attention to the prices.

What’s more is that an average of 67.75% shopping carts are abandoned due to unexpected costs like shipping and taxes.

A psychology hack for this that you could implement is to make it look like you’re offering free shipping when your shipping cost is actually included in your overall cost, which technically allows you to say free shipping in your product pricing section.

Here’s an example of this.

Say you have one product, which is $30 + $5 shipping.

A customer will not like the idea of paying $5 extra for shipping. Instead, if you simply wrote:

$35 + free shipping

The same customer is much more likely to make invest in your product.

It can be funny to see because you are getting the same amount of money, either way, you phrase it, but it’s a common practice among marketers and business people to take advantage of this interesting quirk in the human psyche and buyer mentality.

Ultimately this simple psychology hack can help you boost your b2b conversions by changing almost nothing on your site but how your pricing is phrased.


7. User Personalization

According to Smart Insights, adding suggestive personalization in your website—for instance, “visitors who viewed this, also viewed”—can generate up to 68% of your ecommerce revenue. is a clear example of user personalization in ecommerce marketing sites. Nearly every element on their page is personalized; from the personal hello to the “Wish List” and suggested items based on the visitor’s previous searches—nothing is recommended to the user outside their realm of interests.

personalization in ecommerce marketing

Additionally, you can increase B2B conversion rates by giving your customers star treatment through a personalized dashboard that displays relevant products, their recent orders and timely promotions. It can even offer additional rewards like early product availability, custom pricing, enhanced customer service and invoicing options.

8. Use chatbots or live chat

Using chatbots will help you avoid the overhead of staffing someone for live chat, but in reality you’ll get a better response from visitors if you use live chat. This is because buyers are always looking for a personalized customer experience, just as they would expect from a brick and mortar store. Plus, it builds a direct communication line between you and your potential customer.

Using chatbots

B2B stores can gain the customers’ trust and prove that a real expert is on the other end by displaying an actual photo, name, contact number, ratings and the number of customers that have been served.

In case you do opt for the chatbot route, be upfront with your customers about it. A prime example is Facebook’s chatbot ‘Bitcoin Buddy.’

9. Obtain customer emails

Try to access your customer’s email addresses through a coupon code or a pop-up, and market your best selling products to the customer while they’re still in their decision phase.

One such example is Zappo’s rewards program that offers free shipping and exclusive 24/7 customer service access upon sign up.

Email marketing is a practice that every B2B ecommerce business should adopt because people—business executives in particular—constantly check their email. In fact, studies show that email marketing generates 40 times more ROI compared to other marketing tactics.

An email campaign should focus on addressing the pains of the customers and informing them of what the brand’s services are, how they work, and what challenges they aim to solve.

10. Offer coupons

Coupons can be a great way to gain your visitor’s interest and encourage them to try your services and products out. However, make sure to use coupons sparingly, because offering low prices all the time can end up hurting your business.

For instance, offering 50% discount on too many services can cut your revenue in half. Although it may attract new customers but that still doesn’t guarantee repeat business. How many times did you end up buying a product only because it was discounted?

Instead, focus on offering a unique brand experience and an outstanding service.

Here are some ingenious ways of using coupons to boost revenue:

Sell “stale” inventory

Introduce coupons when you notice low sales volumes. Either offer a percentage discount on individual items in the inventory or offer a free item once the buyer hits a certain spending threshold.

Appreciating customers

That’s all the more reason to show your loyal customers some love! Email your customers coupon codes to thank them for their continued support.

Reward new customers with discounts.

When a new customer purchases from your business for the first time, you can automatically apply discounts on their order. Although try not to sell this upfront; little bonuses like discounts that apply at checkouts may be a great tactic to making lifetime customers.

11. Let your customers leave reviews for the products they buy from you.

Reviews are incredibly important, not just for you as a business owner and seller to know that you are, in fact, selling good products that actually do help people, but also for your future customers.

This is people’s hard-earned money, so naturally, they will want to check out your page to see what other users of the product had to say about it upon receiving it.

Good product reviews mean a more confident buyer, which translates into skyrocketing your conversion rate for your b2b ecommerce website.

So let your customers leave reviews within your product page itself and, in fact, encourage them to leave reviews.

A best practice related to reviews is to display your top reviews to potential customers who are scrolling through the product page. Yet another best practice to boost your conversion and customer retention rate is to actually take the time to as a seller respond to each of your customers’ reviews, whether they are good or bad.

If they are good, be sure to express your gratitude, thank them, and mention that you look forward to helping them find success with their pain points in the future.

The more personalized rather than generic the response, the better.

The same principle applies to negative reviews. Be gracious and accept feedback where it makes sense.

One thing you want to highlight in your top reviews is how your company works and what your unique selling point is to fellow businesses that you are selling to.

The way you can do this is by approaching previous clients and asking them specifically how your business has made a solid and helpful impact on their business to even help them improve their workflow/conversion rate, depending on the nature of their business.

Another hack that is arguably even a step up from top reviews is to take advantage of the power of a testimonial.

Testimonials are particularly powerful because they tend to be more detailed than a regular review would be because the person essentially swears by your product enough to give you a testimonial.

In this way, video testimonials are particularly powerful and impactful to consumers because video just acts as more solid social proof to a fellow customer than writing a review would.

A person can see that another person has needs similar to theirs’, which were met by your product on your b2b website.

Therefore, seeing this testimonial would increase their confidence in their purchasing decision and subsequently increase your b2b web conversion rate as a whole.

In conclusion

There isn’t a “one size fits all” strategy when it comes to how to best boost your B2B ecommerce conversions. The goal should be to implement these tactics intelligently. Showcase your brand’s distinctive features, use Artificial intelligence, a dynamic pricing business model and offer unique packages to new and repeat customers.

If you’re able to get happy customers to sign up to your referral program and leave positive reviews, you’ll be amazed at the impact it has on your ROI.

Bio: The author is a digital marketing and SEO expert at Global-marketing Inc., an award-winning digital marketing firm. He specializes in on-page SEO, link building and SEO ecommerce services and marketing solutions.

The post 11 Ways to Triple Your B2B Ecommerce Conversions appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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