ChatGPT Archives - Global-marketing Inc. Tue, 10 Oct 2023 16:23:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ChatGPT by OpenAI for Beginners: What It Is and How to Get Started Tue, 10 Oct 2023 16:23:09 +0000 Chatbots aren’t new, but they have evolved. If you’ve been on the internet for a while, you probably remember AOL’s conversational bot SmarterChild or Microsoft Office’s assistant bot, Clippy. These chatbots were fun to interact with, but they weren’t the most helpful. That benefit is now offered by OpenAI’s groundbreaking artificial intelligence-powered chatbot, ChatGPT. The new […]

The post ChatGPT by OpenAI for Beginners: What It Is and How to Get Started appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

Chatbots aren’t new, but they have evolved.

If you’ve been on the internet for a while, you probably remember AOL’s conversational bot SmarterChild or Microsoft Office’s assistant bot, Clippy. These chatbots were fun to interact with, but they weren’t the most helpful. That benefit is now offered by OpenAI’s groundbreaking artificial intelligence-powered chatbot, ChatGPT.

The new AI architecture at the heart of ChatGPT has changed the way many industries interact with technology—especially in the world of SEO. The tool now significantly impacts the way users create web content, translate text, and even write code.

Let’s dive into the world of ChatGPT and answer what you’re probably thinking, “What is OpenAI’s ChatGPT?” Learn how you can make the most of this technology and leverage it for specialized SEO services in this blog!

An illustration depicting the AI uses of ChatGPT

What Is OpenAI’s ChatGPT?

Before getting too technical about OpenAI’s ChatGPT, let’s discuss the basics.

At its core, ChatGPT is a chatbot that operates using artificial intelligence. The AI system at the heart of ChatGPT generates human-like responses based on the prompt it receives by a user.

All you really need to know about ChatGPT is in the name itself. Here’s what the acronym stands for:

  • The G represents the bot’s “Generative” ChatGPT can generate written content, provide answers in tabular form, and even write code based on the input you provide it.
  • The P stands for “Pre-trained”, referring to the fact that OpenAI fed a large amount of data into ChatGPT in order to train More on this later!
  • Lastly, the Trefers to the “Transformer” architecture at the core of ChatGPT. Google’s Transformer technology allows bots to excel at Natural Language Processing (NPL)—training them for tasks like text classification, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, etc.

There are several versions of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The latest free version, ChatGPT 3.5, is currently available worldwide.

Understanding the Basics: How ChatGPT Actually Works

The experts at OpenAI used large collections of web pages, articles, books, and other content to train ChatGPT. “Training” such an AI system means teaching it to interpret and learn from the information and data that is fed to it.

ChatGPT’s login and signup page

Since ChatGPT is an AI tool, it can use different types of input to generate relevant output. It uses deep learning techniques and neural networks to process and understand the context of the input, enabling it to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses.

So, here’s how it works in three basic steps:

  1. Input: You type and enter a text prompt in the ChatGPT input box. The input can range from asking for suggestions to requesting long-form content.
  2. Processing: Once you send your prompt, ChatGPT analyzes the input and comes up with a response based on its language processing capabilities.
  3. Output: Finally, the bot provides a text-based response based on its analysis. If you’re unsatisfied with the response you get, you can re-generate it or send a new prompt.

ChatGPT’s Limitations

Despite being the best of its kind, ChatGPT still has some limitations.

  • Knowledge Cutoff: ChatGPT 3.5 has a limited knowledge base because it was previously trained on data available until 2021 only. The bot can now access the internet but continues to have limited knowledge of post-2021 world events.
  • Lack of Contextual Understanding: ChatGPT often struggles to properly grasp the context of certain prompts, resulting in irrelevant and unhelpful responses.
  • Inaccurate Reporting: If you ask ChatGPT for statistics or niche information about people, places, or facts, it can generate inaccurate responses. This is a common problem observed specifically for programming-related queries.
  • Capacity Errors: Although the chatbot itself offers unlimited usage, the platform it operates on can generate errors due to high traffic. When ChatGPT is at capacity during peak times, you won’t be able to use the tool at all.

Screenshot of ChatGPT’s “at capacity” error display page

Getting Started with ChatGPT: How to Use This AI Tool

Now that you know what OpenAI’s ChatGPT is and how it works, it’s time to start testing it for yourself. Here’s a simple guide to using ChatGPT for the first time:

Step 1: Create Your Account

The best thing about OpenAI’s ChatGPT is that it’s free! All you have to do is head to the website and sign up. You can make a new account using any existing email address or your Google, Microsoft, or Apple account. There’s also a mobile app you can use to access the chatbot.

Screenshot of the ChatGPT account creating page

Step 2: Input Your Prompt

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to see the ChatGPT prompt screen. It displays some prompts to give you an idea of the kind of questions you can ask the chatbot.

ChatGPT’s display screen listing its examples, capabilities, and limitations

When you’re ready, type out your input, press enter or click the little arrow, and wait for a response.

A ChatGPT prompt requesting a food brand name suggestion

Step 3: Interact With the Response

There are several ways you can interact with ChatGPT after it generates output for you. You can regenerate a response you don’t like, like or dislike a response, and copy a response to your clipboard. You can also keep sending new prompts since ChatGPT 3.5 offers unlimited responses!


Curating Better Responses: ChatGPT’s Advanced Features

OpenAI’s ChatGPT isn’t perfect. The tool has some limitations, like its limited chat history storage, limited knowledge base, and inaccurate statistical reporting. Even so, there are some advanced features you can use to generate better responses.

Prompt Engineering

The credit for ChatGPT’s innovative functioning goes to the masterful prompt engineering behind it.

Prompt engineering refers to the process of structuring text in such a way that an artificial intelligence model can interpret it. Prompt engineers design specific queries, called prompts, to elicit relevant responses from the AI. Since the rise of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, prompt engineering has earned a spot at the forefront of AI technology.

ChatGPT’s influence extends beyond SEO and content creation, too. You can now find numerous courses and educational resources dedicated to teaching individuals how to harness the power of AI models like ChatGPT more effectively. Another emerging trend is the increasing demand for capable prompt engineers in the global workforce.

As a user, you can leverage the power of prompt engineering to get your desired responses for any query. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Be Specific: Make your prompts as specific as possible. ChatGPT generates better responses based on more context, information, details, and specifics. For example, instead of typing, “tell me about the Roman Empire,” try listing the exact details you’re looking for. A prompt like, “Provide a detailed description of the Roman Empire, including its duration, history, downfall, and key personalities,”would elicit a much more curated response.
  2. Use Context: As discussed earlier, ChatGPT isn’t great at grasping context. This makes using context in your prompts essential. Define your industry, role, and specific topic to engineer more tailored responses. Here’s an example: “What does conversion mean in the context of SEO?”
  3. Keep Experimenting: Prompt engineering is an iterative process which means that you can improve with practice. Learn from the responses you get and refine your prompts accordingly. Look up examples of effective ChatGPT prompts and use them to tweak your own.

Custom Instructions

ChatGPT OpenAI allows users to set and enable custom instructions for their chats. You can input background information about yourself to generate personalized responses.

The tool even suggests some thought starters to help you out, like “where are you based?” and “what do you do for work?”

Screenshot showing ChatGPT’s custom instructions and thought starters

When you set custom instructions, all the responses you receive from then on will be curated based on that information.

For instance, an instruction like “I’m based out of New York, USA” will generate location-specific responses tailored to an American audience. Similarly, an instruction like “I’m a student” will help ChatGPT tailor its responses to a student’s typical writing style.

Screenshot showing an example of custom instructions in ChatGPT

ChatGPT Plus

Since the free version of ChatGPT has certain limitations—inaccessibility during peak times being a major one—OpenAI decided to launch a premium subscription plan for the tool. ChatGPT Plus allows users to access advanced capabilities for a $20 monthly fee.

Some benefits of this monthly subscription plan include:

  • General access, even during peak times
  • Priority access to new features and updates
  • Faster response times

ChatGPT and SEO: A Dynamic Duo for Content Creation

Some of the most groundbreaking use cases of ChatGPT are occurring in the field of SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) relies heavily on content creation, with blogs, articles, and guest posts playing a big role in boosting search engine rankings.

The OpenAI chat tool allows online content creators to generate SEO-friendly content more easily. Let’s explore some ways in which ChatGPT is helpful for SEO:

1. Keyword Research and Optimization

Keywords are king in the world of SEO. To generate high-ranking content, you must incorporate relevant keywords into it.

ChatGPT can assist in identifying such keywords. With its vast knowledge of language and internet trends, it can suggest keywords that resonate with your target audience. You can then seamlessly integrate these keywords into your content, enhancing its search engine visibility.

For instance, a lawyer looking to identify high-ranking keywords may input the following prompt into ChatGPT:

A ChatGPT response listing keywords for lawyer services

Notice how many related keywords the AI tool was able to generate? This capability makes ChatGPT an invaluable resource for online content creators and SEO enthusiasts.

2. Content Generation

As discussed earlier, higher rankings on search engines like Google are directly related to the quality of content on your site. While short-form content can also rank well, studies show that long-form content tends to be more effective for SEO.

The problem is, writing long-form blogs, articles, etc. is time-consuming. You could simply outsource the task to our SEO content writing experts and save time. However, ChatGPT is the most efficient solution for instant results.

The OpenAI chat tool can quickly generate content of any length, on any topic, based on your prompt. Using the tool for this purpose not only saves time but also ensures a consistent flow of fresh content that search engines love!

As shown in the screencap below, the chatbot can even sort the content into titles, headings, sub-headings, steps, and bullet points. Just make sure your prompt specifies all the requirements properly.

Example of a blog sample written by ChatGPT

Since the tool is still relatively new, ChatGPT still has some limitations when it comes to content creation. So, make sure you proofread and edit the content it generates before publishing it.

Recommended read: ChatGPT for SEO Content Creation: What Are The Drawbacks?

3. On-Page SEO Enhancement

On-page SEO elements like meta descriptions, title tags, headings, and alt text for images are critical to SEO. When you search for something on Google and pick a specific result to click on, is it because of the appealing title tag or meta description? For many users, it is! In fact, pages with title tags have high click-through rates (CTR).

For instance, this blog by Wix has an enticing title and a concise meta description that tells you exactly what the blog is about. This not only makes the search result stand out, but also makes it rank higher.

The title tag and meta description of a Wix blog

ChatGPT can provide valuable insights on improving on-page SEO elements. You can ask the chatbot to generate any element based on a descriptive prompt. By optimizing these components, you increase the chances of your content ranking higher in search results!

4. Multilingual SEO

Do you own an online business that targets a global audience? If so, then publishing web content in multiple languages is critical for your site’s visibility. Multilingual content significantly impacts global reach, since most users prefer browsing online information in their native language.

Luckily, this is something ChatGPT can help with, too. The chatbot can aid in translating content into multiple languages. This expands your audience and enhances your international SEO standing with minimal effort.

To have OpenAI’s ChatGPT translate anything, simply type the text with a prompt telling the AI what to do. Here’s an example:

An English-to-French translation prompt on ChatGPT

Let’s Chat! — Here are Some ChatGPT FAQs

If you still have many questions at this point, don’t worry! It’s natural to be curious about an advanced tool like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. So, here are some frequently asked questions about ChatGPT and OpenAI to help you gain more insight.

Q1: What is OpenAI?

A1: OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research organization that focuses on developing cutting-edge AI models and technologies. It aims to make AI accessible to a broader audience.

Q2: How is ChatGPT different from other chatbots?

A2: ChatGPT stands out because of its ability to generate human-like text and engage in coherent, context-aware conversations. Unlike rule-based chatbots, ChatGPT relies on deep learning and vast data to respond naturally to user inputs.

Q3: Is ChatGPT safe to use?

A3: OpenAI has implemented safety measures to ensure the responsible usage of ChatGPT. However, like any AI technology, it’s important to use it ethically and monitor its output to prevent any unintended consequences.

Q4: Can ChatGPT be used for commercial applications?

A4: Yes, ChatGPT can be used for commercial purposes. OpenAI offers both free and paid plans, making it accessible to a wide range of businesses and developers.

Q5: What does ChatGPT cost?

A5: ChatGPT is free, unless you want to sign up for its premium subscription plan called ChatGPT Plus. This plan costs $20/month.

An illustration depicting the usage of ChatGPT for SEO rankings

Ready to Conquer SEO Rankings With ChatGPT?

Your online competitors are already leveraging the power of OpenAI’s ChatGPT to boost their rankings. Why stay behind?

Give your virtual business the visibility it needs by collaborating with us. The Global-marketing Inc. team is ahead of the curve with ChatGPT and its SEO applications. Our dedicated SEO experts, content creators, and link-building professionals work together to achieve long-lasting results for you. No matter your industry, our specialized SEO services can put your business on the map.

Not sure where to start? Sign up for a free consultation with our experts!

Let’s conquer online rankings together.

The post ChatGPT by OpenAI for Beginners: What It Is and How to Get Started appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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ChatGPT for SEO Content Creation: What Are The Drawbacks? Tue, 06 Jun 2023 08:23:28 +0000 AI writing tools have been here a while, but people only started to notice them in late 2022. ChatGPT 3.0 was groundbreaking, but the updated version, ChatGPT 4, is a massive improvement on its predecessor. Or is it? In this blog, you will learn that some problems associated with ChatGPT 3.5 for SEO content that we discussed […]

The post ChatGPT for SEO Content Creation: What Are The Drawbacks? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..


AI writing tools have been here a while, but people only started to notice them in late 2022. ChatGPT 3.0 was groundbreaking, but the updated version, ChatGPT 4, is a massive improvement on its predecessor.

Or is it?

In this blog, you will learn that some problems associated with ChatGPT 3.5 for SEO content that we discussed in our previous blog have persisted.

Improvements go hand-in-hand with shortcomings. But for now, AI writing and SEO content are not the dynamic duo everyone thought they’d be.

An Overview of GPT Models Over the Years

ChatGPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI. It’s freely available, easily accessible, and exceptionally intelligent.

The model was trained using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). It’s a process that involves human AI trainers and positive reinforcement.

The two-part process allows the chatbot to do the following:

  • Process information in natural language.
  • Answer questions as required (briefly or at length).
  • Store the conversation in its memory, which can be retrieved at any time. ChatGPT 4 can store up to 32,000 tokens, which is about 50 pages of text
  • Answer follow-up questions.
  • Challenge incorrect information and claims.
  • Admit mistakes.

Let’s look back on ChatGPT’s development to understand how far the chatbot has come.

ChatGPT 4: Bigger and Better Than Before

ChatGPT went from a stumbling foal to a clopping racehorse in just six years. The newer model is trained to understand/emulate context, different conversational styles, and 26 languages.

It can also understand dialects, whereas its predecessor could only process natural languages. Even Google approves of its human-like proficiency to understand and create coherent discourse!

Let’s examine GPT 4’s features by comparing it with its forebearer.

The Chinks in its Armor

GPT 4’s ability to turn words into sentences doesn’t always translate to creating engaging SEO content that establishes businesses as an authority in their industry.

While Google has publicly stated that the appropriate use of AI-generated content is not against its guidelines., it won’t compromise on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness).

This means that when it comes to ranking content on SERPs, it will use the same parameters to rank AI-generated content that it uses to rank human-generated content. It will always prioritize helpfulaccurate, and people-first content.

Therefore, for many businesses, SEO content writing services are still the go-to for authoritative and engaging content.

Learn More: Google’s New E-E-A-T Explained: How to Master the Update

When evaluating Google’s conditional approval, keep in mind the following drawbacks and limitations associated with ChatGPT 4:

1. Limited Training Data

GPT 4 is only as intelligent as the pre-training it has received. Like its predecessor, the model knows no data beyond September 2021. While learning events until that point is impressive, it may pose a problem with SEO content writing.

In ever-changing fields, new research can trump old research in months. Thus, what the tool knew to be true in 2021 may be inaccurate in 2023. As mentioned above, accuracy is one of the keys to ranking higher on search engines.

See how ChatGPT’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ends in April 2021.

2. Made-Up Facts

There’s always a risk of ChatGPT presenting flawed information, assumptions, and incomplete data as if they were known facts. It doesn’t help that ChatGPT doesn’t cite its sources, so the user has to fact-check everything anyway.

There have also been instances where ChatGPT fabricated names, links, citations, and other data that should be fact-based. A mayor in Australia is threatening to file a defamation lawsuit against ChatGPT because the software claimed he went to prison for bribery, which is an out-and-out lie.

If these discrepancies are due to how ChatGPT is trained, a change of approach might help its developer avoid similar lawsuits.

3. Disallowed Content

OpenAI reports that GPT 4 has an increased tendency to refuse sensitive requests. It censors information that may enable users to harm themselves or others.

However, it doesn’t change the fact that many companies deal with sensitive information. A political website may deal with partisan politics, but ChatGPT will refuse to take a stance on such issues.

Conversely, human writers can and have carried out detailed discourse on sensitive topics, partisan politics, and the like.

4No Predictions

A human SEO content writer can predict who’ll win, let’s say, the Australian Open based on historical data, patterns, and player performance. ChatGPT, however, will point-blank refuse to respond to such a request.

Interestingly, it will refuse any requests regarding the future of something except its own.

5. Ethical Implications

AI models can potentially be used to spread misinformation, create persuasive yet deceptive narratives, or manipulate public opinion, especially as they get better at generating human-like text.

There’s a risk that people might depend excessively on them for social interaction, potentially leading to dehumanization of real relationships.

What’s more, AI models can perpetuate the biases present in their training data. These biases can relate to gender, race, religion, age, and many other factors, potentially leading to unfair outcomes.

In addition to propagating biased data and making up facts, let’s not ignore the ethical implications of this technology in the education sector.

ChatGPT is currently creating an uneven playing field in schools and colleges worldwide. Even if we take that ethical implication of getting someone (something) else to do your homework or online test away, we can’t ignore the fact that it has a free and paid version. Students who can afford the latter may outperform those making do with the former.

AI models also raise serious concerns about consent and authenticity as they can be used to impersonate individuals or entities.

6. Potential Risks

ChatGPT processes, collects and learns massive amounts of data. While it does this to learn more about our world and how humans talk and behave, it also raises concerns regarding data security.

See OpenAI’s privacy policy; it says that ChatGPT can access and use any information “shared” with it. ChatGPT may not be malicious, but its free version doesn’t stop malicious actors from accessing the information it possesses.

On the cybersecurity end, these actors could also use ChatGPT’s code-writing skills to generate malicious, harmful code. They don’t have to be tech-savvy; they can use the chatbot to generate snippets of harmful code.

AI Writing and SEO Content: A Hit-and-Miss

Google’s stance on using AI-generated content to rank higher is clear. According to the search engine, using AI for rankings instead of helping people is inherently wrong.

Despite emulating the human brain, ChatGPT is not human. It’s a machine that learns things; it only sometimes acquires what people want to know.

That being said, if you provide clear and specific prompts, it can generate content that is unique, helpful, accurate (if fact-checked), and satisfies search intent (which is a must if you want to rank).

Learn More: Guaranteed SEO Strategies: How Experts Dominate SERPs and Drive Traffic

While you can wield ChatGPT Plus to create SEO content, you’ll still have to invest time and effort in quality assurance. You might have industry expertise using this AI, but you’ll also need SEO expertise to ensure the content ticks Google’s ever-increasing boxes. Thus, for the time being, human SEO content writers have the upper hand on AI-generated content.

Can ChatGPT Single-Handedly Create SEO Content?

While there’s no denying that ChatGPT can serve as a versatile and interactive virtual personal assistant in various contexts ranging from providing quick and to-the-point answers, setting reminders, scheduling appointments, providing recommendations, and much more, it all comes down to this question:

Can you take a tool known to A) generate disinformation and B) refuse to make predictions, at its word?

ChatGPT can and has created SEO content in the past. You may harness its intelligence to create a well-researched and unique content strategy, generate click-worthy titles, and discover unique perspectives on highly competitive concepts.

However, you can’t harness its intelligence to discuss current affairs, future events, or partisan politics. Basically, anything that requires human perspective, insight and empathetic or sensitive responses in emotionally charged or nuanced situations.

The chatbot might be a well of information, but this information is theoretical at best. With Google’s algorithm prioritizing first-hand experience, you need a writer that can develop unique and helpful content. ChatGPT can create SEO content, but there’s no guarantee it will create original SEO content for the people.

As things stand, OpenAI is working to improve user safety, accessibility, language diversity, and contextual understanding of its unique tool. All those things will make ChatGPT more innovative, intelligent, and inclusive.

However, there’s still a long way to go in terms of the bot’s contextual understanding and moral reasoning, which is essentially the basis of creating people-friendly content.

We leave you with this trivia: Google indexes web pages totaling 100,000,000 gigabytes. ChatGPT is only trained on 570 gigabytes. Think about that before you treat the tool as your go-to for SEO content writing services.

Global-marketing Inc.: The True One-Stop Shop for SEO Content Writing

ChatGPT might be more intelligent than humans, simply in terms of providing direct and somewhat accurate answers to your questions drawn from a wide range of information—and that too instantaneously.

When ChatGPT‘s latest releases learn and fully lean into Google’s helpful content update, that’s when we can revisit its role in creating SEO content.

While you may have to do some, if not all, the work with ChatGPT, you only have to lift a finger to avail our SEO content writing services. Hire SEO content writers with the industry and SEO expertise you require to create people-centric content and climb up the search engine ladder. Check out our affordable SEO packages here.

Be visible, generate clicks, and turn them into conversions with Global-marketing Inc.’s guaranteed SEO-friendly content writing services.

The post ChatGPT for SEO Content Creation: What Are The Drawbacks? appeared first on Global-marketing Inc..

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