Content Marketing Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:48:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Content Marketing Pricing in 2024: Is It Worth It? Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:19:20 +0000 Is Content Marketing Worth it in 2024? Considering the skyrocketing prices of nearly everything from the food you eat to the oxygen you breathe, it’s getting increasingly harder—and more expensive—to run a business of any kind. In that, it’s unsurprising that so many business owners hesitate to focus on SEO content writing services and other forms […]

The post Content Marketing Pricing in 2024: Is It Worth It? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Is Content Marketing Worth it in 2024?

Considering the skyrocketing prices of nearly everything from the food you eat to the oxygen you breathe, it’s getting increasingly harder—and more expensive—to run a business of any kind.

In that, it’s unsurprising that so many business owners hesitate to focus on SEO content writing services and other forms of content marketing due to prices.

It’s normal to wonder whether digital marketing and content marketing have anything significant to offer, beyond arbitrary web posting and social media content. But there’s so much more to content marketing that you stand to gain.

A list of the various types of content marketing.

That’s why 94% of small businesses plan to increase their spending on content marketing in 2024, investing more heavily in social media, content marketing, email marketing, and more. It is, after all, a necessary step in ensuring that your business isn’t being drowned out in all the noise online.

On average, business owners can spend anywhere from a few hundred dollars (our packages start at only $200 a month!) to several thousands, depending on the scale and extent of content they require. In fact, Marketing Insider Group estimates that brands spend anywhere between $2500–$7500 per month—but with Global-marketing Inc., you don’t even have to budget for that much.

Our content marketing prices are some of the most flexible, and we allow you to customize your packages, even choosing just one or two blogs a month if that’s what your needs are.

If you’re wondering whether it’s truly worth a shot, let’s get into it in more depth. Evaluate the benefits of content marketing, how it works, why it’s so effective, and how it’s not really an expense but rather a long-term investment for your brand.

Recommended Read: Writing Content for SEO: Beginner’s Guide to SEO Content Writing

Cost Benefit Analysis: Why the Benefits of Content Marketing in 2024 Outweigh Spending

Content marketing is a quintessential element of any marketing strategy and one of the most valuable tools for businesses in the digital age. Content marketing in 2024 will continue to hone the same level and extent of benefits it currently offers and perhaps take them a step further. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  1. Greater Brand Awareness: Content marketing is key in building and strengthening brand identity. High-quality, relevant content is key to bringing in your target audience organically, which ensures that they are able to connect with you more intently.

The various stages of brand awareness for customers.

  1. Better Customer Engagement: Engaging and informative content will have your audience interacting with your brand. They’ll be reading, consuming, and viewing blog posts, videos, and social media content and feeling more connected and invested in your work. The benefit of content marketing is that it builds a strong connection between your business and your customers.
  2. Authority and Credibility: Posting and sharing high-quality, well-researched, and steady content is one of the most effective ways to define your expertise in your industry. Not only do you seem more credible after providing multiple solutions to their pain points and problems, but you also solidify the position of your business as a credible authority in the field.
  3. SEO Benefits: Search engines need new, innovative, high-quality content. By generating consistently high-quality, new content, you’ll be able to boost your website’s SERP rankings, so new and returning customers are able to find your business more easily.
  4. Lead Generation: Lead generation is one of the most essential aspects of content marketing, helping you generate more interesting, solid links and connections. By creating a range of free, insightful, and informative resources, including webinars, whitepapers, and eBooks, you can get customers’ contact information and demographics for future use.

A graphic showing the process of lead generation.

  1. Cost-Effective Marketing: When compared to regular advertising, content marketing is often more cost-effective and has a higher ROI.You should think of it as more of an investment with long-term benefits rather than seeing it as an expense. This definitely helps in reorienting the way you see content marketing prices.

Recommended Read: What Is White Label Content and How Does it Work?

How Content Marketing Works and Why SEO Content Writing Services Are Worth

The main goal of content writing is creating and distributing value-added, relevant, and consistent content that drives traffic and brings in audience traction. There are various stages of content marketing that we go through before we reach the execution stage. It’s what makes our work worth the investment. Here’s a quick overview of what we do:

  1. Identifying Your Key Demographic and Audience: We start by identifying your target audience in depth. We strive to understand their needs, interests, and pain points so we know what they’re looking for and what they want, allowing us to achieve that for them.
  2. Content Planning and Creation: After we get to know your audience and target customers, we begin designing a content marketing strategy. Content marketing in 2024is likely to look similar as it is now but slightly more advanced thanks to AI and various other tools and trends.This content will not only be geared toward their pain points and issues but also address their interests, values, hobbies, and preferences. We use all types of content, such as blog posts, infographics, videos, podcasts, and social media material that will share interesting information.
  3. Content Posting and Sharing: Impactful content marketing requires sharing your content across multiple channels, including your business website, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, email marketing, and more. A diverse marketing and outreach strategy allows you to maximize the financial investment you make and really get inside your customers’ minds. You get to target them on the platform they prefer and meet them where their interests lie.
  4. Engagement Across the Board: The reason why content marketing is such a success is that it encourages engagement with your audience and focuses on general success. You have the ability and opportunity to respond to comments, answer queries and concerns, and start conversations. You also get to showcase brand values so your community and audience members know exactly what you believe in, making for an incredible way to find new customers.
  5. Track and Adapt: In order to ensure that your content is performing well, generating traction how it should and its overall effectiveness, we make sure to track and analyze your data. We use a host of KPIs and metrics, such as website traffic, social media engagement, and conversion rates, to determine how the content is performing and whether people are expressing interest. Depending on our analysis and audits, we’re able to upgrade your strategy and make data-driven improvements, which ensures maximum returns on content marketing in 2024.

A list of all major Content marketing KPIs.

Recommended Read: 6 Tips to Create a Successful Email Marketing Campaign [Infographic]

Why Content Marketing is So Effective in Engaging Customers

There’s no denying how impactful digital marketing is overall, and how content marketing strategies in 2024 are bound to pay off. When it comes to content marketing pricing1, it’s important to look at the bigger picture and understand what makes it tick and why it works so well:

  1. Educational Value: The main purpose of content marketing is to generate value for the audience. You’re able to build a loyal customer base and get them to trust your brand as an industry leader and expert by addressing their needs and concerns head-on. It’s important to engage your customers in new, refreshing ways and build their trust in you. They also feel like they’re getting more out of their engagement.
  2. Authority Building: Content marketing in 2024should be focused on improving your credibility over time and ensuring that your business becomes an industry leader. As customers begin to view your brand as a source of valuable information, they will also begin to trust your products and services.
  3. Relationship Building: Content marketing is a step above the usual transactional nature that old-school advertising follows. You’re not just working to generate content that will make your customers buy, but rather facilitate valuable, mutually respectful, long-term relationships with them. This sense of brand loyalty is unparalleled and adds to word-of-mouth marketing in the real world, too.
  4. Adaptability and Flexibility: Content marketing is so effective because you can find ways to generate high-quality content of all kinds, for all industries and niches. You get to generate content that will appeal to your specific audience, and appeal to their sensibilities, change your approach, and update what’s working and what’s not.
  5. SEO Benefits: A huge reason why content marketing performs well is that it is optimized based on SEO best practices, so it ranks higher and highlights your business through organic results on SERPs.
  6. Evident, Measurable Results: There’s a lot of data that content marketing generates for businesses and SEO content writing services such as ours to review. This data allows us to track ROI accurately and use a data-driven approach for more effective results and decision-making.

A graphic showing the relevance of SEO analytics.

Recommended Read: 5 Types of SEO Content That Pull Links Like Crazy

How Spending on Content Marketing in 2024is an Investment for Your Business

Your content marketing budget in 2024 needs to be focused on long-term results and benefits rather than short-term fixes. Understand why this is the case and why short-term content marketing prices should not be a deterrent:

  1. Long-term Value: Think of content creation as a way to build digital assets that you have rights and control over. Spending a few hundred dollars a month on high-quality, value-based content that attracts audiences long after its creation is a small price to pay. A well-written blog post or an informative video will have people coming back for several years, which is a long-term ROI.
  2. Competitive Advantage: Customers are fatigued. They’re sick and tired of ads and bombardments of messages that tell them to buy, buy, buy. Instead of overloading your customers with ads they’ll scroll past. By investing in content marketing, you gain a competitive edge, and will outperform competitors who depend on traditional advertising
  3. Customer Retention: Content marketing goes a long way in maintaining customer relationships and retaining existing customers. You’re able to consistently give them value, reminders, and offers that help them engage with your content, which results in repeat purchases and more. Email marketing, videos, infographics, tutorials, blogs are some of the best ways to encourage customer retention.
  4. Increased Conversions: Quality content is a great way to get people on the buyer’s journey. You’re able to get to their questions and concerns through content, show them you care, and simultaneously boost conversions. This eventually leads to revenue generation and increased sales—which definitely outweigh the price of content marketing.

In 2024, content marketing as an industry is going to be worth $412 billion, so not only is it worth the investment; it’s non-negotiable. The pricing may seem like a lot in the present, but the benefits of content marketing, its working principles, effectiveness, and relevance deem everything else insignificant.

Content Marketing is Worth Every Penny—Don’t Trust Us? Try Us Out

Content marketing in 2024 will be key to growing your business in the long run. It’s important to invest in the right strategy, elements, and approach to help you upgrade and improve your performance.

Global-marketing Inc. is home to some of the leading experts and SEO content writers, specializing in a range of services, including content marketing. But we never take a cookie-cutter approach to content creation.

We get to know your business inside out, understand your team, your unique selling propositions, your niche, your customers and their pain points, and go above and beyond to customize our strategy and ensure that you’re getting what works for you.

Our specialists work to design custom strategies, optimize your website, and generate high-quality, high-yielding content that drives results. The goal is to get your business on the map, and ranking higher on SERPs through organic SEO, using the best tools and solutions.

Great content is only one cog in the wheel—but it’s the most important.

To learn more about custom content marketing pricing for your business, reach out to us, and we’ll share a detailed breakdown of our offerings. We’re bringing you the most innovative approach in the market—set up a free consultation with our talented team today!

The post Content Marketing Pricing in 2024: Is It Worth It? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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What Is Microblogging & Why Is It Important? Mon, 13 Nov 2023 13:50:10 +0000 Imagine a world where your business’s voice can be heard far and wide, not through lengthy articles or expensive advertising, but through crisp, engaging, and direct messages. Welcome to the world of microblogging! For small to medium-sized businesses, this isn’t just another content marketing tactic focused on grand narratives or verbose posts. It’s the art of […]

The post What Is Microblogging & Why Is It Important? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

a concept illustration of microblogging

Imagine a world where your business’s voice can be heard far and wide, not through lengthy articles or expensive advertising, but through crisp, engaging, and direct messages.

Welcome to the world of microblogging!

For small to medium-sized businesses, this isn’t just another content marketing tactic focused on grand narratives or verbose posts. It’s the art of saying more with less.

Think of microblogging as your business’s espresso shot: small, potent, and capable of giving your audience the jolt they need.

You may have some questions by now. What is a microblog? In fact, what is microblogging, to begin with?

Join us as we break down the intricacies into simple, digestible, bite-sized pieces. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a good understanding of why your small to medium-sized business needs microblogging, the benefits of this clever strategy, the smart way to leverage it, and why content marketing is the final piece of this puzzle.

Let’s get started!

What Is Microblogging?

At its core, microblogging is communication distilled to its essence. It’s the digital equivalent of a powerful billboard or a catchy radio jingle: brief, direct, yet remarkably impactful.

Let’s say you only have a few seconds to share an idea, a thought, or a story with your audience. That’s microblogging in a nutshell.

Microblogging takes the expansive world of blogging and compresses it into smaller chunks of content. The goal is to convey a message, spark a conversation, or share news in just a line or two of text, an image, or a short video.

While regular blogs are generally between 400 to 2,500 words long, microblogs are anywhere between 20 to 300 words long.

Short? Yes.

Effective? You bet.

This brevity isn’t a limitation; rather, it’s a catalyst for creativity and clarity. In the fast-paced online world where attention is a coveted commodity, microblogging is the art of capturing and holding that attention with precision and flair.

For small to medium-sized businesses entering the content marketing realm, microblogging is a game-changer. It’s a strategic way to tell stories, build your brand, or engage with your community.

With microblogging, you get to cut through the clutter and deliver your message straight to the heart of your audience. It’s quick to produce, easy to consume, and perfect for the dynamic rhythm of the modern digital consumer.

Social media platforms like X, Tumblr, and Instagram are the playgrounds of microblogging. This is where businesses get a chance to weave narratives, share insights, and connect with customers in real-time.

The power of a well-crafted microblog post lies in its immediacy and relevance: a timely tweet about a trending topic, an Instagram story that gives a behind-the-scenes look at your business, or a pithy Tumblr post that resonates with your audience’s values.

How Can My Small to Medium-Sized Business Benefit From Microblogging?

At its heart, microblogging is all about getting your message across quickly and effectively.

For small to medium-sized businesses that don’t have the luxury of big marketing budgets, it’s a cost-effective way to boost your brand’s visibility. Each post, albeit brief, is an opportunity to make a lasting impression on your audience.

But it’s more than just about being seen. Microblogging helps you build a personal connection with your audience. It allows you to share your brand’s story in a series of snackable posts that resonate with your customers. This direct line of communication fosters a sense of community and loyalty (which is invaluable for any business).

The real beauty of microblogging lies in its agility. Whether you’re sharing the latest news, responding to industry trends, or addressing customer queries, microblogging helps you stay relevant and responsive.

This responsiveness is key to keeping your audience engaged and showing that your business is tuned into their needs and the world around them.

Consistent posts help increase your digital footprint and make it easier for potential customers to find you online. It’s a straightforward yet effective way to enhance your online visibility.

And let’s not forget that engagement is the name of the game in microblogging. You’re not just broadcasting your message; you’re starting conversations and keeping them going.

This ongoing dialogue is critical for understanding what your audience wants and turning casual followers into loyal customers. Each like, comment, and share is a clue into what your audience finds interesting and valuable.

This feedback is critical for tailoring your products, services, and messaging to better align with your customers’ preferences.

Traditional Blogging vs. Microblogging

a concept illustration of traditional blogging vs. microblogging

By now, you have a good understanding of what microblogging is. We’ve also let you in on the benefits microblogging brings to the table.

But how exactly does it differ from traditional blogging? You know that it’s shorter and crisper. But what are some of the more specific benefits? Let’s break them down.

 the difference between traditional blogging and microblogging

Understanding the nuances between microblogging and traditional blogging is critical for any small to medium-sized business venturing into the content marketing arena. This detailed comparison sheds light on how each approach serves different purposes and caters to varied audience needs and preferences.

As a business owner, keeping these aspects in mind is pivotal when planning your content marketing strategy.

Why is this differentiation important? Because it aligns your content with your business goals. If your goal is to engage with your audience in real-time, create buzz around a new product, or tap into trending topics, microblogging is your go-to strategy.

Its dynamic nature makes it ideal for businesses looking to boost brand visibility and engage with a wider audience swiftly.

On the other hand, if your objective is to establish thought leadership, provide detailed information, or explore topics deeply, traditional blogging holds the key. It allows you to build a more profound and authoritative presence online by attracting an audience that seeks in-depth knowledge and insights.

Understanding these differences can also help you allocate resources effectively. Since it’s less resource-intensive, microblogging can be a great starting point for small to medium-sized businesses with limited time and budget.

You won’t have to break the bank when hiring SEO content writers. Since the content is shorter and snapper, microblogging packages are much more affordable. We recommend turning to an experienced SEO content writing service that can confidently take the reins for you.

Keep in mind that it’s not always a choice between the two. A balanced content marketing strategy often involves a mix of both microblogging and traditional blogging.

Recommended Read: ChatGPT & SEO Content Chaos: Can AI Writing Sabotage Your Rankings?

How to Write a Kickass Microblog

a concept illustration of an SEO content writer working on a microblog

Writing a kickass microblog is all about packing a punch in a small package. It’s a skill that, when honed, can significantly elevate your digital presence and connect you instantly with your audience.

How can you ensure your microblogs leave a lasting impact? Let’s break it down.

1. Get Straight to the Point

The first few words of your microblog are where the battle for attention is won or lost. You don’t have the luxury of building up to a climax or meandering through a narrative.

This is why getting straight to the point isn’t just good advice; it’s a necessity.

Start with a clear and compelling idea. What is the core message or action you want to convey or inspire? Maybe it’s a new product launch, a key insight, a call-to-action (CTA), or an intriguing question.

Whatever it is, lead with it. Your opening line should be like a headline that grabs readers and pulls them in. Think of it as the hook that not only catches but also retains the reader’s interest.

Simplicity is key here. Avoid jargon, complex language, or convoluted sentences. The goal is to communicate your message as clearly and succinctly as possible.

Keep in mind that your audience is scrolling through a sea of information. You don’t want your microblog to be the needle lost in the haystack; you want it to be the lantern that stands out.

Precision in language is also essential. Each word should add value and meaning to your message. This may mean spending time choosing the right words and phrasing. The right verb or adjective can make a big difference by adding punch and clarity to your microblog!

Here are a few examples to drive the point home.

General Post: “Our new product is available. It’s good for saving time.”

Precise Language: “Unveil efficiency with our latest time-saving gadget. Now available!”

In this example, words like “unveil” and “efficiency” add excitement and clarity; they make the message more engaging and focused.

Let’s try this again.

General Post: “We’re launching a discount on our services this week.”

Precise Language: “Slash your costs with our week-long mega discount bonanza!”

“Slash your costs” and “mega discount bonanza” create a sense of urgency and excitement compared to the more generic original.

See what we mean?

In getting straight to the point, it’s also important to consider your microblog’s format and structure. Are you using a format that your audience is familiar with and appreciates? Is your post’s structure facilitating quick understanding?

Sometimes, a well-placed emoji, a strategic line break, or a bullet point can enhance your microblog’s readability and impact by leaps and bounds.

And, of course, don’t forget to stay true to your brand voice. Even when you’re being concise, your microblog should still reflect your brand’s personality and values.

This consistency is ultimately what helps build trust and recognition with your audience over time. By focusing on clarity, brevity, and the power of your opening lines, you can ensure that your microblogs cut through the noise and resonate with your audience.

Turn to an experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled content writing service for this task. SEO content writers don’t just create microblogs; they also optimize them for better reach and higher engagement. This is a great way to ensure your content reaches and converts your target audience!

Stay on the lookout for writers for hire until you find creative, capable, and experienced writers who can help steer your business in the right direction.

2. Know Your Audience Inside Out

Want to master the art of microblogging? Start with an intimate understanding of your audience.

This is kind of like being a chef who knows exactly how their customers like their steak. The key? A deep, deep, deep dive into their world. Your audience isn’t just a random group of people; they’re the judges and jury of your content’s success.

Start by painting a demographic picture. Age, location, interests, professions: these are more than just data points; they’re the colors you’ll use to create content that resonates with your target audience.

A college student in New York City has different interests and online habits than a middle-aged professional in rural Texas. Tailor your content to match these nuances.

The tone and language you use are crucial. Strike the right chord. If your audience is young and vibrant, a relaxed, playful tone will hit the mark. If they’re seasoned professionals, a more polished and informed tone is the way to go. It’s like changing your playlist depending on who’s coming to the party.

Engagement patterns are your treasure map. Analyze which posts spark interest and which ones flop. Is your audience happier with humor or informative content? This feedback is a direct line to their preferences; it’ll guide your future content marketing strategies like a compass.

Timing is everything. Catching your audience when they’re most active is like catching fish in a barrel. Are they scrolling through their feed with their morning coffee or during their lunch break? Pinpoint these moments to maximize your impact.

And don’t forget that your audience’s preferences can evolve. Keep your ear to the ground for shifting trends and conversations. Being adaptable is like being a chameleon; you need to change your colors to stay relevant and engaging.

At the end of the day, knowing your audience inside out is about empathy. It’s about stepping into their shoes and viewing your content from their perspective. When you know them that well, every microblog post you craft will feel like it was made just for them, and that’s when you hit the sweet spot.

3. Leverage Visuals Effectively

a concept illustration of SEO content writers with backpacks full of graphic tools

Visual marketing isn’t just icing on the cake; it’s an integral part of the feast. Leveraging visuals effectively means understanding that a well-chosen image or video can speak volumes (sometimes even louder than words).

The right visuals can stop a scroll-happy user in their tracks and make them think, laugh, or take action.

Start by choosing visuals that align with your message. If you’re announcing a new product, a crisp, high-quality image of the product can be far more impactful than the most eloquent description. Launching a new service? A short, engaging explainer video can be a game-changer.

The key is relevance; your visuals should complement, not distract from, your message.

Quality trumps quantity. Always. One striking image is better than a collage of mediocre ones. Let’s not forget that you just have a moment to impress; make sure your visuals are up to the task!

They should be high-resolution, well-composed, and visually appealing. Think of them as the visual equivalent of a catchy headline; they should draw the audience in.

Infographics are absolutely genius; don’t shy away from them (especially when dealing with data or complex information). A well-designed infographic can distill information into an easily digestible format; your post will become both informative and shareable.

In addition to turning to an SEO content writer for help with microblogging, also turn to an experienced graphic designer who can handle the ropes for you. If you’re lucky, your SEO content writing team will already possess some pretty strong infographic design skills (we do here at Global-marketing Inc.!). The goal is to leverage the power of visuals instead of crafting microblogs that are pure text.

Also, consider the platform you’re using. Instagram is all about the visual story, while on Twitter, a clever combination of text and image can work wonders. Each platform has its nuances in how visuals are consumed; tailor your visuals accordingly.

Now, for a dash of creativity! Play with filters, animations, or even memes (if that fits your brand personality). A playful gif or a well-timed meme can often engage your audience more effectively than a traditional image.

And let’s not forget about branding. Your visuals should have a consistent look and feel that reflects your brand identity. Whether it’s through the use of colors, logos, or style, your visuals should be unmistakably “you”.

4. Use Hashtags Wisely

Hashtags aren’t just trendy add-ons; they’re powerful content marketing tools that can dramatically increase your posts’ reach and visibility. But the key is to use them wisely.

First off, relevance is king. Hashtags should be directly related to the content of your post. If you’re talking about a new coffee blend, #MorningJoe may be a good fit, but #TechTrends? Not so much. Irrelevant or random hashtags are like uninvited party crashers; they just don’t belong.

It’s also important to strike a balance. Flooding your post with a barrage of hashtags can be overwhelming and can actually deter engagement. A good rule of thumb is to stick to a few well-chosen hashtags.

This isn’t a case where more is merrier. Think of hashtags as seasoning; just the right amount will enhance your post, but too much can spoil it.

Take your time and do a bit of research. Check which hashtags are trending in your industry and which ones are used by your target audience. Joining in on these conversations can increase the visibility of your posts to the right audience. But remember, trending hashtags change as fast as the weather, so stay updated. Opt for a reputable SEO content writing service that can equip you with the right hashtags.

Custom hashtags are also a great way to promote specific campaigns or branding. If you’re launching a new product or hosting an event, a unique hashtag can help track conversations and build buzz. It’s like putting your own signature on the social media conversation.

Also, be platform-specific. Hashtags are a staple on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, but they don’t work the same way on LinkedIn or Facebook. Tailoring your hashtag strategy to each platform will yield the best results.

Finally, keep an eye on the performance of your hashtags. Which ones are bringing in more views, likes, or shares? This data can help refine your hashtag strategy over time.

Recommended Read: Top Trending Hashtags for Instagram Reels

5. Keep Up with Trends and Events

a concept illustration of 2024

Staying abreast of trends and events is like having a sixth sense for what’s buzzing in the digital universe. It’s about being current, relevant, and tuned in to the collective pulse of your audience.

This doesn’t just add a layer of freshness to your content marketing arsenal; it also shows that your brand is aware and engaged with the wider world.

Firstly, trend-spotting is an art. It’s about identifying which topics are capturing public interest at any given moment. Whether it’s a viral dance challenge, a major sports event, or a significant international day, tying your content to these trends can significantly increase its appeal and relevance. It’s like joining a popular conversation at a party; your brand will instantly become more relatable. GoogleTools is an excellent tool for this purpose.

But here’s the trick: relevancy. Your engagement with trends and events should feel natural, not forced. If your brand is all about outdoor adventures, jumping on a trend about the latest tech gadgets may not be a good idea; the content won’t resonate with your target audience. Stick to what aligns with your brand’s identity and audience’s interests.

Keeping an eye on upcoming events is also important. Is there a major holiday around the corner? An industry conference? Anticipating these events and planning your content accordingly can give you a head start in the race for relevance. Be proactive rather than reactive; set the stage for your brand to shine at the right moment.

When you do jump on a trend or event, add your unique twist to it. It could be a humorous take, an insightful angle, or an interesting fact: something that makes your content stand out. Instead of creating content just to become part of the trend, add your own flavor to it.

And finally, remember that timing is key. Being too early or too late to the party can mean missing out on the peak of engagement. Keep your finger on the pulse of trending topics and strike while the iron is hot!

Content Marketing: The Final Piece of the Puzzle

Want to equip your content game with fresh microblogs? It’s time to start knocking at content marketing’s window!

Content marketing isn’t just a slice of the digital marketing pie; it’s the secret sauce that ties everything together. It’s what takes your engaging microblogs and transforms them into a cohesive strategy that resonates with your audience.

Content marketing is about creating value instead of just randomly filling up your social media feed. It’s about crafting messages that stick, inform, entertain, and sometimes make your audience think.

And in the fast-paced arena of microblogging, getting this right is like hitting a bullseye from a moving train.

Now, add SEO to the mix. SEO content writers are the secret weapon here. They weave keywords into your content like secret threads that pull your brand up on search engine result pages (SERPs).

But hey, we get it. Juggling all these elements can be as challenging as solving a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. That’s where Global-marketing Inc. comes into play. We’re the ace up your sleeve! Our content marketing services, especially our flair for crafting engaging microblogs, can propel your content writing strategy from good to “can’t-look-away” great.

With Global-marketing Inc., you’re not just getting content; you’re getting SEO content that’s tailored, optimized, and designed to make your brand pop in the digital space. We understand that in the world of microblogging, every character counts, and we make each one work in your favor.

Are you ready to wow your audience with stellar microblogs? Our content marketing champions are a call away!

The post What Is Microblogging & Why Is It Important? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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What Is White Label Content and How Does it Work? Mon, 06 Nov 2023 15:31:44 +0000 What in the world is white label content anyway? Have you ever had an idea that was so fantastic you couldn’t wait to share it with the world—but your words fell short? Have you ever gotten a client or project that is right up your alley but also far out of your depth? Do you sometimes […]

The post What Is White Label Content and How Does it Work? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

What in the world is white label content anyway?

Have you ever had an idea that was so fantastic you couldn’t wait to share it with the world—but your words fell short? Have you ever gotten a client or project that is right up your alley but also far out of your depth? Do you sometimes wish you had a spare set of hands to help out, or you could just delegate aspects of your project to someone else? Do you have trouble letting go of control and want to maintain work quality no matter what?

Then we’ll let you in on a little secret: you’ll love white label content services.

White label content is when you hire third-party agencies or professionals to create content for you and to further your own marketing efforts and work. Think of it like ghostwriting, where someone else writes the content, but you retain ownership, publishing rights, and credit.

We have extensive experience with white label SEO content, helping dozens of agencies just like yours, create sustainable, high-quality content that you can learn about here.

Types of content-marketing available to clients.

Many businesses partner with white label SEO services, such as ours, to generate all kinds of high-quality, high-rated content. Our goal is to provide you with stellar, high-quality content for your business or third-party clients on your roster.

While we do all the heavy lifting and brainstorming as well as content generation, you get ownership of the content and the right to use it however you want. Whether that involves posting on your own site, for other clients, or bolstering your own marketing campaign—that’s entirely up to you.

Since content is the backbone of digital marketing and promotion, it’s vital that you focus on quality and consistency to get the message across. Like 88% of marketers who will invest more heavily in SEO marketing, you can and should do the same for your business by partnering with a reliable content company and producer.

Our white label content services are geared toward clients who prioritize quality, consistency, and knowledge. With data-backed approaches and extensive experience in SEO, we’ve curated the perfect white label SEO packages that offer affordable, customized content that is ready for reselling.

Recommended Read: What is White Label SEO? How Can It Help You Achieve Results?

How does white label content work?

Now that we’ve established what white label content creation and marketing are, the question arises: how does it even work?

It’s a simple process for the most part, especially when you choose seasoned experts like us.

You can find more details here, but overall, we streamline and simplify it as best we can.

We start off with keyword research for your brand or your third-party client’s company, and narrow down what performs best and where you’re lacking. Following that, we have a website audit that outlines where your website is lacking and how we can optimize it more effectively.

Our content experts then create customized content plans and strategies for your brand and move on to creating and producing that content for you. We also generate promotional content and track it all through weekly activity sheets, ranking sheets, and completion reports to show you how your work has progressed over time.

We’ve helped clients such as Western Mass Auto Insurance with their content strategy, eventually bringing them to number 1 on Google for various keywords.

A simple illustration of how the white label process works.

Recommended Read: How to Improve Your Client’s Search Rankings with White Label SEO Services

Following that, we use a variety of ways to generate organic traffic, including buyers and readers, to your platform. It’s a great way to attract potential clients and even bring back previous clients, seeing as how content usage and consumption went up by a whopping 207%!

The more varied and high-quality the content is, the better your strategy will be. It’s a step in the right direction for businesses looking to up their content marketing game without the cost of setting it all up in-house.

Plus, white label content creation gives you free rein over how the content is used, whether it’s redistributed or used in-house. You have the freedom to focus on all kinds of other work and tasks and divert your attention to the day-to-day operations while we handle the nitty-gritty of SEO and content marketing.

The process seems complex, and 83% of marketers believe it’s difficult to create quality content consistently, but we’ve nailed it down to a science. We ensure that we understand your business structure, model, USPs, products and services, target audience, and various other factors before we innovate a unique white label content strategy for you. You can rest assured that you will get content that is specific, interesting, and drives engagement.

There’s no catch-22. If you hire us for white label content, once the project is complete, you own it outright—sounds amazing, right? We know!

What should a business look for when choosing white label marketing?

While we’re not not saying that Global-marketing Inc. is the best choice for all while label marketing, we do want to provide some insight into what makes us so good at what we do and some factors you should look at before you hire us—or anyone.

· You want to look at your white label creator’s writing style

Does their writing style match your brand tone and style? Do they emulate that well in their work? How are they customizing content for your needs? Luckily, we have a team of writers from the most diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, so whether you’re an industrial firm or lifestyle blogger, we can get you the content you need.

The various types of content writing available.

· Look at their approach to customer service and care

You want to look at how your white label agency treats its customers. We assign account managers whose sole focus is on keeping you satisfied with our work, following up on progress and updates, and making adjustments. Our job is to make sure that you are always confident with what we’re doing.

· Check out their reviews and client testimonials

Don’t take any white label SEO service’s word at face value. Do your due diligence and check out their reviews, testimonials, and client input before you make a decision. We’ve shared extensive reviews for our work across the board, online, to help you make up your mind.

· Sign up for a trial or brief project before signing on long-term

Not sure you’re ready to commit or this is the right choice for you? Sign up for a short-term project and watch your rankings improve. If you’re hiring us to write content for your business, you’ll notice an uptick in traffic and positive reviews—don’t believe us? Give it a try yourself.

Who can benefit from white label SEO services and packages?

Who stands to benefit from white label SEO services and packages anyway? Well, we have an extensive, varied, and incredibly unique clientele for this service.

You might want to explore this option if you’re looking to invest in content creation and marketing to boost your marketing strategy (remember, content is king!) or if you’re looking to generate and own unique content for yourself or a third party.

Some of the many people who stand to benefit from our services include:

  • Business owners who are too busy to create their own marketing content
  • Companies or brands that need high-quality content but don’t have the manpower or resources to do it in-house
  • Businesses offering niche services need a creative and effective way to market them
  • Individuals looking to upsell their business, personal brand, eBooks, etc.
  • Influencers, affiliate marketers, bloggers, and content writers looking for a fresh set of hands and eyes to improve content quality

A depiction of a content writer at their desk.

  • Businesses that need a variety of skills to create content (graphic design, promotional media, video marketing, writing, social media, etc.) but can’t manage on their own
  • Those with more workload and higher project loads than they can manage without external help and support
  • Individuals and businesses on budgetary constraints but still in the market for quality content. We’ve got something for everyone and offer value for money.

There are also several other scenarios where businesses and individuals can benefit from white label marketing services, and we’re happy to walk you through them and evaluate if they’re right for you.

Recommended Read: 5 Things Our Client Dashboard Can Do For You!

What are the advantages of white label content and marketing?

There are several advantages to choosing white label content and marketing services for your business. They are intended to make your life easier and allow your business to thrive in the digital marketing atmosphere.

Considering the fact that content marketing is currently worth around $400 billion and is expected to value $600 billion in 2024, there’s no better time than now to invest in this service.

Some of the advantages of white label content marketing are as follows:

1. It’s efficient and cost-effective

If you want to save time and money on content marketing, white label services are exactly what you need. They’re quicker, more efficient, and bound by schedule while offering you a lot more for less money. By outsourcing content, you’re not worrying about doing it yourself and don’t need a team of your own, either.

2. You get to focus on your core services

This means, as a business owner or individual, you have the freedom and time to improve your core services. Whether you sell products, services, or have other business engagements, white label content marketing frees up your time and energy so you can improve your main work. If you decide to redistribute and sell the content, you can find ways to improve other business offerings.

A list of benefits of white label content.

3. White label content improves credibility and authority

Because you have seasoned professionals and experts with killer research and writing skills creating content for you, you’re able to generate high-quality content that boosts your credibility and authority. It allows you to become an industry expert in more ways than one—which is a major win.

4. Your SEO and SERP rankings get a boost

Another big plus of investing in white label SEO packages is that they actually boost your SEO visibility and SERP rankings as part of the process. Whether you’re optimizing your website or creating optimized content, there’s always a lot that will bolster your reach and appeal.

5. It helps you broaden your horizons—and services

Don’t have the resources to offer a wide range of services? With white label content, now you do. You can outsource all your content creation or focus on certain services such as email marketing and newsletters, video content, and more.

If that’s not enough to convince you to invest in our top-rated services, we don’t know what else to tell you! Try it for yourself and enjoy the many perks they offer you.

Recommended Read: How SearchBerg’s White Label SEO Services Can Help Agencies Establish Themselves and Build Their Brand

We’ve got you covered with our white label marketing services—get started today!

We understand how important it is for your business to engage customers, maintain an image, and produce high-quality content for their own clients, too. You can depend on our white label marketing services and white label content creation to create a buzz and generate more input for your business.

Through a combination of different content creation services, flexible terms, and competitive rates, our white label content will ensure that your clients rise through the ranks and perform better across all KPIs and indices. You can work directly with our team to share specific requirements, needs, and more. We’ve got what it takes.

With extensive experience and expertise in white label SEO services, we’re offering amazing packages and competitive rates for our top-of-the-line services. You can get in touch with us for more information and set up a consultation with our team if you want to learn more about our work.

The post What Is White Label Content and How Does it Work? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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How To Use Postback URLs in Affiliate Marketing? Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:29:37 +0000 Understanding Affiliate Marketing for Business  Affiliate marketing is one of the most successful business models to promote and market a wide range of products. It’s estimated to be worth $17 billion globally as of 2023 and has a massive reach and influence across multiple industries and niches. It’s a multi-pronged, multi-step, mutually beneficial marketing strategy wherein businesses […]

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Understanding Affiliate Marketing for Business 

Affiliate marketing is one of the most successful business models to promote and market a wide range of products. It’s estimated to be worth $17 billion globally as of 2023 and has a massive reach and influence across multiple industries and niches.

It’s a multi-pronged, multi-step, mutually beneficial marketing strategy wherein businesses generate traffic and leads for their website through third-party marketers known as affiliates. These affiliates may be paid partners, influencers, advertisers, bloggers, or run review pages, among other forms of online presence.

An illustration simplifying how affiliate marketing works.

It’s a little like influencer marketing, but not quite, since KPIs, payment modes and methods, expectations, and investments vary. Affiliate marketing is generally less expensive and has quicker turnarounds and outcomes, leading to faster conversions.

Affiliates are paid a set commission each time someone uses their unique URL for the company’s business. Conversion goals can look different, varying from purchases to engagement, and most often, per sale. It’s a fairly straightforward approach and ultimately depends on the affiliate’s preferences and plan, comprising banner ads, hyperlinking, video promotion, etc.

Why this works for both affiliates and their partners is that it’s a way to earn passive income while businesses are able to target more niche markets and strata effectively.

A large part of affiliate marketing is what we know as postback URLs, which we’ll unpack with you in detail.

Recommended Read: A Guide to Measuring ROI and KPIs in Digital Marketing

What is a Postback URL?

Postback URLs are a core component of any successful affiliate marketing strategy or partnership simply because they make it much easier for parties to maintain transparency, track conversions, and collect data.

These links also help affiliates test their own strategies and reach and see how well their methods are working—if at all. Nobody wants to be thought of as a snake oil salesman who’s peddling ineffective, subpar products, and if you’re not aware of your impact, reception, and audience perception, you’re only doing more harm than good.

An illustration of the tracking process using Postback URLs and ID.

More on what exactly postback URLs are is that these links come with additional parameters and measures to track data, including, but not limited to, click ID, placement ID, values, and more, which allow businesses to get solid insights into each campaign or marketer’s performance.

As a business owner, this will allow you to make clearer decisions regarding your own marketing strategy and see where your money is working.

But How Exactly Do Postback URLs Work?

Since they’re server-to-server links or cookie-less conversion tracking tools, there are several complex processes that go on behind the scenes to make them work. When the link goes live, and a person clicks through or performs the intended action, data is transferred from one server to the tracker’s server within fractions of a section.

This allows tracking to happen without cookies that can be blocked or waiting for tracking pixels to pop up. For marketers, this opens up the playing field to more complex bidding strategies and making adjustments to their performance to generate higher ROI and CPA.

With top affiliate marketers making anywhere from $10,000–$100,000 a month, both their and their partner’s success is contingent on these measures’ efficacy.

A chart depicting how postback URLs work.

With a clear understanding of how postback URLs work and how they’re designed, let’s get into the process of using them more effectively for your affiliate marketing partnerships.

Recommended Read: 10 Conversion Rate Optimization Hacks You Should Know

Creating and Using Postback URLs for Transparency 

There are several different ways that postback URLs are created and generated, and often, it’s done through a unique affiliate marketing domain. Let’s break down the anatomy and structure of these URLs to understand how they work and what they function like:{s2}&payout={payout}

Where: –this part is used for the cloud-based or self-hosted tracking domain where affiliate channels are hosted.

? –helps in separating the primary focus of the link separate from its tracking parameters, allowing for easier recognition.

&”—helps separate and differentiate multiple tracking parameters within the URL and can be customized based on your contract and campaign requirements.

cidpayout—these are more specific tracking parameters with set values for each platform and can be changed as needed.

{s2}{payout}—these act as placeholder IDs and unique tokens that are specific to the platform or network that they’re used on.

As soon as a customer clicks through and completes their purchase, the postback URL is activated, and the platform or network where it’s being used adds specific IDs and data where the placeholders are. These click IDs are individual to each transaction and conversion and allow you to track their presence and confirm that the action was indeed performed, making it more foolproof.

Common forms of Affiliate Marketing Fraud affecting businesses.

How this helps business owners is that fake links, false claims, and unfulfilled actions do not generate click IDs and, thus, are rejected. You get an accurate breakdown of all the conversions that have taken place and can make payments and commissions with confirmation. Let’s not forget that while powerful, beneficial, and cost-effective, there is a lot of affiliate fraud that happens routinely and hurts businesses.

This method also proves more effective than pixel trackers and other conversion trackers since they can easily be blocked, deleted, and fail, which hurts both the campaign and the affiliate marketer.

Don’t fall prey to fraud, inefficient tracking methods, and misleading outcomes due to poor tracking—leverage everything that postback URLs can do for your strategy at a minimal cost.

Bring It Back In with Global-marketing Inc.’s Digital Marketing Services

Our digital marketing services comprise URL postbacks and other forms of community building and management, including influencer marketing. We’ll work to understand your company to the best of our abilities and make personalized recommendations to boost your online presence and strategy.

Set up a free 30-minute consultation with us to get started on what we’re offering and how we can help you get the show on the road.

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Why Your Guest Blogging Strategy is Failing Mon, 24 Oct 2022 12:56:25 +0000 The Truth About Guest Blogging  With recent algorithm changes like Helpful Content Update, the focus is now shifting away from traditional link building strategies that involve mass article submissions, bulk directory submissions, etc. Link building using guest blogging may just be the most effective strategy. If you’re looking for a quick refresher on it, check […]

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The Truth About Guest Blogging 

With recent algorithm changes like Helpful Content Update, the focus is now shifting away from traditional link building strategies that involve mass article submissions, bulk directory submissions, etc.

Link building using guest blogging may just be the most effective strategy. If you’re looking for a quick refresher on it, check out our blog: Revealed! Guest Posting Insights From Industry Insiders.

Guest blogging helps you promote your content on some of the most credible (high DA) sites to get maximum traffic on your website.

But there’s a method to the madness that is Guest Blogging. And that’s why, you notice—even after months of guest posting efforts—you don’t see an uptick in traffic.

What are the guest blogging mistakes you’re making?

We’ve split the mistakes into three categories: strategy, content generation, and pitching. We’ve also included a cheat sheet at the end of each section for you to refer to whenever you need a refresher on things to avoid when guest blogging.

Once you’ve gone through this post, you’ll have all the tools to optimize your guest blogging strategy and turn those fails into wins.

Now let’s dive in!

Things To Avoid When Guest Blogging: Strategy, Pitch, Content

Guest Blogging Mistakes In Strategy

Writing Guest Posts Without a Single Primary Objective

Tempted to submit a guest post that aims to maximize your web traffic, capture the attention of a specific demographic, and position you as an authority in the industry simultaneously?

This is a mistake.

The most effective guest posts aim to deliver one primary objective instead of trying to fulfill multiple objectives simultaneously.

For instance, if the post’s objective is to get your page to rank higher for a certain set of keywords, make sure your keywords are incorporated organically. After that, publish the post on a blog that ranks high for that keyword, and watch the magic happen!

Similarly, if the primary objective is to attract attention from a new target audience, research keywords your customers are interested in before getting the post published on blogs they frequent.

Posting on Irrelevant Blogs

When was the last time you checked the kind of blogs you’re sending over as guest posts?

It’s vital to submit guest posts to blogs that focus on your industry and are frequently visited by your target audience. In other words, if you want to hit the ball out of the park, choose blogs that focus on your niche.

For example, let’s say you’re a mortgage company, and you’re thinking of submitting a guest post to a credible business blog with multiple sections such as ‘finance’ and ‘markets.’

If you don’t scrutinize the relevance of each blog section, you might submit a post to the blog as a whole and call it a day. But if you take a moment to analyze each section, maybe you’ll notice the ‘finance’ section posts content containing mortgage-related keywords more than any other section.

You might also realize the finance section has more mortgage holders liking, commenting on, and sharing content than any other section.

In this scenario, submitting a guest post that ends up specifically in the finance section will maximize your ability to drive sales through increased web and social media traffic!

Writing Without the Target Audience in Mind

People love content that speaks to them personally—so why not take advantage?

One of the best ways to do this is by tailoring the tone and language of your guest posts to your customers instead of concentrating on Google ranking your page.

For example, if you’re a doctor interested in using SEO to attract more patients, you’re better off using a tone that’s informative and reassuring in your posts.

On the other hand, if you’re a pet daycare, an engaging tone that exudes fun is more likely to resonate with your customers!

Strategy Cheat Sheet

Strategy Cheat Sheet

Guest Blogging Mistakes In the Pitch

Sending Impersonal Pitches

Did you know numerous guest blogging strategies fail because of how the content is pitched instead of what’s in it?

No matter how good your guest post is, if you send it to the blog manager without addressing them properly, you’ll fail to make a solid impression!

Take the time to check their blog and social media handles to find out their name. This will help you address them properly.

Forgetting to Describe the Blog in the Pitch

Another key aspect of pitching is including a brief description of the post in the email.

Describe the post briefly and state the title in either the email subject line or as a heading within the body of the email.

It’s also worth describing the value your guest post will provide the blog.

Remember: the blog is doing you a favor by publishing your post, so make sure you tell them why it’s worth their while too!

Here’s a sample:

Describe the Blog

Pitching Cheat Sheet

Mistakes During Guest Blogging In Content

Prioritizing Promotion Over Information

It’s common for businesses to use guest blogs solely as a promotional tool—but did you know this isn’t effective?

The main purpose of a guest blog is to provide value-adding information to the audience. In other words, your guest post is more likely to be well-received if it’s seen as a learning resource.

However, this doesn’t mean guest posts shouldn’t contain any promotional material. It means you must be more tactful about how you promote your business in the post.

Most effective guest posts contain promotional text in the ‘call to action’ section toward the end.

However, skilled content writers can subtly promote the business while maintaining an informative tone throughout a guest post.

Submitting a Cluttered Guest Bio

The guest bio is where you get to link back to your own website, resources, social channels, and more. But does this mean it’s worth loading the bio with information? Absolutely not!

Keep the bio as clean as possible by sticking to a handful of links for your website/intended landing page and social media profiles.

This way, your bio will be easy to read and the chances of the reader clicking on your links will be higher!

Underutilizing Formatting

Does your guest post follow a similar format to the other posts on the blog?

Does it feature headers and sub-headers your target audience will find relevant and captivating?

Have you stuffed the post with keywords, or is there a natural flow that reflects organic keyword usage?

Have you included images that don’t infringe on copyrights?

These are some of the key questions to ask yourself regarding the format of your guest post if you want your guest blogging strategy to succeed.

The best guest posts feature an even and consistent balance of internal/external links and keywords.

They also follow the blog’s format regarding headers/sub-headers and include just enough images to be engaging and complement the written content in the post rather than turning it into a picture book!

Content Generation Cheat Sheet

Content Generation Cheat Sheet

The Bottom Line

There are three common reasons why companies’ guest blogging strategies fail:

  1. They don’t know the objective of each guest post, so there’s no clear target audience and it ends up on an irrelevant blog
  2. They don’t know how to pitch the guest post properly
  3. They don’t know how to write a guest post that has proper formatting and relevant content

If you’re looking for a professional guest post writing and outreach team that ticks all the boxes, try out Global-marketing Inc.’s guest blogging services!

We have a team of experienced native English writers and content marketing specialists who understand how blogger outreach works.

We have a range of price packages for you to choose from. Your first link will cost just $5 and we’ll be with you every step of the way to give you updates on how the content affects your web traffic!

Call +1(833)405-1025 now to speak to our experts.

The post Why Your Guest Blogging Strategy is Failing appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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6 Tips to Create a Successful Email Marketing Campaign [Infographic] Mon, 17 Oct 2022 11:00:19 +0000 There was a time not long ago when email marketing wasn’t doing it for most businesses. People were fed up with spammy content and open rates were at an all time low. However, as the messaging changed and people running email campaigns got with the times, emails have become a top priority for marketing and […]

The post 6 Tips to Create a Successful Email Marketing Campaign [Infographic] appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

There was a time not long ago when email marketing wasn’t doing it for most businesses. People were fed up with spammy content and open rates were at an all time low.

However, as the messaging changed and people running email campaigns got with the times, emails have become a top priority for marketing and lead acquisition.

Emails, when done right, have shown to have an ROI of 42X. Which is higher than that of any other marketing means whether that is Google Ads or SEO.

Average open rates have also gone up with targeted subject line and hover around 19%.

Take it from us, email marketing works. Right now, Global-marketing Inc.’s email open rate is a whopping 38% and CTR is 2.2%.

Below you’ll find a few tips from our experts for running a successful campaign – all in digestible infographic form.

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Real-Time SEO Content Writing: A 7-Step Process for Everyone Mon, 05 Sep 2022 15:36:22 +0000 If you’re no stranger to SEO, we’re sure you’re familiar with the importance of relevance. Whether you kick things off with content, social media marketing, or local advertising, your approach should be as relevant as it gets. People don’t want boring, outdated content covered in dust and cobwebs. They want fresh, exciting, trending content that’s […]

The post Real-Time SEO Content Writing: A 7-Step Process for Everyone appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

If you’re no stranger to SEO, we’re sure you’re familiar with the importance of relevance.

Whether you kick things off with content, social media marketing, or local advertising, your approach should be as relevant as it gets.

People don’t want boring, outdated content covered in dust and cobwebs. They want fresh, exciting, trending content that’s actively being talked about by the full spectrum of netizens: friends, family, acquaintances, strangers, and just about everyone.

Trends are exciting, but they’re also short-lived.

If you capture them while the moment’s hot, you’ve essentially won the time-sensitive traffic and conversion jackpot!

Real-time SEO content writing helps you do just that.

What is it?

How can it benefit your brand?

And what’s the right way to kick things off?

We’re breaking everything down! Keep reading for an A–Z guide to real-time SEO content writing in 2022.

What Is Real-Time SEO Content Writing?

Earlier this year, the Super Bowl took the nation by storm.

In 2020, Joe Biden won the election against Trump.

In 2015, we had the viral “is it white and gold or black and blue” dress debate (the iconic photo even earned its own Wikipedia page).

In 2014, Kim Kardashian “broke the internet” with her controversial Paper Magazine shoot.

These are just a few glimpses of the many, many, many groundbreaking moments that have sparked a conversation in the past two decades.

Trends are exciting, fun, and edge-of-the-seat electrifying.

They give you something to talk about, and as humans, we love collective conversation.

Real-time SEO content operates around this logic.

It’s a quick response to time-sensitive events, trends, topics, activities, and happenings that are being talked about by hordes of people.

As you strike while the iron’s hot, you’ll get a chance to crack open massive pockets of traffic and conversions that would otherwise remain out of reach.

As your visibility quickly increases, people will flock to your content in hopes of satiating their thirst for the trend.

When done right, your real-time SEO content writing campaign can help you become a loud and clear voice in your industry for a short while.

All eyes are on you.

As you cleverly make full use of your pedestal, you can carve a new path for your business even after the trend dies out.

Step 1: Identify Trends

There’s something exciting happening almost every other minute.

Sure, every “trend” isn’t worth creating content around.

If you want your content to make a splash, make sure you find the most exciting and relevant trends that are being talked about by thousands or possibly millions of people.

How do you do this?

For starters, keep your eyes peeled for trending activity on Twitter.

Here are some Twitter trends:

If your business relates to tennis in any way, the 9th trend is for you.

Perhaps you sell tennis gear. Or maybe you curate Grand Slam experiences for a high-end audience.

You’ll increase your reach as you write real-time content around the US Open and actively respond to social media activity.

The same goes for the 11th trend!

If your business relates to this in some way, you can quickly jump on the bandwagon and capture the short-lived audience interest around the conversation.

Change the location to find the most relevant trends in your town, city, or state.

We also recommend using Google Trends, the crème de la crème of SEO content tools.

This clever tool helps you explore the most talked-about trends based on hyper-specific locations.

You can also explore shopping trends, which is absolutely genius from a conversion standpoint.

It allows you to explore different categories and select trends that fit your niche.

Let’s say you sell clothing. If you take a closer look at the specific trends within this category, you’ll stumble upon a set of results very similar to this (depending on what’s trending at that time):

See what we mean?

As you create real-time content around these topics, you’ll reach active users scouring the web for similar content.

If you have items in your collection that can help people recreate Lil NasX’s VMA outfit or Serena Williams’ US Open outfit, you know exactly what to do.

This is how real-time content works.

It all starts with hunting for trends.

The bigger the trend, the better!

Step 2: Jump on the Bandwagon with Real-Time Web Content

You can create four different types of real-time SEO content (and we’ll jump to the rest in a bit).

While all four types are powerful, web content is ultimately your ace card.

If you want to tap into clusters of quality web users inclined to transact, you have to create real-time SEO web content.

This includes articles, blogs, guest posts, press releases, and any other type of written content that can be posted on the web.

Your content should create a sense of urgency.

Remember, you’re covering a trend.

Trends, by definition, are short-lived.

Once the moment passes, your content will lose its potency.

Make sure people flock to your work while it’s relevant!

Let’s consider an example.

When Simone Biles’ winning streak began in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the United States echoed her praises for months.

This trend wasn’t short-lived; it was a tad more prolonged.

And brands grabbed the moment while they could!

Here are some blogs that caught our eye:

This is exactly how you jump on a trend!

Makeup brands created content on Simone’s makeup looks, fitness trainers taught people how to train like Simone, clothing brands claimed that their products were similar to Simone’s choices, and so on.

Of course, every trend won’t float your boat.

If you offer tech support, you can’t possibly jump on this bandwagon.

You can try to establish a connection.

Perhaps Simone loves tech and uses a laptop you have in stock.

In that case, you’re in luck.

However, for the most part, the connection has to be tangible and strong.

It cannot be flimsy.

If your audience figures out you’re forcefully capitalizing on a trend, they’ll run for the hills.


Because your content will come off as cheesy and forced.

If there’s no apparent connection, it’ll be obvious that you’re trying too hard.

So keep an eye out for trends that actually relate to your industry.

This will help you release organic, seamless content.

Once you find these trends, don’t waste any time.

The sooner you release your content, the better!

Pro tip: Free writing tools are great, but they don’t help you discover in-depth trends. If you want a deeper analysis of the top trends in your niche, use cutting-edge SEO content tools.

At Global-marketing Inc., we use advanced tools developed by experienced SEO experts. We can identify budding trends before they pick up speed, allowing you to release content at the perfect time.

It’s all about striking while the iron’s hot! We help you do just that.

Recommended Read: Writing Content for SEO: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

Step 3: Create Real-Time Multimedia Content

The second type of real-time SEO content—multimedia content—can help you appeal to your audience’s visual interest.

Written content is powerful; we can’t negate that.

However, it must be supplemented with multimedia content: images, videos, infographics, GIFs, and so on.

One of our favorite examples comes from Lowers & Associates, an international risk mitigation company.

When the college admissions scandal blew up in 2019, they released a power-packed infographic:

This was simply brilliant.

For starters, it caught people’s eye.

When news broke out, people were actively trying to learn what had happened.

By releasing a real-time infographic, Lowers & Associates swiftly jumped on the bandwagon and earned a bucketful of traffic.

The infographic discusses the scandal, outlines the scheme, and helps people understand how to avoid such a situation.

We’re sure they earned sweet conversions by posting this brilliant piece.

Real-time SEO visual content will take you far.

You can also incorporate it into written content.

For example, add custom images to your blogs, embed videos in your articles, add GIFs to your guest posts (if the hosting platforms don’t mind), and so on.

Visual content enriches written content.

Even if you release standalone real-time visual content, it’ll make a big splash.

Step 4: Generate More Buzz with Real-Time Social Media Content

We’ve covered real-time web and visual content.

Now the ball lands in the social media court, perhaps the most crowded court ever.

Trends are hotly discussed on search engines.

However, their noise ultimately reverberates the loudest across the most popular social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

During the 2013 Super Bowl blackout, Oreo shared this post on Twitter:

Witty, smart, and well-timed, this post blew up.

Years later, people still talk about it!

If you want to release effective real-time social media content, add something unique to the conversation.

Here’s another powerful example.

When the dress debate went viral, The Salvation Army released an important message:

This is one of the most powerful examples of real-time content.

There was seemingly no connection between the organization and the dress debate.

However, their creative, ingenious team established a connection that caught the eye of millions of social media users.

They further optimized their post with relevant hashtags to increase its traction.

Another one of our favorite examples comes from KitKat.

In 2014, iPhone 6 Plus started trending on Twitter, no surprise there.

However, #bendgate also started trending as many consumers claimed that their iPhone 6 Plus was bending in their pockets.

Of course, this news blew up.

It was hotly discussed everywhere.

KitKat, being the class act that it is, posted this show-stopping tweet that will never get old:

Comedic gold, if we do say so ourselves.

KitKat’s sales tremendously increased after this, but that wasn’t only because of the post.

It was also the active commenting that followed.

Once you post real-time SEO content, you can’t just turn a blind eye to it.

As the trend evolves and gains momentum, you must actively engage with your audience.

This will help you squeeze the most traffic and conversion potential out of your content.

As long as the content stays relevant, keep interacting with people.

And remember, be witty!

Here’s a page right out of KitKat’s book:


This is how you jump on a trend and actually capture audience interest.

KitKat had a field day and ensured people enjoyed every minute of their banter.

Real-time content can be serious, funny, witty, or anything else that you want it to be.

It all comes down to your brand persona and voice.

If you run a healthcare clinic, you can’t adopt the same tone as KitKat.

However, that doesn’t prevent you from joining the conversation.

Like The Salvation Army, you can still release a powerful, serious message (even if the trend is lighthearted, to begin with).

Take some time, brainstorm ideas, and launch a powerful campaign that resonates with your audience.

Step 5: Earn Targeted Conversions with Real-Time Local Content

Trends aren’t always global; they’re also local.

And trends aren’t exclusively captured on Google and social media; they also make waves on local platforms like Google My Business.

As you start creating real-time content, make sure its impact also reaches local listings like Google My Business.

This is what a regular Google My Business listing looks like:

Remember, this shows up on Google. You’ll see posts from the brand towards the end of the section.

As you start posting real-time content, Google will pick up on the keywords and start displaying the posts to users.

This is an excellent way to reach web users and further optimize your Google My Business listing.

Recommended Read: How to Set Up Your Google My Business Profile

Don’t just leave it at that.

We also suggest creating local content that appeals to your target audience.

Sure, a big event like the Super Bowl captures the attention of the entire nation.

If you run a business in California, Super Bowl-related content will also appeal to them.

However, you shouldn’t exclusively target national or international trends.

In addition, keep an eye out for local events relevant to a smaller town, city, or state-based audience.

Step 6: Stick Around for the Post-Trend Noise

We emphasized the importance of sticking around earlier in this blog, but we must do it again.

This isn’t just important; it’s non-negotiable.

Think of trends like matchsticks.

The spark won’t last forever; it’s a matter of time before it gives out.

You must actively stay on top of things while the matchstick is still alight.

If you release a real-time blog, keep engaging with your audience in the comments section.

If you post on social media, stick around for the debate that follows.

As you keep up with how your audience is receiving your content, it’ll develop a life of its own.

In many cases, real-time content doesn’t quite pick up all of a sudden.

Remember, there are hundreds, thousands, or perhaps even millions of other brands that are trying to jump on the same trend.

The competition is at an all-time high.

If you don’t help your post gain traction through active conversation, it’ll fall flat on its face.

Optimize your content from the get-go to increase your chances of making a splash.

Use high-ranking keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, image filenames, and alt text in your content.

Add quality external and internal links to your work. This will help you strengthen the link structure and increase your chances of earning high-DA backlinks.

If you’re working on social media content, use relevant, high-volume keywords based on the trend and your business.

The same goes for local content!

Optimization will help you stand out from the crowd and make the impact you have in mind.

Step 7: Preserve the Moment

Once you’ve published your work, preserve the moment for future audiences.

We strongly recommend creating blog categories.

As people land on your blog page, they should see clear topic clusters.

Let’s say you’ve written a handful of blogs on the Super Bowl.

Introduce “Super Bowl” as a category so people can read previous work if they’d like to.

The same goes for social media.

Preserve old posts and stories by adding highlights to your profile.

You can do this for Facebook (click here to learn how), Instagram (click here to learn how), and Twitter (click here to learn how).

Act Fast with Global-marketing Inc.!

Ready to kick things off?

Real-time content is time-sensitive.

Make sure you capture the moment before it slips from your hands!

At Global-marketing Inc., we offer real-time SEO content writing services to help you remain relevant in your industry, capture targeted traffic, and make time-sensitive sales.

Over time, this smart strategy will help you solidify your brand identity and stabilize your bottom line.

Our content editors diligently proofread the work to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. We use advanced SEO content tools to expertly optimize your content and help it earn the most traction possible.

We’re ready when you are!

Let’s give your brand the visibility and traffic it deserves. Pick up speed, the next trend’s right around the corner!

The post Real-Time SEO Content Writing: A 7-Step Process for Everyone appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Writing Content for SEO: 6 Mistakes to Avoid Wed, 31 Aug 2022 10:39:32 +0000 SEO content writing is a game changer, no qualms about it. Powerful, effective, and expertly optimized content can take you from a fair-to-middling business to a visible, fast-selling, and reputable brand. If done right, that is. Content is very easy to get wrong. When up-and-coming businesses take the reins with little to no experience and […]

The post Writing Content for SEO: 6 Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

SEO content writing is a game changer, no qualms about it.

Powerful, effective, and expertly optimized content can take you from a fair-to-middling business to a visible, fast-selling, and reputable brand.

If done right, that is.

Content is very easy to get wrong.

When up-and-coming businesses take the reins with little to no experience and expertise, the outcome can often end up doing more harm than good.

The good news is that avoiding these mistakes isn’t all that difficult.

As long as you know what you need to steer clear of, you’ll navigate your path with adroitness.

That’s what we’re here for.

This blog will walk you through the most critical SEO content mistakes.

Why are they so harmful to your brand? How can you avoid them? And what should you do instead?

We’re breaking it all down!

1. Writing for Google, Not People

Who is your brand targeting?

Google or people?

The answer’s pretty obvious, but many brands often fail to put two and two together.

We don’t blame them; Google’s omnipotence has only increased over the years.

We wouldn’t be surprised if a Google-worshiping religion popped up in the coming years!

Today, the Google algorithm is put on a pedestal.

Marketers do just about everything with the intention of pleasing Google.

While that’s important, it’s also a critical mistake when it comes to content.

You’re not creating content for Google; you’re creating content for people.

Google won’t buy your products/services; people will.

Instead of centering Google, center people while ensuring that you meet Google’s guidelines.

Let’s show you what we mean by this.

If you run an interior design business, your content ideas should revolve around your target audience’s interests and preferences.

What are they looking for? Which topics do they enjoy? What would they want to read?

This is a great example:

blog written for real people

Notice how there’s a strong focus on the audience.

This blog title knocks it out of the park because it directly targets readers.

“How to Design & Decorate the Living Room of Your Dreams.”

See what we mean?

You’re the focus of attention, and the blog title makes that very clear.

In comparison, here’s a blog from the same industry that sounds like it was written for Google instead of the brand’s actual clientele:

blog written for especially for Google

Why would homeowners care about how technology is changing the business of interior design?

The topic is too technical and vague; it’s not specific to the audience’s needs.

By the sound of it, this was written to please the Google algorithm.

The worst part? The syntax and punctuation are also wrong.

As you start writing content for SEO, prioritize your audience at every step of the way.

Think about what they want and create content titles accordingly.

We have a neat trick.

Your content title should ideally include one of the five Ws and H:who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Here are some examples:

How to Tow Your Car: 6 Different Ways

Industry: Car Towing

Where Can I Find Durable Iron Doors in Seattle?

Industry: Iron Door Design and Manufacturing

Why Is the Bottom of My Pool Always So Dirty? (+ Quick Fixes)

Industry: Swimming Pool Cleaning and Maintenance

What’s the Best Way to Get Rid of Roaches

Industry: Pesticide Manufacturing

Who Can Help Me Fix My Credit in Arizona?

Industry: Credit Repair

That’s not all.

To make a splash, add a pronoun (you, my, etc.) to these titles.

Here are some new examples that use both techniques at once:

How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

Industry: Sleep Medication

Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

Industry: Air Conditioning Installation, Repair, and Maintenance

How to Outsource Your SEO in 6 Simple Steps

Industry: SEO

When combined, these two approaches are foolproof.

They help you write content for your audience, not the Google algorithm.

Once you implement this fix, you’ll start noticing a significant improvement in your content traffic reports.

Keep this in mind: Google isn’t clicking on your content, people are.

Start writing for them, and you’re in for a treat.

2. Neglecting Keyword Research

We consider this one of the most cardinal SEO sins.

This faux pas won’t just temporarily mess things up for you; it’ll leave lasting reverberations that affect your content marketing funnel in its entirety.

According to a recent study, 90.63% of content earns no traffic from Google.

That’s an alarmingly high number.

While this usually happens for many reasons, lack of keyword research claims the first spot.

When it comes to successful SEO content writing, keywords are the best tool available to you.

If you use the right ratio of the right keywords in your content, you’re in for enviable online visibility, kickass conversions, and a sweet stream of profit.

Even if you have a ton of experience in drafting monthly keyword strategies, don’t rest on your laurels.

Keyword patterns change regularly. There are new trends, events, inventions, adaptations, updates, and developments every day, in fact, every hour.

Now, we’re not asking you to update your keywords daily.

However, creating a new monthly keyword research plan is a must.

If you fail to do this, your work will fall flat on its face.

Use a keyword research tool to determine what your audience is looking for.

What are the top-ranking keywords in your industry?

Look for phrases with high search volume.

Thorough keyword research will help your content speedily climb SERPs and reach the top.

At Global-marketing Inc., we use our own keyword research tool to launch a power-packed campaign.

Let’s say you sell organic shampoo in California.

Our report fetches the most relevant and highly searched terms in your local industry.

Here’s a glimpse:

Keywords for seo content

You get the gist, right?

While most of these keywords may seem like they’re pretty vague and generic, that’s not the case.

Notice how an event landed on the list for this month. Had this client not opted for monthly keyword research, they wouldn’t have noticed how popular this particular event is among the hair care community in California.

Since their monthly plan tipped them off, they ended up creating content around this event to fetch more targeted traffic.

Monthly reports aren’t just important; they’re absolutely necessary.

We also provide you with a list of topic ideas based on the top-ranking monthly keywords.

Here’s an example:

list of blog topics according to keywords

As you master the art of excellent keyword research, you’ll give your business the visibility it deserves on SERPs.

This little fix goes a long way in helping brands revive their reach and sales.

Think about it. You’re not just creating random content; you’re creating hyper-specific content based on what your audience wants in a particular month.

As they search for that specific product/event/trend, your content will pop up.

More clicks, more conversions, more profit.

Works like a charm when you do it right!

3. Using an Incomplete Optimization Checklist

If you’re constructing a house, you have to check everything off the list: soil analysis, layout design, foundation construction, plumbing, electricity, HVAC, fixtures, exterior polishing, décor, final walk-through, and so on.

You can’t leave a handful of things out and expect the same results.

SEO content writing works the same way.

If your optimization checklist is incomplete, you’re in for disappointing results.

This is one of the most commonly-made mistakes in the SEO industry.

Small businesses often cherry-pick a couple of strategies and leave everything else out of the mix.

Avoid this at all costs.

Instead, take some time to complete your checklist.

Here’s everything you should focus on:

  • Keyword research
  • Audience research
  • CTAs (calls to action)
  • Keyword utilization (CTAs, title, headings, subheadings, intro, body, conclusion)
  • External and internal links
  • High-quality, relevant, optimized images with filename and alt text
  • Complete content optimization (title tag, meta description, etc.)
  • Media optimization (images, videos, infographics, animations, etc.)
  • Social media marketing

Our optimization checklist also includes social media marketing because your content is nothing without it.

Even if you write top-of-the-line content that checks off all the boxes, it won’t be able to work its magic if you don’t put it out there.

How do you do that?

By talking about it.

Post it on your social media pages, share it with your followers on LinkedIn, and email it to industry giants.

Your work should occupy both audience spaces and professional realms.

This is the last step of your content optimization journey.

It’ll help you build authority and give your brand identity a much-needed boost!

Here are some of our favorite examples:

Cover the top three social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

We also recommend optimizing your posts with keywords for better reach!

4. Keyword Stuffing

keyword stuffing is a no in writing content for seo

There’s no justification or “right way of doing it”; this one’s just a big no any way you look at it.

Keyword stuffing refers to the process of “stuffing” your content with keywords in hopes of ranking high on Google SERPs.

On paper, this sounds great.

The more keywords in your content, the better, right?

Well, not quite.

As you stuff keywords into your work, Google will be notified immediately.

While we asked you not to prioritize the Google algorithm over your audience, you still need to take it seriously.

Google has no time for businesses that try to bend the rules.

If you resort to keyword stuffing, you will be penalized.

Avoid this strategy; it doesn’t yield better results, and, worst-case scenario, it gets your work taken down.

Here’s what we want you to avoid:

“If you’re looking for the best laptops for remote workers in New York, XYZ Company should be your best bet! We stock top-of-the-line laptops for remote workers. Check out our collection of remote work laptops in NYC. We also provide laptop repair services for remote workers. We won’t disappoint!”

Yes, that’s how painfully redundant stuffed content is.

As you strike the right balance, you’ll manage to keep both Google and your audience happy.

Web users will still find your content (you don’t need 20 keywords for that). And you’ll stay in Google’s good books.

If you’re confused about how to avoid keyword stuffing, here’s a quick guide from Google that covers everything.

Recommended Read: 5 Ways You Can Increase Your Blog’s Traffic in 2022

5. Ignoring Link Quality

Successful SEO content writing rests on the foundation of effort.

If you’re not willing to go the extra mile, the output will be weak.

As you approach SEO writing, ensure you’re ready to invest time and effort into the process.

Many marketers rush things and end up making critical mistakes along the way.

Ignoring link quality is one of them.

External and internal links are extremely important.

Before we discuss this further, here’s a quick visual recap of the difference between them:

internal vs external links

Both link formats help you enhance user experience, increase engagement, keep web users on your site for longer, earn more conversions, build link equity, and enhance crawl efficiency.

You’ll also end up improving your site architecture, which is always a plus point, especially for up-and-coming businesses.

Here’s where the stream of mistakes begins.

If you ignore link quality, you’ll end up reducing the quality of your content.

If web users are redirected to irrelevant, poorly written, inaccurate, or inappropriate content, your reputation will take a hit.

When including an external link in your content, make sure you quickly scan the piece to understand whether it’ll provide value to your audience.

If the research is weak, drop it.

If the grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax are bad, keep looking.

And if the site simply isn’t credible, move forward.

We also recommend paying a quick visit to their home page.

This will give you an idea of whether you should link their work to your piece or not.

If possible, check the site’s DA (domain authority) score.

This is ultimately the best way to decide if their credibility, ranking prowess, and reputation are on par with yours.

The DA score ranges from 0–100.

The higher, the better.

If the score is above 70, you can rest assured that the domain is trusted and reliable.

That’s exactly what you want.

Make sure you’re just as intentional when deciding which internal links to use.

Ideally, link to your top content.

Your blog page shouldn’t include low-quality content to begin with, but if there’s anything you don’t consider your best work, don’t feature it in your new work.

Link to your products/services and other internal pages.

As always, balance is key.

Avoid going overboard and stuffing one too many internal or external links into your work.

Ideally, a 400-word blog should include 2–4 internal and 3–5 external links.

The links should also be spaced out (1 link for every 100 words or so).

6. Leaving Pictures Out of the Mix

Text-based content is powerful, but visual content is a game-changer.

If your content doesn’t include high-quality, engaging, visually exciting, high-resolution photos, you’re self-sabotaging.

Considering the importance of quality photos, we shouldn’t stumble upon any content that lacks photos.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

The web is filled with heaps of articles and blogs that are picture-less or include low-quality, low-resolution, irrelevant, poorly selected photos.

If you’re guilty of making this mistake, start turning things around ASAP.

We love this visual feast of a blog by Eat This, Not That.

As you keep scrolling, you’ll notice that every heading is followed by a beautifully shot, vibrant, crystal-clear, eye-catching photo that sparks joy.

This is how relevant and exciting your images should be!

At the same time, make sure you only use copyright-free photos.

Use sites like Pexels, Unsplash, Pixabay, Max Pixel, and PxHere to find stock-free images that won’t cause any issues.

If you can, create your own gallery!

Shoot high-quality, professional photos that capture the essence of your brand.

As you equip your content with an arsenal of kickass stock photos and original shots, you’ll help your content take a life of its own.

Remember, avoid posting content that’s heavy on the text.

It doesn’t excite readers.

Images give web users something to look forward to!

By failing to provide visual cues, this blog doesn’t quite make the splash it could have.

The Content Ball is in Your Court

In this blog, we touched upon some of the most common SEO content mistakes that can cost you.

As your visibility, rankings, traffic, and sales are affected, your business will take a hit.

Your brand identity will also be affected.

Now that you have an idea of which pitfalls you must avoid, it’s time to get the ball rolling!

At Global-marketing Inc., we offer SEO content writing services to small businesses, startups, established brands, and individuals.

Whether you’re a lawyer, tech support specialist, motivational speaker, healthcare professional, or e-commerce business owner, we’ll help you get seen online with powerful, industry-specific, audience-centric, optimized content.

It’s time for the opening move. We’re ready when you are!

Recommended Read: Google’s Helpful Content Update: What It Means for Your Rankings

The post Writing Content for SEO: 6 Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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5 Types of SEO Content That Pull Links Like Crazy Thu, 18 Aug 2022 14:50:57 +0000 Imagine waking up one day, and your content ranks on the top of SERP for high-volume keywords with massive traffic coming to your site. Yes, it’s possible. However, you need a well-thought out content strategy in place that best utilizes the different types of SEO content at your disposal. SEO content is excellent for pulling […]

The post 5 Types of SEO Content That Pull Links Like Crazy appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Imagine waking up one day, and your content ranks on the top of SERP for high-volume keywords with massive traffic coming to your site. Yes, it’s possible. However, you need a well-thought out content strategy in place that best utilizes the different types of SEO content at your disposal.

SEO content is excellent for pulling links because it adds value for the reader and other websites. For instance, a research article on your site increases the chances of backlinks because other sites would portray this information in their content via a link back to your site.

In this blog post, I’ll explain 5 types of SEO content that pull links like crazy.

If you are new to this concept, you can check out our beginner’s guide to SEO content writing.


5 Types of SEO Content for Links (Internal and External)

I analyzed hundreds of blog posts and articles that we’ve done for our clients over the years to find the best SEO content that pulls links like crazy. Here’s what I discovered.

1. Round Up Posts

Round-up posts are pretty easy to publish because all you have to do is find any interesting topic, ask the right question, and copy and paste content replies. You want to make sure that the replies are from industry experts or authorities.

Here’s how it goes.

  • You build a list of experts in your niche.
  • You ask them a question and save their response.

For example: “Name 2 things a beautician can suggest to acne patients”

You’d ask this in the right forum.

Some would answer in a paragraph or two, and others would just write a one-liner.

  • After you have all the answers, you ask for the contributor’s headshot and a link.
  • You take all the expert opinions, aggregate them and publish them on your site.

Roundup post SEO Content

But, how does this help in SEO?

Simply put, everyone you mentioned in your round-up post shared a link to their site. These industry experts would want your content to reach a massive audience to boost their authority.

So, they’ll promote your content by linking it on their website or social media handle. While everyone might not do that, believe me, most would.

When content is shared on social media, it has the chance of creating a “share chain” where everyone who likes your content will share it further.

1. Pillar Pages

Pillar pages are a type of long-form content optimized for a broad keyword. This keyword is an overarching topic related to your business’s service or product.

For example, if you provide paid marketing service, your pillar page can target the keyword “paid media,” just like SmartBug did in their pillar post.

SEO Content Pillar Post

Pillar posts may or may not pull links from external sources, but they are great for internal linking.

Just make sure you don’t get too into the sub-topics and only provide an overview. Next, write specific blog posts related to the core topic of your pillar post.

For example, if your pillar post is about “content marketing,” provide an overview of all that goes into it. And then write specific blogs (cluster blogs) on the aspects of your core topic and link them to your pillar post.

Here’s a visual representation of what I mean.

Pillar post guide

When your cluster blogs link to your pillar post, you create a chain of link juice. One piece of content ranks and shares traffic and ranking signals with others interlinking with it.

This is an excellent strategy for ranking for broad keywords without acquiring backlinks! Plus, it gives boosts your site’s topical authority, so that’s killing two birds with one stone.

1. Listicles

Listicles are pages that contain content in the form of a list. This type of content is excellent for SEO because you can go for long-tailed keywords and use them in the main and subheading.

Additionally, listicles are great for engagement because the reader can quickly skim through the list.

Listicles can be used as a “how-to” or “tips” blog to answer your target audience’s problem in-depth.

This way, sites that offer products or services related to your listicle blog post will link back to your content if it’s well-written. Sure, you can’t write content that’ll fit EVERY website’s need, but creating a buyer persona will help you get there.


2. First-Hand Research Posts

SEO content pulls organic backlinks. This means your content is so valuable that other websites can’t help but link to it. So how do you create something of that much value?

You conduct first-hand research in your niche.

First-hand research is excellent for pulling tons of backlinks and building your brand authority. Because when you research topics important to your target audience, you provide authentic and data-backed information.

The best part? Anyone who reads your content and wants to state the facts you discovered has to link to your site for reference. This way, first-hand research drives tons of qualified traffic to your website.

You can start your research by asking your research questions on HARO. Or, if you have an extensive list of clients, you can ask them through a questionnaire.

Just make sure you do thorough keyword research and find out what your target audience is most curious about.

3. Infographics

Not all SEO content is full of words and expert vocabulary. Sometimes, your most valuable SEO content is one with less text and more visuals. That’s right; infographics are like link magnets if you design them with your audience in mind.

Other websites might not link back to your content, but they would definitely cite your infographic if it’s relevant to their industry.

The best way to kick your infographic efforts into action is by converting your first-hand research into one and installing it on a separate page. This saves time you’d spend collecting data.

Finally, you can also repurpose old blogs and turn them into engaging and exciting infographics.

We do offer infographic design services, if you’re so interested.

Need Help With SEO Content Creation?

SEO content writing can be daunting if you plan fast growth and juggle multiple types of SEO content.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with SEO content writing, you can hire Global-marketing Inc. for help.

Our SEO content experts are skilled in the art of writing for the reader and optimizing for search engines. We have completed thousands of projects similar to yours, so even a curve ball won’t be a new ball for us.


The post 5 Types of SEO Content That Pull Links Like Crazy appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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Writing Content for SEO: Beginner’s Guide to SEO Content Writing Thu, 21 Jul 2022 12:30:45 +0000 Kickass website? Done. Trendy social media pages? Check. Optimized Google My Business listings? On track. SEO content? Still in a state of limbo. If this reflects your current marketing state, you’re in trouble. In 2022, engaging, exciting, and value-added content is the single most requested accessory on the web. Sure, your audience wants quality products […]

The post Writing Content for SEO: Beginner’s Guide to SEO Content Writing appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Kickass website? Done. Trendy social media pages? Check. Optimized Google My Business listings? On track. SEO content? Still in a state of limbo.

If this reflects your current marketing state, you’re in trouble. In 2022, engaging, exciting, and value-added content is the single most requested accessory on the web.

Sure, your audience wants quality products and services. Of course, they want top-notch customer care. But beyond that, they’re looking for brilliant content that packs the right amount of information, a dash of humor and wit, and a slice of the latest industry-related trends.

Are you delivering?

If not, that’s exactly what we’re here for. Follow us as we walk you through the basics of SEO content writing. What is it? Why does your business need it? What’s the recipe for creating content that engages, excites, informs, and converts? As a small business or startup, which SEO content writing tools should you use to kick things off the right way?

We’re breaking it all down.


Need fresh SEO content that gets your sales back on track? We’re here to help! Fill out the form below for a free proposal.

Writing Content for SEO? Why Is It So Important?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of optimizing your web presence for Google searches.

Think of Google as a hard-to-please boss. As an employee, you’re expected to knock their socks off. Here’s the catch. Every employee has the same intention. If you don’t stand out, you won’t make the big splash you have in mind. So you optimize the way you work to earn some brownie points.

This is SEO in a nutshell!

You’re competing with millions and millions of websites. If you don’t go the extra mile to impress the Google algorithm, you’re toast. So what do you do? You optimize every aspect of your site: on-page, off-page, and technical. From the content to your social media pages to the images you display on your site, everything needs to be altered for Google search.

This will help you:

  • Rank higher on Google SERPs (search engine result pages)
  • Become more visible on and off the web
  • Earn more traffic
  • Turn casual web visits into conversions
  • Strengthen your brand identity
  • Earn more returning customers
  • Outdo your competition
  • Become an industry expert

If you’re interested in learning more about SEO, we have the perfect video right here:

Now back to SEO content. Content is just one of the many things you can optimize to stand out. Today, more and more web users want brilliant content. Needless to say, more and more brands are delivering!

Web pages are packed with millions of blogs, articles, and web copy. If you want your stuff to stand out, you have to optimize it.

Let’s consider an example. When a web user searches for “charges for DUI in California”, they’ll receive a set of the most relevant results. If you’ve written a well-researched blog and gone the extra mile to optimize it using the right keywords, a strong link structure, and so on, it will show up on the first page.

Here’s the first search result for this example:

As you skim through this blog, you’ll notice that they’ve checked off all the optimization boxes (we’ll tell you what these are in a bit).

SEO content helps you make your way to the top SERPs. The outcome? More clicks, more sales, and a shiny reputation.

As a small business or startup, that’s exactly what you want. Powerful sales and credibility will steer your business toward long-term growth.

Your Guide to SEO Content Writing

1. Keep Two Things in Mind: Industry and Audience

Before you kick things off, ensure you understand exactly what you’re writing and who you’re writing for. Many brands make the mistake of producing irrelevant content that fails to even reach their audience, let alone fetch conversions.

First things first: understand your industry and audience. Your content should fall right in the middle.

If you brainstorm a content idea that falls within your industry, but your audience doesn’t care about it, toss it. And if you come up with something that would excite your audience but isn’t relevant to your industry, ditch it.

Effective SEO content appeals to the target audience and remains within the premises of the brand’s industry.

2. Set up a Blog Page

If you haven’t already, set up a blog page on your website. You can reach out to web development specialists for help. Make sure the design is modern, visually appealing, and in line with what your target audience wants.

Remember, before a web user starts reading content, they get an eyeful of what the page looks like. If the formatting, layout, design, navigation, font, and color scheme are off-putting, web users will “bounce” off the site.

Optimize the page before you start posting content. Choose simple navigation, use a CDN (content delivery network) to speed things up, make the page mobile-friendly, and reduce the number of plugins. This will go a long way in helping your content achieve its purpose!

3.Brainstorm Smart, Trendy, Relevant Topics

Your content is only as good as the topics. If you choose boring, irrelevant, or repetitive topics, you’ll fail to “build” an audience around your content.

The goal is to engage web users multiple times and form a loyal base of readers.

Here’s how you keep things relevant.

Let’s say you run a law firm in Wyoming. Once you’ve covered regular topics related to your services, start branching out into trending topics.

The Gabby Petito case gained nationwide recognition. During the investigation, many law firms published blogs, articles, and guest posts about the case.

Gabby Petito case

Each of these blogs informs audiences and redirects them to the respective legal services. Instead of sensationalizing the case, they respectfully cover it while offering new insight and helping people hire a lawyer if they’re struggling with something similar.

If these firms had just released a blog about domestic violence charges, it wouldn’t have caught people’s attention the same way.

SEO content writing is all about relevance. To reach your target audience, you must understand what they’re interested in and actively research online. If the topic is difficult or controversial, find a way to cover it respectfully and neutrally.

Here’s another example. Many brands released blogs about the exciting holiday leading up to the Fourth of July holiday. We’ll focus on interior design in this example. These businesses artfully managed to reel in web users over the holiday weekend:

Home Depot redirected readers to their holiday décor items, while Party City followed suit and highlighted their festive interior design collection.

Keep popular events, trends, and news in mind as you research new topics.

If you offer hair salon services, you could write a blog about Bridgerton-inspired hairstyles (this show has taken over in 2022).

If you provide tech support, write a Black Mirror-themed blog (another brilliant sci-fi show).

Run a winery? Cover upcoming wine festivals.

And if you run a British online school, find a way to sneak Wimbledon into the topics (perhaps a blog about how your school promotes academic and sporting growth).

Creative titles will help your content rank higher on Google SERPs and reach your target audience. If the titles are catchy, exciting, and relevant, you’re in for a swarm of impressions, clicks, and sales!

If you’re stumped, use SEO content writing tools like Google Trends to discover the top trends and stay on top of your game.

Recommended Read: 4th of July Marketing Tips and Ideas for Your Small Business

Struggling to come up with clever titles? Our experts will do the work for you! Your free proposal is a few clicks away.

4.Earn Visibility with Keywords

Keywords are to SEO content what water is to fish: absolutely necessary. You can’t expect to reach your target audience without using the very search terms they’re entering on Google!

Around Halloween, Google earns millions of search queries about how to make Halloween-themed treats. These are some common search terms:

Earn Visibility with Keywords

Now, if you run a bakery, you’ve hit the jackpot. By incorporating these keywords into your content, you can boost your rankings.

Here’s a great example:

content headline optimization

You’ll find relevant keywords scattered across the blog as you keep reading. The CTA (call-to-action) specifically packs two high-volume keywords: a) Halloween cake in NYC and b) spooky Halloween cake ideas in NYC.

keyword optimization

Location? Specified. Holiday theme? Covered. This is the right way to write SEO-friendly blog posts that rank!

Start by understanding which keywords you need to focus on. We recommend incorporating these four types of SEO keywords into your content.

Keywords for SEO content

Schedule a consultation with our experts for a custom keyword strategy based on your industry, business model, products/services, and target audience. We’ll help you understand the right keyword ratio for different types of content.

5. Add Clean, Compelling Media to Your Content

Visual content is a winner any way you look at it. If you want your audience to fall in love with your content, spruce it up with media!

Blogs with supplementary pictures, videos, and infographics perform better.

Kohl’s is known for releasing top-ranking blogs that pack the power of media! Their recent blog, 12 Father’s Day Gift Ideas for 2022, is a masterclass in powerful imagery.

 Importance of images in SEO content

They’ve masterfully listed a set of products and included high-quality images for each. The blog isn’t overpowering. In fact, it’s the perfect mix of clean, modern, and visually engaging.

Kohl’s has gone the extra mile and optimized the images to give the blog a nice boost on SERPs. As you click on each image, you’re redirected to its product page. The images are also optimized with relevant alt text and filename.

This is how you write SEO-friendly blog posts that visually satiate your audience!

Recommended Read:5 Ways You Can Increase Your Blog’s Traffic in 2022

6. It’s All About the CTA…

You’ve written spectacular content. Now what? If you don’t wrap things up with a powerful CTA (call-to-action), you’re putting your SEO handiwork to waste. Not the best idea.

So what is a CTA? This 2–3 liner concludes every content piece, whether it’s a blog, article, guest post, or cluster blog. The CTA incites action. You’ve made your point; now it’s time to redirect your audience towards your products/services, social media pages, sign-up page, or email subscription tab.

You can choose with action(s) you want to specify;that’s entirely your call. But make sure you don’t leave your audience hanging!

Skipping the CTA is like crawling into a gold mine but forgetting all the gold. Kind of defeats the purpose, right?

Let’s take a look at some of our favorite CTAs:

Notice how they’re both short, to-the-point, and effective. The first one is more casual and candid because of the industry: fashion. The second is more professional and formal because it’s written for the legal industry.

Preserve the tone of your industry and get creative! Make sure you incorporate keywords into the CTA and carefully hyperlink them. When clicked on, they should lead readers to the respective pages to take the desired action.

Remember, you’re writing content for SEO. Give the Google algorithm exactly what it wants so you can bag ranking rights and watch the traffic come flooding in!

Winning at SEO with SEO Content 

In this blog, we walked you through the basics of SEO content writing. We covered the importance of writing optimized content and discussed how to write SEO-friendly blog posts.

What should the ideal blog page look like? Which aspects should you keep in mind as you write SEO content? How can you find the right topics? What are keywords, and how should you incorporate them into your content for better reach?

We answered all of these questions and then some. Now it’s time to put this knowledge to the test! At Global-marketing Inc., we provide SEO content writing services to help you win web users over with powerful, engaging, and effective content. Let’s get your bottom line back on track.We’re ready when you are.

The post Writing Content for SEO: Beginner’s Guide to SEO Content Writing appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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